People Who Quit A Job On Their 1st Day Describe What Happened

One of the main reasons that people “rage quit” their jobs – meaning they leave in a dramatic fashion when they’re fed up – is usually due to poor management and abusive treatment.

In August of 2021, we saw the largest amount of people quitting their jobs at once in what is now known as the Great Resignation. Some left due to low wages and poor management, some left because of the pandemic, and some wanted to do work they actually loved doing.

While many of these people quit after working for quite some time, there’s a great deal of people out there who quit on day one of their new job.

Sometimes you start a new job and instantly you realize that it’s not going to be the right fit. Whether it’s red flags with management or the work isn’t something you want to be doing, there are so many reasons to leave.

We went to Ask Reddit to get the truth on why people left their job the moment they started.

Redditor redmambo_no6 asked:

“People who quit their jobs on the first day, what was your ‘I’m outta here’ moment?”

Here’s some of the best responses.

Had to pay for the microwave.

“When the microwave in the lunch room was coin activated.” – CaptainArsehole

“That’s real? What the ever loving f*ck?”

“That warrants loading that thing up with quarters, filling it with silverware and setting it to ten minutes on your way out.” – larry_flarry

“I work in building management and am personally responsible for many of the amenities tenants have in an office, and I can’t even imagine the conversation on that one.”

“I had a hard time putting in a cold brew and kombucha machine that was pay per use, I feel like if you are going to put something in an office it should be free, or just don’t offer it.” – BuffFlexson

Management has issues.

“Worked in a hotel for a day.”

“No one told me where anything was. Got chewed out for it.”

“Guests enjoying their meals told me to pay no mind/I was doing a good job and that my boss is a c*nt.”

“I told the manager that I was quitting and wouldn’t be doing the next shift.”

“I arrived the next day, returning a work uniform and my supervisor approached me and yelled at me for being late. I told her I already quit but if I was working, technically I was 5 hours early for my shift.”

“Absolute nutcases.” – O5CR

“The not getting told how to something then getting told off for doing it wrong thing happened to me. I was so mad.”

“Got told to put something on shelves by checkout. Asked if there’s way any specific way it needs to be done? Get told ‘No, idiot, it’s not hard you just put as much as you can fit on the shelf’. Stack stuff on shelf. ‘Why didn’t you follow protocol around displaying stuff here? You have to count exactly how many you use for stock control and display them a certain way.’”

“Thought that one was a one off but the next day I ask what I should be doing after a busy period? ‘There’s nothing to do for a bit. Make us all coffee to practice using the machine.’ Half way through making coffee ‘Why haven’t you done really important job? You don’t have time to be taking coffee breaks!’”

“This was my trainer vs the manager. Turns out the trainer didn’t want someone else working with her so she sabotaged me and set me up for the manager to catch me doing the (wrong) things she’d told me to do.”

“I told them they clearly have some issues to work out among themselves and quit.” – Few-Evidence-7534

They were watching.

“I got a job at a Build A Bear knockoff at the end of a mall that wasn’t very busy. My interview with the owners was interesting. They were an older couple who said that they had wanted to open a Chick Fil A, but you need about a million dollars to do that.”

“My first day, one other girl was working, and she didn’t really talk to me. I had basically no training and she disappeared into the back. I was standing at the register area, which was underneath a giant storybook mushroom. A mother and her young son walk in and start to look at the bear skin options. I greeted them and left them to look around. They ended up leaving after a couple minutes and my coworker reappeared from the back with the cordless phone and handed it to me.”

“It was my boss. He told me that when a customer walks in, he wants me to come out from under the mushroom to them (‘come OUT! from the mushroom!’). After he finished speaking to me, I hung up and went to my coworker and asked about the phone call. She said the place has cameras set up and the owners watch them from their house and call in a lot. I did not come back to work after that day.” – pocketradish

“Not mushroom for improvement there.” – FreudianAcordian

“Owner didn’t seem like a fungi.” – TrippyReality

They had been robbed.

“Fast food chain: I was 17.”

“I found out during training that the place had been robbed 3 times in the past month and 1 employee was seriously injured.”

“Not worth the $5/hr. (This was the US state of Georgia in 2004).” – ThunderFlash10

“I worked at a KFC when I was 16. I remember the training orientation video told us over and over not to be a hero if you get robbed. Do they really think we’re gonna take a bullet for them? Like we’re gonna scream ‘Not on my watch!’ and dive over the counter?” – casino_night

They didn’t take breaks.

“Took a summer job at a textile plant and the trainer said, ‘Forget about taking a break if you want to stay caught up.’” – p38-lightning

“Reply forget about being caught up.” – Big-Red-Husker

“Especially because ‘caught up’ is an arbitrary standard.”

“Breaks, however, are mandated by law and measurable.” – TootsNYC

They didn’t want to pay the $40.

