What Causes Red Tide – And How Do We Stop It?

If you’ve been paying any attention to the news lately, you know that red tide has been particularly bad this year. The problem has been increasing in severity over the past several years, but this year it has led to the death of 267 tons of marine life along the Gulf Coast, according to The Guardian.

Photo Credit: melvil, CC BY-SA 4.0

But what is it that turns the ocean the color of blood and decimates marine populations in its path?

The simple answer is that it’s a particular kind of algae that multiplies and thrives in such large quantities it becomes visible to the naked eye. It’s color is because of the depth at which the algae lives and the fact that green and blue frequencies are absorbed while red is reflected.

Photo Credit: Wikimedia

Karenia brevis, which is the type of algae in red tide found on the Gulf Coast, produces toxic chemicals that cause symptoms in humans ranging from sneezing and eye irritation all the way to vomiting and difficulty breathing. For fish, shellfish, turtles, and other wildlife, coming into contact with too much of the toxin often results in death.

The worst red tide on record happened in 1946 and resulted in the deaths of more than 50 million fish, along with hundreds of dolphins and sea turtles. In bad years, tourism is also impacted, since people generally enjoy their strolls on the beach sans mass corpses, and the local fishing industries can also take a big hit – to the tune of an estimated $1 billion.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Scientists are still working to determine what’s caused the latest bloom of red algae to explode and linger along the Gulf Coat, with leading culprits thought to be heavy rainfall, rising ocean temperatures and fertilizer runoff, all combined with wind patterns that are helping it stay put.

Florida is also dealing with a rise in a different type of blue-green algae that smells like raw sewage and has at times been bad enough to warrant the governor declaring a state of emergency. For this type of algae, scientists again blame warmer waters and fertilizer runoff from local farming communities.

So, while the red tide is “just” algae, it is still deadly – not only for the marine life directly affected, but for the people who live and work in the tourism and fishing industries that support many families on the coast.

And yes, there may be something we can do about it in the future…if we’re not too late to reverse the conditions that allow it to thrive in the first place.

h/t: Mental_Floss

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You’ve Probably Never Heard of Tonsil Stones – Unless You Have Them

Tonsil stones are about as gross as they sound. If I had one, I probably wouldn’t fess up until at least the second or third month of dating (and I am someone who has zero filter).

Actually, tonsil stones aren’t stones at all, but small, hard accumulations of dead cells, mucus, and food particles that gather in the crevices behind your tonsils and harden into little pellets.

Photo Credit: Creative Commons

Worse still – you can actually pop them out like tiny little teeth. *shudder*

Small ones can be harmless, but if they grow larger, they can cause stinky breath, sore throats, and even ear pain. People who have larger tonsils or repeated trouble with tonsillitis are more susceptible to the little buggers, but anyone can get them.

That said, they’re common enough that you probably know someone who has them. So if you want to see for yourself, ask around!

Check out the Gross Science video below for more details (and pics, if you can handle them!).

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These 7 Car Hacks Will Save You Time and Energy

If you spend 1/3 of your time in bed, then your car has got to be a close second. From running errands to taking road trips, cars are some of our most-used spaces. So why not make sure it’s functioning at its best with these 7 tips?

#7. Deep Clean.

Photo Credit: Autopia.com

Pro-tip: Use a toothbrush to get into all of those hard-to-reach areas.

#6. Partitions.

Photo Credit: Facebook

If you’re going to be in the car for a while and you have children who enjoy terrorizing each other (and you in the process) these could be your answer.

#5. DIY Tablet Holder.

Photo Credit: InfarrantlyCreative

Sure, you can buy one, but why bother when you can make your own?

#4. Install A Trunk Shelf.

Photo Credit: Instructables

Keep dirty practice shoes away from bags and carpet you’d rather keep clean – or wet umbrellas, et al. Brilliant!

#3. Stay organized – simply.

