People Share What They Think Are the Toxic Ideas Spread on Reddit

Reddit can be a good site to connect with people and to learn about different topics, but let’s face the facts: there are a lot of people out there with dangerous ideas that spread like wildfire on the Internet.

That’s why it’s important to find your news from reputable sources…which can definitely be hard to do these days.

Folks on AskReddit shared what they think are the toxic and potentially dangerous ideas and beliefs that people share on Reddit. Share your thoughts in the comments.

1. Deviating from the norm.

“Absolutely hating on those that deviate from the norm. Hating on people that conform to society’s norms but not Reddit’s norms. Hating on people trying to have fun or hobbies.”

2. Pure selfishness.

“Glorification of selfishness. I get the impression a ton of people on this site have difficulty asserting themselves, or recognizing or setting their own boundaries, because Reddit is full of advice geared toward people with these problems.

What these posters seem to forget is that not everyone is codependent with self-esteem through the floor. And yet anytime anyone wants to get out of something that someone else wants them to do, Reddit leaps to “no is a complete sentence! Put yourself first! Don’t JADE!” In real life though, maintaining healthy relationships requires sometimes doing things you aren’t thrilled about for others’ sake.”

3. Let’s see the proof.

“Reddit is very much “Guilty until proven innocent”.

They will jump straight down the throat of any alleged criminal with 0 facts, 0 context, and demand they be sentenced to years behind bars, or worse.”

4. Quick to judge.

“Reddit has a tendency to label people “toxic” and encourage relationship advice that isn’t great.”

5. That’s bizarre.

“Worshipping celebrities. 10 year olds don’t need to receive death threats because he’s never heard of a 55 year old actor.”

6. Hostile to the facts.

“Reddit is extremely hostile to actual expertise. If you state outright “I do this professionally and you are wrong” it will send people into an impotent rage. If you don’t say so, they will smugly keep missing the point. There really is no good way to try to correct misconceptions or bad information.”

7. Amen to this one.

“To an extent, Reddit plays a role in the growing anti-intellectualism. There seems to be a large assumption that this is a website of experts and lengthy replies must be credible. I saw a fellow redditor describe it perfectly, “you finally realize how little most redditors know when they start talking about a topic you happen to be well researched in”.

I see this in two places primarily, topics about public education (I am a middle school teacher) and topics such as anti-vaccine. I understand reddit hates anti-vax for good reason, but it is also stuck in the old “anti-vaxxers are just stupid” stereotype. Instead of educating and helping the problem, they just poke fun. This unfortunately drives more anxious parents toward anti-vax communities. A little empathy, understanding, and education would do more to combat ideologies such as anti-vaccines than anything reddit actually does.”

8. Does that mean you can do whatever you want?

“Those people who make introversion out to be an excuse for some pretty terrible antisocial/misanthropic/unacceptable behavior.

I don’t like loud spaces and can feel overwhelmed by crowds of people; I would pay not to go to a concert. I also genuinely love the people in my life and will always make time for anyone who needs me. In my experience this is true for everyone extroverts and introverts alike.”

9. Don’t take this advice.

“Everyone is an armchair psychologist. You post about feeling sad sometimes and inevitably someone is like “thats because you have atypical depression and bipolar disorder” or whatever.”

10. Come on Reddit…

“One example of this….a medical doctor posts a well written comment about the dangers of over prescribing anti biotics. Top comment of the thread. Tons of awards. Later a 2nd year med student posts a similar comment. Still well written but maybe misses a few key points specifying how and why. Again…top comment of the thread. Gilded to the nines.

Later a college freshman bio major writes a pretty bad summary of the situation but it’s part of the Reddit hive mind echo chamber so anyone who bothers to correct him gets misinterpreted and downvoted. And so on and so on until someone LITERALLY TELLS ME they read on Reddit that taking antibiotics is dangerous and will lead to a super disease that will wipe out humanity. Come on Reddit….”

11. Stereotyping.

“Stereotyping, in general, seems rampant. Many comments and posts seem to believe that individuals are incapable of independent thought and just reflect the race/religion/gender/ethnicity/group/nationality/political party/subreddit/culture they belong to.

People are varied even within ideologies. Argue points and issues, not identities.”

12. That’s not good.

“If your partner does anything at all that you dislike, you should dump them, take them to the police, avoid all other partners in the future, etc etc.

