Sleep, an essential and often enjoyed part of our daily routine, still remains a realm of mysteries and unexpected occurrences. We might spend a third of our lives in this state, yet there are so many fascinating facets of sleep that remain unexplored by many. Here’s a dive into seven such interesting factlets: 1. The … Continue reading 7 Curious Facts About The World of Sleep
Half-Awake: The First Night Effect and the Brain’s Adaptive Response to Unfamiliar Environments
The First Night Effect refers to the phenomenon in which, during the initial night in a new environment, only half of your brain experiences deep sleep. This is believed to be an evolutionary response that helps individuals stay vigilant and alert for potential threats when in unfamiliar surroundings. In addition to causing lighter sleep, the First Night Effect can also lead to more frequent awakenings and decreased overall sleep quality, which may impact cognitive performance and mood the following day.
People Break Down The Best Hacks To Fall Asleep Faster
Some people have been blessed with the ability to get into bed and fall right to sleep, but sadly, most of us have not been as lucky. We are up until all hours of the night, tossing and turning, and just wishing sleep would come, but it never shows.
What if we tried some new sleep hacks?
Redditor Joydipisalamer asked:
“What is your life hack to fall asleep faster?”
Here were some of those hacks.
Tense, Relax…Tense, Relax…
“Progressive Muscle Relaxation. I learned about it from therapy, but it’s also very useful in helping you relax both your body and mind.”
“The practice basically boils down to the intentional of tensing and releasing of muscles in a specific order, while maintaining your breathing.”-Technical_Worker_264
“I used to have a job where I’d work freight for about 5 hours straight and then manage the rest of the time I was there, another 3 hours on my feet running around.”
“I would be drop dead exhausted, come home, shower, sit on the couch for 15-20 minutes and feel like I was going to pass out right there.”
“Then when I got in bed because I couldn’t keep my eyes open, I’d just lay there for an hour or longer wishing I could fall asleep.”-justalittleparanoia
“I only have intermittent issues with falling asleep, but I did try a weighted blanket. I’ve heard it works wonders and I’m sure it does for many, but for me it gave me night terrors.”
“I’m already prone to them, and maybe if I gave my body time to adjust to the feel it wouldn’t last, but night terrors are awful and it wasn’t worth it for me.”
“So just a note of caution for anyone who gets occasional night terrors. I’m glad it helps you OP, I did love the feel of it, but my subconscious did not.”-chikaygo
Routines Work As Well Here Too
“If possible, go to sleep at the same time every night and wake up at the same time every morning. But you have to really stick with it… not just do it for 3 days and then go ‘oh it isn’t working.’”
“As you keep doing it, your body will get used to it and you’ll naturally get tired at the same time every day. Also, make sure you are in a cool dark room. Those are ideal sleeping conditions.”
“If it’s too hot, it’s really hard to fall asleep. Ideally, you should NEED your blanket to actually be a comfortable temperature. If you are not a bit chilly without the blanket, the room ain’t cool enough.”
“And if you have a night light or light coming in from a window, that also makes it tough. Even just a TINY bit of light coming in compared to pitch black makes a huge difference.”
“Blackout curtains are great.”-mew5175_TheSecond
“I try to think of the longest word I can that starts with each letter of the alphabet, in order.”
“Then start over and do words that start with ‘Ab,’ ‘Ac,’ ‘Ad,’ ‘Ae,’ and so on until I’m so bored that my brain says ‘nahhh fam we’re done here.’”-Ok_Security_8657
A New Spot In My Mind
“Visualize standing in a nice cool wooden hallway and you’re turning a brass knob to go through a wonderful door.”
“And remember the door only opens to where you want to go you have to tell yourself over and over slowly as you twist the knob where you want to go keep that picture sharp in your mind and repeat it.”-WolfThick
“Two Gravol and a glass of wine. I don’t necessarily recommend it but I suffered from insomnia for years and this is the fastest way for me to sleep. I rarely do it now.”
