10 First Date Stories That Might Just Make Your Jaw Drop

Have you ever heard of a site called Whisper? It’s got ALL the secrets. And some of them are truly shocking.

The following 10 secrets from the site are all about those first dates that went… nuts. Some in a good way, some in a bad way.

But they’re all gonna make you go, “Well well well… I did not expect that.”

Actually, who knows… maybe you’ve seen it all before. But just in case you haven’t…

1. Oh, what a rebel you are.

That’s never happened in the history of first dates. Shocking!

Photo Credit: Whisper

2. Here’s a girl who knows what she likes.

Or she knows how to trap a guy with that good good. Either way, she won!

Photo Credit: Whisper

3. Do you know what those guys have to deal with?

You’re both awful people. Yuck.

Photo Credit: Whisper

4. Those mushrooms lasted 8 months?

Jeezus! Got to the f**king hospital already!

Photo Credit: Whisper

5. Yeah, that’ll make somebody not notice vomit.

Laughter might be the best medicine, but it’s a horrible vomit remover.

Photo Credit: Whisper

6. So you’re boring now?

Got it. Don’t date this b**ch.

Photo Credit: Whisper

7. Do you not have an apartment?

What’s wrong with you?

Photo Credit: Whisper

8. Why do you hate people who value themselves?

Discounts are nature’s way of saying that you’re not worth the price of admission.

Photo Credit: Whisper

9. Wait… how does one get violently high?

I bet they had s*x. That weird, high kind of s*x.

Photo Credit: Whisper

10. You sound like a f**king a$$hole.

I hope this guy gets arrested one day.

Photo Credit: Whisper

Wasn’t that fun? Peeking into people’s private lives like that? I mean, I had a blast. What’s more fun than getting balls deep into somebody else’s business?

Nothing! That’s what!

Okay, time for YOU to share, if you want. Do that in the comments.

Thanks fam!

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Couples Share the Sweetest Confessions About Getting Married Young

You know the song…

Love and marriage. Goes together like a horse and carriage… right?

It certainly can be… but sometimes when you get married young things don’t turn out that for the best.

But that is NOT this post. This post is all about the sweetest things that happened when people said “I do!” at a very young age.

Get ready to smile! Because these 13 stories are the best!

1. Exploring the world sounds amazing!

Especially with your best friend!

Photo Credit: Whisper

2. What do they know anyway?

You do you, kids!

Photo Credit: Whisper

3.  Some people just wanna be married!

And that’s not a bad thing.

Photo Credit: Whisper

4. Knowing what you’re going to do with your life is helpful.

Everybody needs a plan.

Photo Credit: Whisper

5. Come on people… stop being so judgey!

I mean, what are you doing with your life anyway?

Photo Credit: Whisper

6. Getting more years with your beloved!

Sounds great to me!

Photo Credit: Whisper

7. More life with more support!

Fantastic point!

Photo Credit: Whisper

8. Best. Decision. Ever.

Yeah? Yeah. Yeah!

Photo Credit: Whisper

9. BFFs for real.

Always got your back!

Photo Credit: Whisper

10. Keep on keeping on!

I’m sure it’s not always fun, though.

Photo Credit: Whisper

11. Now that’s a love that sounds like it’ll last.


Photo Credit: Whisper

12. Hey, at least they took some time.

Young love doesn’t have to be dumb love.

Photo Credit: Whisper

13. Deeper and deeper…

Being in love is a great feeling, especially if it can last.

Photo Credit: Whisper

I’m sure this has happened to a lot of people out there, so we want to hear your stories!

Let us know in the comments!

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People Share the Differences Between Co-ed Schools and All-Girls Schools

Most of us never went to an “all” anything school, but those of you who did… they know the signs.

Where I grew up there was exactly ONE all-girls school and exactly ONE all-boys school. That’s it. And the people that went there definitely had different standards than everybody else.

For one… the uniforms. What’s with same-sex schools and mandatory uniforms? Isn’t that a place where clothes actually don’t matter?

