What a Legal Substance That You’re Addicted To? Here’s What People Said.

Tacos. Chinese food. Pizza.

Those are my weaknesses.

And yes, I’m gonna go on the record today and say that I am 100% addicted to these legal substances.

I only eat them in moderation these days, but I can still dream about them as much as I want, right…?

Are you addicted to any LEGAL substances?

AskReddit users spoke up.

1. Recovering addict.

“Not so much anymore but I was very addicted to peanut butter.

It was somehow incorporated into every meal of the day for me for some time but one day I just stopped.”

2. Nasal spray.

“When I had a cold, I used this nasal spray that shrinks the blood vessels in the nose and makes it easier for you to breathe.

It is an over the counter drug store item and you dont need a prescription.

Once you stop using it, your nose clogs up or at least it feels like it because you used to breathe like a superhero for a week. The longer you use, the worse the withdrawals are.

I couldn’t properly breathe without it so I ended up using it for almost half a year.”

3. They are tasty.


I was a massive addict. I used to buy a couple whole boxes of them. I used to drive to Frito Lays to buy them directly from the factory because was the only places where you could buy this much without people asking questions.

What makes me stop was in one occasion i went to a “Colmado”(Is pretty much a 7/11 or mini market here at Dom.Rep). Told the guy “give me this just on doritos”. Was around 800 DPO, which is 14 USD One bag personal bag of Doritos is 25 DPO here.

Around 30 something bags of Doritos. The guy looked at me and told me “D**n. You just wiped my whole shelf. Now i need to call Frito Lays to bring me a couple boxes”. I looked at the empty shelf i was so embarrassed and disgusted of myself.

On my way walking home i started to gift them away to people. I kept like 3 bags, ate them and since them I slowly were reducing my numbers of Doritos at weeks for the next couple months. I stil love them, but I don’t have the impulse anymore.”

4. Slow down!

“Oreos… I can knock down a sleeve before looking down.

It only stops when the stomach pain sets in and even if it subsides for a moment, that moment will be filled with an Oreo.”

5. What a story.

“Sweet Baby Ray’s honey chipotle BBQ sauce.

I had a bad accident as a kid from drinking what I thought was Koolade but nope, so a very good portion of my tongue and cheeks got scar tissue. Since then I haven’t been able to taste a lot of foods.

I literally can not taste most bread, crackers, light soup broths, a few juices, etc. The worst easily is that I can not taste most red meats…

But for some reason, I’m super sensitive to honey and Smokey flavors and that sauce was a godsend. I am no medical doctor, and I don’t know how to explain it(?) but when I use it on something I not only taste the sauce but can actually taste a lot of foods I couldn’t before. So I put it on everything like a weirdo.

In the same vein, I also keep a small bottle of ghost pepper hot sauce as well but mostly for pasta as chipotle bbq doesn’t seem to work with most red sauces but the ghost pepper does?”

6. The better choice.


I gave up sm**ing years ago and substituted it with an addiction to chocolate.”

7. Comforting.

“I’m not even addicted to caffeine, but to the idea of coffee, that larger than life promise of absolute comfort and solution to any imaginable problem that a cup of coffee holds.

Whether you’re getting irritated by politics, experiencing legal trouble, your boss pi**ed you off, your personal relationships are a mess, you’re pondering the pointlessness of existence or have a small practical task you just don’t feel like dealing with, a cup of coffee is the obligatory first step you have to take to figure it out.

You have to spread it out over 3 hours and have someone nodding their head in understanding too as a part of the ritual. Enlightenment should follow.”

8. So good.

“Thin Mints.

Lucky is the first Girl Scout I spot each season. I’ll tell them “stay right there, don’t go anywhere.” Then I’ll go home and get my van. Come back as quick as I can hoping the girl hasn’t left the area. I’ll pull up, throw a bunch of money on the table and just grab what I came for.

I’ll load my prize in the back of the van, secure it well and take off. I’ve got a special place in my home where nobody can find them, but it’s easy for me to get to when I want to treat myself. Usually they’ll last a few months. Then I start looking forward to spotting the next lucky Girl Scout.”

9. Insomnia cocktail.


A lifetime of adult insomnia led me to search for stronger sleep cocktails and I took a Benedryl with Meletonin.

It got so bad I was up to a few every night but happy to report now I am down to a half and going to go down to zero soon.”

10. FOOD.

“Food. This isn’t a joke. It is 100% a real addiction.

When when you’re almost 400 lbs and unhappy with yourself, your brain still convinced you unhealthy eating is the answer to happiness. That’s a fu**ing addiction…but an addiction you need to feed into in order to survive.

Imagine being addicted to m**h, but you needed to take “healthy” less potent meth 3x a day to live. It would be impossible to overcome. That’s how I feel about food.”

11. Might want to look into that.

“Unintentionally, Codeine. I’ve had to take it for around 7 years now for a chronic pain disorder.

I don’t like crave it in the way people crave a ci**rette for nicotine but if I have a good pain day and I don’t need to take as much I get itchy and really irritable and dizzy.

So that’s fun.”

Now it’s your turn.

In the comments, tell us what legal substances you’re addicted to.

We can’t wait to hear from you!

The post What a Legal Substance That You’re Addicted To? Here’s What People Said. appeared first on UberFacts.

What Was Going to Be “The Next Big Thing”, but Flopped? Here’s What People Said.

I remember in Kansas in the 1990s, the town of Lawrence was referred to as “the next Seattle.”

This was the height of the grunge craze and Lawrence did (and always has) had a good music scene…but of course, that kind of recognition never came to Lawrence. So, no, it didn’t become “the next big thing.”

But that kind of stuff happens all the time.

What was supposed to be the next big thing, but it flopped?

AskReddit users shared their thoughts.

1. What’s the point?

“Amazon’s shopping buttons.

They pushed really hard for those and I never saw the point.”

2. Smaller = better?

For 20 years cell phones got smaller and smaller. Often being the main selling point of the phone.

Then all of sudden you could watch videos on your phone, and almost overnight the trend reversed to “larger is better”.”

3. Whoa.

“Soap Shoes.

These were like normal shoes, but you could grind on rails with them via an indent in the sole.”

4. Not working out?

“Not sure if this one has totally flopped yet, but I noticed while in Costco the other day that there are no longer any curved TVs.

If Costco is no longer carrying them then I think we can assume they’re going the way of the dodo.”

5. Do you remember?

“Google+ was supposed to be the answer to Facebook.

That was a lesson on how not to handle hype. There was so much hype around Google plus, it was infectious. But they refused to open it up to everyone and maintained a very hardline ‘invite only’ system.