Particularly prevalent in Relationships, Relationship Advice, AmITheAsshole and even just AskReddit itself. It’s rather appalling, and it seems to be pushed by people who have no idea what being in a relationship is actually like. It’s not fucking easy basically, you want to love something and be in a completely committed relationship? Prepare to fight for it, because it is not easy.”

13. What about the gray areas?

“Failure to acknowledge any nuance or gray areas. People feel the need to go all in on one side for any issue. I think they feel they’ll look weak or hurt their argument by relenting on any point. Or having a discussion on any point.”

14. Bad advice.

“That whenever someone in your life isn’t behaving perfectly or 100% supporting of you all the freaking time, you need to “cut them out of your life” because they are “abusive” and “toxic”.

I’m curious how many families have been ruined by such destructive advice.”

15. Most people are good people.

“Most Americans I know are nowhere as racist, dumb or fat as reddit makes everyone else think.

A good bunch of them are smart, hardworking people, and are also nowhere as extremist as to be considered far-right, far-left, etc. Reddit might be a huge echo chamber in politics, but, at least the Americans I know, have moderate views and are easy-going people.”

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People Share What They Think Are the Worst Legal Things You Can Do

You can do a lot of terrible things in this world that are totally legal.

Things that most of us would never dream of doing. And they might infuriate you…

AskReddit users shared their thoughts on the subject.

1. That’s pretty infuriating.

“You can leak the names, addresses, email addresses, social security numbers, driver’s license numbers, and payment card details of nearly half of all Americans (and more than half of all American adults) and then settle for about $5/person.”

2. Makes my blood boil.

“Permanently destroying huge swaths of land.

There’s a development corporation in my hometown that has bought up virtually all of the remaining woods, meadows and wetlands in the area, paved them, and built retail spaces that go vacant just a few months later.

Businesses aren’t even moving into these “office parks”, but the group just keeps spreading out and “developing”. It seems like every month, I drive past another leveled tract of land.”

3. Whoa, that’s kind of intense.

“Groom your stepdaughter for over a decade, then when she’s 18, divorce her mom and hook up with your stepdaughter.”

4. It is pretty bad.

“I think it’s pretty shitty to claim bodily harm from a very minor car accident just to get 10k, and make the other person pay more for their car insurance. I’m looking at you, lady I hit going 3 mph.

Probably not the worst thing, but it’s pretty bad.”

5. Who the hell does this?

“Take custody of a pet in a divorce and the. Put the pet down out of spite.”

6. Ouch…

“Recruit people to join Scientology.”

7. If not…that…

“Is it illegal to leave your shopping cart in the parking lot instead of returning it to the corral? If not, that.”

8. People are pretty sh*tty.

“Sue your poorer ex spouse for child custody so repeatedly that you drain their finances and can’t fight it anymore.”

9. A lot of this out there.

“Steal people’s money through fine print conditions.”

10. Not a good idea.

“Ruin the world economy by handing out subprime loans.”

11. That’s not cool.

“Nestle claiming rights to water and then selling it back to the public at exorbitant prices all while polluting the earth with the production of single-use plastic bottles.”

12. Sign of the times.

“Fire all your employees and move your business to East Asia so you can essentially use slave labor.”

13. Does this sound familiar?

“Start a pharmaceutical company.

Develop a drug that people need to live.

Raise the price just because you know they’ll pay for it if they don’t want to die.”

14. Bullying and abusing.

“Bully someone. Mentally abuse someone. Making them feel bad about themselves their whole life.”

15. Vaccines do not cause autism.

“Not vaccinating your kids.”

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These Historic Images Show That Gay Men and Women Have Always Existed, Just on the Downlow

A guy who goes by the name Father Nathan Monk has been collecting photos of gay couples from the past in an effort to highlight the struggles those people went through in eras when same-sex lovers weren’t allowed to marry or even to be together.

Monk said:

“I found the photos online through a couple of different posts. I shared them because I think it’s important to remember those that come before us, those that fought, and struggled to live their authentic life. I believe it’s important to be reminded that LGBTQ+ have always been part of society and always will be. That reality should be lovingly accepted instead of shunned and ridiculed.”

Take a look at these interesting photos.

