Here’s How a Navy SEAL Deals With Sleep Deprivation

Parents don’t get as much sleep as any functioning human needs on a daily basis. And that’s not me talking – there have been countless studies on the physical and psychological benefits of a restful night.

From the time you bring home a newborn, though, your ability to sleep when and for as long as you’d like goes right out the window. Even once your kids are technically sleeping through the night, there will be times when they don’t, when they’re sick, or when they decide the crack of dawn is their new “good morning” time – which means that it’s yours, too.

If you’re looking for ways to cope – or just to function – one Navy SEAL is here to share his tips on how he managed sleep deprivation in conditions that are almost as harrowing as the first weeks home with your first baby.


Former Navy SEAL John McGuire has experiences with both kinds of hell, as he’s not only survived the 5 days with 4 hours of sleep Navy SEAL test, but he’s also the father of 5 kids.

This guy is a pro and he’s an in-demand motivational speaker who helps people who are facing down any sort of sleep-deprivation test in the near future.

Step One: Get Your Head Right

Photo Credit: Pixabay

John says that, first and foremost, you’ve got to keep your wits about you.

“You can’t lose your focus or discipline. Self-doubt destroys more dreams than failure ever has.”

Step Two: Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

Photo Credit: Pixabay

You can’t do anything as hard as being an elite military member or raising children without a good team around you, and communication is key. Talk about how you’re feeling, when you need a break, or what is about to make you lose your ever-loving mind if it doesn’t change immediately.

McGuire says to remind yourself that you’re likely not responding at your best because you’re sleep-deprived, and hopefully your partner will keep that in mind the next time you bite his or her head off, too.

Step Three: Secure Your Own Oxygen Mask First

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Like on an airplane, you need to remember to take care of yourself – especially making time to exercise.

“Exercise helps reduce stress, helps you sleep better, and get the endorphins pumping. You can hold your baby and do squats if you want. It’s not as much about the squats as making sure you exercise and clear the mind.”

This one is particularly hard for me, so I appreciate the reminder!

Step Four: Don’t Try to Be the Hero

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Sleep when you can, for as long as you can – don’t try to act like you don’t need it when you do.

“Sleep is like water; you need it when you need it.”

Step Five: Know Your Limits

Photo Credit: Pixabay

When you’re not getting enough sleep, many things suffer – your patience, your eating habits, and your ability to think on your feet.

“A good leader makes decisions to improve things, not make them worse. If you’re in bad shape, you could fall asleep at the wheel, you can harm your child. You’ve got to take care of yourself.”

Final Tip: Embrace the Insanity

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Remember that everything in life is a season, and with kids, those seasons are typically very short.

“You learn a lot about people and yourself through your children. Have lots of adventures. Take lots of pictures and give lots of hugs. It won’t last forever – and you’ll have plenty of time to sleep when it’s over.”

So, there you go. Having brought home two newborns, neither of whom thought sleep was a necessary thing, I can confirm that you definitely need a strategy and that all of this is very good advice.

Good luck out there, folks. You’re gonna need all the help you can get.

And yeah, you’re probably going to need a shoulder to cry on when it’s over, and you can sleep as much as you want.

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People Share the Weirdest Places They’ve Ever Fallen Asleep

Where’s the weirdest place you’ve ever fallen asleep? At your job? Your car? In a dumpster? It’s okay, you can tell us, we won’t judge you.

AskReddit users shared their stories…tell us your stories in the comments.

1. Sleeping on the job.

“On film sets.

First time we were sat in a comfy auditorium for hours on end fake clapping and laughing. One after another someone would doze off and if an AD noticed they’d wake us up – unless the person was quiet enough and the others were making enough noise. During a particular slow turnover I dozed off, and during this period of my life I was a bit phlegmy so I didn’t realise my head had rocked back and I was snoring….. Loud .

Eventually when I came to – the crew were still doing adjustments, I remember this girl’s face as she looked up at me with the most appalled look on her face. I must’ve been snoring badly.

Second time this happened it was very unexpected, I was playing a refugee in a tent with other extras – the director had to place me further away from the others and turn me away from the camera because of how I looked. I lay there awake but pretending to be unconscious for the first and second take. I then wake after who-knows-how-long to clapping and an AD praising us: “…and that’s a wrap guys!”.