Even once hype had peaked and there was a notable decline, still they maintained a small invite only system. I remember by the time they decided to open it up to everyone the hype was well and truly dead and no one bothered with it.

They should have cashed in when hype was high but they (I assume) got greedy, thinking the hype would just infinitely increase and people wouldn’t get bored waiting to get in.”

6. Moving on…

“3D TV.

Heard a stat from one of the 3D TV manufacturers that the average number of pairs of 3D glasses sold per 3D television was a number very much smaller than 1.

I think they were too embarrassed to actually tell everyone how tiny the attach rate was.”

7. Weird.


In the beginning, companies even bought real estate in there to allow people to visit them.

8. Didn’t work.

“Crystal Pepsi, New Coke, orange juice and toothpaste flavored Lays potato chips.”

9. Flop.

“The “Dark Universe” cinematic universe.

Starting with 2017’s THE MUMMY.”

10. History lesson.

“Quadraphonic entertainment systems in the early 1970s, were supposed to replace stereophonic systems.

Now they are chiefly remembered for inspiring the name of The Who’s second rock opera.”

11. The QB.

“Johnny Manziel.

I remember when he signed with CFL and everyone thought he was gonna absolutely dominate.


12. Ride the wave!

“Google Wave.

It was supposed to replace email with a more collaborative approach.

Essentially it was like a dynamically-created discussion board you’d share with select people and you could have a more readable discussion than one with a bunch of forwards and CCs and the like.

I thought it was a good idea, but it flopped big time and Google got rid of it after a few years.”

13. An obscure one.

“This one might be a bit obscure just because I’ve only ever met one other person familiar with it, but Google’s Project Ara modular smartphone was looking like it could’ve been the end all be all of smartphones.

Based off the Phonebloks idea of having a Lego-like hot-swappable module phone, the idea was that you could switch out any components of the phone on the fly. Camera, fingerprint scanner, even different quality screens.

Conceptually, it really looked like it could take over the phone market, as it would lead to people not having to buy whole new phones anymore, but rather replacement or upgraded parts to a phone they already liked, thereby reducing costs and increasing utility.

You don’t want a phone with 5 cameras that inflate the cost unnecessarily? Just buy a one camera module. You want a 1440P Super Amoled screen to replace your 720P regular screen? Buy one and swap it in.

However, like many Google projects, it d**d off for myriad reasons and the longstanding era of $1000 dollar smartphone slabs lived on.”

What are some more things that were supposed to be a big deal but flopped?

Talk to us in the comments.

We’d love to hear from you!

The post What Was Going to Be “The Next Big Thing”, but Flopped? Here’s What People Said. appeared first on UberFacts.

When a Girlfriend Stole From Him, He Tanked Her Academic Career

Most of the revenge stories on Reddit are examples of what happens if you mess with the wrong person. Some folks will just like, cut you out of their lives if you do something shi**y, but others?

The look you straight in the eye and say “f**k around and find out.”

This girl found out what would happen after she stole from her boyfriend, and I’ve got to think she regrets it now.

It began at University, where a young guy made a mistake that lots of young guys make in college (and also before and after) – he got involved with a girl who was waving around red flags like she was starting a race.

I’m a senior at a large state university. This happened in the first semester of my freshman year.

I was selected for an honors-type program that placed me in a co-ed dorm building with every other student in the program. As a dumb freshman, I rushed into a relationship with a freshman girl who lived right above me (we’ll call her Megan). It was convenient for me to date someone who lived so close, but everyone else in our building hated Megan because she talked a lot, and almost exclusively about herself. She bragged often about being a “fairly aggressive” person, but somehow I overlooked that mile-wide red flag.

Then his mom noticed that his debit card was being used more than usual (to order food). OP hadn’t made the charges and he asked his gf, who also denied it and suggested he cancel the card.

So, he called the bank.

Right after Thanksgiving break, at the end of an evening class, I got a call from my mom, who noticed some unusual activity on my checking account. Back then I had no credit card, so this account/debit card was my only access to my savings while I lived on campus. I rarely needed to buy anything during the semester, so I was puzzled to find that $104.29 had left my bank account over two weeks—in the form of six Grubhub food orders.

At this point, I trusted Megan, but I decided to ask her about the money right away. She denied any involvement and suggested that I cancel my debit card. After a really long phone call to the bank, I did just that.

When he reached out to GrubHub and they sent him receipts, lo and behold, his girlfriend’s name was on them.

They both had dining plans and plenty of cash, so there was no issue of her not being able to eat at school.

Next, I reached out to Grubhub customer service on Twitter: “Hey, my card was stolen and used for food orders on these dates. Can I have the receipts?” They sent me the first and last receipts, but they had to “redact” the personal info of the account holder. I say “redact” in quotes because they just used the Snapchat draw tool, and Megan’s name was still clearly visible on both receipts. What’s more: The most recent receipt was only two hours old. She was probably still eating when I chopped up my debit card!

It’s worth noting that she and I both had unlimited dining plans—paid for by our respective parents—and we lived 500 feet from the nearest dining hall. She didn’t need to order food, and she definitely didn’t need my money to do it.

I sent Megan a breakup text and decided that the $104.29 was a loss. At least I escaped unscathed, right?

She finally confessed (after yelling at him) and honestly, he thought that was that.

That was not that.

Well, less than two days later, she entered my room when I wasn’t looking. I was sitting at my desk when I noticed her standing silently behind me.

Megan: “Give me my stuff. Where’s my stuff?”

Me: “What stuff?”

Megan: “YOU KNOW.”

I did not know. She tore through the room, looking for something that she refused to identify. Just as quick as she came, she was gone, and I locked the door because obviously this wasn’t over yet.

Within a minute, she was back. She stood outside my door, knocking and demanding I let her back inside. The knocking quickly got more violent. She started shouting “I KNOW YOU’RE F***ING IN THERE!” and “OPEN THE MOTHERF***ING DOOR!” Mind that we lived in this building with students in our program who all know each other, and all of them could hear her. Pretty quickly, Megan was rattling the handle of my door. Next, she began throwing herself at it, shoulder-first, trying to break it down. I lived next door to my RA, but judging by the lack of any intervention, he was elsewhere. So I whipped out my phone and texted him to send backup.

Meanwhile, I saw my heavy wooden door bending and buckling. I even heard it crack a bit.

The other RA showed up and they managed to get her away from the door and find out what she wanted.

He returned the things (which were gifts) and hoped it was really over then.

