Aestheticians Share Their Biggest Client Horror Stories

Not every job is a glamourous endeavor.

Sometimes you work in the deep underbelly of the world, making things work behind the scenes and helping society function as a silent hero.

And then there’s aestheticians, people who work in salons or a spa and remove unwanted hair—often with wax.

And sometimes things go wrong. Beauty isn’t pretty, it would seem.

Also, in case it wasn’t obvious, some of these stories are certainly NSFW.

Be warned.

Reddit user, Hairy-Whodini, wanted to know:

“People who shave or wax private parts for a living – what are your horror stories?”

It’s Nature

“Laser Tech for 4 years. Lady started her period on the table mid session. Luckily the area was completely covered for sanitization and I was almost done zapping her. Finished up and sent her on her way.”

“She was MORTIFIED, I felt bad for her. Not her fault, aunt Flo is a nasty cruel bitch sometimes. Lol. She gave me a generous tip tho, that was nice.” ~ JadedFennel999

Stepping Up To Be Practiced On

“I wasn’t the practitioner but my BF and I were practice models thanks to my high pain tolerance and he was the only male willing to do it. They did sugaring practice…”

“I had a girl get her hand sugar wax glued to my arm for 20 minutes, another get her hand stuck literally to my bf ass cheeks, and a third girl got her glob of wax stuck to her own face.:.all in the span of one session.”

“I felt so bad for them, the trainer had to go get the dissolve spray stuff to unstick everyone.”

“Also one girl apparently accidentally got a tampon stuck to the wax and pulled earlier that week…” ~ S3xySouthernB

Missing. Parts…

“My mom was an aesthetician and she told me of a horror story she had. A woman came in for a Brazilian waxing, a regular of my mom’s.”

“My mom said that she must have been dehydrated that day, which can make the skin easier to tear, because when she pulled the strip way, she ripped her lady bits. Blood everywhere.”

“My mom described it as ‘looked like a bowling ball down there’.”

“The woman was totally chill and made a joke saying something along the lines of ‘I guess I won’t be having sex for a while!’ It took a while to heal but she eventually did go back to my mom as a regular again.”

“And made sure she was hydrated.” ~ 

The Worst Class Of All Time

“When I was in cosmetology school, we had to practice Brazilians on one another. My usual class partner (who was chefs kiss at waxing) wasn’t there for the day it was my turn to be waxed, and I was partnered with another girl.”

“I liked her as a person but omg she had no idea what she was doing.”

“She wasn’t pulling my skin at all so I was trying to grapple down there and make everything taut. She was waxing in improper directions, and PULLING THE STRIP THE WRONG WAY THEN HAVING TO REWAX AND DOING IT AGAIN.

“A classmate stood over my face at one point and asks ‘how’s it going?!’ and I SNAPPED. Do NOT approach me while my coochie meow meow is being massacred.”

“The prof ended up having to take over. By the end of it, I had burns, some tears, and my entire no no square was red for a week. 0/10 do not recommend.” ~ funnygirlsaywhat

Take. A. Shower.

“I talked to a beautician friend about this once so I’ll just get the big one out of the way…”

“People who don’t wipe properly and lie about it like they did.” ~ MrShortPants

“Who the f-ck doesn’t shower before this sort of thing?” ~ prostateExamination

Even The Instructors Get It Bad

“Not my story, but our teacher in beauty school. She was waxing someone on her period (not uncommon, just wear a tampon) and she didn’t realize that the wax had stuck to her tampon string.”

“When she went to pull the strip, the tampon flew out and was obviously an embarrassing mess. Now we’re taught to put an applicator over the string or push it out of the way while laying the strip.” ~ supagirl277

“One of my instructors in beauty school told us about when she was a student and her class learned to do waxing (back then cosmetologists in my state were taught to wax everything but these days we only do neck and above).”

“Her instructor grouped the ladies up and then told them, ‘ok, go ahead and remove everything below your waist’ and the students proceeded to wax each other. Talk about getting to know your beauty school pals well!” ~ BurningValkyrie19

Please Don’t Talk To Me…

“While in esthetics school during Brazilian training I was a model for 2 girls. One of the girls spreads my butt cheeks apart to the point my skin was hurting to evaluate the situation and she commented on how nice my butthole was.”

“Will say it was extremely awkward and interesting sitting there on all 4s while they wax me lol. Just for reference, typically when waxing you start from the back coming forward or at least that’s how we were taught” ~ Kashhuu

Take. A. Shower. People. It’s Not That Hard.

“Oh wow I have so many. I am a full body waxer and I probably do 15-25 Brazilians a day.”

“The amount of women who come in with poop in their butts is ASTOUNDING. Like it’s a regular topic of convo between me and my coworkers.”

“I used to have a male Brazilian client who would always tell me I was hot during his wax and then ask me to leave the room when I was finished so he could get dressed (in private, after I already saw the whole kit and caboodle??).”

“And then there would always be a mountain of tissues in the garbage. Not discreet bro.” ~ msnic21

Throw Away The Entire Internet

“A coworker was doing this nice lady’s bikini. When the time comes to do around the butthole, the lady grins and says « you’ll get a little surprise! »”

“So coworker, of course, wants to know what she means, client tries to get cute by going « oh, you’ll see, haha! » Coworker stands her grounds so the clients finally says that she was back from a trip where she got some sort of butt worms that she called her « little buddies » and that she says are « very cute, haha! »”

“Coworker sent her out without touching the client’s butt.” ~ Leipreachn

“Oh Damn. I’m leaving my phone in the garbage just reading that. Goodbye!” ~ RegularLisaSimpson

Just All Of The Worst Stuff

“STDs, unknown smells, unknown discharge, and a guy who blew his load everywhere while I was waxing his balls. Beauty industry is not glamorous at all.” ~ _3309

Oh. My. Lord.

I think I’ve hit my TMI limit.

Doctors Share Their Craziest ‘I’m Glad You Mentioned That Symptom’ Moments

Believe it or not, doctors are human, too. They don’t always get it right and it can be difficult to narrow down symptoms and come to conclusions.

That’s why many of them might ask you a million questions–or repeat some that you were under the impression you had already answered.

Doctors depend on you just as much as you depend on them! That’s why it’s up to patients to advocate for themselves and be as open, direct and as honest as possible about any and all of their symptoms.

As you can imagine, all doctors have crazy stories about how they were able to come to a diagnosis… and how it came down to a patient mentioning something, no matter how innocuous it might have appeared on the surface.

Doctors—and some patients—told us about medical problems eventually detected and treated after a Redditor asked:

“Doctors of Reddit, what’s your ‘I’m glad you mentioned that symptom’ moment’?”

“The oncologist decided to stage the cancer immediately…”

“Family member recently had a breast cancer diagnosis and in passing mentioned their hip hurting really badly. The oncologist decided to stage the cancer immediately and it had spread to the bones, specifically the hip and spine.”

“Was encroaching on the spinal cord…they started radiation fairly quickly and were able to control its progression on the spine before starting hormonal treatment. But it’s a good thing they did mention the hip pain as they usually don’t like to “complain” as they put it.” ~ surfinwhileworkin

“She was relatively young…”

“Absolutely lovely patient presented with low back pain. We worked together for a few weeks, she was getting better, and she mentioned she got up several times a night to urinate. She was relatively young, that isn’t super normal, so I asked how often.”

“Six to eight times a night! Not only was she exhausted from lack of sleep, she mentioned intercourse had been painful for years since the birth of her child. She thought it was normal, and just suffered through.”

“No one wants to talk about urinary or fecal incontinence or pain with intercourse, but it happens so frequently in reproductive age women I’ve started screening questions so I can direct people to pelvic floor physical therapy.”

“She caught up with me later and said the PT was life-changing.” ~ anthrologynerd

“20 minutes later…”

“I was a patient. I’d gone in to see one doctor, complaining of headaches. My eye was red and swollen, and I was sensitive to light. She said it was allergies and migraines, and told me to use eye drops and take Midol.”

“After two weeks, it was so much worse, so I saw a different doctor in the same building. I gave her all the same symptoms, but this is where I changed it.”

“I said, ‘The pain in my head is so bad, it’s only on this side, it feels like fireworks behind my eye, and I want to take a knife and cut my head right here’ – I pointed directly at my temple – ‘so the pressure can be released.’”

“Apparently the delusion of believing I’d survive that, combined with the way I described the pain, clicked something in her brain.”

“20 minutes later I was on the way to the ER with a diagnosis of orbital cellulitis which was eating its way towards my brain and had been for nearly three weeks. They were close to removing my eye and surrounding tissue but I luckily responded to the emergency antibiotics.”