My friend on set (another extra) came up to me to say that I didn’t move an inch even when he tried to tell me jokes (we had just clicked on set and were having a lot of fun that day). I had to ask him how long has it been since we started rolling and find out that it’s been a good 3-4 hours….. Easiest paycheck I have or will make in my life.”

2. Very ironic…

“I fell asleep one time waiting before a medical procedure. They had to wake me up so that I could sign paperwork permitting them to put me to sleep.

Oh the irony.”

3. Must’ve been a slow day.

“In the back of an ambulance.

I’m the paramedic.”

4. That sounds scary.

“In a crawlspace when I was a technician for a laboratory.”

5. Very dangerous.

“Underneath the car while doing an oil change.”

6. Didn’t see that coming.

“Wiz Khalifa concert.

Everyone was so high, I fell asleep for a few minutes standing up & the crowd was so thick I didn’t even fall over.”

7. Standing up.

“On the bus, standing up.

In my defense, it was a traffic jam and I hadn’t slept the previous night.”

8. Thanks for the blanket.

“In college, I took a cognitive neuroscience course that involved designed experiments to be carried out in an MRI and how to analyze the brain images afterwards. As part of the course, we all carried out our studies, and I volunteered to be a participant for a few.

When I went to get in the MRI, the tech said I couldn’t wear my sweatshirt in due to the metal near the aglets, so she got me a blanket to keep warm. And to keep my head propped at the right angle, they gave me a stack of pillows.

I definitely unintentionally fucked with someone’s data by falling asleep mid-study.”

9. Sounds kind of nice.

“When I was a kid, like 5 or 6, there was a tree in the front yard I really liked climbing. There was a branch perfectly shaped for little me to lie down on. Early one morning, I woke up and decided to take my sleeping bag up the tree and went back to sleep.”

10. Zzzzzzzzzzz.

“On the deck of a trawler, with a mix of seawater, fish guts, and crude oil lapping against my makeshift bed.”

11. Out in the fields.

“On a tractor while plowing a field. I was doing night shifts during the summer and decided to get some extra hours in during the day so I was tired when doing my actual shift.

I switched on the tractors gps and set it to give me a signal 50 meters before the field ended to wake me up to turn around. The fields were about 1200meters long so id get about 10 mins of sleep befor having to turn around again.”

12. Sounds like a nightmare.

“Techno party with my head on top of a big ass speaker.”

13. They must’ve been desperate.

“During a job interview. He actually had to shake me awake. Weirder yet, I still got the job.”

14. Narcoleptic.

“Bathroom floors, standing up, in the middle of eating. I have narcolepsy so I can seep pretty much anywhere, not always by choice.”

15. Just for a second…

“I volunteered at the local firehouse when I was a teen/early 20s. We got a call one night on the interstate which was a 20 minute drive. Sick me decided to close my eyes thinking I would wake up when the sirens stopped. I woke up when the truck pulled back in the station and turned off with everyone laughing at me.”

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The Science Doesn’t Lie: You Need to Make Sleep a Priority

We’re all different when it comes to our sleeping patterns, but I’ve never been able to understand how some people can get by on four or five hours of sleep a night. If I don’t get a solid seven or eight hours, I feel like a zombie.

It turns out, maybe I’m the one who’s always been right in this department!

Sleeping beauty

According to sleep scientist Aric Prather, “Sleep is so critical for so many parts of our body and our mind. Sleep is like the dishwasher of the brain.”

I like that, the dishwasher of the brain.

Prather means that sleep strengthens the immune system and can help regulate your metabolism. Sleep also clears out toxins that build up in your brain and can prevent neurodegenerative disorders.

In other words, sleep does a body good. Really good.

Prather also says that all phases of sleep, from light snoozing to deep sleep, are important for helping the brain and body recover from the day. Sleep can also help us learn and remember information more efficiently.


One more thing to keep in mind: abnormal sleep is known to play a role in some diseases, including Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. Disturbed sleep can even be measured to detect the onset of neurodegenerative diseases.

There is still a lot that researchers and scientists don’t know about sleep, but one thing is clear: sleep is very important and is good for your mental and physical health.


You know what you should do right now? Go get some ZZZZZZZZs!

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Enjoy These Funny Tweets About Snoring When You’re Dozing off

I snore like a madman…but I also can’t stand snorers.

Am I a hypocrite? Absolutely.

