People Talk About What They Did Due to Fear of Missing Out (FOMO)

I’m assuming that you probably already know this, but I’m gonna go ahead and say it.

FOMO means “fear of missing out”. Hey, we just want to be clear here…

And there’s a lot of FOMO going around, folks!

Hey, you don’t want to miss out on anything, right?!?!

Folks on AskReddit opened up about things they’ve done because of FOMO.

Let’s see what they had to say.

1. One and done.

“Gambling. I lost $70 and had a lot of fun.

Not sure I wanna lose $70 anytime again soon though.”

2. Chain letters.

“About 25 years ago I believed every chain letter that appeared in my inbox, and religiously sent them along to all my contacts.

In my defense, I was a kid, but still, there’s probably a lot of people from that time that have me blocked for this very reason.”

3. Let’s take a trip.

“Going to South Africa.

I was in school (wild park management) with my best friend. Our year got the offer to go to SA with people from other classes but there was only place for 24 people.

I have never been further away from home then a 6 hour drive and SA is a 12 hour flight away. My thought was: If I don’t go now, I will never ever go.

I went, now I want to go back. But dang the the first time in an airport is stressful.”

4. Did you get lucky?

“Prom. Hated it.

Knew I would.

Glad I went anyway.”

5. Don’t do it!


I have asthma so after about a week of bronchitis type coughing keeping me up at night I decided that even though I enjoyed it, I’d rather not be dead in a month.”

6. Dive right in.

“Swimming in the deep end of the pool. As a teenager I went to a graduation party at a pool.

The deep end was 12 feet. I wound up even jumping in off the diving board. I’m glad I did it!”

7. Clubbin’.

“Some college roommates took me clubbing.

I have an attitude that as long as something isn’t harmful, I need to force myself to try it at least once (because I’m an introvert, and otherwise I just never do s**t). In this case, I ended up absolutely hating it.

Every part of it was awful. Oh well, at least I can say I gave it a shot.”

8. This is cool.

“Became a music producer for film and TV at 41 years old.

Played music with bands growing up. Became high school media arts teacher and got to practice my skills almost daily. Realized I wanted to see see if I was good enough to make something out of it all. Busted my a** learning as much as I could about the business.

Fast forward 15 months- now partnered with 4 libraries from Toronto to California, collaborated with musicians from 3 different continents, written and produced over 100 songs for film and tv.

Kinda cool trajectory for a year and a half.

Fear Of Missing Out can easily be replaced with Someone’s Gonna Do It, Why Not Me?!”

9. That hurts!

“Paintball at my dad’s girlfriend’s son’s birthday party when I was like 13ish.

I did not know what a cup was since I had never done anything that needed one, and the place we were playing at did not provide anything other than a helmet.

A minute into the round someone shot me in the balls.

I hate paintball.”

10. Daredevil.


I went on a road trip with a few friends one time. They all wanted to go skydiving, but I did not, mainly because of the money.

Eventually I decided I could afford it and went. It was one of the most fun experiences of my life.”

11. Not into it.


My sister-in-law and her husband had friends visiting from another country, so they took them along with my mother-in-law and me to Seattle to some foodie restaurant and one of the appetizers they ordered was oysters on the half shell.

When they noticed I wasn’t eating any they asked and I said I’ve never had them but the idea of raw goo wasn’t very appealing.

So after some convincing on their part, my brother-in-law fixed one up for me. Moral of the story, oysters are still not my jam”

12. Baby steps.

“Yesterday I went to the movies by myself because I really wanted to see the new Demon Slayer movie.

It might not sound like much but I have really bad social anxiety so it was a huge step for me and I’m very proud that.”

Okay, now it’s your turn…

Go ahead and admit what you’ve done before due to FOMO.

Do it in the comments!

The post People Talk About What They Did Due to Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) appeared first on UberFacts.

A Family Found a Life-Sized Monopoly Board Under Their Carpet and People Want One

We played a lot of board games growing up.

We had the classics like Checkers, Clue, Trivial Pursuit, and Monopoly. We also played oddly specific games like a Clue-style Sherlock Holmes who-dunit, The New York game which involved navigating the subway to visit famous Manhattan sites, and an It’s a Wonderful Life themed trivia game.

Consequently, I love board games, and have always had an affinity for Monopoly. But not, apparently, as much as some people.

Recently, a user by the name of Yamaha234 posted to the r/pics Subreddit about a unique discovery their in-laws made. During a home remodel, the couple pulled up some old carpet only to find a life-sized Monopoly board underneath.

As My Modern Met explains:

The room-sized Monopoly board is based on the classic U.S. version of the game, complete with Chance and Community Chest spaces, a jail, and railroads.

Iconic sought-after spaces such as Park Place and Boardwalk also feature. The giant floor edition appears to have been hand-painted by the previous homeowners years ago.

