Doctors Can’t Believe That More Than Half of Parents Still Think You Can Get the Flu from the Flu Shot

Flu season is already underway. That’s right, while you are enjoying the fruits (and pumpkin spice lattes) of autumn right now, the sad truth is the flu bug is out and about. For many people, that means getting themselves and their children vaccinated in order to avoid a painful (and exhausting) illness, a recent survey revealed many parents are actually avoiding the flu shot for a head-scratching reason…

They think the flu shot causes the flu.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

“I’m flabbergasted,” says Dr. William Schaffner, who studies infectious disease at Vanderbilt University’s School of Medicine. “I and many others have been saying for over 20 years that you can’t get the flu from the flu vaccine. I don’t know how to say it any louder. You cannot get the flu from the flu vaccine. That’s a myth.”

Jean Moorjani, a board-certified pediatrician at Orlando Health Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children, brings some additional facts to the debate:

The parts of the virus that are used are completely dead, so you cannot get the flu from the flu shot. After receiving the shot, it takes your body about two weeks to build up antibodies to fight the flu, so if you come in contact with the virus during that time, you may still get sick, which is why you should get your flu shot as early as possible.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Many, many other doctors have added their enthusiastic support for the vaccine in recent days.

According to the CDC, 172 kids lost their lives to the flu in 2017 — the highest death toll in almost a decade — and over 80% of the children who perished did not have a current flu shot.

Doctors and other health professionals aren’t trying to scare parents, but they do want them to know that by not giving them the flu vaccine because of unfounded fears, you could be putting their lives in danger.

“There’s no reason to be nervous about getting your children vaccinated against the flu,” reiterates Amesh A. Adalja, a senior scholar at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security. “You should be nervous about not getting your children vaccinated.”

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Kids Are Less Violent in Countries Where Spanking Is Outlawed, Studies Show

When it comes to raising children, the use of corporal punishment is a hot topic of debate. People on the “pro” side often argue that the way they were raised didn’t harm them, so why change? While those on the other worry about the psychological impact childhood violence could have on the next generation…even if it takes years to manifest.

Even though this isn’t the first time science is weighing in on the topic, a new study shows a clear correlation between the use of corporal punishment and incidences of violence in youth and beyond.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

In fact, youth living in countries with bans on corporal punishment were found to be 31% less violent than those living in countries that let parents make discipline decisions for themselves.

The study’s data came from 88 countries and covered over 400,000 adolescents, and the results of the “largest cross-national analysis of youth violence” were published in the journal BMJ. The results were clear, if a bit unsurprising for those against the practice of spanking.

“Societies that have these bans in place appear to be safer places for kids to grow up in,” reported lead study author Frank Elgar.

30 of the 88 covered countries had bans on spanking and other forms of corporal punishment, while 38 featured partial bans, and 20 had no bans in place whatsoever. For the purposes of the study, corporal punishment was defined as an adult’s use of physical force to “correct or control” a child’s behavior.

Globally, close to 300 million children between the ages of 2 and 4 receive some type of physical discipline from their caregivers on a regular basis, but researchers hope studies like this one can help educate parents about the future impacts of their discipline choices.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

At the end of this extensive and groundbreaking study, Elgar and his team found the following statistics to be true:

“Boys in countries with a full ban showed 69% the rate of fighting found in countries with no ban. In girls, the gap was even larger, with 42% the rate of fighting found in countries with no ban.”

The lowest rates of violence, if you’re curious, were found in Costa Rica, Portugal, Finland, Honduras, Spain, New Zealand, and Sweden, in that order.

Also of note: the wealth of a country didn’t end up factoring into the study’s results, even though researchers initially expected that it might.

“Bans and levels of youth violence had no relationship to the wealth of a country,” said Elgar. “Some very low-income countries happen to be quite peaceful, while some richer nations, such as the US, UK, and Canada, didn’t fare as well.”

