Have You Ever Been Dumped For a Dumb Reason? These People Have!

Breaking up is hard…and I guess having an actual reason to do it is also hard to find, for some people.

I refuse to believe these 14 reasons are real and not just something people made up to avoid talking about the real, actual reasons they needed to get away from their current partner.

14. He obviously hasn’t spent much time with actual ladies.

Actually had a guy dump me because I’m a carpenter, and according to him, it’s just not lady like

13. So…was it too late?

I was dating a guy whose parents didn’t like me. It was a long distance relationship, and so we mostly chatted online but also made occasional phone calls. So we were talking on the phone, and at one point I said, “You shouldn’t have to choose between me and your parents…” The conversation continued, we decided to break up. We stayed friends. Something like 10 years later, we were talking online when the subject of our breakup came up. Turns out he thought I had said, “You should have to choose between me and your parents…” and decided that he wasn’t going to do that. I would never give someone that kind of ultimatum, that would be ridiculous. It blew my mind that a single misheard word caused us to break up, and we didn’t realize it for 10 years.

12. I think this is a perfectly good reason tbh.

When I was 12 we played spin the bottle and i made a kissy “mwah” sound before we kissed. An hour later she sent her best friend to my soccer game to break up with me.

11. Another misunderstanding!

I was dating a girl in college. After a month or so I told her that I loved hanging out. We were out somewhere and she looked at me funny but smiled and we carried on with the date. Not long after she suddenly has issues meeting up and I eventually hear through a friend of hers she doesn’t think it’ll work out. I decide not to pursue the issue even though I thought things were going great.

Roll on 6 odd years later, bump into each other. Long conversation later it turns out she thought I had said I loved her and she thought it was all too soon and panicked etc. So could of all be averted if we had a conversation about it but nevermind.

10. Wow what have you done to anger God, my friend?

“God told me not to date you. I’m sorry.”

And guess what: this happened TWICE.

(With two different girls)

9. I’m not sure exactly what to make of any of this.

Not dumped, but shut down.

I asked her out and she sort of freaked. “Like…on a date? A date-date?! Oh shit…I want to say yes, but I can’t. Every time I’ve dated a guy I liked we ended up hating each other. But I want to, but I can’t. So….I know! You’re my gay friend! I can’t date you, because you’re gay! Awesome! I have a gay friend now! Oh shit, I’m late for class! Bye!”.

I was like “What…..what the fuck just happened?”. The other people of our social group were similarly confused.

8. Monster.

I said love you, she got mad I forgot the I.

7. Imagine breaking up over dinosaurs.

Starting dating this girl. She’s like 29 with a Master’s degree, really sweet and cute, so I’m excited about the potential. On our 3rd date we were driving to a late night event at a science museum and she asked what I was most excited about seeing and I said I’ve always enjoyed the dinosaur fossils and she said “…..oh.” and got real quiet.

After 5 seconds of silence I asked if she didn’t like dinosaurs or something and she said “It’s not that. It’s more than….well…..I’m not sure how I feel about dinosaurs.” Which led me to ask “Um…by feel….you mean, you…?” And she said “Well, I’m just not sure if they are real.” (*Beat* I look over quizzically.) She continues “Like, they’re not mentioned in the Bible, so I don’t know if they existed.” I tried to get through the night and to be fair there were some decent jokes. When we walked into the natural sciences wing there was a picture of Darwin on the wall and she said “Hey look, there’s your best friend,” and later we were standing in front of a a skeleton of a raccoon and I said “So just to be clear. Your position on raccoons is….yes….no…….maybe?”

She was a pretty nice girl and we had fun on the first two dates, so I tried to tough it out, but the dinosaur thing just ate at me for days. Like a week later I called her from the office and this was our conversation:

Me: “Look, we gotta talk. I don’t think this is going to work for me.”
(10 seconds of silence)
Her: “……..it’s the dinosaur thing, isn’t it?”
Me: “Yeah. Yeah……it’s the dinosaur thing.”

6. What a psychopath.

“Dumped” might be extreme, but on a first date, girl asked me to go buy her popcorn literally as the movie started, so I did, whispered as I was getting up, “you want butter on that?”.

Brought it back and she says, “Is there butter on this?” I said, “yes, I asked and you said ‘yeah’” and she said, “no, I specifically said, ‘nah’”…

I thought she was joking or something, it was like a Seinfeld bit. So I said, “Well, maybe this just isn’t going to work out.”

And she said, “I think you’re right. Thanks for nothing.”

And fucking left.

But she took my popcorn. She should have thanked me for fucking that.


5. That’s…something.

I wish I still had the text … Long story short. She was mad I DIDN’T grab her ass … In public.. On our first date.

