People Share Absurd Pieces of Clothing and Their Outrageous Price Tags

When I want to buy an unusual new product, I remind myself that without risk there’s no reward.

Sometimes it works, and the unusual new product is a massive success!

Other times it’s a huge disappointment, and I kick myself for days.

The point is, we all make weird choices sometimes. And the luxury goods industry exists to feed those retail therapy choices.

When a woman went viral recently for posting her ridiculous discovery from Nordstrom, the post took off, with others joining in to share the weirdest and most expensive items they’ve seen for sale as well.

She wrote:

The $895 price tag may sound like a lot, but at least you won’t have any money left that you need to carry around, since, as one keen-eyed user pointed out the fine print:

This bedazzled objet d’art doesn’t actually carry anything, except for a conversation.

It sounds like something David Rose would say.

In addition to outrageously expensive and useless “purses”, there were a number of examples of horrifying (and useless?) clothing trends in the thread.

User @chelbee611 shared these bizarre underwear-exposing trousers.

Good thing they have free returns.

And who can forget this aptly described travesty, which I guess you could wear with those pants.

If you’re really looking to be classy, there’s this dress, which I would describe as “tarp & bungee chic” – perfect for any occasion.

And to really kick it up a notch, pair that dress with these matching gloves.
(They match the bungee cords.)

If the tarp dress isn’t to your liking, because, idk, you’re worried about rain on your back? Never fear, there’s always this shower curtain dress option shared by Ellen Grace.

Perfect for a rainy day or a chili dog eating contest.

And if you’re worried about getting cold (maybe in that backless dress) user @TSatch17 has you covered with this… sleeping bag wrap?

Another user, @jamiesanpedroo, who really got into the exercise, found these wacky toe-sock-boot-gizmos, and I don’t even know what to do with them.

Is Nordstrom okay?

Not to single out high end retailers, @my_tv_life pointed to her favorite source for the ridiculous, Etsy, and these fabulous handmade pants.

Mars OBSESSED responded to the original post with a joke, but these glasses (?!) are blowing my mind.

Several users shared the same $1300 hat, which I personally thought looked like an attempt to imitate an orca.

And don’t forget about the bling. There was the bike lock necklace that costs more than any actual bike lock.

Just in case, you know, you’re worried someone’s going to steal your head.

Honestly, these all make me feel better about the electric toothbrush I bought last week.

What about you? What’s the most absurd item to come into your social media ads?

Tell us in the comments!

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People Discuss the Most Ridiculous Luxury Items They’ve Ever Seen

The luxury goods market is definitely interesting.

I mean, I’m as guilty as the next person of spending my hard-earned money on ridiculous things.

But there are definitely some items for sale that make you go “what?”

Last month, mother and hockey fan Lexi Brown, PhD, went viral for her Tweet about random and ridiculous luxury items, spawning a thread of similarly themed responses.

Lexi found a… well, they call it a “bag” (but it doesn’t actually hold anything) shaped like a diamond-encrusted folding chair, and the reviews were hilarious.

Users were similarly dumbfounded by the weird little purse:

Lexi’s post went viral, and soon her followers were chiming in with ridiculous finds of their own.

User Raahina Somani shared a similarly bizarre purse that I’m still trying to wrap my head around, but check out that price tag!

But it gets better. Zaza Chilvers found a Louis Vuitton bag and I honestly LOVE it, but it costs more than my car.

And for people who really love their veggies, there’s this hideous broccoli bag.

But I think I’ll take the broccoli purse over the shrimp cocktail one.

Danielle P. chimed in with another absurd bag she found at a different online shop:

Moving on from bags, there was the $280 (each) hair-roller for wealthy grandmas the world over.

And Greg never does explain why he owns this, but it comes with its own little pocket.

And then @Kristin_wrote was perplexed by this unusually shaped ping-pong table, but I guess it would add another level of complexity to the game.

Getting into the spirit of mocking Nordstrom, one user shared diamond-lined ski goggles.

