Australians Have Been Eating a Fish Previously Unknown to Science

Australians already confront crazy-looking (and deadly) animals on a daily basis, so it probably never occurred to them to question a fish that tasted pretty okay and didn’t kill anyone once ingested.

They probably didn’t expect to find out, though, that literally no one had ever heard of or seen the fish before, anywhere in the world.

Well, at least not before 2000, when a fisherman sent pictures of a mystery grouper to fish expert and Queensland Museum curator Jeff Johnson. But even though he saw images of the strange fish a few more times over the years, it wasn’t until 2017 that he got his hands on a physical specimen.

He nabbed 5 of them, actually, at a Brisbane fish market, and set to work identifying the apparently yummy swimmer.

“As soon as I saw them, I thought they were probably a new species, so I purchased all five and began the hard work of formally proving they were a new species,” he said in a statement. “I’ve been told they are quite tasty.”

He and museum geneticist Dr. Jessica Worthington Wilmer worked together to confirm his suspicions, and the new species was named Epinephelus fuscomarginatus.

The new subspecies of grouper isn’t so distinctive looking that people with untrained eyes would notice it straight away, and given that most groupers are fairly generic-looking fish, it’s understandable – if slightly worrying – that no one consuming it gave it a second thought.

The Epinephelus fuscomarginatus is about 27 inches long and lives about 750 feet down along the center of the Great Barrier Reef.

This grouper, interestingly, is not the only species to recently be discovered on its way to someone’s plate. In 2011, a new species of shark was discovered in a Taiwanese fish market, and in 2018, a different shark, thought to be extinct, showed up in a market in Mumbai.

In 2010, researchers discovered a species of monkey that sneezes when it rains, but lost their specimen when the locals in Myanmar ate it.

Oops. Dinner takes precedence over science, you know. I’m not even mad.

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A Lab Worker Pricked Herself with Genetically Modified Smallpox and the Resulting Infection Was No Joke

It’s estimated that smallpox has killed around 300 million people throughout history, and it remains the only infectious (human-borne) disease to have been completely eradicated worldwide. Because it is easily modified, however, similar viruses can be found in laboratories and other testing facilities around the world.

And that’s how one lab worker got into some very terrifying – and disgusting – trouble.

When the 26-year-old scientist got notice that she would be changing jobs to one that would involve working with the vaccinia virus (VACV) – a large, complex virus related to smallpox – she was informed of the risks and advised to get a vaccination against it.

She declined, citing concerns about adverse effects and worries over managing the infectious lesion at the injection site…a choice I feel comfortable saying she probably regretted.

Because soon after starting her job, she accidentally pricked herself with a needle containing the genetically altered strain while she was attempting to prick a mouse.

Though she immediately washed the wound, notified her supervisor, and visited the local emergency department, the wound got far, far worse before it began to get better.

Image Credit: CDC

The emergency room physicians washed it again, advised her not to let it come into contact with others, and sent her home with a prescription for continuous monitoring.

After 10 days, it had worsened to the point that she was referred to the CDC. Two days after that, she ended up in the emergency room again, this time with a fever, swollen lymph nodes, pain, and a worsening infection in her finger.

She was given vaccinia antibodies to help her immune system fight off the virus, as well as antibiotics for a secondary infection in her open wound, and she felt better after 48 hours.

The infection, however, did not completely clear up until Day 94.

Image Credit: CDC

It’s not clear, still, what strain of the virus infected the lab worker, which is a bit concerning, says the case report.

“Neither the patient nor the occupational health physician could specify the concentration or strain of VACV preparation used by the patient. Upon inquiry, the study sponsor informed investigators that one of two genetically altered Western Reserve strains could have been involved. The patient was injecting multiple groups of mice with different strains and did not recall which strain she used when the needlestick injury occurred.

The infection cleared up on Day 94, though the worker was relieved of lab duties for 4 months due to her necrosis and a continued potential for transmission.

Alls well that ends well, I suppose. It’s what those poor mice would say, anyway.

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Some Anti-Vaxxers Shamelessly Made Fun of Immunocompromised Patients in the ER

Anti-vaxxers aren’t shy about their opinions, but one pair of anti-vax parents really took things too far by publicly making fun of immunocompromised patients in the ER.

