People Talk About How to Prank Scientists With Time Travel

We’re gonna do a little thought experiment that will probably make you stare blankly at the wall while your mind races for an hour like it did to me.

Or at least I hope it does.

God bless Reddit for bringing us all prompts like these:

You can go back 100,000 years to a cave that will be discovered by archeologists, what do you write on the wall to mess with them? from AskReddit

Time travel pranks. Gotta love it. Let’s delve in, shall we?

1. Testing

“Test post please ignore”

– Eldrake

2. Ritualistic

Am an archaeologist and can safely say, “No, it’s not ‘ritual’” scrawled on the wall will fuck with us forever.

– TheMinisterTurtle

3. Oops

“Turns out time travel only works once per timeline. Sorry Guys.”

– Commissar_Genki

4. They will come…

This planet shall be our second home.

– Acharya007

5. Man to man

My regards to Steven Hawking.

Tell him sorry I couldn’t make it to his party.

– Sipyloidea

6. They’ve responded

The pulsar map that we included on voyager.

– A**munchStarpuncher

7. Betas

Hi devs, I found a bug within our simulation.

I was somehow transported back 100k years without any of my items but I still have my abilities.

If I could be transported back by tomorrow that’d be great, thank you!

– _Puddingmonster

8. The shadow

They have taken the bridge and the Second Hall.

We have barred the gates but cannot hold them for long.

The ground shakes…drums, drums in the deep. We cannot get out.

The shadow moves in the dark. We cannot get out.

They are coming.

– notmyrealfarkhandle

9. Memes


With a crude portrait of Giorgio Tsoukalos

– _Ekename_

10. Walkers

I’d def put footprints on the ceiling

– haphazzard66

11. Remember me?

Remember me Michael?

Remember telling me that my time machine would never actually work?

Guess what, f**k you and your “rules of space time”

– Walunt

12. Do NOT

Do not the ca

– electricaldogbus

13. Confusion

I bet you’re confused right now.

– Upset_Anything2628

14. Curse you

what I’d do is find out who was in the team and when they were born (before I left).

Then, once I got there, I’d put their names and birth dates on the cave wall, and I’d then put the same date (let’s say 9/9/21) and then I’d write “the curse is true. Your days are numbered.”

– kingkong139

15. The coma copypasta




– A_man_on_a_boat

16. Intergalactic commerce

If leave a bunch of fake records of transactions with an alien species.

Write up a fake history of alien contact.

And then make up a story recording fake history of a conflict between an alien civilization and advanced humans

– IceColdAardvark

17. Question answered

A picture of a chicken laying an egg and a big #1

– MoreCommonCents

18. Wise words

Here may be found the last words of Joseph of Arimathea: “He who is valiant and pure of spirit may find the Holy Grail in the Castle of Aaaargh

– tcjaeger

19. Welcome

You may be wondering why I’ve gathered you all here today

– moeron9

20. The cool S

You know that “S” that everyone seems to remember writing in their notebooks in elementary school? That

– ghostfoxthefirst

21. Programming

printf(“hello world”);

– young_fire

22. Simulation theory

In big bold letters “SIMULATION #54286”. – asimgeker

23. Ads

There are hot milfs in your area.

– Stalin6989

24. A warning

Leave by 2022.

They do not come in peace.

– MageManatee

25. It’s true!

Draw the earth as flat, you will convince 1% of the idiots of the future

– CisWhiteEarthworm

26. It me

I would write my own name, date of birth, place of birth, and anything else generic that would identity my present self.

This isn’t really messing with them, but it could make my life a whole lot more interesting, that’s for sure.

– TinnieTa21

27. The return

“In 100,000 years they will return. Beware.”

– wws4990acct

28. Futurama

Dear Fry,

Our time together was short, but it was the best time of my life.


– VapidHooker

29. Meta

The URL to this thread.

– redguy989


This cave painting was brought to you by raid shadow legends

– that_sweet_old_lady

I think I’d probably write something like “all the religions are wrong” and see what happens.

But what might YOU write?

Tell us your time pranks in the comments.

The post People Talk About How to Prank Scientists With Time Travel appeared first on UberFacts.

People Talk About Things That Sound Futuristic but Are Happening Right Now

The future is now, people!

While it might seem like crazy inventions are a long way off, we’re already living in it!

And we’re about to get some inside info.

What sounds futuristic but is happening now?

AskReddit users shared their thoughts.

1. Robots.

“It’s quite phenomenal how much certain industries have developed their robotics.

You just don’t see it in your everyday life, but places like Amazon and pretty much all mechanical-related businesses are developing robotics at an insane rate.”

2. Didn’t see it coming.

“I still feel a tiny bit blindsided by lab-grown meat suddenly being commercially viable. Would not have predicted that one.