1. From the past…

Posted by Father Nathan Monk on Monday, March 18, 2019

2. In the Navy.

Posted by Father Nathan Monk on Monday, March 18, 2019

3. Serving their country.

Posted by Father Nathan Monk on Monday, March 18, 2019

4. On the front steps.

Posted by Father Nathan Monk on Monday, March 18, 2019

5. A discreet kiss.

Posted by Father Nathan Monk on Monday, March 18, 2019

6. This one looks very old.

Posted by Father Nathan Monk on Monday, March 18, 2019

7. In Idaho of all places.

Posted by Father Nathan Monk on Monday, March 18, 2019

8. Out in public.

Posted by Father Nathan Monk on Monday, March 18, 2019

9. Clearly in love.

Posted by Father Nathan Monk on Monday, March 18, 2019

10. World War II era.

Posted by Father Nathan Monk on Monday, March 18, 2019

11. All dressed up.

Posted by Father Nathan Monk on Monday, March 18, 2019

12. On the beach.

Posted by Father Nathan Monk on Monday, March 18, 2019

13. A great photo.

Posted by Father Nathan Monk on Monday, March 18, 2019

14. I wish I could get a year on this one.

Posted by Father Nathan Monk on Monday, March 18, 2019

15. From Russia with love.

Posted by Father Nathan Monk on Monday, March 18, 2019

Love is love!

And it always will be.

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People Share the Things That Make Them Get Furious with Other People

I try to be positive and be kind to everyone, but man, sometimes people really get on my nerves and I can’t help but get incredibly annoyed at them.

Hey, I’m working on it, okay?

Hopefully, these AskReddit users, are as well, because they are pretty fired up about people right now.

1. Turn on your signal!

“When people slow down as soon as they cut in front onto your lane on the highway. Worst is when they do it with no blinkers.”

2. Before you accuse me…

“When people twist the truth and accuse you of things you didn’t do and people side with them.”

3. I said ‘no’!

“People who can’t take “no” for an answer and will push you to agree/accept what they say.

People who can’t accept criticism when they fuck up and affect other people’s lives.

People who can’t have a discussion where they are being told a fact and they disprove it because “back in the day…” or authority arguments should always win.

It teaches you some hardcore patience when you have to deal with people like these on the daily.”

4. I would be LIVID.

“My dog ran away 5 days ago and I’ve been posting on every website trying to find him. Someone posted him as FOUND yesterday and SOMEONE ELSE CLAIMED HIM. Had to contact the police to help me finally get him back after 5 hours of headache because the person that found him blocked me and they were only trying to cooperate after the Facebook group that originally thought he was returned to his rightful owner put them on blast for stealing my dog. People fucking suck man.”

5. Just admit it.

“When they did something obviously wrong and still openly denies it.”

6. There’s a lot of this going around.

“People who abuse their power and get away with it scot free.”

7. Clean up after yourself.

“People who say “Oh it’s their job to clean up after me” or “I’m making sure that they’re still employed” as an excuse for not cleaning up after themselves in public.

Like NO.

You don’t leave a soda spilled everywhere and then not even attempt to clean it up.

You don’t leave rolls and rolls of toilet paper all over the floor in the bathroom.

You don’t leave bags of popcorn and drinks and popcorn all over a theater floor and seats.

Take responsibility.

Clean. Up. Your. Mess.”

8. Sketchy folks everywhere.

“People that find the utmost joy in saying nasty shit behind others back.

Either that or people that plot on other peoples demise, you know like sit there and watch them make a mistake only to use it against them for their own personal gain when they could have just helped them in the first place.”

9. One of my biggest pet peeves.

“People who litter. Especially when there is a bin literally a metre away.”

10. That was supposed to be private.

“When a coworker decides to “correct” me by sending a passive aggressive email and copying the boss and the whole group instead of just saying something to me privately and in person.”

11. A huge red flag.

“People being assholes to servers/hosts at a restaurant.”

12. Put it back where it belongs.

“People who don’t return their grocery cart. Like, who do you think you are?”

13. Amen to this one.

“People who mistreat animals. I just can’t fathom the mindset that enables someone to hurt truly innocent creatures.”

14. I totally don’t understand this phenomenon.

“Youtube/Instagram/social media “influencers” who make a living off being an obnoxious piece of shit, with thousands/millions of mindless drones rooting them on, buying their merch, giving them advertising power, and imitating them.