Today, we’re talking about the gals and all of those things that people who went to schools that were femme-foward.

Let’s take a look!

1. Because, why would anybody really care?

It’s not like they had to cover up.

Photo Credit: Whisper

2. Dressing in public. Got it. That’s a theme here.

And yeah, the presence of guys would immediately be different.

Photo Credit: Whisper

3. This would be the best thing about a school like this.

So much less competition!

Photo Credit: Whisper

4. Yeah, sounds like high school!

Some things never change.

Photo Credit: Whisper

5. All pads, all the time!

And I bet they were free.

Photo Credit: Whisper

6. Did it? Or was that just you?

Hmmmm…. I think somebody might have just been socially awkward?

Photo Credit: Whisper

7. Oh snap! Testosterone in the house!

Can you feel it? Because they could!

Photo Credit: Whisper

8. Actually, an amazing benefit.

Real competition because they’re not worrying about impressing boys? Sounds great to me!

Photo Credit: Whisper

9. Freedom!

I can’t imagine having to live up to these insane standards every single day. Ugh.

Photo Credit: Whisper

10. Yeah, but did you?


Photo Credit: Whisper

11. Girl power!

No showers!

Photo Credit: Whisper

12. The answer is “YAS QUEEN!”

It’s not even a thing anymore.

Photo Credit: Whisper

13. Time to go out into the real world!

Seems like they wanted to get away from the “all-girls” reality.

Photo Credit: Whisper

14. If I were a school, I would NOT hire a male teacher.

Just seems like a recipe for disaster.

Photo Credit: Whisper

15. Really?

That doesn’t sound real…

Photo Credit: Whisper

Well, that got really real! And all because we took a sneak peek into a world we likely weren’t a part of.

Did you go to a same gender school? Want to share your experiences?

Do that in the comments!

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People Talk About the Hobbies They Keep Secret From Family and Friends

Why do some of us keep secrets from the people we love? I guess it all boils down to the fact that we think we’ll be judged and no one likes that…so we keep things that are important to us to ourselves.

Or maybe we just like to have things that are ours and ours alone in this chaotic and often confusing life.

Either way, here are responses from AskReddit users who have hidden hobbies that they keep secret from their loved ones.

1. Origami master.

“I create little origami cranes whenever I have the chance. A lot of the time in school I’ll find a piece of scrap paper and so I’ll rip it into a square and fold up a little intricate paper crane, and then I’ll put it somewhere and see how long it will last before being found. A few of my friends know about it, but that’s it. My goal is to put these cranes in enough strange places that people start noticing and they’ll wonder what the fuck is going on.

I’ve managed to hide a few on top of speakers mounted to the wall, I’ve put some on top of an overhead projector, I hide them on random chairs, I’ve hid about 6 inside the piano (easily retrievable) so that if anyone opens the lid they’ll see them. I’ve put them on top of school computers and inside science equipment cabinets, on top of shelves and amongst textbooks. I even managed to get one into the teachers bag. It’s funny how people don’t notice them, they’re hidden in plain sight.”

2. Nice work!

“I have written two books. I am currently writing a third.

2 are self-help books and one fiction. I haven’t even told my fiancé about these and the one I’m currently working on is “How not to flip your sh*t while planning a wedding.” Working title but you get the drift. I’ll never publish them, just helps me work through all the thoughts in my head.”

3. Do what makes you happy.

“Online roleplay.

Normally not erotic but super in depth role play about fictional worlds and the adventure I have with people I normally don’t meet. I’ve made friends from thus and it’s fun. It may not be the weirdest but its abnormal at most.”

4. Doing it for fun.


I feel like they would expect me to become the next big thing or something while I just want to make funny little games to troll my friends.”

5. Growing into yourself.

“Fashion and makeup.

Growing up, I went through a Tomboy phase. Regret it quite a lot. I was always seen as someone who didn’t like fashion and didn’t wear makeup. Now that I am becoming more comfortable with myself, I am experimenting with these things and I quite like them.”

