15+ Teens Reveal the Most Scarring Thing They Found out About Their Moms

If there’s one thing we all have in common, it’s that we all have moms. While we also all have biological fathers as well, men don’t carry the baby, give birth to it, and sometimes don’t even stick around to be a Dad.

The other thing many of us have in common is finding out things about our mothers that we’d rather not know. Sometimes it’s not a huge deal, but still… she’s your mom.

But sometimes, oh sometimes… the secret you uncover is so shocking you just can’t even.

Get ready! It’s gonna be a wild ride.

1. Hmmmm, I guess it’s legal in most places now, so….

Photo Credit: Whisper

2. What’s with all these drug dealers!?

Photo Credit: Whisper

3. Enhhh, not horrible. Would you be okay if she were doing burlesque?

Photo Credit: Whisper

4. Ahhh, that’s so sweet.

Photo Credit: Whisper

5. Is that even a cougar?

Photo Credit: Whisper

6. Yep. I’ve been there.

Photo Credit: Whisper

7. Uh yeah. That’s awkward AF.

Photo Credit: Whisper

8. Ugh.

Photo Credit: Whisper

9. Feel like you need to talk to her about it. ASAP.

Photo Credit: Whisper

10. Yikes. Not good.

Photo Credit: Whisper

11. Tell. Your. Dad. You. Dummy.

Photo Credit: Whisper

12. Sometimes the bad guy isn’t the guy.

Photo Credit: Whisper

13. Uhhh yeah. Take a LONG break.

Photo Credit: Whisper

14. Your life might involve a raise for your mom. Perhaps.

Photo Credit: Whisper

15. Yeah, that’s not right.

Photo Credit: Whisper

16. Damn.

Photo Credit: Whisper

17. Better do more than pray. Lots of resources out there that can help.

Photo Credit: Whisper

18. Smoking sucks.

Photo Credit: Whisper

19. Maybe they sorted it out?

Photo Credit: Whisper

Mother of mercy, some of those were nuts!

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15+ People Share the Weirdest Things They’ve Experienced at Music Festivals

Do you remember your first concert? Mine was The Offspring in junior year of high school and it was AWESOME! The lights, the noise, the crowd – it was the greatest thing I’d ever experienced. They played TWO encores!

Nowadays. music festivals are where it’s at. That’s where things would really get interesting. And by interesting I mean weird.

These 19 people are encountered something super strange OR were the cause of the strangeness themselves.


1. You’ve never heard the phrase, “Christmas in July”?

Photo Credit: Whisper

2. Just remember, she’s somebody’s daughter.

Photo Credit: Whisper

3. Yeah you are!

Photo Credit: Whisper

4. Just be glad you didn’t snort it.

Photo Credit: Whisper

5. Sometimes the cops just don’t give AF.

Photo Credit: Whisper

6. Died laughing or did the trash can almost hit you?!? I need details!

Photo Credit: Whisper

7. That’s not weird at all. That’s called “Wednesday’s finest.”

Photo Credit: Whisper

8. Sex then burgers? Score!

Photo Credit: Whisper

9. So much dangling flesh!

Photo Credit: Whisper

10. That’s not what edibles are supposed to be.

Photo Credit: Whisper

11. You made people help you with this? Evil.

Photo Credit: Whisper

12. Well, that was expected.

Photo Credit: Whisper

13. The moment you became a man…

Photo Credit: Whisper

14. Junk on the head!

Photo Credit: Whisper

15. And then… BOOBS!

Photo Credit: Whisper

16. Better than throwing blocks of cheese. Maybe.

Photo Credit: Whisper

17. Doesn’t ever music festival have a guy like this?

Photo Credit: Whisper

18. But why?

Photo Credit: Whisper

19. You know, you can do this thing called ASKING NICELY!

Photo Credit: Whisper

Rock on. 🤘

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20 Parents Whose Kids Are Obsessed with Technology

Kids these days are raised on technology. It’s become such a ubiquitous part of our lives, and – let’s face it – it’s an easy way to buy a few moments of peace after a long day of parenting. We all do it, and that’s ok.

