People Share the Weird Things That Creeped Them out When They Were Kids

When I was a young lad, I was always terrified of being shot in the back with an arrow as I ran up the stairs in our house. So I would sprint up that set of stairs as fast as I could like my life depended on it. Every single time.

Clearly, I was a normal child and have now transitioned into a well-adjusted adult.

Okay, maybe not.

AskReddit users went on the record and shared their frightful childhood memories.

1. Freaked out by the peach.

“James and the Giant peach. Not the insects, but the actual peach.”

2. Don’t like that sound at all.

“The sound of a balloon popping i dont know why but that used to absolutely terrify me.”

3. Haunted by ET.

“Fucking ET, the Extra-Terrestrial. Used to give me nightmares that he was trying to stab me with a long butcher knife.”

4. Still fired up about this one.

“China dolls, but it’s not ridiculous and I’m 40 next week and still scared of them.

Right, so they’re toys, yes? So why do their EYES FUCKING MOVE? They can fuck off.”

5. Even the tiny ones…

“Spiders, even the tiny ones. I really have a severe arachnophobia.”

6. Beware of the wolves.

“Imaginary wolves. I grew up in a house in the woods. Our nearest neighbors were a mile away. Whenever I went outside to get something from my moms car or the mailbox or whatever I always imagined that a pack of wolves was on the prowl and if I wasn’t as fast as I could possibly go, they would eat me.”

7. Urban legend.

“Bloody Mary. Where you go into the bathroom, turn the light off, turn a round three times while chanting “Bloody Mary” three times and then look in the mirror and she will appear and scratches will be left on your face.”

8. From beyond…

“I was convinced the martians from Mars Attacks would eventually show up and vaporize us all. You couldn’t convince me otherwise.

My dad would say, “aliens aren’t real.” And I would counter with my paranoid logic, “But how do you KNOW that? You can’t know for sure.””

9. Don’t run in these.

“Courdory pants. When I was 3 or 4, my sister told me that if I wore them and ran, my crotch would catch on fire. I am 31 and still have a strong aversion to courdory.”

10. We’re under attack!

“As a toddler I would watch those trashy ultraviolent action movies they’d play on TNT. It was one of the few times he was ever chill/not screaming or hitting me or my brother, so we were all in.

Then military operations against our house became a very real fear. What if they use paratroopers??!!”

11. Stranger danger.

“The stranger danger stuff. Still waiting to be offer drugs, lol Was offered alchohol when underage, declined because 1. beer is gross and 2. I was watching a sick baby.

Well now as an adult lots of people in my life are strangers.”

12. Scared in general.

“The talking toilet from Look Who’s Talking. Gave me my very first nightmare where I couldn’t talk or run, I could just stare helplessly at this talking toilet, which was giant in my nightmare. I was 3 or 4 I think. For a while I was just scared of toilets in general.

I also remember being afraid of the country being invaded for no particular reason. My mom tried to reason with me that anything can happen, so it’s not worth worrying about. She said a plane could crash into the house at any moment too, but it probably won’t. This reasoning backfired because for a while I was scared of a plane crashing into the house randomly.

Oh and also, when I was 5, I thought a tornado drill was a tornado that could drill through the ground and get you through the floor…….I was a pretty scared child in general.”

13. He’s heeeeeeeere.

“I always thought Big Foot would decide to show up outside of my back yard door late at night.”

14. That makes sense.

“Purple gloves. I knew that if a doctor put on purple gloves, they were about to get a needle or do something that would hurt. I had a lot of anxiety with doctors and doctors offices, probably because I was born premature and spent the first three months of my life in the NICU and dealt with medical problems the first three to four years of my life.”

15. I definitely thought about this as a kid.

“The never ending timeline of eternity in the afterlife (if it exists).”

That brought back a flood of memories from when I was a kid, that’s for sure.

Do you remember the things that freaked you out when you were a child?

Share them with us in the comments! Let’s compare notes on this one!

The post People Share the Weird Things That Creeped Them out When They Were Kids appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share Ridiculous Things That Scared Them When They Were Children

For a lot of us, childhood is full of fear and uncertainty.

We think monsters are lurking around every corner and that the world is a very unsafe place…which is kind of true, but as kids we have a lot of irrational fears as well.

Let’s take a little trip down memory lane.

AskReddit users shared their interesting childhood stories.

1. That is pretty weird…

“I used to have this repeating dream that scared me to death. I was always in a skyscraper made of windows, and a giant toddler would walk through the street. If the toddler saw you, you died. Weird fucking dream, but I dreamt it repeatedly for years.”

2. My mom used to tell me this, too.

“Escalators. My mother told me that they will catch my shoestring or pants hem and pull me down and cut me into shreds. I still think if that every time I step on one.”

3. Stay away from drains.

“Drains. Showers and tubs and pools. Especially unfamiliar ones.”

4. Beware of gators.

“I thought an alligator would climb up the wall of our house like a lizard and come through my window and eat me in my sleep.

I lived in Mumbai. We dont have alligators anywhere. Also, they can’t do that.”

5. The stuff that nightmares are made of.

“Willy Wonka.”

6. Ghost dust.


Uncle told me it was left by ghosts.”

7. That’ll scare the hell out of you.

“The windows XP startup and shutdown noise.”

8. A lot of fears.

“Rats, snakes, roaches, etc climbing up the pipe to the toilet and biting my ass.

My grandma’s cocker spaniel jumping on me and knocking me over. He just wanted to lick me and was excited, it turns out.

Other people driving. This one is weird because I trusted absolutely nobody but my mom—if it was anyone else, ie her friends, babysitters, or even my dad, I was absolutely convinced I was going to die.”

9. Not as uncommon as you might think…

“Ceiling fans.

Bro, same. My sister convinced me they would detach and fly across the room. Didn’t help that the fans made weird noises at high speed.”

10. Clapping can be dangerous.

“If I clapped my hands above my head, the nightmares would start. If I clapped them up there again, they would stop. (This didn’t actually happen; it was what I was afraid of.)

Consequently, I had to make sure I only ever clapped my hands above my head an even number of times. If I accidentally clapped them, I had to clap them again.”

11. Scared of balls.

“Balls. Literally any round object was fucking terrifying to me apparently. According to my mom, if she wanted me in a room but didn’t want me to go anywhere, she’d put a ~hand sized red ball in the exit. I was apparently too scared to even go to that side of the room.”

12. The orange glow.

“On a trip to London as a ten-year-old, I woke in the small hours of the morning due to jet lag and was horrified to see an orange glow outside the windows.

I convinced myself that a nuclear explosion had occurred and somehow I had managed to sleep through it.

Nothing happened for an eternity of terror.

So I mustered the courage; I slid out of bed and crawled across the floor, to peep over the window sill and look out on the devastation, the city burning

The street lights were orange, for fog. They don’t have them where I’m from.”

13. Run for it!

“As a child, I used to be scared of the 20th Century Fox themesong. I would run out of the room screaming each time it would come on before or after a movie.”

14. That is kind of creepy…

“The live action Grinch scared my brother when he was a toddler. If he didn’t go to bed on time my parents would threaten him with the VCR tape of it & he would race to bed.”

15. Hyperactive child.

“I was a very hyperactive child, I use to eat and walk around the house and mess it all up, once my grandma told me that if I will keep eating while I’m standing all the food will go down to my legs and feet and they will become so fat I wouldn’t be able to wear shoes anymore.

I stop eating and walking until today.”

Those are pretty darn funny, if I do say so myself.

What were the things that scared you as a kid? Share your memories with us in the comments!

The post People Share Ridiculous Things That Scared Them When They Were Children appeared first on UberFacts.