6. Not just for the kids.

“I’m a mom who’s close to 50. I really like playing Fortnite.

Maybe that’s not so weird, but in my social circles hardly any women play video games let alone one that is popular with kids the same ages as my children.”

7. A songwriter.

“Song writing.

Only people who are closest have a clue that I write songs sometimes. And now all you strangers know. So in a way, you guys are closer to me than my family.”

8. Hey, it’s cool.

“Collecting action figures.”

9. You’re making art.

“I make teeth out of clay.”

10. Urban explorer.

“I’m really onto urban exploration and gaining access to abandoned or long forgotten spaces.

It’s not all that dangerous per se, but can be precarious. And if my folks knew I would never hear the end of it.”

11. That’s an interesting habit.

“Lockpicking. It’s therapeutic and very gratifying.

No one’s gonna know because I want to avoid being a target whenever they misplace something.”

12. Sexy!

“I write erotica stories for myself.

But the system I have in place is so convoluted and bizarre I can’t let any the people in my life know about it.”

13. An unusual hobby.

“I’ve started getting more into witchcraft-type stuff. Not because I think magic is a real thing, obviously, but because I like the wildness of it and the way it changes my perspective on things. And at the end of the day, what harm does it do to set an intention to boost the calming effect of some tea, or consult a tarot deck to help you think through a problem, or smudge a house to set your mind at ease?

The reason I keep a lid on all this is because my boyfriend is pretty judgemental when it comes to people who claim to do “real” witchcraft because he thinks they’re all science-rejecting hacks. I just don’t want to deal with it, because I know he’d immediately jump to that conclusion and I have to work to convince him that no, I don’t think it’s the planets’ fault for all my problems, and yes, I know these are just harmless little rituals that only have an affect in my mind.”

14. Just here to watch.

“I watch and follow a lot of vegan lifestyle bloggers on YT.

I don’t and have never had any interest in going vegan.”

15. That’s a good thing to know.

“I study plumbing!

No one would expect a 22 year old female to have any interest, but I just find it so fascinating.

Especially pool, jacuzzi, and wave pool/waterpark mechanics.”

I actually thought a lot of these were really cool and interesting.

How about you? What were your faves? Or do you have anything to share yourself?

Let us know in the comments!

The post People Talk About the Hobbies They Keep Secret From Family and Friends appeared first on UberFacts.

12 People Who Admitted They Married for Money, Not Love

People tie the knot for a lot of reasons. We’d like to think that the reason is love, and it often is… but these 14 people had very different reasons.

Let’s face it, financial stability IS important when you want to build a life. Of course, it’s not the only thing, so maybe these people should have thought twice before tying the knot.

Check it out!

1. Maybe? Yeah, okay…

Photo Credit: Whisper

2. EVERY single day? That must be hell!

Photo Credit: Whisper

3. And… sometimes it works!

Photo Credit: Whisper

4. Yeah, but would your kids REALLY starve? Come on…

Photo Credit: Whisper

5. It’s hard to fake what? Being rich?

Photo Credit: Whisper

6. Awww, poor baby…

Photo Credit: Whisper

7. Yeah, sounds like your mom is a real peach!

Photo Credit: Whisper

8. Yikes! This sounds like it’s gonna blow up BIG time.

Photo Credit: Whisper

9. That is a valid reason.

Photo Credit: Whisper

10. Time to talk it out!

Photo Credit: Whisper

11. Yeah, that’s gonna be tough to sustain…

Photo Credit: Whisper

12. Haha… next time… after you GET THAT MONEY!

Photo Credit: Whisper

Well, did you learn anything? What NOT to do? Maybe what you MIGHT do? Naughty, naughty…

Do you have a story like this? Well, we want to know! Tell us in the comments!

The post 12 People Who Admitted They Married for Money, Not Love appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share the Secrets They Will Take with Them to the Grave

All of us have secrets. Things we won’t ever tell anyone as long as we live. Not our parents, not our spouses. Not our siblings. NO ONE.

