Oral tradition in Kenya tells…

Oral tradition in Kenya tells that 20 shipwrecked Chinese sailors washed up on shore in the 15th century and were given permission to settle and marry into local tribes. DNA tests conducted by China’s government in 2002 on one of the supposed descendants and found that she was of Chinese descent.

A Guy Accepted a Dare to Eat a Gecko and He Lost His Life

Bet you never thought you’d see that headline, right?

We all know that games of truth or dare can get out of hand on occasion, but the family of David Dowell – a husband and father of three – never expected his taking a Christmas party dare to eat a gecko might cost him his life.

The healthy 34-year-old ingested the animal on December 1, and by December 3, he was not feeling at all well.

“It was coming out both ends,” his sister Hannah told The Sydney Morning Herald. “He was really sick and the moment he started throwing up it was green. That’s when they rang the ambulance.”

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♡ Betty ♡ She’s like a little boa sometimes ? It was weigh day today and Betty is up at 52g, Penny has gone down to 66g and Archie is at 30g. ??• • I’m going away again and wont be home until friday, so there probably wont be any pictures. #leopardgecko #leopardgeckos #leopardgeckosofinstagram #leopardgeckolove #gecko #geckoleopard #geckoofinstagram #geckos #geckolove #geckoaddict #geckoaddiction #geckoadvise #geckofeeding #leopardgeckofeeding #bhfyp #bhfyp♥ #leopardgeckoshedding #geckoshedding #eublepharismacularius • Reptifam ?? @diego_the_leopardgecko @lillie_leopoard_gecko @leoo_ladies @leopardgecko.mm @tiny_the_leo @acid_the_gecko @mon.and.sienna @emile_et_une_patte @morethanagecko @sakr_the_gecko @reptiles_239

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Brisbane doctors originally believed he had a simple stomach bug, or maybe a hangover, but the family insisted it must be more and begged them not to discharge him. Dowell was admitted and eventually diagnosed with a Salmonella infection – one that began to worsen significantly during his hospital stay.

Little known fact: even though Salmonella is typically acquired by the mishandling of food, according to the CDC reptiles can also transfer the microbe to humans.

“Contact with reptiles can be a source of human Salmonella infections. Reptiles can be carrying Salmonella bacteria but appear healthy and clean and show no signs of illness.”

In fact that’s why turtles under a certain size are banned from being sold as pets – little kids kept getting salmonella.

Though it’s not clear whether David Dowell actually ate the gecko or simply handled it (stories from the party state either as having happened), there was no doubt he was in serious trouble. His mother told the newspaper that “his testicles were swollen up to grapefruits and there was fluid leaking from them. The doctors said that was normal, it was just all all of the fluid in his stomach cavity.”

Salmonella causes illness in around 1.2 million people in the US every year, and while most cases clear up on their own within a week, around 23,000 people are hospitalized and 450 don’t recover.

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Salmonella infection (salmonellosis) is a common bacterial disease that affects the intestinal tract. Salmonella bacteria typically live in animal and human intestines and are shed through feaces. Humans become infected most frequently through contaminated water or food.⠀ ⠀ Typically, people with salmonella infection have no symptoms. Others develop diarrhea, fever and abdominal cramps within eight to 72 hours. Most healthy people recover within a few days without specific treatment.⠀ ⠀ In some cases, the diarrhea associated with salmonella infection can be so dehydrating as to require prompt medical attention. Life-threatening complications also may develop if the infection spreads beyond your intestines. The risk of acquiring salmonella infection is higher when travelling to countries with poor sanitation.⠀ ⠀ #DoyenMedicals #MedicalEducation #Salmonella #HealthyLiving #healthylivingjourney

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Sadly, Dowell found himself in the latter category. After spending time in a medically-induced coma, he passed away during emergency surgery 10 days after the incident with the gecko.

Though doctors never said for sure that it was the interaction that cost him his life, his partner, Allira, says “ingestion of a gecko” is what is listed on the “actual death certificate.”

The death of their loved one was sudden and unexpected, and the family is still reeling from the entire episode. Though they’ve opened an inquest into how things were handled at the hospital, they realize they may never have answers.

Allira does have some advice for anyone out there who thinks stunts like the one David pulled are all in good fun: “If you’re thinking of performing a similar stunt, don’t.”

Solid advice, if you ask me.

And one more reason to avoid the local wildlife whenever possible.

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Female Lionesses in Botswana Grew Long Manes and Started Acting like Males

Well, this is kinda cool.

Five lionesses in Botswana started behaving like male lions — long manes and all.