Several users found something to balk at from Tiffany, where nothing comes with a small price tag.

And don’t forget the lovely but possibly useless sterling silver greenhouse.

One that really set the bar was shared by @thaisaustin.

Who, in their hour of grief, wants to commemorate their lost love with a 3D version of their head for the mantle?

No price tag here, but I’m guessing these don’t come cheap.

The winner of Twitter that day, though, was definitely @MsModernity who added Bernie Sanders to the OP.

I’ve seen all I need to see.

I honestly can’t even with most of these. What’s the most ridiculous (and ridiculously expensive) thing you have ever seen? Tell us in the comments.

The post People Discuss the Most Ridiculous Luxury Items They’ve Ever Seen appeared first on UberFacts.

Crazy Gender Reveal Headlines That Prove the Trend Is Totally Out of Control

Are these gender reveal parties out of control, or am I just going crazy?

I feel like every week or so, there is a headline in the paper or online about a party that quickly spiralled out of control because of some kind of foolishness or another.

Fires, explosions, people getting hurt and/or embarrassed. Is it all really worth it just because you want to impress some friends and complete strangers online?

I guess the answer to that question is a resounding YES because, as you’re about to see, these gender reveal parties are INSANE.

Let’s take a look at the craziness.

1. Be careful with the fire hazards…

You blew up a car?!?!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

2. Whoopsy daisy.

Sorry about that, Mom.

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

3. A plane crash? Are you kidding me?

They were not kidding…

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

4. And now people are dying…

Is that worth it?

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

5. This is horrible.

And totally embarrassing.

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

6. Yes! Applebee’s!

But…it went terribly wrong.

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

7. That sounds very safe.

Way to go, parents!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

8. Fireworks mishap.

What happened to a card in the mail?

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

9. Wow…what a headline.

Sounds like a great story.

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

10. This is the definition of CLASS.


Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

11. All I can picture is the food that crawls off the table…

In the classic film Better Off Dead.

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

Jeez…this stuff really creeps me out.

What about you?

What do you think about these crazy gender reveal parties?

Talk to us in the comments, we’d love to hear from you!

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People Share Stories About Terrible Co-Workers Who Miraculously Weren’t Fired

There’s a huge difference between people who aren’t very good at their jobs and those who willingly do bad things because they are…well, terrible people.

Sometimes, you can cut people some slack if they mess up at work and it was an honest mistake, but it always blows my mind when rude, crude, ignorant people are bad at their jobs (seemingly on purpose) and they still don’t get fired.

It’s enough to make your blood boil, isn’t it?

Here are some very interesting stories from folks on AskReddit about co-workers who got away with a whole lot of stuff and weren’t given the boot.

1. Eventually paid the price.

“Had a boss storing pictures of himself in only his wide open bathrobe on company servers. It was reported to HR but wasn’t fired for it.

Later he was arrested as part of an undercover sting where he thought he was meeting a 15 year old girl about 500 miles away.”

2. That’s pretty bad.

HR rep found out about a person’s elective surgery and made fun of her with a former employee.

Let me recap: this person knew about an employee’s private medical information, because she worked with our healthcare plan in her role as HR, and shared that private information with another person for the sole purpose of mocking the employee.

She was not fired.”

3. Sounds like a piece of work.

“One of my former coworkers (she’s since been fired for stealing customers lottery winnings) told an elderly woman that she was stupid for not knowing how to pump gas.

This woman’s husband had recently passed and he had always pumped the gas for her, so she never learned. I had horrible second hand embarrassment when the woman came in and told us (we relayed it to the manager).”

4. Sounds like a great worker!

“Eat weed, urinate outdoors on garbage cans in public, masturbate and drink on the job.”

5. That’s messed up.

“This dude walks a server out of the server room every six months or so to sell on eBay.

We have literally no security except the front door, but the owner is so ancient and out of touch I doubt she even remembers things are being stolen.”

6. That’s a lot of weed.

“I work in a medical marijuana state.

