There Could Be a Cure for Peanut Allergies as Soon as 2020

Allergies to peanuts are very common among children, so much so that many schools have simply banned peanuts altogether. Peanut allergies are life-threatening for many sufferers. Simply being in the same room as peanut dust can trigger a deadly reaction, which is an incredibly scary way to live life for young kids and their parents. There is no cure for peanut allergies…

Yet. Scientists are currently working on a treatment that would make it possible for allergic children to eat peanuts.

Today reports that there are at least 17 new therapies currently under study for treating peanut allergies, and some are mere months away from FDA approval. Dr. Kari Nadeau, director of Stanford University’s Sean Parker Center for Allergy and Asthma Research, says that these therapies could potentially serve as a cure for some patients.

Photo Credit: iStock

“There’s going to be some groups that might need to have therapy every day for the rest of their lives,” Dr. Nadeau told Today. “But there might people that can stop therapy and do fine.”

One treatment is a “peanut pill,” a pill filled with a precise dose of pharmaceutical-grade peanut powder. The dose would gradually increase over time, building patients’ tolerance until they can tolerate eating whole peanuts. The pill was successful in up to 80 percent of patients in a clinical trial.

There’s also a “peanut patch,” which is a similar concept, but the dose is administered through the skin instead of orally. Additionally, there’s a vaccine that could treat patients without introducing them to the allergen at all.

Photo Credit: iStock

One young patient, Violet, successfully went through a trial for the peanut pill. Two years later, she can be in the same room as peanuts and eat cross-contaminated foods without a reaction. The treatment has allowed her to go places and do things she never could before, and she only has to eat a couple of peanut M&Ms each night to maintain her tolerance — not a bad prescription!

The peanut pill is for children ages 4 to 17 and could be available as soon as early 2020.

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This Twitter Account Hilariously Mocks the Absurdity of Modern Technology

I’m all for modern technology, but sometimes it feels like it’s kind of out of hand.

We all think we’re so enlightened and our lives are so advanced, but maybe we’re getting dumber? And maybe we don’t really need all of this stuff after all?

Check out some hilarious (and accurate) examples from the “Internet of Sh*t” Twitter account.

1. Oops

2. Patronizing

3. Close the door!

4. Thanks a lot, Roomba

5. In distress

6. What a time to be alive


8. It’s in your best interest

9. Hacked

10. Love it!

11. Very helpful

12. Time to start yelling

13. No way

14. What year is it, again?

15. That’s enough

Can we go back to the Stone Age yet?

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Parents in Britain Are Trying to “Cure” Their Kids’ Autism by Forcing Them to Drink Bleach

Yes, the world is getting dumber by the minute.

Autism is a disorder that affects up to 1 in 100 children, and there currently is no cure.

A fact that is not, sadly, stopping U.K. parents from forcing their autistic children to drink (or take an enema of) a dangerous chemical cocktail that is mostly made of bleach.

The Mirror reports that 6 different police forces have questioned parents after their children were reduced to vomiting or experiencing severe diarrhea after ingesting bleach in some form – it’s even being marketed as a “Master Mineral Solution,” and sold for $37 online.

Bleach. For kids. To drink.

This “Master Mineral Solution” is sodium chlorite mixed with citric acid powder – very literally industrial strength bleach – and not only does it not cure a damn thing, doctors say it will eventually kill one of these unsuspecting children. ABC did an investigate report on the MMS, in which they confronted the bishop of the ‘church’ that hawks the product as a literal miracle cure.

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Sounds like #zerbos #weirdos #drinkingbleach

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Everything from older mothers to pollution to, of course, vaccines has been blamed for the rise in autism diagnoses, but there are currently no definitive answers from the medical community. There are several different treatment regimens available, depending on where your child falls on the spectrum of autism, which include different kinds of therapies to improve speech and behavior, and maybe medications if there are related medical conditions.

Which is a good thing to remember the next time you wonder whether poisoning your child is better than working with your doctor to improve his or her quality of life.

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500 Million Brazilian Bees Died in Only Three Months

You’ve probably heard by now that the world’s ability to produce food is connected to the availability of a thriving bee population. Bees are nature’s most integral pollinators, responsible for pollinating 75% of the world’s crops.

