People Are Surprised About Where Cashews Really Come from

Prepare to be deeply confused and a little scared about where cashews come from. The truth is so weird that people on Twitter can’t stop talking about it.

First of all, these delicious nuts grow on trees. That in itself is not so surprising, as many types of nuts grow on trees—but it’s not the weirdest part by far.

Nope, that would be the fact that they grow from these things.

Excuse me, is that a nut or a monster?! I don’t know anymore.

That apple-looking thing is apparently called a “cashew apple,” which grows from the branches of the cashew tree. The shell below the apple contains the actual cashew.

To get to the nut, you have to pick the entire thing, cashew apple included, from the branch. Then you pull off the shelled nut, dry it, steam it, freeze it, and boil it to remove the shell. The shell is filled with caustic acid, so this is no joke—in fact, the extracting the nut is so grueling and dangerous that picking cashews is sometimes used as penal work in south- and southeast Asia where they grow.

Cashews are delicious and healthy, but are they really worth all this effort? Whose idea was this, anyway?

People on Twitter are understandably freaking out about the news.

“Who knew cashews look like angry, old men yelling at you to get off their lawn as they grow?” one user wrote.

Others pointed out that the middle cashew in this photo looks like it has a face.

FYI, you can eat cashew apples, too. The flesh is quite bitter, though, so it’s best to process it for jam or juice.

Now, excuse me while I go have nightmares about cashews for the rest of my life.

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These Dandelion Health Benefits May Convince You Not to Treat Them like Weeds Anymore

They’ve long been touted for their healing and restorative powers in the naturopathic community. Now, even the more scientific minded are starting to take notice of this humble backyard flower.

Also known as Taraxacum spp., with Taraxacum officinale the most common variety, these plants are typically dismissed as weeds. Homeowners hate them and will go to great lengths to get rid of them.

But dandelion are slowly showing us they are worth keeping around. So scroll through these 7 reasons why you should put away the weed killer and discover the potential benefits of dandelion.

1. They are good to eat.

This one doesn’t need any additional evidence—people have been eating dandelions for ages. The plants and flowers are full of nutritients, including vitamins A, C, K, E and small amounts of B vitamins (like folate), as well as antioxidants, like beta-carotene.

Photo Credit: Wikimedia

2. They may fight inflammation.

Some studies have shown a reduction in inflammation markers in cells when dandelion compounds are applied—although these results haven’t been verified in humans yet.

3. They may help control blood sugar.

Studies show compounds found in dandelions can improve the pancreas’ insulin secretion and improve the absorption of glucose, or sugar, in muscle tissues.

Photo Credit: Pexels

4. They could help improve cholesterol levels.

Studies with mice and rabbits have shown that test animals that have been fed a diet high in cholesterol and then treated with dandelion extract ended up with lowered cholesterol levels.

5. They may help reduce blood pressure.

Dandelion is a known natural diuretic, and Western medicine credits reducing fluids in the body as a way lowered blood pressure. Also, dandelion is rich in potassium, which is also known for lowering blood pressure.

Photo Credit: Flickr

6. They may keep your liver healthy.

Animal studies show dandelion extract reduced the levels of excess fat stored in the liver and defended against oxidative stress in liver tissue.

7. They may help with losing weight.

Dandelion could possibly help with weight loss by improving carbohydrate metabolism and reducing fat absorption. Chlorogenic acid, one of the compounds found in dandelion was shown to aid with reducing body weight and levels of some fat-storage hormones in obese mice.

Photo Credit: Flickr

Though these results are exciting, many of these studies were done on animals or cell cultures in petri dishes—very few involving any testing on humans. Much more research is necessary before medicine declares the dandelion a miracle treatment, but the preliminary findings are showing there are benefits of keeping dandelion on hand.

Or in your lawn.

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Patients Share Their Antibiotics Horror Stories

But what happens when things with antibiotics go terribly wrong?