Listen, as long as you limit screen time it’s not a big deal. And even if the kids get a bit oversaturated on the tech, just remember how much TV you watched as a kid. Isn’t it better to have a babysitter that’s interactive than one that kids mindlessly stare at for hours on end?

The following 20 parents (and potential parents) honestly couldn’t care less what people think of how much tech they give their kids (or will give their kids). Because reasons. Deal with it.

1. It’s a part of life people. Time to accept that.

Photo Credit: Whisper

2. Yes, kids can be jerks.

Photo Credit: Whisper

3. Moderation is key.

Photo Credit: Whisper

4. zzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Photo Credit: Whisper

5. Keep the focus on what’s important.

Photo Credit: Whisper

6. Perhaps!

Photo Credit: Whisper

7. Bigger isn’t always better.

Photo Credit: Whisper

8. These are learning machines too!

Photo Credit: Whisper

9. Pro move.

Photo Credit: Whisper

10. Oh, that’s evil…

Photo Credit: Whisper

11. This parent has a solid plan!

Photo Credit: Whisper

12. Not a parent, but already planning…

Photo Credit: Whisper

13. Judge away! They could care less.

Photo Credit: Whisper

14. Coloring?! You ARE weird! 😉

Photo Credit: Whisper

15. A genuine concern about NOT having tech.

Photo Credit: Whisper

16. And you shouldn’t have a problem!

Photo Credit: Whisper

17. Kids become pro gamers these days!

Photo Credit: Whisper

18. They’ll learn eventually.

Photo Credit: Whisper

19. Whatever works!

Photo Credit: Whisper

20. Hey, at least they’re using their imagination!

Photo Credit: Whisper

If you still think tech usage is bad… imagine it in 20 years!

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People Confess the Secrets They Keep from Loved Ones

While we all agree that honesty is very important in any relationship, but sometimes a little white lie can be useful, for instance when being 100% upfront might actually do more harm than good.

If you don’t believe that, just read these 10 secrets that partners kept from their partners – only for the sweetest and/or most hilarious of reasons.

The things we do for love.

1. Spider? I haven’t heard that name in years.

Photo Credit: Reddit

2. Wow, a true heart of gold:

Photo Credit: Reddit

3. I have absolutely no idea where the remote went!

Photo Credit: Reddit

4. Gee honey IDK why DID he cross the road?

Photo Credit: Reddit

5. It’s just water haha got you!

Photo Credit: Reddit

6. Thank God they found your necklace!

Photo Credit: Reddit

7. Wow, we forgot these bananas yet again!

Photo Credit: Reddit


Photo Credit: Reddit

9. Wow you’re so lucky!

Photo Credit: Reddit

10. Cersei just said WHAT.

Photo Credit: Reddit

See? Sometimes a lie is sweeter than the truth.

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10+ of the Cringiest, Most Hilarious Walk of Shame Stories

We’ve all been there: the morning after. Most of us have got some sort of experience with it. Whether some of your clothes are missing or you can’t quite figure out how to get home, you put on your bravest face and walk out into the cold, hard morning light.

Here are 13 hilarious walk of shame stories you’ll ever read.


1. “Is she going swimming, or…??”

Photo Credit: Whisper

2. Yeah, look in the mirror every now and again.

Photo Credit: Whisper

3. What soda goes best with emergency birth control?

Photo Credit: Whisper

4. Grandpa’s response: “Attaboy.”

Photo Credit: Whisper

5. Well, at least you can get a free breakfast out of it.

Photo Credit: Whisper

6. Epic.

Photo Credit: Whisper

7. Is that really a “walk” of shame?

Photo Credit: Whisper

8. Sure you aren’t a zombie?

Photo Credit: Whisper

9. What does THAT look like?!

Photo Credit: Whisper

10. Well, at least there was the foursome…

Photo Credit: Whisper

11. Oh jeezus…

Photo Credit: Whisper


Photo Credit: Whisper

13. Mistakes… just like mom used to make!

Photo Credit: Whisper

Painfully hilarious!