“The pain was so bad that I was screaming even on morphine. Eventually, they switched me to Dilaudid when my dad mentioned that morphine didn’t help him or my grandfather. I guess we metabolize it too quickly or something?”

“So I learned two things that night: If I hadn’t mentioned how severe the pain was and the lengths I’d go to for it to stop, I don’t know if they would have caught it before there were more serious consequences.” ~ itsbadtonight

“I had stomach pains for months…”

“I had stomach pains for months and kept going back to my GP about it. We tried tons of different meds, but I still kept waking up in the night with this horrible stomach pain. Finally, probably my 7th or 8th appointment, I mentioned having shoulder pain when my stomach hurt.”


“She immediately knew I had gallstones and had to have my gallbladder removed. I think because I was young and in good health, it didn’t even occur to her until I mentioned the shoulder pain. Apparently, that’s a symptom of gallstones.”

“Doctors aren’t perfect, but people have to be their biggest health advocates. If I had just given up or gotten frustrated, I might never have figured out the problem.” ~ ScarletWitch2138

“Months later I started seeing flashes…”

“Patient here. My eye doctor mentioned in passing that I needed to come in if I ever saw new flashes or floaters. I am young but very nearsighted.”

“Months later I started seeing flashes. I wasn’t worried about it but did have my doctor’s voice in my head so I made an appointment. Sure enough, my retina had detached and I needed emergency surgery to save my vision.”

“I am so thankful the eye doctor casually mentioned that and I listened to my gut.” ~ moor1238

“I had a dude come in…”

“I had a dude come in with abdominal pain and vomiting. Had been vomiting for days. Was going down the surgical route with him until he mentioned that he showered up to 20 times a day to help with the pain.”

“Turned out he had classic cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome.” ~ kenhutson

“He also was extremely malnourished…”

“Doctor currently in residency here.”

“Had a patient I was taking care of in the inpatient medical ward who was admitted for seizures in the context of alcohol withdrawal.”

“He was a young guy who had become depressed due to several life stressors including divorce and losing his job which exacerbated his pre-existing alcohol use disorder.”

“He also was extremely malnourished (not uncommon in alcoholics) and had a very low BMI. Apparently, he had zero appetite due to depression. At one point he had started feeling better and his appetite improved.”

“However, his heart rate was consistently very high for no clear reason and he was experiencing palpitations. I had a hunch to check electrolytes and several had dropped to very low levels. The reason for this is something called ‘refeeding syndrome.’”

“Basically if someone has not eaten for a while and suddenly starts eating a lot, they become very insulin sensitive which can lead to electrolyte disturbances that can cause abnormal heart rhythms and even death.”

“We put him on continuous cardiac monitoring and aggressively replaced his electrolytes, but it was scary how at-risk he was to going into an arrhythmia simply for just eating food.” ~ PMME

“I had food poisoning once.”

“Google doctor.”

“I had food poisoning once. For a couple of days, I didn’t eat anything, couldn’t hold down much water. The vomiting passed, still didn’t feel like eating, could drink water though. Felt like death, really weak, on edge, like I was going to die.”

“‘Impending feeling of doom.’ – I Googled that phrase plus ‘food poisoning’ and came across electrolyte depletion.”

“One dose of rehydration salts and I went from ‘I feel the end is near’ to ‘F*ck, I’m starving, where’s the nearest Subway?’ in about 20 minutes.” ~ nousernameusername

“My doctors in the U.K. said I was just getting older…”

“Patient. I was getting awful brain fog, getting pretty sleepy in the day but almost insomnia at night, I’d get random heart palpitations that made me feel sick, manic states of anxiety at night, and I’d get a UTI pretty much every other month.”

“I felt like I was losing my mind. My partner at the time just said I needed to exercise and lose weight. My doctors in the U.K. said I was just getting older and the UTIs were normal for reproductive age.”

“I went to my doctor to talk about getting another set of antibiotics for a new UTI when I mentioned I had been getting some heart palpitations. Luckily he probed further and sent me for a blood test.”

“Turns out I have a lifelong autoimmune disease that attacks the thyroid, essentially depriving me of hormones and sending my adrenal gland into overdrive.”

“Now I’m medicated I no longer have any of those symptoms aside from afternoon sleepiness. I hate to think what state I’d be in if I didn’t get it sorted when I did.” ~ MD564

“This lady had been seeing nothing…”

“Black stools. Folks, if you’re having black poops for f*ck’s sake, mention that sooner rather than later.”

“This lady has been seeing nothing but black for MONTHS before she thought to mention anything. We found several gastric ulcers and a hemoglobin level that circled the drain.” ~ RowanRally

These stories are wild, and if you’re currently re-evaluating your prior approach to doctor’s appointments, then good. They’re there to help you, so you might as well be honest, right?

The lesson here, and we’ll repeat it, is be your own advocate. You are your best advocate.

Speak up!

You’ll be happy you did and doctors will thank you later.

Mall Santas Confess The Creepiest Thing A Child Has Ever Asked For

It’s Christmas and that means time to have a chat with Santa.

Have we been naughty or nice? What is on your list?

My mother used to take me to see mall Santa every year. And every year I’d ask for the common superficial gifts.

I always assumed the rest of my peers were asking for the same things. As I grew older I came to find out that was not the case.

People have been asking these mall Santas for things that could get all of us on a Dateline NBC episode.

It seems some kids think Santa is a hitman. That is a request that can keep you up at night.

Redditor SantasCousin wanted to get into some scandalous Christmas tales from all the mall Santas out there.

So they asked:

“People who have been Santa at the mall, what’s the creepiest thing a kid has asked you for Christmas?”

I have a feeling it won’t just be the children indulging in questionable requests and behavior.

Let’s get to some details.

Can I have the Leftover?

“Had a kid ask ‘Santa, what happens to all the dead kid’s toys?’.”  ~ marxroxx

“I feel like he just sees a business opportunity.”  ~ ReverseTuringTest

Boyfriend Santa Says…

My boyfriend is a Santa for private events, and has been doing it for over 20 years, so he has a BUNCH of stories.” 

“He was doing a private adults-only party, so all of the ladies were being a bit flirty, but nothing crazy. ‘Santa Baby’ started playing and the ladies dragged him onto the dance floor.”

“He shimmies a bit and goes to sit back down when a woman grabs him and starts grinding on him.”

“He tries to get away from her in character (‘What will Mama Claus think?’), but she keeps on grinding and starts to moan.”

“Finally, the hostess notices and gets her away from him, but she kept trying to get to him the rest of the night.”

“The saddest story was definitely when a little kid (4 or 5) crawled into his lap and, with a big, sweet smile, asked Santa.”

“’Can you make my mommy love me?’”

‘My BF has to hug the kid so he wouldn’t see him tearing up and told him that that was a request for a higher power and that he and Mama Claus would pray about it.”

“Kid seemed happy with that response.”  ~ nursejacqueline

Bad Elves

“I wasn’t a mall Santa, but one of the elves who took the pictures.”

“We had two Santas: one was narcoleptic and we had to keep waking him up, and the other would bring his own homemade bags of coal to give to the kids who would cry.”

“And we’d have to try to seize all the bags before he started his shift. That was a fun job.”  ~ craychel

‘get better and not die’

“Not a Santa, but I remember being in hospitals a lot as a kid with serious stomach issues.”

“I remember asking a mall Santa if I could ‘get better and not die’ once when I was about eight or nine years old.”

“When the mall Santa looked at me sadly and said he couldn’t do that, almost in tears, I asked if my old dog that died as a puppy could be brought back as a zombie so ‘we could both be dead together’.”

“‘And if I could come back as a zombie too so I could stay with my parents so they wouldn’t be sad’.”

“Looking back, that was really creepy and I think I broke the poor guy’s heart.”  ~ Emmax1997

For the Menu…

“I wasn’t a mall Santa, but I played one of his elves.”

“I think the worst thing a kid ever asked for was some reindeer sausage. He figured Santa could slaughter one of his reindeer for the venison.”  ~ Dubioushonesty

“Ikea in the UK sells, or at least used to sell, reindeer meat its delicious maybe he had some and wanted Santa to bring him more.” ~ homingstar

One Big Kick!

“Not a mall Santa but I was the ‘Best Buy Box’ for a number of Holliday seasons in the early 2000’s.”

“One year we set up a chair where you could take a picture with me. Soon it turned into people just telling me what they wanted for Christmas.”

“Sometimes I’d have a stack of $5 gift cards and I’d give them out randomly.”

