An Anti-Vaxxer Wore a “Jesus Wasn’t Vaccinated” T-Shirt. Here Are the Best Responses.

This stuff really makes me shake my head.

The anti-vaxx wars seem to be heating up, with countries around the world making them mandatory while folks on the other (non-science) side refuse to back down despite the fact that no one can come up with a shred of proof that the vaccines recommended for children are harmful in any way.

When one of them busted out a “Jesus Wasn’t Vaccinated” shirt, I don’t know….I kind of feel like she was just asking for responses just like these.

19. Or anyone else who lived in a world before microbiology.

18. What would Jesus do?

17. Some people just can’t pass up a good pun.

16. Listen up.

15. Details.

14. I’m sure that didn’t help.

13. I wouldn’t put that much faith in your immune system, but you do you.

12. We’re all a bit confused.

11. Are you sure?

10. That seems pretty specific.

9. Yeah people weren’t aware of germs for some time after Jesus’ life.

8. What even is logic?

7. No lying, either. God will know.

6. That seems like a good number of years.

5. There is that.

4. The smart ones are.

3. We can get behind this rule.

2. I’m guessing she can’t cure a ham, either.

1. Too steep a price for my babies.

Inspired, right?

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Cities Are Using This High Pitched ‘Mosquito’ Sound to Get Rid of Teenagers After Curfew

This next viral sensation will make you go Hmmm? Or maybe Ouch!

Kodie Helmer came across the next phenomenon racking up over 95,000 shares on her post:

I need your help! ? Okay so I nabbed me a younger man, I said it….I am slightly OLDER than Chris #cougar ?❤ BUT I am…

Posted by Kodie Helmer on Sunday, July 21, 2019

“I heard on the radio that some businesses and even towns are using a sound wave as a deterrent for teens after curfew, INTERESTING right?! So I looked into it and found a series of sounds that become harder to hear as you *ahem* age. This one in particular cannot be heard by most people over the age of 40.

I CANNOT FLIPPING HEAR THIS!!! But, Chris Helmer can ? I called all our kids in and they were covering their ears!!! So, I got to know below, help me feel better (or worse) Tell me, are you OVER or UNDER 40 and CAN YOU HEAR THIS SOUND?!?!?”

I couldn’t help but check this out. If cities and towns can deter teens with it, it’s gotta be something! Here’s the sound.

Did you hear anything? I sure didn’t! I’m almost forty so my hearing must be going… Drat!

I decided to test this on my husband. He’s forty-three, and I thought if I can’t make out this noise he won’t either. I played it and he shrieked in his recliner, cupping his ears and yelling, “Turn that off! Don’t ever do that again! What the hell is that?”

I asked what it sounded like and he responded, “Like the Devil’s dog whistle.”

(I did play it again. I’m mischievous like that.) 

Anyway, it was strange! How could he cringe and shout and I got nothing?

I did some digging on Helmer’s comment about these sounds shooing away teens after dark and came up with something called the Mosquito. It’s a sonic device used throughout Philadelphia and some other municipalities – but it has also been banned in various cities around the world.

What do you think?

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People in Georgia Worked Together to Save a Stranded Pod of Whales on a Beach

When a group of beachgoers in Georgia spotted a pod of whales in trouble, they had the chance to really make a difference and be heroes of the hour.

It happened in mid-July on St. Simons island; people out enjoying the sun noticed not one, but an entire pod of whales that had swum too close to the shore and become stuck on the sand.

The beachgoers leapt into action, wading into the sea and pushing the smaller whales back into deeper waters while they waited for rescuers from the Georgia Department of Natural Resources to arrive with more help.

Then the volunteers continued working alongside trained rescuers and were able to save all but two of the whales. And according to the Glynn County Emergency Management and Homeland Security Agency’s Facebook page, most of the cephalopods were totally unharmed when they returned to the sea.

At this time we would like to thank the many volunteers and first responders that stepped up to help the large number of…

Posted by Glynn County EMA and Homeland Security on Tuesday, July 16, 2019

“This has been an unusual occurrence, but events like these can really show the level of care and support from our community. Thank you to everyone that helped those that couldn’t help themselves today.”

Scientists don’t really understand why beaching events happens, or why an entire pod might find themselves in trouble, but they posit that perhaps one sick whale wandered too close to the shore and inadvertently led the rest into danger.

They plan to conduct autopsies on the two whales who did not survive the event in the hopes they might learn something that could help whales in the future.

