People Share What They Found When They Cleaned out a Dead Family Member’s Home

Ugh, this is never an easy thing.

Pretty much all of us have family members, and we’ll have to deal with their possessions when they die. When that happens and we suddenly have to go through a life’s worth of stuff… we often find things we least expect. That can be good and that can be bad.

Here are 14 times people found a little bit of both

1. Who She Really Was

“My dad’s grandmother was a huge hoarder. When she died, he had to go clear out the house, which was no easy task. My dad always tells us about how you couldn’t even see the walls of the house because of the amount of stuff she had lying around, and how she looked so tiny walking around in the little hallways she managed to make in between all kinds of objects.

After several days of trying to clear out the house, my dad finally made it to her bedroom.

It was completely filled with all kinds of things, ranging from like 20 kinds of brooms to several harps she had bought during her long trips to Europe. He found all kinds of surprising stuff, but the one that ended up being the craziest one was a letter.

He found it in her bedside table, and it caught his attention because of the wax seal and what was written on the envelope ‘To be opened by my daughter, only after my death’.

My dad called his mom immediately, since she was his grandmother’s only daughter. After getting her permission, he opened the envelope and found a letter and a birth certificate.

In the letter, his grandmother explained how she was never able to have children, and how ashamed she and her husband always felt. She always wanted to have a child, so they decided to take a very long trip through Europe, from which they would come back with a baby.

This baby was my dad’s mom, who always looked a bit different from her family as she was white and had blue eyes. They found her in an orphanage run by some nuns in the north of France and immediately fell in love with her. Adoption was a big taboo at the time, so no one ever knew about it. The story they told was that she had gotten pregnant during their trip and had given birth to the baby in Europe.

They brought her back to Mexico and registered her as a new born, even though she was already several years old.

My grandmother lived all her life thinking she was her parent’s biological daughter. At 45, through a letter, she found out that she was adopted, that she was actually older than what she always thought and that she was actually French, not Mexican.”

2. She Wanted To Die

“My grandmother passed after a blood clot incident. She had several conditions that no doubt led up to this. For example, her medical team decided not to treat her cancer because they figured she would die before it would spread.

My father, uncle, and my sisters were left to clean out her things from her apartment. She had a lot of old, expired food such as ketchup that had gone completely black. We also found things from when she was well and social, like her quilting and handmade soaps, which were beautiful.

She has a quilt that had the names of all of our family, but the names were sewn in the individuals’ handwriting style.

However, one day it was just my dad and me going through her bedside table. We found her journal. Toward the end, all of the entries were about how lonely she was, how she only got to see her grandchildren twice a year, and how her own children never saw her unless they needed something.

She said she wanted to die. My dad threw it away so his brother would never have to see it.”

3. My Brother Had A Different Father

“I found out that my mother had been lying to me for years about numerous things – the biggest of them was who my brother’s father is.

I had always just thought that it was my dad. She had never told me any different until I was about 13. I can’t even recall how it came up, but she told me that my brother’s father was actually our close family friend. I was shocked to say the least, but I believed her because they did kind of resemble each other and I was young so I didn’t even care that much.

Well, when she died, I was cleaning out her filing cabinet and found the results of the paternity test that she had done on our close family friend. It plainly stated that he was not my brother’s dad.

It was pretty obvious that he had never seen these results because I also found receipts written for both our family friend and my dad. Our family friend was paying $800 a month in child support, and my dad was paying $300 per child.

She was lying to them both, saying they were both my brother’s dad, to get money out of them.

So many more truths were uncovered from this finding because I talked to them both and found out just how many lies my mom was feeding me. I can’t tell you how much it hurt. It’s been six years since I found out a lot of the truth and I still wonder how much more of my life was just a figment of my mother’s imagination.”

4. The Horrible Girlfriend

“I cleaned out my cousin’s room after his death and painted and re-decorated it because he was living with my mom and she couldn’t bear to see his room. While I wasn’t the one that found it, he was holding his cell phone when he died and the person that found him saw a string of texts that we knew led up to his death. The texts were from his girlfriend with instructions on how to use substances. My cousin had been clean for a year at the time of his death.

His final text was, ‘I think I’m gonna die.’

She didn’t even try to call 911.”

5. Finding Something Shocking

“My mom died from a long battle with lung failure. She had briefly moved in with extended family in another state with a better climate, where she was improving. The plan was for the rest of the family to join her in a year or so. Within two weeks, my brother almost died from a brain infection which required numerous surgeries. She moved back to help care for him, rapidly deteriorated herself, and died.

