This Infographic Guide Will Help You through Your Baby’s First Year

Parents can never be too prepared. Heck, even when you do feel fully prepared, babies have a way of throwing curveballs that even the smartest people don’t know how to handle.

Photo Credit: Unsplash, Colin Maynard

And that’s why this infographic put together by Allstate is so valuable. It’s filled with helpful hints about what you can expect in that wonderful first year. Read through this and good luck raising those little ones!

Photo Credit: Allstate

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6 Adorable Animals That Are Surprisingly Violent

They say don’t judge a book by its cover… and the same goes for animals. Don’t trust an animal just because it’s got a cute, fluffy exterior. Beneath those big eyes and purrs is a ferorious creature just waiting to be unleashed. These six animals are way more violent than you’d expect.

1. Swans

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Similar to cows, most swans are beautiful, gentle creatures, but there are some that are natural born killers. For example, a swan in Wales named Hannibal killed 15 fellow swans in a particularly vicious manner: Hannibal bit his victims, beat them with his wings, and broke their toes before holding them underwater and drowning them.

So basically, Hannibal is a swan serial killer.

And then there was the swan that was constantly attacking rowers on a river in England, until he and his mate were relocated to avoid further carnage.

2. Beavers

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Beavers may look harmless, but they have huge, razor-sharp teeth that can chomp right through a femoral artery, which is what happened to a fisherman who died from his injuries in Belarus in 2013. They’ve also been known to attack swimmers and go after dogs. So it’s best to avoid these guys.

3. Cows

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Most cows are not violent, but a specific type known as Heck cattle are also called (this isn’t a joke) “Nazi Super Cows.” These cows were bred in Nazi Germany and still roam parts of that country today. A farmer in England bought some of the cows and brought them to the UK, but soon discovered his mistake. He said, “They would try to kill anyone.”

4. Dolphins

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Not Flipper!!! Yes, I’m sorry to report that dolphins are actually pretty deadly, especially to each other. It wasn’t until the 1990s when researchers discovered that male dolphins slaughtered other dolphins, including their own babies.

They’ve also been known to occasionally attack swimmers.

5. Prairie Dogs

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Prairie dogs are plant eaters, but that doesn’t mean they don’t murder other animals. Their main competition for resources on the prairie are squirrels, and they’ve been known to attack and bite them to death, though they don’t eat their bodies.

Prairie dogs that kill have offspring that live longer than non-killers, so scientists are curious whether this phenomenon is occurring in other animals as well.

6. Koalas

Photo Credit: iStock

Koalas mostly keep to themselves and spend 22 hours a day sleeping, but sometimes they can snap and go after dogs and humans. And their bite is quite nasty.

Be careful out there! The animals might be taking over!

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How to Get Your Mosquito Bites to Finally Stop Itching

Mosquitoes are the worst, huh? I can pretty much get behind every insect, animal, and living creature that walks this earth, except mosquitoes. Not to mention the fact that they spread disease, including ones that can be pretty scary if you’re at risk or pregnant.

The process they use to extract your blood (to make other bloodsuckers, blech), is pretty gross, btw: the mosquito injects saliva to numb the area, then that same saliva expands your blood vessel and prevents it from clotting while the little bugger feeds.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

The itch, it turns out, is a reaction the histamines in your own body produce in response to the saliva and not anything the mosquito leaves behind – it’s an immune response, essentially.

Sure, you can try sprays and candles and essential oils, but chances are, a couple enterprising pests are going to find your bloodstream and leave with a full belly – so, what’s the best way for you to cope with the fallout?

First off, here are some common tricks that definitely do not work:

Photo Credit: Pixabay

A hot bath: heating up your skin makes it itchier, so just say no.

Alcohol (the kind you rub, not the kind you drink): it will dry out your skin and bring on more itching.

Honey: it is a good antibacterial, but it doesn’t have any proven effects on immune response.

Here are some that could work…

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Lemon (or other plant-based oils): there is some research that says lemon or lemon juice could work, but as far as other plant-based materials, make sure you’re not going to have an allergic reaction and make the initial response worse.

A cold compress: Cold will reduce swelling andblood floww, so it could temporarily relieve the itch and puffiness associated with a fresh bite.

