10 Doctors Share Their Most Shocking Anti-Vax Horror Stories

At the risk of potentially getting some angry comments from a few folks, I’m gonna go ahead and say it: vaccines are a marvel of modern medicine that have saved countless lives, and any potential negative side effects (such as they are – the most commonly-feared ones have been widely disproved) are vastly outweighed by the benefits.

Many doctors have experienced real-life horror stories in their dealings with anti-vaxxers. Recently, we found out a few of these stories when a Reddit user posted the question, “Doctors of Reddit, what are some of your anti-vax parent stories?”

Brace yourselves. Some of these will shock you.

1. An odd rationalization

“Had a kid come in for generic upper respiratory virus. Asked mom if he was vaccinated, as is routine. She said no. When I asked why not, her response was “Well my boyfriend was vaccinated and he still got meningitis, so they don’t even work”

I told her that’s the same as saying your friend got bruised by a seat belt in a car accident, so you don’t wear them when you drive.”

2.This is shockingly heart-breaking

“I’ve told this story before, but the worst was when I was in medical school. The woman actually brought her daughter in to get catchup vaccines. Why? Because her other daughter was in the ICU with fulminant meningitis from a vaccine-preventable illness, hanging on for dear life. The nurse there sat her down and told her point-blank that she rarely sees this disease because people are vaccinated for it. The mom couldn’t understand how her girl had contracted it. We asked if she knew anyone who wasn’t vaccinated. Apparently no one in her church vaccinated, and several had been sick recently. She couldn’t believe the source could be them. The kicker? She also brought her son to clinic, but refused to vaccinate him, saying “he’s my only son”. No matter how we explained it to her, she believed giving her son the vaccine would result in brain damage.”

3. Doctors understand the dangers if only we’d listen

“Doctor here. Guy decided to not get a flu shot this year. Ended up in the ICU with flu infection in his brain He has currently been in the hospital for a month most of which in the ICU. Has likely permanent speech difficulty and left sided weakness.”

4. Unbelievable!

“Child A had an absolutely horrible time with chicken pox; to the point that I thought he might not make it. So what does she do? Intentionally expose Child B to it.”

5. Real talk from Dad

“Friend of mine is a military OBGYN. Was at a OB appointment with the pregnant dependent and servicemember. He had just returned from AFG a few months prior.

OB mentions about follow-ups after delivery in 1st year of life, including vaccines.

Wife says: ‘I read on the internet that vaccines cause autism, I don’t think we’re going to do that.’

Husband says: ‘I saw a lot of little graves in Afghanistan, sure as sh!t we are getting our kid vaccinated.’”

6. And vaccines have bad side-effects?

“I had a kid come in that was super sick. 3 years old and in septic shock. He had the flu and another compounded viral infection (I want to say pertussis). Heart rate was close to 200, respiratory rate in the 50s, blood pressure in the 70s. Kid was so fucking dry that we could barely get IVs into him and I almost had to drill an IO. We dumped a ton of fluids into him, started him on vasopressors and transferred him to the local children’s hospital.

I had asked the mom if he was vaccinated and she said “No, vaccines have really bad side effects! They’ll make you sick.” I explained to her that NOT getting the vaccines had made her kid 10 times sicker than he ever would have been from any mild vaccine reaction. She told me I was a moron and that I obviously have no clue what I’m talking and that’s the reason her kid was getting transferred…. She also told me that recommending she vaccinate her kids was racist.”

Photo Credit: Quick Meme

7. Anti-vax beliefs pushed to the extreme

“We had a 14 year old female come in for abdominal pain one time. She weighed 80 pounds. Looked sickly. Her mother refused to let her eat anything but a handful of things, nothing with very much protein at all. She literally had a binder full of articles about how horrible vaccines are, all the bad things they put in food these days, etc. She had completely brain washed this kid so the kid believed it too. Her labs showed malnutrition, her teeth were horrible. Just a sad case all around.”

8. This doctor knows what’s up

“When I was a med student, I had a parent who wanted to do a ‘delayed vaccination schedule’. Basically it means that you get all the same vaccinations but you pointlessly and foolishly do it over a longer time period. The mom had read a book promoting this practice that was unfortunately written by an MD. My pediatric attending had zero chill: ‘Is that the book written by Dr __? Yes? Well, then you should know that I was in the same medical school class as Dr __ but I got much better scores than he did.’”