These 11 people had horrendous experiences with antibiotics, and sometimes this stuff is hard to read…

1. That’s really a bummer. Best of luck to her.

Photo Credit: Whisper

2. Antibiotics kills ALL the good bacteria. Yogurt that shit!

Photo Credit: Whisper

3. This is common too when you mess with your gut bacteria…

Photo Credit: Whisper

4. OMG! Hope you get help…

Photo Credit: Whisper

5. Sulfa drugs can do this to A LOT of people…

Photo Credit: Whisper

6. Yeah, but better than your body failing you…

Photo Credit: Whisper

7. Wow… I can’t even imagine!

Photo Credit: Whisper

8. Wait… what the fuck is this even about?!

Photo Credit: Whisper

9. Ummm, how is this even a thing? Yeast infection?

Photo Credit: Whisper

10. That’s an unexpected side effect…

Photo Credit: Whisper

11. HA! Not exactly a horror story, but funny nonetheless…

Photo Credit: Whisper

So, are you thinking twice about what you put in your body after reading these? Because I sure am.

That doesn’t mean we’re against VACCINES. They’re not the same thing.

By the way, which one of these was the scariest? Let us know in the comments!

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Parents, You Should Praise Your Kids for Working Hard – Not for Intelligence

Studies show that praising children for their hard work is better than praising them for being intelligent.

Photo Credit: Needpix

For parents, though, it’s natural to get excited when your child makes the honor roll or gets all As on a report card. You want to let everyone know how brilliant your kids are. But it seems you’re actually hindering them when you heap on the praise for this reason.

Instead, we should be telling them how proud we are of their hard work.

When children see parents become overjoyed at a grade or other recognition for their intelligence, they come to believe their accomplishments came to them because of what they already have.

Photo Credit: Pexels

In other words, they think, “I’m naturally smart. I didn’t do anything to get this high grade.”

Studies going back decades consistently show kids who are praised for being smart ended up performing poorly academically.

A more recent study published in Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience by Jennifer A. Mangels reinforced the findings. She and her team of researchers asked a sample of undergraduate student questions about intelligence, including if they believed people have a certain amount of intelligence which couldn’t be changed.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Those that agreed with the statement that a person’s amount of intelligence can’t be changed were put into the group where they were said to have a “fixed” or “entity” view of intelligence.

Those that disagreed were put into the group where they were said to have an “incremental” or “growth” view. They believed there were ways to increase intelligence.

Then, all the students had to take a computerized test on a variety of subjects while their brain activity was being monitored. During the test, they also had to indicate how confident they were in their answers. If their answer was right, the computer let them know. If an answer was wrong, the computer gave the right answer.

Students were then given an opportunity to retake the test, but only the questions they answered incorrectly.

Photo Credit: Pxhere

Both groups did equally well and were equally confident for the first testing. But for the second round of testing, the “growth” view group did better. The brain activity records showed that this group had paid more attention to the corrections they were given, and were better able to learn from their mistakes.

Because they believed they could perform better, they paid attention and learned the right answers.

If you tend to think that intelligence is fixed, consider this: studies have shown a person’s IQ is improved through education and training programs. Even environmental factors can contribute to gains in intelligence.

If you can convince yourself that intelligence can be improved, your attitude will pass that to your children. Above all, they need to hear hard work is the key to performing well – not the luck of the IQ draw.

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10 Facts for You to Chew On

Let’s celebrate some great facts!

You can share them with your friends, families, and enemies, and you can whip them out at your next dinner party so people get really impressed with you.

Trust me, it works.

Now memorize these facts!

1. Those programs don’t work.

Photo Credit: did you know?

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2. Bring this to the USA!

Photo Credit: did you know?

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3. Wow, that’s quite a story.

Photo Credit: did you know?

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4. She did what she wanted.

Photo Credit: did you know?

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5. Here’s the real math.

Photo Credit: did you know?

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6.  Well, that’s disgusting.

Photo Credit: did you know?


7. Have you seen these?

Photo Credit: did you know?

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8. That’s just a myth.

Photo Credit: did you know?

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9. All kinds of weird hybrids.

Photo Credit: did you know?

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10. Runs in the family.

Photo Credit: did you know?