“I think there’s a reason (bad job, stress…) that gives us insomnia and if we don’t find the cause it’s hard to get better. For me, the moment I quit my stupid job I was able to sleep a lot better.”-sonia72quebec
“Imitate the breathing patterns of sleeping – close your eyes, deep breath, deep release. Focus on only this, and you can listen to some sleep soundtracks on Spotify to cancel out potential distractions.”
“Honestly though, nothing works as well as physical exercise. I’m practically unconscious by the time the day ends.”-cakehole07
Hygiene?! Now I Gotta Clean My Sleeps?!
“Every few weeks or months I end up giving some version of this comment because someone says they’re having a hard time with sleep issues.”
“I have and sometimes still do, and when I’m having ongoing inadequate sleep I notice my mood and outlook tanks hard.”
“Crabby bastard and everything sucks and !@#$ you for that minor oops that shouldn’t even bother me, you !@#$!@#$.”
“It’s a two part answer. First is sleep hygiene. Second is a little trick that has helped me, and with a few days of using it it can be pretty reliable.”
“So first, sleep hygiene. Some or all of these will definitely help. If you have chronic sleep problems (and surprisingly many people do)”
“Try to limit caffeine to the early part of your day. No caffeine 8-10 hours before bed. Caffeine you had 10 hours ago might not have any noticeable effect on your alertness, but it can stop you from sleeping and stop you from getting good sleep.”
“This can be a huge downward spiral for people who use caffeine to overcome how tired they are from sleep problems.”
“Try not to use any electronics in bed. Try not to watch tv in bed. You want to associate bed with sleeping, and NOTHING ELSE.”
“Want to use your phone before bed? Do it in a comfy chair in your bedroom or livingroom. Even sitting on the floor next to your bed. My only exception is a kindle with the brightness all the way down, with the lights off.”
“Blackout your room if possible. Block all the light coming in from the window, close the door, if your alarm has a dim setting, use it. Light is a trigger for activity in our caveman brains.”
“White noise can be a huge help, blocking out all kinds of noises. There are free apps/websites, my favorite is this site with a combo white noise / rain generator:”
“Lastly, make sure you are budgeting enough time for sleep. Most people need approximately 7.5 hours. After maybe a week or two of enforcing this stuff you’ll probably notice you wake pretty refreshed before your alarm goes off, if you give yourself enough time.”
“Okay one more lastly: If you snore or always seem to be tired even with ‘enough’ sleep, or wake up tired after a normal/long sleep, you might have apnea and should get that checked out.”
“Sleep studies are expensive though, so I definitely will not tell you that a lot of people sell their old cpap machines privately.”
“You should definitely not buy one without a doctor’s input, should definitely not buy a new hose and mask for it, and should definitely not start with the lowest pressure setting and raise it a 1/2 lb at a time until you magically wake up feeling awesome.”
“And you should definitely, ABSOLUTELY never get the idea that shouldn’t ever set the pressure setting above 15 lbs without seeing a doctor, because you should really see a doctor about apnea.”
“Now for the trick. It sounds stupid, but it (hopefully for you) works: However you lie comfortable for sleep, do that.”
“Let your eyes relax to a natural straight-ahead aiming position, and then imagine a black circle in front of you. Don’t think about anything, just imagine the black circle. Any size. Tiny, huge, whatever. What’s that?”
“Your old kindergarten teacher wants you help power wash your old neighbor’s trampoline? Ooops, almost got me, brain, back to the circle.”
“What? No I still am not over what that b*tch Cassie said at work today, but black circle time. It will take a few minutes the first few nights if you really try this, but eventually you’ll discipline your mind to stop thinking weird sh*t (that sometimes results in that adrenaline spike) and you’ll get to sleep quickly.”-inthrees
“Exposure to most kinds of light at night messes up your circadian rhythm, and simply fixing that problem can make a huge difference.”
“In the evening, I use a blue light filter app on top of my phone’s built in filter and it has turned around my sleep SO much. It takes a few weeks to see a huge difference but it’s so easy and so worth it.”-Crabtoe
Do you see any habits that you can add into your arsenal of tricks for getting to sleep early?
For us insomniacs, even one of these tricks can quite literally save a life.