But the best option? A steroid cream.

Photo Credit: Amazon

A simple cortisone cream will constrict the blood vessels and reduce the inflammation that’s causing the itchiness – something essential oils can’t do, and something cold can only do temporarily – and they’re easy enough to find at your local drug store.

You’re all set – go forth and enjoy the rest of your summer!

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Anxiety Might Be an Inherited Condition, According to Science

If you suffer from anxiety, you’re probably not the only person in your family who has. Scientists and doctors have long been aware of that fact, but new research shows that is might be directly passed down from generation to generation. In other words, if you have anxiety, your parents might be the cause.

The new study comes from the University of Wisconsin and focused on the heritability of anxiety and which parts of the brain are involved. The researchers conducted anxiety-inducing experiments on 378 rhesus monkeys and monitored their brain activity.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

The results showed increased activity in two parts of the amygdala, where the brain processes fear and anxiety, in the monkeys who expressed the most anxiety. The scientists then looked at those monkeys’ lineage and discovered that their ancestors going back eight generations also elicited the same type of brain response. This led the researchers to determine that the anxiety may have been inherited.

Photo Credit: Unsplash,Niklas Hamann

The researchers believe that their study could eventually help with treatment for children who suffer from extreme anxious temperament (AT), which often leads to anxiety disorders later in life.

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Who Owns the Moon?

Can you believe that no one has set foot on the moon since the United States last landed way back in 1972? It’s hard to believe, but it’s true. Now, several countries like Japan, India, and China are all planning to send up crewed moon missions in the near future, and the question of who has a claim to the moon is cropping up all over again – this time, for space lawyers.


Photo Credit: Pixabay

In a recent post for Real Clear Science, an attorney and professor of space law at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln College of Law, Frans von der Dunk, looks at the question of moon ownership in light of the 1967 Outer Space Treaty between the U.S. and Soviet Union. The treaty solidified the moon as a “global commons,” which basically means it can belong to no single nation.

Any secrets, resources, and other untapped potential should be used for the betterment of global society, and the U.S. even shared its soil and rock samples with Russia during the Cold War.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Von der Dunk does say that even though no one can own the land on the moon, the treaty is less clear about cultivated resources from the moon and asteroids – if one country mines assets, can they own them, or must they be distributed?

Which is why, I suppose, there is space law and space lawyers floating (heh) about these days, and why they’re probably going to be more in demand than ever as various nations plan to explore the moon face-to-face once again. Some believe that mining on the moon or on asteroids will be a lot like commercial fishing – you have to be licensed, and there will be guidelines, but you keep what you catch – while others, particularly in Russia, believe the previous treaty requires communal benefits on anything extracted from space.

Photo Credit: Touchstone Pictures

So, the answer is that no one owns the moon, but the stuff in and on the moon? Well, that’s complicated, Cold War-era treaty or no.

Nothing much is clear, really, so perhaps space remains the last great frontier – for explorers and lawyers. What a time to be alive.

h/t: Mental_Floss

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12 People Open up about the Moment They Realized They Were an Alcoholic

For some people, it takes a major wake up call for them to realize that their drinking has turned into alcoholism, and for these 12 people, that was certainly true:

#12. Until that moment.

“Doc asked how many drinks I have a night and I wasn’t sure how to answer. So, he asked “how many ounces” I consumed. I asked how many ounces are in a 750. He just paused and put down his pad and said, “a lot, you drink that every night?” He then ordered special blood tests and told me if I keep it up, I’ll kill myself. It happened so slowly. A martini a night, then 2 martinis, then some shots to get the baseline and a few martinis, then I just got into the habit of buying a 750 on the way home and polishing it off before I went to bed. He told me to stop for a day and I got heart palpitations and started shaking until I caved and went a bought a pint of vodka. Despite everything, it didn’t even occur to me until that moment that I was horribly addicted to alcohol.”

#11. Nobody seems to notice.

“I’m there.

I’m admitting this for the first time, but damn I have a problem.

I buy bottles of vodka and hide them around the house so my wife can’t find them, but I can easily access them with an excuse to go to the garage, or the basement.