Photo Credit: Blogspot

You have a lot of documents in your car, and they need to be easy to find. Why not keep a file folder under the seat so you can stop rummaging for your insurance card?

#2. DIY Trash Bag

Photo Credit: SkipToMyLou

You’re always going to have trash in your car, so why don’t you have bags to catch it instead of dropping it in the doors or center console? No good reason!

#1. Eliminate Upholstery Stains.

Photo Credit: Facebook,Kiski Kar Wash

If you’ve got kids, you’ve got these – to get rid of them, mix vinegar and baking soda and rub it into the upholstery. Once it’s dry, simply vacuum it up!

I’ll definitely be trying this one!

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These Infographics Reveal How Many Years of Your Life Different Addictions Cost

A series of infographics was recently released by an online recovery resource directory called Treatment 4 Addiction. They show how many years of a person’s life addictions to various substances can cost.

These are extremely eye-opening and even terrifying charts filled with important information. Take a look for yourself.


Photo Credit: Treatment4Addiction


Photo Credit: Treatment4Addiction


Photo Credit: Treatment4Addiction


Photo Credit: Treatment4Addiction


Photo Credit: Treatment4Addiction


Photo Credit: Treatment4Addiction


Photo Credit: Treatment4Addiction


Photo Credit: Treatment4Addiction


Photo Credit: Treatment4Addiction

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These 7 Useful Gadgets Could Save Your Life One Day

“Prepare for the worst and hope for the best.”

While we hope that we’ll never find ourselves in any dire situations, it certainly doesn’t hurt to make sure you’re prepped with some of these handy gadgets.

#7. Shark repellant.

Photo Credit: Sharkbanz

They say that your chances of being attacked by a shark are extremely small, but I have to think that percentage goes up the more time you spend in the ocean. So, if you’re a diver or surfer or just someone who spends tons of time in the salty water, you might want to invest in this bracelet that emits ultrasound signals that will put off any nearby sharks looking for a snack.

#6. This venom extractor.

Photo Credit: Sawyer Products

Extra important if you or someone you love is allergic to bee or wasp stings, but it could also work for ant bites, small snake bites, etc.

#5. A LifeStraw.

Photo Credit: LifeStraw

Hey, you might think we live in a world where clean, available water is a given, but just ask the people in Flint, MI how true that turned out to be. This handy straw has a built-in filter that makes any water safe to drink.

#4. A pocket slingshot.

Photo Credit: The Pocket Shot

Perfect for those apocalyptic days when you need to bring down a rabbit for dinner or knock out a member of a rival gang in the new world order.

But seriously.

#3. A rescue beacon.

Photo Credit: Twitter

You should have one of these in your car and in your bag, because you really never know when you’re going to need to be found in the middle of nowhere. Make your mother happy. Try this one on for size!

#2. This smart float.

Photo Credit: USafe

If you throw this bad boy out to someone who has abandoned ship or fallen overboard, you can guide it to them – and back – by remote control. It’s also self-propelled in case they’re too weak to move.

#1. An external antennae.

Photo Credit: goTenna

If you’re someone who spends time in the woods or off the grid (or again, someone preparing for the inevitable breakdown of Western society), then this puppy could be the thing that saves your life. The goTenna works when there are no mobile networks to speak of but allows smart gadget users to stay online even without a link. You can send messages and GPS coordinates on a private network up to 50 miles.

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Check Out These 6 Interesting Facts About Inventor Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) was an inventor, engineer, and physicist…not to mention an all-around cool dude. It’s no wonder why he’s even more popular today than he was back then.

Take a look at these facts about the brilliant inventor.

1. Two inventors

Photo Credit: did you know?

2. True love

Photo Credit: did you know?

3. An omen

Photo Credit: did you know?

4. A bold prediction

Photo Credit: did you know?

5. BFF

Photo Credit: did you know?

6. Tesla WiFi!

Photo Credit: did you know?

