Here Are Great Games for Couples For Couples to Play Together

Video games have the ability to bring us together, and also tear us apart if we rage quit enough times. But there’s often friction in a relationship in which one person commits a lot of time to games and the other is uninterested. It can create a divide, and that’s no fun. Which is why answering this question can be so crucial:

What is the best video game for couples to play? from AskReddit

This was posed to the experts at r/AskReddit and tens of thousands of comments followed. We’ve ranked the top ten responses according to popularity and provided some trailers so you can get a peek for yourself if you’re looking for something to play with your SO!

10. Don’t Starve Together

My wife and I play Dont Starve Together a lot on the PC.

We both have our own PCs and it is such a great time.


9. Terraria

Terraria is our go to game to play together.

My wife never got into 3D FPS controls, but grew up playing Mario and DK, so the 2D approach in Terraria is great for her.

It’s a lot of fun, and it works well using phones / tablets as well.

– daltonovich

8.Pokemon GO

If one of you is a gamer but the other isn’t: Surprisingly, Pokemon GO.

Go for a walk, talk to each other, catch critters.

Nice casual date!

– Smash_Gal

7. Snipperclips


It’s for two people and it’s where people work together.

– mcboy973

6. Overcooked

Overcooked, if you love a cooperation challenge.

It could also ruin your relationship.

– Decimaelstrom

5. Stardew Valley

My boyfriend and I played it single player on ps4 and just alternated days in a “takesies turnsies” fashion and had a great time with it!

– Ambitious_Macaroni

4. Gang Beasts

Trust me you will laugh yourselves to death.

– CheekyFeller

3. Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime

You both pilot a spaceship and have to cooperate to complete the levels.

It’s super fun and the music is great.

– walruspit12345

2. Lego Games

My wife doesn’t really like video games but she loves playing co-op Lego Jurassic Park with me.

So I think most of the LEGO games would work. They are also great if you want to play with your kids.

– MidvalleyFreak

1. Little Big Planet

My husband and I have never laughed harder when we were playing the Boom Town level and one of us kept setting off the bombs.

– foxbluesocks

If you’re seeking a nice fun game to pass the time with your partner at home, check out some of those titles! Game on!

What would you add to this list?

Tell us in the comments.

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A New TV Show Called ‘Murder House Flip’ Is like ‘Fixer Upper’ but for Crime Scenes

True crime fans, this is for you!

For me, this show is very exciting. I’ve been seeking out true crime locations since I was in high school, and if I’m in a new city I always try to visit the sites of infamous crimes.

Messed up? Maybe. But moving on…

A new tv show called Murder House Flip is coming soon, and true crime fans across the land are jumping for joy…as morbid as that sounds. The show will air on the mobile-streaming service Quibi that launches in April and, just like the title says, will focus on makeovers of homes where murders took place.

Like I said, a true crime fan’s dream come true.

The episodes, like all programs on Quibi, will be short, about 10 minutes in length. The show comes from CSI producer Josh Berman, author Katherine Ramsland, and Chris King, producer of Penny Dreadful.

The show will feature a “colorful cast of forensic specialists, spiritual healers and high-end renovation experts,” according to a press release. “[They’ll] uncover the crimes, shocking secrets and scandalous history of the homes.”

Elyse Seder of Sony Pictures Television said, “We are thrilled to bring this one-of-a-kind series to life and dive into a world that combines America’s two biggest TV obsessions: true crime and home renovation.”

I can’t wait to see what locations are chosen. Infamous crimes? Little-known murder mysteries? Whatever it is, Murder House Flip promises to be a welcome addition to the endless wave of true crime shows currently on the airwaves.

I have to say I’m thrilled to see how this show will turn out!

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Sony Has a New Walkman to Commemorate Its 40th Anniversary

It must’ve been about 1984 when my older brother Rich got a Walkman for Christmas. I was mesmerized by it. Of course, I wasn’t allowed to touch it, but I did admire it from afar until I got my own a few years later and started amassing a killer tape collection featuring hand-me-downs from Rich like AC/DC, The Ramones, and other bands that warped my young mind.

But I digress. We should all be excited that Sony announced it is releasing a Walkman to celebrate the original Walkman’s 40th anniversary. The original Sony TPS-L2 debuted in 1979 and quickly changed the electronics game. It was the first truly portable personal tape player, and it quickly became a staple of music lovers everywhere.

At the IFA electronics trade show in Berlin last week, Sony announced it is releasing a new version of the groundbreaking Walkman. The new Sony NW-A100TPS Walkman looks pretty amazing and is powered by Android.

Sony releases a Walkman for its 40th anniversary.The Sony Walkman is back.The electronics maker will release a new…

Posted by HOT 102 on Tuesday, September 10, 2019

It features a cassette tape interface, and the case has a 40th-anniversary logo on the back. It also has an S-Master HX digital amplifier to give listeners high-res audio, a processor to give compressed audio tracks a higher quality, and a vinyl processor that gives digital tracks a vinyl-like quality.

It also has 26 hours of battery life.

Here’s a video of the new Sony Walkman in action.

I don’t know about you, but my nostalgia just kicked into high gear, and I’m gonna need to get my hands on one of these!


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Here Are Some Tweets About Spiderman Leaving the Marvel Cinematic Universe

You were probably as shell-shocked as the rest of us were to learn that Disney’s rift with Sony meant that Tom Holland’s Spiderman (arguably the best iteration) would be getting the boot.

In order to make everyone laugh (to keep from crying), the internet has come through with some pitch-perfect tweets and memes.

13. Meme perfection.

12. Basically.

11. A common enemy is a powerful thing.

10. It’s extra rough when you can’t even drink.

9. The web-rope isn’t that strong.

8. I mean, if Stan Lee said it…

7. Chump change.

6. Just do it.

5. You’d think they’d learn.

4. I can see it.

3. Kids, man.

2. I can’t.

1. This made me laugh so hard.

It doesn’t take the hurt away, but it does help a little bit!

The post Here Are Some Tweets About Spiderman Leaving the Marvel Cinematic Universe appeared first on UberFacts.