I found some of her diaries and flipped through them to find the entry from the previous year about my brother. Morbid curiosity, I just wanted to read her thoughts. Her entry from the night before brother’s near-fatal illness said that my father saw a demonic presence in the house, and it frightened him. It was a black humanoid shape, emanating evil and menace. It was in his room, then left, he didn’t know where it went.

The next day my brother almost died in a freak medical occurrence that doctors still can’t explain the cause of, and the resulting chain of events killed my mother. Standing in the basement with that diary, I was stunned. We’d seen something similar years earlier, and now it was back. I felt like something had cursed us, and wanted to kill us. I was terrified.

Ultimately I didn’t talk to my dad about it, or mention it to any of my siblings.

I hid that particular diary.”

6. A Complicated Find

“My dad died 15 years ago and to this day, my feelings towards him are very complicated. I always knew my dad was a bit secretive and kept a lot to himself, but I didn’t realize how much until he died. When he died, we found several surprising things.

1. He had several hidden bank accounts and insurance policies we were unaware of. Why? Who knows. He did have a lot of financial things set up for my mom incase something happened to him.

So, that was a good thing. She had no idea about everything that he had set aside for her. He actually made sure my mom would be well cared for.

2. There was also evidence of his long time affair with another woman, including audio tapes he had recorded for her and had yet to send that expressed his undying love for her. Listening to them was devastating and something I still can’t tell my mom about.

I was torn about sending the tapes to this woman because they were intended for her. I ended up destroying them. No good could come from them.”

7. Nope

“When my brother died, he didn’t leave a note or anything, but he was an aspiring musician and we found his song lyrics. I never would have guessed he was in such a dark place to write those kinds of things. I was up all that night with those words stuck in my head, he seemed so hopeless for everything else but he always hid it from us. Later on, I went back in his room by myself just to take it all in, I found a somewhat hidden notebook with even more, including something he’d written about feeling sorry for how this would affect my sister and somewhat blaming my Mom for how he felt.

I debated for hours if I should tear out that page or not because I knew it would hurt my mom terribly just to see what he thought of her when she saw him in such a good light, as such a sweet and loving son.

However, what really hurt the most though was after seeing what he wrote about my sister, I looked for something, anything he might have written about me or left for me. There was nothing, I searched for so long because I just wanted some kind of last words to hold on to, something to show he thought of me but never found anything.”

8. Early Suicide

“I had a cousin who committed suicide at 12 years old. This was a kid that was always a bit of a loner and kind of a book worm but also seemed smarter than other kids and was very mature for his age. Always very polite but quiet and would spend more time watching than participating in anything. There certainly didn’t seem like there was anything that would cause him to end how own life. His family seemed close and normal.

It did turn out that he was bullied quite a bit at school. I guess it was because he never fought back. About 3 months after his death, both his parents started to suggest to my parents that I should be the one to go through his room. I was 18 at the time and since my cousin and I weren’t that close, I guess his parents thought I would have an easier time with it.

I agreed to do it. I started separating all his stuff.

Clothes, toys, books, keepsakes that I though his parents might want to save, etc. As I got deeper into his closet I suspected might actually find a stash and sure enough, there in the back under a bunch of old books in the bottom of a box I found a smaller, flatter box that was magazine sized. SCORE!

Not so much. There were no magazines. There was however lots of loose papers, a sketchbook and some Polaroids.

This was in the 90’s so there was no such things as internet smut for a family of religious people that didn’t own a computer. Nor were digital cameras a thing. But there were instant cameras and my cousin had one.

I started to go through the papers which were all drawings and sketches. I think at first my mind wasn’t processing what I was looking at. It took me a bit before I realized what my cousin had been drawing.

It was all drawings of bloody scenes. Some detailed some just gory. Nasty stuff. Anyone and anything was there. Sometimes there was occult-like stuff but not very often. I do remember a few pages all in a row that had the words ‘Am I the devil?’ written in it over and over.

At this point I did NOT want to look a the photos but I did anyway. My cousin had apparently escalated beyond just drawing pictures.

I am almost in tears again just thinking about it and this was over 20 years ago.

I never told his parents or anyone else about it. It wasn’t out of any sense of decency. I just wanted to forget about what I had seen or at least pretend I hadn’t found it for my own sake. So I let everyone continue to think it was the bullying that pushed him over the edge. It may well have been but I wonder if part of it was because he saw what he was becoming and decided to stop himself before things got worse.”

