Hilarious Teacher Makes Fun of His Failing Students Using Memes

Being a professor is NOT an easy job!

They’ve got the very serious duty of shaping the minds of tomorrow’s leaders… at a time when those leaders would rather be getting drunk and laid. It’s definitely not for the weak-hearted. You’ve got to handle things like making sure students pay attention, making sure they arrive on time, and giving exams in hopes they will all pass.

David Red, a professor at St. John’s River State College in Florida, takes his teaching to a new level by poking fun at failing students. But it’s not what you think! He’s relating to the 21st-century student by meeting them on their level.

He told Bored Panda, ““Students generally seem to really like the memes or really anything I do that makes it feel to them like I’m actually trying to talk to them and not just reading from a script or text. For example, in one of my classes this year I wore pink every Wednesday and the first test was entirely themed on Mean Girls. Some of them started wearing pink on Wednesdays too and they really enjoyed it. It became almost like a “team color”.

Here are the best, most wild memes he’s created.

10. The IT

Photo Credit: Pupperish

2. This is what it’s all about

Photo Credit: Facebook, David Red

3. Dr. Evil?

Photo Credit: Facebook, David Red

4. Pitbull

Photo Credit: Pupperish

5. Regina George

Photo Credit: Pupperish

6. Retake? Anyone? Anyone?

Photo Credit: Facebook, David Red

7. Robert Downey Jr.

Photo Credit: Pupperish

8. Maury Povich

Photo Credit: Pupperish

9. Antonie Dodson

Photo Credit: Pupperish

10. Gatsby

Photo Credit: Pupperish

11. That sums it up

Photo Credit: Pupperish

12. For all the teachers out there

Photo Credit: Pupperish

“Anything that makes the students feel like I put my real-self into the class helps, whether it’s memes or one of these other gimmicks. If my real-self is in the room, then their real-self shows up too. And when they’re fully present like that, they learn.”

Makes me wish I had a teacher in college like him!

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14 Kids Whose Moms Are Absolute Savages

These moms are NOT messing around. If they see an opportunity, they take it – even when it means roasting their own kids.

1. Dun dun duuuun

Photo Credit: Twitter

2. Daaaaaang!

Photo Credit: Twitter

3. Brutal

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Photo Credit: Twitter

5. Interrupting cow

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Photo Credit: Twitter

7. The pot or my face…?

Photo Credit: Twitter

8. Yikes…

Photo Credit: Twitter

9. Ouch

Photo Credit: Twitter

10. Hardcore

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Photo Credit: Twitter

12. I can feel the burn from here

Photo Credit: Twitter

13. An obvious comeback

Photo Credit: Twitter

14. Mom!

Photo Credit: Twitter

You win this round, Mom. You always win.

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Mom Shares the Petty Revenge Her 9-Year-Old Got on a ‘Fake Friend’, and It’s GOLD

I’ve always believed that it’s so important to have good parents who help you understand the difference between right and wrong, and who have your back when things get rough.

That’s what happened when this Redditor was called into her daughter’s school after an incident. While she was ready to defend her baby tooth and nail, it turns out the young lady had already handled her problem in a rather admirable way.

Here’s the full story:

Photo Credit: Reddit

Oh snap! That is priceless!

Naturally, other Redditors delighted in the way the little girl handled the situation.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Others also pointed out that the principal’s handling of the situation left a lot to be desired.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Have you ever had a situation like this? How did you handle it?

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Brilliant Twitter Thread Shows Why Men Should Think Twice Before Letting ‘The One’ Get Away

There are so many reasons not to fully commit to someone. When I say “commit,” I don’t just mean updating your relationship status on Facebook – I’m talking about really wanting to make a life with someone. It’s a tricky thing: maybe you’re too young for a relationship, or you rushed into it, or you have very different goals, or maybe you just want to keep having sex with other people.

Things eventually get sour and you guys split up (or they get tired of you bulls*** and dump you), but you stay friends. Maybe they even agree that there’s a chance you can get back together if you put in the work on improving yourself. She’ll come back, right?


Your perfect woman will not be there for you because she was already “grieving your loss,” while you were acting like a jerk. Once she’s done…she’s done. She will move on. Scientific Twitter Research has shown this to be true.

Twitter user Rev Rell give us some background information on her friend who let “the one” get away.