4. No good deed goes unpunished.

Apparently I gave her too much anxiety when I bought her a coffee that one morning and she broke up with me the same week

Edit: I gave her the drink in front of my locker in high school before class started. but I didn’t buy her a coffee it was a hot chocolate. Where I’m from in Canada getting someone a “coffee” can mean just any drink. I got her a hot chocolate cuz she was a picky eater and didn’t like coffee or tea. But I liked her and wanted to surprise her with a warm drink on that cold day.

3. High school boys. Smdh.

Not me but one of my friends who’s a senior in high school got dumped by her boyfriend who she dated for almost 2 years. He dumped her because he didn’t want to go to the school dance. A few days later he texted her to tell her that he wanted to get back together but she declined. He could have just told her that he didn’t want to go and still be her with her or just go to the stupid dance.

2. Talk about bad timing…

“I’m not ready for a relationship”. I thought it was a bad time to bring that up since we were engaged and had been together for almost 2 years.

1. Bamboozled is like the only word for that.

Same, was talking to this girl, I (f) tell her that I’m a Gemini bc she asked me my sign, she then asked me my moon and rising signs which are also geminis, she blocked me on the spot after like 4 months of going out and talking, bamboozled to this day

I mean, come on – grow some balls and tell them the real reason…but if these are the real reasons, maybe grow a brain instead.

What’s the dumbest or strangest reason someone broke up with you? Share it with us in the comments!

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People Give Advice on How to Strike up a Conversation With Your Crush

It can be difficult to approach someone you like, whether it’s a crush you’ve had for a while or someone you’ve spotted from across the room. Pickup lines are great…if they work.

If you don’t have a good one of your own and don’t want to fall back on cliches, check out these 14 pieces of advice (of varying degrees of seriousness, of course – this is Reddit!).

14. It’s a Sith legend, let me tell you about it.

Have you ever heard the tragedy of Darth Plagueis, the Wise?

13. Definitely avoid yes or no questions.

Presumably you already run in some circles with and/or know something of the interests of your crush.

When asking about your crush’s interests, avoid yes/no questions or list requests; instead, ask for explanations, insights or stories.

For example, rather than ask what your crush’s favorite movies or musicians are, ask how your crush became interested in a certain kind of music or the movies of a certain director or actor.

12. Definitely a good one right now.

What TV shows are you watching right now?

11. I’m pretty sure this is the premise of a Seinfeld episode.

capitalism or communism?. So you know what you’re dealing with

10. Like a job interview, but worse.

Step 1: Ask him/her what their biggest flaw is

Step 2: Interrupt him/her with something you think is lackluster.

Step 3: Offer several recommendations to fix said flaw

9. The question is fun, and the answer could actually tell you a lot about a person!

I do questions similar to a voight kompff test.

You receive a windfall of money, and can go on any trip anywhere in the world for a month. Where do you go and what do you do?

8. If you want to date someone who can bullshit like mad.

Take any object and debate on whether it’s a salad, a soup, or a sandwich

7. Do you like jazz?

Depending on the response you know everything you need to know. If they like jazz and/or if they like the Bee Movie. What more do you need to know.

6. This sounds…kinda douchey.

I’d always jokingly ask if she missed me. This annoys her so much she asks me something in return.

Cue a nice, old casual conversation between the two of us that usually lasts half an hour as that’s the time it takes for the next student to arrive and, depending on who it is, either joins the conversation, doesn’t care, or drags one of us away.

5. It must be a match made in heaven.

So we both got buckets of chicken…

4. This is such a hard question to answer.

Top 4 favorite movies of all time, it’s the best when it’s a movie you wouldn’t really expect from them or haven’t heard of.

3. All valid questions if you ask me.

What is your name?

What is your quest?

What is the air speed velocity of an unladen swallow?

2. I feel like this could go either way.

If she/he is quite attractive, during a conversation that involves a bit of more in-depth talk, like aspirations and what not, find a good way to segue into “What do you feel are 3 amazing things about you that have nothing to do with your looks”.

It’s a good one. Leaves a solid impression if you actually genuinely wish to know her/his feelings on themselves. They’ll remember it and that’s a good thing.

1. Bahahaha make them laugh.

Do you work at the zoo?

Because you look like a keeper.

We cannot be held responsible for what does or doesn’t happen if you pull any of these out of your pocket!

What’s your most effective pickup line? Funniest? Share it with us in the comments!

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Couples Who Are Learning a Lot About Each Other These Days

You think you know a person when you fall in love with them, and then you move in together and/or get married and you realize you really didn’t at all.

Now that we’re spending almost all of our time with only our families, well…there’s bound to be even more secrets oozing out of the (probably dirty) woodwork.

Luckily, couples like these 10 are showing us all of the ways to laugh about it. Because divorce is expensive and rough on the kids.

10. So you’re saying we’re doing this for a few more months?

I love a fun fact, but this woman needs therapy.

9. I mean, they’re crunchy like a chip.

But why not just each chips?

8. If only it was so easy to deter children.

Or maybe her husband just sat outside the door and strummed.