9. Gramps Was in the CIA?!?!

“My grandpa was in the CIA and helped oversee the beginning of the sky marshal program. I found a box with a legitimate red top secret stamp across it… so of course I opened it!

It had a bunch of what my 15 year old self would call ‘boring papers’ but something did catch my eye

One of the things I found was a pamphlet. The cover showed a highly detailed schematic of a 747 jet. The title read something like: ‘747: Weak Zones’

My dad somehow called someone from the FBI who came over, took one look, and then called someone else. He waited with us until someone who didn’t work for the FBI, but had clearance over this stuff, arrived.

The first guy proceeded to leave while the other man asked us where everything was. We showed him the boxes. After looking, he took the boxes, loaded them in his car and drove away.

A week later, the house was robbed and a lot of my grandparents special things were taken including several large file cabinets

I’ve always thought it must’ve been the government doing a clean sweep.”

10. Don’t Wanna Know

“My father was a successful business man who was originally from Detroit. He grew up in a dangerous and low-income neighborhood, but he was able to get into a good school and complete an engineering degree. Eventually he owned his own machine shop and things were going well. After 2008’s crash, the stress got to him.

Shortly after I left for college, my mother forced my father to check in to rehab for his crippling addiction to drinking.

He made it a few weeks sober, but relapsed. This happened two more times. My mother divorced him and he holed up in an apartment for a few months before ultimately drinking himself to death.

I cleaned out his apartment and found significant amounts of his rehab literature. I was happier not knowing details, but I did not want to throw out any paperwork that was significant for settling the estate. While combing through, I found a worksheet where he wrote a timeline of his relationship with substances and drink.

I found out that he smoked a few times as a 13 year old boy, he started smoking other substances at age 11, and by the time he was 14, he was smoking daily and drinking on weekends. I was stunned; it certainly explained a lot, but I was much happier not knowing. I can’t imagine growing up in an environment where parents would be oblivious or apathetic to that.”

11. The “Good” Book

“After my paternal grandmother died, it took us about 4 months for anyone to be up to cleaning out her house. My grandma was an organized pack rat. In her buffet in her kitchen, she had drawers full of old pharmacy bags folded neatly at put away. My dad told me it was likely a hold over from the depression where you save everything to use again.

Anyway, I came across the old family Bible. One of those big deals where they record births and deaths and it was like finding some huge treasure because she NEVER let us touch it or look through it, she kept it packed away.

I was looking through it, absorbing names of her family because while the woman loved to talk about her family (her husband and four boys), she never talked about her other family. She never talked about her parents or siblings or childhood. Nothing. Even my dad knew very little about her family before she married.

So I was flipping through the Bible and tucked between some pages was what looked like a bill of sale or receipt of some kind.

Upon closer inspection, I realized that it was a bill of sale/receipt. For my grandmother. Her father had sold her, sold her, to my grandfathers brother. I don’t even remember for how much, I was just in a state of shock. I knew that she had been taken in to help care for my grandfather’s dying wife, but I had no idea she was sold. I mean… I don’t know. This happened probably in the 30’s, early 40’s in the rural South but still.

It changed how I felt about my grandfather and his family. I’m still not entirely sure how I feel about it.”

12. Never Want To See It Again

“My mom and I had to clean out my aunt’s room. She died at 52.

She never married, no kids, and had weight issues. That being said, she treated my brother and I like her own. We were all really close.

We found an unmarked book on her nightstand which ended up being a journal. The first page said, ‘I hate the way I look. I hate that I’m not married. I hate that I don’t have kids.’

We closed it and tossed it.

I’m guessing it was one of those weird self help plans where you write your thoughts out. Didn’t make it any easier. You have no idea how much I wish I never saw that book.”

13. Not Quite A True Englishman

“My family is Irish/Australian. My grandfather was an olive-skinned, charming Englishman who married an Australian bar maid – my grandmother. After the death of my grandpa, we found a letter and Republic of India passport in one of his jackets. It was a full confession that he had hidden the fact that he was Indian – and not English – from my grandma and our family. Not only that, he also had another family back in India.

This was especially shocking considering how white my skin is, and people still don’t believe the story when I tell it. Still amazes me that he successfully hid the secret for almost 50 years, and literally brought it to his grave.”