Those drone light-shows too. What year was it where radio-controlled drones just kind of showed up, and became commonplace?

I think around 2015 was when they really “took off.””

3. It is a big deal!

“Private companies launching rockets into space like it’s no big deal. You can literally walk outside one night and think “what tf is that???”

And someone will tell you “oh that’s just the latest Space X launch.” And you go about your business.”

4. There you go.

“My 2 yr old daughter, walking around the house following and talking to a robot while it vacuums our house.”

5. Pretty insane.

“I have a device that fits into my pocket.

I can get virtually every bit of information produced by the human race if I know what buttons to push.

It’s also voice-activated, so I can just talk to it and figure out when my flight leaves or where the nearest fresh tomatoes are being sold.”

6. Seeing double.

“Scientist have already managed to clone a living thing.

And it happened around 25 years ago.”

7. Open Sesame!

“Automatic doors.

I remember seeing the first 6 Star Wars films many years ago (I’m 18 now) and playing the Lego games of it and I remember thinking to myself how cool the sliding doors were.

I understand they’ve been around for so long, but recently it just came to me that they have automatic doors just like in Star Wars.”

8. Scary.

“In China, they are using AI to identify Uyghur Muslims from the rest of the population.

It detects “classic Uyghur features” based on complexion, and facial features.

It’s the worlds first instance of “automated racial profiling.””

9. Weapons of war.

“Saw the recent news of the Israeli-Hamas conflict, including footage of Iron Dome being used.

I remember seeing the prototypes of that system in a “future weapons” documentary on TV years ago, but was never really sure if or when it entered active service

So yeah, we have rockets that shoot down other rockets now and might have for years already.”

10. Antimatter.

“The fact that humans are capturing and containing antimatter for study is amazing.

The fact that we can store it longer than a year at a time is extraordinary.”

11. That’s crazy.

“Facebook is integrating occlus rift support.

I’m not sure what’s available to the public, but in-house, they are having 3d meetings like in Star Wars. They can project and manipulate a screen in 3D like the 3d map in the first Ray movie. It doesn’t wrap around you yet, it hovers in front, but it will.

My friend works for FB in the AI dpt. The first software I tried out was a demo for medical education. I saw a life size human and I could use gestures to look at his different body systems, right in front of me, like on the Holodeck.

You turn the system on by holding up your palm like a wizard and an interactive sphere appears on your hand.”

12. Gene editing.

“CRISPR gene editing. People’s genes can literally be edited.

Basically, people get this enzyme called Cas9 (a nuclease) inserted into their DNA somehow (don’t know how, maybe an injection?) and Cas9 slices the target strand of DNA open, allowing a sequence to be taken out and replaced with something else which can then be transcripted into RNA, translated into a protein, and used in the body.

It’s mostly being used right now for gene therapy, stuff like sickle cell anemia, and agriculture but it’s crazy to think about what it could be used for in the near future. It’s kind of controversial because people don’t like the unnaturalness of it (like people’s dislike of GMOs), and I can see their point, I just think it is very intriguing and revolutionary, and I will be interested in seeing what happens with it in the future.”

Now it’s your turn to sound off.

In the comments, tell us about things you know about that sound futuristic but are happening now.

Thanks in advance!

The post People Talk About Things That Sound Futuristic but Are Happening Right Now appeared first on UberFacts.

Scientists Are Planning on Building Noah’s Ark…On the Moon

There are plenty of headlines I never expected to write since I started writing articles for you lovely people, and this is definitely one of them. I mean…Noah’s Ark? On the moon?

Let’s dig in here and get started on answering the many, many questions that you’ve probably already got brewing, eh?

Shall we start with why?

The answer to this is actually quite simple – you’ve seen movies like Armageddon and Deep Impact et al, right? The idea that an asteroid could suddenly slam into earth and take out all of humanity? Like, nothing left?

Scientists actually believe that, in the year 2068, something like that could be coming for us in reality.

The answer could be a 21st-century version of Noah’s Ark that, instead of containing two of every animal, would contain a repository of cryogenically frozen reproductive cells from 6.7 million species on Earth.

Dr. Jekam Thanga is the mastermind behind the project, and sees the whole thing as a global insurance policy.

“As a human civilization, we’re in a fragile state. We’re not really that rigid or able to face all kinds of adversities. And Earth’s ecosystem is also very fragile.”

They plan to utilize the lava tubes just below the moon’s surface to build the compound and a lunar solar farm to generate their electricity, and to use robots to man the laboratory, and no, we’re not living in a science fiction novel currently.

But we might be soon.

The lava tubes were formed billions of years ago by streams of lava that melted through the soft rock underground. They’re about 328 feet in diameter and could protect the facility from solar radiation, micrometeorites, and the extreme surface temperatures – not an ideal spot for humans.

At least not yet, says Thanga.