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10+ Adorable Grandparents Who Failed Miserably at Technology

It’s a truth that’s been proven time and time again: Old people are not very good with technology. We all know this. I’m not making fun of anyone here, I actually sympathize! Technology has come ridiculously far since my grandma was a kid – it’s understandable that someone who once marveled at the transistor radio would be amazed and confused by computers.

Just wait 60 years and see what you’re slow AF understanding.

1. Tell her YES!

Photo Credit: Whisper

2. Haha, does it work?

Photo Credit: Whisper

3. But don’t you wish it were your phone?

Photo Credit: Whisper

4. Pro move.

Photo Credit: Whisper

5. Hey, it’s all subjective.

Photo Credit: Whisper

6. In grandma’s defense, “subscribe” would have been a better word.

Photo Credit: Whisper

7. All he had to do was look down…

Photo Credit: Whisper

8. No grandma. That’s when the email delivers rest.

Photo Credit: Whisper

9. Hey, it’s all Greek to me.

Photo Credit: Whisper

10. Hahaha, what even is that?!

Photo Credit: Whisper

11. If this were her phone, she’d be a damn pro!

Photo Credit: Whisper

I don’t care what you say! Old people are adorable! 😀

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15+ IT Workers Confess Their Dirtiest Professional Secrets

Ahhh, office work. We’ve all been there are some point and it is… grueling. Don’t get me wrong, I love my coworkers, but office life definitely gets pretty old after a while. And if you’ve been working in the IT department? Life is just grueling.

IT guys are constantly being called in to fix the dumbest computer problems, many of which could probably be solved with a simple reboot. It’s a hard-knock life, but at least you can commiserate to strangers online.

1. That’s why they get paid well?

Photo Credit: Whisper

2. You should learn it because you’re old!

Photo Credit: Whisper

3. Time to get on Indeed!

Photo Credit: Whisper

4. No you don’t you big baby!

Photo Credit: Whisper

5. Thank you for your kindness

Photo Credit: Whisper

6. That’s still technically true.

Photo Credit: Whisper

7. What if I want to see you? hehehehehe

Photo Credit: Whisper

8. Time to get a different IT job!

Photo Credit: Whisper

9. Yeah, never yell. Why would you yell? Stop it.

Photo Credit: Whisper

10. If that existed, ANYBODY could push it. Duh…

Photo Credit: Whisper

11. Oh, ye of little faith…

Photo Credit: Whisper

12. Yes, and it’s still a blue screen.

Photo Credit: Whisper

13. Well, at least you’re not sharing those photos. Wait… are you?!

Photo Credit: Whisper

14. Haha, tier 2 support. Nice one.

Photo Credit: Whisper

15. Damn!

Photo Credit: Whisper

16. Tap the screen three times and then pray to the electricity gods…

Photo Credit: Whisper

17. Yeah, pretty much. Guess what won’t exist in the future when everybody knows this?

Photo Credit: Whisper

18. Then get some normal friends! Who said you have to make friends at work?!

Photo Credit: Whisper

19. Oh come on… get out of here!

Photo Credit: Whisper

So what do you think? Understand more about IT workers or hate them more?

I feel a bit more empathetic, but that’s me. I’m nice and kind and wise.

And attractive. Let’s not forget attractive.

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Men Open Up about ‘Dude Stuff’ that Women Don’t Know About

When they say “Women are from Venus, men are from Mars,” it really means that each gender has such a different experience of life that there are things they’ll simply never understand about each other.

This group of guys decided to share all the “dude” stuff to shed some light on why they spend time alone or why touching the top of a doorframe is so damn important!

1. Women do the same thing…

Photo Credit: The Chive

2. Sup, man

Photo Credit: The Chive

3. Urinal 101

Photo Credit: The Chive

4. Toss it here!

Photo Credit: The Chive

5. Might want to rethink that towel

Photo Credit: The Chive

6. Everyone needs a little alone time

Photo Credit: The Chive

7. Zipper problems

Photo Credit: The Chive

8. Reach high!

Photo Credit: The Chive

9. Ouch!

Photo Credit: The Chive

10. Please just pick a place! #hangry

Photo Credit: The Chive

11. Morning aerobics

Photo Credit: The Chive

12. Shake and dance, it’s still in your pants

Photo Credit: The Chive

13. Boobies

Photo Credit: The Chive

So, ladies. Don’t sweat the small stuff!