And to clarify, I’m not talking about all “influencers”, I’m specifically talking about ones who harass, annoy, and distress people (usually completely random bystanders), cause drama, and have a mindless legion of followers who support it all the way.”

15. A sad sight, indeed.

“Graffiti on historical monuments/buildings.”

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A Poor Person Explained What Invisible Poverty Looks like to His Wealthy Friend

Do you know what this term means? “Invisible Poverty” is something that seems to slip through the cracks in American society – many people don’t even know it exists.

It’s not only an unknown phenomenon to many Americans, but it’s also not easy to explain to people who haven’t experienced it firsthand.

A Tumblr user wrote an important post about their conversation with a wealthy friend concerning how hard it is to escape poverty and why it goes so unnoticed by so many.

The post is lengthy, but read the whole thing and pay attention, because the words are powerful.

Photo Credit: Tumblr

People were moved by the Tumblr post and weighed in with their own thoughts on the subject.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Photo Credit: Reddit

Photo Credit: Reddit

Photo Credit: Reddit

Photo Credit: Reddit

However “Invisible Poverty” is defined, there’s no doubt that many, many Americans have struggled and continue to struggle with it day in and day out.

Share your own experiences in the comments below.

The post A Poor Person Explained What Invisible Poverty Looks like to His Wealthy Friend appeared first on UberFacts.

15 States Where It’s Actually Legal to Fire Someone Just for Being LGBTQ

Believe it or not, there are still places in the United States – in 2019! – where there are no protections in place keeping gay people from being fired from their jobs for simply being who they are.

These 15 states below offer no protection at all for LGBT people from being terminated from employment.

All of the statistics below come from the Movement Advancement Project.

1. Texas

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Estimated number of LGBTQ adults living in Texas: 873,454

2. Arkansas

Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Estimated number of LGBTQ adults living in Arkansas: 76,251

3. North Carolina

Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Estimated number of LGBTQ adults living in North Carolina: 323,319

4. South Dakota

Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Estimated number of LGBTQ adults living in South Dakota: 19,939

5. Wyoming

Photo Credit: GoodFreePhotos

Estimated number of LGBTQ adults living in Wyoming: 14,618

6. Mississippi

Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Estimated number of LGBTQ adults living in Mississippi: 79,814

7. North Dakota

Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Estimated number of LGBTQ adults living in North Dakota: 15,697

8. West Virginia

Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Estimated number of LGBTQ adults living in West Virginia: 57,667

9. Virginia

Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Estimated number of LGBTQ adults living in Virginia: 259,268

10.  Missouri

Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Estimated number of LGBTQ adults living in Missouri: 180,486

11. Kansas

Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Estimated number of LGBTQ adults living in Kansas: 72,783

12. Louisiana

Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Estimated number of LGBTQ adults living in Louisiana: 138,998

13. South Carolina

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Estimated number of LGBTQ adults living in South Carolina: 139,236

14. Nebraska

Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Estimated number of LGBTQ adults living in Nebraska: 55,192

15. Oklahoma

Photo Credit: Wikipedia

Estimated number of LGBTQ adults living in Oklahoma: 113,491

Here is a complete list of local non-discrimination ordinances across the U.S.

The post 15 States Where It’s Actually Legal to Fire Someone Just for Being LGBTQ appeared first on UberFacts.

Nosy Friend Asked Mom About her Daughter “Dating a Black Boy,” Mom’s Response is Gold

Like any good mom, Heather Boyer just wants her daughter to be happy. It’s pretty much all any of us can hope for as parents, especially once our kids start growing up. As long as they’re happy, you can feel assured about life. That policy also extends (rightly so) for anyone your child might choose to love.

Boyer’s daughter recently changed her profile picture on Facebook to a photo with her new boyfriend, who happens to be black.

Photo Credit: Facebook,Heather Boyer

Almost immediately, Boyer got a text message from someone asking if she knew her daughter was dating “a black boy.”

Boyer took to Facebook to explain her outrage with the situation.

Photo Credit: Facebook,Heather Boyer

Boyer’s post went viral in a huge way and other people shared their own personal stories of interracial love.

Photo Credit: Facebook

Photo Credit: Facebook

Photo Credit: Facebook

Photo Credit: Facebook

And this last one is really great.