7. Why is this so, so accurate.

I’m in my closet right now, but still.

6. She has had it with your “jokes,” sir.

Unless it was nice outside, then she’s crazy. I would have just gone for a wander.

5. Just check yes or no.

It could change at any moment, you know.

4. His hairdresser must work magic.

Maybe you should name the baby after her.

3. Man, that dog needs a walk.

So do I. I am the dog, and I need a walk.

2. Actually I kind of want to know the answer to this, now.

Thanks, John Mulaney.

1. I think that was an episode of The Twilight Zone.

Here’s hoping you don’t die at the end.

I’m laughing, and also I can sympathize. Our alcohol budget has gone up since this started!

How are you coping? What’s the funniest thing you’ve learned? Entertain us in the comments!

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People Who Might Be Rethinking Their Relationship Right Now

If you’ve ever received a text from someone you’re dating – or even a person you’re in a serious relationship with – that made you think (even jokingly) that it’s time to break up, move on, find somebody normal.

But also I mean…normal is pretty boring. As these 13 people definitely know for sure.

If these posts make you laugh, make sure to follow @weshouldbreakup on Instagram!

13. There is no other good response for this.

Before or after you’re married honestly.

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Well, it’s not exactly a “no”

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12. Relationships are all a give and take.

And knowing when you’ve gone too far.

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Romance is alive and well

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11. Totally shipping these two.

Because who doesn’t swoon over an interaction like that?

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These two will probably be together forever

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10. Okay but seriously who does that?

Aside from a toddler, I mean.

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9. When you just don’t know when to stop.

Time to block that number, I don’t care if you’re married.

8. This is such a guy reply I can’t even.

Because this is really how they think biology works.

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This dude about to get murdered

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7. Sometimes you just gotta get it out of your system.

And then you can let it go.

6. Everyone is a critic.

But I mean he’s not winning any awards with that material.

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Is this real science. Vote yes or no

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5. At least she was thinking about you.

In the bathroom. When she didn’t refill the toilet paper.

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This is grounds for divorce

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4. When you know it’s a match made in heaven.

Kismet is hard to deny.

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In case you were wondering what true love looks like

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3. He can read subtext really well!

I actually kind of love this guy.

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and that was the last time anybody ever heard from Jake

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2. Ahhhh you know me so well.

This is so mean actually but I’m laughing.

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At least they know each other well!

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1. This is how Taylor Swift breaks up with people.

The ‘K’ really got me.

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Well, this is one way to do it

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These are just cracking me up, and honestly, these people all need to stay together. For the humor.

Have you ever gotten a text like this? Tell us about it in the comments!

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People Share Hilarious Text Exchanges About Relationships

When you find that special person for you, you just know. That holds true even if the other person texts you random, too-much-information texts or they never, ever put a new roll of toilet paper on when they use the last of it.

But seriously, people are monsters and you never know in what way until you’re living together.

These 14 people might have found out too late, but hey – at least they’re hooked up with someone funny.

Oh, and if you love these, follow @weshouldbreakup on Instagram for more!

14. I mean you didn’t have to agree.

But she laughed so I suppose all is well.

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Honesty is key

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13. When it’s a match made in heaven.

That’s how you know it’s love.

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Always support your significant other

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12. Boom, don’t look back, either.

He used the wrong “you’re.”

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We *did* break up

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11. Sometimes you just need chocolate.

It doesn’t matter if it’s your favorite or it belonged to someone else, okay?

10. This is just not going to work out.

Truly, I’m sorry. I guess.

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9. That’s how you get injured.

And no one has time to take care of you, I can tell you that.

8. Someone doesn’t seem to feel like celebrating.

You’d better still get her a gift though, just sayin.

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Happy Anniversary, Baby!!!

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7. All of it. None of it?

At least you’re getting a free dinner out of it.

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Dinner sounds like the WRONG time to discuss it

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6. I believe I have said this exact thing.

And my husband also laughed like I was making a joke.

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5. I hope they’re teasing or this is just sad.

Pizza for 1.

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Ice. Cold.

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4. That sounds like a country song.

Not a good one, though.

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We all want different things

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3. Ditch this man ASAP.

Or just continue talking all of the time until he ditches you.

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2. This is terrible but I cannot stop laughing.

In the immortal words of David Puddy, “this is why you’re going to hell.”

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1. Just wait for it every night for the rest of your life.

This woman knows how to make someone sweat and I am here for it.

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This isn't an ad for Reese's but it totally should be

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I can’t decide which of these is my favorite, can you?

Tell me what your favorite text exchange has been with your significant other, too, because I want more.

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Tweets That Show the Reality Of Being Cooped Up With Your Significant Other

I know that the reason our significant other is our significant other, and the reason we share the same spaces in the first place, is because we love them.