Male and female lions look and behave quite differently from each other. Male lions have big manes and they roar a lot. Female lions don’t have a mane and they’re not as vocal. The ladies also do the majority of the pride’s hunting.

Once in a while, though, lionesses start to act more like “one of the guys.”

OKC Zoo veterinary caretakers are working to solve a very curious case; Bridget, the Zoo’s 18-year-old African lioness,…

Posted by Oklahoma City Zoo and Botanical Garden on Monday, February 19, 2018

Researchers observed five lionesses at the Moremi Game Reserve in Botswana exhibiting male behaviors, like growing long manes, marking their territory, mounting other females, and roaring.

These changes are likely due to increased levels of testosterone, scientists say.

“While some of the maned lionesses were observed mating, none of them became pregnant, suggesting they are infertile, a known consequence of high levels of androgens such as testosterone in females,” Katherine Alexander at Virginia Tech explained. “The behavioral changes suggest this is likely the case.”

This isn’t the only time that a lioness has undergone this change. An 18-year-old female called Bridget, born into captivity at the Oklahoma City Zoo, grew a “mini-mane.” In 2011, a captive lioness called Emma in South Africa grew a mane, too, and tests revealed high levels of testosterone due to an issue with her ovaries.

However, this phenomenon is most common in Botswana’s Okavanago Delta, where maned lionesses are a regularity, likely due to a genetic predisposition.

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A Photographer Specializes in Close-Up Shots of Insects and Spiders

Alexander Mett is a wildlife photographer from Germany, and his work is pretty incredible. He gets extremely up close and personal with insects and spiders, and I do mean extremely up close.

I’m pretty sure you’ve never seen the intricate details on the faces of little critters like this before.

Take a look at Mett’s photos and be sure to follow him on Instagram.

1. Dewdrops

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Twin-lobed deerfly with dewdrops – Goldaugenbremse mit Tautropfen Hallo, diese wunderschöne Goldaugenbremse (Chrysops relictus) mit Tautropfen habe ich Mitte Juni 2018 früh Morgens auf einer Feuchtwiese bei Jossa im Spessart gefunden. Bremsen zählen wegen ihrer tollen Facettenaugen für mich zu den schönsten Makromotiven, erst recht wenn sie noch Tautropfen auf ihren Augen haben. Dafür lohnt sich dann auch das frühe Aufstehen, dass nötig ist um solche Bilder zu erhalten. Auch an diesem Wochenende werde ich wohl an einem Tag wieder sehr früh auf Tour gehen. Wenn ich dazu komme werde ich heute noch ein Bild von meiner aktuellen Ausrüstung zeigen und dem neuesten Diffusor. . . . #dewdrops #naturfotografie #macrophotography #_macroart #insects #macro_freaks #macro_brilliance #top_macro #igbest_macros #macro_highlight #macro_holic #kings_macro #majestic_macros #macro_mood #macro_kings #macrolove #macro_maniac #invert_macro #NatGeoDE #beautiful_insects_japan #extreme_wildlife_makrofotografie #exclusive_world_macro #Excellent_Macros #macro_perfection #macroworld_tr #macroclique #macroworld #episode1_macro #justperfect_shot #soulmademacro

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2. Creepy crawler

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Asianellus festivus male – Asianellus festivus Männchen Hallo, den kleinen Kerl habe ich 2017 aufgenommen. Das Bildergebnis ist ein Focus Stack aus 17 Aufnahmen. Diese Springspinnenart ist nicht nur sehr schön, sondern auch ziemlich selten und wird in vielen Bundesländern in der Roten Liste geführt. . . . . . #makrofotografie #jumpingspiders #macrophotography #macro_captures #macro_freaks #macro_brilliance #top_macro #igbest_macros #macro_highlight #macro_holic #macroshot #majestic_macros #macro_mood #macroworld #macro_kings #macrolove #macro_maniac #spiders #spider_fans #im_arachnids #invert_macro #NatGeoDE #beautiful_insects_japan #extreme_wildlife_makrofotografie #exclusive_world_macro #Excellent_Macros #macro_perfection #macroworld_tr #macroclique #macroworld #episode1_macro