“Setting up a base inside a lava tube seems like a plausible way to go if we wanted to set up a permanent settlement on the moon. But we as humans are not mole rates. We’re going to feel pretty stuffy being underground without being able to see outside.”

Thanga says we could use existing technology and materials to build the actual structure on the moon, but the miniature robots being proposed would take a bit more finagling.

“What we envision is taking one of the existing pits – just the opening into the lava tube – and installing an elevator shaft there.”

He envisions elevator shafts and cryo preservation that shelves petri dishes much like books in a library.

There would also be a system for communicating back and forth with earth, and solar panels would be installed to turn sunlight into electricity. Modular batteries will attach to the cryo preservation modules and keep the lights on and maintain temperatures that are optimal for the samples.

If you think this all sounds a bit futuristic, think again – Thanga says this could be a possibility within the next three decades. He estimates it would take around 250 rocket launches to ferry 50 specimens each of the 6.7 million species to the ark, a goal that would be substantially helped by the private companies like SpaceX and Blue Origin who are launching their own rockets into orbit.

If an asteroid does slam into Earth, let’s hope someone is still around to launch a rocket to the moon.

Someone who also knows how to use the petri dishes of cells to bring some more humans to life.

So, maybe they do have a few kinks still to work out, eh?

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People Discuss Inventions They Think Did More Harm Than Good

It’s fascinating to think about what inventors might have had in mind when they came up with new ideas.

And it’s also interesting to ponder whether they could really comprehend where their inventions would eventually go and what kind of impact they would have on the world.

Folks on AskReddit shared what inventions they think did more harm than good.

Let’s take a look.

1. That’s a hot take.

“Al**hol as a beverage.

Like it or not, if al**hol as a beverage was discovered today, it would be illegal.”

2. Major problems.

“Lead in paint.

Doctors were telling us it would cause severe neurological problems for about 80 years before the US finally listened and banned it.

There are houses in the US today that still have lead paint.”

3. Going way back.

“The cotton gin.

Yeah it alleviated the work of slaves but it catapulted the demand for slavery and some historians note it as one of the causes of the American Civil War.”

4. Done a lot of damage.

“High Fructose Corn Syrup.

Used to sweeten food, enhance flavor, and add texture and volume, HFCS is a cheap and easily mass-produced ingredient that’s become a prime culprit of the US obesity epidemic. Why? Well from 1970 to 2000, there was a 25% increase in “added sugars” in the US.

After being classified as GRAS, HFCS began to replace sucrose as the main sweetener of soft drinks in the United States. At the same time, rates of obesity rose.”

5. Be careful with that thing!

“It has to be the guillotine.

A French device which appeared during the French Revolution because France still employed gruesome methods of execution which were faulty at times. The guillotine was invented as a means of quick painless execution, but it was so efficient that it led to an increase in its usage during the following years, as the punish rate skyrocketed.

Needless to say, the good intentions of its creation turned bad quite quickly… Talk about having a happy trigger finger.”

6. My teeth hurt.

“Soda/sugary drinks

Drinking sugar drinks contributes to obesity, diabetes and other diseases. Yet it’s available EVERYWHERE you go. And cheap to buy.

It also doesn’t help that soda in aluminum cans are lined with BPA that can cause high blood pressure. And soda is also packaged in plastic bottles that also contain BPA which can enter the blood stream and cause cancer.

If the sugary drinks don’t get you first… The packaging will.”

7. It adds up.

“The keurig cups.

From what I recall the guy that started that whole thing regretted it because of the amount of garbage those little single use keurig cups waste.”

8. A forever chemical.

“Teflon. A cancer causing chemical used in everything from baby bottles to fabrics to cookware and everything else.

Teflon is a “forever chemical” and is detected globally in humans, soil, drinking water, food and animals.”

9. Weapon of war.

“Machine g**s.

The inventor of the AK-47 said something along the lines of, “I would have preferred to have invented a lawn mower.””

10. Seems to be out of control.

“Cable news

It’s nonstop mind control now.

They tell folks what to buy (which they do now by calling it a shortage, results in mass panic.) I’m sure someone holds shares in whatever they tell as it’s just getting odd now.

They tell folks where they should vacation and not vacation.

They tell folks what brands they should and shouldn’t buy.

They tell folks who they should and shouldn’t vote for. This is EXTREMELY DANGEROUS.

Yes, they pass all this off as opinion peices, people just take it as the truth and not an opinion.”

11. Echo chamber.


Echo chamber, ego inflating, self importance and attention seeking galore.”

12. People have strong feelings about it.


Started as an opportunity for people to rent out a spare room and meet travelers. Has morphed into a short-term rental platform where wealthy second home owners let entire homes or apartments at the expense of local communities.