Am I a terrible person. Maybe…

Either way, these tweets might look familiar if you live your life with a snorer.

1. Fitbit on overload.

2. I can’t live like this.

3. So in love.

4. Pushed to the edge.

5. The honeymoon is over.

6. You can at least do that.

7. A construction zone.

8. Don’t do it, okay?

9. That would be me.

10. She needs help NOW.

11. What’s your weapon of choice?

12. Livin’ on a prayer.

I’m gonna work on my snoring, I promise!

In the meantime, everybody hang in there if you live with a snorer…

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15 People Who Got Caught Napping in Funny Positions

Are these people okay? They might need to be poked to make sure they’re still among the living.

Are you the kind of person who can fall asleep ANYWHERE? I really envy folks like that. It’s a true gift that is not in my DNA  – not by a long shot.

But these people in the photos below? Pssshhhh. They are on a whole other level. Not only can they fall asleep anywhere, they do it in style.

Kind of.

Well, let’s call it a hilarious style. Enjoy these pics of people who fell asleep in pretty amusing positions.

1. That is EPIC.

I was reading in bed last night when I realized my husband and our foster kittens were all fast asleep like this from aww

2. Whoa! Scared me for a second.

My sister fell asleep while she was reading a magazine… from funny

3. He’s down for the count.

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4. I hope you enjoyed your gondola ride.

Hit and Run Tourism in Venice – Italy 

5. Both of these guys deserve a round of applause.

This is what friends are for

6. That is the nap master.

Quiet…The nap master is among us. from funny

7. That book should sell millions.

How to sleep well…It freaking worked from pics

8. Flight attendants need to sleep, too.

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it counts.

A post shared by real ppl. real stances. (@peoplestanding) on

9. Might be time to hit the sofa.

Everybody’s got these great pictures of their people sleeping with their pets and I’m over here stuck with this mess. from aww

10. Just like Peter Griffin.

My kid sleeps like he fell down in Family Guy. from funny

11. That’s NOT a sleeping mask, sir.

Bedroom is really sunny in the morning. Found husband sleeping like this.

12. All tuckered out.

Sleep Contortionist (21 year old son after his 1st day on new job falls asleep rather stylishly) from funny

13. I see a black eye in your future.

Waking up will be hard from funny

14. That is very creepy.

Today I found out that my co-worker sleeps with his eyes open and looks very creepy. from mildlyinteresting

15. I hope you had a good night!

Ever had so much alcohol you tried to enter a house via the cat door, then went to sleep half way through? from funny

How can I get in on this action? I need this in my life!

Share your own photos of yourself or the people in your life sleeping in hilarious/awkward positions. We’d love to see them!

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This Under-The-Desk Hammock Is Designed for Napping at Work

Now you can be just like George Costanza and sleep under your desk instead of working! But with this gadget, you’ll be a little more comfortable than he was in that classic episode of Seinfeld.

As someone who used to occasionally sleep in their car during lunch breaks, I wholly approve of this product.

The hammock is manufactured by Uplift Desk, and it comes free with every full desk purchase. It hangs below the company’s standing desk model, and, by the looks of it, you’ll be snoozing in no time if you decide to get comfy in one of these.

Take a break from the hectic workday in the Under Desk Hammock by UPLIFT Desk. Free with every full desk purchase, choose yours in gray or blue. Or buy it by itself!

Posted by UPLIFT Desk on Friday, August 23, 2019

You can also buy the hammock from Uplift by itself for $55.

It comes in blue or gray.

Take a break from the hectic workday in the Under Desk Hammock by UPLIFT Desk. Free with every full desk purchase, choose yours in gray or blue. Or buy it by itself!

Posted by UPLIFT Desk on Friday, August 23, 2019

All you’ll need to do is install the two anchor plates on the frame, then clip the carabiners that come with the hammock into the anchors, and you’ll be ready to go to Zzzzzzzz-Ville.

The bag that the hammock stuffs into hangs off the side of the hammock when opened, so you can put your phone (with the alarm set!), your keys, and anything else you want to keep next to you in there while you doze off and forget about all that paperwork you have to catch up on.

Ugh, we all know that feeling.

Here’s a video of the hammock in action. Will you be able to resist this product?

I love this idea – the more nap opportunities, the better.

I’m gonna order mine today.

The post This Under-The-Desk Hammock Is Designed for Napping at Work appeared first on UberFacts.

