Florida offers compensation for hunting…

Florida offers compensation for hunting snakes with no need for a license or permit. Compensation includes an hourly rate of $10.00 or $15.00 per hour (depending on location) for up to 10 hours per day while actively searching for pythons on designated lands. Additionally, there is a $50.00 incentive for each python measuring up to […]

Watch Out! Tree Snakes in Australia Can Actually Jump.

Australia is full of terrifying creatures that you would never want to run into on a pleasant walk through the woods. Spiders and crocodiles and dingos, oh my.

Well, now you can add jumping snakes to the list.

Yes, you read that correctly. Australian tree snakes belonging to the Dendrelaphis genus can JUMP from tree to tree, flying through the air like winged serpents from mythology…or something like that.

A Ph.D. candidate named Michelle Graham from Virginia Tech University saw some footage of jumping tree snakes in Australia and set out for Down Under to do some research. Graham set up a kind of obstacle course for the snakes up in the trees using PVC pipe and tree branches. She then observed the snakes slithering and jumping through the trees from branch to branch.

Next, Graham plans to study why the Australian snakes feel the need to propel themselves through the air. Two scientific papers that are set to come out in 2020 will hopefully shed some light on that subject.

One good thing about this species: they’re not venomous. Whew! Still, I would not, under any circumstances, want one of these snakes leaping from a tree and onto my head or my back…or even into my path, to be honest. Ugh!

Let’s go to the video, shall we? This video shows a Dendrelaphis pictus, in case you were wondering.

Yikes! No, thank you!

Do you have a fear of snakes? Or of any other animals?

Tell us about it in the comments!

The post Watch Out! Tree Snakes in Australia Can Actually Jump. appeared first on UberFacts.

15 Cute Snake Pictures That Might Help You Conquer Your Fear

Time for me to come clean: I don’t like snakes. In fact, they really scare me. I’m kind of like Indiana Jones in that way. I mean, I’m not quite as bad as Indy, but that doesn’t mean I’m good. See what I’m saying here?

But wait, these extremely cute snake photos might cure me!

I need this. You need this. WE NEED THIS.

1. Get a load of that

Snake with a unicorn hat from aww

2. Hello!

Happy Snek & Happy Human from aww

3. Cute

Baby Asian Vine Snake!! from aww

4. Good lookin’ creature



Young Ground Snake in my wedding ring

6. Workin’ hard

Snakes Like Warm Computers Too from pics

7. Oh, come 0n!

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8. Noodle

Found this cute little noodle today! Caught the perfect picture! from snakes

9. Colorful

Baby snek

10. Saying hi

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#scalelesssnake #scalelesscornsnake #cutesnake

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11. Fetch

12. Congratulations!

You a dad, snek

13. Don’t be scared

14. Santa

15. Cute and happy

Cute and Happy Snek from aww

Okay, I think I’m cured. Mostly…

The post 15 Cute Snake Pictures That Might Help You Conquer Your Fear appeared first on UberFacts.