Photo Credit: Twitter

But did he do any sort of soul-searching to figure out what he really wanted? Spoiler: no.

Photo Credit: Twitter

The fact that his former girlfriend had actually moved on surprised him. Why? Dunno.

Photo Credit: Twitter

Oh, dear. A misunderstanding. She probably couldn’t make herself clear because she was too busy hurling his shit out the window.

Photo Credit: Twitter

So, just want to put this out there now: Stalking is not romantic.

Photo Credit: Twitter

Not suprisingly, other Twitter-ites agreed.

Photo Credit: Twitter

Such a good friend and so much good stuff here. ARE YOU TAKING NOTES??

Photo Credit: Twitter

Basically he needs her to make him a better man for someone else.

Photo Credit: Twitter

Take people for granted much?

Photo Credit: Twitter

The cloistered nun convent must have been closed.

Photo Credit: Twitter

Is six months in the breakup handbook?

Photo Credit: Twitter

It’s perfectly acceptable to cry at weddings.

Photo Credit: Twitter

I bet hearing this guy whine about losing the girl has been a real pleasure for all his friends.

Photo Credit: Twitter

These are things people need to know.

Photo Credit: Twitter

Real love advice on Twitter. Appreciate the people that love you and never take them for granted. And, if you did lose, then lose gracefully and let her find happiness.

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This Simple Dating Test Helps You Identify Potentially Abusive Partners

Here’s a shocking stat: intimate partner violence affects nearly 20 people around the U.S. every single minute. That’s over 10 million victims every year! It’s clearly a problem that needs to be tackled head-on, and we simply can’t afford to keep it hidden behind closed doors any longer.

Abusive relationships are notoriously difficult (and dangerous) to escape, so naturally, the best solution would be to never enter one in the first place. But with abuse so common, and abusers so sneaky, how can people possibly avoid them all?

One domestic violence counselor has a test to help out. The “No Test,” as he calls it, can help identify potential abusers early in a relationship.

Photo Credit: Pexels

“The No Test is basically to watch out for the way your partner responds the first time you change your mind or say no,” Rob explained on ABC News.

“While expressing disappointment is OK, it’s not the same as annoyed. Annoyed is ‘how dare you,’ a sign of ownership or entitlement.”

Rob points out that this test isn’t new knowledge for most women. Instead, the test helps validate that gut feeling that abusers are so good at manipulating you to ignore. It’s okay to say no to people. It never warrants anger.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

An important thing to remember, too, is that people don’t enter relationships with abusers on purpose. Abusers are quite good at charming people, and ending up in a relationship with an abuser is never your fault. Some abusers would pass the No Test with flying colors!

But if a partner fails this test? It’s a bright red flag that they’re a dangerous person, and you should trust your instinct.

As Rob said: “The only person who can stop the abuse is the person who is doing the abusing.”

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When His Ex Sent Him an Apology Letter, He Graded It and Sent It Back

There’s nothing worse than being cheated on. It really hurts, and that’s why anyone who’s ever been cheated on loves a good revenge tale. Well, settle in because this one is GOOD.

Nick Lutz, a student at the University of Central Florida, ended his eight-month relationship with the lady in question after he found her suspiciously hiding the names of other guys in her phone. When he also blocked her on social media, she decided to write him a four-page letter trying to win him back.

Instead of grabbing his notepad and writing her back, he grabbed a red pen and started to grade the letter.

Photo Credit: Nick Lutz

He didn’t spare any punches, beginning with a critique of her formatting choices:

Photo Credit: Nick Lutz

He also went in on her spelling mistakes and lack of citations:

Photo Credit: Nick Lutz

Additionally, he took her to task for her excessive use of fillers:

Photo Credit: Nick Lutz

Ultimately, he gave her a D- (though he did give the option of revision for half credit):

Photo Credit: Nick Lutz

Nick’s ex apparently took the grade gracefully and chose not to revise.

Photo Credit: Nick Lutz

Unfortunately, she ended up having a change of heart and reported him to UCF for disruptive conduct and cyberbullying, for which he was suspended.

He ended up having to get an attorney to appeal the suspension, which he eventually won.