One guy neglected to check a dry room for a few days assuming all was well. All was not well, at all. The dehumidifier crapped out while the plants were being hung to dry and sat in a warm, dark room for 3 days before it was someone elses responsibility to check it.

By that point every single plant was coated in mold and we had to throw out a little over a million dollars worth of product (side note: I had never done the math to see what he cost us until now and am mad all over again.

His only punishment was to be denied moving to day shift but other than that it was forgotten about.”

7. Psycho.

“Telemarketing co-worker was very obviously a psycho or sociopath. Showed up late every shift by definition, had quite a temper with authority, but would often just cause trouble out of boredom, by his own admission.

The most controversial thing he did one particular day was address every client he spoke to by the ‘n’ word. Once the manager heard him, he yelled at him outside for 20 minutes and that was the end of it.

A week later, this co-worker denied it had ever happened before going on a tangent about how he liked to start arguments with his girlfriend just to see her cry. Fucking sociopath.”

8. Baffling.

“I work in a garden center, this just happened today. Buddy has worked ONE (today) of his scheduled shifts in the past two weeks. He calls in all the time, leaves a message with the cashiers, and hangs up before a manager can talk to him.

On the off chance he does show up, he doesn’t do anything besides move some plants around. Hell, my mom was walking through the garden center today and saw him squatted behind a stack of plants playing on his phone.

Further, the guy takes multiple unauthorized breaks a day and sits in his car for at least an hour because his “back hurts.” He has had two write-ups for missing work and somehow this lazy shite is still on payroll. He’s an asshole towards both coworkers and customers alike.

Nothing he’s done is as preposterous as some of the stories I’m sure are on this thread, but the sheer consistency of his laziness is baffling to me.”

9. At the mall.

“I worked at a convenience store in a mall. We had lotto, and I had this worker who people called “crazy Joe.”

Sometimes, when people are doing lotto, they take a long time picking out tickets. So Joe was waiting on a guy, and he was taking a while, and a line was forming, pretty long. Joe looked at the line and yelled out “does anyone have a gun so I can kill myself?” He then stormed off.

Same place; Gene, a guy in his fifties, touched two of my co-workers’ asses; one was 17 at the time, the other 19. Both girls.

Neither one was fired.”

10. Very classy.

“Guy in the same building I work in was going into the common bathroom and watching porn in one of the stalls on his phone.

Dumbass was using earbuds but had the volume up so loud that anyone could hear it and know what it was. And to top it off, in the background noise you could hear him whacking it while the video played.

Finally someone noticed the shoes that were in view and busted him in the hallway later. HR was called and did interviews with all the dudes in the building who may have overheard him yanking it. Despite many confirmations he was never fired.

But oh the nicknames that came from it……”

11. That’s ridiculous!

“He was caught selling cocaine on work premises. Everyone was talking about how he was going to get fired for a week. Then everybody seemed
to have forgotten.

It helps if the owner is your kid’s godmother.”

12. Why is he still there?

“I have a coworker that has terrible work ethic.

He doesn’t know how to separate his personal life from his work life so if he’s in a bad mood (which happens often), everyone will know including customers. He’s had at least three disciplinary meetings. Once he was caught just fucking around for an hour (not exactly sure what happened but our boss wasn’t happy).

Another time he just didn’t show up to work without calling in, and it was a day that everyone knew would be busy. I don’t know why he hasn’t been fired yet, everywhere else I’ve worked he would’ve been gone by now.”

13. I would think this would lead to termination.

“Drive around the yard on a forklift, no hands on the steering wheel, firing a nailgun at people and objects around the yard.”

14. WTF?

“A coworker jumped out from behind a door at my husband, who is a disabled combat veteran with PTSD, dressed as if he was from the Middle East.

He was literally trying to trigger a flashback.

No repercussions, as he was the boss’ friend. Two weeks later, he fell down some icy steps and broke both legs. Karma took care of that one.”