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10+ People Share the Dark Secret a Loved One Took to Their Grave

You’ve probably heard that joke about how “If I die, my bestie needs to delete my hard drive” or “grab the box under my bed and burn it.” Basically, it’s just a way to avoid having embarrassing details about you come to light after you’re gone. But what if you never made that pact with someone?

These 15 people know a little bit about that, because they discovered some doozies after saying goodbye to family and friends.

#1. He had his demons.

“My grandfather was apparently very abusive to my grandma and my dad when he was growing up.

He was also a heavy alcoholic at the time, and I think that played a large role in it. At some point, he stopped drinking all together and that that apparently helped things a lot and their family life stabilized.

It’s just weird because I only ever knew him as a sweet frail old man who wouldn’t even curse in front of me. But he had his demons and likely caused a lot of emotional damage to my father and grandmother.”

#2. A donor-father.

“My boss at my first job was a donor-father to a lesbian couple that he was friends with.

He was older when he got married. Reading through the lines of conversations over the 8 years I knew him, I learned that he and his wife tried to have kids together but it never worked out for them.

A few months after retirement, he was diagnosed with cancer, and passed away less than a year later.

When his obituary was published, it mentioned a daughter, and again it was mentioned at the funeral. He had only mentioned this to a few people, despite maintaining a relationship with the daughter for 10 years, travelling to see her on a regular basis.”

#3. Why did he lie for so long?

“I guess it’s not that dark, but apparently my grandfather’s middle name was secretly Ralph.

He was 80 years old when he died. He lived with us for years and years and years. All that time he told us very emphatically that he didn’t have a middle name, and as far as we all knew, he never used one for anything. I assume my grandmother must have known, since she did all their legal paperwork, but she died before anyone else found out and she took his secret to her grave too. Even my parents only learned that he had lied about it when they went to execute his will and saw a middle name printed on his death certificate, then found it on a bunch of his other papers.

It was just a really bizarre revelation. Nobody still alive has any idea why he lied to everyone for so long about it. Maybe not a dark secret per se, but he certainly acted as if it was.”

#4. At family dinner.

“My grandpa gave my grandma crabs when he cheated on her with his future wife. For some reason my grandma brought it up at a family dinner. Out of no where.”

#5. 3 families.

“my grandfathers other family.

my grandfather was a sailor (cook) in the Canadian navy. while in port down in the Caribbean he and a friend went around the island exploring both the island and the local women.

well a few years before he died he showed me a picture of him, a kid and a women while he was in uniform, it was ONE of the kids that was his.

when he died I got his big trunk of military stuff and in a wallet in the bottom was another picture, with 2 more kids and him with a women.

my grandfather had 3 families my mother doesnt know about.”

#6. A really difficult time.

“My mom passed suddenly this February and my aunt couldn’t wait to tell me about the abortion my mom had when she was 14. She spared no detail. I could have gone the rest of my life without knowing that. It put some distance between me and my grandparents during a really difficult time when we should have been supporting each other.”

#7. No one knew.

“She had full blown AIDS. She was always very thin because of another medical condition, but no one knew she was HIV positive, let alone dying of AIDS.”

#8. Secretly a Klan member.

“My girlfriend’s great grandfather was a sweet old man that died when she was a very little girl. After he died, the family was going through his things, and found his diary. Turns out that he was secretly a Klan member.”

#9. Gangsters and guns.

“For much of my childhood, my mom helped out an older lady named Mary with groceries, doctor’s appointments, etc. It began as a charity effort through her church aerobics group (90s), but the rest of the group lost interest, and my mom kept it up for many more years. Mary’s family was a mess, poor all around with various members either strung out or in various states of dysfunction. Her great-granddaughter actually lived with us for a while, and my mom did something with, or for, Mary probably 3-4 times a week.