A Redditor posted a screenshot of the parents’ facebook post in a subreddit appropriately called r/Trash.

The anonymous couple had to take their son to the ER, where they were quarantined due to their son’s unvaccinated status. Unvaccinated people pose a serious risk to immunocompromised folks, who often can’t get vaccines because of their condition. Immunocompromised people are vulnerable even to infectious diseases that vaccinated people are immune to. Thus, the quarantine.

Photo Credit: Pexels

“We had to come to the ER after an emergency with my son falling at the playground,” the parents wrote. “We were questioned about our vaccine choices, then it was brought up 3 times on how we should give him a tetanus shot and then 6 hours into our visit we were ‘isolated’ in a room with gowns and gloves so we don’t ‘infect’ any of the immunocompromised patients.”

They then posted a photo of their response to that concern. In the photo, both parents are flipping the bird.

I’m Ready to Fucking Fight from trashy

They finished by reassuring readers that their kid is ok. “Had a little surgery and he is on the mend.”

Commenters on Reddit were furious — the title of the post is “I’m Ready to F*cking Fight,” which everybody was upon reading this post.

“Why even bother going to the hospital if they don’t believe in medicine?” one commenter asked.

“Imagine knowing the symptoms of tetanus and deciding that it’s ok and worth the risk,” another pointed out.

Sigh. At least the hospital did their job to protect their patients by quarantining these parents who clearly don’t give AF.

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You Can Stop Putting These Foods in the Fridge

Some foods will quickly spoil if you don’t put them in the refrigerator.

And then there are other foods that you should honestly never put into the fridge at all.

Some of these foods simply don’t need to take up precious fridge space when they could easily sit out on the counter. Others can actually become lower-quality in the fridge.

In the first category are pickles and hot sauce. Both contain ingredients that naturally keep the product from going bad, even if they’re not in the fridge. Nuts are another example of foods that easily stay fresh at room temperature.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

In the second category, there are many types of produce that don’t need to be in the fridge, including onions, garlic, potatoes, tomatoes, bell peppers, cucumbers, whole melons, and basil. In all of these cases, the cooler temperatures actually change the texture of the produce, making them less fresh.

Instead, store these in a dry place with plenty of ventilation.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

The fridge can also interrupt the ripening process for certain types of produce. Avocados can go in the fridge or on the counter, depending on whether they’re ripe (if ripe, put in fridge to keep them good for longer). Stone fruits like peaches can also be left at room temperature to ripen perfectly.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Other items that should never go into the fridge include olive oil and honey, which can actually turn solid when cold (and it’s kind of icky).

The more you know!

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Record Cold Temperatures Don’t Mean Climate Change Isn’t Taking Place

It’s cold outside! Really cold!

We aren’t even into December yet, but much of the country has already seen frigid temperatures and huge snowstorms this fall.

So, predictably, some climate change deniers and skeptics have rushed out (as they are wont to do) and cried from the rooftops that global warming and climate change don’t really exist. Just look at this cold, snowy weather we’re having…right?

WRONG. These short-term bouts of unusually cold weather don’t really have any effect on long-term temperature averages. Let’s look at the reasons why.


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If you’ll recall, a polar vortex developed in early 2019 and then split apart, sending a swath of cold air to the Great Lakes region. Amy Butler, an atmospheric scientist at the Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences, explained it this way, “Like a rock in a stream—in this case, the jet stream—[the polar vortex lobe] helped keep the jet stream pushed southward, which encourages cold air to be transported from Canada and the Arctic into mid-latitudes.”

The split polar vortex and other factors combined to create these cold conditions in early 2019, and some experts believed that the cold temperatures wouldn’t last long. And although the frigid conditions were uncomfortable and seemed to last a long time, the average monthly temperatures last December and January were actually above average for that time of year.


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In other words, random cold spells will always take place and weather is chaotic, but that does not mean that climate change isn’t occurring right now as we speak. Zachary Labe, a climate scientist at the University of California, Irvine, said, “The weather frequently changes from day-to-day or even hour-to-hour, while changes in our climate occur in the long-term, such as over 30 year periods. Therefore, we cannot say that one cold outbreak or weather event is evidence for or against climate change.”

And people tend to remember exceptional (read: cold) weather events rather than the normal, average days. But the fact is that winters have been warming. Over the past year, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration recorded 11,404 daily record lows across the globe. But the organization also recorded 21,907 new record HIGH temperatures.


