A High School Engineering Class Created a Prosthetic Arm so Middle Schooler Can Play Cello

High school kids in Irving, Texas put their engineering class to good use by fulfilling a middle school girl’s dreams of playing in the orchestra.

Kayla Arqueta was born without her left hand and part of her forearm. As a student at Austin Middle School, she wanted to join the orchestra, so she auditioned for cello. Orchestra director Carly Addison was happy to welcome Kayla to the group, but she wasn’t sure how to make it work.

“She told me she wanted to play cello and I had no idea how to make that happen, but I knew I couldn’t say no,” Carly said in a school district video.

Carly did some internet research, and she discovered another young girl who used a prosthetic arm to play the cello. The musical prosthetic was designed by Dr. Jennifer Mankoff at Carnegie Mellon University.

After contacting Dr. Mankoff, Carly found the blueprints for the prosthetic online. Next, she learned that the high schools in her district had 3D printers, so she reached out to Dwight Davison, an engineering teacher at Nimitz High School.

Dwight hadn’t been using 3D printing in his engineering class, but he created a new class project just to help Kayla out. It was optional for students, and six enterprising teens signed up.

They successfully designed and printed a musical prosthetic for Kayla, who is now blossoming as a burgeoning cellist.

“When Kayla pulled on the string, it made this big beautiful cello sound, and I knew we had done it,” Carly said.

As for Kayla? In addition to her new prosthetic, she’s learned a valuable lesson. “I learned that people are willing to help, and that it’s okay to be different,” she said. “I would like other students to know that life is challenging, but everyone is going to love you for who you are.”

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An Inventor Creates a Viable Plastic Alternative from Fish Waste


This year’s International James Dyson award went to the inventor of a plastic alternative that could be used to make sandwich bags and other small carriers. And it’s made out of fish.

Inventor Lucy Hughes, age 24, won the UK category, beating out 1,078 other entries. The prize money amounted to 30,000 pounds.

Hughes created the material called MarinaTex from cast-off fish bits. “For me, sustainability has never been an afterthought,” she told Radio 1 Newsbeat.

She studied product design at the University of Sussex and has always considered the environmental impact of all her designs. “Traditionally, we design in quite a linear way. You take material, make something with it, and then discard of it.”

MarinaTex was her final school project.

The James Dyson Foundation runs the annual International James Dyson Award, a student design competition. All designs entered should solve a problem.

Today we announce the international winner of the James Dyson Award 2019 – MarinaTex, a bioplastic made from existing…

Posted by James Dyson Award on Thursday, November 14, 2019

Sir James Dyson said Hughes product solves two problems: One, single-use plastic, and two, fish waste.

This year saw the highest number of female entrants since it started in 2007.

Hughes’ material is innovative in that it will biodegrade in normal outdoor temperatures, meaning it could be disposed of in regular home compost bins.

Another issue, according to a United Nations report, is that 27 percent of all fish caught and brought inland never gets used.

This is could be the waste used, along with red algae and other components, to make the plastic alternative.

Hughes envisions her material replacing plastic for small bags for food and other single-use items. Her next step, after winning the award, is to see how it can be mass produced so it can start getting worked into products.

It looks to be a fantastic solution to some pressing problems. Let’s always be innovating!

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There’s Now a Real Formula to Calculate ‘Dog Years’

If you’ve ever had a dog, you know that your pup has two “ages” — their actual age, and their age in so-called “dog years.” To calculate dog years, you simply multiply the dog’s age by seven. But is there any actual scientific evidence behind this formula?

The short answer is no — but scientists have come with a more accurate way to calculate it.

Researchers at the University of California, San Diego, examined dog DNA to see how quickly dogs age. They looked at 104 Labrador retrievers from 1 month to 16 years old, comparing their rates of DNA methylation – which usually speeds up as living beings age – to those of humans.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

The researchers found that the rates of methylation were similar between dogs and humans; however, adolescent and mature dogs experienced more accelerated aging.

Based on this data, they came up with a new formula for calculating dog years.

Take the natural logarithm of a dog’s age, multiply it by 16, and then add 31.

By this measure, a 2-year-old dog would be 42 human years old – way older than 14!

However, methylation slows later in life, so the dog’s age in human years doesn’t increase as quickly. A 5-year-old dog would only be 57 years old, while a 6-year-old dog would be 60. A 10-year-old dog would equate to a 70-year-old human.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

This formula might not be completely accurate for every dog breed, as different dogs age at different rates, while the formula was determined based on data from Labs. Still, it’s a very interesting and informative contrast to the old unscientific 7-year rule!

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William the Conquerer Literally Exploded at His Funeral

Yes, History Can Be Both Fun And Interesting!

Some might argue that, given the brutal, bloody way William the Conquerer ruled England, his brutal, stinking, bloody end was more than fitting.