My RA was on duty in another building, so he sent three of his colleagues to de-escalate the situation. They brought Megan downstairs, where she revealed that the “stuff” she wanted was just the t-shirt and keychain that she gave me for my birthday. Whatever; I let her have those. I still just wanted this to be over.

It was too late for Megan, though. The school was involved now, and the ball started rolling without OP’s say so.

However, once I shared my story with the resident life staff, they filed university paperwork to place a no-contact order between me and Megan. They also recommended I contact the campus police, who then told me I should get my stolen money back in small-claims court (I couldn’t even get there without a car or money to pay for an Uber. Sorry, Judge Judy).

At the request of the campus police, I also contacted the Title IX office at my school, sending them the story of everything you’ve read so far. They were interested—to say the least—although I didn’t want any trouble. I just wanted a clean breakup and a fresh start, but a Title IX representative informed me that they were bringing three misconduct charges against Megan: theft, threatening/violent behavior, and inciting an intervention by university staff. The representative asked me to serve as a witness in Megan’s disciplinary hearing the next semester. I tentatively agreed, right before the representative set the hearing date for February 14th.

Valentine’s Day. I thought it was a joke, but they really did that.

In the interim, OP had found out a few things about his ex that made him feel less than sorry for anything that was about to happen.

When the day of the hearing finally arrived, the no-contact order was still in effect, but a few of my friends had kept tabs on Megan. For starters, she failed all of her classes in the fall. Someone in my math course confessed that Megan had tried to sleep with him while she was dating me, and he had to repeatedly tell her no. Even worse, Megan kept telling a twisted version of the whole story to try and turn my friends against me. So when I found out that she had found a new boyfriend, it felt good to know that the V-Day disciplinary hearing ruined whatever evening plans they might’ve made.

I arrived alone at the disciplinary board office, unsure what to expect. The board consisted of grad students, and the hearing was expected to run into the night.

Megan showed up with an entire entourage who were about to learn the sad truth about their friend (and daughter and client).

Because there was video.

Unlike me, Megan did not come alone. She brought both of her parents as “character witnesses” (that wasn’t even a thing here; this wasn’t a real courtroom, as you’ll soon see). And that’s not all: Megan’s parents also paid a lawyer to defend her against the charges.

The board knew that was unnecessary, but Megan’s parents believed so strongly in their daughter’s innocence that they had already paid this three-piece suit make her case. In the name of fairness, the board members offered me pro-bono legal representation: A junior economics major, who we’ll call Jimmy.

Jimmy had already read my account of the events from the fall, and thanks to my screenshots of Grubhub receipts, he said there was an okay shot of the charges sticking. Then I told him something I’d kept secret for months: When Megan tried to break down my door and I whipped out my phone to text my RA, I also filmed the whole thing.

Jimmy couldn’t get enough of the video. There was Megan, kicking and screaming and clearly trying to break into my dorm room. It was all the evidence I needed, and no one saw it coming. In the hearing, when the time came for me to make the case against Megan, Jimmy played the video on a big screen in front of everyone.

The room went insane.

Everyone knew the jig was up, and OP realized that Megan really had started to turn people against him, but it was too late for anything to change at that point – it was a melee.

In that instant, I realized that Megan really had convinced everyone I was the liar. In her version of the story, I gave her permission to buy food using my account. She told her parents that she’d asked me politely for her belongings, which I’d rudely hidden from her in my dorm room. In Megan’s story, I was the sociopath trying to ruin her reputation. Before I unveiled the video, it was her word against mine.

I still didn’t want revenge… Even after finding out that Megan tried to cheat on me. But when I saw her parents flipping out at the video: “WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL US YOU DID THIS?!” and her lawyer raising hell: “THIS EVIDENCE WAS NOT PROVIDED IN PRE-TRIAL DISCLOSURE!” and a board member standing over him: “SIR, THIS IS NOT A COURT OF LAW. PLEASE RETURN TO YOUR SEAT” and him shouting “OBJECTION!” and her replying: “WE DON’T HAVE OBJECTIONS, THIS ISN’T A COURT OF LAW” and Jimmy, my new best friend, just trying not to laugh out loud… That’s when I realized how good revenge can feel when it’s fair and deserved.

The board found her guilty and meted out justice.

The girlfriend ended up leaving school.

The board found Megan responsible on all three charges. My side of the bench recommended the university terminate her housing contact and force her to pay restitution. Her side recommended only restitution and a reprimand.

The board compromised. Her family paid back most of the money she stole (“most” because two of the six orders had the same price and the lawyer convinced the board I had duplicated an order), and Megan was forced to move into a different dorm building. This probably would’ve helped her anyway because every student in our program’s building knew everything she’d done and lied about. They wouldn’t speak to her, and no one wanted to be her roommate. By the time she had to move buildings, she’d already failed all of her courses again. Having paid for her tuition, her unused dining plan, her lawyer, and her restitution, Megan’s parents finally pulled her out of school.

Just a little update, for anyone wondering where the parties ended up…

Last I heard, Megan returned as a part-time student, but I never saw her again because the no-contact order still stands. I’m now Facebook friends with the guy Megan tried to seduce. Oh, and Jimmy and I connected on LinkedIn.

As for me, well… I no longer date “fairly aggressive” people.

I figure most of us have to learn the hard way when it comes to dating and relationships.

So… did Reddit have opinions? Oh, you betcha!

Because what was this lawyer thinking?

Image Credit: Reddit

Sit down lawyer?

Image Credit: Reddit


Image Credit: Reddit

At least this guy says he learned his lesson. Time will tell!

The post When a Girlfriend Stole From Him, He Tanked Her Academic Career appeared first on UberFacts.

What Red Flag Do You Regret Ignoring Early in a Relationship? Women Shared Their Stories.

When you’re falling for someone or starting a new relationship, sometimes you ignore stuff.

You ignore things that you wouldn’t necessarily tolerate because you want it to work out so much…and sometimes that can come back to bite you in a major way.

Women, what red flags do you regret overlooking in the early days of a relationship?

AskReddit users shared their thoughts.

1. Not good.

“The terrible s**.

Obviously in the beginning you’re still working things out but if it’s still terrible after a few months despite trying your hardest to show them what you enjoy then don’t pretend it’s not a big deal when s** is a very important aspect of a healthy relationship.

I pretended it was no biggie, because hey its just s** and now I’m married and our bedroom is completely dead.”

2. Can’t have that.

“He made me feel self conscious about silly things like singing badly in the car.

We were married for 16 years before I realized I’d changed too much for him and had lost who I really am as a person. I couldn’t be silly or goofy, and he thought I was stupid for liking to get little gifts for people when I’d see something that made me think of them.