So, there you go – be the hero you want to see in the world… even if you don’t get a cape for your efforts.

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15 People Share Bits of Knowledge That Could One Day Save Your Life

If you’re looking to pick up just a few little skills, wouldn’t the ones that could actually save your life one day be at the top of your list?

If so, these 15 redditors have some thoughts on what bits of knowledge could one day mean the difference between life and death!

15. Check for the reflection.

If you’re a pedestrian and crossing a street, if you can see the suns reflection on the windshield of a car, there’s a good chance the driver can not see you.

14. Roll under the platform.

If you ever fall/get pushed down from the platform onto the rails at a subway station, try to roll under the platform. Many stations have space there (like little overhang) for exactly that reason.

13. Don’t fight.

If you fall into cold open water, resist the urge to swim and try to float until the onset of panic subsides. Once you have your breathing under control you can then start to swim to safety. By doing this you will not hyperventilate and avoid potentially drowning.

12. Don’t charge it.

If you have to get through a locked door, don’t charge into it with your shoulder. Instead, kick it straight on next to the doorknob/handle. This has a much better chance of breaking the lock.

Edit: It’s better to mule-kick the door next to the lock instead of facing forward while you kick. It’s safer for you and you can apply more/better force that way.

11. Never go alone.

Always leave your itinerary with someone.

If you meet strangers, i.e., potential bad people, on the road, always let them know that you are in touch with friends and family and that they know exactly where you are. You become less attractive as a victim.

Edit: Always let strangers know that you have a destination and are expected at a particular time, too.

10. They can’t make sudden turns.

If a rhino is running towards you, wait until the last second then side step out of the way. Rhinos cannot make sudden turns and will give you a couple seconds head start to run in the other direction. Repeat as necessary!

9. Avoid it at all costs.

If you are ever bitten by a bat, raccoon, fox, or skunk go directly to the hospital. There is no cure for rabies once it is fully onset.

8. Know the symptoms.

Female heart attack symptoms are often different than those commonly described, and women commonly assume they are just fatigued, or have the flu and die as they do not seek medical treatment.

Uncomfortable pressure, squeezing, fullness or pain in the center of your chest. It lasts more than a few minutes, or goes away and comes back.

Pain or discomfort in one or both arms, the back, neck, jaw or stomach.

Shortness of breath with or without chest discomfort.

Other signs such as breaking out in a cold sweat, nausea or lightheadedness.

As with men, women’s most common heart attack symptom is chest pain or discomfort. But women are somewhat more likely than men to experience some of the other common symptoms, particularly shortness of breath, nausea/vomiting and back or jaw pain.

Women are more likely to lack chest pain; instead, they may experience shortness of breath, pressure or pain in the lower chest or upper abdomen, dizziness, lightheadedness or fainting, upper back pressure or extreme fatigue.”

If you or a woman you know is fatigued, out of breath, has jaw pain and neck tension, feels nauseous, etc. They may be suffering a heart attack! Chest an left arm pain is not a universal symptom.

Edit: Panic Attack symptoms often mimic Heart Attack Symptoms. If you have chronic incidents where it feels you are having a Heart Attack, especially if you are cleared by an EKG or a Cardiologist, it is possible Anxiety is the true source. In this case, Psychologists and Psychiatrists are ideal for helping you identify, manage and overcome your symptoms as well as providing techniques to prevent future Panic Attacks.

7. Know your exits.

When you go into a building look for an exit that is not the one you used to come in. In an emergency most people will head out their original exit, but you will head out of the exit less traveled…and it may make all the difference.

6. Check your cleaning supplies.

Never use bleach and ammonia based cleaning products at the same time/in the same room. A combination of both their vapours creates chloramine vapor which can kill you if inhaled.

Check your cleaning supplies to see what’s in them (especially toilet and tile cleaners).

5. Fire hazard.

If you ever use boiled linseed oil to treat wood, dont leave soaked rags lying in the trash. They oxidize, and after a few hours can self-combust.

4. Don’t be so polite.

EMT here!

If you’re ever choking on food in a public venue DO NOT go to the restroom to avoid causing a scene. Almost every death I’ve seen from people choking are found unconscious in a bathroom stall because they were too polite to seek help.

3. Just keep swimming.

If you ever are kayaking and become pinned upside down, swim down deeper into the water to escape the kayak. You may not be able to flip it over.

2. A ten-inch blind spot.

If you’re ever charged by a moose, get behind a tree.. they have about a ten inch blind spot and they’ll lose you..