Residents in once peaceful neighborhoods are forced to endure all the impacts that come with living next to makeshift unregulated hotels and group accommodation.

Loud parties any night of the week, a steady stream of strangers in apartment blocks or residential streets, parking congestion, masses of rubbish, security issues, loss of community all become commonplace.

Long-term rentals dry up because Airbnb is more lucrative and local businesses, in some cases even local hospitals, can’t find staff as they have nowhere to live. Long-term locals find themselves kicked out of their rentals to make way for another more lucrative Airbnb.

They are left with nowhere to go as other long-term rentals have gone the same way and it’s pushed prices up so much that buying a property is no longer an option.

Residential neighborhoods become a smattering of hotels without the volunteers and local people that once gave the place the sense of community that attracted many visitors to the area in the first place.

Most Airbnb users wouldn’t be aware of the detrimental impacts Airbnb can have for local communities.”

Now we want to hear from you.

Tell us what inventions you think did more harm than good.

Do it in the comments!

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This Midwife Meets People Where They Are with Reproductive Health TikTok Videos

Menstruation can be an ever-complicated and mysterious thing.

Even to us women.

That’s probably why a TikTok midwife went viral for videos explaining the anatomy and mechanics of childbirth.

It started with a silly, brief video about a speculum during quarantine, and then her following exploded.


#midwife #obgyn#inyourface #fyp#happyfriday

♬ ac butunstable – 🧑🏻‍🦳

Midwife Sarah Pringle, @midwifemama, has been using TikTok to educate the masses, including her more than 700 thousand followers, for the past year.

As she told BuzzFeed:

“I posted a funny speculum TikTok and started to gain followers. I realized that people want to know about their bodies and their health. This led me to create educational content featuring common office procedures, women’s health products, and the basics of childbirth.”

She’s made dozens of videos–enough to support a 9th grade Health class for the entire semester.

Using 3-D models and set to catchy music, Sarah demonstrates things as mundane as where a tampon rests after insertion:


#fyp#period#menses#PerfectGifts #NBAIsBack

♬ Plastic – Unghetto Mathieu

And a clear representation (at last!) of exactly what the doctor is poking and squeezing during your annual pelvic exam.


#PajamaJam EDUCATION #gyn#midwife#pelvic #pelvicexam #pelvicfloor #womenshealth #FallGuysMoments

♬ Out the Frame – Marv Allen

She shares specifics on different types of birth control from the ring:


#birthcontrolring #birthcontrol#baby#womensrights #womenshealth#rbg #OhNo

♬ Paper Planes – M.I.A.

to IUD insertion:


#iud#birthcontrol#smear#RnBVibes #HolidayTikTok

♬ Stuck in the Middle – Tai Verdes

She also offers advice for products to quell troublesome yeast infections.


Link in bio!!!! #bv #yeastinfection #yeast#bacterialvaginosis #boricacid #boricacidsuppositories #midwifemama #feminiva #healthfare

♬ THE BEST THING – Cecilia Grace

But it’s Sarah’s videos about dilation and childbirth that have proven the most popular.

This one, demonstrating checking fetal position within the cervix, garnered over 10 million views:



♬ Adderall (Corvette Corvette) – Popp Hunna

And this cervical check illustrating different dilation ranges has been viewed more than 13 million times.


#baby#preg#pregnant#labor#labour#rn#laboranddelivery #laboranddeliveryrn #laboranddeliverynurse #midwife#midwifemama #YesDayChallenge #tt#springbreak

♬ Renai Circulation (English Cover) [TV Size] – Lizz Robinett

Sarah is definitely providing a much needed service, and people are here for it, as evidenced by her views, likes, and shares.

Sexual health education is so important.

It’s great when educators can find a way to meet people where they are.

What do you think? Did you learn anything? Tell us in the comments!

The post This Midwife Meets People Where They Are with Reproductive Health TikTok Videos appeared first on UberFacts.

38 Fascinating Facts About the Human Body Most People Don’t Know

The human body is totally amazing!

I’m constantly in awe when I read about it and learn how complex we really are. It’s kind of a miracle, don’t you think?

I sure do!

What are facts about the human body that a lot of people don’t know about?

AskReddit users shared their thoughts.

38. Triple threat!

“The chance of a natural pregnancy with identical triplets is 1 in 200,000,000.

My friend had identical triplets.

It was her first time making whoopie and she got pregnant with triplets. I didn’t know it was so rare.”

37. Stripes.

“Humans have stripes, we just normally can’t see them. They’re called Blaschko’s lines and form along the paths of embryonic cell migration.

The stripes are sort of U-shaped down our front, V-shaped on our back, wavy on the head and face and we have basic, simple stripes on our extremities.”

36. Smart stomachs!

“Your stomach is surrounded by more brain cells (half a billion neurons) than the brain of a cat contains in total.