There has been at least one other study to link spanking to future violence; that one looked at over 160,000 kids and published its results in the Journal of Family Psychology. It found that the more children are physically disciplined, the more likely it is they will defy their parents, experience increased anti-social behavior, aggression, and deal with mental health problems as adults.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

It’s important to remember this, if nothing else: children look to their parents for cues on what behaviors are acceptable and unacceptable. If we show them that hitting is a way to handle anger, disappointment, or a loss of control, then that’s exactly how they will behave toward others.

As anyone with kids knows, they’re always watching, and kids will mimic us at the least opportune moment imaginable. Every. Single. Time.

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These 7 Facts About a Variety of Topics are Absolutely Fascinating

Bob Ross, a house modeled after a famous TV show, and the origin of the word “dude.” These are just a few things you’ll learn in this wonderful fact set.

Read on and fill up that brain of yours with some sweet facts!

1. Duuuuuude…

Photo Credit: did you know?

2. I’d live here

Photo Credit: did you know?

3. Age gaps

Photo Credit: did you know?

4. Sacrifice

Photo Credit: did you know?

5. Bob was the best

Photo Credit: did you know?

6. Spy cats

Photo Credit: did you know?

7. Brilliant

Photo Credit: did you know?

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Does Microwaving Food Really Cause It to Lose Nutrients?

Praise be the microwave. When things are busy (or if you’re just lazy like me) the microwave is a gift from God. I mean, there are days when the couple of minutes it takes to heat something in the microwave seems like too long to wait – and forget about preheating the oven!

That said, if we’re taking the time to try to eat something healthy, like a vegetable, it would be a shame to find out that popping it in the microwave (in those handy little steamer bags!) would mean we’re missing out on the nutrients we’re trying to get int0 our bodies.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

So what’s the truth? Does microwaving our broccoli make it worthless?

Not necessarily, according to Professor Scott A. Rankin, chair of the Department of Food Science at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He tells CNN that while any kind of cooking results in some nutrient loss, “typical microwave heating results in very minimal loss of valuable nutrients in food.”

There are a few factors to consider when trying to measure nutrient loss during cooking, like how long the food is being cooked, the temperature you’re using, and the amount of liquid used during the process. In general, longer cooking times, higher temperatures, and higher volumes of water result in more nutrient loss during cooking.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Since microwave cooking generally requires no or little liquid compared to, say, boiling vegetables in water, that works in the technology’s favor. Microwaves also cook with more uniform temperatures, which means all of your food has a better chance of being cooked through without some of the pieces getting to a temperature high enough to leech nutrients. Add that to the relatively short cook times microwaves can achieve, and they actually might do a better job than most other methods in retaining the good stuff.

“The advantage of microwaving is that the come-up time is quick, and so it takes less time to reach a target temperature of food,” Rankin explains.

That said, microwaving is not the absolute best way to cook vegetables if your goal is to retain every last good-for-you nutrient packed inside – for that, you’ll want to steam them.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Of course, you can use your microwave to steam your veggies, if you’ve got the right equipment.

“You can use a microwave steaming tray with water in the bottom, or simply add your vegetables and a small amount of water to a microwave-safe bowl (not plastic!) and cover with a microwave-safe lid or plastic wrap, leaving one corner open to allow air to escape,” registered dietician Whitney Linsenmeyer tells CNN.

Basically, even if microwaves aren’t the best at helping foods retain moisture, they are decent at helping them retain nutrients while cooking. Just remember to keep your cook times short, and only use as much water as you need.

The bottom line, as Linsenmeyer reiterates, is that you make an effort to get nutritious food into your body however you can.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

“We’re talking about fruits and vegetables – eat them any way you like them! Whether it’s microwaved, steamed, roasted, or raw … more is better.”

I’ll try to remember that the next time I’m staring down a bowl of peas.

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“Today Years Old” Is a Meme That’s Sure to Teach You Something

Have ever found out a simple detail about the world around you that you can’t believe you didn’t know before now? Well, you’re not alone. One of the latest memes to take the internet by storm is “today years old,” where people post things they learned today that have changed the way they look at the world, their childhood, products, or life in general. Essentially, they’re tidbits of knowledge that should be common but are somehow…not.

Read through this list of 15 good ones, and I bet you’ll have your mind blown at least once!

#15. Trying this ASAP.

