10 Interesting Facts About Venus

If you’re interested in planets or astronomy, you’ll love the following facts about Venus. 1. During the Greek period, Venus was considered as the Goddess of Love and Beauty which is where this planet derived its name from as well. According to ancient science it is said that amongst all other planets, Venus is the brightest of them all. 2. Venus is believed to be discovered during the Prehistoric Era and is the brightest object in the sky apart from our Sun and Moon. 3. Venus is also the second planet from the Sun and is quite similar to our

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10 Interesting Facts About Space

What’s really out there? That’s something humankind has probably contemplated since we first looked up at the night sky. We’ve learned a tremendous amount about our universe through the years, but what we do know is most likely dwarfed by what we do not know. We’ll continue our efforts to learn more as long as we’re around to do it, and who knows? Perhaps one day we will find that there is life out there somewhere, and that we are not the only inhabitants of this vast universe. For now, we’ll have to be content with what we do know,

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8 Facts About Brown Eyes

Your iris, the colored part of your eye that surrounds your pupil, is as unique to you as your fingerprint due to its many textures and patterns.  A pigment called melanin is what’s responsible for the color of your eyes.  There are up to 16 different genes involved in determining the amount of melanin in your eyes, so you can imagine the amount of variations in eye color that exist. People with brown eyes have the largest amount of melanin, and those with dark brown eyes have the most.  Those deep brown eyes have a lot of benefits.  Read on

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10 Facts About Bacteria

Bacteria are everywhere and have been for decades, centuries, epochs. Arguably one of the most evolved microorganisms on Earth, bacteria can be found in varying shapes and sizes, and can be identified in most habitats on the planet. Commonly thought of as causing illness and disease, these pesky little cells actually serve a multitude of purposes which make life viable. Here are 10 facts you may not know about bacteria: 1) Age Bacteria are the oldest life form on Earth, with the simplest single-celled microorganisms dating back 3.5 billion years; without them, simply the world would not be able to

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In 1850 Dmitri Mendeleev walked almost a thousand…

In 1850 Dmitri Mendeleev walked almost a thousand miles to Moscow so he could apply for the University of Moscow. Although he was not accepted, he walked to St. Petersburg where he was accepted, And with that education he developed the periodic table of the elements.

5 Interesting Facts About the Brain

Picture a walnut.  Now imagine the walnut is about the size of a cantaloupe.  Add in wrinkles, and you have a visual of the human brain.  Read on, to discover five more amazing facts. 1. Your Brain is More Powerful than a Computer The human brain works faster than any computer.  It takes more than 80,000 processors running on one of the world’s fastest supercomputers to complete one second of what the human brain is capable of.  During that one second, the brain makes thousands of calculations.  It monitors and controls all your bodily functions, and regenerates brain cells.  It

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10 Interesting Facts About Mars

Mars makes up one eighth of the planetary mass of the solar system, with it being the 4th planet orbiting the sun. Like Earth, Mars is a celestial body but considering their average proximity to each other (78.3 million km), the layers of both differ considerably. Scientists investigating Mars continually make new discoveries and these help us understand the dynamic nature as well as the similarities and differences between these two terrestrial planets, which may be beneficial in future missions to transport humans to the ‘Red Planet.’ So, what do we know? Here are our 10 interesting facts about Mars:

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10 Facts About Earth

Earth is one of the most interesting planets in the solar system. Did you know that recent evidence suggests that Earth may not be the only planet known to support terrestrial life? However, this has not been verified yet and scientists are still conducting experiments. Earth is the only planet that is known to support both animal and plant life. In addition, of all the planets in the solar system, Earth is the only known planet that is not named after a mythological being. Much of the known information about Earth continues to change as scientists make new discoveries. For

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