I look for reasons to leave the house when I run out of booze, regardless of the time of day (9:00 AM is the earliest opening liquor store near me).

I can’t really enjoy beer anymore, it takes way too much to get me to a point where I feel anything. I buy high ABV beer if it’s a social occasion where cocktails aren’t the norm.

My large recycling bin’s bottom layer is probably 1/4 empty vodka bottles by the end of the week. I bury them down there so nobody sees them.

Doing things like mowing the lawn or watching a movie aren’t interesting without a few shots’ worth.

The scary part is that nobody seems to notice. I’m sure there are signs, but they are not frequent enough to raise a red flag.”

#10. The closest thing to a friend.

“Good afternoon, Joe, how are ya?”

“Oh not bad at all! Hey, I got to see my grandkids last weekend!”

“That’s great. Are they doing well?”

“Never better. Listen…this is hard to say, but…you know you drink too much, right?”

“Yeah, I know.”

“OK. Just…I don’t know…I’m not going to tell you what to do.”

“Well, I appreciate it, thanks.”

This conversation took place in front of a Beer Store. Joe is homeless. I’ve given him change so many times that he remembers me and at the time we were probably the closest thing to a friend either of us had.

TL;DR: When a homeless person questions the amount you drink, so should you.”

#9. A few cuts and bruises.

“Not particularly exciting just woke up after a massive bender with a few cuts and bruises and it dawned on me that I might have serious problem.”

#8. Re-evaluate everything.

“Got off work on a Friday, bought a 24 of beer, woke up Saturday with no beer, decided to re-evaluate everything. Now 8 months sober.”

#7. Waiting for the liquor store to open.

“I was waiting out a liquor store when they opened up at 9am.

(I was binging to counter act some stimulants. I cut them out and my desire to drink went with it. But I realized it was an issue that day).”

#6. When I started lying.

“Not an alcoholic, but probably when I started lying about not being an alcoholic.”

#5. “I don’t remember any of it.”

“It’s not that exciting. Two months ago I went out with a co-worker. We left the strip club and walked back to my place. My girlfriend and I were living together at that point and i didn’t want to disturb her so we decided to continue to drink in my parked car. At some point I blacked out and woke up in the morning laying on the floor next to my/our bed.

Turns out I ended up driving, black out drunk, all the way across town to a 7-11, to drop my co-worker off and than all the way back. About 10 km. The one moment of clarity I have from that evening is sitting in my running car, just outside of the 7-11, texting my angry gf. I went home and shouted at her. Don’t remember any of it.

She packed up her things once I passed out on the floor. When I woke up she drove off.”

#4. The shame.

“Not me but my dad. He said he had become ashamed of who he had become and didnt want to be like his dad. The last week before he quit and started AA, some days he was so hungover to take me to school so I just skipped, and his boss called him telling him to get his shit together. He’s been clean about a year now and the change in everybody’s lives is so fucking great. I’m really proud of him.”

#3. No ‘a-ha’ moment.

“Lots of people posting answers on this thread and finishing with “but I still drink”. Okay then. Well, as a guy with 6 years of sobriety who doesn’t drink alcohol anymore, I can try and shed some light on the question:

In my experience, there wasn’t ONE specific event that led me to see the light. Alcoholism is a gradual disease, and those “ah-ha” moments didn’t really appear. Events just piled up – it was always “just one bad night” or “a couple rough weeks”. I gave myself lots of excuses: I told myself that lots of people lived this way, or that I was just taking a career break to party, or that I DESERVED to have fun, etc, etc. I was in denial over what was gradually happening to my life. Over the period of a few years I’d quit my job and pretty much just stopped working, lost my long-time girlfriend who I loved, lost many friends and the few remaining people close to me were scared that I’d end up dead. I’d become persona non grata at events. My health was failing (withdrawal seizures are a bitch), I couldn’t start my day or end my day without hard liquor. I was broke, and I started considering some pretty scary alternatives for getting a hold of some cash. I was dying a slow death and every day I was a worse version of the kid I’d once been.