“One kid sits down and says he wants to kick me in the crotch.”

“The suit was heavily padded and there was a good 10 inches or so from the bottom of the box to my love spuds.”

“Being 19 and wanting to put on a good show, I said sure.”

“Kid winds up and musters the best kick he had. I played it up even though he actually hit my thigh. I remember everyone thinking it was so funny.”

“I loved the early Holliday seasons working there. Some of my best memories came from those times.”

We had a fantastic management team who were like family.”

“Then it all changed and everything went sour. Such is life, I guess.”  ~ mcfuddlebutt

Security for Santa Please! 

“Former mall Santa, even bought a professional suit because I hated the one they provided. I got a few creepy stories that involves, college students and adults.”

“Kids: A little girl no more than 5 was screaming bloody murder when it was her turn.”

“Kids get scared of Santa, not that uncommon. Her dolled up mom was having none of her child’s tantrum and the Elves were pleading with her to not put the girl on my lap.”

“She did and at her kid instantly stopped screaming.”

“Just had this look of pure hatred at her mom for the remainder of the photo session.”

“I swear, I thought I was on Candid Camera (before YouTube y’all) it looked so acted out.”

“Attempting to talk to the little terror, I asked her what she wanted for Christmas, she looked at me and softly said just above a whisper, ‘for my Mommy to die’.”

“NOPED myself to a break after that one. It was the inside joke for the rest of the mall Santa season, (whispering to each other between kids) ‘I want you to die!!!!’”

“College Students: One rather lonely overweight gal kept getting in line several times a week to get pictures with Santa.”

“I was in college myself back then and I’m pretty sure she was working herself up to asking me out.”

“Extremely shy, awkward and had some hygiene issues.”

“She only paid for one of the photos but the elves remember seeing her throughout the week when I wasn’t on shift.”

“Apparently only got pictures with me.”

“Adults: I was in my 20’s and the perverted things the MILF’s whispered into my ear while sitting on Santa’s Lap were definitely something for the naughty list to be sure.”

“It became so frequent for the younger Santas to get groped, teased, etc…, that the Elves were told to stay close when adults got their pictures taken. Elf security to be sure.”  ~ Draidr

Bad Sister

“Not a Santa but was a kid that asked for my sister’s tears in a bottle.” ~ LMNOPede

“Today her tears, tomorrow her soul muahahahaha.” ~ WreakingHavoc640

Not a fan of babies…

“Not a mall Santa, but my fire department does a Santa visit to all the houses in my town.”

“We have a few guys dress up as Santa and we drive around going house to house in the fire engines.”

“One year when I was Santa we go to a house with a married couple and two kids.”

“The woman is clearly pregnant. The daughter, about 10-12, creeped the hell out of me.”

“I asked her what she wanted for Christmas and she looks at her I assume step mom and says dead pan. ‘I want the baby to die’.” 

“Jesus Christ, kid.” ~ pokemon-gang

A Kid’s POV

“I remember when I was a little kid, my sister asked Santa for a pony.”

“I was next, so I asked for rat poison… for the pony. 10-year-old me was an edgy little as**hole.”  ~ Redpeng11

For a stew or a spell?

“My grandmother was a Mrs. Claus, one year a kid asked for a dead chicken.” ~ memelordsupremelawd

People can be weird—all people, including kids.

And clearly kids are the weirdest.

I couldn’t do this Santa gig.

Or the elves or Mrs. Claus. I’d be turning kids and adults in to the authorities left and right.

I would also certainly have a stun gun on hand.

Geesh… whatever happened to asking for toys? Games? A puppy? Peace on Earth!!

This is more Halloween than Christmas.

Happy Holidays?

People Break Down The Best Pre-2000 Video Games

There have been some truly magnificent video games made over the past 20 years, but there are still definitely some true classics from before 2000.

Redditor carlstanza asked:

“What pre-2000 video game will always be a banger?”

Build Those Coasters

“Rollercoaster Tycoon ? -matuzo

“O how the theme park manager that wanted to kill and or trap guests till death came came out in all of us!” -Gomer428

“I made drinks free but toilets $100” -Brad_Breath

“The key was to make umbrellas cheap until is started raining. Then jack the price up to 15-20 bucks. Capitalism at its finest!” -chronoboy1985

“If I had guests who were angry I would drop them into a pit with entertainers and security guards. They could only leave if they were smiling. I didn’t want them to spread ill feelings about the park after all.” -Innercepter

“if you’re doing a mission that required a certain happiness rating, your best bet was to round up as many unhappy people as you can near the end and drop them in the lake. the trick was to kill them close to the end, so you didn’t get the safety violations dragging you down until after the mission cleared.” -skivian

“Zoo Tycoon, the original game was older than me and It genuinely was my childhood. It’s such a genuine shame you literally can’t access really anymore like Rollercoaster Tycoon. Microsoft just literally rerelease the game to be accessible everywhere and you’d make a killing.” -PyroTech11

Silos Needed!

“Command and Conquer Red Alert.”

“Granted it’s a slightly modded version I play still, but damn does it hold up nicely with a tight little community.” -schofield101

“Best. Soundtrack. Ever.” -DrainageSpanial

“I’m a mechanical, I’m a mechanical, I’m a mechanical man… that was the one my best mate use to run around and sing ?

“Age of Empires was another favourite x” -pikachu_cat

Absolutely Diabolical

“Diablo. I remember being like 5-6 years old and absolutely terrified of the butcher. ‘Ahh fresh meat!’” -AFerretWithAHuge

“And the caves had a sick metal soundtrack.” -DrunkPole

“My brother and I would watch my dad play. We were too young to be “brave enough” to play past the opening church levels, so the Butcher and Leoric were about as far as we would ever go on our own.”

“My dad used us to farm too. I managed to get the timing down on the duplication glitch, so I would just get him stacks of gold, potions, and scrolls while he was at work.” -Jester04

“I miss that! Actually having strong emotional reactions to video games. They are so much more immersive when you’re a child.” -ElbowStrike

“Diablo 2 is alive and well (if you ignore the awful servers lol). I’m playing it right now haha”

“They just remade it in more modern graphics and added QoL upgrades. Player base is extremely active right now” -ExileOnBroadStreet

“This was the greatest game of its time. I remember buying it when it said it needed a P60 but I was sure it would run on my DX4 100 that I’d recently built…it didn’t.”

“But when I was able to run it it was the best multiplayer experience I’ve ever had. Me and my mate spent weeks finishing it. Good old coaxial and IPX/SPX.” -blue_nowhere

“I was 8 when I started playing with my brother, and he said ‘go to hell’ and our mother gave him the meanest look.”

“‘No really I’m going to hell to defeat Diablo the lord of terror’” -Wyvern69

Classic Strategy, Still Going Strong

“Age of empires 2” -AdventurousExternal9

“The intro to the first game with the short clip of a guy running head first into a horse ass is still the most random shit of an intro to any game.” -Thehunterforce

“It’s got a robust community even in 2021. I will binge-watch matches on Youtube. It’s crazy how skilled the really good players are to be able to plan and execute so quickly.” -scrambled_cable

“I’ve never had much interest in the game, with maybe a total of a few hours played way back when it was new. I have watched almost all of Hidden Cup.”

“I think it’s mostly that I enjoy T-90’s enthusiasm and knowledge, but it’s also just a really good fair game for competition.” -onioning

“Very close to a perfect game imo” -aBitofRnRplease

“Definitive Edition fixes AI problems, which was one of the few issues in the original and HD Edition.” -pazza89

“Ranked multi is where it’s at. Incredibly well balanced game with how many race options?!” -Slateclean

StarCraft Lives On

“StarCraft” -Bartos565

“I often find myself thinking of cool features I’d love to see added to modern strategy games… only to remember that Brood War was already doing that 20+ years ago. Far and away one of the greatest games of all time.”

“If the pro players weren’t bored from 10,000s of hours played (and hadn’t moved on to MOBAs), I feel like it would still be one of the most-watched eSports.” -LeigusZ

“It still is one of the most watched esports and more illegal money moves through sc betting than any other esport.” -joedude

Reticulating Splines

“SimCity 2000. The music and sound effects still pop up in my head sometimes.” –Codfish_Joe

“‘YOU CAN’T CUT BACK ON FUNDING! YOU WILL REGRET THIS!’ Take it easy, Reggie, they’re just roads- oh I see…” -campex

“I loved building a city, and then exporting it to Streets of Sim City so I could drive around in said city.” -Jetshadow

“There are times that I make comments about towns that would only make sense to either civil engineers or sim city players.” -MikelGazillion

“The first game I lost several days to my life to.”