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Bob Henson, meteorologist with Weather Underground, said, “That ratio [of record highs to lows] has been getting bigger over the past few decades. Cold doesn’t go away, it’s just less frequent.”

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Every State Ranked by How Miserable Its Winters Are

It’s predicted to be a loooooong, cold, crazy winter from late 2019 into the early months of 2020.

This article ranks all 50 states in terms of how bad, or, let’s just go ahead and say miserable, their winters are. These rankings come from Thrillist and take into account temperatures, weather patterns, how bad the roads are during the winter, and even the success of each state’s winter sports teams.

Let’s take a look at the rankings, starting with the least miserable. Number 50 probably won’t be a huge surprise….

50. Hawaii


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49. Arizona

48. California

47. Colorado


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46. Florida

45. New Mexico

44. Louisiana

43. Texas

42. Georgia


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41. Alabama

40. South Carolina

39. Mississippi

38. North Carolina


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37. Nevada

36. Tennessee

35. Utah


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34. Arkansas

33. Oklahoma

32. Virginia


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31. Maryland

30. Kentucky

29. West Virginia

28. Missouri


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27. Kansas

26. Delaware

25. Nebraska

24. New Jersey

23. Pennsylvania


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22. Vermont

21. Rhode Island

20. New York


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19. Connecticut

18. Washington

17. Oregon

16. Indiana


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15. New Hampshire

14. Ohio

13. Illinois

12. Wyoming


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11. Iowa

10. Massachusetts

9. Montana

8. Idaho


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7. Wisconsin

6. South Dakota

5. Maine

4. North Dakota


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3. Alaska

2. Michigan

1. Minnesota


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Those poor folks in Minnesota…

Stay warm out there this winter!

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One Million Cannibal Ants Have Escaped from an Abandoned Nuclear Bunker

Hundreds of thousands of worker ants have been forced to survive by eating the “corpses of their imprisoned nestmates” after they found themselves trapped in an abandoned nuclear bunker in Poland.  Apparently, some individuals fell through a vent in the ceiling and were unable to climb back up to their “mother nest.” They were left little choice if they wanted to survive (not that ants really make “choices” in that way).

The nest was first discovered in 2013, when researchers intending to study bats found close to a million worker ants in the confined space with no light, no source of food, and a year-round temperature that averaged only 10 degrees C. They were immediately intrigued, and wanted to understand how – without a queen, without their typically sources of food, and without sunlight – they were thriving.

Scientists are looking at the situation as an opportunity to learn more about the complex evolutionary history of the ants, and have since released the survivors into their “mother nest” once again – basically just to see what happens.

“The present case adds a dimension to the great adaptive ability of ants to marginal habitats and suboptimal conditions, as the key to understanding their unquestionable eco-evolutionary success,” the authors wrote in their paper.

Before they reintroduced the cannibals into the world, scientists had to confirm that the nest above the ventilation shaft was where the ants had come from in the first place. They took a few individuals and set them along the outskirts of the “mother nest,” and after observing that none of the ants were attacked as outsiders, they were reasonably sure their hypothesis was correct.

Three years later, they decided to help the ants free themselves. They took a 3-meter-long boardwalk in the bunker and set it up as a ramp that led from the floor to the ceiling vent. The ants made their way out from there.

“Soon after the boardwalk had been installed, single ants started to inspect it,” noted the authors.

Within 6 months, and with no further intervention, the bunker was nearly empty. Ants continued to fall through the pipe, but the typically found the ramp and returned to their nest room afterward.

Scientists were thrilled to learn more about the “monumental” ability of wood ants to adapt to “marginal habitats and suboptimal conditions.” We now know they’re able to not only survive, but are able to self-organize and work together without a queen, and without contact with their original nest.

This strange turn of misfortune for the ants has turned into something of a win for science and for all of us – because the better we can understand how insects like ants have managed to survive and to thrive, despite the circumstances, the better prepared we can be to face such inevitable changes ourselves.

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Sweating Is Not at All Detoxifying, FYI

It feels good to feel your muscles sweat and work, and something about feeling the sweat pop out on your skin makes me feel accomplished, like it might all be worth it in the end.