After our divorce, I moved halfway across the country (TX to CA) to work on myself away from the same places I’ve always lived. I feel like me again and felt good about moving back to TX because of the healthier place I’m in now.

Along the way, I realized I was too young and inexperienced in the realm of relationships when I got married and gave up too much of myself. Never again.”

3. Foreshadowing.

“Him saying I was a “real woman” and “different/better than his exes”.

Those comments made me feel good at the time, but then I realized it was his way of saying that actually no woman was good enough for him.”

4. Messed up.

“Unable to deal with negative emotions, being desperate to avoid them at all cost.

This led to me neglecting my own needs, because he’d take it as personal criticism if I told him I needed something he didn’t already give me.

Equating s** with love.”

5. Sketchy.

“He didn’t like me telling mutual friends about our relationship because he was a private person.

Lots of other red flags but this was a big one.

Turned out he was living a double life but it took me 2 years and a mental breakdown to figure that out.”

6. Never a good thing.

“Anger issues/”having a temper”/explosive outbursts of anger when things didn’t go his way/lashing out physically and verbally when upset.

Just because it hasn’t been directed at you yet, doesn’t mean you are actually safe.”

7. Sums it up.

“If the friends he hangs out with the most are a**holes, he’s an a**hole too.

He’s just acting differently because you’re around.”

8. Disaster area.

“The absolute state of his house.

He blamed it on his ex and being too small and swore it wouldn’t be the same once we moved in together.

Guess what?”

9. Only got worse.

“In my abusive relationship: when he yelled at me when he found out I was a feminist.

He accused me about lying about who I was by not telling him.

I thought it was pretty obvious from having even one conversation with me and didn’t feel the need to say “I’m a feminist”. It only got worse from there.”

10. Boozin’.

“The amount of alcohol.

We were young, so everyone was still in that stage of going out and partying a lot, me included, so I didn’t think much of it.

But he seemed to do it just a little more than everyone else.”

11. All about image.

“He was an appearance guy. He wanted to appear so perfect in his social circle.

In fact, our first fight was because he invited his 2 friends to our night out without my consent (no problem) but those guys acted as if I did not exist. Then I got bored and I wanted to leave after like an hour, he took me home but he sulked like a baby!

Months to come, he would take me out and treat me like a queen in front of his friends while at home we were fighting almost every week. I got tired of the duplicity and had to finally leave him.

But if I had known, I would have left after that first fight.”

12. Groomed.

“He was 12 years older than me and we began talking as “friends” when I was 15 years old.

Looking back i think i was groomed but hey, he’s not in my life anymore so what does it matter?”

13. The jealous type.

“Extreme jealousy.

He was very romantic and charming at first, then started accusing me of infidelity and flirting with other man. Once he accompanied me to the vet because my dog was in an accident and needed surgery.

He accused me of flirting with the vet, even though the vet and I were discussing my dog’s care. He has a meltdown over it later in the evening. That is only one example. Fast forward a couple of months…I find out he was still married and I was “the other woman”. Ew.”

Do you remember some red flags you overlooked in relationships?

If so, tell us about them in the comments.

We’d love to hear from you!

The post What Red Flag Do You Regret Ignoring Early in a Relationship? Women Shared Their Stories. appeared first on UberFacts.

Person Got Satisfying Revenge on a Racist Karen and Got Her Business Closed Down

Racism is one of the topics at the forefront of the minds of many these days, and rightfully so. Everyone needs to have a plan for what they’re going to do if and when they find themself staring it in the face.

This person had to enact that plan after a racist “Karen” called the cops on her young cousin, and I have to say, I think she knocked it out of the park.

The cousin had always dreamed of starting a salon and managed to do just that, with family helping out in all kinds of roles and everyone taking ownership of the fledgling business.

My cousin (23,F) recently opened up her own salon. From a young age, she taught herself how to thread/wax eyebrows and developed an interest in makeup and hair. Everyone in our extended family would go to her before events and on a monthly basis for their threading, waxing, hair and makeup needs. In 2020, she had a full-time job (non-salon related) but decided to renovate the basement of her home to create a small salon space.

She now spends her free time taking clients in her at-home salon and there’s nothing but great reviews! Her sister helped with the renovations and now helps her with marketing the business (social media, community pages) and I help with the finances (budgeting, price-setting). We all support her and are really proud of her! The salon is our baby.

Covid took a toll on the business, like it has on most things, but they were managing to keep forging ahead with precautions.

We’re now in the middle of a pandemic and this greatly affected her salon business. As a result, she implemented safety measures and our small team made sure to keep up with covid regulations in our city. This included having one customer inside at a time, doing temperature checks, making masks/face shields and gloves mandatory, wiping down the salon after each client…etc. Also, when our city was in lockdown, the salon was closed as it is not an essential service.

Once their city went into lockdown the salon was forced to close temporarily, making sure clients knew through Facebook, etc.

There was a comment on an old post offering a deal, from when the salon was allowed to be open with precautions, that she couldn’t believe her salon had to be closed and this one didn’t – but no one saw it right away.

Our city is once again in lockdown since the end of December to the end of January. The salon has been closed since the lockdown began. The salon’s social media pages had been updated to let the current clientele know that the salon is closed.

Now comes the Karen. Karen sees a community post from OCTOBER detailing a discount that the salon was having on a certain package we offer. She comments on the post saying that she can’t believe the salon is open in the middle of a lockdown when her salon has to be closed. This is important for later. Karen fails to notice that this post was made in October, when salons were allowed to operate as long as they followed safety regulations.

Karen doesn’t bother checking more recent posts indicating that the salon was closed. My cousin doesn’t see her reply at this time.

Then, the police showed up, wanting to see the cousin.

She wasn’t home and so she missed them (twice) but they left a card and asked her to call them back.

The next day, two police officers show up at my cousin’s door while she’s at a doctor’s appointment. The officers ask for my cousin and my aunt lets them know that she’s not home right now. My aunt does not speak English very well and lets the officers know that she would call my cousin and ask her to come home. Maybe the officers didn’t believe her but they insisted on coming inside the home.

My aunt had already called my cousin as she was worried. My cousin asked what it was about, but my aunt didn’t know. My cousin then asked if they had a warrant for anything. When she found out they didn’t, she told her mom not to let them come inside and that she would be there in about 20 minutes. My cousin began driving home when my aunt called her to let her know that they simply left. Hearing this my cousin was less worried and decided to go grocery shopping as planned before heading home.

Turns out, the officers came back half an hour later and once again demanded to see my cousin. My aunt called my cousin again and asked her to come home but in the 20 minutes she took to come home, the officers were gone. They had left a card and asked her to call back.