“I accidentally played all through the night without getting sleep 3 times in a row. Forced myself not to “just one more minute” the game and just go to bed.” -golgol12

Wahoo! Wahaa!

“Super Mario 64.” -PrxnceZuko

“(throws penguin off the cliff)” -UnsolvedParadox

“I’ve put a lot of hours into that since I got it Xmas’98. Helluva lot of fun.” -Randyfox86

“Even when you’ve done absolutely everything there is to do in the game, it’s still a blast to just run and jump around in.”

“You can speedrun it, you can make your own challenges, you can swoop through the moat with the wing cap at maximum velocity. It’s just a crazy fun world.” -DeathbyChiasmus


“Heroes of Might and Magic III” -joltsiboltsi

“Fell down a rabbit hole on HOMM on Friday, actually. It was so well done, used to play multiplayer with my friends and family. Brilliantly done, great story, great expansions, etc…”

“Reading up the wiki on the history, the changes with 3DO (before they went bankrupt), and so on was pretty wild.” -cavscout43

“I still play to this day.” -Jahzen6

“Same, I only play it every few years but every time I do I spend 8-10 hours straight playing. Been doing this for over 20 years.” -MrMooMooDandy

“Same. And for anyone looking to get back into it…”

“Don’t buy the HD edition on steam, buy the complete edition on GoG. And then if you want to go the distance. Go type in ‘heroes 3 HotA’ and download and install that.”

“It’s a player made expansion and balance patch. Also allows things like simultaneous turns in multi-player so you aren’t always waiting on your friends moves!”

“r/heroes3 is also a good reference!” –ApexIsGangster

It’s Truly Unreal

“Unreal Tournament is the best game nobody talks about anymore. It’s a goddamn crime that Epic just abandoned it.” -TheRealGrifter

“M-M-M-M-M-M-MONSTER KILL” -redx1105

“I used to play UT every day for years. Just one of the best gaming experiences for me.”

“It is a shame that Epic abandoned it.” -Teleneki

“I was spending hours jumping between buildings (morpheus map) with my rocket launcher. Loved this game. (*Similarly loved Quake 3 at the time).”

“To refresh memories, a sample of someone’s gameplay: -MACARLOS

I Serve The Flaming Fist!

“Baldur’s Gate.”

“Can’t count the number of times I’ve started, cheated, and stopped playing the first 4 hours of that game.”

“Edit: Just wanted to say, I actually recently(i.e.: about two years ago) bought the Enhanced Edition(and BG2EE, and Planescape, and NWN1EE and 2, and Icewind Dale….) and played through it and BG2, as well as the little bridge campaign they built (Siege at Dragonbridge?).”

“Had a fantastic time and will definitely be doing it without cheating one of these days. ? (I used big boy cheats to give my character like 200 9th level spell slots and just steamrolled from one side of the game to the other just to get the story)” -Alouitious

“My mother who never ever played videogames actually played through a few baldurs gates. It has to be on the list.” -BaronVonBadAsh

Hero Of Time

“Zelda OOT [Ocarina of Time]” -evilblizzardemployee

“It was that long ago? You mean I’ve been hating the Water Temple since last century?” -Kamikaze_Bacon

“Since last millennium too.” -Fission_Mailed_2

“Came here to say this. Ocarina is infinitely replayable.” -tlermalik

“Maybe I’m just a freak, but I’ve always enjoyed Majora’s Mask more than OOT. MM just feels like a more complete and vibrant world.”

“OOT is relatively unpopulated and lonely when I’ve replayed it recently.”

“Both are fantastic though.” -Piano_Fingerbanger

The graphics in older games might not be great, but some of the gameplay mechanics and stories are amazing.

They’re definitely worth giving a try if you didn’t play them when they first came out.

People Break Down The Best Pre-2000 Video Games

There have been some truly magnificent video games made over the past 20 years, but there are still definitely some true classics from before 2000.

Redditor carlstanza asked:

“What pre-2000 video game will always be a banger?”

Build Those Coasters

“Rollercoaster Tycoon ? -matuzo

“O how the theme park manager that wanted to kill and or trap guests till death came came out in all of us!” -Gomer428

“I made drinks free but toilets $100” -Brad_Breath

“The key was to make umbrellas cheap until is started raining. Then jack the price up to 15-20 bucks. Capitalism at its finest!” -chronoboy1985

“If I had guests who were angry I would drop them into a pit with entertainers and security guards. They could only leave if they were smiling. I didn’t want them to spread ill feelings about the park after all.” -Innercepter

“if you’re doing a mission that required a certain happiness rating, your best bet was to round up as many unhappy people as you can near the end and drop them in the lake. the trick was to kill them close to the end, so you didn’t get the safety violations dragging you down until after the mission cleared.” -skivian

“Zoo Tycoon, the original game was older than me and It genuinely was my childhood. It’s such a genuine shame you literally can’t access really anymore like Rollercoaster Tycoon. Microsoft just literally rerelease the game to be accessible everywhere and you’d make a killing.” -PyroTech11

Silos Needed!

“Command and Conquer Red Alert.”

“Granted it’s a slightly modded version I play still, but damn does it hold up nicely with a tight little community.” -schofield101

“Best. Soundtrack. Ever.” -DrainageSpanial

“I’m a mechanical, I’m a mechanical, I’m a mechanical man… that was the one my best mate use to run around and sing ?

“Age of Empires was another favourite x” -pikachu_cat

Absolutely Diabolical

“Diablo. I remember being like 5-6 years old and absolutely terrified of the butcher. ‘Ahh fresh meat!’” -AFerretWithAHuge

“And the caves had a sick metal soundtrack.” -DrunkPole

“My brother and I would watch my dad play. We were too young to be “brave enough” to play past the opening church levels, so the Butcher and Leoric were about as far as we would ever go on our own.”

“My dad used us to farm too. I managed to get the timing down on the duplication glitch, so I would just get him stacks of gold, potions, and scrolls while he was at work.” -Jester04

“I miss that! Actually having strong emotional reactions to video games. They are so much more immersive when you’re a child.” -ElbowStrike

“Diablo 2 is alive and well (if you ignore the awful servers lol). I’m playing it right now haha”

“They just remade it in more modern graphics and added QoL upgrades. Player base is extremely active right now” -ExileOnBroadStreet

“This was the greatest game of its time. I remember buying it when it said it needed a P60 but I was sure it would run on my DX4 100 that I’d recently built…it didn’t.”

“But when I was able to run it it was the best multiplayer experience I’ve ever had. Me and my mate spent weeks finishing it. Good old coaxial and IPX/SPX.” -blue_nowhere

“I was 8 when I started playing with my brother, and he said ‘go to hell’ and our mother gave him the meanest look.”

“‘No really I’m going to hell to defeat Diablo the lord of terror’” -Wyvern69

Classic Strategy, Still Going Strong

“Age of empires 2” -AdventurousExternal9

“The intro to the first game with the short clip of a guy running head first into a horse ass is still the most random shit of an intro to any game.” -Thehunterforce

“It’s got a robust community even in 2021. I will binge-watch matches on Youtube. It’s crazy how skilled the really good players are to be able to plan and execute so quickly.” -scrambled_cable

“I’ve never had much interest in the game, with maybe a total of a few hours played way back when it was new. I have watched almost all of Hidden Cup.”

“I think it’s mostly that I enjoy T-90’s enthusiasm and knowledge, but it’s also just a really good fair game for competition.” -onioning

“Very close to a perfect game imo” -aBitofRnRplease

“Definitive Edition fixes AI problems, which was one of the few issues in the original and HD Edition.” -pazza89

“Ranked multi is where it’s at. Incredibly well balanced game with how many race options?!” -Slateclean

StarCraft Lives On

“StarCraft” -Bartos565

“I often find myself thinking of cool features I’d love to see added to modern strategy games… only to remember that Brood War was already doing that 20+ years ago. Far and away one of the greatest games of all time.”

“If the pro players weren’t bored from 10,000s of hours played (and hadn’t moved on to MOBAs), I feel like it would still be one of the most-watched eSports.” -LeigusZ

“It still is one of the most watched esports and more illegal money moves through sc betting than any other esport.” -joedude

Reticulating Splines

“SimCity 2000. The music and sound effects still pop up in my head sometimes.” –Codfish_Joe

“‘YOU CAN’T CUT BACK ON FUNDING! YOU WILL REGRET THIS!’ Take it easy, Reggie, they’re just roads- oh I see…” -campex

“I loved building a city, and then exporting it to Streets of Sim City so I could drive around in said city.” -Jetshadow

“There are times that I make comments about towns that would only make sense to either civil engineers or sim city players.” -MikelGazillion

“The first game I lost several days to my life to.”