“I applied for a job at my longtime favorite restaurant(celebrated my birthday there every year).”

“Owner asks me to come in for basically a try out, as I communicated I was looking at other job possibilities. I come in and they just stick me on dishwashing for an hour, no biggie. Then there dishwasher doesn’t show up, so the kitchen manager asks me to stay one for their lunch rush, says I’ll get paid for the hours. I do, kitchen staff was nice so I was happy to help out even though I figured I’d be taking a different job. I fill out a time card at the end of the shift and tell the manager I probably wouldn’t be back, he understands and thanks me for the help.”

“Fast forward a couple weeks and he tells me to email the owner after I ask him if I should pick up my measly paycheck. I do, she basically tells me to f*ck off over text. Tells me it was ‘staging’ and that she told me I wouldn’t be paid. I respond that I understand that but that I stayed an extra 3 hours which I WAS told I’d be paid for. She stops responding. I decide I want to be petty over the 40 bucks so I get the state labor department involved. Dude goes in there and makes her pay me for the hours including the first ‘staging’ hour. Couple weeks later I got my 40 bucks, never went back to that restaurant.”

“Firstly, ‘petty’ is not how I see it two years later. I’m VERY glad I did this and sharing the story with others in my city I learned this practice was very common with local restaurants. Hopefully others learned to stand up for their labor too from my small experience.”

“Secondly, this restaurant closed down a couple weeks after I got that paycheck. The owner made a long winded complaint on the FB page about how the food culture had ‘changed’ in the city and her restaurant didn’t fit in anymore (total bullsh*t, they were ALWAYS popular. Most people theorized the terrible mismanagement and employee abuse had caught up to her).” – sleepdyhollow

“You’re not petty, I wonder how many other people they fleeced for free labor.” – FaustsAccountant

“You would not believe what restaurants get away with. And they’re so blatant about it.”

“It’s such an insane work culture. I’m glad I experienced it but the thought of doing it everyday makes my job being a welder now a total cakewalk.” – providenthound

The employee had to pay for training.

“My very first job was at a little drive in restaurant close to my high school. I showed up to work the first day, they lady said I had to pay her $50 for training. She showed me around the place and said that my pay would be $4.50/hour as a carhop(this was in 2010), and all the tips I made went into a bucket with all the other girls’ tips. At the end of the night, she counted up tips, kept 20% for herself and split the rest up evenly among EVERY employee. Also, part of our job was one day a week we had to spend 4 hours cleaning her house. It seemed super shady.”

“I literally left after listening to her go over all these rules. My dad was pissed until I explained, and another girl confirmed and my dad agreed I did the right thing.” – tlr92

“Shady and highly illegal.”

“Tip pooling is legal but is supposed to be only with other tipped employees, her skimming 20% off the top is not legal.”

“Pretty sure you can’t charge someone to train them for a job you hired them for.” – -Work_Account-

Hired to do one job, told to do another.

“I was hired at a chain restaurant to be a hostess. I was so excited because my last job was washing dishes and because of my eczema, I had to quit. It was too painful to do that job. So, I arrived at my new job dressed up to be a hostess and those mfers took me back to the kitchen to do dishes because the dishwasher just quit. I noped out of there real fast!” – Ismygrayshowing

“13 years in restaurants, I can say if you have any skin condition stay out of restaurants not because of your skin but the chemicals some places use for their dishwashers. I’ve seen people welt up just from industrial detergent.” – scootiesanchez2038

Even the customers knew it was bad.

“Went into an Italian restaurant for my first day of work and I got 3 red flags on the very first day.”

“1- The manager said he had lots of hours for me and getting shifts would be no problem. Every single other employee told me that they were struggling for hours and that they had no idea why they hired me.”

“2- Everyone said the manager was an asshole. Even the customers.”

“3- It was my first day there, and I actually had to teach the woman training me how to do one or two things.” – Stevie-Avail

“Probably hired you to replace that woman.” – RonStopable08

They were pushing a sale that should never happen.

“‘Salesman’ for Kirby vacuums. First sale call was to a single elderly woman who was supporting her son in hospital (they got us in the door by offering a free carpet clean as a demonstration). The supervisor training me pushed and pushed to make the sale until this old woman was in tears. Just as she was about to sign the paperwork I asked if she actually wanted to vacuum and she said it was lovely but she couldn’t afford it. I took the paperwork away from her and said not to worry.”

“Outside I told the supervisor I quit to which he replied I would’ve been fired anyway. No love lost. I hung around for half an hour playing on my phone to make sure the supervisor left because he was a real piece of work.” – Pokestralian

“Oooh I have a Kirby story! I worked for them when I was 17 – not selling the vacuums but setting up appointments for the salespeople. They had the shadiest way of getting their salespeople into people’s houses. They went around town with raffle tickets where people could sign up with their name, address, and phone number for a chance to win some cash prize. The kicker? There was no contest. It was just a way to get these people’s info.”