In this AskReddit article, people share the secrets that they intend to take with them to the grave…

Take a deep breath and read on.

1. Poor pup.

“Only I know that my mother-in-law killed her dog by sitting on it.”

2. That’s good thing.

“I had a sweet, wonderful student who had been in foster care but his mom worked her ass off to get him back and she did. He had to take a very important city [correction — state exam. I have no idea why I wrote city] exam and she called me and asked if he passed it. I looked at the grades and saw he did and said so. She burst into tears of joy and that is when I saw I had read the wrong score.

He had failed.

So I changed his grade to passing. No one knew. That was the only time I ever did that.

That could have cost me my license.

The weird thing is, when my awful corrupt principal pressured me to change other students’ scores so we could raise our pass rate, I refused.

I never told anyone what I did for my student.

He went into the military, was extremely successful there, has a great wife and kids, so I think I did the right thing.

Fuck those tests. They aren’t human.”

3. Can’t admit it.

“Mentioned before, will never tell anyone I had one of those expensive fancy life sized sex dolls. Got rid of it at first opportunity after getting a real partner. But it’s literally the only secret I have that I’m not willing to say to anyone in real life.”

4. That’s…odd.

“When I was a kid I used to shit in a tire in the garden because I was scared of getting locked in the toilet.”

5. Mommy dearest.

“I attempted to murder my mother. She was abusive, verbally but also physically. She’d hit you in places no one would see, or rip clumps of my hair out when Dad was on the road for work. She probably has a personality disorder. She got in my face one night when I was coming home from my second job, and I had it. My Mom like went through whole periods where she wouldn’t work, I was killing myself every summer working 50+ hours to pay family bills in my parents’ names and also get my younger sister to all of HER activities. I HAD IT. I tried to put Mom’s head through a wall.

She started screaming, “Oh, help! Help!” and I told her she could dish it out, she should also be able to take it, shoved her on the ground and kicked her repeatedly in the abdomen and thigh, while still trying to put her head through the wall with one hand (it’s a plaster-and-lath situation, old house in New England). I really fucked her up, and it felt good to do so. She’s destroyed so many people’s lives and she never faces any consequences for it. No one in our family ever helped me or called the police when she would abuse me. The only one who ever helped was the dog, if the dog was awake when my mom tried to start something she’d get between us, growl at mom until she backed down. I had always shown restraint and never hit her until this night. But my Dad did call the cops on me when I crossed that line.

The cops get there, split us up to interview, I explain my side and then just blurt out, “Where were you assholes when I was 8 and she was doing that to me?” The cop was taken aback, I think he could tell I was being honest and it was a culmination of years of shit and pain. He goes and talks to his partner, “I think this isn’t an assault, I think it’s a mental illness thing.”

Then they basically intimidated my Mom and Dad into agreeing with them, they wouldn’t let it go until they agreed it was a medical issue not a criminal one. So they called an ambulance and I went to the hospital as part of a “diversion program.” Basically, they sent me to detox for three days and I emerged with no record, no charges, no nothing except a script for prozac and a recommendation for therapy (paid for by the state low income insurance plan).

Trying to kill my mom probably saved my life, honestly. Because I got myself some tools from a CBT/DBT therapist, but I’m not stupid enough to want people to know. Who would date me? How would I ever get promoted at work? Anyway: be kind. You never know what someone’s been through and you never know what people are capable of when pushed far enough.”

6. Blamed it on you.

“My father burned down my childhood home for the insurance money. He took me along as his “alibi”, so I could verify he wasn’t anywhere near it when it happened. I was 13 years old. I remember crying so hard knowing my clothes, books, photos – all of it would be destroyed. I wasn’t allowed to save anything because he told me it would have been too suspicious. I found out years later he blamed it on me. Telling the fire chief (plus friends and family) the fire had started because I must have been secretly smoking in my bedroom. I’ve never smoked a cigarette in my life…”

7. This is dark.

“When I was 7 my dad was dating this woman and they seemed pretty happy, but she had a son who would molest me for months in my own room and eventually lead to him raping me. If I was to have told anyone that would break up our parents and I didn’t want my dad to be sad so I just took it.”