William who-would-be-the-Conquerer was born around 1028 to the Duke of Normandy and a peasant girl. Officially a bastard, William still inherited his father’s titles at the age of 8. Normandy, though, found itself embroiled in a Civil War, and William’s childhood could not be described as idyllic, title or no.


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Whether it came naturally to him or he learned the behavior of brutality, William embraced his legacy as he grew, punishing his defeated foes by chopping off their hands and feet in at least one instance.

In 1066, he won the bloody battle of Hastings and was crowned King of England on Christmas Day the same year.

Though he instituted some constitutional and social reforms and forged close ties with France while ending Viking influence in England, he’s mostly remembered for the way he treated the people that disagreed with and fought against him.


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In 1069, he began a campaign known as “The Harrying of the North,” in which he put down rebellions by burning villages and slaughtering livestock (and sometimes people), leaving those who survived starving to the point of cannibalism.

William, however, grew fatter and fatter until an incident with his horse – an unexpected movement caused the saddle to puncture his intestines – eventually killed him.

It took 6 weeks, and while dying, the king supposedly confessed that he regretted at least some of his atrocities. According to Orderic Vitalis, a Benedictine monk and chronicler of English contemporary life, William spoke from his deathbed:

“I treated the native inhabitants of the kingdom with unreasonable severity, cruelly oppressed high and low, unjustly disinherited many, and caused the death of thousands by starvation and war, especially in Yorkshire …In mad fury I descended on the English of the north like a raging lion, and ordered that their homes and crops with all their equipment and furnishings should be burnt at once and their great flocks and herds of sheep and cattle slaughtered everywhere. So I chastised a great multitude of men and women with the lash of starvation and, alas! was the cruel murderer of many thousands, both young and old, of this fair people.”

He wanted his wealth to be given to churches and the poor upon his death, “so that what I amassed through evil deeds may be assigned to the holy uses of good men.”

A nice speech, though most historians and other experts  – including author David Bates – doubt he ever said it.

“Orderic has William express regret for the terrible bloodshed as a part of his deathbed confession. Although the speech is, as far as we know, entirely Orderic’s invention and an idealized version of what he thought ought to have happened, what he was certainly saying is that he believed William made a good end, as also did Eadmer and William of Malmesbury.”

The fruits of his time on earth caught up with William, and when he finally died, the knights and other noblemen fled, leaving the King’s corpse vulnerable to the peasant class who despised him. Orderic paints a ghastly final scene.

“The lesser attendants, seeing that their superiors had absconded, seized the arms, vessels, clothing, linen, and all the royal furnishings, and hurried away leaving the king’s body almost naked on the floor of the house. …as if he had been a barbarian.”

Only one knight – Herluin – came back to ensure the king would be properly buried. He did this, according to Orderic, because of “his natural goodness,” and “procured at his own expense persons to embalm and carry the body; and hiring a hearse, he caused it to be carried to the port on the Seine; and embarking it on board a vessel, conducted it by water and land to Caen.”


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The 70 mile trip took some time, and by the time the body arrived in Caen, the bacteria in the king’s gut had leaked and begun to decompose the rest of his tissue at an alarming pace. The funeral was further delayed due to a fire in Caen, then again by a “mourner” who claimed he had been robbed of his land by the church. A legal meeting proceeded, and by the time the heckler was compensated and sent on his way, things had begun to get smelly.

The body had overheated and swollen to enormous proportions. He would not fit into his tomb, and while they were trying to decide what to do, his “swollen bowels burst, and an intolerable stench assailed the nostrils of the bystanders and the whole crowd.”

And everyone peaced out because, yeah. Gross.

William the Conquerer hasn’t exactly been undisturbed since – he’s been disinterred 3 times (by the Church, at the hands of the Calvinists, and again during the French Revolution). All that remains of his unlucky corpse is a thigh bone, which is marked by a slab of stone.

If ever there was a guy who was definitely haunting people, it’s William the Conquerer.

Not that I blame him, even if he was a big of a wanker in his prime.

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Evidence Suggests That Running Could Prolong Your Life

Running certainly isn’t for everyone. Like me, for instance.

I’m one of those people who jokes that if you see me running, you should run, too, because there’s definitely something or someone chasing me.

I might have to reconsider my position, though, given that data supporting the idea that running equals better health just keeps piling up.


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We can add to it this report, published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, which found that people who ran even once a week had a 27% lower risk of dying early due to heart-related issues.

The associated study looked at the habits of 232,149 people over the course of 35 years, and even though there’s no promise that picking up a running habit will prevent you from dying from cardiovascular disease or cancer, they have shown a link between the two.

The good news is, it doesn’t appear you have to be a dedicated runner to reap the benefits of running – even people who ran for less than 50 minutes every week, or only once per week, or slower than 6mph avoided earlier deaths.