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3. WOW

4. Bug eyes

5. Bzzzzzzzzzz

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Mein erster Instagram Beitrag … Hallo, eigentlich bin ich ja schon ein Opa in der Makrofotografie. Aber seit gestern habe ich erst meinen Instagram Account. Mein erstes Bild das ich hier zeigen möchte ist daher auch kein aktuelles, sondern wurde im Oktober 2013 aufgenommen. Diese schöne Wespe habe ich an einem kühlen und windigen Herbsttag in einen vertrockneten Blatt gefunden. Diese und andere Wespen haben in den Blättern von einem Busch Schutz vor dem Wetter gesucht. Die Wespe hat sich gut fotografieren lassen, wobei dieses Bildergebnis kein Focus Stack ist, sondern eine Einzelaufnahme im ABM von 2:1. Als Ausrüstung habe ich damals eine Sony A55, Blitz mit Diffusor und einen Retroadapter mit einer 35mm Minolta Linse und einem 14mm Zwischenring verwendet. Obwohl das Bild schon so alt ist, gehört es auch heute noch zu meinen besten Insektenmakros. #makrofotografie #naturfotografie #wunderdernatur #wespen #nabu #macrophotography #macro_captures #insects #macro_freaks #macro_brilliance #top_macro #igbest_macros #macro_highlight #macro_holic #macroshot #majestic_macros #macro_mood #macroworld #macro_kings #macrolove macro_maniac

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6. Great shot

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Die Gorilla Springspinne Hallo, auf dem Bild ist gut zu erkennen warum die Springspinnenart Evarcha arcuata auch "Gorilla Springspinne" genannt wird. Mit seinen sehr kräftigen Vorderbeinen und der kontrastreichen Zeichnung im Gesicht erinnert mich diese Springspinne auch an einen Silberrücken. Die Art gehört bei uns übrigens zu den häufigsten Springspinnen und ist z.B. auf Wiesen, besonders an Waldrändern anzutreffen. #makrofotografie #naturfotografie #wunderdernatur #springspinnen #nabu #macrophotography #macro_captures #jumpingspiders #macro_freaks #macro_brilliance #top_macro #igbest_macros #macro_highlight #macro_holic #macroshot #majestic_macros #macro_mood #macroworld #macro_kings #macrolove #macro_maniac #evarchaarcuata #spider_fans #gorillajumpingspider #geo #nationalgeographic

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7. Rock star spider

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The rock star spider Hello, here is a picture result (focus stack of 15 shots) of a fully grown philaeus crysops. This old female was the largest jumping spider i've seen so far. She is also considered the largest native jumping spider of germany. She was not only very tall,but also extremely hairy. The "blow-dry hair style" typical for jumping spiders was particularly pronounced in her and so it reminds me a little bit of a rockstar from the time of the "hair metal bands" of the 80s. ? . . . #jumpingspiders #macrophotography #macro_kings #macro_freaks #macro_brilliance #top_macro #igbest_macro #macro_highlight #laowa #laowa60mm #insectguru #spider #spiders #im_arachnids #invert_macro #justperfect_shot #soulmademacro #beautiful_insects_japan #extreme_wildlife_makrofotografie #exclusive_macro #excellent_macro #macro_perfection #macroworld #macroworld_tr #episode1_macro

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8. Bloodsucker

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The bloodsucker Hello, I have found this beautiful horsefly with the name Heptatoma pellucens last year. Rather, she actually found me, in the picture is to see how she sucks on a drop of blood. I had the idea for such a picture many years ago, but either there was no horsefly or I was just not injured. Both fit here and that's how it came to this picture. Incidentally, this type of horseflies is pretty rare in Germany, I do not know exactly how rare, but in more than 8 years of macro photography, I've only seen it here for the first time. Short info about horseflies in general Only the females prick and suck blood because they need it for the development of the offspring. The males, on the other hand, feed on nectar and pollen. You can recognize the females by the long piercing proboscis and the arrangement of the eyes. In the females there is a broad forehead between the two eyes, in the males the eyes are very close together. . . . #worldwide_macro#macro_freaks #idmacro#dreaming_in_macro#gmf_macrofun #macro_spotlight#mat_macro#beautiful_insects_japan #macroworld_tr#_lookatme_macro#gf_macro#macro_creative_pictures#loves_united_macro#turklikeben_macro#episode1_macro#insectguru#macro_celebes#laowa#extreme_wildlife_makrofotografie#masters_in_macro#miracles_noblesse#mat_macro#invert_macro#electric_macro#macro_alit#b2macro#rebel_macro#insects#horsefly#justperfect_shot #soulmademacro