Check-out Yamaha234’s actual picture:

While tearing up their carpet, my in-laws found a giant monopoly board from pics

Personally, I think the jail square is the perfect location for time out if you have naughty kids.

Reddit users were floored. And while they didn’t all agree on the merits of Monopoly game-play, they had a lot of fun with the idea.

Image Credit: Reddit

As shocking as this discovery was, it may not be totally unheard of.

Apparently a lot of people’s families’ basements had shuffleboards made of tile.

Image Credit: Reddit

And not just shuffleboards!

Image Credit: Reddit

One user explained that this was fairly common for houses built in the 1950s, although I’ve certainly never heard of it.

Image Credit: Reddit

Makes you wonder how many gems like this are hidden under grungy carpet across America.

Enough, it turns out, that this wasn’t even the first time someone posted such a find on Reddit!

Seven years ago someone made a similar discovery at a different home.

Pulled up the carpet at the house, and guess what I found! from funny

Lots of commenters have new #LifeGoals (me included, if I’m being honest), stating that they want to do this in their own homes some day.

Image Credit: Reddit

And forget Monopoly, this person wants to put Risk on their floor (speaking of games that last for ever and ever).

I’m pretty sure I went to college with this person.

Image Credit: Reddit

So what about the OP’s parents?

Image Credit: Reddit

I really hope they decide to clean it up and keep it visible, because what a weird fun thing to have.

What do you think? Keep it or cover it up? Let us know in the comments!

The post A Family Found a Life-Sized Monopoly Board Under Their Carpet and People Want One appeared first on UberFacts.

Should Kids Be Banned From Restaurants Until They’re Old Enough to Sit Still?

Going out to eat with young children is honestly more of a hassle than it’s usually worth, if you ask this mom of two preschoolers. You can’t enjoy your meal because you’re dealing with entertaining kids, or cutting up food, or you’re getting up to take one to the bathroom or whatever.

It’s not that I have an issue taking care of my kids, but if I’m going to pay extra to have a nice meal served to me, I would like to, you know. Enjoy it.

That said, my making the decision to do takeout until my kids are more self-sufficient and someone telling me I have to are two different things – but the latter is exactly what this unpopular opinion suggests should be the norm.

If you’re curious how many agree (or disagree), these 17 Redditors are sharing their thoughts.

17. There’s definitely a sliding scale.

Seems like a super popular opinion.

If a kid is screaming and crying we just get our food put in boxes and leave

We dont let the kids be little crazy a$ses at the table or leave their seats

But if a toddler forgets and talks or laughs too loud every once in awhile or squeals every now and then people can deal with it, as long as they are behaving well in general.

16. This is exactly me.

Once my kids hit about the age of about 18 months we said goodbye to dining in til they were about 4 or 5. It just isn’t very relaxing. We would save it for date nights or when either my husband or I went out separately with friends.

I don’t get mad if I see other parents out with their kids. That’s their choice. Good for them. For me personally, just a better experience when the kids are a bit older!

15. Servers have choices, too.

This is why I’ve always worked in fine dining restaurants in large expensive cities whenever possible.

There aren’t as many families living in cities like NY or SF, and the price tag for a night out is often a deterrent for families with small children. Not saying people with children don’t have cash to burn, but they are usually budgeting for kid stuff during those years. Plus there isn’t ever a kids menu, at places like that, and most parents don’t want to drop that much money on food their kid might not even eat.

We would occasionally get children during Nutcracker season at this one spot I worked, but they were all well behaved, and passed the screaming toddler age- because you don’t take kids that young to the Ballet and thus we never had them in for pre show dinner.

14. There could be kid hours.

My son was always very good in restaurants. However, we’d always go at times when there was hardly anyone else there to cause minimum disruption if there was ever an issue.

I don’t think there ever was, though.

13. How else can we teach them how to behave?

Can’t believe this is unpopular. But the only way to teach them is to take them out. You have to be willing to walk out AS SOON AS the get antsy and won’t settle right back down.

We did this with triplets-only had to walk out a couple times with my triplets. One of us took kids to car other got food to go. Went home and served the kids sandwiches (only the one or ones who caused the issue) while we ate the nice dinner. This cured them right away.

It isn’t hard but parents have to be willing to stand firm.

12. Parents have to do their part.

We took my nephew when he was very little but he was also well-behaved. Towards the end of the meal he would sometimes get restless so I’d either pick him up and walk around the restaurant or take him outside.

If he wanted to walk I would hold his hand and walk him around inside and out until the others were ready to go. He never screamed or threw fits in restaurants.

Maybe he was exceptionally good but it really was not that hard to be attentive to his needs and not be disruptive to others.