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Models Use These 7 Beauty Tricks to Stay Fresh No Matter What

Even though I’ve never wanted to be a model, I’d be lying if I said I didn’t wish I looked like a model. Well, with the help of these 7 tricks, it might be possible – but only if I (and you!) find the motivation to follow them!

#7. Throw a scarf over your head while changing clothes to keep your makeup from smudging.

Photo Credit: Twitter

Because the only thing worse than deodorant smears is foundation smears around the collar.

#6. Use your hand to support your chin.

Photo Credit: Instagram

This is helpful for diminishing the appearance of a double chin in photographs, but also for keeping good posture and checking that the skin around your chin and neck doesn’t sag. Give it a try the next time you’re just sitting around!

#5. Exfoliate.

Photo Credit: Instagram

Use a scrub on your legs both before and after you shave to keep them silky smooth and soft.

#4. Wash your face differently.

Photo Credit: YouTube

Soap-based products remove your makeup…along with the outer layer of your skin’s protective layer. For a gentler approach, use wipes or a hydrophilic oil you follow up with toner.

Fun fact: you can swap sparkling water for toner and save some serious $$!

#3. Check your underwear drawer.

Photo Credit: The Knot

Pick something nude that fits close to the skin, in a fabric that doesn’t cling to other fabrics – you’ll have the confidence to sport any outfit in a photo!

#2. Soft and shiny skin.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

The trick? Use something with reflective particles, like glittery eyeshadow or a bit of highlighter. You can mix it in with your favorite moisturizer for a one-stop-shop!

#1. Perfect your lipstick.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

A simple dab of vaseline on your lips will keep the color shiny – and right where you want it.

h/t: Brightside

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This Artist Created an Adorable Illustrated Guide to the Dogs of the World

Artist Lili Chin has charmed her way into our hearts with this poster series entitled “Dogs of the World” that shows what parts of the world different dogs come from.

Because of how successful this series was, rumor has it that she might do a cat series in the future. Fingers crossed!

Check out Chin’s Etsy shop to see all the great art she has for sale.


Photo Credit: Doggie Drawings


Photo Credit: Doggie Drawings


Photo Credit: Doggie Drawings


Photo Credit: Doggie Drawings


Photo Credit: Doggie Drawings


Photo Credit: Doggie Drawings


Photo Credit: Doggie Drawings


Photo Credit: Doggie Drawings


Photo Credit: Doggie Drawings


Photo Credit: Doggie Drawings


Photo Credit: Doggie Drawings


Photo Credit: Doggie Drawings


Photo Credit: Doggie Drawings


Photo Credit: Doggie Drawings


Photo Credit: Doggie Drawings

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Do These 10 Tricks at Home to Get Perfect Jeans

Jeans can be tough to wear. They take a lot of work to make them fit just right, and even then they can be pretty uncomfortable.

So follow these 10 steps to customize and preserve the pair of jeans that you deserve!

1. Remove odor from your jeans

Photo Credit: Brightside

If you don’t like to wash your jeans all the time, they get stinky. Here’s a tip: fold your jeans in a ziplock bag and put them in the freezer overnight. That’ll get rid of any odors that may still be lingering.

2. Make denim one size bigger

Photo Credit: Deposit Photos

Need your jeans to be just a bit bigger? Pick the areas you want to stretch and spray them with lukewarm water. You can then stand on the pocket of one side and pull on the waistline if you want it to be bigger. Use the same process for stretching the legs after you spray them with water: stand on the dry parts above the knee and pull.

You can also sit in a tub full of warm water while wearing the jeans. After 15 minutes of soaking, you can stretch and pull the areas by hand to make them bigger. When they are half dry, take them off and let them fully dry in the sun.

3. Wrinkle-free jeans

Use the maximum heat on your dryer to make sure you don’t end up with wrinkles. Also, you can use ice cubes in the dryer (for real) to create more steam and get out more wrinkles.