When she did they informed her the business had been reported for operating during quarantine. She explained she hasn’t been seeing clients and has been following all of the rules, suggested that if they were getting their information from Facebook they should double check the dates on the posts, and figured that was the end of it.

My cousin managed to get a hold of the officers and was told that someone had reported her business. They claimed that she was operating during the lockdown and they had proof. My cousin knew this wasn’t true as the salon had been closed for quite a while.

By now, my cousin had seen the comment from earlier and mentioned that she knew exactly what their so called proof was but the post in question was from October. My cousin was very upset as this post was not even close to being actual evidence of her operating now, in January. She was also very upset that they insisted on coming inside the house with no cause or warrant when they could clearly see that my aunt does not understand the language very well.

At the end of the conversation, the police officer apologized to my cousin and we thought it was the end of it.

Then, the Karen who made the comment called, pretending to be a customer.

You must be wondering how we know that Karen was the one who called the cops. Well, she told us! The next day, my cousin received a message she realized was from the woman who commented on the post. Karen decided to pretend like she’s a customer.

Karen: Can I book an appointment?

My cousin: Hey love, we are currently closed due to the lockdown. Once the lockdown is over, we will be more than happy to book you in.

Karen: Oh my gf was there yesterday, my apologies

My cousin: You must have gotten the date wrong. The salon is not taking clients until the lockdown is over. Thank you.

Karen: Np but I didn’t get the date wrong lol I also know the police came due to you being open. Take care

My cousin: I’m not going to sit here and entertain your boring life. Maybe for a change you can find another hobby rather than spreading lies and wasting people’s time, including the police’s time. Or even better, find an actual job. Have a good night.

Karen: I own my own spa that’s closed as should yours be. My mom is the one who called the cops. You are not entertaining me at all. Go back to your own country instead of fucking with ours.

My cousin decided to block her at this point. My cousin was happy this was all over. Her sister and I were still outraged at the racist comment and how someone could make up lies about a small business that led to the cops terrifying my aunt. When my cousin told me about Karen, the fact that she had her own spa really stood out. I did some digging.

It turns out she made a mistake, though, because not everyone is willing to let comments like that go – as they shouldn’t.

urns out Karen runs her own spa out of her house. Doing some more snooping, I found reviews from her clients on her business page that were posted on days that the city was under lockdown. The reviews could be from clients who received services before the lockdown and only now had a chance to write a review. To be sure, I found Karen’s Instagram page.

I decided to use her own trick against her! I created a new account with a generic name and followed her page so she couldn’t see that I was related to my cousin. I then messaged her to ask about the prices for her services.

Me: Hey, I love your pics! I was wondering how much you charge.

Karen: Hey girl, thank you so much! What service are you after?

Me: I’m really interested in the BB glow facial.

Karen: That’s awesome. My biggest seller for sure. Normally it’s 125 but it’s on B.O.G.O (buy one, get one) so you pay for one session and get 2!

Me: That’s such a great deal compared to others! When is your next available date?

Karen: Where are you located? I can’t have people come to me in lockdown but I travel to my clients.

Head’s up, going to people’s houses was still not allowed during their lockdown rules, so she totally told on herself.

And then OP told on her, because tit for tat.

aren was not operating from her home location due to lockdown restrictions but was traveling to her clients’ homes which is still against regulations! I then made up a lie about my home not having adequate space and asked for her address so we could meet up at my friend’s place somewhere between her and I’s locations. She foolishly told me her address.

During this time, I also tried joining other community groups that she was a part of. In one particular group, people in the community were promoting their small businesses. She had recently made a post about discounts on her services for the month of January! I immediately went online and submitted a report about her business still operating including screenshots, her address, full name…etc.

The police checked it out and fined her, and since it turned out to be a second (or perhaps third) offense the penalties were stiff, and her business was shut down.

She was angry, made threats, etc, but I mean…meddlesome racists get what they get, don’t you think?

A few days passed by and I had forgotten to check up on it as I was busy with life again. I saw the incident report number on a sticky note I had on my desk and decided to check in. Apparently, this was not Karen’s first offence! Karen had already been fined $750 for having a client in her home during the first lockdown in my city. After being fined, she decided to change her business model and go to the client’s home instead. Now, she was fined $10,000!

I was still following her on Instagram so I decided to check it out. She had gone on a rant about how she was going to do very bad things to the person who reported her. She also mentioned that she was no longer allowed to run her business! I’m not sure what type of ban the regional police put on her but I immediately deleted the account and exited the groups I had joined earlier. At the end of the day, Karen got was she deserved and I fulfilled my dream of pretending to be Sherlock Holmes.

Naturally, reddit had A LOT to say about this story. And all of it was supportive.

Image Credit: Reddit

Because Racist Karens are gonna do what they do…

Image Credit: Reddit

And some people really gave it to the cops.

Image Credit: Reddit

And hey, some business tips!

Image Credit: Reddit

Did this person go too far? Should they have been a bit more understanding in the times of Covid, one small business owner to another?

Drop your thoughts on the matter down in the comments!

The post Person Got Satisfying Revenge on a Racist Karen and Got Her Business Closed Down appeared first on UberFacts.

Family Members Kept Complaining About What She Cooked, So This Teenager Went On Strike. Was She an A-Hole?

The past year has seen a lot of us pick up new responsibilities around the house, most of which none of us asked for or wanted. You might not realize this goes for teenaged kids, too, who are certainly old enough to pitch in, but who are also still just children at the end of the day.

This 17yo girl is the oldest of 5, which probably means she’s had a good amount of responsibilities for years, but as her parents continued to work during the pandemic and she and her 4 siblings were home, the job of fixing dinner every night has fallen to her.

I’m (17f) the oldest of five. Ever since Covid my parents have left me in charge at home, and have me cooking dinner most nights (6/7 to be exact).

My siblings and I are going to school virtually so we’re in the house together all day. Although they’re going out to friends more now.

She’s learned the hard way that kids are ungrateful d%cks when it comes to food you’ve prepared, but it also sounds like her parents are annoying about not liking what she’s fixed, too.

There were always complaints about the food I was cooking (don’t want pasta, no rice, why more chicken, used up too many groceries for one dish). B

ut lately it has been bugging me more. I made pizza one night. I did a regular pizza because I was tired of complaints about the choices I was making.

But even that wasn’t good enough.

Things came to a head the night EVERYONE complained about good ol’ pizza.

My siblings all wanted more cheese and said it was shitty (siblings are 15m, 14m, 12f, 10f).