But people were not meant to be shoved into small(ish) spaces together for days on end with no break, and as couples are now spending copious amounts of time together, well…things are happening.

And while I’m sure some of those things aren’t exactly pleasant, these 12 tweets are definitely funny.

12. I’d say you’re only about halfway through your punishment.

If you count silence as a punishment which I definitely would not.

11. Productivity is a sliding scale.

Proof we all react to stress in different ways.

10. Some beans are just beans, and some are special.

I’m just loopy enough to find deeper meaning in that statement.

9. There’s got to be SOMETHING we haven’t discussed.

Also, John Mulaney is hilarious.

8. That’s not a surprise, but whatever.

It’s better than saying “I don’t care” and then turning up your nose.

7. I wonder what his hair looks like now yeesh.

Also, this meme just made me giggle.

6. The couple that plays together stays together.

Maybe even after you don’t have to anymore.

5. When you make yourself cringe.

But still, you just can’t stop.

4. That’s nicer than screaming “put on your f*cking headphones!” the way I do.

More effective? Maybe, maybe not.

3. As long as he got some alcohol, too, I wouldn’t complain.

Although some bacon would be nice.

2. Life is give and take my friend.

So take the remote and put on Little Women post haste.

1. Variety is the spice of life.

So is having someone to complain to who isn’t the person you’re complaining about.

I’ve gotta say, I feel these people’s pain!

How are you coping? What’s the funniest thing you’ve learned about your partner since moving in together? Share it with us in the comments!

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People Discuss Reasons Why They “Ghosted” Someone in Their Life

It’s a sad fact of life that sometimes you just have to cut people off.

People who are toxic, who make you feel bad about yourself, or who are trying to drag you down with them. The term for this is “ghosting” someone and, while it may seem harsh, occasionally it must be done.

Let’s see what AskReddit users had to say about their experiences.

1. That gets really old.

“When I realized she liked hating things more than liking them. I hate beer, hate EDM, hate Marvel, hate Channing Tatum, hate football; these are all things she’s said.

It’s ok that we don’t enjoy the same things, but she’d go out of her way to let me know she hated something and rarely talked about what she liked.”

2. Not very supportive.

“Whenever I would talk about feeling stressed and my mental health not being in an optimal condition, she would say something along the lines of “Oh come on, you dont have actual problems, there are people out there that actually have depression, anxiety, etc”.

She always downplayed the struggles I would be going through just because it wasn’t the worst possible thing that could happen.”

3. That’s so gross.

“She shit-stirred between everyone, it was just a game to her to ruin friendships, people that she wasn’t even close friends with.

Nearly 10 years later and I’m told she still tries it on with her wider circle (or rather, her husbands circles, as she no longer has any friends of her own any more) but they all treat it like a joke and ignore her, going so far as to warn others in a jokey manner.”

4. We’re done.

“Her two year old was violent towards my two year old.

She thought it was normal and refused to correct his behavior.”

5. Done it a few times…

“I’ve ghosted a couple of friends. It was after years of friendship and I realized that everything was about them. The friendship was one sided and I felt undervalued.

It got to the point that even though we were “best friends”, they had no idea what was happening in my life.

A lot more happened that I don’t care explaining, but I stopped talking to them after 11 years.”

6. That’s bad.

“I was disinvited from his wedding, in which I was a groomsman, because he found out I wasn’t a Christian.

We’d been friends for a decade up until that point.”

7. Do what’s best for you.

“She had negative experiences with a lot of things to the point that talking to her was like walking on eggshells.

I hope she’s doing alright and I feel bad I stopped talking to her but I had to choose what was better for me.”

8. Negative and entitled.

“A girl I met in one of my biology labs came off really nice. I didn’t really know anyone in the small lab and she invited me to be study partners which I gladly accepted.

The first study session was at a coffee shop off campus. She complained about her “best friend” for 3 hours. She was the most negative, entitled person I’ve ever met.

After that semester, I deleted her number and never talk to her again.”

9. My friend’s wife.

“His wife she scared quite a few of his friends away. Made it so obvious she did not want his friends around.

Any time the attention wasn’t on her it was a problem for everyone.”

10. You have no other options.

“When I realized I was only their friend because they had no other friends who would put up with their bullshit. Addicted to blow, “afflicted” because they were gay (nobody had any problem with this), and constantly said they were going to kill themselves.

I was patient for longer than anyone else, and even said how I was feeling. They would get coked out and text me about 20 times throughout the night almost every night. I blocked them three days later.”

11. Not your closest mate anymore…

“My closest mate for over fifteen years. He had no initiative, slept all the time, never initiated anything. Never lived out of home, and slept in his own filth, grew obese, hoarded crappy Japanese toys which filled up his dads house.

And became more and more annoying as a person until I couldn’t bear him. Constant one-upmanship or little put downs, or bragging over embarrassing stuff. I moved cities. When he came to visit, he annoyed and offended my friends so much they never forgot.