After being confronted with the possibility of rehab, I begrudgingly agreed – things couldn’t get worse, after all. I took home some good tools after 22 days in rehab, but I needed to remember to use those tools because things could get out of hand quickly. As a young man I had high hopes for myself. What happened to those dreams and when did I put them away? Can I start over and try again? What the hell should I do? I didn’t know, but I did know this was my chance to at least start TRYING to at least achieve a few of those goals.

After getting my sober legs under me, life didn’t magically turn around. I still had bills to pay, still was unemployed, and nobody threw me a parade for getting clean. I started gradually getting things together, just like things gradually fell apart. Eventually I made some major changes – I think that’s key in any recovery. Straight up sold my stuff, moved abroad, and changed my life 180 degrees. Today I live in the mountains of Central America. I learned to speak a second language, live sober, exercise and do my best to help others. I’ve still got tons of flaws and I’ve got a long way to go. But the journey is just beginning. Life is fun again, being alive is a gift, and no matter how bad my day is, I can always fall back on the fact that if I didn’t drink today, I will go to bed a winner.”

#2. Misery.

“Bought a handle of brandy (1.5 liters and I’m not a brandy man, I was budget buying my liquor and a fifth of Bushmills was $8 at the local liquor store while the handle was $15) after I’d had an unstable few days. My best friend had told me he was going to rehab for his own problems with addiction, and I lost my shit after subconsciously realizing that I was as far gone as him if not further. A few days later, I get the aforementioned handle and kill half of it in a few hours, pass out on my couch for another few hours, and then wake up and resume drinking while trying to 1. fight my friends, 2. tell my family and best friend that I hate them on the phone, 3. denigrate an ambulance driver after one of my friends thought I was going to get alcohol poisoning and called 911, 4. jump of my 2nd story balcony to see what would happen. I woke up the next day, my folks were flying in to town after a very terrifying set of phone calls from me and from my friend explaining the situation, and when they knocked on my door, I opened it ready with an excuse before something snapped in me and I blurted out “I’m an alcoholic” instead. I had been miserable for a long time up til this point, and the liquor only made me more miserable. I kept drinking to avoid the shakes and withdrawal, and I didn’t know any other way to live. That moment where I came clean to my folks was where I decided something needed to change. I was 24 then, and I went to rehab the next day. I’ve been clean since, and I celebrated my 1 year mark earlier this month.”

#1. What a friend said.

“My face started to swell.

I was at the grocery store reading labels with getting drunk in mind. I bought beers that I don’t like the taste of. Proceeded to get drunk that night.

I went to a party and a friend said I look like a drunk.

I quit. Cold turkey. I was turning into my father. And I am not turning into my father.

This was two months ago. I’ve lost 20 pounds since and feel great. My clarity of mind during interrogations the day is a noticeable difference.

I was never a black out drunk. Only thrown up 3 times in 25 years. But I was a 6 pack a day drunk, usually stretched from 5 to midnight. I enjoyed it. But I’m 40 now, and I’ve gotta keep my health and my children’s welfare I mind.”

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Washing Your Clothes in Warm Water Isn’t as Smart as You Thought

The hotter the water the better it is at killing germs, right? At least that’s what I always thought.

Well, I’m here to tell you that that’s wrong when it comes to laundry… and here’s why.

Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

The laundry game has changed in the last decade or so: it turns out, washing your clothes in cold water is better for the environment, your wardrobe, and your bank account.

Photo Credit: iStock

Over the past ten years, companies like Proctor and Gamble have developed new detergents that work just as well in cold water as warm (or hot) water. And companies that manufacture washing machines now make ones that rely largely on cold water.

Photo Credit: Amazon

But what about the clothes?

Washing your wardrobe in cold water is actually better in the long run than using hot water. Certain stains, like blood and sweat, will only come out in cold water. If you wash them in warm water, the stains just set in even further. Warm water also causes dyes to run and some fabrics to shrink. Cold water washes will keep your clothes brighter and in better shape for longer.

Photo Credit: Flickr,

And then there’s the most important aspect, the environment. A whopping 90% of your washing machine’s energy goes into heating the water, so switching to cold water washes means a lot less carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere. And one more thing that’s sure to grab your attention: washing in cold water will save you money. The average family can save an estimated $200 per year by switching from warm or hot to cold.