Image Credit: Twitter

#14. Love.

Image Credit: Twitter

#13. If you could see my face right now…

Image Credit: Twitter

#12. Interesting.

Image Credit: Twitter

#11. Stealing this rtfn.

Image Credit: Twitter

#10. Wait, seriously?

Image Credit: Twitter

#9. I guess it had to stand for something?

Image Credit: Twitter

#8. I don’t want to know if this is true or not.

Image Credit: Twitter

#7. Am I wrong, or is this adorable?

Image Credit: Twitter

#6. A modern revelation for you.

Image Credit: Twitter

#5. I guess he was okay with it?

Image Credit: Twitter

#4. Shatner either loves or hates this.

Image Credit: Twitter

#3. It’s like he’s a real person now.

Image Credit: Twitter

#2. It’s kind of abstract, to be fair.

Image Credit: Twitter

#1. Imma use it even more now.

Image Credit: Twitter


Ok, I learned a lot just now…

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Help Yourself Drink More Water on a Daily Basis With These 10 Useful Tricks

Staying hydrated comes with so many benefits, but it can be tough to keep up with between our busy schedules, bad habits, and, you know…not running to the bathroom every ten minutes.

If you you want to drink more water but are having trouble remembering or finding the time, these 10 tricks can help you change your habits and retain that hydrated glow.

#10. Invest in a smart device.

Image Credit: Pixabay

An Apple watch, Fitbit, or a smart water bottle can not only help you track how much you’ve drunk, it can remind you when it’s time to drink more, too.

#9. Use water to bookend your day.

Image Credit: Pixabay

If you make drinking a couple glasses of water part of your morning and evening ritual then you’ll know you’re getting a decent amount, even if you forget during the day.

#8. Spice up your food.

Image Credit: Pixabay

If drinking water doesn’t come naturally to you, try eating spicier food so you don’t have a choice.

#7. Every time you drink coffee, drink water.

Image Credit: Pixabay

This is a good trick for those of us who fuel our days with caffeine!

#6. Use an app.

Image Credit: Pixabay

Gulps and PlantNanny are just two of many apps that can help you track your water drinking habits and encourage you to up your intake.

#5. Add ice.

Image Credit: Pixabay

If you add some ice to your smoothie, your coffee, and your tea, you’ll be sneaking in some extra hydration.

#4. Refill your glass as soon as its empty.

Image Credit: Pixabay

This will ensure that when you’re thirsty again, you can drink. If you leave it empty, you’ll find excuses to wait “another minute” to go get that drink.

#3. Drink from a straw.

Image Credit: Pixabay

For some reason, we take bigger swallows when using a straw than sipping from a bottle.

#2. Measure your water ahead of time.

Image Credit: Pixabay

Whatever your daily intake goal is, try filling up a gallon jug or measuring the amount at the beginning of the day. That way, you can see how much you have left, and won’t feel good going to sleep until you’ve accomplished your goal.

#1. If you take vitamins or supplements, don’t just take a swallow.

Image Credit: Pixabay

Downing a whole glass of water will not only boost your water intake, it also helps dissolve your meds.


I hope one or two of these will make a difference in your life!

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Mothers Share What They Wish Someone Had Told Them Before They Gave Birth

Giving birth is no joke. And the truth is that many women enter into pregnancy totally unequipped for what their bodies are about to endure. Sure there are books and blog posts on the patter, but other women could definitely be more candid about some aspects of childbirth. We’re not going to stop having babies, but these 13+ moms just wished they’d been more prepared for all the “fun” for which they were in store.

#15. Hell

“The first time you get up after a c section is hell. Absolutely hurts so bad and your incision takes weeks to heal if not months.

Being awake during your c section and you feel all the tugging and pulling inside you.”

#14. It hurts to pee

“It hurts to pee afterwards, but if you lean forward on the toilet then the pee goes away from the most painful areas.

Also try and time your pain relief around trips to the toilet or other strenous activities.”

#13. Not a nice surprise

“That you have the worst month long period of your life after giving birth. I read books, took childbirth classes and had no idea. Not a nice surprise.”

