Here Are 15 of the Worst Sounds To Wake Up To

We’ve all probably woken up to some unpleasant sounds in our lives. Some screaming kids? Sirens right outside your window? Heck, even your old alarm clock can seem like the worst sound in the world when you haven’t gotten enough sleep. But once you read through these 15 examples, you’ll realize what you’re dealing with might not be so bad after all.

#15. Old school horror

“The old alarms we all had in college. The little black digital one that plugged in but had a battery compartment just in case. The one that woke you up with that ear splitting EHXH EHCHH EHHZXH sound. . .I still jump when I hear that sound in movies.”

#14. No matter who is doing it


#13. Either or

“I don’t have kids but I imagine that blood-curdling, red in the face scream a young child can do is the worst. Either it’s something serious and that’s terrible or it’s not serious and it’s frustrating.”

#12. For the LOL

“My starfish yelling THE TANK IS CLEAN!!”

#11. Where there shouldn’t be any

“A burst pipe or any other sound of running water where there shouldn’t be any.”

#10. I mean…hard to argue

“A SWAT team breaching your front door.”

#9. An actual fire

“A fire alarm as a reaction to an actual fire.”

#8. The damn kittens

Cat giving birth. Our old cat (RIP) gave birth under the bed right up the end where our heads were and the noise of the cat and then the damn kittens was horrible as hell at 3am.

#7. Ugh go away

“Someone screaming your name.”

#6. First world problems

“Your phone being unlocked by your jealous partner.”

#5. Can confirm

“That, ‘Hurk… Hurk… Hurk…’ sound your cat makes before throwing up.”

#4. You told your ma

“The sound of the garbage truck coming down the block and you gonna get a ass whoopin cause you were gaming late the night before and told your ma that you wouldn’t forget to take the trash out.”

#3. Close by

“Rifle fire. Close by.”

#2. Someone’s in the house

“Girlfriend – “there’s someone in the house”.

This actually happened and I found two smack-heads downstairs trying to steal mobile phones, purse and more worrying…photo albums!

Thankfully they ran when confronted as all I had to defend us was an iron!”

#1. Midwest life

“Tornado sirens. My brain eventually decided it hated them so much that I could sleep through them despite living 100 feet from one.”

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Try Doing These 10 Activities Alone at Least Once in Your Life

We are a social species…but that doesn’t mean we don’t need our alone time. Certain activities, like going to the movies or eating at a restaurant, are often done in the company of others, but that doesn’t mean it’s wrong to do them alone!

Here are 10 other things that you may have been intimidated to do alone, but that are definitely worth pushing out of your comfort zone for.

#10. Check out your favorite band – or find a new one.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

If you’re bored after a set and want to go, you can. If you’re totally digging the band and want to stick around for autographs, no one is going to complain. Perfection!

#9. Go see a play or musical.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

I have trouble finding people who are interested in local theatre or have the time and money to splurge on the latest touring show every once in a while – but just like the movies, why miss out on something you’re dying to see just because you don’t want to go alone? You shouldn’t!

#8. Go to an amusement park.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Spend a day in the sun, riding the rides you want and not having to share your funnel cake. Perfection.

#7. Learn a new skill or sport.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Take art classes or join an archery club – you never know when you’ll find something you love and meet interesting new people in the process.

#6. Volunteer.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

You’ll meet other like-minded people and engage with a cause you believe in. What could be better than that?

#5. Travel.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Society will try to convince you that traveling alone – especially if you’re a woman – is dangerous and ill-advised. If you’re careful, it’s not, and if you have the money and the time, there’s no better way to spend it.

#4. Take a hike.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

It’s important to be cautious and aware of your surroundings to ensure your safety, but don’t let the fear of going alone hold you back from the awe-inspiring experience of trekking through nature, solo.

#3. Sign up for a dance class.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

It’s great exercise and you might like it – why not give it a try!

#2. Go out to dinner.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Grab a good book or just watch the other people – not having a companion is no reason to rob yourself of the experience of dining out. Even if you do have an SO, going alone can be a liberating experience. Do things on your own timetable and order dessert without checking around first.

