In case you need any further proof that kids and parents are essentially the same, no matter how famous they are or how much money and attention they had growing up, just check out actor Rob Lowe’s Instagram feed.
His sons, Matthew and John, enjoy poking fun at their dad’s pictures in front of all of his million or so followers… and like most kids, they really don’t seem to be sorry.
10. We thank you for your service.
Image Credit: Instagram
9. Yeah, I don’t know many kids who would.
Image Credit: Instagram
8. Totally called him out. Ha!
Image Credit: Instagram
7. I want to cry I’m laughing so hard.
Image Credit: Instagram
6. This is priceless.
Image Credit: Instagram
5. Called. Out. Hahahahahaha.
Image Credit: Instagram
4. That’s a rough one, kid. Ouch!
Image Credit: Instagram
3. They say your kids are your biggest fan.
Image Credit: Instagram
2. How dare you not text me immediately, parent?!
Image Credit: Instagram
1. This may be my favorite thing on the internet.
Image Credit: Instagram
I love this, mostly because only families that have close, happy bonds are able to give each other crap and laugh about it – kind of gives me a warm fuzzy!
Do you have this kind of relationship with your family? Would you still troll them if they were famous? I think I definitely would!
The post Rob Lowe’s Sons Are Trolling Him Hilariously on Instagram appeared first on UberFacts.