1. Stay calm.

If you’ve been buried alive in a standard coffin, stay calm. If you are alive you haven’t been buried that long. Also the dirt above you hasnt set yet. Most coffins are not build to last once buried and as a result have weak siding. So here is what you do:

Pull your shirt over your head. You dont want to be swallowing dirt

Position yourself so you are as sideways in the coffin as possible with hands and feet pushing on the long sides.

PUSH. You should be able to blow out one of the walls.

Start crawling up. Do not panic. You may not find a grip immidiately.

Keep going until you make it out.

I’m off to YouTube!

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This Is Why Men Fall Asleep After Sex (Don’t Worry, It’s Not You)

Listen up, people!

Ladies, have you ever had your world rocked in bed by your male lover? Have you experienced the dreamy, lovey-dovey state of a powerful orgasm and then the need to cuddle afterwards?

I hope so.

But I’m sure you’ve also noticed that during intimacy talk, your man drifts a bit, perhaps even falls into a deep sleep, leaving you…what? Alone? Unable to express your love and emotions? Darn it…

Photo Credit: Unsplash, Toa Heftiba

Don’t worry – he’s not sleeping as an excuse to escape cuddle time or ignore your connecting relationship. He’s doing it because you rocked his world. True story!

Male orgasms differ chemically from women’s

It goes without saying that the act of orgasming is experienced in different ways among the sexes. Men ejaculate externally while women “explode” internally. But what does this mean for brain chemistry?

When a man crosses the sexual finish line, his energy is literally spent. His prefrontal cortex (which houses decision making, personal expression, etc) pretty much switches off. Since this is the epicenter of consciousness, alertness, and mental activity, his brain basically gets sleepy.

But in women? Our orgasms doesn’t cause the same sort of energy expense, therefore we can talk and cuddle after sex. Le sigh.

Body reactions to sex and orgasm

Photo Credit: Unsplash, Adi Goldstein

There are many things…um…surging during sex and foreplay. And prolactin, a hormone excreted during playtime plays a huge factor. According to one study, “Research has shown that pituitary hormone prolactin (PRL) plays a role in regulating sexual satisfaction for both men and women.”

David McKenzie, a sex therapist in Vancouver told Reader’s Digest, “A man’s body chemistry changes after orgasm. The biochemical prolactin is released, physically altering his body and making him very tired.”

But that’s not all. Glycogen, a storage of carbohydrates, is spent as well.

Mark Leyner and Billy Goldberg, M.D., authors of Why Do Men Fall Asleep After Sex?, give their explanation: “It is thought that exertion during sex and after climax depletes the muscles of energy-producing glycogen. This leaves men feeling sleepy. Since men have more muscle mass than women, men become more tired after sex.”

Women like to process their experience

Photo Credit: Unsplash, Becca Tapert

Regardless of chemical increases and depletions, it is a simple fact that women enjoy conversational intimacy with their partners.

Laurie Betito, a Montreal sex therapist, said,”Women like to ‘process’ their experiences, hence the desire to talk after sex.”

As a woman, I can vouch for that. I’m better at communicating emotions after sex and therefore crave that tender heart-to-heart talk with my beau, even if he’s drifting off.

So no matter why you might think about your man drifting away into a post-coital slumber, it’s purely a matter of chemicals and fatigue. It is not you.

If anything, take it as a compliment that you wore him out!

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The New Baby Smell Activates Your Brain’s Reward Centers

It’s hard to describe how a newborn baby smells, but you definitely know the scent. Although we don’t think about it much, people are highly driven by smell, and it’s an important part of mother-child bonding.

A study published in Frontiers of Psychology explores this bond. The researchers behind the study recruited 30 women: 15 without children and 15 moms who had recently given birth. They measured the brain activity of the women as they smelled different odors, including the odor of newborns, as collected from cotton undershirts. The women had no idea what they were smelling.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Women had a hard time identifying the baby odor, and they said it was pleasant. The brain scans told another story, though. The scans showed activity in the dopamine pathway of the caudate nucleus, which is the region of the brain associated with rewards. The reaction was stronger in the new mothers than in the other women, but it was present in all the women.

Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that triggers feelings of pleasure and satisfaction. Dopamine also plays a role in addiction, although that role is complex and not completely understood.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Does this mean that women are addicted to their newborn babies?