#12. From the front to the back

“Thank baby jesus I did not experience this, I knew you could tear so I took steps to prevent it, but I did not know you could tear literally all the way from the front to the back and need reconstructive surgery. Happened to my cousin.

edit – Since everyone keeps asking what steps I took: (TMI alert) regular perineal massages, use of large “toys”, and I opted for water births as the water supposedly relaxes your muscles and allows you to get in a position your body finds best for childbirth rather than giving birth strapped down on your back. Like kid 1 was born while I was on all fours and kid 2 was born with me standing up.”

#11. A total victory

“I am in the UK and had a c section birth a couple of years ago and am 6 months pregnant with my second. The bits I didn’t know beforehand were all straight after the birth and not during.

The tea and hot buttered toast I got to eat afterwards was one of the most delicious meals I have ever eaten.

The post partum bleeding goes on for weeks.

The first poop after a c section feels like a total victory.

The first shower afterwards also felt brilliant.

Never EVER miss the timing of any painkillers you are advised to take!

Doctors and nurses will come by frequently and check you and your baby over for all sorts of things.

I was in hospital 2 nights and your baby is totally your responsibility as soon as they arrive. The midwives helped out with nappy changes when I still couldn’t feel my legs but as soon as I could stand/walk that was it. As my baby wouldn’t sleep much at the start I did manage to get them to have her for two one hour periods which ended up meaning I only got 3 hours sleep in 3 days and I felt horrific. Things got much better when I got home.

My husband wasn’t allowed to stay in hospital overnight so that feeling of crushing solo responsibility was difficult to adjust to.

One more thing to note, all the Mums I know none of us have had a straight forward natural birth. I did NCT classes and of the 8 couples which participated 4 of the Mums ended up with c-sections and at least 2 of the others needed assisted births (forceps etc). These were higher than the stats we were told about during the classes.”

#10. A compliment is a compliment

“Apparently some doctors are really excited when they see a good placenta. Well, a compliment is a compliment, I guess.”

#9. Into high gear

“Your uterus continues to contract after delivery to get back down to pre-prego size. It’s pretty painful, worse than menstrual cramps. And breastfeeding really kicks the contractions into high gear.”

#8. Do not investigate

“Your vagina is going to look like a nightmare after. Don’t look at it or touch it, put ice packs and medicine on it but don’t investigate. I repeat: DO NOT INVESTIGATE. You’ll just keep yourself up at night fretting over what happens if it never goes back to normal. But if you do choose to look know that it won’t look like your labia just lost the title fight forever.”

#7. How sad I was

“I had known about PPD and the “baby blues”, but it was honestly sickening to me how sad I was after getting home from the hospital. I had wanted a baby for so long, finally had him and then just hated it. I felt like “what did I do? Why did I do this?” It was a shock. I had thought about just leaving. Which was absurd. Eventually it went away and I enjoyed my little boy. I mean, at the time too though, I did love being a mom because I constantly checked on him, took pics and all that. But the depression you get can be surprising, considering how badly I wanted to be a mom and then I’m like “I wish I was anywhere but with him.”

He is almost 4 and I am so happy. Seeing him after a full day of work is probably the best feeling in the world to me. I just wish I had prepared myself.more mentally and for those challenging first weeks/months.”

#6. Be flexible

“Labor and delivery nurse here.

There is no shame in using medications to make the process easier, especially epidurals. Natural birth is a beautiful thing, but not always the best thing. Be flexible! Things will come up that you didn’t anticipate.
Know your OB/GYN. Use friends/family/mommy blogs to refer you to a good doctor/midwife. They can be nice and charming in the office, and a totally different person in the hospital.
Don’t tell your friends and family to come visit until after you’ve given birth and recovered. I’ve seen couples invite their entire family and social circle come see them when they are exhausted, in pain, and trying to breastfeed their new baby. They are trying to perform for their guests instead of resting and bonding with the baby.
Bonus: prepare for more shit/blood/bodily fluids than you’ve ever seen your life.
EDIT: Thank you for the gold! And since people are seeing this comment here’s a quick PSA: VACCINATE YOUR CHILDREN!”