“When I would get the filled out raffle tickets I was instructed to look at the zip codes and throw out any from the lower income part of town. Then with what was left I had to make calls. I had a script where I would tell them they were still in the running for the cash prize but in the meantime, they had won a free one room cleaning. I’d get the details on which room they wanted to have done and set up a day and time for it. Their free room cleaning was a Kirby salesman pitching to them the whole time.”

“The whole thing was so dishonest I quit after a couple weeks.” – SavaRox

Not only do some of these jobs sound terrible, a lot of what happened was illegal.

With all the abuse, misuse of power, and poor wages, it’s no one these people quit on day one. If they stayed any longer it was bound to be stressful.

People Break Down Which Things Are Far More Dangerous Than Anyone Realizes

So many of us find ourselves settled into routines, where we start to forget the reality of our situation.

We forget the beauty in our day-to-day lives, we forget the things we were once grateful for, and of course, we forget the things we should remain wary of.

Redditor FrenchDude1000 asked:

“What’s dangerous but most people don’t realize it?”

Two Redditors pointed out batteries and fires.

“Lithium ion batteries. If they’re punctured or catch fire its extremely difficult to put out. Their fumes are also very toxic.” – bugz1452

“Fires in general. You know how in movies they cover their mouth with a wet cloth and then run through smoke without issues?”

“Might have worked a long time ago but try that in real life, especially in a fire caused by batteries, and you will collapse after a few steps even if you hold your breath. The toxic smoke gets absorbed through the skin and your muscles will lock up almost instantly.” – RevozZ-ETSE

Others talked about some people’s everday routines.

“A bad diet and sedentary lifestyle. Most people don’t think about how these two can lead to an incredible amount of health problems and how they can remain asymptomatic for years and suddenly have a heart attack or stroke.” – IntelligentMeat138

“I have relatives that are like this. Most of them got away with it for awhile.”

“Age 30: ‘I’m out of shape, but my doctor says I’m in good health!’”

“Age 40: ‘I’m out of shape, but my doctor says I’m in good health!’”

“Age 50: ‘I’m out of shape, and need a knee replacement. Other than that, I’m fine!’”

“Age 60: ‘I have diabetes, need my leg amputated and had a stroke. Other than that, I’m fine!’” – HandyDrunkard

“Eight years ago this month. I had had surgery and my husband was off to take care off me. Day after surgery he tells me he doesn’t feel well and wouldn’t get out of bed. I was p**sed and left him in bed.”

“At 6pm that same day, I went upstairs to check on him. His speech sounded weird. I put my hand on his head and was shocked by how hot his fever was.”

“Flip the side lamp on and see he is swollen ear to collar bone. Tell him we are going to the ER. He didn’t want to go but I made him.”

“Getting through triage the dr comes to check in. He takes me into the hall and tells me had I let him go back to sleep he would have never woke up. He had gone septic.”

“The following day he had a five hour surgery followed by a week in the hospital.”

“Please DON’T ignore tooth pain. I still feel guilty that I didn’t check on him sooner.” – still_hate_pancakes

“There are so many dangerous side effects of lack of sleep…”

“Heart disease, Heart attack, Heart failure, Irregular heartbeat, High blood pressure, Stroke, Diabetes, Depression, Lack of libido, Paranoia, Dumbness, Brain fog, Accidents, Agression, Faster aging, Weight gain, The list goes on…” – LifeCoachAnonymous

Some talked about the everyday routine of driving a car. 

“Driving. The forces involved in driving are way above anything the human body can withstand should things go wrong. All the safety features built into cars lead us to believe that it’s a safe activity, which encourages additional risky behaviors like texting.”

“Everybody should be hyper-focused while driving down the highway at 80mph, but almost everybody is doing something else in addition to driving.” – Sidivan

“Waaay too many people drive recklessly: Tailgating, cutting people off, speeding, just to name a few.”

“These behaviors put everyone around the reckless driver at risk. The laws of physics don’t care about who was driving or who was in the legal right.” – pretty-as-a-pic

“I give people s**t for texting in the car, but I do stupid crap like change the audiobook cd. Like, locating the next one from the case with one hand.”

“A friend’s 19-year-old daughter was just in a horrible accident – hit a tree while fumbling with stereo. She’ll recover but yecch, stitches and broken ribs.” – Lucinnda

“People think you double the forces when you double the speed. Nope. You quadruple the total force. AND the stopping distance.” – 0001010001

“And people think that all-seeing self-driving cars are too dangerous. They don’t need to be perfect. They just need to be safer than than us.” – cutelyaware

Speaking of cars: there’s also carseat safety to worry about. 

“90% of children are improperly restrained in the car.”