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“This finding may be motivating for those who cannot invest a lot of time in exercise, but it should definitely not discourage those who already engage in higher amounts of running,” summed up Željko Pedišić, one of the study’s authors told Runner’s World.

So, if you love running and do it often, there’s no reason to back off. And if you’re like me, well, there seem to be compelling health reasons to give it a go, even casually.

Just one 45-minute jog once a week could lower your blood pressure, your high cholesterol, help combat obesity and cardiovascular disease, lower your risk for type 2 diabetes, and even help keep certain types of cancer at bay.


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I guess those are pretty good reasons for getting off the couch and out from behind the computer once in a while.

So if you see me running, run too – just in case there are zombies, but also because we’d all like to live a little bit longer, if we could.


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Venice, Italy Is Underwater After the Highest Tide in 50 Years

If you’ve paid attention to the news the last week or so, you’ve seen the heartbreaking and devastating floods in one of Europe’s most-visited cities. Venice, Italy is a breathtaking destination, famous for its canals and historic buildings.

Recently, the highest tide in 50 years has inundated the city, and the mayor of Venice has blamed the catastrophe on one thing: climate change.

Paquebots(Navires spécialisé dans le transport de personnes.)L' année dernière, des conditions similaires ont frappé…

Posted by Olivier Godfurnon on Thursday, November 14, 2019

More than 85% of Venice flooded during this event, and the famous St. Mark’s Basilica was flooded for only the sixth time in 1,200 years. Four of those six floods have been in the past 20 years. Official records about such events in Venice have only been kept since 1923, and these high tides (called acqua alta in Italian) reached the highest levels in the city since 1966.

Posted by Sonny Tuttle on Monday, November 18, 2019

Luca Zaia, the governor of the Veneto region of which Venice is a part of, said, “We are faced with total, apocalyptic devastation. The art, the basilica, the shops and the homes, a disaster…Venice is bracing itself for the next high tide.” Zaia also described Venice as being “on its knees.”

Posted by Władimir Gromakowski on Sunday, November 17, 2019

The images coming out of Venice are shocking and sad, to say the least. People and animals trudging through the high waters, attempting to find higher ground and to save their personal belongings.

Posted by Sonny Tuttle on Monday, November 18, 2019

Posted by Sonny Tuttle on Monday, November 18, 2019

Venice is built on top of a marshy, shallow lagoon, which doesn’t help the situation. Sea levels have been rising around Venice (and everywhere) for years because of climate change, but the city is also sinking, increasing the impact.

Unless drastic action is taken, the problem looks like it will only get worse as time marches on until the city disappears into the ocean. Or something.

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Venice, Italy Is Underwater After the Highest Tide in 50 Years

If you’ve paid attention to the news the last week or so, you’ve seen the heartbreaking and devastating floods in one of Europe’s most-visited cities. Venice, Italy is a breathtaking destination, famous for its canals and historic buildings.

Recently, the highest tide in 50 years has inundated the city, and the mayor of Venice has blamed the catastrophe on one thing: climate change.

Paquebots(Navires spécialisé dans le transport de personnes.)L' année dernière, des conditions similaires ont frappé…

Posted by Olivier Godfurnon on Thursday, November 14, 2019

More than 85% of Venice flooded during this event, and the famous St. Mark’s Basilica was flooded for only the sixth time in 1,200 years. Four of those six floods have been in the past 20 years. Official records about such events in Venice have only been kept since 1923, and these high tides (called acqua alta in Italian) reached the highest levels in the city since 1966.

Posted by Sonny Tuttle on Monday, November 18, 2019

Luca Zaia, the governor of the Veneto region of which Venice is a part of, said, “We are faced with total, apocalyptic devastation. The art, the basilica, the shops and the homes, a disaster…Venice is bracing itself for the next high tide.” Zaia also described Venice as being “on its knees.”

Posted by Władimir Gromakowski on Sunday, November 17, 2019

The images coming out of Venice are shocking and sad, to say the least. People and animals trudging through the high waters, attempting to find higher ground and to save their personal belongings.

Posted by Sonny Tuttle on Monday, November 18, 2019

Posted by Sonny Tuttle on Monday, November 18, 2019

Venice is built on top of a marshy, shallow lagoon, which doesn’t help the situation. Sea levels have been rising around Venice (and everywhere) for years because of climate change, but the city is also sinking, increasing the impact.

Unless drastic action is taken, the problem looks like it will only get worse as time marches on until the city disappears into the ocean. Or something.

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A Company Is Making “Meat” out of Air

The idea behind making food from air comes from NASA, who wondered during the early days of space slight whether they could take exhaled carbon dioxide and turn it into food that could sustain astronauts during a long voyage.