Sleepwalkers Break Down The Scariest Thing That’s Happened To Them While Asleep
Are you somnambulant?
If you are, you probably know this phenomenon by a different name—sleepwalking.
It mostly happens at night… mostly, and repeated occurrences can be a sign of an underlying sleep disorder.
A few years back, Stanford University School of Medicine researchers found about 3.6% of American adults are prone to sleepwalking. That’s more than 8.4 million adults, by the way.
And according to The Mayo Clinic, “sleepwalking appears to run in families” so if you happen to sleepwalk a fair amount, you might be genetically predisposed to do so.
Sleepwalking occurs more often in children than adults, however, so if you engage in sleepwalking as an adult, you could have some other underlying condition.
Sleepwalking itself is not harmful.
But it can be hazardous, and there have been quite a few horror films over the years that incorporated sleepwalking into their narratives.
But don’t worry, it can be quite funny, too!
Given sleepwalking’s comedic (and horrific) potential, it makes perfect sense that Redditor michaelw619 asked the online community:
“Sleepwalkers of Reddit, what’s the scariest/funniest thing that has happened to you while sleepwalking?”
“I don’t sleepwalk much anymore…”
“I don’t sleepwalk much anymore but about a year ago I put several pairs of shoes in the fridge.” ~ marleej
“I was met in a dream…”
“Only ever happened one time. I was met in a dream by my doppelgänger. She was a mirror image of me, but more beautiful.”
“Her eyes were bluer, her teeth whiter, her complexion clearer, her hair a shinier, longer blonde. She said, ‘When you dream, you’re in my world. I want to live in your world. I want to trade places with you.’”
“I grabbed my cellphone, backing out of my apartment with my eyes on her when a black shape exploded from a nearby closet flying straight at me.”
“I turned and ran out my front door, and was headed down the narrow staircase of the old house I lived in when I heard a low, gravelly voice say ‘Where ya goin’ Dolly?’”
“The black shape whisked around the corner and then it was upon me. I awoke in a crumpled heap on the staircase, my cellphone gripped tightly in my white fist.” ~ [deleted]
“One time, he woke up one morning…”
“My dad used to sleepwalk. One time, he woke up one morning and had about six cats sitting with him on the couch. They all had owners.”
“According to his next-door neighbor, who was very nosy, she saw my dad running around luring these cats with food and bringing them home with him in the middle of the night.”
“He has no memory of doing that and can’t explain why he didn’t wake up to the meowing and scratching the cats made.”
“Luckily he didn’t get charged with animal kidnapping but had to start tying his feet to the bedpost so there weren’t any more incidents for a few years.”
“We also learned that my dad was allergic to cats, so there’s that.” ~ [deleted]
“I have an Ambien prescription…”
“I have an Ambien prescription and I often cook ambitious meals at night, with no memory in the morning. It’s not unusual for my roommates to find me cooking bacon at 3 a.m.”
“At first it was concerning–what if I burn down the house? However, my unconscious self is extremely diligent–I ALWAYS clean up entirely and usually end up cleaning the entire kitchen.” ~ [deleted]
“When I asked what the hell he was doing…”
“My boyfriend sleepwalks. A couple of nights ago he ripped the duvet off me and threw it in the hall. When I asked what the hell he was doing he just replied that it’s full of spiders and then just stood facing the wall.” ~ Eliza109
“Not my finest moment.”
“So one time I had a dream that my brother (who was too young to swim at the time) jumped into a swimming pool so I dived in to save him… Yeah in reality I just dived off my bunk bed… Not my finest moment.” ~ UkuleleRequiem
“She asked me if I was ok…”
“My mom told me that I stood over her till she woke up. She asked me if I was ok and I just turned around and went back to bed.” ~ th3_pope
“Around 4 a.m. the other night…”
“Around 4 a.m. the other night my girlfriend let out a violent scream and sprinted to the door where she began beating on it!”
“I ran over, grabbed her, and when I did she began screaming even louder and started flinging her arms around until she finally realized it was me and she woke up.”
“She said she was having a dream and there was a stranger trying to kidnap her. I’ve never been so terrified in my entire life!”