Some of those stories bring back some bad memories from old jobs I’ve had…

Have you ever had any really terrible co-workers that seemed to get away with everything?

If so, please share your stories with us in the comments!

The post People Share Stories About Terrible Co-Workers Who Miraculously Weren’t Fired appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share the Worst Things They’ve Seen Co-Workers Do and STILL Not Get Fired

I used to work with someone. Let’s call him Tony.

To put it bluntly, Tony was a real piece of shit AND he was a terrible worker.

But, for some reason, my boss wouldn’t fire him under any circumstances.

He showed up late every day, he was lazy, and he was just a total jerk to everyone. Tony must’ve had some dirt on my boss because it’s still a total mystery.

Some people just never get fired from jobs no matter what they do.

Let’s dive into these funny and ridiculous stories from AskReddit.

1. Still didn’t get fired!

“A guy at the plant I work at scrapped $360,000 in airplane parts because he didn’t even bother to look at the work instructions.

He just drives a forklift now…”

2. Shaking my head…

“Stole a bunch of marked tools (they were painted white).

Showed everyone in the shop pictures of his deer with said tools in the background.

Gets reported, boss calls him on it.

He said ” you got me, I stole a gallon of white paint”

Never heard the boss laughing so hard

Year later or so he gets promoted.”

3. Wow!

“He tried to run over a security officer with his car when the security officer told him he couldn’t park where he wanted to park.

Almost succeeded, too!”

4. Sounds dangerous…

“Worked with a guy who punctured the main gas line to our shop three separate times.

It was a construction company and he somehow was still my superintendent although he could have blown up the shop.”

5. That’s pretty bad.

“Accidentally send the last three years of account details/back statements from one company to their direct competitor.”

6. Ugh. The worst.

“Worst coworker ever was the credit mooch.

He would constantly horn in on other people’s projects, getting his name added to them to make it look like he was doing shit when he actually not.

If people tried to assign him any work on said project he would have “a personal emergency” or “a virus would make him lose all his work” or “his schedule is booked with other project” or the worst, he would pull some sucker in to “help” him with it, and said sucker would end up doing it all in utter frustration.

Because he was so good at stealing credit, he managed to get top marks on his reviews despite doing absolutely zero actual work for the company. I know at least four people quit due to this guy getting better raises than they did.”

7. Shady stuff.

“Had a co-worker as a standard business practice falsely condemn furnaces in winter to pressure homeowners into buying new systems and pad his commission check.

I couldn’t do anything as I had no direct proof, but he would joke about it all the time. It did finally catch up with him when one customer smelled BS and called other companies with advanced testing machines. Took those results and sued the poop out of him.

I ended up working for that second company and haven’t looked back.”

8. “Blew my mind.”

“Oh man.

It was winter time and she was helping a customer by carrying something they had purchased out for them. Once outside (but still on the store property) she slipped and sustained an injury.

Was threatening to sue the business and was also trying to claim workers compensation – came into work every day with a sling on her arm and constantly wincing and being in pain.

Anywayyyyyyyys. HR and the store manager call her into a meeting, sit her down and show her the video surveillance from OUTSIDE (which she obviously didnt know was there) showing her faking her fall. I dont know everything but she got called out hard and she broke down and admitted everything. For some reason they kept her on.

She then tried it AGAIN like six months later (this time claiming that a customer had something from their cart hit her or fall on her or something). Again, tried to claim workers comp and had this whole show of being injured. They pull up security footage AGAIN and disprove her injury/claims.

She still wasn’t fired. Blew my mind.”

9. Unbelievable.

“Guy at my wife’s old job was brought in because he was really good at selling the services they provided. Proceeded to send dick pics to the women at work and solicit nudes from them.

Women said to stop or they’d take it up with management and it subsided some. Solicited nudes from a new chick who asked my wife about it and my wife went to management with everything and said this guy’s out or I’m quitting. Well, she quit.

Guy’s still there but most the original female staff has quit.”