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9. Male yellow sac spider

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Male yellow sac spider – Ammen-Dornfinger Männchen (Cheiracanthium punctorium) Hello, I photographed this male yellow sac spider in May 2018. The picture shows the thorns at the top of the pedipalps, which gives this impressive and interesting spider its german name "Dornfinger". . Hallo, dieses Dornfinger-Männchen habe ich im Mai 2018 aufgenommen. Beim Bild sind gut die Dornen oben an den Pedipalpen zu erkennen, ihnen verdankt diese beeindruckende und interessante Spinne auch ihren Namen. . . . #makrofotografie #cheiracanthiidae #macrophotography #macro_captures #macro_freaks #macro_brilliance #top_macro #igbest_macros #macro_highlight #macro_holic #macroshot #majestic_macros #macro_mood #macroworld #macro_kings #macrolove #macro_maniac #spiders #spider_fans #im_arachnids #invert_macro #NatGeoDE #beautiful_insects_japan #extreme_wildlife_makrofotografie #exclusive_world_macro #Excellent_Macros #macro_perfection #macroworld_tr #macroclique #macroworld #episode1_macro

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10. Making the jump

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Male Pellenes tripunctatus – Kreuzspringspinnen Männchen Hello, here is a picture of a male Pellenes tripunctatus. The little fella was interested in the camera and stretched his legs for it and more times try on it to jump. When that happens, let the spider is either jumped, or you pull the camera away for a moment so that it will not jump. . Hallo,hier ist ein Bildergebnis (komplett manueller Focus Stack aus 8 Aufnahmen) vom seltenen Kreuzspringspinnen Männchen. Der Kleine hat hier interessiert seine Vorderbeinchen zum Objektiv ausgestreckt und hat auch mehrmals versucht drauf zu springen. Wenn das passiert läßt man die Springspinne entweder springen, oder man zieht die Kamera kurz weg, damit sie erst gar nicht zum Sprung ansetzt. . . #jumpingspiders #macrophotography #macro_captures #macro_freaks #macro_brilliance #top_macro #igbest_macros #macro_highlight #macro_holic #macroshot #majestic_macros #macro_mood #macroworld #macro_kings #macrolove #macro_maniac #spiders #spider_fans #im_arachnids #invert_macro #justperfect_shot #soulmademacro #beautiful_insects_japan #extreme_wildlife_makrofotografie #exclusive_world_macro #Excellent_Macros #macro_perfection #macroworld_tr #macroclique #macroworld #episode1_macro

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11. Terminator

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The Terminator Servus, dieses Bildergebnis ist eines meiner besten aus dem Jahr 2017. Zu sehen sind eine große Sackspinne (Clubiona corticalis) und insgesamt 4 alte Wolfspinnenhäute. Die Story zum Bild Ich schaue bei meinen Touren auch immer wieder gerne unter Totholz nach, besonders wenn sonst nichts zu finden ist. Unter Totholz findet man nämlich eigentlich immer ein paar Makro-Motive. Angefangen bei Hundertfüßern, über Asseln bishin zu einigen Spinnenarten reicht die Artenvielfalt auf die man dort treffen kann. Anfang Mai 2017 drehe ich also so ein Holzstück um und sehe neben einigen abgelegten Wolfspinnenhäuten auch eine wirklich große Sackspinne, deren Gespinnstsack beim umdrehen des Holzstückes aufgerissen wurde. Teile des Gespinnstes in dem sie sich aufgehalten hat, sind rechts im Bild gut zu erkennen. Der Hauptteil des Gespinnstes liegt aber außerhalb des Bildes. Die Spinne blieb zum Glück lange Zeit sehr ruhig und so konnte ich genügend Aufnahmen für einen Focus Stack machen. Auf den Bildtitel kam ich übrigens weil die Situation mich sofort an die eine Szene aus dem Film "Der Terminator" erinnert hat, in dem die Cyborgs in der Zukunft über die Gerippe und Totenschädel der Menschen gelaufen sind. Im Bild handelt es sich aber nicht um tote Wolfspinnen, sondern lediglich um die alten Häute der Spinnen. Wer den Film kennt wird eine gewisse Ähnlichkeit der Szenen aber bestimmt auch erkennen können. Links im Bild ist der Kopfteil einer Wolfspinne zu sehen der Tatsächlich ein wenig wie ein menschlicher Totenschädel aussieht. . . . #makrofotografie #clubionidae #macrophotography #macro_captures #macro_freaks #macro_brilliance #top_macro #igbest_macros #macro_highlight #macro_holic #macroshot #majestic_macros #macro_mood #macroworld #macro_kings #macrolove #macro_maniac #spiders #spider_fans #im_arachnids #invert_macro #NatGeoDE #beautiful_insects_japan #extreme_wildlife_makrofotografie #exclusive_world_macro #Excellent_Macros #macro_perfection #macroworld_tr #macroclique #macroworld #episode1_macro