#5. Like a slip-n-slide

“How…..wet everything can get. If your water breaks and you have a slow leak… there’ll be fluid at home, in the car, in the waiting/triage area, in your room, in the hallway, in the bathroom. Combined with all the blood loss and peeing yourself, and it’s almost like a slip-n-slide trying to get around. They gave me a big chuck pad to put between my legs but it was kind of pointless because it wouldn’t stay up unless you held it.”

#4. This is not fine make it stop

“A lot of women throw up! I have a vomit phobia and was not aware of this until about a month before I was due. Luckily there are drugs you can take that help (I managed to avoid throwing up with a lot of drugs).

Also the pain wasn’t as gradual as I was expecting. I went from “this is fine” to “this is not fine make it stop” in maybe half an hour. But then you have to wait before they can get you set up with an epidural, so it’s hard to avoid that “not okay” period entirely.”

#3. Prolapse and sneeze-pee

“Prolapse and hemorrhoids. Your pelvic floor is fucked. Sneeze pee is still a thing.

I hired a personal trainer to help me lose weight and get stronger. Working out has really really really helped strengthen my pelvic floor and lessen my prolapse.”

#2. It’s not

“If you think getting a c-section is the ‘easy way out’, it’s not. It’s major abdominal surgery, and your recovery time will be much longer. You are also more at risk for complications and infection. I spent two weeks in hospital after my first with a raging infection that could have prevented me from being able to have more children.”

#1. Like a little old man

“That the baby would look like a little old man, and that I might not feel emotionally attached right away.

Birthed 4 babies.”


Share with your currently pregnant friends, y’all. They deserve a head’s up, and it’s too late for them to back out now anyway.

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Even Dog Lovers Might Not Know How to Pronounce These 7 Breeds Correctly

There are a TON of dog breeds out there. And unless you are deep into the world of competitive dog shows, you probably haven’t heard of most of them. Add that to the fact that plenty of people prefer mutts of questionable parentage to dropping a bunch of bucks on a name, and, well, it’s not surprising that many may not know how to pronounce the fancy-schmancy breed names listed below.

That said, in the interest of knowledge (and sounding smart at parties), below are 7 common doggy mispronunciations, along with the correct way to say them.

#7. Dachshund

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Common mispronunciation: dash-hund
Correct pronunciation: dahks-und

#6. Vizsla

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Common mispronunciation: viz-sluh
Correct pronunciation: veesh-la

#5. Shih Tzu

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Common mispronunciation: sh*ts-ew
Correct pronunciation: she-dzoo

But I mean, the first way is more fun.

#4. Newfoundland

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Common mispronunciation: new-found-land
Correct pronunciation: new-fun-land

#3. Bichon Frise

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Common mispronunciation: bich-on freeze
Correct pronunciation: bee-shawn free-zay

Really put your nose into it.

#2. Weimaraner

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Common mispronunciation: way-mar-ann-er
Correct pronunciation: vahy-muh-rah-ner

German accent included, please.

#1. Papillon

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Common mispronunciation: pap-ill-on
Correct pronunciation: pap-ee-yawn

It’s French (it means butterfly) so feel free to bust out your accent to really nail it.


Don’t say I never did anything for you!

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11 Energizing Facts You Didn’t Know About Coffee

Mmmm…coffee. Just the word makes me think of that intoxicating smell. Could you go for a cup right about now? Because I sure could!

Coffee, however, hides a few surprises. It’s more than just a hug in a mug. The next time you are sitting with your friends at your favorite coffee shop, use this list of 11 dark roasted facts to show off your OCD (obsessive coffee disorder).

1. Black Ivory Coffee in Thailand is one of the most expensive coffees in the world at more than $500 per pound.

Elephants eat the beans and then poop them out half-digested. The coffee produced has a robust flavor and drinker are willing to shell out the big bucks for the hard-to-find brew.

After it’s cleaned, of course.

Photo Credit: Flickr Creative Commons

2 Almost all the world’s religions accept coffee.

Although Mormonism does not allow caffeinated “hot beverages,” including coffee, and Seventh Day Adventism also eschews the brew.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

3. Coffee is highly addictive.

One small cup per day is enough to hook most people. Without a daily cup, 125 million Americans would suffer headaches and 32 million would experience actual symptoms of withdrawal.