#1. Explore a museum.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Chances are that this is something you would do if you found yourself out of town on your own, but something you might not think to do in your hometown – except why not? Even if you’ve been in your local museums before there are always traveling exhibits, and having someone along doesn’t make learning any more or less fun.


What do you think? Are you going to try some? I’ve never eaten out alone in a sit-down restaurant so maybe that will be next on my list!

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You’ll Have to Look Twice at These 12+ Pics to Truly See Them

You might think you know what you’re looking at in these 15 photos, but…take another look and we promise you’ll see something much cooler.

Get ready to have your mind blown.

#15. Is the Finnish President a mutant? Or is there some other explanation?

Photo Credit: Reddit

#14. Is this the same sofa? Is the mirror broken? Help!

Photo Credit: Reddit

#13. All ready to stick in the bed of your sleeping enemy.

Photo Credit: Reddit

#12. This creature should be guarding a vault at Hogwarts, no?

Photo Credit: Reddit


Photo Credit: Reddit

#10. I could stare at this forever.

Photo Credit: Imgur

#9. This shark isn’t trapped in an iceberg…or is it?

Photo Credit: Reddit

#8. The screen is cracked, but maybe that’s not so bad?

Photo Credit: Reddit

#7. The three-armed man.

Photo Credit: Reddit

#6. Yeah, that would make me do a double take.

Photo Credit: Reddit

#5. Erm. Run for your life?

Photo Credit: Reddit

#4. I get that we’re supposed to be looking at the airplane but is that Nick Lachey?

Photo Credit: Reddit

#3. Yes, there’s a whole knife there.

Photo Credit: Reddit

#2. A lake on stilts…

Photo Credit: Reddit

#1. The food is on a table.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Did any of these trip you up? I loved them!

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These 12+ Tweets About Fruits and Veggies That Are Inexplicably Funny

A list of hilarious tweets about produce probably isn’t something you thought you’d be reading today…but here we are! But then again, the internet (especially Twitter) never fails to surprise us in both good and bad ways.

These are definitely a good surprise, so settle in and have a laugh!

#15. And yet, it’s always a disappointment.

Photo Credit: Twitter

#14. And my toddler’s.

Photo Credit: Twitter

#13. Zucchini are the Thanos of the garden.

Photo Credit: Twitter

#12. Dammit.

Photo Credit: Twitter

#11. Don’t even get me started on potatoes.

Photo Credit: Twitter

#10. I demand an explanation.

Photo Credit: Twitter

#9. Somebody always has to be extra.

Photo Credit: Twitter

#8. SHAME.

Photo Credit: Twitter

#7. I feel this on a spiritual level.

Photo Credit: Twitter

#6. Not only that, he knows how to SELL them!

Photo Credit: Twitter

#5. Banana bread isn’t for everyone.

Photo Credit: Twitter

#4. No argument.

Photo Credit: Twitter

#3. So sweet and naive.

Photo Credit: Twitter

#2. You were warned.

Photo Credit: Twitter

#1. It always goes back to mom.

Photo Credit: Twitter

You know you laughed!

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Make Your Day Just a Little More Interesting With These 6+ Random Facts

I strongly suggest that you ponder these facts. Or don’t. I can’t really tell you what to do.

But I do think they will make your day just a little bit brighter.

1. Might want to change that…

Photo Credit: did you know?

2. I’m in!

Photo Credit: did you know?

3. Translation

Photo Credit: did you know?

4. That was quick

Photo Credit: did you know?

5. Wait until you’re outside

Photo Credit: did you know?

6. Super sized

Photo Credit: did you know?

7. Smart birds

Photo Credit: did you know?

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These 12+ People Missed the Joke in a Major Way

Nobody likes to be on the outside of a good joke. You feel like an idiot, you are ashamed, heck, you may even be afraid to leave your house due to public ridicule.

So give some thanks that you ARE NOT any of these 20 people.


Photo Credit: Twitter


Photo Credit: Twitter


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Photo Credit: Twitter



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Photo Credit: Twitter


Photo Credit: Twitter

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This List of Most – and Least – Valuable College Majors Might Help You Determine Your Future

There are many factors you have to take into account when selecting a college major. Obviously, what you are passionate about is a key element, but what sort of job you’ll be able to get and how much money you’ll make are pretty big as well.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

If I was starting over, I’d probably pick something more practical and money-smart than Film and then Ancient History. And I love what I do.