It’s your enteric nervous system. It controls digestion, operates autonomously, has its own memory, can handle its own reflexes, it has its own senses even.

It’s thought to have come about because of the blood-brain barrier and the main brain being locked away in the skull, a spinal column and nerves away from the critical action of nutrition.”

35. I did not know that!

“The eyeball is the fastest healing part on your body.

Let me put it in a ‘simpler’ version if you don’t believe me. The eye ball has a cornea.

Now, cutting the cornea will result in much pain, but since this part doesn’t contain blood, but only gets a supply of oxygen, it is the only fastest healing part of your body that can heal in only 24-36 hrs.

Believe me now?”

34. Ahhhhhhh!

“X-rays of children’s mouths are nightmare fuel.

The second set of teeth to replace baby teeth are already grown and lodged in their skulls. So you’ll see two rows of teeth and its freaky looking.

They don’t grow in when the old ones fall out, they are already loaded in the chamber waiting to get launched.”

33. What?!?!

“Chickens in the eggs develop a tail and teeth, but those stops growing after some time. Its probably what’s left from the first birds, which had a long tail and teeth.

Scientists think that, with the right timing, you could make it so they dont stop growing and have a “chickenosaur” out of the egg, with small teeth in the beak and a long tail.”

32. Nuts!

“Humans are bioluminescent and glow in the dark, but the light that we emit is 1,000 times weaker than our human eyes are able to pick up.”

31. Did you hear that?

“Some women can feel the exact moment an egg is released from the ovary during ovulation.

Feels like a little pop just on one side.

Pretty neat.”

30. For a reason.

“The reason it’s so easy to break your collar bone is because its designed to break.

The way it was explained to me is that its like a circuit breaker.

It breaks there to stop the shock of impact getting to your spine.”

29. Oh, boy!

“Pineapple contains bromelaine, an enzyme that ingests proteins.

Your meat parts are mostly made of proteins, so when you’re eating pineapple, it’s also eating you.”

28. All you need.

“You don’t need those detox tea or whatever detox products your high school friend and your aunt are selling.

Your liver is all you need.”

27. Wow.

“Alzheimer’s disease isn’t just gradual loss of memory. It physically exists in the brain. It’s a physical plaque substance that attacks the brain.

Like, if you were able to open the skull of a person suffering from Alzheimer’s disease to take a look at their brain, you would actually see this sticky, fibrous, grey physical matter overtaking their brain.”

26. Keep that in mind.

“Every 7 years, every cell in your body will have completely replaced itself. Different cells divide at different rates, however.

You need a new stomach lining weekly and a new skeleton every 7 years.”

25. It’s down there.

“You have a big flab of tissue that hangs down from under your stomach which covers your intestines. It’s called the greater omentum, it’s almost always removed in any basic anatomy drawing so most people don’t know it’s existence! It stores quite a bit of fat but it carries out some unusual roles.

In an abdomen infection it sometimes can wrap itself around it, hence giving it the nickname the “policeman of the abdomen.””

24. Painful.

“95% of the sensory fibres in the human ear are used to transmit sound. Until recently, the function of the other 5% of fibres were not known.

We now know that under certain conditions, these remaining fibres can become sensitized, leading to a rare condition known as hyperacusis, where everyday sounds cause the sufferer immense pain.

It is debilitating and often leads to people giving up their careers, relationships and homes, isolating themselves indefinitely in sound-insulated rooms.

Source: I am one of these people.”

23. Interesting…

“When loosing weight, fat isn’t lost through heat, p**p or sweating. Nearly all fat is lost through simple breathing.

If you lose 10kg of fat, precisely 8.4kg comes out through your lungs and the remaining 1.6kg turns into water.”

22. I did not know that!

“Infants are born with approximately 300 bones, but as they grow some of these bones fuse together.

By the time they reach adulthood, they only have 206 bones and teeth are considered part of the skeletal system, but are not counted as bones.”

21. Bypass.

“Our bodies have the ability to perform there own bypass procedures. My grandfather went in for a scan and it showed a 100% blockage in one of his major arteries.

The image also showed a new portion of the artery starting .25” before the blockage and then rejoining the artery .25” after the blockage completely bypassing the obstructed portion.

He had never had surgery before this discovery.”

20. No one likes it.

“You don’t like the sound of your recorded voice because it’s missing the low frequency you’re used to hearing.

When you talk, you hear your voice as it goes to the air and back to you ear. It also goes through your skull to your ear, and this bone conduction mechanism transmits the low frequencies better than air does.

Your recorded voice only has the air transmitted sound. That causes the dissonance between what you think your voice sounds like, and what it really does. It’s also why your voice will (almost) always be higher pitch than you think.”

19. Not just chillin’.

“The appendix is not a vestigial organ. It actually protects good bacteria in the gut.