11. We want to see some effort.

I’m in the boat of as long as the parents are making an effort to keep the kid under control, then I’m fine. Kids will be kids and as long as the parents aren’t just letting them run wild, then I understand.

10. Kids will be kids.

I agree, it’s up to the parents. We deserve to go out and eat with our kids if we want to, but if not, that’s fine too.

Kids can be obnoxious but it doesn’t mean they don’t deserve nice things like going out to eat at a special place with their family.

9. As long as they stay in their seats.

Talking isn’t a problem, kids talk, they’re loud, sometimes little ones squeal when they are happy…

But getting out of their seat and running around, climbing over or under booths, having tantrums and loud enough that the cooks in the back can hear them over the sound of the dishes and hoods…

That sh%t shouldn’t be happening anywhere.

8. Now there’s an idea.

Restaurants use to have smoking and non-smoking sections; they’ve needed kids and non-kids section for years.

Unless it’s not a kid friendly restaurant. I think the worst situation I ever had involving kids, was a parent who let her two kids take all the salt and pepper shakers off the table, and throw them into the fireplace… while the other kid was climbing on bar stools and sticking his hand into the olives…

The mother only spoke mandarin and we had a very difficult time getting them to leave! They weren’t even dining in, they brought outside food and just sat themselves.. was a whole debacle.

7. I think we can all agree this is wrong.

I went to a literal pub once and someone brought two screaming toddlers on Friday night with about 100 adults downing beers and shots.

Went to an expensive Hibachi grill and someone brought their baby who was also promptly frightened into screaming by the fire. So yeah…. Agree 100%

6. Some people ruin it for the rest of us.

I had a kid, not even a toddler, probably 4 or 5, standing a table and throw crayons at me. The parent just ignored it and kept talking to me. Next it was chips he was throwing. Still not being corrected at all. I told him to stop and his mother got loud and rude at me. I was so glad when she stormed out.

Some people are unbelievable.

5. It does seem controversial.

For every person telling me that this isn’t an unpopular opinion, there is a comment telling me that I am a child hater and that children should be allowed to be children and society should be accepting of it

4. Or making silly comments.

This is honestly how I sometimes feel about public bathrooms. I feel like there needs to be public bathrooms specified for the use of adults with their small children.

I like to be able to shit without children screaming bloody murder in the bathroom.

Or peeking under the door at you. I was once on a long road trip. Guts had been gurgling and angry for a bit. We stopped at a Whataburger where there was only one stall in the bathroom (but it was still set up like it should’ve housed more stalls, so a stall within a private women’s room). Since the restaurant was relatively empty aside from one other family with a 3-4 year old, I decided to try to relieve my poor bowels.

I settled into the stall prepared to relax and wait (since road trip + foreign bathroom meant things would be a bit slower). Not two minutes in, the little 3-4 year old girl comes into the bathroom BY HERSELF. Obviously, there’s nowhere for her to do her business so she starts trying to open my stall door. I said “I’m sorry, this is occupied.” She waited a couple more minutes, then started CRAWLING UNDER THE STALL DOOR.

I shielded my parts and told her to please give me privacy. Once she was on the correct side of the stall again, I realized my bowel movement wasn’t happening and I gave up.

I couldn’t believe that those parents would let their small child go to the bathroom by herself. Sure, there should’ve been another stall for her to use, but jesus. If she doesn’t know not to crawl under stall doors, she’s too young to go by herself.

3. You can’t make a blanket statement.

I take my daughter with us to restaurants whenever we go, she’s 2. We have always held her to the same standards for restaurants as we do at home. She’s not allowed to get down and run around or scream during meal times. We have never ever had a problem with her at restaurants, she sits there quietly and happily with a crayon and a cup of water. I know I’m her mom and you may think I’m biased, but to be completely honest, I am so proud of her because of how well behaved she is.

My best friend on the other hand, is the parent that everyone f**king hates. Her 3 year old is an absolute terror at restaurants. The entire time, the child is running around screaming and laying under the table, it is absolutely maddening. I hate going out to eat with her because her child sets and example for mine, and my child behaves worse when she is around.

Anyways, my point is that not all children are the same, and it makes me really upset to see parents allow that kind of behavior in public because it gives a bad name to all kids.

2. Maybe HER children.

My husband and I went out on a date night. I think it was Applebee’s or Chili’s or some similar place where families dining there is to be accepted. However…the kids at the booth behind us were throwing things and climbing over the top.

We asked to be moved and the wait staff was very accommodating and nice about it. But when we walked by the other table, the mom said something about people who hate children.

Sorry lady, don’t hate children. Just your children on that particular night.

1. Know your audience.

Was at a bar with some friends and my one friend says “f** k.”

Couple comes up and asks him to watch his language because their kid is with them.

We just stared at them and said you brought your five year old to a bar.

You’re going to hear some bad words.