Photo Credit: Nick Lutz


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20 Hilarious Tinder Profiles Created by One Man (Before He Got Banned From Tinder)

Back in my single days, having just a single Tinder profile was honestly exhausting so I can’t even imagine how someone could create/keep up with more than that. And yet this guy clearly doesn’t think so, and also probably has wayyy too much time on his hands.

Tinder use Jake made more than 30 profiles on the dating app before Tinder finally banned him for good.

I really hope at least one of these got him a date.

1. Here are the chances

Photo Credit: Tinder

2. A sweet poem

Photo Credit: Tinder

3. It’s worth it

Photo Credit: Tinder

4. That should do it

Photo Credit: Tinder

5. Just swipe

Photo Credit: Tinder

6. Awwww

Photo Credit: Tinder

7. Special delivery

Photo Credit: Tinder

8. Don’t get ghosted

Photo Credit: Tinder

9. One shot

Photo Credit: Tinder

10. Did that attract anyone?

Photo Credit: Tinder

11. Can’t keep us apart

Photo Credit: Tinder

12. See what he did there?

Photo Credit: Tinder

13. Getting political

Photo Credit: Tinder

14. The Rocket Man

Photo Credit: Tinder

15. Classic

Photo Credit: Tinder

16. Too good to resist

Photo Credit: Tinder

17. Lots of baggage

Photo Credit: Tinder

18. RIP Leg Day

Photo Credit: Tinder

19. Impressive

Photo Credit: Tinder

20. No, Leo

Photo Credit: Tinder

If that profile pic with Kim Jong-un doesn’t get him a woman, I don’t know what will…

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Does Having Children Before Marriage Raise Your Risk for Divorce?

Divorce is pretty common these days but it was actually less common as recently as just a few decades ago.

That said, many people find the idea of committing to a child easier than committing to another full-grown adult, and are choosing a partner for parenting before they go all-in with a wedding.

The good news? If you do decide, after having kids, to pull the trigger on an ‘I do,” your odds for ending up divorced are no better (or worse) than if you married before getting pregnant.

Image Credit: Pixabay

While divorce rates are on a decline, it’s important to point out that the number of people getting married in the first place is also 25-30% lower than it was during the boomer generation. Fewer people (and couples) are having children at all, as well, and for the first time ever there are more unmarried than married women under thirty giving birth.

Kelly Musick from Cornell University was the study‘s coauthor, and she told Live Science that she and her team analyzed data from the CDC to compare families who had babies between 1985-1995 and those who had babies between 1997-2010. The result?

Since 1997, couples who had children first were likely to get married eventually, and no more likely to get divorced than people who married before having kids.

Image Credit: Pixabay

Why? The study says there is more than one factor at play.

“They’ve got marriage on the back of their minds, but wait to take that step until they feel they’ve met these pretty high standards. The increasing stability of relationships involving cohabitation and the declining importance of marriage timing relative to parenthood is consistent with waning social pressure to marry and the blurring of boundaries between marriage and cohabitation.”

The study did not compare planned pregnancies to unplanned ones, which could make a difference since unexpected surprises can be a huge challenge for couples to navigate. Unexpected pregnancies can make couples feel more pressure to commit to each other even if they have a sense that it won’t work.

Sexologist and author Nikki Goldstein told Fatherly “…there might not have been a long term commitment made before the baby is born, for some there might be questions. Like if they did not have a child together would they have stayed together.”

Issues like that can breed resentment, but in couples who are already living together and plan to bring a baby into the mix, it’s not a consideration.

Image Credit: Pixabay

So, as long as your pregnancies are planned, you don’t have to say “I do” before little ones come along.

But don’t think that means you don’t have to work on your marriage and make it a priority when you can – kids or not, married first or not, the chance for divorce is always lurking.

I’ll leave you on that happy note!

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10+ People Share the Dark Secret a Loved One Took to Their Grave

You’ve probably heard that joke about how “If I die, my bestie needs to delete my hard drive” or “grab the box under my bed and burn it.” Basically, it’s just a way to avoid having embarrassing details about you come to light after you’re gone. But what if you never made that pact with someone?

These 15 people know a little bit about that, because they discovered some doozies after saying goodbye to family and friends.

#1. He had his demons.

“My grandfather was apparently very abusive to my grandma and my dad when he was growing up.

He was also a heavy alcoholic at the time, and I think that played a large role in it. At some point, he stopped drinking all together and that that apparently helped things a lot and their family life stabilized.