“I spent a decade as a CPST and the things I’ve seen are deeply upsetting knowing they’re easily fixable with an hour or two of effort.”

“I’ve seen children internally decapitated. Parents put their kids in car seats forward facing far too early, booster seats before they’re truly large enough, coats under the straps, straps never properly tightened.”

“Car accidents are still a leading cause of death. The awareness has gotten better in the last 15 years but with plenty of room for improvement.”

“If you have a child, please make an appointment with a certified CPST whenever they are big enough for their next seat or seating position. It’s worth the effort.”

“Also, not every fire fighter is a CPST. The goal is to teach YOU how to install the seat, not to have them do it for you.” – bionicback

Some were concerned about negative work conditions.

“Toxic workplaces. Stay there long enough and you will hate life itself.” – pk1950

“I recently quit my job for this reason. The next two weeks will be rough and even worse later unless I find another job within that time. I got money saved up so I’m set for a few months.”

“In the end though, TOTALLY worth it. F**k grocery stores!” – comeallwithme

“This was me. Co-workers doing minimal work. Was labelled as introvert and anti-anti-social for picking up the slack.”

“It impressed in me how they can get away with it so long as they talk up any minor work and making it sound huge.” – SadSkirt4441

“9 years of this s**t. It’s like cancer. The anger and negativity spreads to all corners of your life and causes all sorts of physical/mental health issues.” – inaka_

Others were concerned about people underestimating nature.

“THE SUN. Skin cancer is a major killer that is easily preventable by wearing sunscreen. Sun damage is more significant than many people realize and it’s such an easy thing to avoid.” – theredditdetective1

“ALL wild animals are dangerous, even if they don’t look it. Most people know that large predators like mountain lions and bears are dangerous, but many underestimate herbivores and/or smaller animals like deer and squirrels.”

“A lot of people assume smaller animals/herbivores are tame, and try to get close or even touch them.”

“This is extremely dangerous – these animals don’t understand humans, and an animal that feels cornered or threatened will lash out to try and escape. Please keep a safe and respectful distance from any animal you don’t know!” – pretty-as-a-pic

“My rabbits have hurt more people in the family than all cats and dogs we’ve had over 16 years. Not viciously, just in prey-response escape efforts. And they are tame.”

“I’ve seen videos of squirrels, wild rabbits, and other cute little forest creatures shred humans who get too close. Deer, moose and other large herbivores can kill an adult human with a single well placed kick.”

“A nature park warned us to keep our hands inside the vehicle around the zebra, because they will bite and can sheer a whole arm off.” – ColourSchemer

“Running water is crazy powerful! I think that running water at knee height if going fast enough is enough to sweep you away.”

“I remember there was a post a while ago where someone did the math that like a fast enough stream of 6″ or 12″ of water was enough to sweep a car away because if the car moved at all the friction of the tires would just give way.” – ta-210110

Shares like this are a great reminder that, while there are things we often forget to be grateful for, there are also things we should understandably be more cautious around.

Stay safe out there, folks.

Cruise Ship Staff Share The Most Disturbing Insider Secrets All Passengers Should Know

Whether we’ve been on such a trip before or not, many of us enjoy ruminating on the fun that could be had on a comforting cruise.

But after hearing from some Redditors with cruise ship experience, the voyage may not be as merry and happy-go-lucky as we might have thought.

Redditor maudiestirling asked:

“Cruise ship staff of Reddit (cleaners in particular), what are some disturbing secrets passengers should know?”

Some came ready to deliver.

“A lot of people die. Depending on the line, it’s not unusual for a couple a week.”

“Depending on the age of the ship, there are decent odds someone died in that room.”

“Also, if you receive an upgrade mid-cruise, there’s a reason why a room is suddenly available.” – Watertightdoors

“That if you die onboard at sea from something other than natural causes (heart attack, old age), your death will probably not be investigated properly.”

“Ships need to get back to port on time to load up the next set of passengers. Which means details are swept under the rug.” – cruisefromottawa

“Especially if you’re on a flag of convenience ship far from that country’s territory. Panama, Liberia, or Malta aren’t going to send someone across the world for one homicide.”

“If the death happens in international waters, the country of the ship’s registry is what law applies and who has the right to prosecute.”

“Only Malta might even try and that’s assuming you were near an EU port where they might be bound to investigate as part of being a member.” – SouffleStevens

“I was touring a ship for a future event. The ship was about to leave for a 100+ day cruise.”

“I saw a lot of old people getting on with oxygen tanks. I asked him what happens if they die on board.”

“He said it was very common for old people blow their life savings to come to spend their last days on this cruise. He also said they have a fully functional morgue.” – Crusha79

“I’ve been working on ships for almost a decade now, engineering department. When the Eb*la scare of 2014 went down, I was crewing a passenger ferry.”