So go turn the knob on your washing machine to COLD and help yourself (and everyone else) out in a big way!

Photo Credit: MaxPixel

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20 Collective Nouns for a Few of Your Favorite Animals

You might think you know what to call a group of animals. Maybe a herd, maybe a pack, how many different names can there be, right?

Well, there are a whole lot of other really interesting ones out there that you might not know about out. Here are 20 of the best examples.

1. A muster of storks

Photo Credit: iStock

2. A shrewdness of apes

Photo Credit: iStock

3. A raft of otters

Photo Credit: iStock

4. A murder of crows

Photo Credit: iStock

5. A scurry of squirrels

Photo Credit: iStock

6. A wake of vultures

Photo Credit: iStock

7. A battery of barracudas

Photo Credit: iStock

8. A cackle of hyenas

Photo Credit: iStock

9. A walk of snails

Photo Credit: iStock

10. A bale of turtles

Photo Credit: iStock

11. An ambush of tigers

Photo Credit: iStock

12. A coterie of prairie dogs

Photo Credit: iStock

13. A memory of elephants

Photo Credit: iStock

14. A skulk of foxes

Photo Credit: iStock

15. A scold of jays

Photo Credit: iStock

16. A parliament of owls

Photo Credit: iStock

17. A rhumba of rattlesnakes

Photo Credit: iStock

18. A business of ferrets

Photo Credit: iStock

19. A prickle of porcupines

Photo Credit: iStock

20. A mob of kangaroos

Photo Credit: iStock

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People That Have Almost Died While Filming ‘Shark Week’

People like what they like, and boy, do they love when Shark Week rolls around! I’m not sure what the appeal is, honestly – as an avid scuba diver and lover of animals, I hate that sharks get a bad rap for being killers bent on human destruction when there are plenty of other animals who endanger far more human lives every year – but hey, I’m not dumping.

What you might not know is that the popular programming has almost turned deadly on more than one occasion. Read on to find out more!

#7. Guy Fieri

Photo Credit:

During Shark Week special Guy’s Feeding Frenzy, Guy’s tank malfunctioned and began leaking air. Luckily, another diver noticed and they got Guy to the surface without major incident, but he was gasping for air when he finally made it.

This is why you never dive alone!

#6. Shaq

Photo Credit: Pixabay

The former NBA star was in an underwater cage filming a segment for this year’s Shaq Does Shark Week, another diver noticed that a shark was getting inside the protective barrier. The crew was able to distract the shark and get Shaq to safety, and now he’s got a near-death experience to add to his list of stories to tell at parties!

#5. These two, who were in a boat smaller than the shark.

Photo Credit: Universal Pictures

Shark experts Jeff Kurr and Andy Casagrande were attempting to fit a video camera onto a shark’s dorsal fin in a dingy barely bigger than the shark. The Discovery Channel footage shows the two wondering aloud how smart an idea they’d had in the first place – and they had some close calls before all was said and done.

#4. Biologist Erich Ritter

Photo Credit: Pixabay

In 2002, a shark bit his leg while they were filming. They used the footage the following year in Anatomy of a Shark Bite, but Ritter made sure to emphasize to the New York Times that “humans are not part of any of the more than 400 shark species’ diets. We hope that as we tell these stories, people hear the real message – the victims were in the wrong place at the wrong time.


#3. Diver Chris Fallows

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Discovery Channel diver Chris Fallows nearly lost his head when he looked up to find a Great White shark less than two feet from his face. To quote him, “that was f–king close.”


#2. Marine Biologist Marissa Marquez

Photo Credit: Twitter

Melissa Marquez didn’t get attacked by a shark while filming Cuba’s Secret Shark Lair, but she was bitten and dragged by a10-foott crocodile. According to her Twitter page, she was left with nothing but scars and bruising after a week or so of healing. Lucky lady!