10. This is weird.

“As an assistant manager at a Valvoline Instant Oil Change. I was dealing with an unreasonable customer that had just spit at a female employee that he didn’t want working on his car. He didn’t know that the guy under his car was her boyfriend.

The guy comes up the steps, grabs an oil gun, and starts pumping 10W30 All Climate into the guy’s window as he’s frantically trying to start the car and roll up the window.

The employee was reprimanded pretty hard, but it was understood why he did it. No charges were filed, the franchise owner paid a lot of money to have the guy’s car cleaned. Obviously, I never saw him again.”

11. Sounded like a good idea…

“I know someone who managed to close an entire supermarket early for the first time in its history (costing the company several thousands of pounds) because they tried to set a clock on a computer back an hour to avoid missing some deadline for a daily routine.

He said it seemed like such a good idea at the time.”

12. Busy doing nothing.


Documenting work as completed when no actual work had been done.

Management knew or was suspicious of it, but not so much as a write up our reprimand. Eventually, management changed, figured out no work was being done, called it fraud, and canned them.

The job was easy too, and good money. I don’t get why they didn’t just do the work.”

13. So gross.

“Full on sexual harassment. (Little back story: I work in a private country club style dining/banquet event space. )

A drunk-on-the job manager pinned an hourly server against the wall during a nighttime wedding reception. She punched him in the ribs and tried pushing him off of her. We all saw it.

We all reported to HR. Another manager physically removed him off of her. This was about 4 months ago and he’s still in his position. S

he quit due to him telling everyone she’d lied about the entire situation.”

Jeez…some people…

Have you ever had co-workers who were pretty terrible but for some reason they never got fired?

If so, please tell us all about it in the comments!

The post People Share the Worst Things They’ve Seen Co-Workers Do and STILL Not Get Fired appeared first on UberFacts.

People Who Are Acting Like Idiots During the Current Lockdown

What’s going on right now is terrible, tragic, and infuriating.

And people who are acting selfish and refusing to accept what’s going on are just making things worse, in my humble opinion.

I understand that people are frustrated, but buying into conspiracy theories and showing a huge lack of regard and compassion for your fellow citizens is NOT a good way to vent.

In fact, it’s pretty disrespectful.

Here are some examples of people who are really behaving badly during the current crisis.

Have a laugh at these folks and in the meantime, try to stay positive out there!

1. This guy seems pretty cool.

By the way, DO NOT listen to him.

…I’m just trying not to catch a virus but ok from insanepeoplefacebook

2. Sorry to rain on your parade.

The whole wedding planning process with her is gonna be a real hoot.

Bridezillas dress shopping > Employees health and safety from bridezillas

3. This is totally out of control.

Some people…I tell ya…

“Friend” is really upset she had to cancel her European vacation for the pandemic. from insanepeoplefacebook

4. Gotta love these folks.

Bleach or a vaccine? You decide!

Shoot ‘er up my veins 🥴 from insanepeoplefacebook

5. A real bleeding heart.

What an asshole.

Their kids just faced a terrible loss but should forget that and get jobs!!!!!!!! from insanepeoplefacebook

6. That’s why you don’t HOARD items.

Karma is a bitch.

Hypocrite can’t return toilet paper and uses daughter as guilt from insanepeoplefacebook

7. You can do it anywhere!

So go do it at home!

8. Now we’re never going to meet.

It really blows my mind that some people think this is all fake.

I’m never trying dating apps again from facepalm

9. Never heard of Photoshop, I see…

Think before you comment, people…

Did she look at the picture at all??? from facepalm

10. This is totally “peak Karen.”

Way to set a good example.

Peak Karen from facepalm

11. The future looks bright.

Way to go, young people!

12. Just stay home!

Apparently, people can’t follow these rules.

I don’t say this too often, but a lot of people out there are total morons, aren’t they?


It really makes you shake your head…

The post People Who Are Acting Like Idiots During the Current Lockdown appeared first on UberFacts.