Photo Credit: Make a Meme

9. A secret vaccination?

“I’m not a medical doctor but a mental health therapist, went to do a new client intake and while asking the mother about the kid’s medical history, vaccination records etc she said he was not vaccinated because vaccines cause autism and she didn’t want to risk her son getting it, then when I went to meet the kid within 5 seconds of laying eyes on him I could tell… he was autistic. Worst part was that when I told her she became very upset and started yelling at her husband saying he must have gotten the kid secretly vaccinated and then immediately ran out the house and took the kid to the emergency room for “testing” and just left me and the dad in the living room just kind of staring at eachother. Never answered my calls or texts again after that and I had to get DCF involved.”

10. Excuse me?

“This one time this lady came in for a check up. The child had not been vaccinated yet and I told her she needed to vaccinate him. She said that she didn’t want any needles touching him because she didn’t want him to get autism from the needles. She wanted him to get an ass spray of the vaccine. To this day it left me very confused and I told her we didn’t do that so she left. Maybe an anti-vax but idk anymore.”

Photo Credit: Make a Meme

Please do your research to understand the down-sides of not vaccinating your children. A preventable death is the ultimate tragedy.

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Astronomers Were Baffled by a Mystery Signal For 17 Years. The Culprit? A Staff Microwave

It’s 2019 and people are finally starting to admit that aliens are probably in our midst. “People” meaning, for example, The New York Times. But scientists and laypeople have been observing unexplainable phenomena for practically forever. Or in one case, practically unexplainable phenomena that turned out to be…definitely not aliens at all. Instead, the weirdness was coming from a way less exciting source: a microwave oven.

Astronomers at a famous Australian telescope called “The Dish” received strange signals from an unknown source for 17 years. 17 years! The signals would always come in once or twice each year. Known as perytons, they were detected “within five kilometers” of the observatory.

Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

When the scientists first detected the signals in 1998, they assumed they were coming from the atmosphere, possibly from lightning strikes.

But then, in 2015, they installed a new receiver to monitor the interference. It detected strong signals at 2.4 GHz – the signature of a microwave oven.

Yep, that 17-year-old mystery turned out to originate from the staff kitchen.

Upon further study, the astronomers discovered that the microwave generates interference only if the door is opened after it’s been set to heat. The signals were rare, because they only happened when the telescope was pointed right at the microwave oven while a staff member happened to open the door halfway through eating up their lunch.

So, yeah. Not the most exciting discovery, but a pretty unforgettable story.

Dr. Emily Petroff is the astronomer who finally figured out the source of the perytons.

“Didn’t swear, but definitely wasn’t quiet when the data came through,” she tweeted.

It should be noted that Dr. Petroff and the other astronomers weren’t really searching for aliens, but that’s the conclusion many people might jump to upon mention of “mysterious signals.”

It seems the lab has made some improvements to their microwaving technology since then:

Aliens… Hot pockets… Same thing.

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A Simple, Surefire Hack to Help You Fall Asleep Much Faster

Personally, I have very little trouble falling asleep. I tend to sleep through the night quite soundly, but my wife sometimes struggles with insomnia. She tells me she often flips and flops for hours before finally getting to sleep.

Image Credit: Pixabay

If you’re more like her, then you might be interested in this simple practice that could help you snag some much needed z’s without so much work!

And when I say simple, I mean, it’s probably something your mom told you to do when you were little…

Stick one foot out from under the covers.

I know. But it turns out there’s some science behind why this helps – and it has to do with keeping your body at the optimal temperature for snoozing.

According to the video below, higher internal body temperatures are associated with keeping you more alert and awake, and the opposite – cooler internal body temperatures help us relax and sleep – is also true.

By uncovering one foot, you help your body dissipate body heat, and cool the temperature of your blood in the process. This happens because our feet and hands contain vascular structures that can exchange heat more effectively than, for instance, your core.

The cooler blood then circulates through your body, lowering your internal temperature and helping you drift off without so much trouble.

It turns out your mom did know a thing or two after all. Who knew?

So best of luck, my tossers and turners. I don’t envy you!

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Florida Brewery Creates Edible Six-Pack Rings, Ensuring No Turtles Will Ever Die Eating Them Again

Human activity has put the oceans in extreme peril. There is enough plastic in the oceans to form a minor continent and to say that it’s killing marine wildlife would be putting it too kindly.

Turtles, in particular, can get seriously injured or killed when they get tangled in the plastic rings used to connect six-packs of beer or soft drinks, or when they eat floating plastic bags thinking they’re tasty jellyfish.

Photo Credit: Flickr

Fortunately, one of those problems might have a solution!