“During a safety meeting, someone asked what would happen if we got a passenger showing symptoms.”

“We were told the ship would be quarantined until the disease had run its course. Imagine just sitting in the bay on an Eb*la ridden ship.” – i_hate_msds

Others said disappearances are common, as well.

“There have been a few relatively high-profile cases where someone has disappeared from a cruise ship, there are plenty of places to hide.”

“Rebecca Coriam and Amy Lynn Bradley are two of the most well-known ones.” – Chalantcop

“On my last cruise, my wife and I were woken up at 3:30AM by the Captain over the loudspeakers throughout the entire ship. He announced that a 15-year-old girl was missing, requested anyone with any info call a specific number.”

“It was really unsettling to be woken up like that and given that information. My wife and I started talking about it and I remember saying, ’15-year-old girl on a cruise in the Caribbean unsupervised, all this booze flying around? She’s been raped, murdered, stuffed into a suitcase, and thrown overboard.’”

“My wife just stared at me disgusted and asked, ‘What the f**k is wrong with you that you would think that?’ Law and Order SVU, my dear, that’s what.”

“About 15 minutes later the Captain came back to announce they found her safe and sound. She was in the library and fell asleep (SURE she was.) Still, it was unsettling and left an impression on me.” – dinosaur_copilot

Some stressed the importance of traveler’s insurance.

“Getting airlifted off a ship in a medical emergency costs a fortune, and your insurance will likely not cover it. It’s the best reason for purchasing travel insurance.” – Scrappy_Larue

“Travel insurance is also cheap. I think it was $20 for a week for me and my wife the last time we traveled. Included like $1 million in airlifting coverage on top of other stuff.” – RedTib

Some talked about work conditions and expectations.

“I was a musician on cruise ships for a year. As mentioned before, you’re not going to get cleaners on here because their work schedule is a disturbing secret. Anyone that works below deck and not always in view of passengers usually works 70-80 hour weeks while sharing a cabin the size of a closet with 4 people.”

“Also, crew members from India aren’t allowed to get off the ship in the US during their first contract (maybe two, can’t remember) because too many Indian cruise ship workers would get off the ship and never come back.” – whiteglassfan

“Are the stewards trained to read minds? Or are they just amazing at their jobs? Do they have monitors watching the doors to see when you leave so they can clean?”

“I was taken along on a ladies cruise by a cruise-crazy family member (husband’s aunt), and I’d never been on a cruise before. We stayed in the Concierge level (because the one who was paying was posh).”

“My room steward was a Filipino man and he absolutely made my stay amazing. I asked about an extra pillow one day to use as a body pillow, and he took pillows and sheets and made me this big Tootsie roll thing for a body pillow. Every day it was rerolled with a clean sheet.”

“I loved the toiletries and used up an entire bottle of lotion every day on my sunburnt body, so each day I began finding 3 bottles of lotion with the clean towels.”

I ordered an iced tea with 2 lemons in 2my room after dinner 2 nights in a row and for the remaining nights of the trip, when I came back to my cabin after dinner there was a cold iced tea, 2 lemons each time.”

“I swear, the second I left the room for meals it got cleaned or turned down or fancied up.”

“I was a poor slob who spent a week feeling like a queen because of that guy.”

“I asked my posh host about tipping etiquette at the end and she gave me an envelope for him. It had $400 in it. I added another $100 from my spending money.”

“He made the trip for me. Thank you, Filipino steward dude on my Celebrity cruise in April 2013, you rock.” – chickenpants80

There were also some gambling tricks. 

“Not sure if it’s true or not, but a casino staff member told us that the poker machine payouts are set higher in the first two days to make you win, and thus make you want to play more.”

“Then as the ship enters international waters, they don’t need to have the same regulated payout percentages and it gets lowered to like 50 percent, so you have a very very slim chance at winning anything after the first few days.” – smallpotatoes_

“This is why gambling on poker machines is so utterly stupid – they can be programmed to deliver payouts whenever the owners want.”

“It’s not like gambling on roulette, or a card game: those are based on physical objects which can’t be manipulated like a computer program can.”

“H**l, you could program a poker machine to never pay out, but you can’t stop a roulette ball from falling in slots with a particular probability.” – humanoid12345

It may be fun to go on a cruise, but this particular group of Redditors was ready to remind us the trip may not be as great as it appears to be.

Even if we don’t see something worrisome on our trip doesn’t mean there was nothing to worry about.

People Share The Absolute Weirdest Facts They Know

In our primary school years, many of us took great pride in the weirdest, most fun facts we could spout out to our friends and family members on command.

Some of us, though, never lost that passion and continued collecting factoids about the world around us.

Redditor lovedump44 asked: 

“Reddit, what is the weirdest FACT you know?”

Some talked about the state of Maine.