Photo Credit: Facebook

And others were surprised that people are still so narrow-minded in this day and age.

Photo Credit: Facebook

Photo Credit: Facebook

Photo Credit: Facebook

Photo Credit: Facebook

Boyer was touched by the huge response.

Photo Credit: Facebook

It’s 2019, people. Get with the times!

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Poor Person Perfectly Explains to Rich Friend Why Poverty is So Hard to Escape

“Invisible Poverty” is a term that many people don’t even know exists, but it actually describes a very real problem faced by a surprisingly large number of Americans. Unfortunately, it falls through the cracks of our awareness and understanding because it’s so tricky to explain to those who haven’t experienced it firsthand.

A Tumblr user wrote an important post about their conversation with a wealthy friend concerning how hard it is to escape poverty and why it goes so unnoticed by so many.

The post is lengthy, but read the whole thing and pay attention, because the words are powerful.

Photo Credit: Tumblr

People were moved by the Tumblr post and weighed in with their own thoughts on the subject.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Photo Credit: Reddit

Photo Credit: Reddit

Photo Credit: Reddit

Photo Credit: Reddit

However “Invisible Poverty” is defined, there’s no doubt that many, many Americans have struggled and continue to struggle with it day in and day out.

Share your own experiences in the comments below.

The post Poor Person Perfectly Explains to Rich Friend Why Poverty is So Hard to Escape appeared first on UberFacts.

15 Things That Are Socially Acceptable Today But Will be Seen as Backwards and Immoral by Future Generations

Times change. It’s one of the few things you can actually rely on. What may have been totally acceptable a few decades ago might be considered extremely problematic today. Take homophobia, for example. Just a few decades ago, homosexuality was considered a mental illness! Today, we know better, and gay people are seen (by most of us, anyway) as just regular people who love the same sex.

Even though we like to think we’re so advanced and enlightened, the fact is that in 50 years, future generations will look at how we behave now and they’ll think we did some seriously backward things.

Here are what AskReddit users think those things will be.

1. Workaholics

“The insane workaholic culture we have that promotes unhealthy amounts of overtime and getting to work early every day.”

2. A divisive topic

“Allowing children to eat so much sugar.”

3. Noooooooo

“Microwaving fish at the work cafetaria.”

4. I don’t see this ever going away

“Posting pictures of your children on social media.”

5. Gotcha!

“Hyper-politicizing everything. “Gotcha” debates where the aim is just to win the argument rather than actually being right or making sensible points.”

6. No more plastic surgery

“My money is on the current methods of cosmetic surgery. Jamming sacks of fluid in a lady’s chest to create bigger boobs, for instance, seems like something for which there will one day be a better practice.”

7. Enough of that

“Influencers”, or in other words, people expressing an opinion (or worse, being paid to express an opinion) with the intent to influence others.

If I am looking to buy a new product that I am not familiar with, I will look for honest reviews. Unfortunately, honest reviews are virtually impossible to find today – they are either written by the manufacturer themself, or by a paid “customer” (influencer).

The only honest reviews are the negative ones by pissed off customers, but those are also not reilable, since they could be coming from someone who has been paid by a competitor, or just someone who happened to get that one faulty product that slipped through the QA checks.”

8. Wasteful

“Using something as strong and durable as plastic to make packaging destined to be thrown away.”

9. Awful

“Letting businesses pay politicians who are then responsible for setting laws that apply to the businesses.”

10. Do you agree?

“Colleges sucking every fucking dollar out of you that they can. Fucking scam artists.”

11. Bad for your health?

“Social media in general it’s proven that it takes a toll on our mental health but we still use it all the time anyway.”

12. Obsession

“The North American obsession/fetishization with work. European countries already have it figured out that productivity isn’t linear with time worked and 50-80 hour weeks aren’t doing anyone any good.

We’re still stuck with bragging about how little we slept and how many hours we worked this week, when so many of us are probably non or low functioning for many of those hours worked anyway.”

13. Listen to this one

“The idea that it is correct and sustainable for the current generation to borrow from future generations to consume now.

This is a relatively new trend. Perhaps 100 years in the most developed countries. Only beginning in many developing countries. This is why we don’t see the horrible consequences… yet.