8. On his death bed.

“As a teenager, I had cancer multiple times and nearly died a lot. At one point, I spent several weeks in intensive care and survived despite no doctor thinking that I possibly could live. More than 20 years later, everyone I know still comments on how I survived purely on will to live. I actually spent every moment in that hospital bed in absolute agony, desperately wanting to die.”

9. Family scandal.

“My mother is cheating on my father and my father is cheating on my mother, they both know I know this but made me promise not to tell the other parent. Parents are fucked up sometimes.”

10. Don’t do it!

“My best friend will get married soon and I think its the greatest mistake of her life.”

11. Tormented.

“I used to be so depressed when I was young. I tried to kill myself and used to puke whenever I was alone in my house, because my grandmother and my cousins used to tell me that I was fat and ugly and a lot of really bad shit. I don’t have the heart to share that with my parents because they will be heartbroken and I still haven’t get over it completely to discuss it.”

12. No one knows.

“I actually made a new reddit account because I will not tell another living soul other than me about this.

When I was 7 or 8, I lived in a community where everyone knew each other and you can pretty much sleep without locking your doors. One night we had bunch of guests over and everyone was having fun conversing so I ask my mom for some money to buy a candy. There was a convenience store right outside our building literally 2 steps to the left from when you walk out the apartment. I go inside the store, buy my candy, and head out.

As I was walking towards our apartment, a guy grabs my hand and tells me to not scream. I was so scared that I couldn’t scream even if I wanted to ( i was 7 or 8). He takes me to few floors above to a secluded stairway where there are no cameras or people. He pulls down my pants and starts touching my penis. I was confused and scared to understand what his intentions were. He also had something against my neck and kept saying ” shh” . That object could have been a knife but I have no memory of it. about 5 minutes of him touching me, he goes down one flight of stairs to see if anyone is there, to my luck he sees an old woman and runs.

Idk what it was about that lady but till this day, I’m convinced that lady was an angel. Had she not been there the guy would have murdered me. Till this day, no one knows not even my parents and I’ll keep it that way till death.”

13. Ooops.

“I was the guy who accidentally dropped water on a gay couple kissing in the middle of the road to protest from my balcony it went viral in my country for a few days thank god nobody recognized me.”

14. This is intense.

“A guy who worked with my fiance wouldn’t stop sending her lewd texts, or trying to give her weirdd gropey inappropriate hugs at work. One day he tried to drag her into a broom closet but she fought him off. The business treated the sexual harassment claims like they were just “playful rough housing that was overreacted to.” So, I put on a ski mask, crouched behind his truck, and when he came out I
pepper sprayed him in the face, then beat the shit outta him with a tire iron. then I took his phone and wallet to make it look like a mugging.”

15. Regrets…

“I regret having kids. I’m not cut out for motherhood and there is not a maternal bone in my body. Maybe it’s PPD or just this stage of life but I will seek therapy. I love my kids and I will never say anything or hint about my feelings, it’s not their fault.”

The post People Share the Secrets They Will Take with Them to the Grave appeared first on UberFacts.

14 Crazy Things That Happened When People Got Blackout Drunk

A lot of us know what it’s like to have a drink or two and start to get slurry, but how many of you have reached that stage where your memory just shuts off?

Because if you have, you remember it. Well, sort of. See, you remember NOT remembering. Because that’s a VERY strange feeling. You could have been walking around, talking, being silly, and your memory just shut off.

That’s what happened to these 14 people and they, thankfully, lived to tell the tales!