You can live without it, but it’s not just chillin’ in there.”

18. Full circle.

“Migraine pain can lessen from vomiting.

Vomiting can cause dehydration.

Dehydration can cause migraines.

The human body is funny.”

17. All about arteries.

“We all have a major artery called the ascending aortic artery that runs down the center of our abdomen. Another artery, called the superior mesenteric artery, branches off of that.

There is a gap between the arteries that is kept open by a pad of fat, and the start of our intestines, called the duodenum, passes right through the gap between the two arteries.

Very very rarely something can happen to shrink the fat pad, and then the arteries act like a clamp and pinch the duodenum closed. This prevents anything, solid or liquid, from passing from the stomach into the intestines.

This is called Superior Mesenteric Artery Syndrome, and I had it. It is so rare that it took 2 months of doctors excluding everything else for them to diagnose me.

I couldn’t keep anything down, and went from 120 to 90 lbs. I had to have where my intestines were connected to my stomach moved to another spot, and have about 6 feet removed in the process.

This was almost 7 years ago now. Other than having to eat more than I used to in order to maintain my weight, I’m okay. That is only one of the weird, and very rare, medical conditions that I’m living with, but you’d never know by looking at me.”

16. Uh oh.

“That the body’s ph is 7.35 to 7.45 and if any of those scam products that promise to “change the PH of your body” actually worked, you’d be d**d.”

15. Can’t see it.

“Each one of your eyes has a blind spot where the optic nerve exit your eye into your brain.

You can’t see it because your brain tricks you not to see, it covers the spot with some made up image of what it thinks fits better with the rest of it.”

14. Well, that’s odd.

“Humans are one of a few species of mammal that oddly don’t produce their own vitamin C due to lack of a certain enzyme.

Other mammalian species who exhibit this mutation are those contained in the main primate suborder Haplorhinni (monkeys, apes, tarsiers), as well as bats, capybaras, and guinea pigs.

All other mammals produce vitamin C in the liver.”

13. Only about 20%.

“Apparently about 20% of people have a bony ridge on the roof of their mouth. Most people’s palates are smooth with a very slight ridge.

The 20% like me have an exaggerated and more pronounced ridge. Apparently it’s most common in women and Asian folk, and I’m neither so that’s neat.

I always thought it was totally normal.”

12. Blood stuff.

“Positive blood type women can have positive and negative blood type babies without issue.

Negative blood type women require a shot with antibodies to prevent the mothers immune system from attacking the fetus if it is a positive blood type.”

11. It adapts.

“When you get conditioned to physical activity, your circulatory system adapts — more blood, more vessels, more blood cells. But your lungs really don’t.

This is because no matter how much blood your heart is able to deliver to your lungs, the lungs still have no problem oxygenating it.

This is why your oxygen saturation doesn’t drop during exercise (unless you have a heart defect.)”

10. Creepy.

“Your brain continues to try to revive the body long after the heart has stopped.

In some cases, there has been found brain activity trying to make repairs to bring the body back 30 hours later.

This is used to indicate time of death in m**der victims.”

9. Ouch.

“Babies can break their collarbone during delivery. It happens quite often, but heals quickly.

My teacher told me that (if it happened to you ofc) you may feel a slightly higher spot on your collarbone, called the callus where the fracture grew back together.”

8. A little bit different.

“Humans have, on average, just as many hairs on their body as chimpanzees.

Human hair is just a lot shorter and finer.”

7. The King.

“When you have a bowel movement, your heart rhythm shifts temporarily due to a vagus response.

The reason Elvis d**d on the toilet was because his heart was beating 200+ bpm and the quick rhythm change caused a myocardial infarction. People with low heart rates have been known to pass out on the toilet because their bodies can’t handle the shift.

It’s also why EMTs will absolutely not let you use the bathroom before getting on the ambulance. Especially if the bathroom is a standard 5’x8′.”

6. Amazing!

“A pregnant woman that has a mild heart attack will be healed from the baby’s stem cells, leaving virtually no tissue damage.”

5. Survival instinct.

“If you faint at the sight of your own blood you may have an oversensitive vasovagal response.

The theory is that this developed as a survival mechanism, kind of like an opossum playing d**d.”

4. I believe it.

“Humans feel less satisfaction when they don’t gain anything from an interaction.

In other words, you get less dopamine (or whatever feel good chemical) when you do something that basically has an equal cost and reward. This has lead me to believe that free food DOES really taste better.

It never made sense to me why cupcakes only tasted good when kids brought them in for their birthday. Whenever I’d buy them on my own they tasted worse. I guess it’s because my brain knows I spent money on them.”

3. Strength.

“Your brain regulates how strong your muscles are. If your leg muscles were to contract at full strength, they would snap your femur.