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Hip, hip, HOORAY!

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Giraffes Hum to Each Other at Night and How Adorable Is That?

Researchers have always assumed that, given their 13-foot-long tracheas, giraffes were silent beings. There has been some speculation that the gentle, odd-looking vegetarians might produce infrasonic sounds too low for the human ear to catch, but it’s never been proven.

At least, until now.

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Dis you know?⬇⬇ Giraffes are very social animals and roam around in groups. These groups, called towers, typically have around 15 members led by an adult male. The other members are females and young males. Tag a friend that needs to see this⬇⬇ Follow @natureeslife Follow @natureeslife • • • • • • Dm your wildlife video for a chance to get featured?? Tag a friend and follow @natureeslife for more ? Credit:@paultje_nl • • • • • • #wildlifeonearth #wildlifeowners #wildlifephotography #wildlifeaddicts #wildlifeindia #seewildlife #destination_wild #ourwildlifedays #wildglobe #natgeowild #tigers #animalelite #giraffe #wildgeography #thedodo #naturelife #wondermore #folkcreative #animals #fantasticearth #earthscope #stayandwonder #discoverearth #roamtheplanet #moodygrams #giraffes #exploretocreate #artofvisuals #visualambassadors #fantasticearth

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Researchers at the University of Vienna have spent the last 8 years gathering 947 hours of giraffe noises from zoos around Europe, and have come out with some very interesting – and unexpected – findings.

Not only do giraffes hum to each other at night, but they hum at frequencies that humans can actually hear (around 92 Hertz).

The report in BMC Research Notes, expands:

“Based on their acoustic structure, these vocalizations might function as communicative signals to convey information about the physical and motivational attributes of the caller.”

According to Wired:

“Giraffes have excellent vision, so their primary means of communication is thought to be visual signals during daylight hours. As prey animals, it also makes sense that they might not want to make loud noises that can attract the attention of predators. But when vision is impaired at night, low frequency humming might be a great way to make sure the herd stays together.”

More research is needed to correlate the sounds to giraffe behaviors, but scientists suspect the humming might convey information about age, gender, sexual arousal, dominance, and other things that are less understood.

Researchers more firmly believe that the sounds could be meant to keep the herd together at night, or help wanderers find their way back to safety.

Take a listen:

It’s pretty cool, if you ask me. Were I a giraffe, there would be something reassuring about knowing the others would be there all night, making it easy to get some rest.

There’s safety in numbers, after all.

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Narcissists Might Lack the Fundamental Ability to Make Sound Decisions

It seems like varying degrees of narcissism run rampant in our society these days, but as far as the clinical disorder, much about it still remains a mystery.

There are traits typically associated with both types – grandiose and vulnerable narcissism – like impulsiveness and cognitive reflection. But while grandiose narcissists tend to have higher self-esteem and think themselves superior to others, vulnerable narcissists are usually insecure, introverted, and defensive.

Both types, according to new research, are self-focused, impulsive, think highly of their intellectual ability, and perceive themselves as critical thinkers (whether they are or not).

This affects narcissists in an interesting way – and it impairs their ability to make decisions across the board.

Three separate studies were used to assess the intuitive thinking of narcissists. The participants were asked to solve riddles and answer other questions that require some extra thought and the ability to stop and wonder whether your first instinct is correct. Participants then self-reported on their own thought process and how confident they felt in their answers.

The results, says co-author Jonathan Fugelsang, are very interesting.

“We found that grandiose and vulnerable narcissism are negatively associated with certain types of important reflective thinking processes.”

Grandiose narcissists were “significantly overconfident” in their performance, unaware of their mistakes and rejecting any attempts to correct them.

Vulnerable narcissists, meanwhile, were more willing to engage in reflection, but ultimately found the process to be ineffective and time consuming. Not only that, but they, like their grandiose counterparts, weren’t able to rely on intuitive thinking when making decisions.

People in this category disengage from receiving corrective feedback for different reasons – they simply doubt their own ability to make good calls using reason, so instead, they claim confidence in “gut instinct.”