“Maine is the closest U.S. state to Africa.”Donald_Keyman

“[Maine] is also the only state with one syllable in its name.”BatskyStarman

The state of Ohio had something going for it, too.

“Ohio is the only state to not share a letter with the word ‘mackerel.’”hunter07100

There was quite the unexpected fact about sea cucumbers.

“I know that sea cucumbers, to protect themselves from enemies, will hurl their own internal organs at anything threatening them.”

“Pretty wild, I think, but it doesn’t hurt the critter none. The sea cucumber can regrow whatever organs he lost with ease.”aintyourma

Penguins have an unexpected skill, too.

“Penguins have a gland above their noses that removes salt from seawater.”Servb0t

Some Redditors loved sharing facts about otters.

“Otters have a secret pocket where they carry their favorite rock.”theoldraven

“[Otters] also hold hands when they sleep.”jellyshoes11

“[Otters hold hands]…so they don’t drift apart. We can’t forget the adorable reason!”biospark02

LEGO was represented on a technicality. 

“LEGO is the world’s largest producer of tires.”UncensoredChef

This inspired a piece of trivia from the first LEGO Movie.

“In the LEGO Movie, they put fingerprints and scratches on pieces to make the legos looked like they were well played with.”hannakah_ham

Speaking of yellow characters, Pac-Man was also mentioned.

“If you put your finger in your ear and scratch, it sounds just like Pac-Man.”Donald_Keyman

And while we’re on the subject of scratching…

“Bonus Fact: If your throat is itching, you can make it stop by scratching your ear.”Rywell

Some startling timeline facts had to be shared, too.

“Cleopatra lived closer to the invention of the iPhone than she did to the building of the Great Pyramid.”Donald_Keyman

“More time has passed between 9/11 and today, than 9/11 and the fall of the Berlin Wall.”chicochic

“The Tyrannosaurus Rex was more likely to have gone to a Miley Cyrus concert than to have ever fought against a Stegosaurus (chronologically).”Baldybeardy

Two Redditors enjoyed thinking of how we’re all connected.

“Astronomer here! If you look at the large-scale structure of the universe, it looks an awful lot like a brain cell.”

“I always thought that was really weird, but also a neat coincidence.”Andromeda321

“We are more empty space than we are solid matter.”its_the_peanutiest

Three Redditors considered how fantastically small some things are.

“There are more stars in space than there are grains of sand on every beach in the world…”hotbuk**ke

“Russia has a larger surface area than Pluto.”Swaily_P

“You can fit 3 Jupiters in the space between the Earth and our Moon.”Question_4_you_guys

Two Redditors mentioned some surprising finds.

“A tomato plant was found on a 40-year-old volcanic island by the name of Surtsey. Scientists were baffled about how it got there.”

“Turns out a scientist took a dump which contained tomato seeds, and the plant grew.”speeds_03

“Antarctica has two ATM machines. However, only 1 of them is working…”Nebih

Three Redditors couldn’t choose just one factoid to share.

“Here are some interesting and odd facts:”

“Mammoths went extinct over 1000 years after the building of the great pyramid in Egypt.”

“A strawberry isn’t a berry, but an avocado is.”

“The can opener was invented 50 years after the can. They used bayonets or smashed them open with rocks in the intervening time. The rotating can opener that we’re familiar with took over 100 years to finalize.”

“The spikes on a stegosaurus’ tail are known by paleontologists as the thagomizer, which is a term coined by none other than Gary Larson in the Far Side cartoons.”techniforus

“The world’s deepest postbox is in Susami Bay in Japan. It’s 10 meters underwater.”

“Light doesn’t necessarily travel at the speed of light. The slowest we’ve ever recorded light moving at is 38 mph (miles per hour).”

“In 1567, the man said to have the longest beard in the world died after he tripped over his beard while running away from a fire.”

“There are more fake flamingos in the world than real flamingos.”

“[Until 2016] the last time the Chicago Cubs won the baseball World Series, the Ottoman Empire still existed, and women did not have the right to vote in the United States.”

“John Tyler, the 10th president of the United States, has a grandson who’s still alive today.”Donald_Keyman

“Abraham Lincoln created the Secret Service on the day he was fatally shot. At the time, it wasn’t charged with protecting the President, but still…”

“John Wilkes Booth’s brother once saved Lincoln’s son’s life.”

“Furbies are banned from the NSA’s offices — as they may be spies. (They’re not really spies, but the NSA is being extra-careful.)”

“If your name is Richard Parker, stay the hell away from boats.”

“In March of 1951, both the US and UK were introduced to Dennis the Menace comics. But the two Dennis [characters] were totally different and their creators didn’t know about the other one across the Atlantic.”

“The US Civil War started on Wilmer McLean’s farm. He left the area shortly thereafter but couldn’t avoid the war, as it ended at the home he fled to.”