Its why people in emergencies on adrenaline can lift cars off children. Your body is capable of great strength, but it could also severely damage you, so your brain keeps you a weak, soft bag of jelly.”

2. You need that sleep.

“You will sooner d** from lack of sleep than lack of food.

You can live, depending on your current body fat and health level, for months without food.

Estimates are you that you will d** from lack of sleep within 2 weeks”

1. Pretty incredible.

“Your eyes have a separate immune system from the rest of your body.

On a lot of occasions if your body’s immune system finds your eyes, they will assume they are a foreign body and blind you.”

Do you know any interesting facts about the human body?

Please share them with us in the comments!

We’d love to hear from you!

The post 38 Fascinating Facts About the Human Body Most People Don’t Know appeared first on UberFacts.

Go Ahead and Follow These 11 Facts Straight Down the Rabbit Hole

Is there anything better than that moment you read something you’ve never heard before and you hear your brain sort of take off, chasing down all of the other little bunny trails left by the million follow up thoughts and questions that arise?

I think not – rabbit holes might be time sucks, but if you ask me, it’s time better spent than scrolling your social media feeds.


If you feel the same way, brace yourself for the deep dives that follow these 11 random facts.

11. This man was struck by lightning 3+ times.

Image Credit: Wikimedia

They say lightning never strikes twice in the same place, but Major Walter Summerford would disagree – he was struck three times while he was alive…and then his tombstone was struck by lightning after his death.

No fooling, y’all.

10. The Zodiac Killer really tried to help the police catch him.

The Zodiac Killer continued to send letter and ciphers to San Francisco newspapers a decade after his last (purported) killing, but more than 50 years later, his crimes remain unsolved.

Recently, though, his ciphers have started to be unraveled.

A team of cryptologists solved one that the FBI later confirmed, and a French engineer claims to now have solved the final two – one of which reveals his identity at last.

Here’s what the first one revealed:


The second two are very short and lack context, which has made them tough to solve, but French engineer Faycal Ziraoui claims he’s finally done it – and here’s what they say:


“My Name is KAYR.”

Experts believe the second is meant to say KAYE and is a typo.

One of the primary suspects in the case was Lawrence Kaye, who lived in South Lake Tahoe. Harvey Hines, one of the lead detectives on the case, was convinced Kaye was the killer but they never had enough evidence to arrest him before his death in 2010.

Is it solved? You decide!

9. Another serial killer was once a contestant on a dating show.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Rodney Alcala murdered 7 women in the 1970s, and in 1978 he appeared on The Dating Game as Bachelor Number One.

Backstage, he told Bachelor Number Two “I always get my girl,” but even though Alcala was chosen by bachelorette Cheryl Bradshaw, she never went on a date with him,

According to producers she backed out, saying “I can’t go out with this guy. There’s weird vibes that are coming off of him. He’s very strange. I am not comfortable.”

He was arrested a year later.

8. Space has a very distinct smell.

Image Credit: Pexels

You can’t just stick your nose out and take a big whiff, but astronauts have confirmed that the smell clinging to their spacesuits is very distinct.

That said, they also say it’s “hard to describe,” but say it’s “metallic, like the fumes of a welding torch,” or even like a “seared steak.”

I guess most of us will never smell it for ourselves and it doesn’t sound like something that will be made into a candle anytime soon.

7. African elephants have three times the neurons of humans.

Image Credit: Pexels

The average elephant’s brain has 257 billion neurons – our own look pretty puny in comparison!

6. Harriet Tubman led troops into battle.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

You know she led slaves to freedom on the Underground Railroad, but you might not have been taught that she also led a successful raid on Combahee Ferry during the Civil War, freeing 700 slaves in one go.

She also worked as a spy for the Union, and was referred to as “General Tubman” by John Brown.

Tubman was a shrewd and careful strategist whose work was eventually recognized with her induction into the Military Intelligence Hall of Fame.

5. Adolf Hitler and J.R. Tolkien battled each other in WWI.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

They fought on opposing sides at the Battle of the Somme (or the Somme Offensive), one of the largest and deadliest conflict in the first World War.

Other veterans of the battle include Otto Frank, Harold Macmillan, and Ralph Vaughn Williams, all of whom were lucky to survive – close to a million others did not leave the battlefield.

4. The moon was terrifyingly made.

Image Credit: Pexels

The most widely-accepted theory on how the moon was formed is called the “giant-impact hypothesis.”

It posits that a Mars-sized object crashed into Earth, shooting huge chunks into space, and forming the moon as we know it in the process.

3. The Ferris Wheel was meant to be a giant middle finger.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Alexandre Gustave Eiffel built the Eiffel Tower as the entrance to the 1889 World’s Fair in Paris, and nearly 2 million of the attendees came just to see that one attraction.