I cut all contact. I always ask for news but he has alienated all his old friends. The only news is that he is somehow eve ln fatter, now has diabetes, has taken up cigars and dresses up in a cowboy hat and boots he ordered from Nashville, USA.”

12. My “best friend”.

“I was bullied in school – but my worst bully was my “best friend” I used to come home and cry to my mom. I would be heartbroken over how my “best friend” was treating me.

Honestly – I don’t remember what my mom would tell me, but I wish she would have told me that I was worth way more than the treatment than I received from her, that she was a bad friend and I should drop her, that I had friends who treated me with respect and that I should spend my time with them, that she would have forbade me from hanging out with her – anything. anything.

I wasted something like 15 years with that girl in that abusive friendship.”

13. Double-crossed.

“She pocket called me.

Overheard her talking shit about my personal issues that I had confided in her.”

14. Out with the old, in with the new.

“The quickest way to lose (and make) great friends is to do something to fix your mental health.

I found out a lot about my friends when I stopped drinking, and before that when I left school for a mental breakdown. People just don’t even pretend to make the effort anymore.”

It’s always a tough thing to do, but sometimes you just need to cut ties with certain people in your life for good.

Have you ever had to do this to a friend?

If so, tell us about your experience in the comments.

We’d love to hear from you!

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People Open up About Why They Had to “Ghost” a Friend

Have you ever “ghosted” a friend before?

As someone who has, let me tell you it is not very pleasant.

But, some people are totally toxic and the time comes when you have to cut them out of your life even if it’s going to hurt their feelings.

AskReddit users shared their stories about how they ghosted their friends.

1. Get rid of that one.

“When I came home to find the power off. Bill hadn’t been paid.

We were friends from work. He had split up from his ex and I needed to be closer to work. We went 50 50 on a rental, he has three kids from the previous relationship.

With me being the nerd I agreed to pay the tech bills. Internet, phone, cable TV. He agreed to pay the power as he burnt more because his kids were over on access visits.

Came home. Dark house. Hmmmm. Investigate. He hadn’t paid the power for AGES because his new girlfriend wanted the money. Then I discovered he wasn’t paying his rent either, same reason.

Down $5k, power, rent, we were evicted. Ghosted.”

2. Don’t mess with my cat.

“We had been friends for years. Like long term sisterhood kind of shit. I did soooo much for her over the years and didn’t even bat an eyelash. I asked her to watch my cat while I went on a 10 day vacation (a cat that she also “loved” because it belonged to her family before me)

She agreed to watch the cat. I even called her about 4 days into my vacation to ask her again to go and check on my cat to make sure it had food/water and a few scritches. When I came home my cat’s water and food bowl were bone dry and she let out the most tormenting “meows” I have ever heard.

My “friend” didn’t check on her once in the 10 days that I was gone. She played stupid when I confronted her about it and said “oh! I completely forgot!” That was the beginning of the end.”

3. The friend cycle.

“She started hanging out with a new friend, that’s fine, I’m not her only friend. Then while we were hanging out, as pre-planned she would leave to go hang out with her new friend, then she’d break plans with me to hang out with her, all while tagging her on Facebook so none of it was being hidden.

Three years later she reaches out to me and apologizes, it’s genuine as she mentioned insightful things she would have no way of knowing unless she had grown and been very honest with herself.

We are friends for another two years when she starts to hang out with another new friend…repeat.”

4. Talkin’ trash.

“Started talking shit about me to my GF and best mate. His dad had a history of drinking problems and he was starting to exhibit the same behaviour, so i suggested we should both take a break from drinking for awhile and try to focus on some healthier shit.

He apparently took that as i’m not the same person and my GF was the person who changed me.”

5. The flavor of the month.

“Getting ditched every time there’s a new guy on the scene but then expected to be there the second it all breaks down.”

6. Always taking.

“I had a relationship that was really great for awhile, but over time I realized they just didn’t care much for me anymore.

It was always them needing something.”

7. Addicts don’t always mix.

“I loved this girl. She was so clutch for me when my life was in ruins. The issue was that she and I were both addicts at the same time and both came from the same types of affluent families, but for whatever reason – I got clean and I turned my life around while she got worse.

She and I were both addicts with eating disorders, alcoholism, and both addicted to Xanax.

I got clean and only recently (7 years later) have started experimenting with maybe one or two beers per month if I’m out with my husband. She ended up with this awful guy who she will not give up who got her hooked on meth. I was there for her for a long time. After rehab and a few arrests, she stayed at my house for a bit on two different occasions.

But the last time she did, she tore my house apart looking for alcohol (which we didn’t have), stole my ID so she could get postmates to deliver vodka to my house, and nearly got us both killed by grabbing and yanking my steering wheel while I was going 80mph up I-95.

I’ve tried so many times to help her get and stay clean, but she keeps going back to that guy and her triggers are my triggers. I had to distance myself because she was making me relapse.”