And they’re dying at a rate that’s almost impossible to comprehend – to the tune of 500 million bees in Brazil alone in just three month’s time.

Image Credit: Pixabay

Between December 2018 and February 2019, 400 million bees in Rio Grande do Sul, 7 million in Santa Catarina, and 45 million in Mato Grosso do Sul lost their lives, and Aldo Machado, the vice president of Brazil’s Rio Grande do Sul’s beekeeping association, is concerned.

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“As soon as the healthy bees began clearing the dying bees out of the hives, they became contaminated. They started dying en masse.”

Researchers are blaming Brazil’s decision to allow the use of 300 new pesticides on crops in 2019; many of the dead bees contained traces of fipronil, an insecticide commonly used to rid dogs and cats of fleas and ticks.. The U.S. EPA classifies it as a possible human carcinogen, but if you’ve got a dog, you may have some in your house.

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Alberto Bastos, the president of the Apiculturist Association of Brazil’s Federal District, told Bloomberg that the “death of all these bees is a sign that we’re being poisoned.”

Not to mention that bees provide billions of dollars worth of agricultural benefits that will disappear along with them if they go.

Image Credit: Pixabay

Will people listen? Will it be too late by the time food shortages begin to make their way into developed corners of the world?

Only time will tell, but the people who are hearing what the bees have to tell us are already beating the drum.

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This Isn’t Good…Microplastics Are Falling from the Arctic Sky

Do you know about microplastics?

Microplastics are defined as any plastic fragment less than 5 millimeters in length, and at this point they have been found in every corner of the globe. They come from any number of sources – from rubber tires to paint and cosmetics to toothpaste tubes and synthetic clothing – and the ubiquitous nature of them in the environment has scientists worried about harm.

In fact, they are so ubiquitous at this point, that they’ve been documented falling with snow in the Arctic…even though there’s practically no people there.

A new report in Science Advances documents tiny plastic fibers found across two dozen Northern Hemisphere locations, from the remote Arctic ice to the Swiss Alps. Perhaps most concerning was finding that the “pristine” Arctic snow contained up to 14,400 microplastic particles per liter (snow in parts of rural Bavaria, in southern Germany, contained up to 154,000 ppl).

Because they’ve been found falling from the sky, there’s now a question of whether people might be breathing microplastics. Though scientists are currently uncertain what, if any, impact inhaling (inhaling!) them could have on humans and other wildlife, there have been plenty of documented cases of marine life ingesting larger plastic pieces to extreme detriment, and that might definitely lead one to worry, says Dr. Melanie Bergmann.

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Clearly there is no place on Earth that micro-plastic can not reach – having been repeatedly found in seawater, drinking water and all species of animals. But these minute particles are also transported by the atmosphere and subsequently washed out of the air – especially by snow – in remote regions of the Planet – such as the Arctic and the Alps. This was demonstrated in a study conducted by experts at the Alfred Wegener Institute which recently published their finding in the journal Science Advances. It would be interesting to discover how much micro-plastic is ingested by humans and the amount retained in our bodies during ones lifespan. #microplastics #environment #planetearth #awarenessbuilding #alfredwegenerinstitut

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“To date, there are virtually no studies investigating the extent to which human beings are subject to microplastic contamination. But once we’ve determined that large quantities of microplastic can also be transported by the air, it naturally raises the question as to whether and how much plastic we’re inhaling.”

Now that microplastics have fallen with the snow in the most remote Arctic locations, there can be no doubt that our addiction to plastics out of control. And if that’s not disturbing enough, we’re almost definitely breathing in small fibers every single day.

The pieces of plastic found in the study ranged from 11 micrometers to 5 millimeters and consisted of rubber, varnishes, and other forms of plastic.

Like plant pollen, the tiny fibers are swept up into the air where they tumble along in currents that flow from one end of the earth to the other, only to fall down with the rain or snow wherever it washes onto the earth.

Which is to say, we can’t escape the problem we’ve created.

The only question left is, how much is it hurting us?

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According to Science, You Can Only Have up to 150 Friends

No matter how incredibly charming you are, there is apparently a natural limit to how many friends you can have: and that number is 150.

It’s known as “Dunbar’s number” because British anthropologist Robin Dunbar came up with the figure. Dunbar defines a friend as “the number of people you would not feel embarrassed about joining uninvited for a drink if you happened to bump into them in a bar,” and back in the 1990s, he asserted that people can only maintain 150 social relationships that stable at any given point in time.

