Super Hard Riddles for the Experts Out There

There are tons of riddles out there on the internet – hard, easy, the murder kind, ones you can do with your kids – but if you really want a set of tough ones you might not have seen before, you could be looking for awhile.

Let us try to compile a few for you here, though, and if you can solve all 10 of these, you can really pat yourselves on the back!

10. Short and sweet.

9. Think again.

8. A family affair.

7. The next 3 letters.

6. What’s mine is yours.

5. A color test.

4. One of these things is not like the other.

3. That doesn’t seem right.

2. Once, twice, never.

1. Your right hand man.

Continue reading when you’re ready to check your answers!

10. What gets wet while drying?

9. How many letters are in the alphabet?

8. A is the brother of B. B is the brother of C. C is the father of D. So how is D related to A?

7. What are the next three letters in this combination? OTTFFSS 

6. This belongs to you, but everyone else uses it.

5. First, think of the color of the clouds. Next, think of the color of snow. Now, think of the color of a bright full moon. Now answer quickly what do cows drink?

4. How is seven different from the rest of the numbers between one and ten?

3. First you eat me, then you get eaten. What am I?

2. What comes once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a thousand years?

1. What can you hold in your right hand, but never in your left hand?

Thanks for playing along today.

Tell me which one of these really tripped you up (if any)!

The post Super Hard Riddles for the Experts Out There appeared first on UberFacts.

Think You Can You Solve These Tricky Math Riddles?

Some folks are great at math. That’s what I hear, anyway, though the concept is foreign to me (and honestly makes me a bit jealous!).

If that’s you, and you like to keep your skills sharp, give these 7 math riddles a go!

7. People on a train.

6. That’s a lot of clocks.

5. His mother’s age.

4. How long until midnight?

3. All the way to the top.

2. A magic tree.

1. How old is John?

Continue reading to check your answers!

Ready to find out more?

Are you sure?

Really sure?

Really, really sure?

Okay, here we go…

I’m serious…

It’s happening!!!

Okay, for real now…

7. There are some people on a train. 19 get off at the first stop. 17 get on. Now there are 63 people on the train. How many were on the train to begin with?

6. There are 4 clocks in a room. One gains a minute every hour. Another loses a minute every hour. One runs backward at normal speed. The fourth always keeps the correct time.

At 7:03 today, they all showed the same time, which was correct. When will this happen again?

5. John’s mother is thrice his age. 11 years from now, his mother’s age will be twice that of his. How old is his mother?

4. At six o’clock the wall clock struck 6 times. Checking with my watch, I noticed that the time between the first and last strokes was 30 seconds. How long will the clock take to strike 12 at midnight?

3. A house has 6 stories, each the same height. How many times as long is the ascent to the sixth floor as the ascent to the third?

2. There was a magic tree that on the first day increased its height by half, on the second by day by a third, on the third day by a quarter, and so on. How many days did it take it to grow one hundred times its original height?

1. John was asked how old he is. He said, “In 2 years I will be twice as old as I was 5 years ago.”

How old is John?

Did you solve them all? If so, I’m impressed!

Come back another day for more fun riddles!

The post Think You Can You Solve These Tricky Math Riddles? appeared first on UberFacts.

Put Your Thinking Cap on for These Brain Teasers

We all feel a little slow on the uptake sometimes, or a little foggy, if you will. We need to force our brains to focus and remember what it’s like to solve a problem, to really work for it.

If you’re feeling like that’s exactly what you need today, these 6 brain teasers are here to help!

6. The reversing ball.

5. The end of it all.

4. A black dog on a black road.

3. Which is correct?

2. Born at the same time, but not twins.

1. A poisoned drink.

Continue reading to check your answers!

Are you ready?

Really ready?

Really, really ready?

Okay, let’s go!













Did you solve them all?

If so, I’m impressed!

Come back another day for more riddles like these!

The post Put Your Thinking Cap on for These Brain Teasers appeared first on UberFacts.

Corny but Timeless Riddles That We Found on the Internet

There are different levels of riddle difficulty out there online – one for every person who loves solving riddles.