A Florida brewery believes they can help end the scourge of six-pack rings ending up in the water. Their goal is to keep turtles and their marine friends healthy and happy, while maintaining the convenience of grabbing a six-pack from the grocery store. To that end, SaltWater Brewery, working in conjunction with startup E6PR, has launched the biodegradable/compostable/edible six-pack ring.

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The craft beer microbrewery, based in Delray Beach, Florida, now uses rings made out of barley and wheat instead of plastic. If the environmentally friendly packaging ends up in the ocean, it begins to break down within 2 hours – plus, it can be safely consumed by turtles and other animals. It should totally biodegrade within 2-3 months, on land  or in the water.

South Florida stores already have the rings on their shelves.

The rings are the first of their kind, and the idea is an excellent one. But the innovation doesn’t come cheap. The Mexican company behind the development, E6PR, is marketing the packaging to other beverage companies in the hopes of both bringing costs down and encouraging the use of plastic alternatives in creative ways.

So, expect to see these on your favorite beverages in the near future (hopefully!).

Just an FYI, the manufacturer does not suggest that anyone actually eat the rings or feed them to wildlife. The best way to dispose of the eco-rings is to put them in a compost pile.

The use of biodegradable packaging is a great development for the Gulf region, which has one of the world’s highest concentrations of plastic trash.

Over 50 other beverage companies have expressed interest in jumping on the edible ring bandwagon, which is a great start to reducing their contribution to our current garbage crisis!

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The WHO Just Officially Recognized Burnout As an Actual Medical Condition

The phenomenon of “burnout” is one that people have been talking about for decades, but it’s still not understood very well. It goes beyond a simple feeling of exhaustion – it’s a feeling of not wanting to continue with what you’re doing at ANY cost, even if stopping might have catastrophic effects.

And now the World Health Organization (WHO) is officially recognizing the condition.

Image Credit: Pixabay

They describe it as “a syndrome conceptualized as resulting from chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed,” and characterize it by “feelings of energy depletion or exhaustion,” “increased mental distance from one’s job,” “feelings of negativism or cynicism related to one’s job,” and “reduced professional efficacy.”

Though the WHO currently only defines burnout in relation to work, there is hope that the addition will aid doctors in diagnosing and treating the issue anywhere and everywhere it pops up.

The Mayo Clinic points to certain risk factors for developing burnout, including having a poor work/life balance, having a high workload, too much overtime, being in a “helping profession” like healthcare, being a perfectionist, and having a boring job.

Image Credit: Pixabay

They describe symptoms of feeling helpless, trapped, and/or cynical about work, all of which can make you detach from the world, lack motivation, increased procrastination, and even turning to drugs or alcohol to cope with the mounting stress.

WHO also states that there can be physical fallout – anything from stress and fatigue to heart disease, high blood pressure, muscle pains, and sleep disruption. It can also lead to headaches and a weakened immune system.

If you think burnout could be affecting you, you’ll want to seek out support from your friends, family, and perhaps even a professional or two. Getting more exercise and sleep, taking up relaxing activities like yoga, and purging your diet of unhealthy components could help, but searching for a new, more satisfying job could end up being the answer, as well.

Image Credit: Pixabay

Burnout will officially be listed in the new International Classification of Diseases as of January 2022, along with a new classification for compulsive sexual behavior (a mental disorder) and recognizing video-gaming as an addiction like gambling and drugs.

The WHO will also no longer classify transgenderism as a mental disorder.

Yay, progress!

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The Philippines Passed a New Law Requiring Students to Plant at Least 10 Trees to Graduate

Our planet is facing an undeniable crisis thanks to massive deforestation around the globe. The one stroke of good fortune, however, is that more and more governments are gradually starting to take it seriously.

Recently, the Philippines took one major step towards that goal by getting their students more involved with the planet. A new law will require all students to plant at least 10 trees before they can graduate from high school and college.

Planting trees upon graduation is already a tradition in the Philippines, but, thanks to this new law, it will now be formally required. Billions of trees will be planted in a generation.

“With over 12 million students graduating from elementary and nearly five million students graduating from high school and almost 500,000 graduating from college each year, this initiative, if properly implemented, will ensure that at least 175 million new trees would be planted each year,” explained the Philippines’ Magdalo Party representative, Gary Alejano, the principal author of the legislation.

“In the course of one generation, no less than 525 billion can be planted under this initiative.”

The representative went on to explain that, even if only 10 percent of the trees actually survive to adulthood, that still adds up to 525 million new trees.

This is especially meaningful for the Philippines, which is one of the most severely deforested countries in the world.