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Dunbar went on the claim that we devote 40% of our social time to the five people who are closest to us. The next 20% is devoted to the next closest 10.

These numbers are now widely accepted in social science. Some companies, like W. L. Gore and Associates (the producers of Gore-Tex) even limit the size of their offices to 150 employees.

Dunbar’s number didn’t appear out of thin air; he came up with it by studying primates. He found that primates with bigger brains were able to track more social relationships, and from his research he predicted an average human social network size of 148 based on the size of the human brain.

Then he rounded up.

Photo Credit: iStock

Not all social scientists agree with Dunbar. But the 150 figure is consistent with other figures throughout history, such as the estimated size of neolithic farming villages and the average size of army units from Roman times to the present day.

So, the next time you want to gently turn down a new friend, just tell ’em you’ve already reached your Dunbar number.

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Study Finds That Cats Know Their Names as Well as Dogs

Cats and dogs respond very differently to their names. Dogs can be counted on to come running on command, while cats will frequently ignore you completely. But it turns out that cats do recognize and react to their names, according to new research.

Researchers in Japan conducted a series of experiments to study whether cats responded differently to their names as compared to other similar-sounding words.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

For each experiment, a person spoke four different “nouns with the same lengths and accents” as the cat’s actual name. These words habituated the cats to hearing words spoken. Then the person would say the cat’s name.

The researchers found that most cats clearly reacted to their own names. They did so whether the name came from their owner or an unfamiliar person. They also differentiated their names from other cats’ names.

“This is the first experimental evidence showing cats’ ability to understand human verbal utterances,” the researchers wrote.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

The one exception was with cats who lived with others in a cat cafe, who did not distinguish their names from the names of other cats.

It’s unclear whether cats understand that their name represents their identity. They may instead associate the word with rewards like food or petting.

In any case, though, they definitely know their names — which means they just don’t feel the need to come running when you call it. Good to know!

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5 Facts About Being Left-Handed Around the Globe

The right hand has been the dominant hand for ages, spanning time and cultures. And because populations of left-handed people are relatively stable at 10% globally, it’s not surprising that right-handedness has been the default classification among humankind. It can represent anything from power, rational, conscious and logical thought, depending on the culture.

Now, since most of us are right-handed, we don’t even think about how we use it so much more: we shake hands on the right, we pass food with the right, we gesture with the right. Even lefties are so inculcated into the cult of the right hand that they also shake hands on the right – it’s just how it’s done.

And so maybe you want to bust of out of that mold and start using your left hand willy-nilly. Just be careful; in some cultures, the right v left hand debate is more than just a curiosity. It gets downright intense.

5. Pass the food to the right

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Okay, so you’re sitting at family dinner and passing around serving plates. Have you noticed that the motion is usually counter clockwise? This is actual set-down etiquette in Western cultures, put in place so as not to disrupt the flow of plates being passed. It’s interesting that this is a common practice because someone, a long time ago, determined that passing to the right was better than passing to the left.

4. Passing food or objects in India

Photo Credit: Pexels, Fancy Crave

There is a distinct difference on right hand versus left-hand usage in India. Rough Guides explains:

“Rule one eat with your right hand only. In India, the left hand is for wiping your bottom, cleaning your feet and other unsavoury functions (you also put on and take off your shoes with your left hand), while the right hand is for eating, shaking hands and so on.”

It would be an insult to offer something to someone with your left hand and most likely that person will not take it.

3. Dining in Ethiopia

Photo Credit: Pexels, Fancy Crave

Ethiopians typically eat with their hands, forgoing any plates. Often you would share a large dish with friends, which is why eating with only your right hand is so important.

Remember how in India the left is used for unsavory functions? Same with this culture. So when you use only one hand (the right one) to dip pieces of injera into the communal bowl, you are reducing the risk of contamination.

2. Shaking hands

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You guessed it! Shaking hands with your right hand is a rite! Have you ever come across someone that shakes with their left? It’s awkward! In many cultures, including America, left-hand shakes are considered an insult and refer to insincere promises.