A Guy Got a Tattoo of Baby Yoda Drinking a White Claw

This is where we’re at right now as a society, apparently…

2019 sure has been a strange year, hasn’t it?

Do you think in a few years, this fella is going to regret this tattoo? Time will tell, I guess…

But let’s move on to this uniquely American, uniquely 2019 tattoo. A guy named Brock McLaughlin saw a scene of Baby Yoda drinking his tea in an episode of the new Disney+ show The Mandalorian and at that instant, he knew.

He knew he needed to tattoo Baby Yoda on his body – and he also knew that the little creature needed to be drinking…wait for it…a White Claw.

McLaughlin said, “As someone who works in Marketing I was fascinated by the cult of White Claw and how the [drink] dominated the conversation this summer. Baby Yoda and White Claw together just seemed like the perfect combination.”

Let’s take a look at some of the reactions people had on social media, shall we?

Even the folks at White Claw had to reply.

McLaughlin added, “My friends love it, at least that’s what they tell me to my face. My girlfriend is supportive which is how I know she’s a keeper.” She must be quite a lady…

What do you think of getting these kinds of pop culture tattoos that might look a little dated in say, a year or so? Let us know your thoughts in the comments!

And if you have any tattoos in the same vein, for God’s sake, share them with us!

The post A Guy Got a Tattoo of Baby Yoda Drinking a White Claw appeared first on UberFacts.

12+ People Reveal Crazy Rules Their Strict Parents Made Them Follow When They Were Kids

As a parent, it’s important to set rules for your children. Otherwise, they won’t learn key disciplines that will serve them well later in life. But sometimes, parents can go a little overboard in the rules department.

If strict curfews were your biggest worry growing up, then you had it good compared to these kids. Now that they’re all grown up, these kids with strict parents hopped on Reddit to reveal the most ridiculous rules they had to follow.

1. No straws

My dad wouldn’t let me use straws because he said they could cut through my tongue or cheek like a hole punch.

2. Rude

My mom didn’t allow the phrase “shut up.”

3. Too violent

I wasn’t allowed to watch most cartoons until I was a teenager. My mom thought Looney Tunes, Tom & Jerry, Mighty Mouse, etc. were all too violent.”

4. Satan is everywhere

No heavy metal, no Harry Potter because it was satanic, and no D&D or Magic: The Gathering because, again, it was satanic.

5. Liar, liar

No using the words “lie,” “liar,” “lying.” Instead we had to say “That’s not the truth” or “That doesn’t sound right.”

6. No talking at dinner

No talking at the dinner table other than the occasional “Do you want some (more) of ___?” Or “Please pass the ___.” We could not talk about anything at all. I make it a point now, with my kids, to chat up a storm each and every meal.

7. Even thinking of it counts

My husband wasn’t allowed to say “frigging” or “gosh” or “fudge” or “goodness” or “sugar” or even “oh, fiddlesticks!” because it meant he was thinking a swear word and “it’s the thought that counts.”

8. Huh?

No drinking water from my bathroom. My bathroom genuinely had colder water and the best water in the house. I don’t know what she possibly thought I was doing, but I had to drink lukewarm peasant water like the rest of my family.

9. How is that fair?

We were punished if my friends broke their own family rules. So Sally sneaks out or gets a tattoo without telling her mom, her mom tells my mom, and my mom grounds us.

10. At least you got an extra hour

Curfew was 11 p.m. for me until I was 21. Now, I’m 23 and have moved out, and when I go home to visit, my curfew is STILL midnight.

11. Was Mario based on a book?

My friend’s parents had a rule that if they wanted too see a movie or get a game, they would have to read the book it was based on first.

12. Grounded for saying “always”

No saying “never” and “always” — because nothing is “never” or “always.” My parents saw these words as exaggeration. For example, if I said something like “Man, we always have chicken for dinner,” I would be reprimanded or grounded.

13. No texting after 10

No texting or calling after 10 p.m. on school nights and midnight on weekends.