And though these 8 riddles are popular, well-trodden, and sure, a bit corny here and there, things are classic for a reason, right?

See if you can solve them all!

8. Alone washing dishes…or is he?

A man is alone in his house washing dishes. When he looks down, there are more glasses in the sink than there were before. How? from riddles

7. A fruit, a crime, an animal, or music?

Riddle me this? What is a fruit that you can take away the first letter of and it becomes a crime, you can take away the first 2 letters and it becomes an animal, and when you take away the first and last letters it becomes a form of music? from riddles

6. Don’t overthink it.

I Already have an answer, just want to know what you folks think from puzzles

5. Every single person!

A plane crashed and every single person on board died. However there were two survivors. How is this possible? from riddles

4. A tough one here!

My brother made up this riddle. (Easy) from riddles

3. What is the missing letter?

Solve this puzzle i got at a job interview! from puzzles

2. Hint: It’s not because cats are evil (this time).

Jack and Jill are lying dead on the floor, shards of glass and puddles of water lie around them and the cat is smiling. Why? from riddles

1. Was he at least startled, though?

Continue reading when you’re ready to check your answers.

Alright… are you ready?

You sure?

Completely sure?

Absolutely sure?

Okay, here we go!

8. Answer: His own pair of eyeglasses fell into the sink when he looked down.

A man is alone in his house washing dishes. When he looks down, there are more glasses in the sink than there were before. How? from riddles

7. Answer: A grape.

Riddle me this? What is a fruit that you can take away the first letter of and it becomes a crime, you can take away the first 2 letters and it becomes an animal, and when you take away the first and last letters it becomes a form of music? from riddles

6. Answer: B.

I Already have an answer, just want to know what you folks think from puzzles

5. Answer: The two survivors were married.

A plane crashed and every single person on board died. However there were two survivors. How is this possible? from riddles

4. Answer: MIX (Roman numerals. “M” = 1000 and “IX” = 9.)

My brother made up this riddle. (Easy) from riddles

3. Answer: 2.S because looking down the line of three each of the groups has line patterns in common, in the first column it looks like two parallel vertical lines, in the second column it appears to be a single vertical line, and the third column seems like it could be the ‘C’ like curve which S would have.

Solve this puzzle i got at a job interview! from puzzles

2. Answer: Jack and Jill are fish.

Jack and Jill are lying dead on the floor, shards of glass and puddles of water lie around them and the cat is smiling. Why? from riddles

1. Answer: It was the last woman on Earth.

I actually kind of love these and I’m off to find more just like them. That’s right… I’ll be back!

If you did, too, come back another day for more content like this!

The post Corny but Timeless Riddles That We Found on the Internet appeared first on UberFacts.

Can You Solve These Riddles That the Internet Loves?

There are riddles all over the internet, which is awesome, because you can always find just what you’re looking for on any given day. If you’re up for feeling smart? Pick easy ones! If you’re trying to make sure your brain isn’t aging too fast? Grab some tough ones and grind them out! Doing them with your kids? Well, you get the idea.

And these 7 riddles just happen to be some favorites from Reddit, which we all know is the best place to find anything legitimately entertaining.

Have fun!

7. Put all of the clues together, and…

Riddle #2: What am I? from riddles

6. What will turn you into a potato?

Made this up. What am I? from riddles

5. How is this possible?

How is this possible? from riddles

4. A few more than 10 but no less…

Riddle #13 – Happenstance from riddles

3. Passed from old to young.

What am I? from riddles

2. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Riddle #12 – The Looker from riddles

1. It seems hard, but is it?

Tricky one from riddles

Continue reading when you’re ready to check your answers!

Are you ready?

Truly ready?

Okay kids… here we go!

7. Answer: A bowling pin

Riddle #2: What am I? from riddles

6. Answer: A sofa

Made this up. What am I? from riddles

5. Answer: It’s a bit complicated…

How is this possible? from riddles

4. Answer: Baseball

Riddle #13 – Happenstance from riddles

3. Answer: Names

What am I? from riddles

2. Answer: October

Riddle #12 – The Looker from riddles

1. Answer: Ton

Tricky one from riddles

Did you solve them all? Pat yourself on the back if so!