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12. King of the forest

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The king of the forest – Der König des Waldes Servus, als eigentlicher König der Wälder wird natürlich der Hirsch bezeichnet, im Mikrokosmos der Insekten ist es jedoch der Hirschkäfer. Von den vielen tollen Motiven die ich hier schon im Spessart gefunden habe, ist der Hirschkäfer sicher der imposanteste. Neben ihm sehen selbst voll ausgewachsene Gelbe Mordfliegen oder Sandlaufkäfer klein aus. Das Bild ist ein Focus Stack aus 63 Aufnahmen. Ich habe vom Hirschkäfer auch ein kleines Video aufgenommen wo gut zu sehen ist das er bei bester Gesundheit war und diese Drohhaltung auch während des Videos eingenommen hat. Ich werde immer wieder gefragt wie ich denn soviele Aufnahmen von einem Motiv wie z.B. einer Springspinne oder einer Raubfliege machen kann ohne das sie sich bewegt. Erstens dauert es bei weitem nicht so lange wie die meisten vielleicht denken, auch dieser Focus Stack war nach ca. 30 Sek. im Kasten. Außerdem (und jetzt kommt der eigentliche Punkt warum das funktioniert) stacke ich die meisten Serien bzw. Teile davon manuell in Photoshop weil es eben fast immer zu Bewegungen kommt. Ich mache das schon so seit vielen Jahren und habe dieses Vorgehen der Bildbearbeitung inzwischen Perfektioniert. Es gibt mittlerweile für mich nichts mehr was ich nicht stacken kann, es ist nur eine Frage von Zeit und dem Willen es zu tun. Wer live sehen will wie ich es genau mache kann gerne einen Personal Coaching Workshop bei mir buchen. . . . . #makrofotografie #naturfotografie #nabu #macrophotography #_macroart #insects #macro_freaks #macro_brilliance #top_macro #igbest_macros #macro_highlight #macro_holic #macroshot #majestic_macros #macro_mood #hirschkäfer #macro_kings #macrolove #macro_maniac #invert_macro #NatGeoDE #beautiful_insects_japan #extreme_wildlife_makrofotografie #exclusive_world_macro #Excellent_Macros #macro_perfection #macroworld_tr #macroclique #macroworld #episode1_macro

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13. Queen wasp

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Cuckoo wasp warming up her wings – Goldwespe beim aufwärmen Hallo, diese Goldwespe (vermutlich Chrysis ruddii) habe ich beim aufwärmen ihrer Flügelmuskulatur fotografieren können. An kühlen Tagen und früh Morgens kann man Goldwespen eigentlich sehr gut fotografieren. Tagsüber bei schönen Wetter ist das aber fast unmöglich. Dabei zählen Goldwespen wegen ihrer bunten Färbung zu den schönsten Motiven. Das Bild ist ein rein manueller Focus Stack aus 14 Aufnahmen. Fundort: Jossa im Spessart . . . #makrofotografie #naturfotografie #nabu #macrophotography #macro_captures #insects #macro_freaks #macro_brilliance #top_macro #igbest_macros #macro_highlight #macro_holic #macroshot #majestic_macros #macro_mood #cuckoowasp #macro_kings #macrolove #macro_maniac #invert_macro #NatGeoDE #beautiful_insects_japan #extreme_wildlife_makrofotografie #exclusive_world_macro #Excellent_Macros #macro_perfection #macroworld_tr #macroclique #macroworld #episode1_macro

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14. Look at that face

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Grüne Krabbenspinne (Diaea dorsata) Hallo, dieses Bild einer Grünen Krabbenspinne (Diaea dorsata) ist zwar nicht neu, ich habe es aber 2018 nochmal komplett neu bearbeitet für mein Buch. Es ist ein manueller Focus Stack aus 9 Aufnahmen. Dieses Bild ist eines meiner ersten richtig guten extremen Makros überhaupt und stammt aus dem September 2013! . . . . #makrofotografie #naturfotografie #wunderdernatur #spinnen #nabu #macrophotography #macro_captures #krabbenspinne #macro_freaks #macro_brilliance #top_macro #igbest_macros #macro_highlight #macro_holic #macroshot #majestic_macros #macro_mood #macroworld #macro_kings #macrolove #macro_maniac #spiders #spider_fans #im_arachnids #invert_macro #NatGeoDE #beautiful_insects_japan #extreme_wildlife_makrofotografie #exclusive_world_macro #Excellent_Macros