Photo Credit: Maxpixel

4. Don’t look for an Espresso Romano in Italy.

Most Italians have never heard of it. But you can make one yourself easy by adding a bit of lemon juice and sugar to an espresso. Rub the rind along the top of the demitasse for added brightness.

Photo Credit: Wero

5. Starbucks will happily make you a Quadriginoctuple Frap if you are willing to pay around $50 for it.

And if you actually want 48 shots of espresso, soy powder, protein powder, two bananas and a strawberry and salt topping.

Photo Credit: Pxhere

6. Hawaii’s gourmet Kona coffee is the only commercially grown coffee by a state in the U.S.

Grown in mineral-rich volcano soil, Kona coffee is on the list of the most expensive coffees in the world.

The U.S. territory of Puerto Rico also grows coffee, but it is not a state.

Photo Credit: Flickr Creative Commons

7. Coffee has a history of being banned.

One attempt was by Italian clerics who tried to ban coffee as the “devil’s drink” in the 16th century. Instead, Pope Clement VII baptized it to cheat the devil because he thought it was delicious.

Photo Credit: Catholic Gentlemen

8. Coffee can improve your memory.

Studies show when we learn something new, the DNA in brain cells breaks a little. Coffee can help repair these breaks faster. This is particularly helpful as we age and our own neurons’ abilities to repair these breaks slows.

Photo Credit: Pxhere

9. Coffee is only slightly diuretic and does not dehydrate you.

You do not lose any more fluids than what you take in when drinking coffee, contrary to popular belief.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

10. Coffee consumption is linked to lowered mortality from many diseases.

There is evidence that coffee can even protect against Parkinson’s disease and type 2 diabetes.

Photo Credit: Pexels

11. Coffee’s anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties are mood boosters.

Chlorogenic acid, ferulic acid, and caffeic acid help soothe inflamed nerve cells that bring on depression, which helps you feel better.

Photo Credit: Pexels

Coffee is chock full of history, and the science on your daily cuppa gets more fascinating by the year. And since it’s fantastic for your health and your mood, the next time the barista asks how you take your coffee, you tell him (or her), “Very seriously.”

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This is Elon Musk’s Favorite Brain Teaser…Can You Solve It?

Technology companies love to ask their potential employees tough questions to throw them off balance. For example, one of Google’s favorite interview questions is reportedly to ask, “how many people are using Facebook in San Francisco at 2:30pm on a Friday,” while Hewlett-Packard prefers, “if Germans were the tallest people in the world, how would you prove it?”

Yikes…how are you supposed to know the answers to those?

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Whatever the question, the purpose behind it is to see how the interviewee processes information and attempts to solve complex problems. The interviewers don’t necessarily care whether or not you end up with the right answer; it’s more about how you get to whatever you get to.

Knowing this, it’s probably not surprising to learn that Elon Musk, the CEO of SpaceX, also has a favorite brain teaser.

Photo Credit: Wikipedia

He reportedly asks:

“You’re standing on the surface of the Earth. You walk one mile south, one mile west, and one mile north. You end up exactly where you started. Where are you?”

Don’t feel too bad if the answer eludes you. When CNBC took to the streets of New York and asked random passersby the teaser, the majority of people didn’t get it right. Of course, they didn’t also have a job on the line, so they probably weren’t as motivated as Musk’s interviewees.

Photo Credit: Pixabay


Ready for the answer?

Here we go.

The North Pole.

That’s the primary answer, but there’s also another, more complicated answer: one mile north of a circle with a one-mile circumference surrounding the South Pole (so, basically, 2 miles north of the South Pole. If that seems confusing, this Business Insider video clarifies:

“You’ll walk one mile south to reach this circle, trace that mile-long circle’s path, and return one mile north to your starting point.”

Now do you get it? Mr. Musk hopes you do.

The post This is Elon Musk’s Favorite Brain Teaser…Can You Solve It? appeared first on UberFacts.