“Also found out that if something ever did happen to me in my apartment, my neighbors don’t give a s*** and I would definitely die.” ~ robmacgar
“Apparently I had an imaginary phone call…”
“Apparently I had an imaginary phone call with someone for fifteen minutes about what I was going to have for breakfast in the morning.” ~ ITomza
“I took an entire carton of milk…”
“I took an entire carton of milk from my fridge then proceeded to return it after much deliberation with myself.” ~ CatchingSomeZs
“He didn’t know our room number.”
“One time in a hotel, my little brother left the room and walked down the hall before waking up. He didn’t know our room number.” ~ sadafasadafagafagada
“The only time I did that…”
“The only time I did that, I walked into the kitchen and started digging around in the junk drawer looking for scissors.”
“My dad asked what I needed scissors for, I grumbled ‘Never mind,’ and went back to bed. Remembered none of it the next day.” ~ Okaylasttime
Humans are wild, man.
Well, that settles it. None of us are safe.
We can’t even enjoy a little bit of sleep without getting ourselves into danger!
This is truly why we can’t have nice things.
What’s the Funniest Thing You Heard Someone Say or Do While Sleeping? Here’s What People Had to Say.
I have a confession to make: I sleeptalk. A lot.
And, in my younger days, I even took the occasional stroll in my sleep and scared the hell out of my parents and my siblings.
And if you’ve spent any time sleeping in the vicinity of other humans, you know that things can get really weird once the lights go out for the night.
AskReddit users talked about the funniest things they’ve seen folks do and say in their sleep.
1. Well, that’s weird.
“My ex-boyfriend sometimes talks in his sleep and the funniest story was this one time I was still up reading a book and I hadn’t noticed that he was already asleep next to me.
Suddenly he bursts out ” Will you just give me the f*cking yogurt already, Shannon!?” in a flawless British accent and scares the sh*t out of me.
We’re both German and none of our first languages include English. We didn’t know a Shannon. He’s lactose-intolerant.”
2. Making conversation.
“My girl woke up one night and said “Did you find your rocks?” and I asked her what she was talking about and she said “I don’t know, I’m just trying to make conversation.” and promptly went back to sleep.
She has no recollection of this.”
3. This is amazing.
“My boyfriend either recites postcodes (delivery driver) or calls the dog in his sleep.
So either he is mad no one is responding to his postcode nonsense or I get a flying 30 kg dog to my body.”
4. Horse.
“Once my ex said “horse.” That’s all. Just horse. But with a sense of urgency…
The same ex told me I once sat straight up in bed and mumbled, “Jesus, grandma, you scared the sh*t out of me.”
I had been dreaming that I was in bed at night and my grandma (still alive at the time) wandered into the room and stood at the end of the bed with a blank stare.”
5. It’s very fluffy.
“So this one time while my s/o was sleeping, she randomly reaches over and starts to pet my leg softly.
When I ask her what she’s doing she looks at me like I’m stupid and says “what does it look like? I’m petting this fluffy baby penguin.” Then pauses for a second, pats my leg again and blurts our “Wait this isn’t a penguin!”
I have never laughed so hard over someone talking in their sleep.”
6. Lost in the supermarket.
“My wife started screaming one night that she was lost in the local grocery store. And that no matter where she went she couldn’t find her way out.
I asked her has she tried checking out at the cash registers? She then looked at me and said in her most sincere voice, “that’s why you are the smartest person I know.”
And then she rolled over and fell back asleep.”
7. Wasn’t me!
“He farted very loudly and proceeded to say, “you got the wrong guy!””
8. Don’t move.
“One night, my boyfriend woke me up in the middle of the night, tapping me on my shoulder. He put his finger on his mouth, whispered “shush” to me, then pointed at the door and told me “I can hear something, don’t move”.
Predictably, I nearly sh*t my pants. All the worst possible scenarios crossed my mind, and the moment of silence after he shushed me felt like hours.
Then, he started waving his hands and talking about Tetris, ‘the twirlies’ (idk), and making sure we don’t align… And that’s how I learnt my boyfriend talks in his sleep.”