#1. Expert Andy Casagrande

Photo Credit: Pixabay

The scariest incident ever during Shark Week? Well according to regular Andy Casagrande, it happened back in 2010 during a segment called Into the Shark Bite. He told the story to Entertainment Weekly:

“I was essentially running out of air, and I had to go to the surface, and I was out of the cage with great whites. Like I said, if you swim away from them, they pursue you. I was breaking my own rule of don’t act like prey or they’ll treat you like prey. I saw this little shark – little as in, like, a 10-footer – coming up at me, and I saw its little white chin wagging. It was accelerating toward me. I’m like…uh, holy s–t. I just relied on my standard instinct of using the camera, keeping the camera between me and the shark. The shark came up with its mouth open, and as I finned back, it sort of went past me and I hit it on the side on its gills. They really don’t know any better, and they’re really curious. But when a Great White shark is curious, it can be catastrophic.”

If rule #1 for diving is never dive alone, #2 is never, ever panic underwater. Following it probably saved this man’s life!

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Doctors Share Most Memorable Reactions People Had to Their Loved Ones Passing

Hearing that a loved one has passed is big, life-changing news and you can never predict how someone will react.

Read on to check out 15 people who definitely were not prepared.

#15. The ability to empathize.

“I work in ICU so I often have to tell families bad news. The most recent memory was a daughter telling me “this must be the hardest part of your job”. I was taken back just because despite the tragedy she was enduring, she still had the ability to empathize with what I also had to do.”

#14. Like a zombie.

“I was a med student in a case where an 11 year old child suddenly died during a routine orthopedic procedure for a broken arm. There were about 20 family members there with balloons and stuff. When the surgeon told them the news, they all started screaming and scattered, running in different directions around the hospital. One of them started clawing at me like a zombie. Definitely one of the most disturbing things I’ve ever witnessed.”

#13. Trying to hold it all in.

“I was at a delivery where both mom and baby were having problems. As we were saving baby the OR team was trying to save mom. We did, they didnt. As we were leaving with baby to the NICU the OR doc was telling dad and his family that his wife didnt make it. He saw his baby and asked when mom could begin breast feeding. Grandma fell to the floor crying but dad just had this look like he was just waking up and not hearing what was going on. Seeing him visit the NICU was just so sad, you could see him trying to hold it all in while visiting his baby.”

#12. Quiet shock.

“In inner city Detroit in the 80s, where I trained as surgeon, mostly knife & gun trauma, it was common for reactions to be violent. The organ procurement nurse was beaten up when he spoke with a family member about organ donation. Another time a family member punched & kicked dozens of holes in the walls up & down a corridor. Two brothers on hearing about the death of their third brother were vowing revenge. I got them to promise not to do it on a night I was on trauma call.

The worst were the parents of a young man killed while committing rape. Not only did they have to deal with the loss of their son, but the circumstances of his death were terrible. Quiet shock.”

#11. She was happy.

“Best was talking with the family matriarch.

Strong business woman whose children had taken over several businesses in the town. Very rich influential family.

We originally admitted her as a stroke but on further review found multiple brain metastasis. Family wanted everything done. This was a mentally alert woman who at 94 they wanted to have chemo and surgery.

I discussed her options with her including no aggressive treatment. She elected for this. She went into hospice and died peacefully a few months later.

She asked what I would do. Having just gone through this with my grandmother and grandfather the year before I gave her both sides of the story. Doing everything and buying a few months but dealing with surgery and illness. Or just pursuing comfort measures.

I think she was happy with the decision.

I think the family was upset with me for giving her that option.”

#10.  Slowly it sank in.

“I was working the burn unit. Guy comes in, MVC head on collision the other driver was drunk and crossed lanes. His wife was killed in the crash. Every time he woke up he asked where his wife was, and he had to be told. He would just start saying “42 years” and sobbing. I can’t imagine what it was like for that guy, having to remember every single time you wake up. He was in a lot of pain, AKA lots of dilaudid, which contributed to his confusion. Slowly over time it sank in. Very heartbreaking to watch.”

#9. I couldn’t help but grin.

“Deputy here. I’ve been to a quite a few deaths and I’ve only seen one that was “happy”. The husband was a lifetime alcoholic and was on hospice for various related illnesses. When we arrived he was DOA. She told us he went to go to the bathroom gasped and literally dropped dead.