But it does help reinforce the that bond mothers have with their babies. The researchers weren’t sure of the exact cause of the dopamine response in the new moms as opposed to childless women – it could perhaps be due to hormonal changes, or maybe to the experience of caring for a newborn.

The researchers didn’t include men in the study, but it would definitely be interesting to see if they have a similar reaction to that new baby smell.

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A Group of Heartbroken Scientists Wrote a Eulogy to Iceland’s First Disappeared Glacier

Scientists everywhere are in agreement that the climate of the world is changing rapidly, and that the results, should the problem go unchecked, will be disastrous. One of the first casualties are the world’s glaciers, like Iceland’s Okjokull (aka Ok), which officially melted away back in 2014.

Scientists at Rice University will install a plaque containing a eulogy for Ok, which will no doubt serve as a reminder for generations to come that there were those among us who tried very hard to do something.

Cymene Howe produced a 2018 film titled Not Ok that documented the glacier’s demise.

“This will be the first monument to a glacier lost to climate change anywhere in the world. By marking Ok’s passing, we hope to draw attention to what is being lost as Earth’s glaciers expire.”

Image Credit: Rice University

The plaque reads:

“Ok is the first Icelandic glacier to lose its status as a glacier.
In the next 200 years all our glaciers are expected to follow the same path.
This monument is to acknowledge that we know what is happening and what needs to be done.
Only you know if we did it.”

The plaque will also mark 2019 as the year the world hit 415ppm Co2 levels.

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Not Ok. ⁣ After a rocky climb to the summit of Ok yesterday, I stood amidst a vast field of newly exposed volcanic rock, staring at this icy blue puddle in the central crater. It was hard to fathom that just a few years ago, a glacier named Ok (pronounced ‘awk’) existed right here in the surrounds of this crater. ⁣ ⁣ In 2014, Okjökull was first Icelandic glacier to officially lose its glacial status as a result of human induced climate change, and is now considered only as a mountain. A new memorial plaque will soon be placed at the summit with the following words: ‘In the next 200 years all our glaciers are expected to follow the same path. This monument is to acknowledge that we know what is happening and what needs to be done. Only you know if we did it’.

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Not Ok‘s co-producer, Dominic Boyer, has high hopes that awareness can still be raised in time to make a difference.

“We wanted to create a lasting memorial to Ok, a small glacier that has a big story to tell. Ok was the first named Icelandic glacier to melt because of how humans have transformed the planet’s atmosphere. Its fate will be shared by all of Iceland’s glaciers unless we act now to radically curtail greenhouse gas emissions.”

According to the research done for the film, all of Iceland’s 400-ish glaciers could face the same fate as early as 2200.

Glaciers are the largest freshwater reserves on Earth and are also invaluable for the insights they provide into Earth’s atmosphere. The Arctic is warming twice as fast as other parts of the world, and record temperatures are being recorded all over the globe. Wildfires are becoming common from Siberia to Greenland and sea ice is decreases rapidly, putting different animal species in danger.

“One of our Icelandic colleagues put it very wisely when he said, ‘Memorials are not for the dead; they are for the living,” said Howe. “With this memorial, we want to underscore that it is up to us, the living, to collectively respond to the rapid loss of glaciers and the ongoing impacts of climate change. For Ok glacier it is already too late; it is not what scientists call ‘dead ice.’”

Here’s hoping that when people read the plaque 100 years in the future, it marks the beginning of serious, focused action to reverse climate change and not the beginning of the end of the world as we know it.

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The Sunscreen You Wear May Be Harming the Environment

There are a lot of sunscreens that are claiming to be “reef friendly” these days.

Photo Credit: Public Domain Pictures

A new label on sunscreens allows consumers to see at a glance how safe the product is for ocean life. If you see the words “reef friendly” printed next to an image of a coral, then the sunscreen should be lacking damaging chemicals. Should be…

A couple of years ago, a report about the effects of sunblock use in the oceans was published by the Environmental Contamination Toxicology journal. According to the study, the common sunscreen ingredients octinoxate and oxybenzone are capable of contributing to bleaching in coral reefs.

Since then, Palau, Hawaii and Key West, Florida, have banned consumer use of these sunblock ingredients. Other tropical locations popular with vacationers, like Mexico, advise visitors about the potential of damage.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Out of concern for the reefs, many companies like ThinkSport and All Good Sport offer coral friendly formulas. Other brands, such as Coppertone (for their Water Babies line) and Alba Botanical use minerals as a blocker. Thankfully, these sunscreen alternatives are easy to find.