“I accidentally played all through the night without getting sleep 3 times in a row. Forced myself not to “just one more minute” the game and just go to bed.” -golgol12

Wahoo! Wahaa!

“Super Mario 64.” -PrxnceZuko

“(throws penguin off the cliff)” -UnsolvedParadox

“I’ve put a lot of hours into that since I got it Xmas’98. Helluva lot of fun.” -Randyfox86

“Even when you’ve done absolutely everything there is to do in the game, it’s still a blast to just run and jump around in.”

“You can speedrun it, you can make your own challenges, you can swoop through the moat with the wing cap at maximum velocity. It’s just a crazy fun world.” -DeathbyChiasmus


“Heroes of Might and Magic III” -joltsiboltsi

“Fell down a rabbit hole on HOMM on Friday, actually. It was so well done, used to play multiplayer with my friends and family. Brilliantly done, great story, great expansions, etc…”

“Reading up the wiki on the history, the changes with 3DO (before they went bankrupt), and so on was pretty wild.” -cavscout43

“I still play to this day.” -Jahzen6

“Same, I only play it every few years but every time I do I spend 8-10 hours straight playing. Been doing this for over 20 years.” -MrMooMooDandy

“Same. And for anyone looking to get back into it…”

“Don’t buy the HD edition on steam, buy the complete edition on GoG. And then if you want to go the distance. Go type in ‘heroes 3 HotA’ and download and install that.”

“It’s a player made expansion and balance patch. Also allows things like simultaneous turns in multi-player so you aren’t always waiting on your friends moves!”

“r/heroes3 is also a good reference!” –ApexIsGangster

It’s Truly Unreal

“Unreal Tournament is the best game nobody talks about anymore. It’s a goddamn crime that Epic just abandoned it.” -TheRealGrifter

“M-M-M-M-M-M-MONSTER KILL” -redx1105

“I used to play UT every day for years. Just one of the best gaming experiences for me.”

“It is a shame that Epic abandoned it.” -Teleneki

“I was spending hours jumping between buildings (morpheus map) with my rocket launcher. Loved this game. (*Similarly loved Quake 3 at the time).”

“To refresh memories, a sample of someone’s gameplay: -MACARLOS

I Serve The Flaming Fist!

“Baldur’s Gate.”

“Can’t count the number of times I’ve started, cheated, and stopped playing the first 4 hours of that game.”

“Edit: Just wanted to say, I actually recently(i.e.: about two years ago) bought the Enhanced Edition(and BG2EE, and Planescape, and NWN1EE and 2, and Icewind Dale….) and played through it and BG2, as well as the little bridge campaign they built (Siege at Dragonbridge?).”

“Had a fantastic time and will definitely be doing it without cheating one of these days. ? (I used big boy cheats to give my character like 200 9th level spell slots and just steamrolled from one side of the game to the other just to get the story)” -Alouitious

“My mother who never ever played videogames actually played through a few baldurs gates. It has to be on the list.” -BaronVonBadAsh

Hero Of Time

“Zelda OOT [Ocarina of Time]” -evilblizzardemployee

“It was that long ago? You mean I’ve been hating the Water Temple since last century?” -Kamikaze_Bacon

“Since last millennium too.” -Fission_Mailed_2

“Came here to say this. Ocarina is infinitely replayable.” -tlermalik

“Maybe I’m just a freak, but I’ve always enjoyed Majora’s Mask more than OOT. MM just feels like a more complete and vibrant world.”

“OOT is relatively unpopulated and lonely when I’ve replayed it recently.”

“Both are fantastic though.” -Piano_Fingerbanger

The graphics in older games might not be great, but some of the gameplay mechanics and stories are amazing.

They’re definitely worth giving a try if you didn’t play them when they first came out.

People Explain The Reason They Walked Out Of A Job Interview

Job interviews are a major head game.

On one hand, they’re very exciting. An invitation to interview is one of the later steps in the journey to landing a new job.

And yet, they’re wildly performative, forcing us not to be ourselves, be polite, show off our skills and demonstrate general likability all in less than an hour.

It’s no wonder Redditor JimmySaulGene wondered about one of the more chaotic ways that could all go down.

They asked:

“People who walked out of a job interview, why did you do it?”  

For one person, it all came down to personality.

“Years ago, I went to an interview, and sat down with the man who was to interview me. Sat in silence while he read something on his computer for a few minutes, then waited for a minute or so while he looked over my resume (it was a small business, he is the same person who called me to set up the interview and he’d had the resume for a few days.)”

“He finally looked up at me and said, ‘Well, I’m not sure why you applied for this job; you really don’t have any of the skills or experience I’m looking for.’ He was just so arrogant and I felt like he was trying to make a power move to make a lowball offer.”

“I didn’t apply to any job that I wasn’t qualified for. I was just instantly pissed that he was playing games. I calmly said, ‘Then I’m not sure why you‘re wasting my time,’ and I stood and walked to the door.”

“He said something like, ‘Oh, no, let’s talk,’ and I told him I wasn’t interested in working for him.”

“I had a job already, I just wasn’t terribly happy with it, so I really didn’t feel like putting up with his b.s.” — RumBunBun

Another person was stunned by a big twist. 

“Showed up for a construction/trades workers ‘hiring event.’ I’m a plumber by trade and work was bleak as hell in my city at the time, so I went. Sh** looked legit until they sat us down to speak about the work scope.”

“They claimed to be one of the companies that were building Rogers Place in Edmonton. After they gave us sketchy details they said ‘however, if you don’t want to do that you can….’ And started speaking about how to do door to door sales of mostly chocolate in the higher end communities around the city.”

“They talked construction for maybe 15 minutes and the rest was door to door chocolate sales and unicef fundraising and how we can have an income of 150k+ a year doing that. I left probably 20 minutes into that. I had a friend who champed it out and stay the entire time. The stories he told me were hilarious.”

“Ironically, 30 minutes after I left, I got a call from a company who was actually a contractor on the Rogers Place job and ended up working for them for 4+ years.” — kokumslayer69

In this example, the Redditor was a fly on the wall.

“The guy interviewing me interrupted the interview to scream at one of his employees. Like red in the face screaming and berating the guy. And then tried to just pick up where we left off like it was nothing. No thank you.” — DrunkBeavis

This Redditor just had a bad feeling. 

“I’m a vet tech. Interviewed at a primary care, single doctor practice. The manager was over 25 minutes late to my interview. While I waited for her, the front desk staff ignored me while they talked crap about the techs, manager, and clients.”

“The manager said they did not believe in referring to any specialists, because ‘Dr. A is a specialist in everything from grizzly bears to canaries.’ He was not, he hadn’t even done a rotating internship and definitely had not done any type of residency program.”

“I had already worked in a toxic clinic, but at least the doctors were competent. When she asked if I had any questions, I just asked if I could have my resume back, so I didn’t waste the paper.” — Karbar049

This one was, well, just bizarre.

“Applied for a software developer position for an online retailer. First round of interviews was a traditional technical skills and whiteboard coding session, second round was a cultural fit interview with HR.”

“I assumed it would be an one on one interview with HR, it was a room with 20 something people applying for anything from legal to finance.”

“They asked us to stand up, then crawl into a ball and pretend we were flowers opening. At this point I honestly thought it was some kind of prank, then I saw everybody around me doing it.”

“I just said thanks for the opportunity and left.” — neolabaque

Another case came down to timing. 

“I once went to a job interview for a large welding shop, in the middle of a rain storm. After talking to the interviewer for 30 or so minutes, he walked me out to the shop floor to take a welding test. The machine we went to was in decent condition, but was literally sitting in a puddle of water.”

“The welding table’s legs were rusty and not grounded well, and also in said puddle. Over half the shop was flooded. I turned around and said ‘No thank you.’ Then proceeded to walk out the door. My life is worth more than $20 an hour.” — Alpha_Hellhound

This Redditor played with nothing to lose. 

“I should have; I stayed there out of morbid curiosity to see how low they would go, but I had made the decision I wasn’t gonna work there early in the process.”

“I’m glad I stayed. The last thing that happened in the interview was the CEO personally asking us all to promise that, if we ever make a mistake, the company will calculate how much that mistake cost us, and we will voluntarily pay the company that amount.” — Oudeis16

And of course, there was the guy selling snake oil. 

“I was approached at work (bagger for a major grocery store chain when I was 16) by a guy who asked me if I would be interested in making $1100 a week. He told me to meet him at one of the empty businesses in the same plaza after work.”