15 People Reveal the Weirdest Things Their Partners Say in Their Sleep

I am the undisputed king of talking in my sleep. It has caused me derision and ridicule since I started going to sleepovers as a young lad…and it hasn’t gotten any better.

The good news is: I’m not alone. In this article, AskReddit users share the strangest/funniest things their significant others have said in their sleep. Enjoy!

1. Creepy

“I was up all night because my girlfriend was viciously jolting in the night. When I got fed up with it I tried to wake her up and she quietly said “who dis?” And then replied to her own question in a really creepy voice, “It danger.” She’s weird.”

2. LOL

“My girlfriend did a thing early one morning. I asked her what she was doing because she was throwing elbows at the sky and she calmly and simply said: “punching hamburgers.”

I haven’t laughed so hard in ages.”

3. Raise the roof

“Mine did the “raise the roof” motion with her arms and said “hells to the yeah” while giggling.

**Added Bonus ** She can occasionally say some _”blonde” _things and while her, myself and her three kids were sitting in our living room, she randomly says _”you know, it’s crazy to think that you’ve all been inside me.” She didn’t mean to include me but the kids all stopped talking and got very confused looks on their faces and started looking at me.”

4. Okay…

“I forgive you for your dark Chinese past.”

5. Perfect data

“When my wife was writing her PhD thesis, I woke up one night at like 3 AM to her stroking the duvet and smiling. I asked her what she was doing. She said, “Shh, don’t disturb my data. It’s finally perfect,” still smiling.

I said, “Hon, that’s not your data. That’s the duvet.”

The smile drained from her face and she started sobbing uncontrollably. For about five seconds, at which point she passed out mid-sob and was fast asleep again.”

6. Slabs

“I often try to have conversations with my SO when he starts sleep-talking… I transcribed the most recent one we had.

SO: No?
Me: Yeah?
SO: We can go if you want to.
Me: Where are we going?
SO: The… dollar slab bacon at Costco.
Me: Oh yeah? Why?
SO: Yeah, dollar for dollar it’s the best… slabs.”

7. That wasn’t nice

“Apparently my girlfriend sneezed and I yelled “Shut the f**k up!!” in my sleep…”

8. Gives me the creeps…

“For me it’s what she hasn’t said. Usually if she talks in her sleep it’s unintelligible gibberish but said in a manner that sounds like it’s supposed to make sense.

Its weird given it’s not just random words but sounds that are trying to be words.

Always gives me the creeps.”

9. Go back to sleep

“My girlfriend woke up at like 4am to go to the bathroom. When she came back I was sat on the edge of the bed, looked at her and said ‘i’m breaking out of here.’ She was obviously freaked out and asked me wtf I was on about and if I was awake. To which I replied ‘i’m getting a Chinese’ then laid back down and resumed sleeping.”

10. Katie

“Late to the party but here you go:

Woke up one night because my boyfriend was talking in his sleep and I’m generally a light sleeper. I listen for a moment while he just talks jibberish and then hear him say, “yeah, Katie! That’s what I’m talkin’ about!”

My name isn’t Katie.

So being the moderately unstable woman I am I sat on that one for a couple days and stewed silently. Who is Katie? Why is he dreaming about Katie? What did she do in his dream that was so awesome?

About a week later I’m at his work having a drink (he’s a bartender) after I got off work when his coworker/our mutual friend walks up to him and asks if he wants to go out to her car and smoke a bowl. He says, “yeah, Katie! That’s what I’m talking about!”

I forgot we both knew a Katie. Katie is a lesbian.”

11. The important stuff

“We gotta get the elusive passwords…..for Mario kart!”

12. Dangerous sleeper

“I’ll tell this one for my wife.

One night, I kicked her in the back, when she turned round and said”what the f**k?” i apparently said “What? Don’t you like it?” and tried to push her off the bed.

Recollection. I wish I did because thats funny as hell.”

13. Do they?

“Don’t trust the penguins, they have fake ID’s!”

14. Spider!

“One night he full on screamed at me to turn the light on, because he had caught a spider in the bed. He was crouched over it and had his hands cupped around it. I turned on the light and he gave me the weirdest look then looked down at his hands planted firmly on the mattress. He lifted them really carefully one at a time and … no spider.”