The new trees will be planted in mangroves, existing forests, some protected areas, military ranges, abandoned mining sites, and selected urban areas. The trees must be well-suited to their planting location, and there will be a preference for native species.

Photo Credit: iStock

The government hopes that this initiative will not only improve the ecology of the country, but will also encourage young people to care more about the environment.

I, for one, would love to see a similar law on the book in every country around the world!

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Photographer Spends Two Years Taking Heartbreaking Photos of Soon-to-Be Extinct Animals

The plight of endangered animals is a very real one, and it’s largely our own fault. Thankfully, while much of the world wrings its hands in apathy, there are people like British photographer Tim Flach – a man who has made it his mission to document this plight and raise awareness around animals facing extinction.

Flach spent two years around the habitats of endangered animals, photographing their everyday lives. The images he’s created are both extremely powerful and heartbreaking.

A recent U.N. report stated that a staggering one million species of animals and plants are now facing extinction, which makes Flach’s work even more important.

Here are 15 examples of Flach’s photos. You can order his book Endangered on Amazon.

1. Philippine Eagle

2. Iberian Lynx

3. Golden Snub-Nosed Monkey

4. Axolotl

5. Hyacinth Macaw

6. Snow White Tiger

7. Shoebill

8. Snow Leopard

9. Saiga

10. Polar Bear

11. Hippopotamus

12. Pied Tamarin

13. Sea Angels

14. Yellow Eyed Tree Frog

15. Crowned Sifaka

Check out Flach’s website and his Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook pages to keep up to date on his incredible work.

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10 Awesome Facts That’ll Rock Your World

Are you ready to ROOOOOOOCK????!?

With facts, that is.

Just look at the gentlemen of Black Sabbath above. You know they’re ready for some serious factinating. So let’s rumble, y’all!

1. Fascinating

Photo Credit: did you know?

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2. Which house do you belong to?

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3. Cool!

Photo Credit: did you know?

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4. Beautiful

Photo Credit: did you know?


5. Sign me up!

Photo Credit: did you know?


6. BFF

Photo Credit: did you know?


7. Get on board!

Photo Credit: did you know?

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8. Sea Peoples

Photo Credit: did you know?

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9. Trouble makers

Photo Credit: did you know?


10. Strange…

Photo Credit: did you know?


Now you’re rockin! With facts, I mean…

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Tampons Vs Pads: 20 Women Discuss Which Is Better

I’m hardly an expert on feminine care, but I know that whenever I’m in that aisle with my wife, the number of options is mind-boggling.

That said, even I know that there are two main options: pads and tampons. Every woman has a preference, and these 20 women weren’t afraid to discuss it.

1. TSS is no joke.

Photo Credit: Whisper

2. Well, that’s one reason why no tampons.

Photo Credit: Whisper

3. She’s not wrong!

Photo Credit: Whisper

4. Another common thing women say…

Photo Credit: Whisper

5. Why are women so afraid of tampons?

Photo Credit: Whisper

6. Some women actually do wear both…

Photo Credit: Whisper

7. Fair point!

Photo Credit: Whisper

8. Lots of people are with you!

Photo Credit: Whisper

9. Interesting…

Photo Credit: Whisper

10. Oh jeezus…

Photo Credit: Whisper

11. But why?

Photo Credit: Whisper

12. Ouch!

Photo Credit: Whisper

13. Maybe pull it out sooner?

Photo Credit: Whisper

14. I can see the first, but didn’t realize the second part was a thing…

Photo Credit: Whisper

15. That’s a BIG pad!

Photo Credit: Whisper

16. Well, at least she’s honest!

Photo Credit: Whisper

17. Secrets…

Photo Credit: Whisper

18. Right? I was thinking the same thing.

Photo Credit: Whisper

19. Everybody’s got their reasons…

Photo Credit: Whisper

20. This is true for something, but not others…

Photo Credit: Whisper

So… what is it? Tampons or pads?

Share this article and ask your friends!

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8 Seriously Stupendous Facts To Impress Your Friends

I’m the type of guy who has never once come across a fact I didn’t like. I love collecting bits of random information, it’s a habit that’s helped me win many a trivia content in my day!

Today, I’m giving the gift of facts to you. Enjoy!

1. It’s that fast

Photo Credit: did you know?

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2. The Can Opener

Photo Credit: did you know?

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3. Feisty kitties

Photo Credit: did you know?

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4. For comfort

Photo Credit: did you know?

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5. Decoys

Photo Credit: did you know?

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6. The best

Photo Credit: did you know?


7. Brilliant idea

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8. Figure it out

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