“He went on this long spiel about the melaleuka tree from Australia and how his company made soaps and shampoo out of it. Then he told me for $500 he would train me how to sell the products. I just turned and walked out the door with him yelling behind me that I would never amount to anything with my attitude.” — DeusEx-Machinist

This person strayed slightly from the prompt, but what a story. 

“Slightly different – I actually interviewed and was hiring by a call center that focused on getting donations for a variety of non-profit organizations (I was desperate). It was on a Thursday, and I was told to show up the following Monday.”

“When I showed up Monday morning, the entire business unit was completely empty. Like, stripped to the floor, wires hanging from the roof empty.”

“When I was there the week before, I saw around 20-25 cubicles of people all working diligently, a managers desk at the far back, and waiting area chairs with a table, all in one large room. To this day I have no idea what happened, I just know they got out of there quick in 3 days time.” — Digideegs

This Redditor found out how to have a good time regardless.

“Pyramid scheme advertised as ‘sales and marketing.’ “

“It was a group interview. They served wine for fu**s sake! They had obvious stooges initiating conversation about how great this opportunity was.”

“I got very drunk and stopped being polite about it.” — wonderbrawl

For most of us, interviews are pretty standard fare.

But should they turn out like one of these, feel free to show yourself out.

People Explain Which Household Items Need To Be Cleaned More Often Than Anyone Realizes

If you’re in your nice clean home just hanging out enjoying the cleanliness, this article might come as more than a little distressing to you.

Because your home is probably nowhere near as clean as you think it is.

Reddit user FoxMachine asked: 

“What common household item is rarely if ever cleaned, although it should be?”

So listen, we’re going to be honest with you.

If Thanos popped up right now and said the fate of the world depended on finding someone whose fan blades, air vents and lighting fixtures were completely dust-free … well … it’s been fun while it lasted.

Lets take a look at what else is likely to get us Thanos-snapped out of existence.

We’re Toast

“The bottom of my toaster is a graveyard of charcoal crumbs.”

– CubaGoodingIII

“Working from home I was in a meeting so boring I realized I hadn’t cleaned the crumb tray of my toaster in years.”

“Imagine a meeting so boring you think about the crumb tray in your toaster. And I wasn’t even in the kitchen.”

– JustaRandomOldGuy

Just Washing The Maggots

“Once a month,the dishwasher gets the full treatment in our house.”

“Some family members are plumbers. They’ve seen things. They’ve smelled things.”

“Fun fact: most dishwasher pumps fail because of maggots. Clean your f*cking catcher and rinse off the chunks, people.”

“Maggot eggs are eeeeverywheeeerre. You can also get mould mites, drain flies, cockroaches….it’s a humid, dark environment with food scraps.”

– Taleya

Component Care

“Your computer components and setup.”

“My mouse is clean as it’s easy to swab with a q-tip… my keyboard… my keyboard is one with the dirt. You can run it through the dishwasher and still have hair stuck.”

“I’m honestly not even exaggerating. I’ve had the same mechanical keyboard for 8 or 9 years and ran it through the dishwasher multiple times, but it’s impossible to get completely clean.”

“The key caps themselves never seem too bad, it’s just getting the film of grime and dirt out from under them and between the switches.”

– ApprehensiveAd3778

“Yeah, same with keyboard and mousepad, they’re absolutely disgusting.”

“Oh yeah and DO NOT forget the chair, I found moldy food under the pillows of my friends gaming chair. one of the most disgusting things ever.”

– marcago

You Need To Shampoo That

“SOFA! maybe because it’s so hard to clean your sofa, but it’s really dirty and has dirt all over the years.”

– thitgahamtonghop

“I shampoo mine about once a month. The water is always brown.”

“I know people who have NEVER shampooed theirs. I can’t even imagine the water.” 

– Gingerbrew302

“Here in Germany, we have several stores which rent out for free a big… Wet vacuum?”

“In one container, you fill a soap solution. You spray it on the sofa.”

“The vacuum then takes in the solution and dirt. It is often shocking.”

– Joe_Rapante

That’s Not A Paint Job


“I went around my place last winter after I lost my job and started washing all my walls. My family was telling me it looked like I painted them.”

– Smil3yAngel

“I have a steam mop that has a handle that detaches so it’s like a wand.”

“I steam cleaned my bathroom walls because the previous tenant was a smoker and had that nasty yellow residue on the walls. Biggest pain in the ass project, but totally worth it.”

“Cleaning my other walls is on my to-do list.”

– spitfire07

If That’s Dirty, So Are You

“Shower curtains they get so nasty people!”

– Rat_Queen91

“I don’t understand how people let theirs get so nasty. My brother’s is slightly moldy on the bottom.”

“My last place was really (pre 1920s) old with a sh*tty bathroom and mold build up in the grout around the shower/wall tiling.”

“There was also a full sized fucking window in the shower (of all places to put a window lol) with unsealed wood trim that got moldy too!”

“I don’t know how my room mates could stand it! I replaced the shower liner every few months on my own due to mold, because they just wouldn’t.”

“So glad I moved somewhere new, no one should have to fear that they are breathing black mold every time they shower.”

– QuasarsRcool

Dangerously Dry


“Once every 4-6 weeks. Lint blocks the air. It’s a fire hazard and a bad hair day hazard.”

– Steen70

“I almost bought a new blow dryer one time because it had become so useless.”

“I realized how clogged with lint it was, cleaned it out, and it was like brand new!” 

– pink_mango

Cabinets Shouldn’t Be Sticky

“In your kitchen: The underside of your cabinets (as well as the top of them if you can).”

“All of the food you cook, sautee, etc. sends tiny particulates of oil and other parts of your meal into the air. It settles on all surfaces, but you clean most of them regularly.”

“The top of your cabinets is usually ignored, but it can develop quite the gunky buildup if you don’t do a fairly regular cleaning. Say, once a month or so.”

“The underside of cabinets – especially near your cook surface – should be cleaned every week or so. That oil and muck will eventually start to dry and cake on, attracting bugs and rodents and emiting a not-so-fresh smell.”

“Get a good degreaser cleaner and give those surfaces a thorough cleaning.”

– ilikemrrogers

“Can” You Imagine?

“Can opener. Look at yours and despair.”

– IAmEggnogstic

“I literally never even thought of washing one until i moved in with my wife. Blew my mind when she threw it in the dishwasher”

– 1seacow

“Isn’t it the dirtiest thing in the house? I’ve seen that a lot. Because people never think to wash them.”

– appleparkfive

“The blade under your automatic can opener.”

“People use it for all sorts of things like dog food. It can get gross.”

– chillflyguy33

Phone Check

“How often do you clean your phone?”

“How often do you check your phone in the bathroom?”

– FatsDominoPizza

“Your phone.” 

“If you actually use it for calls then it’s covered in your face oils, spit and germs from your mouth, and possibly ear wax.” 

“If you’re a normal person who just texts a lot, then it’s covered in everything you and your grubby little hands have touched.”

– Reddit

The Lid

“This is funny. I just noticed yesterday that I rarely clean the inside-top of my rice cooker.”

“Cleaned it last night and was like ‘I use this weekly and have never wiped this part down.’ Made me feel gross but yea.”

– [Reddit]

So now that you’ve seen what Reddit has to say, let’s talk about you.

What unclean horrors are you suddenly realizing you might need to clean?

Sound off!

People Describe What They Actually Used Their Personal Computer For In The 1980s

During the Super Bowl of 1984, Apple debut a commercial inspired by George Orwell’s dystopian novel 1984. The commercial was announcing the release of their first personal computer called the Macintosh.

But was the computer actually used to keep “Big Brother” and the threat of totalitarianism at bay like the commercial said it would?

We went to AskReddit to find out what people were actually using their new computers for in the mid 80s.

Redditor incrementaler asked:

“People that had a personal computer in 1984, what did you actually use it for?”

Here’s a list that’s sure to spark some nostalgia.

The games.