It’s just weird because I only ever knew him as a sweet frail old man who wouldn’t even curse in front of me. But he had his demons and likely caused a lot of emotional damage to my father and grandmother.”

#2. A donor-father.

“My boss at my first job was a donor-father to a lesbian couple that he was friends with.

He was older when he got married. Reading through the lines of conversations over the 8 years I knew him, I learned that he and his wife tried to have kids together but it never worked out for them.

A few months after retirement, he was diagnosed with cancer, and passed away less than a year later.

When his obituary was published, it mentioned a daughter, and again it was mentioned at the funeral. He had only mentioned this to a few people, despite maintaining a relationship with the daughter for 10 years, travelling to see her on a regular basis.”

#3. Why did he lie for so long?

“I guess it’s not that dark, but apparently my grandfather’s middle name was secretly Ralph.

He was 80 years old when he died. He lived with us for years and years and years. All that time he told us very emphatically that he didn’t have a middle name, and as far as we all knew, he never used one for anything. I assume my grandmother must have known, since she did all their legal paperwork, but she died before anyone else found out and she took his secret to her grave too. Even my parents only learned that he had lied about it when they went to execute his will and saw a middle name printed on his death certificate, then found it on a bunch of his other papers.

It was just a really bizarre revelation. Nobody still alive has any idea why he lied to everyone for so long about it. Maybe not a dark secret per se, but he certainly acted as if it was.”

#4. At family dinner.

“My grandpa gave my grandma crabs when he cheated on her with his future wife. For some reason my grandma brought it up at a family dinner. Out of no where.”

#5. 3 families.

“my grandfathers other family.

my grandfather was a sailor (cook) in the Canadian navy. while in port down in the Caribbean he and a friend went around the island exploring both the island and the local women.

well a few years before he died he showed me a picture of him, a kid and a women while he was in uniform, it was ONE of the kids that was his.

when he died I got his big trunk of military stuff and in a wallet in the bottom was another picture, with 2 more kids and him with a women.

my grandfather had 3 families my mother doesnt know about.”

#6. A really difficult time.

“My mom passed suddenly this February and my aunt couldn’t wait to tell me about the abortion my mom had when she was 14. She spared no detail. I could have gone the rest of my life without knowing that. It put some distance between me and my grandparents during a really difficult time when we should have been supporting each other.”

#7. No one knew.

“She had full blown AIDS. She was always very thin because of another medical condition, but no one knew she was HIV positive, let alone dying of AIDS.”

#8. Secretly a Klan member.

“My girlfriend’s great grandfather was a sweet old man that died when she was a very little girl. After he died, the family was going through his things, and found his diary. Turns out that he was secretly a Klan member.”

#9. Gangsters and guns.

“For much of my childhood, my mom helped out an older lady named Mary with groceries, doctor’s appointments, etc. It began as a charity effort through her church aerobics group (90s), but the rest of the group lost interest, and my mom kept it up for many more years. Mary’s family was a mess, poor all around with various members either strung out or in various states of dysfunction. Her great-granddaughter actually lived with us for a while, and my mom did something with, or for, Mary probably 3-4 times a week.

When Mary eventually died a few years ago, my mother went to her funeral and met Mary’s sister for the first time, and got to talking. My mom knew that Mary had been married and widowed twice. What she didn’t know is that Mary’s first husband was a gangster, and that he died when Mary took his gun and shot him in the head. She managed to get herself committed on mental grounds rather than incarcerated, and met her second husband at the mental facility.

EDIT- A few add-ons. Although it was not explicit in the story as I heard it, there was an implication that the first marriage was abusive, not a stretch to imagine for a Baltimore mobster in the 40s. According to the sister, one day husband #1 was getting picked up by his friends to go do mobster things, and left his holster and pistol inside. He told Mary to go get it, and she did, then shot him with it in broad daylight outside their house. Apparently she was always a talented actor/manipulator (which rings true), and put on a good show at the trial, hence the very light consequence.”

#10. Not so dark.

“Not so dark but as we were cleaning out my grandfather’s car after he passed we found a huge tub of cheese puffs (something he wasn’t allowed to have because of his strict diet) in the trunk.”

#11. My poor dad.

“I have two.

My grandfather was a bastardized his entire life. Abusive and cruel. The family lived in poverty,very hand to mouth and scraped for every thing they had, which was not much.