1. Jeezus…

Photo Credit: Whisper

2. Almost Whitney Houston’d it…

Photo Credit: Whisper

3. Well, you’re quite the asshole…

Photo Credit: Whisper

4. Hahahaha… oh boy…

Photo Credit: Whisper

5. Yes, sometimes it gets messy AF!

Photo Credit: Whisper

6. That’s bound to happen…

Photo Credit: Whisper

7. Well, that’s a win!

Photo Credit: Whisper

8. How do you know he’s not…?

Photo Credit: Whisper

9. At least you’re a happy drunk!

Photo Credit: Whisper

10. Well, sounds like you spent some more time in South America…

Photo Credit: Whisper

11. Haha, well, you weren’t wrong!

Photo Credit: Whisper

13. Yeah, I’d worry too!

Photo Credit: Whisper

13. Well… that’s one way to do it!

Photo Credit: Whisper

14. And there ya have it! Our winner!

Photo Credit: Whisper

Do you “remember” a particularly bad blackout situation? Care to share? We totally understand if you don’t, but it is nice to get these things off of our chests.

Share what you can in the comments!

The post 14 Crazy Things That Happened When People Got Blackout Drunk appeared first on UberFacts.

13 People Share ‘Friends with Benefits’ Stories That Went Wrong

Yes, it can be physically satisfying, but emotions tend to get in the way. Because sex is complicated!

Here are 13 stories of people who tried the FWB setup… and yeaaaahhhhhh….

1. Probably.

Photo Credit: Whisper

2. Maybe he’s trying to convince himself?

Photo Credit: Whisper

3. Better luck next time!

Photo Credit: Whisper

4. Yeah, that’s not cool.

Photo Credit: Whisper

5. Oh, calm the fuck down already.

Photo Credit: Whisper

6. Yeah, that’s gonna happen. Did you see that movie?!

Photo Credit: Whisper

7. Oh no… how horrible for you…

Photo Credit: Whisper

8. Yeah, that is a bit much.

Photo Credit: Whisper

9. Ruined? You sure about that?

Photo Credit: Whisper

10. No, you good.

Photo Credit: Whisper

11. Hmmm, not the outcome one would expect, but if it works, it works!

Photo Credit: Whisper

12. Hates is probably a strong word, yeah?

Photo Credit: Whisper

13. Honesty is the best policy.

Photo Credit: Whisper

If I’m being completely, brutally honest… I have no sympathy for any of those people.

When you agree to these kind of situations, you have to be ready for the fallout. Otherwise, stay away from the genitals!

What do you think? Let us know in the comments!

The post 13 People Share ‘Friends with Benefits’ Stories That Went Wrong appeared first on UberFacts.

Garbage Collectors Come Clean About the Stuff People Throw Away

The stuff people throw away can be truly shocking.

And it’s not just the amount of money we spend on things that we just pitch in the trash. People seem to think that garbage bags somehow shield them from being arrested… because A LOT of illegal shit gets thrown away for ANYBODY to find.

These 14 garbage collectors know this all too well, and they’re not shy about divulging what they found!

Let’s go!

1. So many different things in just 8 months!

I worked ~8 months while waiting to go to school in my small southern town.

Summary of interesting things I found go as follows: $20, bullets, a live snake, a fully working 400$ amp (which I now use for my speaker setup), and a small bag of marijuana, and a can literally full of adult toys and open DVDs.

2. Thanks history professor. Or should I say… history thief!

We used to pull the recyclables out of the dumpsters by our rental condo in California. Found a Naval officer’s sword, a nice set of cast iron skillets, plus a fantastic handmade leather chair. Still have those in my home. Lots of clothes with tags, pretty sure the residents one unit over were shoplifters and thieves; we took that stuff to the thrift shops.

Then there was Big Trash Day in Japan once a quarter. Fully working treadle sewing machine with a cast iron base, ceramic hibachi pot, marvelous glass and lacquer cases, a giant yellow quartz gem set in silver. A full set of WWII photos and albums, including a Kamikaze farewell party, but a history professor “borrowed” those to examine and never got them back to me.

3. Think of all the money to be made!

I lived in a campus town and every year, end of the semester, (especially the end of spring semester) the most amazing stuff would be thrown out.

Students (especially foreign students) leaving who had no way to take their stuff with them.