9. Your wife is scary.
“My wife was an avid sleep talked for a long time and her midnight announcements range from simple single words to elaborate speeches. The ones that really stand out to me are:
Waking up in the middle of the night to her suddenly sitting violently up in bed, throwing back the covers, and screeeeaaaaming: “TARANTULA!!”. That will make you very awake, very quickly.
Whispering my name repeatedly which woke me up so she could share in a hushed, cautious voice: “There is an alligator in here.” When I expressed my concern (playing along) she told me, still whispering, that: “It’s okay. It has been here before.”
But my all time favorite was when, from her perspective as she later explained, she was dreaming that I was playfully sneaking up on her and she saw me and was calling me on it.
From my perspective, my wife sat up in the middle of the night, starting into the darkest corner of the room and said repeatedly in a soft sing-song voice: “I seeee youuuu.” My flipping blood froze.”
10. Well, this is weird.
“Years ago, my wife was mumbling in her sleep and seemed a bit upset. I wanted to comfort her, without waking her up too much, so I said, “Honey, you’re fine. Do you know where you are?”
She slugged me in the arm, and said “I’m in place where punch buggies are seen first.” She then rolled over and muttered to herself, “chugga-chugga-chugga-buggy”, and went back to sleep.
She didn’t remember a think the next morning.”
11. Mom.
“My mom sleepwalks sometimes.
When she was in the middle of her residency, she came into my room in the middle of the night and sharply asked, “Did you give {patient} her dose of {medication} like I asked you to 15 minutes ago?”
I groggily replied, “Who? Wha?”
She just huffed and said, “Well I guess that answers my question.” Before turning around and leaving. (without closing the door of course)
She didn’t remember a thing about it the next morning.”
12. Stop that!
“My boyfriend woke me up the other day by gently putting his fingers in my mouth and I kept moving my head out of the way until eventually I was like “can you stop that!!!”
He then sounded genuinely upset and asked why I woke him up as he was having a really nice dream about feeding a deer.
Have you ever heard someone say something really funny or weird in their sleep?
If so, please tell us all about it in the comments.
Thanks in advance!
The post What’s the Funniest Thing You Heard Someone Say or Do While Sleeping? Here’s What People Had to Say. appeared first on UberFacts.
People Talk About the Statement, “Sleeping in Your Car Should Be Legal, and Not Looked Down Upon”
I’ve never actually lived in my car, but I’ve had a few nights when sleeping in my car was the best or the only option and I snoozed the night away in the backseat on a side street somewhere.
Hey, you gotta do what you gotta do…
So why is there such a stigma around sleeping in our vehicles?
AskReddit users discussed whether sleeping in your car should be legal and shouldn’t be looked down upon.
Let’s see what they had to say.
1. Your decision.
“To me it makes no sense that you can’t legally sleep in your car in certain places. Like sure if you’re on someone else’s property you should find a better spot.
But there are whole cities where it is flat out illegal to sleep in your car on public property overnight. You own your car, it should be your decision if you can sleep in it.”
2. Agreed.
“It’s liability issues, but I agree with you.
If I was traveling around the country I’d hate to have to pay for a bunch of hotels when I could just chill in my car for a couple nights.”
3. You can make it work.
“You just have to have the right car, correctly set up. If they can’t see or hear you in the back of your vehicle, and if they have no reason to believe the vehicle is occupied, you’re golden.
I’ve done this with a cargo trailer that I set up inside as a camper with a bed, fridge, microwave, etc. Also, car camped for a while with a Honda Element that I put curtains over the windows. A panel van would work well too.”
4. From someone who’s been there.
“I slept in my car for 5 months.
I also had a job delivering sandwiches so it worked out. I usually slept in Walmart parking lots and never got bothered unless i parked literally anywhere else. Ive never had more run ins with the cops than when i lived out of my car, but on the flipside, they were all very understanding and never wrote me any tickets.
Living out of your car is very scary at first, but you get used to it and it is very eye opening/ enlightening. You get an outsiders perspective of the rat race. Everyone around you is in busy mode, chasing the next dollar just so they can afford a place to put a mattress.