“Lode Runner.” – John-Musacha

“And Wizardry!” – OneSidedDice

“And Archon.” – hossbeast

“I’m actually trying right now to get Lode Runner to work in my PC emulator I’ve been writing….” – valeyard89

“I remember a good friend of mine introducing me to that game. I can’t recall how many levels there were, but I think we made it in to the 120’s? We would challenge each other by making our own maps. That was a great game!” – MickeyRipple

“My father has a Mac SE with a Rodine hard drive that still works and plays lode runner (as long as you have the license disk!)” – stevebri

“Hunt the Wumpus.” – fireshitup

“Adventure international expanded on that if I remember correctly…” – Eticket9


“Got my first computer in 1983. A Commodore 64 with a 1541 disk drive and a dot matrix printer. I used it for homework (writing papers), but mostly for games. First game I ever played was Zork and the second was a game called Blue Max. (flying/shooting game)”

“By 1984, I also had a 300 baud modem and went online, calling BBSs and joining Q-Link in 1985. Q-Link would, in 1989, become America Online. But, it was mostly BBSs, because Q-Link cost money and the BBSs were free.” – BranWafr

“Zork is a text adventure, something that would’ve probably cost around $40. The computer itself was $595 at launch, but various retailers have cut the price down to around $99 in the 1990s.”

“You’ll also need a disk drive, which costs around $400 for a 1541 disk drive. The price would be just a little over a thousand dollars, at $1035. You would also want a display device, but normally you can use your home TV if it has an RF or composite output.” – pixdoet

“I loved Blue Max…that was a great game! I typed in SpeedScript from Compute’s Gazette magazine and used that word processor through high school and my first year of college.” – sdtopensied

“I remember seeing commercials for something I think it was called prodigy.” – Jolly-Idea-5079

“At the time the big, national online services were Q-Link, Compuserve, and Prodigy.”

“Soon after there was also GEnie, which I joined and where I discovered Babylon 5 since Joe Straczynski was a GEnie member and was talking about the show as he created it and filmed the pilot. That was a lot of fun…” – BranWafr

The bulletin boards.

“Games, using bulletin boards.” – SlimChiply

“That’s about all there was then. Oh, and learning how to write code.” – jcpmojo

Writing you own software package.

“Games mostly. But I also wrote a bowling league software package my dad used for around 8 years! Trs-80, Coco 3, Commodore 64.” – hagemeyp

“Yeah, I had my trash-80 as well. But it was a real computer. Originally has a cassette device for loading and saving software and ultimately hit a disk drive.” – Stay-Thirsty

“I had Trash 80s at school and a C64 at home. And my friend had an Apple IIe. I got to cover all the bases.” – BranWafr

Learning to code.

“Learning to code in good ole BASIC. Playing games that you typed in from the back page of a magazine.” – xilog

“Spending hours typing them in, only to have it crash, then spending another hour going through line-by-line and finally finding one misplaced comma.”

“Of course, that’s assuming the programs worked in the first place. More than a few had typos, and those were the worst. Especially since the code normally wasn’t commented, which is a terrible practice to teach kids.” – APeacefulWarrior

“I had a commodore 64. I used it to print basic word documents that looked like a typed page and spent hours typing in program code from a book so I could see 3 balloons float across the screen in different directions.” – Dapper-Dance5549

“I remember when I was a little kid hearing stories of my grandpa spending loteral hours and hours typing a code just for a ‘song’ to play like 5 notes on repeat.”

“It was beeps also. Not atcual music like today. Sounded like those old Nokia ring tones. But just 5 beeps of a different pitch.” – TaintedTruth222


“I was in college and set up a Radio Shack TRS80 with a dial-up modem that connected to the University mainframe. While other kids were stuck in the computer lab (think rows of dumb terminals) late into the night, I sat in my apartment and did assignments any time I wanted.”

“Game changer.” – dartdoug

“Games, typing essays for school.”

“My teachers hated my dot matrix printer.” – I_only_eat_triangles

Definitely not that.

“Not porn.” – TheFutureIsAlmostNow

“No back then it was a tape.” – Jolly-Idea-5079

“You didn’t have copy of Strip Poker by Artworx?” – Amiiboid

“I also didn’t wait for it to download line by painstaking line.” – theriveryeti

An oversized calculator.

“Tried to calculate 2+2. Somehow, I got a 5 as a result.” – EarlyGalaxy

“I had one at work as a process engineer for an electronic component manufacturer. On Lotus 1-2-3 (spreadsheet), I had to set calculations to manual mode from automatic. It would keep the machine from getting paralyzed after each keystroke.”

“I was tasked with getting an ultrasonic scanner mated to a fancy new x286 computer To replace our 1960s vintage analog scanner. What junk.”

“Way too much data for it to work. The cutting edge in computers was pretty blunt.” – Apical-Meristem

Writing letters.

“I received a Commodore VIC-20 as a birthday gift in 1984. It didn’t even run on floppy disks; it had a cassette drive.”

“I used it to play Hangman and Galaxian and a couple other crappy games.”

“I could also write letters and print them out on the archaic dot-matrix printer. One page took about five minutes to print.” – filthy_lucre

“Making greeting cards and posters.” – throwawayb122019

Union work.

“Xerox that ran CP-M. Had a really primitive spreadsheet program we used to keep track of union membership, dues, and print mailing labels. Still have it. Still works. Including the printer.” – ccie6861

“That’s funny. If you buy a printer today it will not last long.” – Jolly-Idea-5079

There wasn’t a lot people could do back then, because the technology was so new.

Games were still incredibly huge back then, but the internet hadn’t really started to get even close to what we know it to be today.

So much has changed in the past few decades.

It’s incredible to think we only used computers for coding, games and essays. Now, we hold them in the palm of our hand.

History Buffs Share The R-Rated Facts That Don’t Get Taught In School

I love history.

It’s a lifelong soap opera because history is actually riddled with drama and crazy.

But most of it is hidden from us.

Why is that? Don’t educators realize that the more salacious it is the more everyone will pay attention?

I’ve learned things about the past out of school that would’ve gotten me an “A” in class, because my attention would’ve been peaked.

An unknown Redditor wanted to get into some scandalous information we missed out on when we were younger.

They asked:

“Knowledgable Redditors, what are some R-rated facts about history that usually get left out of the average middle/high school classroom?”

Let’s get to learning.

Snip, snip, snip…

“JFK was the first US President to be circumcised. He was 22 at the time.”  ~ otis_the_drunk

The Most Powerful Symbol

“Ancient Romans drew penises on everything.”  ~ CorporalThornberry

“They also wore necklaces with winged cocks on them.”

“It was replicated recently by a jewelry company and turned out to look like a cock-cross so the Catholics all said nay nay and they cancelled it.”

“Source:“.  ~ rezlang

Hiding the truth…

“Powdered wigs became popular because they hid the baldness caused by syphilis, which was rampant in Europe during the 17th century.”  ~ Reddit

“Another crazy fact about these wigs, right before the French revolution.”

“The wigs the French aristocracy wore at the time were massive. To keep them from losing shape, they starched them.”

“Meaning they used edible grain to create wig starching powder. While the population couldn’t afford to eat because a loaf of bread became more expensive than a week’s wage.”

“It’s no wonder the revolution started and ended the way it did. French aristocracy was literally using foodstuffs to make their giant wigs stay up.”  ~ Mister_Dink

How Very Fifty Shades of It All

“History is really, really kinky.”

“Some ancient temples and holy places, especially in India, depict acts that range from orgies to bestiality.”

“Temple prostitute is one of the oldest professions and were widely accepted in early history, showing up as early as the Epic of Gilgamesh, which coincidentally also featured bestiality.”  ~ xenomorphs_at_disney

“Considering the number of ancient cultures that had ‘God have sex with animal’ as a prominent story it amazes me that people don’t realize how prevalent it has been throughout history.”

“I mean, there’s a whole story about Loki turning into a horse and doing it and birthing a superhorse, not to mention all the Roman/Greek deities gettin’ crazy.”  ~ losian

Oh My Anne…

“The diary of Anne Frank also included detailed accounts of her exploring her sexuality/ masturbation which was quickly edited out before it was published.”  ~ bttrflyr

“That was brave when she was living in a small space with several other people. I mean the masturbation is one thing, but writing about it in front of people with little to do? Damn.”  ~ Merle8888

Sacrifice the Children

“Infanticide happened through ‘almost’ every culture, on every continent, throughout history, to a significant degree.”

“Sometimes gender was a factor, sometimes it wasn’t. Ancient Egypt was the exception, but unwanted kids usually became slaves instead.”  ~ TimelyKaleidoscope

“The biggest reason in Christian Europe was birth defects.”

“A daughter could still pull her weight on the farm but a child with spina bifida or Downs or missing limbs couldn’t.”

“This was even worse than it seems because the rural poor, who made up over 90% of the population, were so inbred that up to one in eight children were born with an identifiable defect.”  ~ Reddit

“Pretty much. And there were myths that grew around these things to justify them, such as human beings being switched with troll babies, identifiable because the switched baby seemed sick and wasn’t thriving.”