“The code names of the beaches used for the D-Day landings appeared in crossword puzzles before the campaign.”

“The people who make government pens will never see the words those pens write because all those people are blind.”

“Mountain Dew once admitted that mice would dissolve into a jelly-like substance in order to win a lawsuit.”

“There’s a massive, burning pit of natural gas aflame in Turkmenistan which has been burning since the early 1970s.”

“The US once considered nuking the moon, and Carl Sagan worked on the project.”MrDNL

From facts about space to the strangest finds on Earth, combined with animal oddities and surprising timeline overlaps, these facts left many a fellow Redditor stunned, as well as wondering what other odd trivia they could uncover.

Film Developers Recall the Most Surprising Things They Saw From Customers

I don’t know how many people get film developed these days with the rise of digital photography and camera phones, but it definitely still happens.

And it used to be the norm for folks to drop off their film to be developed, so you know a lot of folks out there have seen some seriously weird shit over the years.

Are you ready to see what kind of weird stuff people got a peek of when they were developing other peoples’ film?

Let’s dive into these stories from AskReddit users.

1. This person has some stories!

“I worked at a camera store all through college and saw a little but of everything. My favorites:

Biker rally photos are the craziest shit you will ever see. Like a bottle of whiskey in a metal hammock connected to a dudes scrotum rings as he walked around bare ass naked. And for anyone that thinks it’s all hot girls that flash their boobs for a camera, IT IS NOT. Never get those images out of your head.

Crime scene photos for the local PD were rough. We didn’t do many, mostly just when they needed photos immediately but those are hard. The worst is when you can’t tell what’s going on in the negatives and when the prints come out you realize you’ve been staring at the inside of a van after someone blew their head off with a shotgun.

Ok, now for the funniest. Sweet looking late 20s attractive woman brings in 4 rolls of film. She had on one of those teacher sweaters with the little schoolhouse, ABCs, 1 +1 =2, all that, so I assume she’s an elementary school teacher. Didn’t think anything of it.

Four rolls of this woman getting slammed in every sexual position you can imagine by a dude that looked like he was 10 feet tall and hung like a moose. Two hours later, moose cock himself walks in to pick up the photos.

I realize after he leaves, the pics at the beginning they had their clothes on. The same clothes that they were wearing when they came into the store. Maybe it’s a coincidence or maybe these people had just got done with what could only have been a 6 hour fuck marathon and ran immediately to the camera store to develop the film.”

2. Don’t tell her.

“This actually happened quite recently, an old lady came in with her late sons camera and a dozen of discs that she wanted to check if there would be anything in them.

The first couple of discs had some old albums on them, the next 6 or so we’re full of porn from the 90’s. I didn’t have the heart to tell this old lady who was over 80 years old that she was in possession of her late son’s porn collection.

She even gave me a tip for being helpful…”

3. Yikes!

“When I was a photo tech for Walgreens, one of our regular customers sent in a print order through the website.

The customer was 50-something,short and round, and half the pics in her order were collages of her gaping, lubed up butthole, cheeks spread wide apart.”

4. People are weird.

“The most interesting might be a woman in her late 20s or early 30s who would take hundreds of photos of her topless or nude. some were selfies, some with different men, some doing shit like gardening or posing under local bridges. just stacks on stacks of her breasts.

the weirdest photo was in a very small order that had pictures of a few men hunting together at some cabin or lodge or something. some pictures of them and of snowy tree lines and then one solitary photo in the middle of a fucking Sasquatch. it looked so unreal it may have been a painting?

i still don’t know. it was just one, standing in the center of the photo, in front of some trees in the snow. i’m sure it was some kind of art or… something, but it also fed my undying need to come across UFO photos during the two years i worked there (i didn’t 😭)”

5. She didn’t expect that!

“A friend of mine worked in a camera shop. When staff were bringing out a developed photo set you would call out the customers name to come up. Well one day two people had the same name.

He groaned, called it out and this old woman came up and asked which was hers. My friend told her to take a look in set A and if it is not hers to take set B . She says okay opens it up and screams. He runs over and takes a look.

The first photo was of an orgy in a forest.”

6. Shocking.

“The most shocking thing is when a former mortician brought in 35mm slides to be scanned, and they were all crime scene and bodies on an autopsy table type photos of extremely gory things.

Gun shot wounds, exposed insides, cut off heads, etc.

I couldn’t get through it and passed it off to my other lab guy. It didn’t bother him as much, but he couldn’t stare directly at the screen either. I cant remember what the exact excuse of why he needed them digitized, but I think it was something like educational purposes for others learning to be morticians?

I was still kinda new at the time, and today I wouldn’t accept that order. I would tell him to goto a crime lab instead. It was honestly one of the worst experiences in my life. I cant even handle gory movies.”