Traditional models of economic development were all about savings and deferred consumption. Future generations had more than past generations and it was assumed that this is how they take care of their parents – by having slightly more than they would on their own. There was a general consensus that life is hard and that giving our children a better one is our duty. I eat half as much so that you and your children can eat it all. People were happy that they had it better than their parents and attempted to control their greed for the sake of their children.

Present models of economic development are all about present short term consumption which is financed with money creation. But money creation means that the wealth still has to come from somewhere and it does – from the future. More money creation now stimulates the economy for greater investment in the future which will increase production so that the extra debt can be paid. Unfortunately because there is no way to know how much you can borrow from the future it leads to essentially what is greed because expectations for the future have no restraint in something that we see around us – it is all in the future. Then as a result the future generations have less available to them than past generations and are being increasingly more burdened by economic cost of that which was consumed.

The result is that I want my house and my car and my vacations and my pension at 60 and you can get a student loan and get a job and not live in my house because I didn’t do it when I was your age. Except you did it because you borrowed from the future – that is my future.

Almost nothing of the way we now pay for things in the long term is ethical. The most obvious example is the environment – we are consuming now by leaving environmental debt for our children – but the same is true of welfare as pensions and medical care. We have fewer and fewer children and we both live longer and have greater demands and expectations. This means that our children have to both work harder to have the same standard of living that we had and in the end they are loaded with debt to pay for our welfare.

In the past a child would get inheritance from the parents. Sometimes nothing. But now every child gets a ton of debt and inflation before you get to whatever your parents left you. The national debt, the private debts, consumer debts they all keep growing… Who is going to pay it? Every time the government bails someone out to stave off a complete collapse of the debt-based economy the bill falls on the shoulders of the new generation. How much longer?

We still keep deferring the deadline with more and more money creation and various financial inventions but sooner or later enough people in the world will get on the same “consume now, pay later” scheme that it will crack because there will be nowhere to borrow from or nobody left to exploit and the sheer pressure of everyone wanting to have it will be like a collapsing star.

And there will be no escaping the black hole. Nobody will remember what it meant to just work for a better future for your children. Everyone will be angry that they can’t have it as good as their parents. And remember… the “natural” way of human society is not to have it as good as your parents but better. It is so natural to us as if it has been wired into us by evolution – which makes sense because those whose parents ensured their children’s well-being would be more likely to survive.

And when you can’t have it better. When there is no hope for a better future. Why live? Why let others live…? Why should they have when I can’t? And this is how wars begin.”

14. Here, here!

“I really hope this extremely polarizing political climate is seen as backwards and immoral in the future.”

15. Hmmmm

“I think one day some future generation will think “Can you believe they used to just let people drive these multi ton metal boxes at high speeds? They just accepted car accidents and traffic as a fact of life.”

I think this even now when I’m doing 80-85 mph on the highway and I look over and the driver next to me is doing the same speed while looking at their phone.”

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15 People Share the Moment That They Realized “Yep, I’m Definitely Gay”

Although some folks might believe otherwise, the fact is that being gay is not a choice. It’s something you either are, or you aren’t. These AskReddit users can attest to that fact, and they shared the moment that they actually realized the truth.

#1. On a mission

“When I was a Mormon missionary in Eastern Europe. The other missionaries were tempted by the pretty girls and lingerie ads, and I was tempted by the other missionaries.”

#2. The crush

“I never had any crushes or interest in anything romantic until quite a few years after my sister and stepsister did (13 months and 22 months younger than me, respectively). Then, when I finally developed a crush, it was on a girl. Suppressed it for years after my crush rejected me, so hard even I, myself, believed it was untrue, until I got drunk around a campfire with my best friend and ended up making out with her all night.

My best friend and I have now been married for 5 months 😊.”

#3. That’ll do it

“When I realized I fell in love with my best friend. Also we were both on the football team and we shared a locker…”

#4. It clicked

“I liked beast boy AND raven from teen titans. it clicked when i realized.”

#5. Wait a second…

“The moment I, a male, thought “Damn, why are all the hot guys gay?” followed immediately by “Wait, what?”