Come back another day for more fun like this!

The post Can You Solve These Riddles That the Internet Loves? appeared first on UberFacts.

Internet Riddles That Just Might Trip You Up

People love to put a riddle out into the universe and sit there with a smug smile while people throw out wrong answer after wrong answer.

Shut up, you know I’m right.

And so I imagine that these 7 people had a really good time before someone guessed correctly.

7. This one is very tricky!

Tried and failed to win a free egg roll – numbers puzzle from puzzles

6. Never have I ever…

5. Lose me twice, shame on you.

Lose me once i’ll come back stronger, lose me twice i’ll leave forever, what am I? from riddles

4. A not-so-hidden word.

Can you guess the word? from puzzles

3. How to save a life?

Just found this one a while ago-What am I? from riddles

2. Don’t push it.

As a stone inside a tree, I’ll help your words outlive thee. But if you push me as I stand, the more I move the less I am. from riddles

1. A little cipher with your tea?

Thought you guys might appreciate this cipher I got from a box of tea today! from puzzles

Continue reading when you’re ready to check your answers!

7. Answer: Rock Paper Scissors, the number represents the fingers you hold up.

Tried and failed to win a free egg roll – numbers puzzle from puzzles


5. Answer: A Tooth

Lose me once i’ll come back stronger, lose me twice i’ll leave forever, what am I? from riddles

4. Answer: multitasking? (Multi task in g)?

Can you guess the word? from puzzles

3. Answer: n: widow, donor.

Just found this one a while ago-What am I? from riddles

2. Answer: A pencil

As a stone inside a tree, I’ll help your words outlive thee. But if you push me as I stand, the more I move the less I am. from riddles

1. Answer: Clever Clogs

Thought you guys might appreciate this cipher I got from a box of tea today! from puzzles


How long did it take you to get it right? It’s okay if you just look at the answers – sometimes that’s just the sort of day it is!

Come back again for more riddles like these!

The post Internet Riddles That Just Might Trip You Up appeared first on UberFacts.

Super Fun Riddles to Try With Your Kids

Riddles can help keep you sharp, and whether you’re eight or eighty, that’s never a bad thing. So, if you love teasing your brain and testing your smarts every day, why not share that passion with your kids?

If you’re up for doing just that, here are 8 riddles you can try solving together.

8. Copycat bff.

7. A wet Grandpa.

6. A silent clapper.

5. Layers and flavors.

4. Non-walking legs.

3. A few times a year.

2. It’s very fragile.

1. Catch me if you can.

Continue reading when you’re ready to check your answers!

These 5 Riddles Will Tease Your Brain

If a riddle doesn’t make you think, make you want to tear a bit of hair out while you struggle with it, then make you feel like a genius when you solve it, is it even worth riddling?

We don’t think so, and neither does the mind behind @BRAINTWISTER on Twitter – so here are 5 of his or her best!

5. What you cannot see.

4. A real stumper!

3. One, two, three…

2. I need to figure out how this works!

1. Can you guess the question?

Continue reading when you’re ready to check your answers!

See If You Can Figure out These 6 Tricky Riddles

Ready to work out that brain?

Riddles are a great way to challenge yourself, hone your mind, or just pass the time – and we’ve borrowed these 6 tricky ones from @BRAINTWISTER on Twitter.

Can you solve them all?

6. What delights the ladies you know?

5. So many melons.

4. Real and true?

3. Four cars at a four-way stop.

2. Hint: not an egg!

1. The queen is disappointed to hear it.

Continue reading when you’re ready to check your answers!

6 Riddles That Should Give Your Brain a Workout

We think these 6 riddles are just right: not too hard or not too easy.

Give them a shot, but don’t be surprised if you don’t nail them all the first time around.

6. What you take to your grave.

5. A builder and a destroyer.

4. You’ll need to bust out your history chops here.

3. A trio of riddles…or is it?

2. Not a gossip.

1. That last part is very important.

Continue reading when you’re ready to check your answers.