On his deathbed he told my grandmother that he had been hoarding money his entire life. He saved a couple of million. Grandma took herself on a trip around the world and then gave the rest of the money to a zoo. Gave none to her children.

Grandfather and grandmother had fourth child, who was born with disabilities. Grandfather declared he would not have made a child with disabilities, therefore the child was a product of an affair. He allowed the child (whose life expectancy was a few years) to come home, but demanded his wife ignore the child. My dad and his siblings (who were still young children themselves) provided all the care, until the child died in toddlerhood.

My poor dad. Between his home and Vietnam he was so messed up. He couldn’t rise to the challenge of sticking around and parenting, but damn after all he experienced I give him credit for never laying a hand on us, trying his best and then leaving when he knew he just couldn’t.”

#12. Did not get the tattoo.

“My dad committed suicide when I was 11. He had longstanding issues with all kinds of drugs, and I always had a soft spot for him because 1. he was my dad and 2. I felt like my family just hated him bc he did drugs, even though he wasn’t that bad of a guy. I was strongly considering getting a tattoo to memorialise him when I turned 18.

When I was 17 I found out that he used to beat and rape my mom on a regular basis. She said he would literally corner her when she came out of the shower and force her to have sex. He was also physically abusive toward my brother (we have different dads). Also, also, while my mom was pregnant with me (actually on her due date), he pushed her down our basement steps, which are the most jagged, stiff, wooden steps leading to our concrete basement.

Did not get that tattoo…”

#13. He never took his hat off in public.

“Our farm caretaker always wore a ballcap… always, for a 40 yr+ history He died from a tumor on his scalp that had eaten into his skull. He never took his hat off in public, none of us had any idea.”

#14. Fascinating stuff.

“I volunteer at a research library as an amateur genealogist, so I have so, so many. I find all the skeletons in the closet. My personal favorite is a woman who wanted to find out about her great aunt– she’d been told her aunt ran away from home at sixteen and was never seen by the family again.

Turns out the aunt actually was jailed for stealing a bunch of money from her brother. While in jail it came out that she was secretly married to a guy who was wanted as part of a ring of thieves stealing silver cutlery from fancy hotels. That was her third marriage and she was 20 and Catholic, so her family cut her off. She eventually moved across the state and remarried twice more before eventually getting hitched to a farmer. They were married 18 years when she died. Oh, and the great uncle my client had been told died of the flu? Was murdered on his front porch in a fight over a beer bottle.

Also: sooooo many people had two families. Tons of secret adoptions. Lots of moving around for less than savory reasons. Genealogy is fascinating stuff.

So I guess I mostly deal in things that weren’t secrets at the time but are now.”

#15. Actually.

“My grandfather always told me growing up that his sister died after being struck by lightning. He always had great, vivid, not always child-friendly but definitely colorful stories, and i thought nothing of it.”

Fast forward ten years, I’m talking to my dad about it after doing some digging through old photos. I told him what his father had told me about his aunt, and commented on how sad it was. After five minutes of laughing so hard he couldn’t catch a breath, he told me that she had actually blown herself up in a meth-cooking accident.”

Make the pact with your besties today, y’all. You’ll feel better.

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15 Married People Share The Quirks Partner Has That Aren’t Cute Anymore

When you first start dating someone, your passions are aflame and everything your significant other does seems so adorable. The way they sneeze, the way they hang their towels, the way they place certain items.

Once you start settling in for the long haul, however, those quirks start getting a little less endearing. Suddenly, the fact that they always wake up grumpy isn’t cute – it starts looking like grounds for murder.

Here are 15 awesome examples.

#1. Minecraft mistakes.

“She doesn’t take precautions playing Minecraft. It was funny seeing her wooden house burn down, or her losing all her stuff digging straight down.

But since I ran the server, she would keep asking me to go to use my admin powers to get it all back. A lot.

She also still sends settlers unescorted in Civ V (I just triggered all civ players, sorry). Other than that she is still perfect after 10 years :D”

#2. Get to the verb.

“He can not tell a story. Rambling, unnecessary details, and the listener is three steps ahead the entire time, just waiting for it to slowly unspool.”

#3. Forgetfulness.