In the city, sleeping is the only thing you’re not aloud to do anywhere else besides a home. You can literally do everything else you need to do to get by.
Living in your car gives you this sense of freedom that you’ll never get anywhere else besides an RV i suppose and even then, i would imagine you could get stuck in bed like you do at home. When you wake up from sleeping in your car, you’re up and ready to take on the day.
There is no sleeping in really because when you wake up you have to find the nearest bathroom before you sh*t your pants. The cleanest bathrooms that you can go in without looking weird because youre not buying anything are at the dollar tree. But they open at like 9am so i would always have to use Walmarts when i woke up. I will say, thunderstorms are pretty f*cking scary when you live in your car.
Every storm feels like a f*cking tornado is about to blow you away. But yeah. There are a lot more people who live out of their cars than you think.”
5. Might be true.
“I’m convinced the money hotels make from sleeping in a car being illegal is a contributing factor to why it’s still illegal.
Also, the general hatred of poor and homeless people in this country.”
6. Can be sketchy.
“Truck stops can be safer but it depends on where you are at.
Theres no way in hell id sleep at the TA truck stop off I 95 near New Jersey nor the one in Baltimore. Hell most of the truck stops whether they’re part of the Big 5 (Loves, Travel Centers of America (TA), Pilot, Flying J and Petro) or not, i wouldn’t stay at in the north east at all.
They’re incredibly unsafe, most are dirty and if you attempt to camp out via an RV or even just a tent and your car, you’re likely to have some very unwelcome attention from not just the truckers but also the truck stop employees and locals….. Most truck stops now will absolutely boot or tow your car/pickup if you are parked there for more than one or two overnight visits.
As for parking at Walmarts… No. Absolutely not. You cannot park, camp or stay overnight in Walmarts any longer due to the issues that are brought about by such things… Namely idiots leaving trash, dead food out in the parking lot, people using the parking lot as a bathroom, abandoning pets and just trashing the place for no reason (since there are trash cans everywhere).
Most Walmarts that allow you to camp out or even sleep in your vehicle on their property are very few and far between. Even asking management before you head to bed won’t do any good if theres a city ordinance that says no camping… Since 95% of Walmarts lease their land from the cities they operate in.
I was a trucker for 7yrs.”
7. I feel this comment.
“I’ve watched too many horror movies and documentaries to sleep in my car on the side of the road.
Like I’m legit afraid some hillbilly might kill me.”
8. I don’t think that would fly here.
“Apparently in a lot of Scandinavia they have “wanderer’s laws” or something that allow you to camp and forage on even private property in most cases.
Kind of an interesting concept.”
9. Shouldn’t be an issue.
“Honestly, it shouldn’t be an issue, so long as it’s limited to one or two night stay within a certain area, within a certain period of time (say per acre/per week).
And you must be low impact unless otherwise stated (no fire, no garbage left behind, no destruction of the property). Sadly, it only takes a few to ruin it for everyone else.”
10. Not in my backyard.
“I don’t want homeless people sleeping in front of my house.
I want my tax dollars to provide safe and adequate solutions for people.”
11. No winners here.
“This was actually a big thing where I grew up.
It was a very safe, upper middle class area with very little crime to pursue. Police spent a lot of their energy trying to hand out DUIs, but also fined people for sleeping in cars or leaving their car overnight.
It created a no-win scenario of either driving illegally or parking illegally.”
12. All about money.
“This is the reason right here. So many laws exist to force you to have to spend money on things.
“What you found a way to live that doesn’t force you to rely on consumerism and capitalism and doing work for you that makes you money that pays me less than I’m worth? To buy goods and services and products I don’t actually need and could find ways to do without paying?
We can’t have that!””
13. One night only.
“There are tons of places in the US where you can, but most only allow you to stay for a night.
Cracker Barrel, Walmart, Home Depot, etc., you just have to check for signs prohibiting overnight stays. I’ve parked my RV overnight in all of those places. Rest stops as well.