“They were supposed to basically torture it until their ‘real’ child was returned.”  ~ TimelyKaleidoscope

A Scandalous Expedition 

“The were able to follow the trail of Lewis and Clark by finding mercury. Which they were taking to combat syphilis.” ~ Klaxon722

“York, Clark’s slave who accompanied the Corps, had a lot of sex because of his curiosity as a Black man.”

“Few Whites were ever in the area at all and no Black person ever made it that far up. It was mostly French trappers and Russian or Spanish explorers.”  ~ AudibleNod

2 is Too Many

“Twins were a scourge and were left in the wilderness. What a burden to a family.”

“I think we don’t appreciate how besieged by death and illness everyone was. A family could have 20 children and see 5 raised to adulthood.”

They weren’t inured to it or callus, they loved and grieved their children the same as we do.”

“They had God, family, friends, and untreated depression, alcohol, and suicide to get through it. And a lot of hard work.”

“So killing an infant they can’t care for was a mercy for the children they already had.”

“If you have 5 mouths and money barely to feed the 7 of you, it is cruel to all of you to bring in another 1 or 2 and make the lot of you starve.”

“Even more so if that child is born with a mark on them that shows it won’t make it past a few months or a few years.”

“Why starve 2 children when you can kill only 1? They didn’t do this cheerfully.”

“They did it to survive.”  ~NotMyHersheyBar

The Stench of It All

“Not R rated on its own, but have you ever considered how smelly history would be?”

“Imagine the signing of the declaration of independence.”

“A reportedly hot day, during a time when people didn’t bath often, people wore a bunch of layers, and you have a bunch of dudes packed into a room for hours.”

“The R rated part, all of these people had sex. And it would smell so bad.”  ~ jpterodactyl


“The Aztecs would wear someone’s skin for days until it peeled off as a ritual sacrifice to the maize goddess during the new harvest season, the skin was supposed to represent the husk of corn and how it would dry up and peel off the cob, also around this time they would have priests wear penis hats to represent fertility.”  ~ lizardlord217

“Let’s be honest, it’s the Aztecs we’re taking about.”

“A literal society based around human sacrifice, whose founding myth involves the revelation that the gods wanted human sacrifices “‘ike tortillas fresh off the griddle.’ (I.e., early and often).”

“What do you think the answer is?”  ~ DowncastAcorn

Now that is fun.

We really should scatter the fun with the just OK parts of history.

Scandal is the bedrock of every nation.

Just let the freak flag fly!

People Explain Which Facts May Sound Fake But Are Absolutely True

A lot of us enjoy discovering unusual and wild facts, but honestly, sometimes the facts we discover are so out there, we struggle to believe they are true.

Some of us even become angry when we discover something is true, because it’s so hard to believe!

Redditor ejaybugboy asked

“What’s a terrifying fact that keeps you up at night?”

Some enjoyed thinking about the days of the week.

“Here is the etymology of the days of the week in English:”

“Sun’s Day”

“Moon’s Day”

“Tir (Tew)’s day”

“Odin (Wodin)’s day”

“Thor’s Day”

“Freya’s Day”

“Saturn’s Day”

“Two celestial bodies, four Norse gods, and suddenly one asshole from the Roman pantheon for no godd**ned reason. What the f**k is Saturn doing there?” – IronOhki

“I like how they’re called in Serbian:”

“• Utorak (Tuesday) – Taken from old Slavic and means ‘second.’”

“• Sreda (Wednesday) – Means ‘middle.’”

“• Četvrtak (Thursday) – Means ‘fourth.’”

“• Petak (Friday) – Means ‘fifth.’”

“• Subota (Saturday) – Derived from the word ‘sabbath.’”

“• Nedelja (Sunday) – Means ‘not to work,’ or ‘the day when you don’t work.’”

“• Ponedeljak (Monday) – Literally means ‘after Nedelja,’ or ‘the day after the day when you don’t work,’ because laziness is on a whole other level here apparently.’” – TheCosmicSound

Others were more interested in wild animal facts.

“There are more privately owned tigers in Texas than there are wild tigers on the rest of the planet combined.” – j_flameIV

“Crocodiles can climb trees.” – MoravianPrince

“A flock of crows is called a murder. But a flock of ravens is called an unkindness or a conspiracy. Who even comes up with this s**t?” – thweet_jethuth

“Pretty much anything to do with naked mole rats. They are neither related to moles nor rats, they can use their teeth like chopsticks, they have the social hierarchy of bees, and oh yeah, THEY ARE COLD-BLOODED.” – JustAProxyForLurking

“In the cat family, cats can either roar or purr, but can’t do both. It’s to do with the structure of the throat.”

“Cheetahs can’t roar, but I hope you find some solace in the thought of them purring happily.”

“Incidentally, cheetahs are different from other big cats in another way too – they can’t retract their claws completely.” – Lenaandcats

Some were concerned about animal breeding for profit.

“English Bulldogs can’t mate naturally. The males are literally physically incapable of mounting the females, so they either have to be helped to do so, or the females are artificially inseminated.”

“The puppies are always delivered via cesarean section since their skulls would not fit through the birth canal. They will then live their entire lives with compromised breathing.”

“But you know, they’re so cute! With their little squished in faces and their adorable snorting!”

“Sorry… I get angry when it comes to purposefully breeding broken animals.” – kabjl

“Persian cats often have breathing problems and blocked tear ducts.”

“Breed two polydactyl (double pawed) cats together and you get kittens with eyes set very far apart and crooked front legs.”

“Intentionally breeding animals to create features people consider cute or fascinating at the expense of the animal’s health should be treated as animal cruelty.” – useatyourownrisk

There were crazy food facts, too.

“Bananas are berries but strawberries are not berries.” – NikiF**kingLauda

“Raspberries, blackberries, and boysenberries are also not berries.”

“Wanna know what else is a berry? A watermelon.” – Grayseff

Some had a lot of fun talking about words.

“Cannoli is already in plural form. The singular form is Cannolo.” – JimDumb22

“Coolth is an actual word and it’s the opposite of warmth. I love using it but my girlfriend fucking hates it.” – mackenzicles

“The terms ‘hardwood’ and ‘softwood’ have nothing to do with the actual hardness of the wood, but what kind of seeds the tree produces.” – Penguin_Out_Of_A_Zoo

“Inflammable and flammable mean the same thing. ‘Flammable’ is not considered a scientifically acceptable term for things-that-catch-fire-easily. ‘Inflammable’ is the proper term and comes from the word inflame.”

“But flammable caught on because inflammable sounds too much like resistant-to-being-caught-on-fire, which is potentially quite a dangerous misunderstanding.” – Guinefort1

“The word ‘Helicopter’ is not made up of the words ‘Heli’ and ‘Copter,’ but rather ‘Helico’ and ‘Pter,’ which are Greek for ‘Spiral’ and ‘Wing.’” – Zaptagious

“That ‘unlockable’ means both: Able to be unlocked AND Unable to be locked.”

“My 11-year-old pointed this out, and I had nothing for her other than a blank stare and then thinking, ‘Well, s**t. Good job.’” – jenfers

Some were interested in grammatically-correct sentences.

“The fact that this sentence is grammatically correct: ‘All the faith he had had had had no effect.’” – WoodyPoleSmoker

“Get ready:” 

“‘James, where John had had ‘had,’ had had ‘had had;’ ‘had had’ had had a better effect on the teacher.’ is correct.” – halatian6

Two Redditors knew a fun fact about potato chips.

“All crisps (chips for any Americans) in the UK go out of date on a Saturday. It annoys me because a smug friend pointed it out and i have been unsuccessful in proving him wrong.” – Rossco1874

“I had to Google this and found this from Walkers…”

“In the manufacturing sites, we work on production weeks which start on a Sunday. All product produced in that week will have the same Best Before date. As the week ends on Saturday, the Best Before date will always end on a Saturday.” – IsItMeYourLooking49

One Redditor described what would happen if sawdust was mixed with water.

“If you mix water and sawdust and freeze it, the resulting ‘ice’ melts extremely slowly. like, ‘weeks at room temperature’ slowly.” – btaylos

Some were entertained by unbelievable science facts.

“The fact that in an electric circuit, even though the electric current is electrons moving from negative pole to positive pole, the definition of a current flow is that it moves from positive to negative.”

“And similar misses in definitions in physics/science that was just decided to stay because changing definitions would be confusing at first.” – Versalis_A

Though some of the Redditors struggled to believe these facts were true, there was no arguing these facts were fascinating.

It’s an amazing reminder there is something new and fun to learn lurking around every corner.