1. Sign Language

Photo Credit: Raw Pixel

Okay, this doesn’t exactly have strict rules over which hand to use. But the key to signing is to stick with your dominant hand. Which for most of the world is the right. Sorry, lefties.

Jon Miller from Signing Saavy says:

“When signing, it does not matter if you sign as left-hand or right-hand dominant. The biggest thing to remember is to pick which hand you want to use as the dominant hand and stick with it. You should not switch back and forth between dominant hands. Most signers will be able to understand your signs no matter which hand you use as the dominant hand.”

There you have it! When in doubt, go for the right.

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A New Cavity Vaccine Could Save Kids from Discomfort and Their Parents from Spending Money

Many of us know what it feels like to get a cavity and go through the unpleasant process of getting it filled. And for many, the first cavities occur during childhood.

So while the discomfort was ours, the bill belonged to our parents.

Now, scientists at the Chinese Academy of Sciences are working on perfecting a “cavity vaccine” that could put an end to both.

It hasn’t been approved for human trials, but the developers hope that it could defend kids’ teeth from developing cavities in the first place.

Cavities are caused by acid erosion, which can be battled by mixing the bacteria that emits the acid with proteins that protect enamel from being eaten away. No one is immune to cavities, though some people are more prone to getting them (no matter how meticulously they care for their teeth) because of the shape of their teeth or their diet. Often whether you’re prone to cavities or not is a product of socioeconomic status.

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Cavities are the most common ailment in children and can cost around $2000 to maintain over a person’s life – a hefty price tag for parents already struggling to make ends meet.

If you’re searching for ways to mitigate cavities in your house pre-vaccine, then look no further than the sugar content in the foods you and your kids eat. As high-sugar foods break down, they release that cavity-causing acid and can start to cause decay within 20 minutes of touching your teeth.

But since avoiding sugar or brushing your teeth every half-hour doesn’t seem particularly realistic, here’s hoping that cavity vaccine passes into human trials and onto shelves sooner rather than later!

We could all use the break.

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A New Cavity Vaccine Could Save Kids from Discomfort and Their Parents from Spending Money

Many of us know what it feels like to get a cavity and go through the unpleasant process of getting it filled. And for many, the first cavities occur during childhood.

So while the discomfort was ours, the bill belonged to our parents.

Now, scientists at the Chinese Academy of Sciences are working on perfecting a “cavity vaccine” that could put an end to both.

It hasn’t been approved for human trials, but the developers hope that it could defend kids’ teeth from developing cavities in the first place.

Cavities are caused by acid erosion, which can be battled by mixing the bacteria that emits the acid with proteins that protect enamel from being eaten away. No one is immune to cavities, though some people are more prone to getting them (no matter how meticulously they care for their teeth) because of the shape of their teeth or their diet. Often whether you’re prone to cavities or not is a product of socioeconomic status.

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A sustainable lifestyle for a new generation. 🌿⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Um die DENTTABS Zahnputz-Tabletten für die Einführung in Deutschlands größter Drogeriemarktkette wettbewerbsfähig zu machen, unterstützen wir die Marke ganzheitlich bei der Neupositionierung in den Bereichen Digital, Brand und Campaign. 💪🏼⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #newmanagency #newmarketing #newman #digitalagentur #brandmarketing #kampagne #marketingagentur #zahnputztabletten #ökologisch #plastikfrei #nachhaltig #bestboutiqueoffice #grafic_art #graphic_design #graphicinspiration #artwork #digitaldesign #dentalmarketing #ecofriendly #zerowaste #noplastic #sustainableliving #zerowasteliving #teethcleaning #nachhaltigkeit #gogreen #zahnpasta #toothbrushing #zahncreme #toothtabs

A post shared by NEWMAN AGENCY (@newman__agency) on

Cavities are the most common ailment in children and can cost around $2000 to maintain over a person’s life – a hefty price tag for parents already struggling to make ends meet.

If you’re searching for ways to mitigate cavities in your house pre-vaccine, then look no further than the sugar content in the foods you and your kids eat. As high-sugar foods break down, they release that cavity-causing acid and can start to cause decay within 20 minutes of touching your teeth.

But since avoiding sugar or brushing your teeth every half-hour doesn’t seem particularly realistic, here’s hoping that cavity vaccine passes into human trials and onto shelves sooner rather than later!

We could all use the break.

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