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15. Yikes

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Hallo, Morgen geht es mal wieder auf Fototour in ein sehr schönes Gebiet. Dieses wütende Ammen-Dornfinger Weibchen (Cheiracanthium punctorium) habe ich vor ein paar Jahren auch in einem super Makrogebiet fotografiert in der Nähe von Darmstadt. Das Bild hat übrigens als Vorlage für ein T-Shirt Motiv von meinem Modelabel für Spinnenfans @bonesandspiders gedient. #makrofotografie #naturfotografie #wunderdernatur #spinnen #nabu #macrophotography #macro_captures #spiders #macro_freaks #macro_brilliance #top_macro #igbest_macros #macro_highlight #macro_holic #macroshot #majestic_macros #macro_mood #macroworld #macro_kings #macrolove #macro_maniac #welovespiders #scaryspider #dornfinger #cheiracanthium_punctorium

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Those are very impressive, don’t you think?

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Here Are 7 Scientific Benefits of Kissing

You’re in for a treat because these 7 scientifically proven benefits might convince you to keep puckering up far into your golden years!

7. It can boost your immunity.

Kissing is fun, sure, but it’s also a bacteria exchange. On a bad day that could give you a virus, but the upside is that the more germs your immune system is exposed to, the better your body will be at fighting bacteria and viruses in the future.

A 2014 study found that couples who kiss frequently (at least 9 times per day) are more likely to share bacteria, so get working on that.

6. It releases endorphins.

The brain’s reward system releases feel-good chemicals like oxytocin when your lips touch, which helps us bond and improves our mood. It also reduces stress hormones, freeing your body up to rest from the cumulative crap weighing on your mind.

5. It could reduce your allergy symptoms.

At least one Ig Nobel-winning study proved that habitual kissing (and the reduced cortisol that comes from it) can help people who struggle with seasonal allergies.

4. It can give you a jolt.

Kissing can also stimulate the release of adrenaline and noradrenaline, both of which increase your heart rate, make you more alert, and prepare you for action.


Who needs coffee?

3. It could keep the dentist away.

Kissing encourages the production of saliva, which helps remove cavity-causing particles that can stick in your teeth after a meal. No dentists have weighed in, but I mean, it definitely can’t hurt!

2. It reduces stress – and cholesterol.

According to affection exchange theory, physical exchanges of affection “buffer the individual against the physiological effects of stress.”

The same study authors theorize that if affectionate behavior reduces stress, “then it is logical to predict that it will also effect improvements on physiological parameters that are exacerbated by stress” such as cholesterol. Cholesterol has a number of essential physiological functions, they write, “including maintaining membrane fluidity, producing bile, and contributing to the metabolism of fat-soluble vitamins.” It’s also “largely responsible” for the production of steroid hormones, such as cortisol, aldosterone, progesterone, the estrogens, and testosterone.

1. It’s good for the overall health of your relationship.

Romantic kissing, as well as other forms of physical contact, strengthens feelings of attachment and increases the feeling over overall satisfaction between partners.

A 2013 study found that couples who kiss more often feel happier and more satisfied in their relationship (and the same correlation was not found when people had more sex, interestingly).


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Scientists Discovered a Giant Structure Under the Surface of the Moon

Space keeps getting less and less mysterious every day, doesn’t it?

This most recent discovery concerns the South Pole-Aitken Basin on the moon, one of the largest preserved impact craters in the Solar System. The US and China, among others, have been particularly interested in the area, and now NASA’s Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory mission has discovered something truly massive beneath it.

The structure weighs 2.18 billion kilograms and stretches more than 186 miles deep, suggesting that it might be leftover from the asteroid that formed the crater, says lead author Peter B. James.

“Imagine taking a pile of metal five times larger than the Big Island of Hawaii and burying it underground. That’s roughly how much unexpected mass we detected.”

The mission was out to measure subtle changes in the gravitational field of the moon, then use the observations to study the moon’s internal composition, but what they discovered was a surprise to everyone involved.