When Mary eventually died a few years ago, my mother went to her funeral and met Mary’s sister for the first time, and got to talking. My mom knew that Mary had been married and widowed twice. What she didn’t know is that Mary’s first husband was a gangster, and that he died when Mary took his gun and shot him in the head. She managed to get herself committed on mental grounds rather than incarcerated, and met her second husband at the mental facility.

EDIT- A few add-ons. Although it was not explicit in the story as I heard it, there was an implication that the first marriage was abusive, not a stretch to imagine for a Baltimore mobster in the 40s. According to the sister, one day husband #1 was getting picked up by his friends to go do mobster things, and left his holster and pistol inside. He told Mary to go get it, and she did, then shot him with it in broad daylight outside their house. Apparently she was always a talented actor/manipulator (which rings true), and put on a good show at the trial, hence the very light consequence.”

#10. Not so dark.

“Not so dark but as we were cleaning out my grandfather’s car after he passed we found a huge tub of cheese puffs (something he wasn’t allowed to have because of his strict diet) in the trunk.”

#11. My poor dad.

“I have two.

My grandfather was a bastardized his entire life. Abusive and cruel. The family lived in poverty,very hand to mouth and scraped for every thing they had, which was not much.

On his deathbed he told my grandmother that he had been hoarding money his entire life. He saved a couple of million. Grandma took herself on a trip around the world and then gave the rest of the money to a zoo. Gave none to her children.

Grandfather and grandmother had fourth child, who was born with disabilities. Grandfather declared he would not have made a child with disabilities, therefore the child was a product of an affair. He allowed the child (whose life expectancy was a few years) to come home, but demanded his wife ignore the child. My dad and his siblings (who were still young children themselves) provided all the care, until the child died in toddlerhood.

My poor dad. Between his home and Vietnam he was so messed up. He couldn’t rise to the challenge of sticking around and parenting, but damn after all he experienced I give him credit for never laying a hand on us, trying his best and then leaving when he knew he just couldn’t.”

#12. Did not get the tattoo.

“My dad committed suicide when I was 11. He had longstanding issues with all kinds of drugs, and I always had a soft spot for him because 1. he was my dad and 2. I felt like my family just hated him bc he did drugs, even though he wasn’t that bad of a guy. I was strongly considering getting a tattoo to memorialise him when I turned 18.

When I was 17 I found out that he used to beat and rape my mom on a regular basis. She said he would literally corner her when she came out of the shower and force her to have sex. He was also physically abusive toward my brother (we have different dads). Also, also, while my mom was pregnant with me (actually on her due date), he pushed her down our basement steps, which are the most jagged, stiff, wooden steps leading to our concrete basement.

Did not get that tattoo…”

#13. He never took his hat off in public.

“Our farm caretaker always wore a ballcap… always, for a 40 yr+ history He died from a tumor on his scalp that had eaten into his skull. He never took his hat off in public, none of us had any idea.”

#14. Fascinating stuff.

“I volunteer at a research library as an amateur genealogist, so I have so, so many. I find all the skeletons in the closet. My personal favorite is a woman who wanted to find out about her great aunt– she’d been told her aunt ran away from home at sixteen and was never seen by the family again.

Turns out the aunt actually was jailed for stealing a bunch of money from her brother. While in jail it came out that she was secretly married to a guy who was wanted as part of a ring of thieves stealing silver cutlery from fancy hotels. That was her third marriage and she was 20 and Catholic, so her family cut her off. She eventually moved across the state and remarried twice more before eventually getting hitched to a farmer. They were married 18 years when she died. Oh, and the great uncle my client had been told died of the flu? Was murdered on his front porch in a fight over a beer bottle.

Also: sooooo many people had two families. Tons of secret adoptions. Lots of moving around for less than savory reasons. Genealogy is fascinating stuff.

So I guess I mostly deal in things that weren’t secrets at the time but are now.”

#15. Actually.