The study’s authors point out it could be a chicken and egg scenario – that individuals who lack cognitive reflection then exhibit narcissistic tendencies and not the other way around – but more research is needed to know for sure.

There are implications here for society at large, especially when it comes to positions of power. Narcissism as a diagnosis is a growing issue, and the current 1% who suffer can impact and influence many more with their behaviors.

So, take some time for some self-reflection and introspection, people.

If you’re not able to take that sentence seriously, well…it might be time for a good therapist.

If you don’t have one already.

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The Psoas Is the Important Muscle Where Your Body Stores Your Deepest Trauma

This is important information for EVERYONE.

Trauma affects people in different ways—physically and psychologically.

But did you know your body may be storing your trauma in a muscle you’ve probably never heard of?

It’s that pesky psoas (SO-az) .

Photo Credit: Pexels, Burst

Your body is built to react to traumatic experiences physically. Think of it as a basis for survival. Have you ever heard stories of how people acquire superhuman strength and can move a car to save someone? Yeah, like that kind of physical.

Even your very cells react to and store trauma.

If these physical responses remain “stuck,” they begin to cause issues. Animals and babies can easily release stress and trauma by literally shaking it off or by crying. But as adults, we learn to hold in our emotions, thus making the process of release much more drawn out and difficult.

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How do the psoas muscles come into play?

Your psoas is the strongest muscle in your hip flexors, and it contributes to nearly everything you do— from posture to core strength to moving your legs pretty much at all. Back pain is often related to psoas tightness.

If you’ve ever done yoga, you know that almost everyone has tight hips, even people with flexible hips. Yoga teachers often focus on your hips because they believe, with good reason, that humans “store unexpressed emotions” there.

When you think about it, your hips don’t really move much throughout the day—in the course of normal activity, the rest of your body sort of ends up moving around your hips. That means the moving parts release tension, while the static parts don’t.

Since psoas muscles make up the core of your body, they are most affected by our need to survive (i.e. flight or fight). This is part of why after participating in a yoga or stretching session, we feel calmer and more relieved.

Especially if you spend most of your day sitting down, your psoas is not getting the stretching it needs to release all of the pent up emotion and anxiety of modern life.

Take a look at this video on the proper way to stretch this area.

As you practice, you may find your body shaking on different levels. This is okay, but try not to push too hard. Listen to your body. At times you might feel like a good cry is about to burst through, since your mind and body are open. Allow it to happen. This is the muscle releasing trauma.

The human body is an amazing creation, and we want to keep it that way.


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The Psoas Is the Important Muscle Where Your Body Stores Your Deepest Trauma

This is important information for EVERYONE.

Trauma affects people in different ways—physically and psychologically.

But did you know your body may be storing your trauma in a muscle you’ve probably never heard of?

It’s that pesky psoas (SO-az) .

Photo Credit: Pexels, Burst

Your body is built to react to traumatic experiences physically. Think of it as a basis for survival. Have you ever heard stories of how people acquire superhuman strength and can move a car to save someone? Yeah, like that kind of physical.

Even your very cells react to and store trauma.

If these physical responses remain “stuck,” they begin to cause issues. Animals and babies can easily release stress and trauma by literally shaking it off or by crying. But as adults, we learn to hold in our emotions, thus making the process of release much more drawn out and difficult.

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A post shared by Daniele Zanoni (@danielezanonizana) on

How do the psoas muscles come into play?

Your psoas is the strongest muscle in your hip flexors, and it contributes to nearly everything you do— from posture to core strength to moving your legs pretty much at all. Back pain is often related to psoas tightness.

If you’ve ever done yoga, you know that almost everyone has tight hips, even people with flexible hips. Yoga teachers often focus on your hips because they believe, with good reason, that humans “store unexpressed emotions” there.

When you think about it, your hips don’t really move much throughout the day—in the course of normal activity, the rest of your body sort of ends up moving around your hips. That means the moving parts release tension, while the static parts don’t.