15. That is sexy

“I thought she was having a sexy dream because she was saying: “oh oh oh.” The. She followed up with “O’Reily auto parts!” “

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Mom Films Herself at Night to Show What Sleeping with Babies Is Like for Parents

Parents: you know the drill – you’re not gonna get a whole lot of sleep. Or any at all. For a long time. And that’s just part of the gig.

To make that point obvious for any disbelievers out there, a mom named Melanie Darnell decided to film herself and her kids sleeping over one night, and parents around the world said, “Amen.” The time-lapse video of the evening went viral in a big way because it’s just so darn relatable.

Darnell originally started off sleeping solo but later brought her baby into the room. The baby wiggles around…and neither of them sleep as a result.

Photo Credit: YouTube

Photo Credit: YouTube

Then, adding to the fun, Darnell’s other child decides to join the party – so now there are three people in the bed, none of whom are sleeping.

Photo Credit: YouTube

At 1:30 a.m., the baby finally falls asleep and Darnell takes the other child back to their room.

Photo Credit: YouTube

But the baby wakes up again. Also, the baby decides to play with mom’s hair.

Photo Credit: YouTube

And the baby wakes up again at 6:20 a.m.

Photo Credit: YouTube

Let’s just call it a rough night all around.

Here’s the whole video. Does this look familiar, all you parents out there?

Let’s give it up for all the moms and dads out there who are running on little or no sleep for months at a time. We salute you!

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Everyone is In Love With This Pupper’s Adorably Weird Sleeping Position

Is there anything cuter than a sleeping puppy? I think not. Every time I see my little fur baby curled up on the floor, I melt into a puddle.

Recently, one sleeping pup went viral for the cutest reason…

So, naturally, we have ALL the questions. Namely, what is going on with this adorable little fur ball?

Naturally, Twitter tracked down even more photos…

Because that’s just what Twitter do…

It seems the puppy is a she, her name is Paningning and there’s video!

And then the memes started…

Up, up and away!

And people had feels…

ALL the feels…

Somebody even made Paningning wallpapers, because why wouldn’t you?!

Eventually, the internet tracked Paningning back to owner Janessa Cua, who posted this pic of the pooped pup on March 30th.

And the pup during feeding time… still on her back… and still loving life.

Paningning is even attracting some sponsors!

Ultimately, it comes down to this fan drawing and this simple message.

Our life is complete now. We can all die happy.

The post Everyone is In Love With This Pupper’s Adorably Weird Sleeping Position appeared first on UberFacts.

Artist’s Adorable Illustrations Reveal the Hidden Side of Relationships

The prospect of a long-term relationship brings up pretty mixed reactions from people. Particularly for those who are single, long-term relationships might seem like a perfect romantic experience where couples sit around and cuddle and feed each other grapes all day. But anyone who’s actually been in a long-term relationship will tell you that that’s just not the case. Sure, there are tons of amazing moments that you’d never trade in a lifetime, but there are also plenty of others that aren’t as picture-perfect as Rom-Coms might have you believe.

But don’t just take my word for it. LA-based artist Amanda Oleander has been documenting the lives of couples behind closed doors and her work is way too relatable. She’s been dating a man named Joey for the past three years and is very open about how much their relationship has influenced her work. “Before I met Joey if anyone told me their love and relationship was like ours I wouldn’t believe it,” Oleander said in an interview with Bored Panda. ” It’s nothing less than amazing. We can’t get enough of each other.”

She went on to say that, “[She’s] enthralled by the way people behave behind closed doors, intimate moments we never get to see. Those are moments that can’t really be documented because if they were, it would alter the way the person behaved. So I draw them.”

You can check out some of Amanda’s work below.


Photo Credit: Amanda Oleander


Photo Credit: Amanda Oleander


Photo Credit: Amanda Oleander


Photo Credit: Amanda Oleander


Photo Credit: Amanda Oleander


Photo Credit: Amanda Oleander


Photo Credit: Amanda Oleander


Photo Credit: Amanda Oleander


Photo Credit: Amanda Oleander


Photo Credit: Amanda Oleander


Photo Credit: Amanda Oleander


Photo Credit: Amanda Oleander


Photo Credit: Amanda Oleander


Photo Credit: Amanda Oleander


Photo Credit: Amanda Oleander

That’s as real as it gets.

The post Artist’s Adorable Illustrations Reveal the Hidden Side of Relationships appeared first on UberFacts.