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“The vast loneliness up here of the Moon is awe-inspiring, and it makes you realize just what you have back there on Earth. The Earth from here is a grand oasis to the big vastness of space.” — Apollo 8 astronaut Jim Lovell Fifty years ago today, this iconic 'Earthrise' photo was taken aboard Apollo 8 by Bill Anders. Before humanity ventured to the Moon, our view of our home planet consisted of what we could see from horizon to horizon. It was not until this stunning photo (along with many others) came back to Earth with the three Apollo 8 astronauts in December 1968 that we saw Earth as a vibrant, delicate, blue and white globe framed by the velvety blackness of space. This iconic picture shows Earth peeking out from beyond the lunar surface as the first crewed spacecraft circumnavigated the Moon. Image credit: NASA #space #earth #nasa #earthrise #moon #lunar #earth #iconic #picoftheday #1968 #apollo8 #apollo #astronaut #astronomy #planet #science

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“When we combined that [data] with lunar topography data from the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, we discovered the unexpectedly large amount of mass hundreds of miles underneath the South Pole-Aitken basin. One of the explanations of this extra mass is that the metal from the asteroid that formed this crater is still embedded in the Moon’s mantle.”

The team isn’t sure exactly what they’ve found at this point, though computer simulations indicate it is possible that when an asteroid hit the moon roughly 4 billion years ago it embedded itself in the mantle, never sinking into the moon’s core.

Another theory is that the mass formed when the moon was still solidifying – as the magma of the moon cooled and hardened, perhaps a concentration of oxides may have developed.

More research will follow, but anything we learn from the unique basin should help scientists understand how and when the moon formed, as well as give us an idea as to how it might weather an impact from an asteroid in the future.

And when it comes to space, the more information we have, the better.

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This Is Why the Summer Heat Makes People Grumpy

Summer makes a whole lot of people very irritable, am I right?

Well, everything in science needs to have evidence, so researchers Liuba Y. Belkin and Maryam Kouchaki, from Lehigh and Northwestern Universities, conducted three experiments that tested the effects of being uncomfortably hot on human behavior. Their findings, published in the European Journal of Social Psychology, claim that people are cranky, uncooperative, and less likely to help others when they’re dealing with their own discomfort.

They began with data from a “secret shopper” experiment in Russia, one that was conducted when the country was experiencing a “mega-heatwave” back in 2010, and found that the shoppers’ experiences and the store employees ratings decreased significantly during the stifling heat.

Employees, for example, were 59% less likely to ask customers if they needed help, to make suggestions, volunteer assistance, or show signs of active listening. They didn’t seem to struggle with the non-customer related portions of their duties, either – only interacting pleasantly was a problem.

Then they recruited 160 people to take an online trivia quiz, and instructed half of the participants to imagine themselves in an uncomfortably warm setting. Afterward, all of the participants were asked to complete a short survey about their experience.

The results found that people who had been instructed to imagine themselves being hot were less likely to agree to take the survey at all, and when they did, they reported feeling tired and less happy than the people who weren’t instructed on their environment at all.

Lastly, Belkin recruited 73 of her students and taught the same class twice – once in a stuffy 80 degree F room and once with the air conditioner running. At the end, the students completed a 100 question survey they were told supported a nonprofit dedicated to helping underprivileged children.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Students who took the course in the hot room answered fewer of the survey questions, possibly because they wanted out of the stuffy space sooner. As Belkin pointed out, the heat affected their behavior.

“The point of our study is that ambient temperature affects individual states that shape emotional and behavioral reactions, so people help less in an uncomfortable environment, whatever the reason they come up with to justify why they cannot do certain things.”

They believe their findings apply to not only students who need a comfortably environment to learn, but to employees who require a temperate workplace in order to be the most efficient at their jobs.

So, better figure out the best temperature for everyone, managers of the world. If you want the best from people day in and day out, they’re going to have to be thinking of something other than when they’ll be able to escape.

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10 Facts About Chernobyl That Will Give You the Creeps

A devastating nuclear disaster took place at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in the Soviet Union on April 26, 1986. The incident is back in the public consciousness right now due to the success of the HBO show Chernobyl that dramatizes the events surrounding the accident.

Much of what happened before, during, and after the 1986 event is still the cause of much debate due to the secrecy of the Soviet Union. But one thing is for sure: the Chernobyl accident is considered the worst nuclear power plant disaster in history.

Here are 10 facts about the terrifying Chernobyl disaster and its aftermath.