Since psoas muscles make up the core of your body, they are most affected by our need to survive (i.e. flight or fight). This is part of why after participating in a yoga or stretching session, we feel calmer and more relieved.

Especially if you spend most of your day sitting down, your psoas is not getting the stretching it needs to release all of the pent up emotion and anxiety of modern life.

Take a look at this video on the proper way to stretch this area.

As you practice, you may find your body shaking on different levels. This is okay, but try not to push too hard. Listen to your body. At times you might feel like a good cry is about to burst through, since your mind and body are open. Allow it to happen. This is the muscle releasing trauma.

The human body is an amazing creation, and we want to keep it that way.


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Sorry to Break It to You: Your Plastic Recycling Is Probably Not Getting Recycled

A lot of us spend time washing out plastic containers, squinting at symbols, picking off labels and smugly popping them into one of several containers to lug out to the curb on recycling day. Job well done. We deserve a (plastic) yogurt cup for our saintly efforts.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

But there is something you need to know: our plastics are likely not getting turned into new products. The American plastic recycling effort is largely mythical, reports Sharon Lerner for The Intercept.

Lerner writes:

The vast majority of plastic that has ever been produced — 79% — has actually ended up in landfills or scattered around the world or burned, but not refashioned into new products, which is what we hope for when we talk about recycling. For plastic bags, it’s less than 1% of tens of billions that are used in the U.S. alone. And so overall in the U.S., our plastic recycling rate peaked in 2014 at 9.5% so that’s less than 10%.

What about the story that the majority of our plastics were sold to China who happily took it and recycled it? Wrong. 1) it wasn’t always recycled and 2) the Chinese have been refusing to take Americans’ recycled plastics since 2017.

Here’s the thing, though – after we put our plastic in the recycling, we never see it again, so we continue cleaning, squinting, picking and sorting on curb recycle day, in guilt-free bliss.

Photo credit: Pxhere

Since the advent of single stream recycling, we’ve also been misled to think that all of our plastics are recyclable, so just chuck ’em in.

It’s not true though. If non-recyclable plastics weren’t pulled out manually at the recycling center, then they were refused by China upon their arrival. Discarded at the center or refused at port, both outcomes came at the taxpayer’s expense – and the plastic still ends up in the trash or in the environment.

Or is that the same thing.

Now that China has told the United States to quit sending our plastic to them, we are stuck sending it to other places (also mostly in Asia) that 1) don’t really want to be taking our refuse and 2) lack much of the facilities that would be required to do anything useful with it. And beyond that, the Chinese market for ‘recycled’ plastics was so huge that the gap hasn’t been filled yet (if it ever is), so a lot of American municipalities are just shipping everyone’s recyclables to the same landfill where the trash goes.

And most people have no idea.

Photo Credit: Pexels

Judith Enck, a former regional Environmental Protection Agency official and founder of Beyond Plastics, says the only way to get out of our (literal) mess is to be better consumers. That means changing our focus from recycling to reducing (the first R in Reduce, Reuse, Recycle).

So why have we been trying to recycle plastic since the 1970s?

Well, it’s not a bad idea, it’s just more expensive in practice than the market will bear. Plus the plastics industry is of course interested in staying in business, so they had to support and promote how good recycling is for the planet. It became a feel good marketing campaign that covered the fact that so few plastics actually get recycled.

But, the public bought it and recycling became our way of consuming plastics without feeling bad about it.

For anyone concerned about the plastic in the ocean, consider this: reducing the amount of plastic we use is, ultimately, the most effective way of fighting our growing garbage problem.

Photo Credit: Flickr

Enck says metal, glass and cardboard are still completely recyclable. For plastics, check for No. 1, No. 2 and No. 5. Those are recyclable. Black plastic is never recyclable. That goes into the landfill.

Use glass whenever possible. Fill up on bulk items in the supermarket with your own containers.

You can also try good old fashioned letter writing to manufacturers and local stores; ask them to reduce their reliance on plastics, and maybe they’ll listen.

There are alternatives available, and consumers still have power in their communities, as long as they exercise it.

Change is possible, and it starts at home.

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