14. Turns Out She Was A Stranger

“After I came home from a 4 month underway on a submarine, things were weird between my wife and I. Fast forward a bit, I came home from a weekend out and found her body in the spare bedroom.

Over the next few days cleaning out the house, I found countless amounts of substances and paraphernalia I couldn’t even identify. I found a ton of weird notes, scratchings, and just scraps of paper that all had to do with substance use.

When cleaning up her electronic mess, computers, phone, online accounts, etc. I found out she was a lifelong cheater. Which went several layers deep. She was in a very serious relationship with her ‘best friend’ which, honestly I more or less knew about. But always sort of figured it was emotional, not physical. In addition to being with her BFF, she had also seen many other people over the years.

When the person you’ve dated since high school, and been married to for nearly 2 decades, is a complete stranger, it’s really not something you can describe.”

Have a story about a time when you cleaned out somebody’s possessions?

Let us know in the comments!

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A Photographer Shoots Senior Citizen Couples in Engagement-Style Photos

These are delightful.

Sujata Setia is a London-based photographer who takes engagement-style photos….but with a little twist. She shoots elderly couples as if they were celebrating their newfound love.

A brilliant idea, don’t you think?

Setia explained how she got started:

“I noticed…that people only came to get photographs taken with their children and spouses. I never had a client asking me to take photographs of their parents or grandparents or even photos of their children and parents.

So I decided to divide my work time into two parts. I spent one half of my month photographing my clients the way they wanted me to and the other half was dedicated to requesting grandparents and great-grandparents (who I would invite via model calls or would randomly approach in public places) to come and be photographed by me with their grandkids.

On one such shoot in Houston, Texas, this year, I noticed that while I was photographing one grandparent with their grandchild, the other grandparent was just standing silently in a corner. So, for the sake of their memories together, I asked both grandparents if I could photograph them together… and I haven’t stopped doing that now.”

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20 years ago they sold their house in exchange for a camper van. Ever since then they have been travelling the world… holding hands. I was fortunate enough to have found them in Dublin, Ireland… as they were walking past the storm… still holding hands! . To love… . . . Sign up for my 2019-2020 workshops by clicking on the link in my bio Florida – August 24th 2019 . Dubai – October 12th 2019 . London – February 2nd 2020 . . #ig_creativepics #clickinmoms #ftwotw #ourclickdays #londonfamilyphotographer #newbornphotographermumbai #familyphotographermumbai #celebrityfamilyphotographer #best_art_project #people_tr #ig_shotz_people #globe_people #heart_imprint_vip #cpcfeature #official_photography_hub #nikontop #splendid_people #photos_dailydose #bestfamilyphotographer #celebrityphotographer #bestfamilyphotographerindia #bestlondonphotographer

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“Looking back at our life together, I realise I should have loved you the way you wanted to be loved. Holding hands. Surprises… just without occasion or reason. Slipping in ‘I love you’ into casual conversations… none of it made sense to me back then. But it does now!! . And so I ask you today. Please will you give me just another lifetime?” . . . . . . #clickinmoms #candidchildhood #childhoodunplugged #momazine #letthemexplore #momswithcameras #nothingisordinary #mom_hub #momtogs #exploretocreate #thebloomforum #follow_this_light #watchthisinstagood #click_vision #beyondwanderlust #official_photography_hub #infinity_children #huffpostgram #clickmagazine #iamnikon #natgeoyourshot #dearphotographer #cpcfeature #instagram #documentyourdays #the_sugar_jar @instagram #theeverydayportrait

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Setia continued, “Whichever country I visit, I make sure I photograph elderly couples there together and I cannot express how fulfilling this has been for me. The stories I hear of their lives together… and the pure and honest love that I witness in the course of these shoots is just beyond amazing.”

Beautiful and heartwarming, to say the least.

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10 Women Share Their Awful Experiences in the Bedroom

Everyone’s had bad sex at some point. But sometimes those situations can be insanely awkward and not something you’ll ever want to remember.

But of course you do. Because we always remember the really weird shit that happens to us.

What’s your worst experience? Are they as bad as these 10 women’s experiences?

1. Hahaha, well, that sucks!

Photo Credit: Whisper

2. Unplugging the cork…

Photo Credit: Whisper

3. HA! Crisis averted!

Photo Credit: Whisper

4. Yikes.

Photo Credit: Whisper

5. Ouch!

Photo Credit: Whisper

6. Ewwwwww

Photo Credit: Whisper

7. That’s the worst thing? Hmmm…

Photo Credit: Whisper

8. Milk me?

Photo Credit: Whisper

9.  It happens to everybody!

Photo Credit: Whisper

10. Sounds like the perfect storm of suck!

Photo Credit: Whisper

And scene!