8. No regrets.

“She burned the bridge. For most of the year and a half that she and I started working at the same place, she bullied me, micromanaged me, made me feel left out, and gaslighted me whenever I tried to confront her behavior.

It was almost always my fault, nothing I ever did was right, and she refused to believe that she has control issues or that she was using me as a punching bag. She started doing this thing where she wouldn’t text me unless I texted her first, and then get mad if I didn’t text her. So, once she quit the job, I stopped texting her.

I haven’t spoken to her at all since August 2019 and I don’t regret it.”

9. Back to me…

“Every conversation was about them and their lives. They rarely asked or were interested in what I had going on.

The selfishness was just too much after a while.”

10. A long time coming…

“I have a friend who I probably should have stopped talking to long before I did but his escapades include:

– Slept with my ex of 3 years a week or so after we broke up

– Got really handsy with my sister (against her will) at my 21st

– Just being a general creep to girls for a long time.”

11. Haven’t spoken to him since…

“He knocked on my door one night and said ‘Lets go for a drive”. This wasn’t that odd since I love driving to cool my head. So we start driving and maybe 10 minutes in, he starts directing me on where to go.

He asks me if I mind making a quick stop. I’m annoyed but say sure. We end up at this sketchy house in the middle of nowhere and my buddy goes inside, but tells me to wait in the car.

Almost 45 minutes later he comes back out and says we gotta go to the bar. It takes me about 10 seconds to realize this POS went in there to get coke and was already high.

So I tell him that I’m not feeling it tonight and drop him off at his place. Spoke to him once after that when he wanted to hang and I told him I’m nobody’s errand boy. Never gave a shit if he got the message because I haven’t spoken to him since.”

12. Not one of the “cool” kids.

“My “best friend” growing up was a kid I lived next door to from the age of 9 until 18. At school, he would pretend not to know me so he could seem cool to the popular kids. He would invite me places then ditch me. He would break plans so he could free up time to hang with his cooler friends.

That shit got real old, real fast. When I was 18 I moved to the other side of town. We were growing apart more and more but I would still try to hang out with him when I could. Well one day he asked me to come over to his house and play Tony Hawk’s ProSkater when it first came out.

I was so pumped that I walked 3 miles to his house only to be told that he was going to go hang out at his other friend’s house instead but could I babysit his brothers and sisters. Needless to say, things weren’t the same after that. I stopped answering his calls. He would stop by and I would leave just to avoid him.

He would make plans to hang out and I never bothered going. I just gave up on trying to be friends with that guy. I tried so hard for almost 10 years just to be a good friend to him and he just pushed me to the wayside.

Maybe I’m an asshole for stooping to his level but I don’t care anymore.”

13. Blame games.

“Too much drama.

Told a sob story in order to garner sympathy points – story didn’t check out and no one believed her so she got even more angry about it. Decided to book it because her stories and blame-games were getting too much for me.”

14. So creepy.

“Her fiancee was arrested and did jail time for possession of child pornography.

When he got out, she married him and talked about how excited she was to have children with him.”

15. Cringeworthy.

“Every time when there is a girl involved, this dude turns into the cringiest being there is. Trying so much to get laid. In a group chat, when 2 girls were talking about what to wear for their girls night out, he started bringing up panties, bras and what not.

I left that group, started a new one with everyone from the old group except him.”

Hey, you gotta do what you gotta do sometimes.

Have you ever had to ghost a friend for one reason or another?

If so, please tell us about it in the comments!

The post People Open up About Why They Had to “Ghost” a Friend appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share Stories About the Awful “Karens” in Their Lives

You know those entitled,  rude people who seem to make everything extremely difficult?

Well, there’s a name for them: KARENS.

And they are EVERYWHERE.

Those folks demanding to speak to a manager? KARENS.

AskReddit users opened up about these folks who seem like a real nightmare to deal with.

1. Mother is very unpleasant.

“Not married to one but my mom is absolutely one. I spend most of my time with her in public apologizing to people after she’s walked away.

The one and only time it comes in handy is when I’ve bought cars and had her come in during the price negotiation phase – she’s knocked off thousands purely due to how unpleasant she is and how much people want her to just get the hell out of the door.”

2. Males can be Karens, too.

“My dad was the Karen. He always acted high and mighty. Still does.

Last year ai went to visit him. Im an adult btw. And he picked me up from the airport but insisted we stop by walmart first to get something he ordered online. They had exactly what he ordered but it was a two pack.

They were giving him two of what he wanted for the same price as what he paid for one. He did not understand this and argued with the manager for 30 minutes that he “only wanted to pay for one!”

My wife never understood what I meant by my dad is stuck up until that day.”

3. Yikes. Not cool.

“My sister is a Karen.