“My grandfather always told me growing up that his sister died after being struck by lightning. He always had great, vivid, not always child-friendly but definitely colorful stories, and i thought nothing of it.”

Fast forward ten years, I’m talking to my dad about it after doing some digging through old photos. I told him what his father had told me about his aunt, and commented on how sad it was. After five minutes of laughing so hard he couldn’t catch a breath, he told me that she had actually blown herself up in a meth-cooking accident.”

Make the pact with your besties today, y’all. You’ll feel better.

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12+ People Reveal Shocking Truths They Learned About a Loved One After Their Death

Losing a loved one is always terrible, but it’s even worse still when their passing starts to reveal some unsettling truths about their life. Learning something unexpected after a loved one is gones can add a whole other level to unpack before you’re able to move on.

#1. It was a match.

“We very recently found out via ancestry.com that my grandfather had an illegitimate child that was born the year he married my grandmother. I have a half-aunt, blood test confirmed.

She’s 50, and only knew who her father could be (my grandpa) because her mother told her what his name possibly was; went looking, and she eventually found us. My mother sent her DNA test in to confirm, and it was a match.

Edit: he passed away 19 years ago, after a car accident.”

#2. He got away with it.

“After his death I found out my Biological father sent a bomb to his ex-wife’s work. My mom was pregnant with my baby sister at the time. Luckily ex-wife had some weird feeling and reported the package. A bomb squad was able to do a controlled detonation.

He got away with it.

This is what I know. Remember I was a very small child so all my info is second hand.

From what I’ve heard there were no prints, no unique parts, nothing really all that special about what was recovered from the bomb after detonation. The only sort of tie was a portion of the label which was apparently a really odd/specific size and manufacturer. The only local/semi local places that purchased them were a place he volunteered for and some random law office or similar. They got the ex to tip him off that there was a lead on the labels and they were trying to find places that kept them. Then they set up a camera in the supply closet to see if they could catch him destroying evidence. Apparently he went in, reached for them, dropped his hand, grabbed a pen or something instead, smiled to himself and walked out. The place was very easily accessed by a large and varied group of people from around the city.

I have no fucking clue how was able to get off Scott free. But my mom said the police and FBI never came to the house again. It seems bizarre that when I was 3 years old the FBI was at my house for a bombing case while I probably played with my cabbage patch kid and my my little ponies.

When I cleaned out his house a couple decades later I found a wooden cigar box hidden in a closet full of wires, very small pliers and such. I thought it was really weird. About a week later I found out about the bombing.

Again I’m not 100% on all the details. I’ve heard all this info from my half brother, his mom the ex, and my mom. It was so long ago and before internet news was much of a thing. If really at all a thing in our town. I would dig up more but I really think the fuck face deserves as little thought as possible.”

#3. He died saving people.

“My dad was an Air Force pilot who was killed in a crash during a plane malfunction. I grew up thinking he couldn’t do anything and couldn’t land and that was it. 20 years after he died, I found out he had the choice between jettisoning to safety and risking the plane landing on the base and killing people or steering the plane as far away from people as he could and going down with it. I hate that I grew up without a dad but I’m glad he at least died saving people.”

#4. Even his wife had no idea.

“My mom’s step-grandpa told everyone he was an electrician and that he was always being called out of town to do various repair jobs.

After he died, the family received a letter from the president of the United States, revealing that he was actually a demolitions expert and worked in some sort of special ops bomb squad for the military. Even his wife had no idea.”

#5. Huge shock to everyone.

“My grandpa was a CIA operative during the cold war whos job it was to intercept Russian transmissions. Nobody except my grandma knew and she never told a soul. When he died, we found all his documents and she finally had to tell us. Huge shock to everyone.”

#6. It was really sweet.

“When my grandma died, a lot of homeless people showed up to her funeral. Turns out she was or had fed/helped them. They were crying so much, it was really sweet.”

#7. I’m glad.

“I had an aunt who was severely disabled most of her life and confined to a wheelchair. I was surprised to find out after she died she had a lover most of her life with similar disabilities who passed away shortly before her. I’m glad she had someone in her life like that.”