#6. Oh, maybe…

“In sixth grade, my teacher made an announcement after people had been making poor taste gay jokes. He said, “There’s a high change that one of you in here is gay, and you probably don’t know it. it might be you, so shut up” and in that moment i was like “lmfao ya ok sure i’d know if i was gay” and then two years later i was crankin it to a guy and after a while of doing that i was like “oh, maybe I am gay.” “

#7. Yep

“I was like 12 or 13. I watched the movie “But I’m A Cheerleader” because it was on tv late one night and I was like, yep, I’m gay.”

#8. An entire lesbian

“I was 12 years old. I was watching the movie Practical Magic for the umpteenth time. Sandra Bullock did something particularly attractive, and it clicked in my brain and suddenly I just knew.

I’d been wondering for a little while, after a (female) friend of mine did something unintentionally suggestive and I had a really strong reaction, but it was that particular viewing of Practical Magic that took me from “is it possible I’m gay?” to “Wow I am an entire lesbian.”

#9. That ass changed it all

“My best friend, who grew up as a good Irish Catholic schoolgirl, was walking behind a woman in an airport in the most amazing yellow dress. Just going on and on in her head about how beautifully it flowed, how it curved, how it settled on… After minutes of this, she realised that actually she was just staring at That Ass. It was an amazing ass.

“Oh shit!” She thought, as she realised, looking back down her life: “Every time I’ve admired another woman’s clothes… I’ve totally been admiring them.”

So, yeah. That Ass changed her life.”

#10. All the lesbians

“I’m so embarrassed but it was while watching that absolutely grim show ‘A shot at love with Tila Tequila’ on MTV.

I was an 18yr old girl, had never met a gay person (that I knew about) in real life, and BOOM I loved all those lesbians on the show.

Dani the firefighter, thanks for all the feelings.

Can’t believe it’s a shout out to Tila Tequila for her dumb show.”

#11. “I fall hard”

“I never knew until I started to develop feelings for my best friend. We had been close since middle school, but around 8th or 9th grade I started feeling attracted to her. Of course, since we both came from Christian backgrounds, I tried to deny it, and I even made up stories about liking guys just to seem straight in front of my peers. But when those feelings wouldn’t go away, my mind was just like. “F*ck.”

Before then I had never had any real crushes on anyone in my school, and I thought that romance was sappy and not worth my time. I still kinda feel that way today, but I realized from this incident that when I fall for a girl, I fall hard.”

#12. It’s not you! I’M GAY!

“The “hot” girl on college campus that my friends all wanted but she wanted me. I was questioning if I was gay and found guys attractive but never told anyone. I thought I just needed to have sex with a girl to prove I wasn’t gay. Went back to her room, making out, get her undressed, decide to just “go for it” and with my face literally inches from her lower lady bits I say out loud…

“I’M GAY! Sorry, it’s not you. I’m gay. Really gay!” She was pissed and confused. I got dressed and went back to my buddy’s dorm. I told him I was gay. He was shocked but supportive and happy he “has a chance with her now”. “

#13. What does that mean?

“I was at summer camp, between 7th and 8th grade. I’d made a new friend and we were talking about stuff, getting to know each other. He made an offhand comment about one of his friends who was bisexual. I was like, “What does that mean?”

I’d never even heard of the concept before then. It had never even crossed my mind that people could be romantically interested in the same sex. So he tells me what it means to be gay and bisexual. I think to myself, “Huh. Am I? I didn’t know I could be like that. Maybe I am.” Spoiler alert: I was.”


“Lesbian here.

When I was around 5 my brother brought home his first girlfriend. He was fifteen & she was sixteen.

I remember being OBSESSED with her. Her name was Tara & she had long brown hair & would compliment my drawings. She gave me a teddy bear & I still have it to this day. Looking back, I had a huuuuge crush on her.”

#15. It just hit me

“One of my gay friends was telling me how he realised he was gay and I found myself relating to everything he was saying. Before that, I thought I was asexual. I knew I wasn’t into girls but had never really seriously contemplated whether or not I was into guys, perhaps because I was afraid of the conclusion I’d reach, so I just settled on thinking I was asexual.

In hindsight, I’d always been into guys, I just misinterpreted all my feeling of attraction as feelings of jealousy. I’d see a hot guy and tell myself that I really wanted to look like him and that that was why I couldn’t stop staring. It made sense at the time, even though it sounds absurd in retrospect.

During that conversation, the realisation that I had been in denial for years just hit me and I knew I was gay.”

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