Everyone feels so sorry for her husband. Everything is his fault. He is treated like a slave. She only addresses him by yelling. She constantly insults him. We have no idea why he hasn’t divorced her or flipped out and attacked her.

We have all told her to cool it and her response is that he’s just so stupid. I could go on and on but my sister really is a horrible person.”

4. Mommy Dearest.

“My mom is a Karen. she thinks the world is supposed to cater to her, serve her and everyone else is wrong.

Once we went to Carl’s Jr. she ordered 4 burgers, for the four of us. She pulls one out of the bag while the guy is getting our drinks and hides it. She complains that he forgot a burger. She pulls them out one by one and counts it in front of him.

It’s obviously missing because she hid it and he’s swearing up and down he put them all in the bag. I’m stunned speechless and it happened so fast. She got a free burger, and laughed as we drive off. Im just staring at her and she opens it up to eat it on the drive home. And she ate her actual burger like the 5th one never existed.

I can’t even explain how she is when she’s in the hospital. she treats it like a luxury stay in a hotel.”

5. Did eight years with that guy.

“Dated a Male Karen for eight years.

He was a semi successful business owner who was twice my age and I was young and dumb for a lack of a better word. The gist of our relationship was him trying to take over every part of my life. For instance he would order for me at restaurants and would dissuade me if I wanted to try something new.

If I had a problem with something it would be brushed off but if he had a problem then he had to talk to a manager. Not knowing any better I just thought he was very particular and even started copying some of his tendencies like speaking up when I felt I wasn’t getting the right service when I was out on my own.

I realized who he was when we were flying back from Vegas and our luggage was heavier than when we flew in. Obviously we’d bought extra things which made up for the weight difference so as he demanded to know an explanation from the check in clerk as to why if it was the same luggage would it somehow weigh more, I innocently answered that it must have been the extra shoes and clothes. He was quiet and paid up.

Later he told me to not to do that again as he knew the reason why the luggage was heavier he was just trying to get away with not paying. At that moment a bulb went off in my head. This man who’d spent $1500 on a stripper for his friend was making an already stressful job more stressful for the clerk in order to avoid paying $60!

We broke up soon after and I checked myself on the Karen tendencies he’d rubbed off on me.”

6. That’s really bad.

“Divorced an abusive “Karen” who was convicted of domestic violence (that’s a misdemeanor folks), so she got half of everything. Totally worth it. My life before was a nightmare.

Escape was priceless.”

7. Time to speak to the manager…again.

“Not the married to one, but my moms a Karen. Literally overreacts to everything.

Whenever something doesn’t go her way- you guessed it: gotta speak to the manager or whoever is in charge. Sometimes really embarrassing to go out in public with her because she’ll just yell at the service workers for the smallest of things. Also she has a bob cut.”

8. Sister in law…from Hell…

“Married someone with a Karen for a sister. SIL is the freaking worst. I hate more than anything going out to dinner with her, listening to her order food and talk to the servers. Holidays are also terrible, she sends out long lists of expected gifts list. She celebrates every holiday and birthday specifically for presents even when it not appropriate.

Funny thing is one time I was away from the dinner table when the bill came and SIL waited for me to return to pay the bill by actually handing it to me. She didn’t give it to her sibling/my SO or pay her half, but expressly handed it to me to pay.

Btw, her husband is an idiot and they are a match made in heaven.”

9. A double whammy.

“My sister AND SIL are both Karens. I will show up to restaurants 15 min early to warn them. I tell them if it’s not done to their liking they WILL hear about it and they will make your shift hell. I’m just there as a warning.

I used to work in restaurants and those people made life hell. I do what I can to help. Generally my drinks are better and we get a free appetizer as soon as those two tornados walk in all hell breaks loose. Not enough ice, table is too cold, it’s too loud, etc. I also tip really big b/c I DON’T want to associated with the two tornados.

I live overseas so I only see them 2 weeks out of the year. So it’s manageable.”

10. Causing a lot of damage.

“My mom is a Karen. Not fun.

I think she was part of the reason the girl I loved left because whenever she was around my mom behaved much better and put on a nice face. We argued frequently about my relationship with my mom. Hurts a lot. Don’t think I can fully let this one go.”

11. Don’t even go there.

“My mother is a Karen.

If something minor inconveniences her, she blows it up into a huge done, constantly complains, belittles me and has a slight superiority complex.”

12. I’m seeing a pattern here…

“My mom is a Karen. She literally can not help herself but to tell other her opinion. She genuinely sees it as doing everyone a favor. It destroys her relationships with my siblings. None of my other siblings will talk to her.

A few years ago we went out to eat. The restaurant served bread and butter before the meal. The butter was whipped. My mom, the former dairy farmers daughter, insisted they bring her “real” butter. The waitress went back to the kitchen and came back and told her what she had was butter. How dare she!

My mom, who apparently is infallible in her ability to detect butter, started acting like a complete asshole to the waitress about it. “She knows what real butter tastes like.”