14. Fart is a curse word

We couldn’t say “stupid,” “shut up,” “heck,” “darn,” “freaking,” or “fart.”

15. Look both ways

I wasn’t allowed to cross the street until I was 13.

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10+ People Share Their ‘Are You Kidding Me’ Moments

Are you kidding me?!?!

These folks shared some of their most ridiculous stories on AskReddit. Enjoy.

1. Bath & Body Works

“Worked for Bath & Body customer service for years. It was nothing but “are you kidding me” moments.

One winter we had hand soaps with a cartoon polar bear and penguin on the label, wearing scarves and sledding. I had a lady call and YELL at me for nearly an hour about how inaccurate that is, since polar bears and penguins don’t live in the same place. She demanded that I tell her why we put them on the label together.

I didn’t last much longer after that.”

2. SMH

“I have a last name that is common but comes in multiple spellings. Think Smith/Smyth. I always spell the name out when I tell people my last name because mine is the less common method. I was checking into a hotel and the employee checking me in was having a hard time finding our reservations. I believe it was her first day so she asked the manager for help. I tell him how to spell my name but he wasn’t really listening. More of a let me show this new girl how it is done.

After what seemed like 20 minutes he says “Oh here it is. Someone misspelled your name. They put a y instead of an I” Me: “That is the correct spelling” Him: “No it isn’t! I know how to spell Smith. I am going to change it in our system it will only take me a second”

That was the day I realized I didn’t know how to spell my own name.”

3. The good ol’ DMV

“Denied a drivers license because my birth certificate was “invalid” for having a tiny hole in the center. I waited 4 hours.”

4. Teacher of the year

“I had a college professor scold the class for helping each other study for exams because she stated we were all competing for a program spot/future job and needed to be more competitive. She magically was not teaching any classes next semester.”

5. Thanks, teach!

“I had a teacher in a base level chem-phys class yell at my class after everyone failed a test because we hadn’t been taught half of the unit.

His exact words were “it’s not my job to teach you the materials” “.

6. How dare you!

“I got suspended for the horrendous crime of taking Tylenol on school property last year. I was waiting for the shuttle to marching band practice when I had cramps, and there was no way to get to the nurse and back to the bus stop on time. I of course complained about my impending miserable practice to a few friends and one offered me Tylenol.

Practice went great, I thought nothing of it. Next day my friend and I were dragged to the office and interrogated because someone told the school I took 6 pills of speed. I never had broken a rule before that so I was panicking. I remember the quote of the year being “if it was just Tylenol that doesn’t explain why you’re so upset right now”. Apparently I was the only person at that school who cared when they were in trouble. They ended up confirming it was Tylenol though, and just when I thought Truth, Justice, and the American Way had prevailed, they suspended me anyway.”

7. Bad Driving 101

“Going to the dreaded blue store and a woman on her phone nearly pulls into me (big blue dodge van) as she suddenly decides she needs to be in the turn lane and then nearly rear ends me because she assumed we would just continue to go when the light changed to red (there were two cars ahead of me too). If that wasn’t bad enough she nearly hits me again in the parking lot as she drives across the parking spots and has the nerve to flip me off when I honk at her to stop her from slamming into me.”

8. Poor pooch

“I used to work at an animal shelter. A woman brought in a Rottweiler puppy, age 8 weeks. Said she was surrendering it because she did not realize it would get that big. O.O

(Honestly, though, thank you thank you thank you lady. You brought him in young, cute, and supremely adoptable and not a year and a half later, out of control and completely unsocialized from living in your yard. You did the right thing!).”

9. It’s my name

“When people correct me about my last name, or claim to know where it originates. Here’s a typical cringe conversation I have about it:

“My last name is (last name)”

“Oh, you mean (mispronounces last name)”

“No, it’s pronounced (correct last name)”

“Well, in Russia its pronounced my way”

“…my last name isn’t Russian, it’s German.”