1. Casualty rate: Unknown

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It’s sometimes strange how different paths in life come together and suddenly your path takes an unexpected direction. The path towards Chernobyl with @jonadbo. We have been there twice now and it remains such a special place because of its history. We ended up there to photograph abandoned locations and we got fascinated by the history. Ofcourse I have watched the HBO series and it’s made so accurate. It’s very realistic and I recognized so many places. I hope that the ghost town of Prypjat remains protected from mass tourism, that it does not deteriorate even more and that nature can still run its own way. So keep it nice. In the end we all have our reason to visit this city. First picture: @jonadbo #pripyat #chernobylzone #chernobyl #ukrain #decay #abandoned #deserted #netflix #disaster #rooftop #tsjernobyl #urbex #urbexphotography #belgiumphotography #belgiumphotographer #canonbelgium #urbexkings #abandonedafterthedark #urbextopia #urbexbelgie #forgotten #forgottenplace #chernobyltour @urbexchampions @urbex_kings @urbexeurope @urbex_3336 @abandonedafterdark @urbex_utopia @urbex_supreme @deurbex

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The number of victims that can be blamed on the accident ranges anywhere from 4,000 to 90,000. Two people died in the initial blast, 29 people died from radiation sickness in the months after the accident, and there are literally thousands that may die from radiation-related causes in the future.

2. A gruesome death

One of the first firefighters who responded to the accident scene was Vasily Ignatenko. He suffered a terrible two-week death from his exposure to radiation, including excreting blood and mucus 25 times a day and coughing up pieces of his own internal organs.

3. Other ailments

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⚠ On April 26, 1986, the fourth block was destroyed, the reactor was completely destroyed. The largest accident of this kind in the history of nuclear energy, the estimated number of dead and wounded and economic damage. ⠀ ⚠ 134 people suffered radiation sickness. More than 115 thousand people from the 30-kilometer zone were evacuated. More than 600 thousand people took part in the aftermath of the accident. During the first three months after the accident, 31 people died, another 19 deaths from 1987 to 2004 can be explained by its direct consequences. ⠀ ⚠ Unlike the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the explosion resembled a very powerful "dirty bomb" – radioactive contamination became the main striking factor.

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People in neighboring areas had to flee their homes and complained of such symptoms as “black spots,” bodies getting “fat, like a barrel,” and turning “black, like coal, and shrinking.”

4. Radiophobia

Because women were terrified of possible radiation poisoning, there were an estimated 100,000-200,000 abortions in Europe after the Chernobyl disaster.

5. Dead trees everywhere

The area around the nuclear power plant became known as The Red Forest because the trees died and turned a ginger color after the accident.

6. Lingerers

Although it’s illegal to live in the area around the plant known as the Zone of Alienation, or the Exclusion Zone, it’s estimated that 130-150 people still live there, many of them older women taking care of their family’s land.

7. Poor animals

If you’ve seen the show, you know that people were not allowed to evacuate with their pets. This actually happened and units were sent in to put the animals down.

8. But…there are still hundreds of dogs there

Descendants of the dogs who survived the aftermath of the disaster still live in the Exclusion Zone. There are an estimated 300 stray dogs here. You can help them out by donating HERE.

9. Tourist spot

Tourists can visit the Exclusion Zone, and it’s actually become pretty trendy after the success of the HBO show about the disaster.

10. Ghost town

There is an abandoned amusement park in nearby Pripyat that looks like something out of a horror film.

While it’s truly terrifying what happened at Chernobyl, the strength that the people of Russia have shown in the face of unimaginable devastation should be commended.

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Scientists found that…

Scientists found that deleting a certain gene in mice can make them smarter by unlocking a mysterious region of the brain considered to be relatively inflexible. It is called the ‘Homer Simpson Gene.’

Brave Women Are Sharing Their Abortion Stories with the Hashtag #YouKnowMe

Right now is a scary time to be a woman in America.

People who support a woman’s right to choose what she does with her reproductive health are trying anything they can to make sure the message is spread far and wide that even if people don’t think they know somebody who has had an abortion… they do.

A lot of people have shared their story, but Busy Philipps recently shared a story on her talk show about her experience…

Busy also shared some statistics… with the hashtag #YouKnowMe

Folks, 25% of all women have had an abortion at some point in their lives. If you didn’t know that stat before, now you do.

Naturally, people are taking up the hashtag and sharing their stories…

Yes, women will die.

Lots and lots of women.

And it doesn’t matter what their reason is..

Because these are incredibly difficult choices…

And without those choices, women literally lose their rights as human beings…

Because imagine a world where rapists just get to have children because they commit a crime…

And the only option being a hotel room in the middle of nowhere…

Women need to be able to plan their lives…

Without fear of consequence for ONE moment taking over their entire life…

Again, these are health care decisions, first and foremost…

And nobody should ever make that decision for another person.

Yes, we all know somebody who had an abortion. And their reasons, while their own, are completely justifiable.

Anybody who tells you differently is just trying to interfere with a woman’s civil rights.

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