It never quite became a reality in space, but now a California-based company is revamping the principle to produce animal-free meat products.

If it worked, the sustainable form of meat could help address issues like feeding a constantly growing population and the strain on farming resources, not to mention the treatment of animals raised for slaughter and the negative effects on the environment. Plus, pulling CO2 out of the air could potentially be beneficial in fighting climate change.

Enter Air Protein, a probiotic production process that converts carbon dioxide into a protein substance using microbes. The “protein substance” has the same amino acid profile as an animal protein.

The microbes, called hydrogenotrophs, grow inside fermentation tanks. They eat carbon dioxide, water and other nutrients and produce a brown-colored “flour” that is 80% protein and has a “neutral” taste. It can then be blended with other ingredients to create meat substitutes.

CEO Lisa Dyson is excited about the potential.

“The statistics are clear. Our current resources are under extreme strain as evidenced by the burning Amazon due to deforestation and steadily increasing droughts. We need to produce more food with a reduced dependency on land and water resources. Air-based meat addresses these resource issues and more.”

Right now, animal agriculture emits more greenhouse gases than the entire global transport sector, which is one reason so many plant-based alternatives have started to be offered and consumed. There’s potential for trouble with those options, too, as deforestation to make room for crops comes with its own negative environmental impact.

This air protein doesn’t require plants or animals, it’s not sprayed with pesticides, and it can be produced in a matter of hours – all of which kind of makes it sound like the perfect food.

Of course, I still haven’t tasted it. But I’ll go out on a limb and say I bet we’ll all have our chance to do that in the not-too-distant future.

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Only Two Groups Pay for Fully Half the Anti-Vaccine Ads on Facebook

Anti-vax ads are a big source of controversy, since the entire movement is based on “research” that has been debunked and maligned by educated medical professionals across the globe. Some think that platforms like Facebook should ban any “ads” by labeling them as misinformation, while others think they fall under the umbrella of “free speech,” and are therefore untouchable.

With diseases like measles making a comeback, though – 1,261 cases (and counting) in the U.S. in 2019 up from just 86 in 2016 – the people driving vaccine hesitancy are causing trouble for us all.

And it turns out that only a few organizations are paying for these advertisements – ads that have the potential to sicken and even kill people.

According to Vaccine, more than half of anti-vax ads on Facebook come from the World Mercury Project (WMP), which is chaired by Robert F Kennedy Jr., and Stop Mandatory Vaccination (SMV).

The World Health Organization lists vaccine hesitancy as a threat to global health, and the spread of misinformation, exacerbated by social media, is how its being largely driven.

The new study examined over 500 advertisements placed between December 2018 and February 2019. Researchers noted how many of them were fairly uniform and stuck to the same non-facts about the supposed harms of vaccines.

Facebook has rules governing political advertisements, but often anti-vax ads get around the restrictions by using words like “freedom” and “choice” instead of talking about vaccines themselves, says David Broniatowski, a principal investigator for the study.

“By accepting the framing of vaccine opponents – that vaccination is a political topic, rather than one on which there is widespread public agreement and scientific consensus – Facebook perpetuates the false idea that there is even a debate to be had. This leads to increased vaccine hesitancy, and ultimately, more epidemics.”

There are other avenues for misinformation, of course, but the social media pioneer is taking a lot of heat – rightfully so, says Broniatowski.

“Worse, these policies actually penalize pro-vaccine content since Facebook requires disclosure of funding sources for ‘political ads,” but vaccine proponents rarely think of themselves as political. Additionally, vaccine opponents are more organized and more able to make sure that their ads meet these requirements.”

Actually scientific studies have conclusively shown that vaccines are not only safe, but save millions of lives all over the world.

Facebook has promised to work on updating their policies in an attempt to curb anti-vax ads on the platform, but, as with all promises from big business (and this one in particular), only time will tell whether or not they actually follow through.

In fact, it’s been 6 months already.

In the meantime, go ahead and block and report them – it can’t hurt.

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These Interesting Facts Might Make You Say ‘Wait, What?’


These facts are good. Damn good, if I do say so myself.

I think you’ll agree.

Go ahead and see for yourself…

1. There’s something out there…

Photo Credit: did you know?

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2. That sounds nice right about now.

Photo Credit: did you know?

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3. I’m in big trouble.

Photo Credit: did you know?

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4. They are definitely real.

Photo Credit: did you know?

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5. Gotta pay your dues.

Photo Credit: did you know?

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6. Yes! More of this!

Photo Credit: did you know?

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7. A legend.

Photo Credit: did you know?

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8. Gettin’ it on!

Photo Credit: did you know?

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9. That makes perfect sense.

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10. Does this pertain to you?

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Are you wowed? Like, majorly wowed?

I think you are…thanks for stopping by!

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