When the 1893 World’s Fair rolled around, Chicago held an open competition for architects and designers to try to beat its success.

The winner was George Washington Gale Ferris, Jr., an engineer from Pittsburgh, and the rest is history.

2. One headless rooster survived for a full 18 months.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

This might be the most bizarre fact on the list – a rooster named Mike (later Mike the Headless Chicken) was beheaded (presumably ahead of dinner) on his Colorado farm in 1945.

He failed to die for the next 18 months, during which he was fed a liquid diet straight into his esophagus and paraded around the country as a minor celebrity.

America is so weird, y’all.

1. The International Space Station orbits the Earth every 90 minutes.

Image Credit: Pexels

It moves at 5 miles per second, which means it doesn’t take long for it to take a spin and enjoy the view.

I just hope anyone taking a ride doesn’t get motion sick.

I’ll see you later – I’ve got some research to do.

Which of these are you going to follow first? Tell us in the comments!

The post Go Ahead and Follow These 11 Facts Straight Down the Rabbit Hole appeared first on UberFacts.

Radioactive Diamond Battery Can Practically Run Forever

I’m being a little bit hyperbolic with the title of this article, because the diamond-powered battery in question can only run for around 28,000 years, not forever forever, but when we’re talking about the framework of a human lifespan, well…forgive me.

Basically, if it started powering something today and humanity went extinct, there would still be evidence that humans existed far, far into the future.

The offering comes from U.S. startup NDB (Nano Diamond Battery), and is a “high-power diamond-based alpha, beta, and neutron voltaic battery” that gives devices “life-long and green energy.”

Also? They say it could become a reality in homes everywhere within the next couple of years.

They built the nano diamond battery by combining radioactive isotopes from nuclear waste with layers of paneled nano diamonds. Diamonds have a good heat conductance that moves heat away from the radioactive isotope materials quickly enough to generate electricity.

Image Credit: NBD

Basically the layers and layers of diamond and radioactive waste panels equal higher total amounts of energy.

It uses less energy, uses nuclear waste, lasts for years, and only requires the smallest of diamonds…is there a catch, though?

If there is one, it’s to do with logistics. It will require a huge number of batteries in order to power even regular-sized devices, for one, and the other revolves around the safety of utilizing a battery that runs on nuclear waste.

NBD, though, thinks they have the answers we need, right on their website.

Image Credit: NBD

“The DNV stacks along with the source are coated with a layer of poly-crystalline diamond, which is known for being the most thermally conductive material also has the ability to contain the radiation within the device and is the hardest material, 12 times tougher than stainless steel. This makes our product extremely tough and tamperproof.”

NBD believes these batteries will soon power huge things like spacecraft and satellites, as well as regular things like our many, mane LED displays, and be able to be passed down through generations with no loss in efficiency.

Expect to see a working prototype by 2023, people.

And prepare to be amazed.

The post Radioactive Diamond Battery Can Practically Run Forever appeared first on UberFacts.

Radioactive Diamond Battery Can Practically Run Forever

I’m being a little bit hyperbolic with the title of this article, because the diamond-powered battery in question can only run for around 28,000 years, not forever forever, but when we’re talking about the framework of a human lifespan, well…forgive me.

Basically, if it started powering something today and humanity went extinct, there would still be evidence that humans existed far, far into the future.

The offering comes from U.S. startup NDB (Nano Diamond Battery), and is a “high-power diamond-based alpha, beta, and neutron voltaic battery” that gives devices “life-long and green energy.”

Also? They say it could become a reality in homes everywhere within the next couple of years.

They built the nano diamond battery by combining radioactive isotopes from nuclear waste with layers of paneled nano diamonds. Diamonds have a good heat conductance that moves heat away from the radioactive isotope materials quickly enough to generate electricity.

Image Credit: NBD

Basically the layers and layers of diamond and radioactive waste panels equal higher total amounts of energy.

It uses less energy, uses nuclear waste, lasts for years, and only requires the smallest of diamonds…is there a catch, though?

If there is one, it’s to do with logistics. It will require a huge number of batteries in order to power even regular-sized devices, for one, and the other revolves around the safety of utilizing a battery that runs on nuclear waste.

NBD, though, thinks they have the answers we need, right on their website.

Image Credit: NBD

“The DNV stacks along with the source are coated with a layer of poly-crystalline diamond, which is known for being the most thermally conductive material also has the ability to contain the radiation within the device and is the hardest material, 12 times tougher than stainless steel. This makes our product extremely tough and tamperproof.”

NBD believes these batteries will soon power huge things like spacecraft and satellites, as well as regular things like our many, mane LED displays, and be able to be passed down through generations with no loss in efficiency.

Expect to see a working prototype by 2023, people.

And prepare to be amazed.

The post Radioactive Diamond Battery Can Practically Run Forever appeared first on UberFacts.