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12 Stories That Will Make You Think Twice About Dining and Dashing

Shame on you if you’ve dined and dashed before. Because you do know that what your food cost comes out of the wait staff’s paycheck, right? Yeah, that’s a thing. At least in some cases.

So why do people do it? These 12 people did the deed and some reveal why…

1. Don’t do it again!

Photo Credit: Whisper

2. Good!

Photo Credit: Whisper

3. Hope your girl didn’t like it too much…

Photo Credit: Whisper

4. Not a good excuse.

Photo Credit: Whisper

5. Get to it!

Photo Credit: Whisper

6. I can’t be angry at foster kids for doing this…

Photo Credit: Whisper

7. If somebody is seriously not waiting on you, I can see this..

Photo Credit: Whisper

8. Well DUH!

Photo Credit: Whisper

9. Haha, ya think? Because you’re a thief? Crazy!

Photo Credit: Whisper

10. Hmmm… something tells me you’re gonna get caught.

Photo Credit: Whisper

11. Just go up and ask!

Photo Credit: Whisper

12. Oh, there’s a bad part? Poor baby…

Photo Credit: Whisper

So, have you ever done this? How’d it go? Did you feel guilty AF?

Hope so…

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15+ Hilarious Parenting Tweets. Their Patience Is Impressive…

The following kids are testing their parents’ patience to the limits and then some.

Just be glad you aren’t them.


19. Right on target!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

18. This kid is gonna be rich!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

17. I’ll offer you zero dollars!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

16. Okay, listen here you dummy…

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

15. Oh damn. Dat me.

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

14. He had to find out sometime!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

13. Because they kept losing the brush… desperate measure were employed!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

12. Actually, not mad at this kid at all. Wood penguins FTW!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

11. Everything is a dog to a toddler.

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

10. Attack of the killer tomatoes!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

9. Yeah dad, what if?!?!?

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

8. You’ve got a future billionaire on your hands, sir!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

7. I am extremely impressed, actually.

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

6. Now they’re safe… forever!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

5. It just knew. Don’t question it.

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

4. Well, she did it!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

3. OMFG!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

2. Well, can you?!?!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

1. Guess she’s not going to Disney World then!

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

So yeah, don’t have kids. Or do.

But don’t come blaming me when they act like psychopaths!

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As If Relationships Weren’t Complicated Enough, ‘Micro-Cheating’ Is the Newest Trend

Oh, this is just GREAT.

As if dating and relationships weren’t complicated enough, now we all have ‘micro-cheating’ to worry about.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

We all obviously know that people cheat on their boyfriends, girlfriends, and spouses. Way too many of them, in fact. And a lot of us have heard of the stupid games that people play in relationships, such as ghosting and others. Now it’s time to add a new phrase into the complex relationship lexicon: micro-cheating.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Dating expert Melanie Schilling describes micro-cheating as “a series of seemingly small actions that indicate a person is emotionally or physically focused on someone outside their relationship.” People addressed the issue on Twitter.

Photo Credit: Twitter, CQueenOfCamelot

Photo Credit: Twitter, travelbear92

But not everyone believes micro-cheating is even a thing and is a manufactured problem.

Photo Credit: Twitter, ClintClarkson

Photo Credit: Twitter, bankedcurve23

Photo Credit: Twitter, EmeraldOmega

Photo Credit: Twitter, 333pjjp333

Photo Credit: Twitter, danielduwa

Photo Credit: Twitter, RichieNorris7

What do you think about micro-cheating? Is it being blown way out of proportion, or is it a real issue?

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A Guy Shared Some New Parents’ List of Meal Requests on Nextdoor App and It Is Bonkers

Having your first child is an overwhelming, 24/7 job that usually makes people put aside their pride and reach out for any assistance they can get.

And one of the easiest things they can get is food. And lots of it. It’s often called a “meal train” and it’s so valuable.

But this couple… wow. They’re something else.

Meet Jack Jokinen. He joined the social network Nextdoor, which is basically just Facebook but for your neighborhood. He saw a post from some soon-to-be parents who asked for help after their baby was born.

And then things got CRAZY…

Yeah, we’re ready…

Oh, you don’t think that’s what they’re doing Jack? Well, get ready…

“On a fence of emotions” might just be my new favorite phrase.