“His forgetfulness used to be cute and fun. Waking up to fresh gallons of milk sitting on the counter for hours is annoying as fuck now.”

#4. Hair.

“Her hair. She has such long, beautiful hair, but it gets everywhere. Drains. Sinks. Carpets. I’ve had to sit and cut hairs out of the vacuum so it would work again because it had tied up the roly bit. Not to mention I’ve had her hair on me and all through my clothing.”

#5. A bag of magic beans.

“His spontaneity.

It used to be really fun and sexy…but now it’s like living with a real life Homer Simpson/Phil Dunphy hybrid.

No joke, I am just waiting for the day he comes home with a bag of ‘magic beans’.

Edit: I’ve had a lot people asking for more stories of my husband doing crazy shit.

I think my favorite is: on our first date we got caught in a rain storm. I was wet to the bone and wearing a skirt…so he offered me his pants.”

#6. My way’s better.

“First off, still very happily married and in love! However, there is one thing that does cause a ruckus every now and again. When we were dating and living together, we would do diy stuff around the house. I know a little past the basics because my dad made sure to teach me things and of course there is always youtube, so I’m not helpless by any stretch. In fact I owned several of my own power tools before we got together.

When doing one of these projects, he often wouldn’t let me do much. Back then I thought, “What a gentleman, doesn’t want me to get dirty.” or whatever. Nowadays I’ll be watching him do something and know a better way of doing said task, and it’s like he doesn’t believe me. So he’ll try 18 other ways before landing on the way I suggested and it working out just dandy. It’s pretty frustrating. I can do more than hold something while you work!

It’s not a deal breaker, but sometimes I let him know just how stupid he was acting, and how much time it wasted by not just trying my way first. Even if my suggestion doesn’t work, what did you lose?”

#7. Slow eater.

“Takes forever to eat a meal. It was very well-suited to long dates, romantic dinners, those intense getting-to-know-you conversations at the beginning. 15 years later and I just want to have a meal where I’m not done before he’s barely taken a bite!

His whole family is like this and I simply don’t understand. It’s food, you put it on a plate and you eat it and go on with life! Not for them, mealtimes often stretch on for hours, occasionally into the next bloody meal if it’s a family event. I just don’t get it.”

#8. NOW?

“My husband always tries to make me laugh. I honestly hope he never stops trying, but there are times when it’s like “really?? You’re trying to make me laugh NOW?!”

#9. Some pedantic loophole.

“Debate with me. At the beginning it was great because I felt like I met my intellectual equal. Now I realize she’s just a disagreeable person. I’m 90% sure if I told her the sky was blue, she would find a way to dispute my assertion with some pendantic loophole

EDIT: ok people, it feels like half of these responses came from my wife. I just double checked out the window, the sky is definitely blue. Do you want to know what shade of blue? SKY BLUE!! Explaining WHY it’s blue doesn’t make it not blue. Baaaah!!”

#10. More than me.

“Not married, but engaged and have been together for almost 5 years now? Everyone likes her. She’s a very likable person, but my friends and family like her more than me. Just gets to me sometimes when she tells me something about a friend or family member that I should have heard from them.”

#11. A choral piece.

“Her having to sing everything like it’s a perfected choral piece.”

#12. He needed me.

“In the beginning he used to really need me and he always required a LOT of attention.

I loved it, at first.

I loved to feel needed and I 100% absolutely loved to lavish him with my adoring attention endlessly…

I was absolutely devoted.

Fast forward 15 years…

I feel used up and taken for granted.

He has never reciprocated, our relationship has always been strongly one way.

His behaviour was exactly what I wanted and needed – at one point.

Now it’s just something that upsets me. A lot.”

#13. Bathroom stalking.

“Constantly watching me in the bathroom. It was fun at first, we always make/made jokes. But now there are times I just want to be left alone to shit for fucks sake.”

#14. Clumsy

“Clumsily break things accidentally. It’d be a teaspoon one day or a shoelace the next. Little insignificant, ‘how-on-earth-did-you-manage-to-break-that?’ type of things. Started out quite cute and amusing. Now it’s a case of ‘Babe, that’s like the fourth vacuum cleaner this year, and it’s a fucking Dyson.’”

#15. What’s for dinner?

“Her indecisiveness. It was adorable to see her struggle when we were dating but goddammit I’m just trying to figure out what to make for dinner.”

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