In smaller cities without big box stores, simply asking the local police if its OK always worked, especially when I mentioned getting a little too tired to drive.”
How do you feel about this?
Should people be able to sleep in their cars legally and without judgment?
Tell us what you think in the comments. Thanks in advance!
The post People Talk About the Statement, “Sleeping in Your Car Should Be Legal, and Not Looked Down Upon” appeared first on UberFacts.
Sleep Talkers Will Understand These Problems
Sleepwalking is what happens when your brain fails to produce the chemicals necessary to keep you still while you’re asleep so you don’t start acting out your dreams.
I’ve never really had that problem, though I’ve suffered the opposite – a phenomenon called sleep paralysis where that chemical keeps getting produced even though you’re conscious. It’s freaky. I think I’d probably trade it for sleepwalking if I could.
I do, apparently, talk just a bit in my sleep. More frequently, I was informed by an ex girlfriend, I hum little tunes. Not too surprising as I am a musician of sorts, but it pales in comparison to how interesting some of these sleep talking confessions are.
12. Bring on the Muppets tonight
Talk about being felt.
Source: Whisper
11. Say my name
Well, that’s just plain uncomfortable.
Source: Whisper
10. Secrets revealed
I wonder if they vet for this kind of thing in like professional spies?
Source: Whisper
9. Panic time
If I hear that in the night, no matter the context, I’m gonna comply.
Source: Whisper
8. Gibberish times
Those are the best.
Source: Whisper
7. Important meals
Well, you heard the lady.
Source: Whisper
6. What an embarrassment
For all you know, it’s already happened.
Source: Whisper
5. A wide variety
You should go into talk radio.
Source: Whisper
4. A class act
Were you muttering the test answers?
Source: Whisper
3. Monkey business
That would be a pretty difficult thing to hide.
Source: Whisper
2. Double trouble
What are you revealing?
Source: Whisper
1. Sexy dork fish
Source: Whisper
Absolutely wild, I’m not sure how I could sleep next to some of those folks.
Do you have experience with sleep talking?
Tell us about it in the comments.
The post Sleep Talkers Will Understand These Problems appeared first on UberFacts.
Salvador Dali would hold a key…
Salvador Dali would hold a key or a spoon in his hand with a tin plate on the floor. If he drifted asleep, the key for spoon would fall and hit the plate waking him up. This is how he was able to create his paintings; while staying awake and being in a quasi-dream state […]
The post Salvador Dali would hold a key… appeared first on Crazy Facts.
People Talk About How They’d Create a New Alarm Clock Called “The Rude Awakening”
Waking up is much more difficult for some people than it is for others.
I’m usually able to pop right up in the morning when my alarm goes off, but my brother? Oh, my poor brother…
That snooze button can be heard blasting for hours on end…and it is not a pretty picture.
But what if there was a new alarm called “The Rude Awakening” that REALLY did the job of waking people up? What would it consist of and how would it work?
Here are the bright ideas that AskReddit users came up with.
1. That should do the trick.
“It pees the bed and then sends out a blast email/text/tweet telling everyone that you peed the bed.”
2. I like this idea!
“It rolls off the base while making that horrific noise Jim Carrey screamed in Dumb and Dumber while in the dog car.
It keeps getting louder and doesn’t stop until you put it back on the base.”
3. Alert! Alert!
“Nuclear alert sound at full volume.
I actually set this as my alarm. For one day. It’s such a violent sound (hence why it’s used) that it scared the sh*t out of me and I never used it again.
Bonus points for combining it with an invention a friend of mine used to have. The alarm clock would shoot off a little fan which would fly some random place in the room and the alarm wouldn’t turn off until you found the piece and put it back.
So that with the nuclear alarm sound.”
4. That’ll get you going.
“It reads a list of everyone that’s died since you fell asleep, their manner of death, and what you could have done to prevent it.
• Ronald Resiman – 89 – Nothing
• Geraldine Brown – 94 – Nothing
• Sammie Johnson – 96 – Coulda found a cure for cancer
• Brad LaMonte – 91 – Nothing”
5. Yes!
“It gives you wrestling legend Rick Rude’s finisher the “Rude Awakening”……
I feel like this was a no brainer.”