But it gets better…

Yeah. YEAH.

And here are the meals…

Breakfast and Lunch…


And even Snacks! Because why not, right?

It keeps going!

And going…

Jack has the right response…

Needless to say, the story went viral and people had some things to say…

Some negative…

Some positive…

What do you think?

Personally, I think this guy had the right reaction.

If you’re asking people to help you out FOR FREE with meals, you can list a couple dietary restrictions… but this is nuts.

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A Woman Wanted Her Pet Buried with Her, so the Healthy Dog Was Euthanized

This is pretty messed up.

We all love our pets like family, but this story makes my blood boil. It reminds of when some billionaire leaves a ton of money to their cat or something.

I mean I know we all love our pets like family, but this is absurd.

And cruel.

A woman in Richmond, Virginia, had it clearly stated in her will that her beloved dog Emma, a Shih Tzu mix, was to be put to sleep and buried with her at the time of her death. Workers at the Chesterfield County Animal Services were heartbroken that they had to honor the recently deceased woman’s wishes, but they still euthanized the healthy dog. They actually tried to appeal to the woman’s estate, but to no avail. The dog’s owner was 67-year-old Anita Cullop-Thompson.

The manager of the animal care facility said, “We did suggest they could sign the dog over on numerous occasions — because it’s a dog we could easily find a home for and re-home. But ultimately, they came back in on March 22nd and redeemed the dog.”

Emma was taken directly to a vet’s office, euthanized, and then cremated. Her ashes were returned to the deceased woman’s estate. As you can imagine, this story went viral and greatly upset many people, including big-time celebrities.

The Humane Society of the United States is clear on where they stand on the issue. Vice President Amy Nichols said, “It is a heartbreaking situation. While we don’t know the specifics of this case, as a general matter, we don’t support the euthanasia of healthy and adoptable animals when other alternatives exist, such as re-homing of the pet.”

Share your thoughts about this story in the comments. We’d like to hear from you!

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Tenants Share Their Disturbing Renting Experiences

Renting can be a nightmare. From bad roommates, landlords from hell and terrible apartment spaces, finding a spot that’s good for you isn’t easy.

These 11 renters know that all too well, and they’re not shy about sharing their horrifying experiences.

Find out what went down right now!

1. What in the actual fuck?!?

Photo Credit: Whisper

2. Bruhhhhhhh… pay for that sink!

Photo Credit: Whisper

3. That is SOOO fucked up!!

Photo Credit: Whisper

4. Super gross and such a shame. Ugh!!!

Photo Credit: Whisper

5. Black mold is literally the worst. It can kill you!

Photo Credit: Whisper

6. What a creepy fuck!

Photo Credit: Whisper

7. You’re right. That’s insanely rude.

Photo Credit: Whisper

8. Looks like you need to “fix” your living situation…

Photo Credit: Whisper

9. What did kids ever do to you?! Don’t answer that…

Photo Credit: Whisper

10. Ummmm…. isn’t that illegal?!

Photo Credit: Whisper

11. Did you make friends with it and feed it cheese? jk

Photo Credit: Whisper

Alright fam… time to share your crazy renting situations!

Let us know in the comments!

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11 Homewreckers Admit Why They Destroyed Marriages

What’s the absolute worst thing you’ve ever done in your life?

Yeah, that’s bad… but have you ever wrecked a marriage?

These 10 people did and are finally admitting how they feel about it…

1. Holy shit! You are straight up EVIL!

Photo Credit: Whisper

2. Yes. That is correct.

Photo Credit: Whisper

3. Ohhhh, so it’s about power is it?

Photo Credit: Whisper

4. Just wait… it’ll catch up with you…

Photo Credit: Whisper

5. Tell yourself any stupid story you want.

Photo Credit: Whisper

6. Yeah, that’s a good reason… NOT!

Photo Credit: Whisper

7. You can get that kind of attention from other people…

Photo Credit: Whisper

8. Yes, you can stop. That’s a lie.

Photo Credit: Whisper

9. Sometimes these relationships CAN have happy endings… but not often.

Photo Credit: Whisper

10. Somebody needs to work on their self esteem…

Photo Credit: Whisper

11. Yeah, it does work out sometime. Still….

Photo Credit: Whisper

Shocking and scandalous, no?

Just don’t become a home wrecker, please. Cool?

The post 11 Homewreckers Admit Why They Destroyed Marriages appeared first on UberFacts.