She was at first sad. The more she talked about him we could tell he was a real bastard. She pretty much couldn’t make a move with out him. He wouldn’t let the grand kids come over and they lived next door. When the funeral home came to collect the body they had difficulty getting him loaded up. The wife remarked “Even dead he still finds a way to be a pain,” I couldn’t help but grin when see said it.”

#8. He self-discharged.

“Work in orthopaedics. Had a car crash involving 7 family members. Youngest was a 9 year old with open fractures to both legs. Rushed straight into theatre, but the child had developed rapid onset sepsis, mixed with some blood lost and a ?PE. Died on the table before surgery could begin properly. Despite a large number of staff as you can imagine, we couldn’t do any more. The father was the last to find out, as suffered a fractured skull and was moved to a different trauma hospital (crash occured halfway between the two hospitals, patients were split up due to rush/need at the time). He had a ?bleed on the brain and was in ICU for a week. Wife didn’t tell him until he left ICU out of fear it would set him off/hinder recovery.

I heard when he found out, he self discharged and attempted suicide. I hope he is alright now and getting help, but unfortunately being in a different area it’s hard to find out. I believe it was actually his wife that was driving.

Finally as a side note, please ensure that your headrest in a car is adjusted correctly. I see a lot of head, skull and neck injuries frequently because of this. Only today I was seeing a fractured C5 because of this. It’s something your only have to do once if your driving the same car all the time, but in combination with a seatbelt it really is there for a reason, not just for comfort.”

#7. I think about her and that night

“EMT here. Had a few of these, but the worst was one I observed indirectly. We had a young woman in her twenties killed instantly in a high-speed collision. Same old story, car vs. tree, the tree won. Girl was alone in the car, cold November night, sad way to die. The crash was so bad that we thought we should have the car towed back to the firehouse so the FD could do the extrication behind closed doors – we figured she’d just come apart when the car was pulled away from her. But she stayed together, mostly, and they loaded her into our ambulance to go to the hospital to pronounce her – we were only basic EMTs and pronouncement wasn’t in our protocols.

We get to the ER and park up front, outside of the bays usually reserved for ambulances to back up into – no need to take up space with an already obviously dead patient. One of the ER docs came out to the ambulance and pronounced her there and told us to sit tight, the family was coming. Apparently all they’d been told was that their daughter had been in an accident, and that they needed to get to the hospital right away. So we sat in the ambulance with a dead girl under a sheet. She was only a few years older than me, and I knew her vaguely from around town. It was weird.

A pickup truck comes screaming into the ER parking lot a few minutes later, and a man and a woman about my parents’ age come tumbling out before it even stops and go running into the ER. The parents. A few minutes later the lights in the family waiting room, which is right across the sidewalk from our ambulance, come on, and a nurse brings the parents in. We can’t hear anything, but we can see the exchange – have a seat please, the doctor will be right with you. She leaves and closes the door, and we see the parents alone, terrified at what’s to come. The mother is wringing her hands and pacing, the father is standing stiff and stoic. This is going to be bad.

We can see the doc who pronounced her coming down the hall, with a nurse and a social worker in tow. He gets to the door, hesitates a second, straightens his tie, and turns to the women with him. We can’t hear him, of course, but we knew he said, “Ready?”

He opens the door and the parents whip around. We see him introduce himself, and give the short speech. “I’m sorry to tell you this, but your daughter died at the scene of the accident…” The mother melted. I’ve never seen a human just dissolve like that, like her bones had suddenly turned to jelly. The father caught her before she hit the floor, and he looked like he’d been hit with a sack of cement in the gut. He doubled over but held onto her, got her to the couch, and we just sat there watching this horrible silent movie playing out in front of us.

It felt shitty to intrude on their private moment, and we talked about it in the cab of the ambulance. In a way, we felt like part of that family, at least for the short time that we took care of their daughter. We treated her body with as much respect as we could, we carefully transported her to the hospital so there would be no further damage, and we kept her safe while they were en route, and we made sure she was never alone.

That was nearly 40 years ago, and that girl has been dead twice as long as she was alive. I think about her and that night every once in a while, and now that I’m a father of kids about that age, it’s too painful to bear. That was only one of hundreds of accidents I responded too over my EMS and firefighting career, and it wasn’t even the worst one. But it was the one that had the most impact on me, and I often wonder how that poor family coped with it.”