So, if you’re someone headed to college without a clear vision for the future, here are the most and least valuable college majors, according to Forbes.

They reached the conclusions on most valuable by analyzing US Census Bureau surveys to see how many people with bachelor’s degrees were working in a field connected to their major. It looked at 162 college majors and analyzed unemployment rates, incomes, and the number of people who’s jobs required higher degrees.

Most Valuable

Photo Credit: Pixabay

#10. Finance

#9. Civil Engineering

#8. Mechanical Engineering

#7. Molecular Biology

#6. Pharmacy, pharmaceutical sciences, and administration

#5. Applied mathematics

#4. Health and medical preparatory programs

#3. Nucelar Engineering

#2. Zoology

#1. Actuarial Science

Least Valuable

Photo Credit: Pixabay

#10. Library science

#9. Interdisciplinary and multi-disciplinary studies

#8. Drama and theater arts

#7. Educational psychology

#6. Human services and community organization

#5. Visual and performing arts

#4. Cosmetology services and culinary arts

#3. Clinical psychology

#2. Composition and speech

#1. Miscellaneous fine arts

Just something to think about while you’re poring over that course catalogue – but if you’ve got your heart set on a direction already, consider your happiness in the future along with the size of your bank account.

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You’re Right to Be Skeptical of Those Prescription Drug Ads on T.V., And Here’s Why

When you are suffering, it’s hard to turn down something that promises to give you relief. But is it worth it for that long list of sketchy side effects that appear at the end of every prescription drug commercial?

It can be hard – but it’s important to remain cautious. In fact, there are some studies out that show we all should be pretty wary when one of those advertisements sneaks its way around the fast-forward button.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

The ads have only been allowed by the FDA since 1997, and as recently as 2015, a report published in the Journal of General Internal Medicine by Yale University researchers found that none of the 97 included ads offered objective information about potential risks. Instead, they chose to focus on the relative improvement of patients’ quality of life. Since most of the ads targeted people with arthritis, diabetes, and other continuous ailments, that seemed to be a purposeful point of focus.

Another recent study, this one published in the Annals of Family Medicine, looked at how the ads depict people enjoying lavish, healthy lifestyles. Basically, instead of spending time discussing risk factors and other pertinent information, drug companies choose images that, again, promote the idea of an improved quality of life – almost 69% of the studied ads suggested the advertised drugs could lead to a more active and healthy lifestyle.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Even though the FDA is technically responsible for policing the ads and ensuring that consumers are getting accurate information, most critics agree they’re not doing enough. The ads aren’t reviewed in advance, and once they’re out there, the damage could already be done, as internist Andy Lazris, M.D. explained to Health News Review:

“Everyone on the ads appears healthy, happy, dancing, and they get better. So people are led to believe a) the drug will be effective (which is often not the case), and b) that they should replace their old therapy with the newer one because it’s better (again, which is often not the case).”

Photo Credit: Pixabay

He continues, speaking about the numbers often rattled off in the television spots:

“And if they give you any numbers at all, they’re almost always the deceptive relative numbers that look really good, not the more realistic absolute numbers. So the benefits are over-exaggerated, the harms are downplayed or missed, and that’s how patients can get hurt.”

We’ve become a visual society, so often people latch onto those happy, smiling faces and ignore what’s being said about potential side effects. They do all encourage you to speak to your doctor, though, so that’s something.

Though, like the phrase “I was searching WebMD,” I would guess that most doctors heave a huge inner sigh at a conversation that begins, “I saw an ad on t.v.”

Regardless, your doctor is there to advise you on your health, so go ahead and ask about any and all potential medications that could improve your life. Just don’t be surprised if what they have to say about a certain drug is a far cry from what those happily parasailing people on television claim.

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Can You Answer These 5 Everyday Questions That Regularly Stump Adults?

As bright as you may think you are, these 5 seemingly simple questions just might leave you questioning whether you really know as much as you thought you did. There’s nothing more humbling than being reminded how little we actually know.

I, personally, choose to believe that these random facts have fallen out of my head to make room for the more important ones, but feel free to claim your own rationalization.

#5. Question:

Continue reading once you’re ready for the answer!

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