4. Bleaching jeans

Remember that different jean colors react differently to bleach. With that in mind, fill a bucket with one part water and one part bleach. Dampen the jeans so the bleach is more effective. Depending on the look you’re going for, bleach them with a sponge, a spray bottle, or a paintbrush. Only do one side at a time. Finally, rinse the jeans under cold, running water and rinse them in the washing machine.

5. Shrinking jeans

Photo Credit: Brightside

Maybe you lost some weight, maybe you bought jeans that are just a little too big. Either way, if you need to shrink them, follow these steps. Wash your jeans in hot water, and then immediately dry them at the maximum temperature. Do this a few times in a row and your jeans will shrink.

6. Get ripped

Kind of hard to believe you can actually buy ripped jeans at the store now, but that’s the way it is. If you want to rip yours the homemade way, use an older pair of jeans and cut it up with a razor or a pair of scissors. You can also use a cheese grater to get a frayed look.

7. Faded jeans

Put a quart of concentrated lemon juice in a tub and dip your jeans in the tub with water from a hose flowing on them. Let the jeans soak for a few hours and remember to check on them periodically. Once you get the amount of fading you want, run them under water and let them dry in the sun. If you need to repeat the process, go for it.

8. Distressed jeans

Photo Credit: Deposit Photos

To achieve this look, insert sandpaper inside before you cut. Keep the cuts 1/2″ to 3/4″ apart from each other. After you cut, use tweezers to pull out excess threads. Remove the excess fabric with a lint roller. Wash the jeans immediately. After you do this, don’t wash them too often or they might fall apart…

9. Prevent color bleeding

Color bleeding can ruin the other clothes in your load of wash. One way to prevent a catastrophe is to add salt to your wash. Add an equal mixture of salt and water and your jeans would bleed.

10. Hem without a sewing machine

This is always unfortunate (and sometimes embarrassing). You rip your jeans in the crotch or the butt and you’re mortified. But it’s gonna be okay! If you don’t have a sewing machine handy (or you aren’t good at using one), use a needle and thread that is the same color as your jeans. Turn the jeans inside out. Use a straight or blanket stitch, tie it off once the stitching is complete, and iron it thoroughly. Now you’re all set!

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Check Out These 12+ Fascinating Facts About Felines

We all love our feline friends (even when they give us the cold shoulder for no reason at all), but how much do you really know about them?

Take a look at these 15 cat facts so you can try to better understand your furry companion.

1. Abraham Lincoln was a cat lover. His wife, Mary Todd Lincoln, was once asked if Abe had any hobbies and she responded, “Cats!”

2. Cats purr for many reasons: when they’re happy, stressed, sick, hurt, or giving birth.

3. More than half of cats don’t respond to catnip, but researchers have discovered that catnip sensitivity is hereditary.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

4. Many historical figures loved and owned cats, including Mark Twain, Florence Nightengale, and Pope John Paul II.

5. Cats spend 30-50% of their day grooming themselves. They do this for several reasons: it tones down their scent so they can avoid predators, they cool themselves down this way, and it gets their blood flowing. Cats show affection by grooming each other, and it’s believed that their saliva serves as a natural antibiotic for wounds.

6. A group of cats born to one mother is called a kindle. A group of fully-grown cats is called a clowder.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

7. The oldest living current as of this writing is a 30-year-old kitty named Rubble.

8. The average running cat can clock in at a whopping 30 mph.

9. The first cat was launched into space by France in 1963. Félicette made it safely back to Earth.

10. A lot of people are allergic to cats, but it turns out 1 in 200 cats has asthma.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

11. In 2015, the most popular breed of cat in the U.S. was the Exotic Shorthair, followed by the Persian and the Maine Coon.

12. Ancient Egyptians revered cats and worshipped a half-feline goddess named Bastet.

13. Researchers in England found that people with college degrees are 1.36 times more likely to have a cat as opposed to another pet.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

14. Most cats hate water, but certain breeds enjoy it, including the Turkish Van, Maine Coons, and Bengals.

15. A cat has 244 bones in its body. A human only has 206.

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