My dad wanted pineapple and ham on his pizza. My mom said pizza wasn’t what she wanted to come home to on a Wednesday afternoon.

The next night she fixed her own food, cleaned up the mess, and was then berated by her sibs and parents for leaving them in the lurch.

I said nothing. I didn’t even show I was frustrated. But the next day I didn’t make them anything. I made myself some spicy chicken noodles. Had it all cleaned up and everything before anyone got home and then everyone was home and they were hungry and complaining and then my parents exploded because they said I was being petty and rude and they threatened to ground me because I didn’t do all my chores.

I told them they should have thought about that before shitting all over everything and I was doing more than enough and why ground me when I never leave the house anyway, I’m basically a live in nanny at this point and I get treated worse than they would treat a paid nanny.

They called her petty and unthinking and even mean, but…was she?

They said it was a wrong move to let them go without food. Especially my siblings.

I guess I can see why that would be an AH move but honestly they should be more appreciative too.


Reddit is about to weigh in, but personally, I’m ready to give this chick a high five.

Some good points here, as no one she’s cooking for is a baby.

Image Credit: Reddit

There are some expectations that need to change.

Image Credit: Reddit

The parents have an imbalance of expectations, and that should absolutely change.

Image Credit: Reddit

It’s time she stood up for herself.

Image Credit: Reddit

100. In this day and age of microwaves, freezers, and DoorDash, her actions weren’t forcing anyone to go hungry.

Image Credit: Reddit

I’m with this girl, 100%. Probably, because of her age, she could have tried sitting down with her parents first and listing her very reasonable grievances, but she held out longer than I would have.

What do you think? Tell us in the comments!

The post Family Members Kept Complaining About What She Cooked, So This Teenager Went On Strike. Was She an A-Hole? appeared first on UberFacts.

Should You Let Someone Else’s Phobia Dictate How You Live in Your Own House?

Relationships can be hard to navigate for everyone, but when it comes to family, well – complicated sometimes doesn’t seem to cover it. We want to be gracious and loving, but sometimes people ask us to do that at the expense of our own comfort, so…what then?

This woman and her boyfriend are super into snakes and other reptiles, and they own one snake that OP refers to as their “baby.”

The problem? OP’s sister is deathly afraid of snakes. Thus far, they have mitigated this by either going to the sister’s house to visit or having a family member who loves snakes taking their “baby” for the day.

My (22M) sister (17F) is afraid of snakes, she hates them, can’t be near them. my bf (21M) is the opposite, he loves them, and we actually have one (2F).

Because of this we normally go see her or if she comes to our place my bf’s sister will take our girl for the day.

Things went wonky, though, when the sister came over for a pool party with some other family members. The snake was out of the house, but she took issue with the boyfriend’s tattoo of a snake.

So, we have a pool, and it’s been really hot where we live so we invited my sister and my parent round.

Like normal my bf’s sister came and took our snake. when they arrived everything was fine until we got into the pool.

My bf has a tattoo of a snake, it’s a blacked-out silhouette that wraps around both of his arms and his back.

She demanded he put on a shirt. DEMANDED.

When my sister saw it she freaked out and told me to tell him to cover it. (she knew about his tattoo, she just expected him to cover it, which he can’t do without putting on a long sleeve t-shirt) I told her no.

She then went over to him and asked him to leave because he knows about her fear.

OP said that if she was bothered she should leave, because this was her boyfriend’s house and he shouldn’t be made uncomfortable in his own skin.

This annoyed me and I told her that if she has an issue with it she should leave, this is his house, not hers.

She got upset and just sat inside the whole time. when they left my mom told me that I was rude to my sister and we knew about her fear and that we ruined her day.

Now I’m starting to think that I could have handled the situation better.


Was she wrong? Should they be more considerate of a bad phobia?

Reddit has some thoughts!

One of them is that the sister’s phobia isn’t their issue, it’s hers.

Image Credit: Reddit

The sister would also be happier if she was able to get some help, yeah?

Image Credit: Reddit

And yeah, she could do some mitigating of her own issues instead of expecting other people to accommodate her.

Image Credit: Reddit

The sister definitely needs to take some responsibility.

Image Credit: Reddit

She doesn’t have to be rational about the snakes, but she does have to be rational about her reactions to humans.

Image Credit: Reddit

This girl was way out of line, I think.

What’s your opinion? Drop it on us in the comments!

The post Should You Let Someone Else’s Phobia Dictate How You Live in Your Own House? appeared first on UberFacts.

Are Females Wrong for Not Quitting Their Careers to Stay Home With Their Kids if They Can Afford To?

Whether or not to stay home with children is an easy decision sometimes. It could be that one of the parents wants to stay home, to manage the household and the children, while the other party works for a paycheck outside the home.

It could be that both parents have always worked, and they can’t really afford to drop to one paycheck, or they don’t make enough to cover daycare, etc – it’s a financial decision, and no one really questions those, either.

Moms tend to get judged, though, when they have the option to stay home with their kids but choose to continue their careers or studies instead – and that’s exactly the scenario that has this mother second guessing her choices.

Quick backstory: the pregnancy was a surprise and one they didn’t find out about until quite a ways into it, for very legitimate reasons.

Long backstory short: I’ve been with my partner for 5 years, this was an unplanned pregnancy and I only found out I was pregnant a month ago(I’m now 7 months pregnant 😬), I was on birth control and actually had 2 pregnancy tests come back negative(one was too early in the pregnancy and the other was because of the hook effect).

As an added bonus my partner and I never expected to be able to have kids naturally as he had cancer a couple of years ago and during treatment he collected and stored sperm that he was told were very poor quality plus I have a big family history or cervical cancer and was supposed to have surgery to remove 2 precancerous lesions a week ago and prep for that surgery was how I found out I was pregnant.

They are coming around to being ok with the thought of becoming parents, and as her partner makes good money, she’s even agreed to quitting her part-time job to help care for him when he arrives.

Now. Obviously it’s way to late for an abortion and my partner grew up in the foster/adoption system and got treated like shit so that’s not an option either. We’ve agreed to raise the baby together but over the last couple of days he’s repeatedly brought up how I should quit my job and study so I can focus on the baby when he arrives.

In theory this would be fine, my partner makes enough money to support us and my part time job pays absolute shit so I had initially agreed to drop my job but not my study.

That said, OP is in the middle of defending her Master’s thesis, and had plans to continue directly into a PhD program when she finished.

She had many very good reasons for not wanting to quit for a couple of years and then pick it back up.

I’m in the middle of writing my masters thesis is Bioscience and if I put it down for a couple of years the likelihood is that my contacts would no longer be available for research work.