6. Sounds terrible.
“Reads the president’s tweets in Gilbert Gottfried’s voice.”
7. It just might work…
“It monitors your sleep cycle, in order to wake you up at the worst possible moment, using loud sirens, strobe lights and violently rocking your bed.
And if you haven’t jumped out of your bed within 3 seconds, random splashes of ice water and electric shocks will be added to the experience.”
8. Oh, no!
“It’s a George Foreman grill that heats up then clamps onto your bare feet.”
9. Terrifying.
“It gently massages a lightly moistened finger into your earhole, while playing the Jaws theme with ramping volume.”
10. A million-dollar idea.
“Goat screaming to the tune of the national anthem of USA.
And then VERY, VERY loud poop/fart noises.”
11. It’ll scare you right out of bed.
“It generates a current of air on your face and says, “I like what you did with your hair.”
You live alone.”
12. What’s happening…?
“It says random things just loud enough to be heard.
“You were right about that mole, look at it again…”
“But what is the cause of that ice-pick headache you keep getting?”
“There are about 100 feet of pressurized water pipes in your walls, and any one of them, if not multiples of them could be leaking and you have no way of knowing, and knowing that insurance will deny a water damage claim if the leak is more than 10 days old.””
13. Puke city.
“It makes pet retching sounds loud enough to wake you from the deepest slumber.
Once you’ve heard your cat/dog about to toss it on your bed/carpet, there’s no getting back to sleep.”
14. Think it would work?
“Plays a jump-scare to get your attention, then attacks your insecurities.
Hahaha, look at that high-waisted man. He has feminine hips.”
15. I got it!
“Easy. It reminds you of all your failures as you fail to even turn it off.
It’ll ask you division problems. Before you even answer, it will say, “You dumb sleepy piece of trash. You don’t know this. You don’t know anything.”
I’ll call it the “Self Hatred” setting.
The next will be a sorrowful one. It plays depressing music and wakes you up with sobbing. Every 5 minutes it will cry out, “WHY DID SHE LEAVE ME?!” Until you soothingly stroke its snooze button for another 5 minutes.
I’ll call that one the “Sad Sobbing Drunk at 3 am” setting.
I’m gonna stop there. I made myself sad.”
How about you?
What ideas would you come up with for “The Rude Awakening”?
Tell us what you think in the comments!
The post People Talk About How They’d Create a New Alarm Clock Called “The Rude Awakening” appeared first on UberFacts.
Memes for Those of Us Who Have One Love in Life: SLEEPING
I love sleeping.
I love getting into my bed at night to read before I fall asleep, I love mid-day naps on the weekend on the couch.
I just can’t get enough!
Of course, even though I can’t get enough, it doesn’t mean that I actually do get enough because life is pretty darn busy for all of us.
But when I get it, I LOVE IT.
And I think you probably do too if you’re here with us right now.
Let’s all enjoy these funny memes about one of the things that really keeps us going: SLEEP
1. Faster! Faster!
A bad feeling is when you wake up 3 minutes before that baby goes off.
2. The worst!
I was just getting to the good part!
3. No difference, really.
You should see me after I get 12 hours of sleep…
4. Things spun out of control.
What day is it?
5. A little bit groggy.
Time to recuperate and take on the day…or to take another nap.
6. It worked!
This book must be a bestseller.
7. Who the f*ck does this thing even work?!?!
Enough to ruin your evening.
8. I’m listening…
But I’m not sure that it’s sinking in…
9. It’s gonna be a long day…
10. Pack it all in.
Make good use of that time.
11. Can you just give me a break, BRAIN?
It just keeps running on a loop.
12. I can’t feel my arm!
Time to get a bionic one…
13. Oh shit…not that again.
You can’t escape your past.
Okay, how about you?
Are you a huge fan of getting those ZZZZZZZZs? Does your life not feel complete without a nap?
If so, talk to us in the comments and tell us all about livin’ that sleeping life!
The post Memes for Those of Us Who Have One Love in Life: SLEEPING appeared first on UberFacts.