“Actually, I know it’s Russian and…blah blah blah (I stop listening at this point)” “

10. Engaged

“At one point I was engaged. I was together with this girl for nearly 7 years. Her car died so I bought her a brand new one of her choice. She wanted something small and easy to drive with good storage space so she chose a Scion xD. We drove 4 hours to the next state to get one in the color that she wanted.

A few months later she’s leaving me to be with an older mid 30s, unemployed, uneducated, no skills, married loser who she knows fulls well is cheating on his wife with her. He stayed at home all day while his wife worked. They would do their thing together and be sure to get him back home before his wife so she wouldn’t know.

Well, here’s this brand new car. It was in my name. I was making the payments. And she’s leaving me to go be with this mutual cheater. I told her that she had two options regarding this car. She could either get a loan to purchase this car off of me or I’m taking the car back. I’m not going to pay ~$18,000 after interest for a car for you now.

She wasn’t happy about this. She was also using my old cell phone since she broke hers. I told her that I wanted my phone back, too. After I got it back I looked at what she left on it. She deleted the contact of her new cheater fuckboy but the text messages remained. I knew his number so it was easy to see who she was talking to.

She was saying to him that I was “driving her crazy” about this car and that I wouldn’t just leave her alone about it.

You think that you can leave me for the guy that you were cheating on me with and that I’m still going to pay for this brand new car of your choice for you?”

11. Genius

“I work fast food, we have a relatively popular item which is a strawberry slush made with actual strawberries. It says as much on the menu.

Customer orders a strawberry slush. Sixty seconds pass, and they call back in and want to speak to a manager.

Dipshit: “My strawberry slush has strawberry in it?”

Me: “Well, yes, of course?”

Very itchy dipsh*t: “I’m allergic to strawberries.” “

12. A strange reaction

“A customer in the restaurant I work in had a seizure and an ambulance was called. My reaction when the ambulance pulled up was to prop he door open for the paramedics so they could get in faster. The assistant managers reaction was to complain to me about how they parked right in front of the entrance, and that they should have more respect for the business…”

13. They’re everywhere!

“I spent 30 minutes talking to a flat earther.

A REAL flat earther.”

14. It wasn’t me

“My license got suspended for several months because a woman with my exact name (not at all common) got caught driving without insurance and the officer mistakenly assigned the ticket to me. After finally figuring out what happened, my boyfriend and I had to take a day off work and drive an hour to the town she got the ticket in to go to court and basically prove I wasn’t her.

After I was cleared it still took well over a month for my license to be reinstated. It was so inconvenient and beyond frustrating because I had done absolutely nothing wrong! Fast forward two years and I’m denied when trying to get a library card because the same woman had a late fee for a Fast and Furious 6 dvd.”

15. Time to quit

“Was in a training period for a job I tried to land to pay the bills after I graduated and was meandering in search of career direction.

I got the flu in my 2nd week of training, during a blizzard in which we were maybe one of a handful of offices open in town. I was really, really sick, like “don’t go into work” sick, but it was training, and even if it was a sh-t anyone-can-do-it job, I still wanted to tough it out by going in. I just had my girlfriend at the time drive me because I was so out of it.

We’re getting toward mid-afternoon, and the weather has been getting worse. I’d spent most of 11am-2pm excusing myself to go to the toilet and vomit.

Finally, it occurred to me this was a bad job and lives weren’t at stake by me toughing it out. So I went to my supervisor and explained to her: look, I’m sick, I’ve been sick all day, I haven’t been productive as a result, and since I didn’t drive today, I’d like to leave ONE hour early due to the weather and me being sick.

My supervisor said: OK, you can leave, but you will get a written warning for leaving work early. If you get another warning, you will be fired.

I put in my two weeks’ notice the next day.

(And to my surprise: they accepted it and said “OK, sit here for two weeks without any incentive and be totally unproductive”. That was weird.)”

The post 10+ People Share Their ‘Are You Kidding Me’ Moments appeared first on UberFacts.