Not to mention that I was planning on starting my PhD straight after I finish as it will be a direct extension of my masters study and I already have conditional funding for my research that I will lose if I put the project on hold.

It’s really important to her to finish.

Which is really all she should have had to say, don’t you think?

My study is really important to me and I feel like by giving up my job I’m losing a bit of my independence so I don’t want to lose this too. We’ve now had several huge fights because my partner says I’ll be neglecting the baby in favor of my research which I have no intention of doing. Hes chalking up my resistance to “baby hormones” and I want to check that I’m not TA here?

I think so, but let’s see what Reddit has to say!

The top comment honestly says it all, and as a mom, I wish I could shout it from the rooftops.

Image Credit: Reddit

Plenty of people think her partner needs to shape up, honestly.

Image Credit: Reddit

A few folks wondered if they shouldn’t reconsider the adoption option.

Image Credit: Reddit

She needs to keep her eyes wide open going forward.

Image Credit: Reddit

This whole situation smacks of the patriarchy and we don’t like it.

Image Credit: Reddit

No one would argue that parenthood doesn’t require sacrifice, but it doesn’t require sacrifice from just one party, but every party.

What are your thoughts here? Share them with us in the comments!

The post Are Females Wrong for Not Quitting Their Careers to Stay Home With Their Kids if They Can Afford To? appeared first on UberFacts.

People Talk About Outdated Advice That Is No Longer Applicable Today

It’s interesting how quickly things become outdated.

It seems like we’re moving at warp speed and, to be honest, it can be a little difficult to keep up. Especially when it comes to trying to give people advice.

So what advice is now outdated and doesn’t apply to folks anymore?

Here’s what folks on AskReddit had to say.

1. Are you on the phone?

“If you want to use the internet, make sure no one is using the landline.”

2. Not these days.

“Show up at the office with a resume and don’t leave until you get an interview..”

3. Uh uh.

“To pay for college, just work part time at a restaurant waiting tables!

When my dad was in college in the 1970s, he paid for his tuition, expenses, car, and spending money for the entire year with a summer job at the meat packing plant that my grandpa got him.”

4. Can’t wait around for it.

“When people say “Just be patient and love will find a way” was said in a time when people were outside a lot more.

Nowadays someone can go to work and go home and sit at their computer every day for years without ever being even close to finding someone.

I think nowadays you have to go out of your way to find someone. Or at the very least go out of your bubble and be social.”

5. Might be the problem.

“If the baby won’t stop crying check to make sure the diaper pin is not sticking him.”

6. Now it’s history!

“You need to learn to write in cursive or nobody will take you seriously and you won’t get good grades on your assignments in college.

By 2010 when I went to college, virtually all of my assignments, including most tests, were digital, and even the few handwritten exams allowed regular print.”

7. Interesting.

“My Grandma: “Don’t drink water after eating fruit or you’ll get sick”

Apparently this comes from a time when people drank from wells. The sugar from the fruit would allow bacteria from the water to ferment in the stomach.

Not a problem with modern water supplies.”

8. Gramps was wrong.

“Grandpas are always like “I pestered her and followed her around for months and months even though she told me to go away until she finally went out with me, and we’ve been married 50 years this month”

Yeah, don’t do that.”

9. Ouch.

“I remember my teachers telling me “don’t study these new trendy subjects at university like media, video editing, tech etc. You should focus on traditional subjects like literature, History, and so on”.

15 years after graduating with my BA and MA in English lit, I now work minimum wage in a shop.”

10. It’s me again!

“If you want to show a company how interested you are in a position, keep checking back.

Don’t let them forget you.”

11. Times have changed.

“After I graduated with a degree in computer science, my 75 year old aunt told me to get a job at a factory sweeping the floor and work my way up to management.

I just said okay instead of explaining to her that it hasn’t worked that way since 1970.”

12. Bad behavior.

“Given to young girls: ‘that boy is being mean to you because he has a crush on you.’


That boy is just being a d**khead and that behavior is not a good thing.”

13. You better eat all of it!

“Finish your plate.

I just teach my kids to stop eating when they feel enough.

No need to stuff their faces with more food just because of whatever.”

Now we want to hear from you.

In the comments, tell us what advice you think is outdated these days?

Thanks in advance!

The post People Talk About Outdated Advice That Is No Longer Applicable Today appeared first on UberFacts.

Learn About Some of the Strangest Urban Legends From Around the World

“Urban Legend” is defined as “a humorous or horrific story or piece of information circulated as though true, especially one purporting to involve someone vaguely related or known to the teller.”

In other words, it’s a story that gets passed around within a certain community. Maybe it starts with a kernel of truth, maybe it’s just someone making things up for fun, but it’s so compelling that it just spreads and spreads until it’s practically considered fact.

What are the creepiest urban legends from your area? from AskReddit

And listening to some of these submissions from Reddit – it’s easy to see why these stories have staying power.

1. The Slap Ghost

In a village close by, there is the story that in a specific road through the woods several guys where being slapped when they pass in a bicycle in the latte 70’s. Always at night, one of these guys was my grandfather. He was alone and was slapped and fell of his bicycle. No one was there…several people came home full of bruises and scratches from the bicycle fall after the slap in the face.

Suddenly the slaps stopped for a few years. And in the 80’s the ghost came back. One young guy was slapped in the face in same place. Funny is that the mystery was solved in that day.

It was a fkn branch from a tree. The old guys from the 70’s came home late from the old bar, completely drunk including my grandfather and without any source of light they would get hit by the branch and fall. Then the tree was trimmed and the slaps stopped until it grew again and made this 80’s guy the next victim. Lucky him he was sober and realised what hit him.

– HypressQ

2. The Boiler Room Chair

We have a chair that’s been untouched since the 1960s in our schools boiler room.

The janitor swears that a boy got locked down there by these other kids the day before summer break and died from the heat.

He claims that the chair moves and that the door handle moves like he’s still there trying to get out.

– KTsDefacement

3. The Latin Voice

It is a university urban legend here in the Philippines. There was a female college student that went to the female’s restroom. In the cubicle, she can hear a female voice. The voice is saying some Latin (I can’t remember the exact words).

Obviously the female student was frightened and hurried to go back to the classroom. She then asked her professor what was the meaning of the word she heard from the restroom.

The professor said “It means ‘look up, look up”. – eat_the_rich_07

4. The Guardians

We have 3 mysterious men in a car called The Guardians (yes that’s what we call them) along Montana highway 464.

People have told experiences where they have car trouble and three men in a car drive up and help them out. Other people talk about headlights that disappear in places where they shouldn’t disappear.