I go to this restaurant often and my kids are there so my first instinct was to apologize to the waitress. That was a bad idea. As soon as I did my mom went into a rage about respecting your elders and walked out of the restaurant. To this day she still won’t admit she was unkind to the waitress.”

13. This is messed up.

“My mom was a Karen in name and behavior.

My dad had a massive heart attack, oxygen deprived brain, we weren’t sure if he was going to make it or how intact his mind would be. Intubated, sedated, the whole works for days.

My toddler nephew visited the hospital. He was dad’s special buddy. Dad somehow roused from his critically ill state to wave his fingers and say a few words to him. A miracle!

Mom tried to get dad to talk to her and then slapped him–pretty hard– on the chest because he wouldn’t say anything to her. Jealous of a two year old. Abusing a man in intensive care. The look on the nurse’s face was absolute horror.”

14. “An exhausting nightmare.”

“My mom is a Karen whose name is actually Karen. Simply put, I haven’t seen her in over a year because I couldn’t take it anymore. Living with her was just an exhausting nightmare.

Karen’s world revolves around Karen. Nobody else’s issues matter. If you tell her that you had a bad day, she’ll give you 20 reasons why her day was worse. You worked 60 hours this week? Well, when she was your age, she would work 80.

You’re in the hospital after having major surgery? She has a pinched nerve in her arm, which is somehow worse. Your boyfriend cheated on you? She couldn’t even begin to tell you about all the heartbreak she’s experienced in her life.

She complains left and right about anything and everything. If you’re taking a week break after just getting back from college, she’ll ask why you haven’t gotten a job yet and claim you’re lazy. If you’re out to eat at a restaurant the food is always too cold or too burnt or too salty.

You can only ever go to the places SHE wants to go to, because everything else is crap. My entire graduation dinner she complained about how cold the food was.

She THRIVES in getting attention and constantly seeks it, but she has very few ACTUAL friends. Facebook is her lifeblood and she’s always looking to start something on there. She’s the queen of sharing uninformed, misguided, conservative propaganda, which always starts fights in her comments.

Also, if a tragedy happens in the family (like the passing of my teenage cousin), she’ll make a big scene on Facebook and expect condolences from anyone and everyone, and makes note of the people who don’t give her what she wants.

Don’t even get me started on the blatant racism. I’ve heard everything from, “watch out for black people on the subway. They’ll try to take your purse” to “It should be illegal for those Muslims to cover their faces. You should be able to see someone’s face.” One of my best friends is black and she once told me, “He’s one of the good ones. They should all be like him.”

Minor, but the house ALWAYS has to be spotless. You have a shirt on your bedroom floor? Pick up! You kids are all slobs! We have people coming over (no we don’t and even if we do why would they be going in my bedroom?)

Her house is HER house, and she’ll let you know. Any object she has spent money on doesn’t belong to you, it belongs to HER. She also spends way too much money on home decor like oriental rugs, furniture, etc. but then complains about how she has no money.”

Yikes. I’m glad I don’t have any Karens in my life…at least not right now…

How about you?

Do you have any Karens that you have to deal with and who make everything way more difficult than it needs to be?

If so, please tell us about it in the comments!

The post People Share Stories About the Awful “Karens” in Their Lives appeared first on UberFacts.

This Instagram Account Specializes in Inspirational Signage

Everyone needs a little affirmation sometimes. Or a lot. If you’re looking for a sign, this Instagram account has got what you need. Literally. They post artfully manipulated photos of signage to read as affirmations and reminders for their 1.6 million followers.

The account (run primarily by an artist named Koreen Odiney) is called @werenotreallystrangers – which is also the name of the card game they produce. We’re Not Really Strangers, the game, is described as “a purpose driven card game and movement all about empowering meaningful connections” on their website. It’s clear this company is focused on connection and insight, and they make some pretty compelling art in that realm.

10. The cards

The game itself seems really interesting, and might be good stuff for a date if you want to seriously get to know somebody.

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Vulnerable Sunday

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9. Open and shut

Love these jagged, broken lines.

8. Observe and report

I’d definitely stop if I saw this.

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Today’s feelings

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7. Got a handle on it

This is a-door-able.

6. One thing at a time

And some things never.

5. Embrace imperfection

This looks like a Dairy Queen sign and now I want ice cream.

4. Keep perspective

You’re only one piece of this.

3. Heavy load inside

Don’t carry that around.

2. The circles of life

Break ’em.

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What do you keep doing that keeps hurting?

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1. Cleverly obscured

We’re never fully visible.

Pretty cool, huh? Be sure to give ’em a follow if you want more. At the time of writing they’ve got nearly 500 posts so if you’re looking for a little boost, that oughta cover you for a while.

Which one is your favorite and why?

Tell us in the comments.

The post This Instagram Account Specializes in Inspirational Signage appeared first on UberFacts.