7. Wild times.

“Worked at a warehouse club photo lab for a few years and we saw tons of weird, wild and crazy shit. Never saw anything illegal (aside from pictures of a spray painted cow, pretty sure that was animal abuse). It was store policy to print everything unless it was illegal and not ask questions.

Most wild thing I ever saw was a group of people in their mid 50s all out on a fishing trip. After the fishing they took pictures at a bar. Then a strip club.

Then at a bon fire with a bunch of the strippers. Everyone was nude and it looked as though they were playing ring toss with a cowboy hat on the dudes dicks.”

8. Classy!

“A friend of mine worked at Walgreens developing photos during high school.

He said the best set of photos was of a child’s birthday party, a few photos in the middle of the parents having sex and top down views of a blow job, and then the continuation of the child’s birthday party.

For those too young to understand how film works – this means the sex and blowjob must have happened DURING the party.”

9. A creepy older man…

“A couple years back when I was 18, I was a trainee at a small local photography shop. They developed films but also had those PC stations where you can print or develop your digital pictures. As I was just the trainee I had exhausting job to help the customers with the procedure because it’s a bit confusing.

Most of the time those were just elderly women who wanted to develop pictures from their last family gathering or vacation. But once it was a really creepy older man.

At first he seemed nice and polite and he looked like a well kept elderly Business man. But after plugging in you could see all pictures saved on the medium (like a SD card or an USB Stick).

He wanted to select two innocent flower pictures or something and we had to look trough like 2000 files? But well, he had an amateur erotic photoshoot or something like that because there were many low quality pictures of him naked or half naked, with masks or leather lingerie for men

. I politely stood next to him and scrolled trough the pictures for him because my boss advised me to do it that way, except the customer didn’t want to. But he simply watched me with a creepy smile and didn’t say something.

I felt so uncomfortable and insecure and I never told my boss.”

10. Gettin’ dirty.

“Worked in a Kroger Photo Lab in the ‘rich’ area of town for about two years..

In the machine we used, we’d develop the film in one machine then feed it through a scanner to print, edit, etc.

Well, one day I come in and there’s like twenty rolls developed and waiting for me. My boss was basically like a second mom at the time, so she loved to give me embarrassing photos because I was very shy and she’d get a laugh teasing me about it.

Well, this slew of rolls happens to be from a biker rally, and as you can imagine there’s a lot going on and because of how the system works we have to go through each individual photo.

There was nothing but leather, tits, and leathery tits everywhere and a little group public sex peppered in here and there. It was wild. I was beet red the whole time developing it, and she had a laugh over my innocence. (It’s worth mentioning, I was an adult, it didn’t ‘hurt’ me or upset me or anything. Just embarrassing. So please don’t think badly of my boss dumb stuff like that was how we had fun with each other)

The revenge did come however, as she had a one hour order from a nice fellow, and she went and developed it and there were multiple rolls of a fella wearing a red dress with bright red painted fingernails and toenails just top down with his dong holding up the bottom of the dress, peeking out, and she had to review each photo individually thanks to that same system.

She was so embarrassed and her face was so red, she begged me to get the pictures for him because she couldn’t look him in the eye with a straight face after seeing that. I had a good laugh at her expense afterwards.”

11. That’s sad.

“Back in the late 90’s I worked at the Photo Lab in Wal-Mart. The companies policies on developing lewd photos meant I didn’t see anything too over the top but I did see something disturbing once.

The first half of the film roll contained pictures of an elderly gentleman celebrating his 75th birthday but then the pictures changed. The man from the birthday party was (and I’m not making this up) in a coffin.

The whole last half of the roll was pictures of the mans funeral.”


“My first job was at a photo lab that still processed old film rolls which we manually developed and printed, like I’m talking about hands in a black bag kind of old school.

At Christmas time, I was working on an order for an old couple that had been regulars for over a decade (and standing behind the counter waiting for their pictures, I might add). Well, apparently I wasn’t warned beforehand that at 17 years old, that I wasn’t supposed to handle this order while working alone.

This couple took dirty photos every year around Christmas and always themed, that year I got to see her as Santa’s naughty elf. And when I say see, I mean I saw everything.”

13. Yowza!

“Used to repair mobile phones so still saw hundreds if not thousands of personal pics, not on purpose but just because we used to have to manually back up pictures.

The most shocking was this 60+ year old woman in a gangbang. She had a distinctive tattoo on her shoulder which I noticed when she picked up the phone and in the pics.”

14. Burned into your brain.

“Naked pregnant woman wearing a bart Simpson full head mask.

12 years ago and I’ll never forget it.”

There sure are a lot of weirdoes out there, huh?

Have you ever had an experience like this at work? Or maybe you accidentally saw something on another person’s phone that you weren’t meant to see?

Tell us your stories in the comments!

The post Film Developers Recall the Most Surprising Things They Saw From Customers appeared first on UberFacts.