Uncounted couches, TVs, furniture, computers, electronics, etc just sitting on the curbs all around the campus.

They had to clean the apartment out and they had nowhere to put the stuff but on the curb.

4. Why do people throw away laptops?!?

I live in a town with 2 colleges in it and I like to go textbook hunting on move out week. I’ll usually pull 2,5-3k in 2 weeks. I’ve found around 8-9 phones of vary degrees of degradation, around 4 laptops with fixable problems and a closets worth of name-brand clothing. My daily driver timbs are trash boots.

My friend though, after two years of gathering now owns a small business selling and renting what he calls “dorm kits”, which usually include a couple lights, chairs, a mini-fridge, a microwave, an electric kettle and other odds and ends. He has a real job but makes about 40k a year supplemental, a lot in cash. (that he keeps in a cardboard box labeled “f— you money”) He will often find 2-3 of the kits he sold outright in the garbage that same year. I’m jealous of his work ethic, because those couple of weeks before/after the semester he works 18 hour days.

TL;DR- if you live near a college there’s gold in the garbage.

5. E.A. office… it’s in the trash!

The cleaning company I work for regularly gets rid of unwanted stuff from an Electronics Arts office.

We could keep the items they didn’t use anymore. Some of the fun things we got were: a classic guitar hero set, wii fit + balance board, sim city mouse pads (still using those), some kind of singstar microphones (use the now for talking online with friends), old sims disks with all the commercials they have ever released (some weird stuff was on there), battlefield bad company key chains, old games like need for speed and rogue galaxy for ps2 and lots of minor stuff.

This happens annually so i hope they got some fun stuff this year.

6. So much wine!

At my sister’s alma mater, she said the rich girls threw out a lot of good stuff when the dorms had to be cleaned out for the summer. She got clothes, shoes and purses.

I lived in Israel as an English teacher several years ago and since thrift stores aren’t really a thing there, perfectly good clothes would be thrown out. I got so many bags of clothes.

Once they were washed, they were perfectly fine. (Got hand-me-downs from my teacher, the teacher of two people in my cohort and a few friends in my cohort as well.) Never had to buy clothes (minus a pair of boots and my Purim costume) during my 10 months in Israel! Before Passover, people toss anything that isn’t kosher for Passover. I found more clothes and three unopened bottles of wine!

7. Snowboards?! Whoa!

I usually find brand new stuff still in the plastic. Haven’t really found anything illegal though.

My brother in law works for a recycling place and he finds all kinds of cool sh*t. One day he came home with 3 brand new dc snowboards. He said whatever company wanted to shred the last year’s model that didn’t sell so he took it home.

8. Lots of meds!

I was a janitor for my high school in the summer months and one of the first jobs of the summer was locker clean out. I was given the master key for all the lockers and had to go in one by one to clean them out.

I found so many bottles of ADHD meds (adderal, ritalin, vyvanse), relatively brand new shoes, nice north face fleeces among other random sh*t.

9. The $100 pick up

I worked on the back of a trash truck for one summer when I was younger. It was my girlfriend’s dad’s company so I rode with him pretty much the entire time. We never found anything truly odd but one of my best memories was when we used to go around to pick up trash at these multi-million and billion dollar homes.

There was this one house that we picked up trash at that always had four, five, six huge cans full of bottles and trash from their weekly parties.

The rule was, only two large cans were to be picked up. Anything extra would cost the customer more. Well, in order to avoid having to pay the company extra, every week there would be this old guy standing at the back gate with a $100 bill. He’d hand us the bill in exchange for us not telling the owner about the extra pick-up.

The owner, the guy who he handed the money to, always promised not to tell anyone about it. We always had a good lunch on those days.

10. Never pay for a bike again!

My dad was a garbage man. My brother and never paid for a bike as kids – he’d find bikes in various states of disrepair and bring them back home to fix them up from their usable parts.

Also, radios. My dad would find some incredible old radios – tons of 40s/50s era tube radio receivers, which we would fix up together.

