Tweets and Memes You’ll Appreciate If Your Brain Never Turns Off

If you lie in bed at night, cursing your brain for choosing two in the morning to remind you of all of the questionable things you said and did during the day, well, you might be an over-thinker.

And if you are, you might as well scroll through these 10 pictures we think will make you feel totally seen.

I mean, you’re already up, so why not?

10. Oh, man, bless his heart.

Image Credit: Twitter

9. What kind of monster CALLS?

Everytime from socialanxiety

8. Are you telling me there are kids who DIDN’T do this?

Image Credit: Twitter

7. Why are you doing this to me, body?

Me irl from meirl

6. Answering a number you don’t know is just crazy talk.

5. You kind of wonder what’s wrong with your brain?

Image Credit: Twitter

4. I swear I know how to do stuff.

Nice from socialanxiety

3. Why is this so hard to do?

Image Credit: Tumblr

2. There’s no rhyme or reason to it.

Image Credit: Twitter

1. If that makes you feel better idk.

I definitely see myself in these pictures, and I wish I didn’t!

Are you an over-thinker? Do you let the day slide off your back like water off a duck? I want to know your secrets if it’s the latter!

If we’re the same, go ahead and tell me which picture is your fav!

The post Tweets and Memes You’ll Appreciate If Your Brain Never Turns Off appeared first on UberFacts.

For Some, Public Speaking Is Literally Scarier Than Death—Here’s Why

Many people have a fear of public speaking, but some people definitely have it worse than others. For some, public speaking is literally scarier than death.

In surveys about human fears, public speaking is commonly ranked at the top of the list. In some cases, it’s ranked above dying.

According to Psychology Today, this is because humans evolved to be social animals. Our community-oriented lifestyle helped us survive threats by cooperating with others — helping each other survive, fending off predators together, keeping each other alert, and so on.

When you depend on other humans to survive, social isolation is basically a death sentence. Avoiding isolation is baked into our instincts.

Photo Credit: iStock

“Ostracism appears to occur in all social animals that have been observed in nature,” Kip Williams, professor of psychological sciences at Purdue, told Psychology Today. “To my knowledge, in the animal kingdom, ostracism is not only a form of social death, it also results in death. The animal is unable to protect itself against predators, cannot garner enough food, etc., and usually dies within a short period of time.”

That’s why public speaking is so terrifying — it carries the risk of social rejection, and our bodies react accordingly. Your fight-or-flight response is triggered, and then come the sweaty palms, racing heartbeat, and inability to speak.

Photo Credit: iStock

Overcoming stage fright is all about teaching your body that public speaking can’t actually kill you, which can only happen through experience. The more times you get through it without disaster, the less scary it will be.

So get out there!

The post For Some, Public Speaking Is Literally Scarier Than Death—Here’s Why appeared first on UberFacts.