We also have a Native American in a jean jacket and jeans who materializes in front of cars before they can swerve out of the way. When the driver checks for a victim, no body is found

– ninjasoul534

5. The Haunted House

Not really creepy, but there’s one house in my hometown that is said to be haunted. There’s a tray with a golden teapot on it, and the tray has scratch marks on it. That tray has been sitting in the same location for years, remaining completely untouched, and still, to this day no one has touched it. Some of my friends insist that it’s haunted.

There’s also an urban legend about how an electrician (or someone with a similar job) fell off of a ladder while setting up one of the light in the middle school gym. His ghost is said to haunt the gym at night whenever the lights are turned off.

– FlameSamurai63

6. Little People

We have little people (like 6in tall) that live in our forests.

They stay well hidden unless you’re all by yourself and vulnerable, then they like to mess with you for fun.

– SmallTownMortician

7. The Dancing Daddy

A beggar/homeless man in Barre, VT. I’ve met him, but I can’t remember his name. He was just a rough looking 40 y/o guy that wasn’t all there, and he would dance if you gave him any money. He was usually sort of out of it, but he wasn’t drunk or anything. He may have just been mentally worn out from drugs.

People in town insisted that while he stayed on the local shelter to sleep at night, his family was actually rich. They said he pretended like he was fried, and that he knew Shakespeare and was way smart. I heard he stayed in shelters to spite his family after an argument he had with his dad 20 years before about a mysterious death in the family. I can’t remember the wack name he got, but locals feared and respected him just by his reputation. I want to say it was the dancing daddy, or something similar.

– newest_horizons

8. The Witch

There was this colonel who founded the town a couple hours south of my hometown in the 1700s. He had an affair with a young woman, and when she got pregnant he kicked her out of town and she raised their son alone for several years. When she came back and begged him for help raising their kid, he publicly declared her a witch and had her burned to death.

After she was burned and they were taking her body away, her son tried to take her body from them so she could be buried on his property. He tried to pull her corpse from them by the leg, but it snapped off due to how scorched her body was. He took the leg and said it would be buried near his home. Before he left, however, he told the colonel (his biological father) the he hoped the colonel’s memory would always be tainted by what he did to his former mistress.

After the colonel died, a tomb was erected for him, but overnight a leg-shaped stain appeared right of the face of it. People tried to remove the stain, but it wouldn’t go away. Eventually, they just replaced the stone on the tomb entirely… only for a new, identical stain to appear in the exact same spot on the new stone.

The stain is still there to this day, and it’s a big tourist attraction in the area.

– illumi-thotti

9. The Vending Machine

This isn’t an urban legend, but it might as well be.

There is this vending machine in Seattle that is filled with rare and valuable soda cans, many of which are out of production.

Nobody knows who stocks the vending machine, and the one time it needed repairs, nobody saw who took it to get repaired.

– alpaca1yps

10. The Huaka’i Pō

The Huaka’i Po, also known as the Night Marchers, are the spirits of ancient Hawaiian warriors who have been cursed to march the islands for eternity.

The night marchers are said to march in a single line, often carrying torches and weapons while chanting and playing drums.

To protect yourself, you must lie on the ground face down in respect.

Otherwise, the Night Marchers will kill you.

Or so they say…

– lixtrado

11. The Skinwalkers

I grew up in southern Utah near the four corners. In other words, skinwalker country. I have lots of creepy stories about them, both from my own experiences and the experiences of others, but chances are a lot of you guys wouldn’t believe and they probably belong to a different subreddit.

However, the creepiest thing about them, is that everyone (and I mean everyone), is scared of them. Most of the people in my town are farmers and overall pretty pragmatic people who aren’t quick to believe or make up ghost stories. And yet, whenever I would ask an adult “what are skinwalkers” growing up, the answer I always got was a very serious “we don’t talk about skinwalkers.”

Whether you believe in them or not, you have to admit that the ubiquity of that attitude in my hometown is pretty weird.

– The_Sad_PlagueDoctor

12. The Jacking Jogger

We have “de rennende rukker”, that’s Dutch for “The jacking jogger”. supposedly there is someone in our area that runs around whilst jerking off.

I think someone did get caught for something similar, but I’ll always keep my ears peaked, just in case something will come fapping towards me.

– kingkongbananakong

13. The Lynch Site

At a site in the woods where a people were supposedly lynched, there is an indention beneath the hanging tree where the people’s feet would lightly drag while hanging.

People claim that if you fill the hole in and wait overnight, they say that the swinging feet of those lynched will visibly re-drag marks in the sand.

– shootsickmoon

14. The Button Man

I live in the Vic alpine area Australia.

Being all cool and mountainous, we have plenty of people heading up into the mountains to camp. Anyways, there have been rumors about this guy known as the button man.

Pretty much people are waking up to find pictures of this man lying next to them in their tent taken with their own phone.

I wouldn’t usually believe rumors like this, considering it can it could be easily faked. But once I was out on an overnight hike with 2 friends. It was relatively late and me and one friend clearly hear human footsteps outside the tent. I call out my other friends name who was sleeping alone in another tent. We hear the footsteps sprint away from our campsite, so I get up and scan the area with my torch, finding nothing.

We then go to check on my friend, who we find sleeping  Scared out of our minds, we stay up the rest of the night just incase, but we don’t hear anything else. We didn’t find any new images on our phones in the morning, and there was no evidence that somebody had been to our campsite. But the footsteps sounded so human so It’s hard to say it was an animal.

Other than that we have had 2 campers (unrelated to me or each other) gone missing in the night on separate occasions. With their dead bodies found later out in the snow gum forests. Most likely dead from hypothermia, but it’s hard to say whether it was liked to the button man.

– ManyBirbs

15. The Mental Asylum

There’s an abandoned mental asylum near where I used to live.

People would of course say it is haunted and dare one another to go there at night. But the weird thing is, it draws people in. If you find yourself driving late at night, you might end up driving on the grounds of the asylum out of nowhere.

This happened to me and my mom once. Somehow we got off at the wrong exit, several exits from our normal exit, and wound up on the grounds of the asylum- shouldn’t even be possible (there are gates that are supposed to be closed and locked).

I remember my mom and I were freaked out, and for a second I thought I saw faces looking out from the windows of the asylum, lights flickering on and off.

We managed to find our way out through the main gate again shortly after.

– ImmaPsychoLogist

Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to go do something cheery as I greatly regret working on this article alone in my apartment at night.

What urban legends do you have to share?

Creep us out in the comments.

The post Learn About Some of the Strangest Urban Legends From Around the World appeared first on UberFacts.