As far as illegal, I remember him telling me that he found a big ziploc bag full of mary jane one time.

11. Guns & Ammo

I was a garbage man for a number of years in the early 90s. I live in a very small town that is mostly Italian, and one morning we were sent out to collect the dumpster from a trucks top on the outskirts of town. As the truck was pouring the contents of the dumpster into the back, I saw a wet box break apart and inside were a bunch of submachine guns and magazines of ammo.

I stopped the winch, told the driver, and we both decided to play dumb (not difficult) and pretend we didn’t see them. So I continued on and crushed it all as though I hadn’t seen them.

I just remember being afraid that they were dropped off for a pickup or exchange and if some saw me taking them or I was found with them, it’d be a really bad day for me.

12. Better living through chemistry!

In an old school, a forgotten high school chemistry lab from the 60s. Jars and jars of things like thermite, sticks of yellow phosphorous submerged in some yellow-colored liquid that had evaporated to the point where there was only 1/8″ of liquid covering the top of the sticks and the slightest movement would cause the top end of the sticks to be uncovered.

This was all on the same racks as a jar of mercury, about a pound of powdered asbestos, spools of magnesium ribbom, quantities of powdered sulfur, nitroglycerin, potassium permanganate, cans that had rusted through (they still contained – something –

but the labels were too corroded to read), acid nitric and too many other bottles to read as just being in that room for a couple of minutes gave me a splitting headache.

It had apparently been a well-stocked chemistry lab for high school students decades previously then one day the school closed so they locked the door and nobody had entered it (much less cleaned it out) for decades.

13. Casino cleanup

My uncle in Vegas was a trash man.

After work he would walk through the landfill and find casino chips, jewelry, other valuables and money – enough to buy a very nice home on his modest wages after only a couple years. Rich, drunk and/or stupid means a lot of disposed, as opposed to disposable, wealth.

14. You knew this was coming…

A severed arm with no hand.

At first I thought it was from an animal until I looked closer in horror that it clearly was a human elbow.

That last story… WTF?????? How do you ever recover from that? How do you go back to work???

Got any crazy stories of things you found which you can’t unsee? Let us know in the comments!

The post Garbage Collectors Come Clean About the Stuff People Throw Away appeared first on UberFacts.

Pregnant Women Confess: “I Don’t Know Who the Father Is and I’m Freaking Out.”

Think about if you were in this situation…

You weren’t planning on it, but you find out you’re pregnant. Filled with the mixed emotions that come with an unplanned pregnancy, you realize there’s another issue to work out.

Who is the father?

Yeah, yikes. You’ve been letting THAT many guys drop it while it’s hot? Oh boy…

These 12 women share their struggles with not knowing who fathered their unborn baby.

1. Yeah, but are you REALLY never gonna get drunk again… hmmmm…

Photo Credit: Whisper

2. Wait… SIXTY?!?!

Photo Credit: Whisper

3. Sad, but I imagine this isn’t uncommon…

Photo Credit: Whisper

4. Well, take that responsibility on your shoulders! You go!

Photo Credit: Whisper

5. I can’t even imagine lying to somebody about this. Whoa.

Photo Credit: Whisper

6. Get. Your. Tubes. Tied.

Photo Credit: Whisper

7. There’s another option. It’s called family planning for a reason.

Photo Credit: Whisper

8. Yeah, that is the worst. Facing something like this by yourself is ROUGH.

Photo Credit: Whisper

9. And that’s absolutely your right.

Photo Credit: Whisper

10. There’s no way to find out?!

Photo Credit: Whisper

11. Yikes!

Photo Credit: Whisper

12. That is a wild and weird month, indeed!

Photo Credit: Whisper

Well, that was a rollercoaster ride! Who would have thought that these women would have to go through situations like these, but that’s the reality.

So then… have any confessions you need to drop? Let us know in the comments!

The post Pregnant Women Confess: “I Don’t Know Who the Father Is and I’m Freaking Out.” appeared first on UberFacts.