#8. One of her greatest moments in life.

“A few years after my great aunt passed away, we found out that she had a daughter no one in our family knew about. The daughter, who I’ll call M, had been put up for adoption when my aunt was very young.

M had been searching for her missing side of the family since she was young, and was in her fifties when she finally found us. Unfortunately, she never got to meet her biological mother, but she and her daughters couldn’t be happier to have found us, and we have welcomed them in with open arms.

My family is very musically inclined and several of us play(ed) instruments, my great aunt included. M’s daughter is very musically talented and always says that she never knew where she got it from until she met us. Her daughter told us that learning there was this whole side of her family who is just like her was one of her greatest moments in life.

M acts and talks exactly like my aunt did, always saying quirky stuff and being very animated, which fascinates me because she never was able to grow up and live with my aunt. My family is very close knit, and it hit really hard when my aunt passed away, so finding this woman who is my aunt made over has been such a blessing.

Sorry for the long story, I just love telling it.”

#9. Money makes people do horrible things.

“My Great Uncle raised my mother on the family farm, He wrote the will so that the farm would be in a trust for my mother, and if it were sold the money would held in an account with the interest going to my grandmother until she died, then my mother could do as she pleased with it.

Years go by and the area undergoes massive expansion and housing and property is at a premium. He turned down multiple multi-million dollar offers because he wanted to die there and told the developers to come back after he was gone. He passes away, then my grandparents contest the will and have it changed to become their property.

They get in touch with one of the developers and start trying to sell, in the middle they declare bankruptcy and take the first offer…..$250000 instead of holding out for the big numbers. Best part is they go and buy a new house and pay cash, then promptly lose it a few years later for not paying taxes.

So in closing I got to witness my family get ripped apart, my families property that had been in the family for since the early 1800s get sold for a song and to top it off it all got pissed away for stupidity.

TLDR: Money makes people do horrible things.”

#10. To everyone’s amazement.

“An elderly man at church lived alone (a widower) and was thought to be quite poor.

Every Thanksgiving and Christmas, parishioners would bring him food baskets and practical things he could use for daily living.

To everyone’s amazement, when he died, he left the church just under $2 million with a letter expressing his gratitude for the years of care the church had shown him.”

#11. He had planned his suicide for years.

“After my brother’s suicide, I pieced together that he had planned his suicide for years and used this long period of time to set my mother up to have a mental break down.

He was a junior high teacher and also intentionally messed with his students by claiming that he knew his date of death. He gave them hints (which of course came true) and his death fucked them up too.”

#12. I have no idea.

“I learnt 2 hours before my partner committed suicide that almost everything he ever told me was a lie.

The hours after his death I learnt that myself and our daughter were actually his second family. I had been with him for 13 years. He had been with his wife and sons for almost 30 years.

I have no idea how it was possible that he kept 2 completely separate lives going for so long.”

#13. She didn’t know what to do.

“That my great aunt had a baby in the backyard and buried it. This was in the 40’s, she was a teenager and she became pregnant due to rape and she didn’t know what to do.

Edit: To answer the most asked question, nobody knows if the baby was alive when it was born but if it was, she most likely smothered it to stop its cries and then buried it.”

#14. Until I looked…

“I had a great aunt that lived with her son. Actually her son lived with her. But we found fucking nasty pictures of them fucking. I think my mom had a suspicion it was going on. They both died around the same time and my mom ended up as executor or whatever of the estate. I remember her specifically saying not to look at any pictures we found, but I had no idea why until I looked at them.”

#15. Monster.

“My great aunt died about a year ago. She was in her mid 70s. We were unpacking all her things and we found her diaries, some from years ago and some just before her death. In her diaries she had mentioned that she despised her sister (to be honest, non of us liked her), and didn’t like a lot of my cousins.

Most shocking, she kept on talking about a man who she called, ‘monster’. This man had been sexually harassing her and abusing her for years. She never mentioned it nor indicated that anything was wrong. We suspect that it was her boss.

I loved her dearly, she was so sweet.”

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