Everyone should want to keep coral reefs from bleaching because the phenomenon is devastating to ocean health. But before you throw out all your drugstore sunscreen and suntan lotions, something to note: some environmentalists and scientists have come out against the report.

This is because Coral reef damage is caused more by environmental factors, such as climate change and pollution, than beach-goers slathered in sunscreen. Even if octinoxate and oxybenzone were successfully eliminated from the ocean, the damage would continue.

Photo Credit: Flickr

Also, the reef-friendly labeling itself is an issue. As is typical with other kinds of labeling—for example, food sold as all-natural or whole grain—there are no set standards. Consumers may be misled to believe they are using a reef safe sunblock because any manufacturer can make the claim. Consumer Reports also consistently finds mineral based sunscreens as not matching their SPF claims.

But because tropical beaches and diving spots do test for elevated levels of sunscreen, it wouldn’t hurt to use products without octinoxate and oxybenzone. Even if there are larger issues than sunscreen in the decline of the world’s coral reefs, every little stressor adds to the cumulative effect. So using reef-safe sunblock may not solve the issue, but it prevents you from being a direct contributor. Plus, they’re not even that expensive.

From an environmental standpoint, small changes sometimes result in big wins.

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A College Drop-Out Spent 11 Years in Bed Due to Mysterious Illness, Invented a Surgery to Cure Himself

At 21 years of age, Doug Lindsay was forced to drop out of college due to a mysterious condition that doctors were unable to solve for the next 11 years — until he invented his own cure.

Doug spent the years of his illness mostly confined to a hospital bed at home in St. Louis, Missouri. His symptoms included weakness, dizziness, and a racing heartbeat. He couldn’t stand for more than a few minutes at a time.

Doctors were stumped; no treatments seemed to help. The condition was hereditary, however. Doug’s mom suffered from the same thing, as did his aunt.

While at school, Doug had picked up a 2200-page endocrinology textbook, hoping to use it to figure out his mother’s condition. From it, he determined that his illness stemmed from his adrenal glands.

During his many years of bedridden life, he continued to immerse himself in medical research and old medical textbooks. He also consulted with specialists from endocrinology, neurology, internal medicine, and other specialties.

This work eventually led Doug to experiment with a new drug for his condition, which allowed him to be active for short periods of time around the house. In 2006, he came up with a diagnosis: bilateral adrenal medullary hyperplasia. In other words, his adrenal glands were producing too much adrenaline.

This discovery led Doug to invent a surgery to cure the problem, without ever even having obtained a college degree. After finally convincing a surgeon to try his new operation (pioneering a surgery is not at all simple), in 2010 and 2012, he underwent surgeries to remove the medullas from his adrenal glands, curbing his adrenaline production.

Doug still has to take medication for his condition — but he has his life back. He now works as a medical consultant and serves as an inspiration to chronic illness sufferers around the world.

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“I couldn’t be an assistant manager at Trader Joe’s. I don’t have the physical ability for that,” Doug said. “But I can travel and give speeches and go for walks. And I can try to change the world.”

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No Two Butts Are Alike to Chimpanzees

Butts, butts, and more butts!

Human beings recognize others by their unique facial features, but for chimps, it’s butts that differentiate one animal from another.

People use something called configural recognition that allows us to process an entire facial structure instead of individual features. This is, obviously, a complex and involuntary ability.

And it’s an ability that chimpanzees have and use – but not to recognize faces. Instead, they use it to recognize each other’s butts.

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#sanfrancisco #sfzoo #sf #chimpanzeebutt

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Researchers from the Netherlands and Japan observed the animals as they examined photographs of primate butts and “matched” them, coupling identical butts on a touch screen. Like humans with faces, they struggled with ones that were upside down, which suggested to the scientists that the same configural recognition process was at play.

The findings were published in PLOS One, and conclude that chimps have evolved to recognize butts instead of faces because they move in groups, which puts them at eye level with each others’ behinds. Not only that, but females rear ends often appear red and swollen during ovulation, meaning males have extra incentive in being able to identify them.

“The findings suggest an evolutionary shift in socio-sexual signaling function from behinds to faces, two hairless, symmetrical and attractive body parts, which might have attuned the human brain to process faces, and the human face to become more behind-like.”

Which makes sense…but is still kind of funny.

And something to think about the next time you’re staring at someone in the grocery store as you try to place them.

It’s awkward and everything, but it could be worse. You could be looking at their butt, instead.

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