#6. A rare condition.

“It was the 40-something year old mother of 2 who had been admitted for nausea and vomiting and died of multisystem organ failure (heart attacks, strokes, ischemic colitis, pulmonary embolism, etc) because of a rare clotting disorder than decided to manifest itself all at once for the first time in her. Telling a family that someone that young and previously healthy that not only is the mother going to die, but that they should have their doctor look at screening them for a rare condition is no fun.”

#5. Unfortunately.

“When I worked in a large inner city ER this family had brought in their grandmother who had went to take a nap in the family living room on her family chair. Well when she didn’t wake up for 8-10 hours, the family activated EMS and brought her to me. She had been dead for half the day at this point which was very obvious so we called it, the lady was stiff at this point. When I called the family into the room (all 20 of them) to tell them their 88yo without a decent organ in her body on dialysis had indeed died they accused me first of lying then second of murdering her. Police had to be called as a particularly boisterous 14yo female was being very threatening and repeating what a lot of families say “she was fine this morning, people don’t JUST DIE.’ Unfortunately that is how everyone dies.”

#4. Instead of the reality.

“Thankfully I wasn’t the only one in the room, but we spent 3 hours on and off explaining to a family that we couldn’t transfer their deceased child to another hospital. I think they believed the kid was in a vegetative state, and that we just gave up on them, instead of the reality that their kid was dead.”

#3. A good few hours.

“Previous Nursing assistant on a respiratory ward. Elderly male patient decided to willingly opt out of respiratory support machine. Lovely man, his time inevitably came around 6 hours later, early in the morning. His granddaughter (young girl around mid-20s) the only family member in the hospital at the time was so devastated she climbed into the bed with him and wouldn’t leave the ward. Endless crying, shrieking and asking for her Grandad to wake up.. heart breaking stuff. Staff and doctors tried to coerce her to take some time outside but she wouldn’t leave the bed. Eventually the rest of the family arrived and talked her out but took a good few hours.”

#2. Him leaving her notes.

“Worked on a medical-surgical for a few years at the beginning of my career as a nurse. Sure, we had a few patients here and there that were just there for observation.

My first cancer patient I lost in my career seemed like one of those. When he was admitted to our floor, he was always cheerful, polite, and never admitted feeling ill in any way. One of the nicest people you could want to meet. I remember him because of this. Dude had stage 4b lung cancer, and never once asked for ANYTHING.

Over the course of a few months, I got to know him better. As it turns out, he thought he had a bad cold and found out he was dying shortly. It’s shitty, but that’s life sometimes I suppose. It ain’t always pretty. When he found out, he seemed at peace with it all. Then he began working like a madman from his bed.

Every time I went in to his room to check on him or give him meds, he was writing in a notebook. Only once did he receive visits whole he was with us, and it was his wife, who was brought by a friend. She’d never learned to drive because she never wanted or needed to. Dude spent his entire life taking care of her, completely and totally. As it turns out, all the writing in notebooks was him leaving her notes of how to do things. He’d literally taken care of her since they were in high school. She didn’t even know how to use a dish washer. Nothing.

I think of him from time to time, when I’ve had a rough go with love in my life. The times I asked this man about his wife were some of the few times I saw his face light up with delight. It’s nice to think that love like that exists.”

#1. His desperate pleas.

“This was three years ago, when I’d recently started training in the hospital, and I was placed in a consultation room for a week. The doctor had told me the next patient had received many treatments for her bowel cancer but the cancer was coming back too fast. There was nothing the hospital could offer her anymore, so that day we were to tell her how she only had an estimated three montha left to live.

They walked in the room and she looked as if she already understood what we were about to say, but the husband was distraught. He was in tears, and I had to do my best to offer advice and comfort as the doctor had already gone back to his paperwork. It was one of the most harrowing experiences I’ve had in the hospital to date, hearing his desperate pleas of whether there was anything we could do to help. His wife did her best to console him too, but I could see she needed the support too.

I’m really sorry I couldn’t do anything to help, old friend. I hope your wife rests peacefully.”

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