But of course, you don’t have to exercise to sweat. Hot yoga, saunas, and sweat lodges have become more and more popular, at least in part due to their claims that they help you “sweat out toxins.” But well…that’s not even a little bit true.

Image Credit: Pixabay

Actually, your liver and kidneys do all of the heavy lifting when it comes to toxins, and exercise isn’t going to make them more or less functional.

Sweat is made up of mostly water, with a bit of sodium, chloride, potassium, and trace amounts of proteins, fatty acids, and maybe a stray “toxin” or two, says dermatologist Tsippora Shainhouse.

“Most of the ‘toxins’ that concern people include pesticides, residue from plastics, or from air pollution. These tend to be fat-soluble, and do not dissolve well in water, so they will not be removed from the body in any significant quantity, given that sweat is 99 percent water.”

Image Credit: Pixabay

In fact, attempting to detox merely by sweating can backfire. If you don’t drink enough water to replace what you’ve sweated out, your kidneys have to work overtime while you’re dehydrated – and if your kidneys are working especially hard, they may not be as efficient at weeding out actual toxins in the meantime.

Image Credit: Pixabay

Which is not to say sweating is bad, nor is exercise. Just don’t expect it to do what your kidneys and liver are already doing, and make sure to drink plenty of water when you’re done.

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The “Scully Effect”: Female “X-Files” Fans Flock to STEM Careers

Scully does it again!

As if The X-Files wasn’t awesome enough as a television show, now we’re learning that all of the little girls who looked up, wide-eyed, at the tough-as-nails, no-nonsense, science-loving Scully are flocking to careers in science, math, and engineering.

Those fields have long been dominated by men, and though that tide has been shifting little-by-little, women in STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) fields still find themselves in the minority more often than not.

The news comes out in a recent report compiled by scientists working for The Geena Davis Institute. They surveyed more than 2000 U.S. women over the age of 25, 68% of whom were X-Files viewers, and asked them whether watching Dana Scully influenced their career decisions as they grew up.

A significant number of them said her character affected them to the point that they chose to major in a STEM field in college, and to work in STEM field as a career. They claimed that Scully gave them positive impressions of women working in science, and more than half said she increased their confidence in their ability to succeed in a male-dominated field.

More than 60% responded that Scully’s character increased their belief in the importance of STEM work.

“In the world of entertainment media, where scientists are often portrayed as white men wearing white coats and working along in labs, Scully stood out in the 1990s as the only female STEM character in a prominent, prime-time television role.”

The study provides data to back up long-held anecdotal beliefs that a “Scully Effect” of this type existed.

Saying definitively that Scully is the reason gets tricky, since there’s always the chance that women interested in STEM are more likely to watch shows like The X-Files in the first place.

That said, if more women are entering STEM fields, I say give Scully the credit (or maybe let her share it with Astrid, from Fringe).

With The X-Files revival, who knows – maybe a whole new generation of girls will be inspired.

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Meet the Golden Retriever Puppy Who Emerged a Lovely Shade of…Green

In a strange plot twist that seems more worthy of Oz than plain old Earth, a regularly-colored golden retriever has given birth to a green puppy.

Just one – the other eight members of the litter were all hued similarly to their parents (and presumably, their parents before them).

Little Mojito was born just before Halloween in Wermelskirchen, Germany, and his owner, Joanna Justice, was at first concerned about his mint-green coloring. He was healthy, though, as were his litter mates.

Dr. Christian Dimitriadis assured Joanna (and all of us) that the puppy’s green fur would likely grow out and disappear, turning white the second time around.

Though green puppies are rare, they’re not entirely unheard of – the same week, a shamrock-colored great Dane was born in the U.S. – and another green golden retriever pup was born in Scotland in 2017.

Veterinarians and other scientists aren’t entirely sure why some puppies are born green, though most believe it has to do with bile pigment biliverdin exposure in the womb. This is why it’s most often seen in white dogs – the pigment has a better chance of being seen in a light-colored coat.

Biliverdin can be found in the bile, bruises, and placenta of dogs, and it shows up in other biological phenomena, as well – even in the 6-million-year-old shells of dinosaur eggs.

So anyway, I assume this mama dog loved her green baby the same as the rest – a sentiment I hope would be shared should a human child come out green, but you never know.

Not everyone grew up dreaming of a visit to Oz, herself.

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