There are just too many variables as far as reasons people ending up needing to eat out with small children, and honestly, they’re not responsible for your comfort.

What are your thoughts? Drop them in the comments!

The post Should Kids Be Banned From Restaurants Until They’re Old Enough to Sit Still? appeared first on UberFacts.

Teachers Share the Strangest Items They’ve Ever Confiscated

I think teaching is weird and wonderful work. You get to teach and love and shape a generation of kids, and if you do it right, you end up with a whole lot of awesome people who love you.

It can also be trying – between parents and administration and kids being kids, there’s a lot that goes on in a day that’s not going to be a highlight, exactly.

Like taking away things kids brought to class that they shouldn’t have.

If you think nothing can surprise you, step into the shoes of these 17 teachers, who have had to confiscate some pretty weird stuff.

17. Nothing about this surprises me.

Forks. Yeah, for real.

I had to take away all the plastic forks at lunch time until the sixth grade boys stopped shoving them down the butt cracks of their friends.

Fun times!

16. I can’t believe no one had smelled it already.

It was December or January and we were having one of those “lockdowns” where the police come in with dogs to sniff for drugs. We were all locked in our classrooms and no students were allowed out, even to visit the restroom.

One of my students was white as a ghost, very afraid. I asked him what’s the matter, but it was obvious he was afraid he was about to get busted. He said “Do you think the dogs will go to my locker?” I said “I don’t know, do you have something to be worried about?” He said “There’s a ham and cheese sandwich in there.”

I scratched my head a bit, “I’m sure it’s no problem to have a sandwich.” He said, “Yeah, but it’s been in there since September.”

15. He was just hungry.

A whole salami.

Kid kept walking over to his backpack and sticking his face in to take secret bites without me noticing….

I noticed.

14. Wow. I have a lot of questions.

Another student’s tooth. That he had fished out of the trash can.

That he was going to add to his tooth collection.

13. I can’t imagine why.

This is my brother’s story, and he was the kid.

It was a sandwich bag full of spiders. He collected them during recess, and one of the monitors probably got freaked out.

12. I…have no words.

Eyeballs. I worked with a blind student with autism.

When he would get angry, he would pop out his glass eyeballs and throw them across the room.

They were expensive, so mom asked that we put them in a plastic bag in his backpack if he threw them….

No more eyeballs for you today!

11. I need to know why.

There was a boy in my seventh grade class that wasn’t allowed to have coins because he’d eat them.

10. When you’ve had it up to here.

My mother was a primary school teacher. One day many many years ago she was working as a supply teacher filling in for an absent teacher.

It was late 80’s and Casio watches were all the rage. Every hour, on the hour, many watches would sound a chime to signal the start of a new hour. My mother had been hearing chimes and alarms going off all day and she announced “the next watch I hear beeping is coming home with me tonight”.

Moments later a watch chimed. It was my brothers 🙂

9. I am rolling my eyes.

First thing that came to mind – a drawing of a peanut.

One kid said he had a peanut allergy, so a boy drew a peanut on a piece of paper, and started shoving it in the other boy’s face and being a general dick with it.

8. Of course it was a boy.

Not me, but my co teacher tells the story of having to take a vibrator away from a student during band class.

The only reason he knew the kid had it was because the kid tried to play the xylophone with the thing.

7. We need to have a chat.


From an 8 year old girl. Not quite police grade, but more than just some “adult fun” cuffs.

Sent that down to the counselor.

6. Kids, am I right?

In middle school we had a special currency that they’d hand out to students for helping out or being kind that would then be able to be used to buy books or other small trinkets.

Somehow during the year I obtained a bunch of dental plaque pills. They turn the plaque on your teeth a certain color to help you brush your teeth I guess (in this case it was a dark purple) and I didn’t brush my teeth very well at the time so taking one would make my entire mouth a deep purple color. I thought I’d freak out my school friends with one and they all thought it was really cool and wanted to know how I did it. So I bring some more the next day and give a couple out to friends who then show other kids and tell them that I can make their mouths purple too.

So next day I brought all my plaque pills to school and start charging 1$ in school currency for 1 pill. Sometimes if a kid didn’t have money I’d make them give me whatever cool stuff they had that I needed (keychains, pencil sharpeners, whatever they were willing to trade). And of course all these other middle schoolers didn’t do a good job of brushing their teeth either so every kid I sold a pill too ended up with a dark purple color coating their entire mouth.

Well a bunch of kids mouths turning purple was quickly noticed by multiple staff members (who would’ve guessed) and apparently I went to school with a bunch of little narcs because very quickly I found myself in the principal’s office. They took all my pills, my school money and most of the other items that they were able to prove didn’t belong to me (even though I traded it fair and square). Principal was livid.

All I remember of the end result was waiting in the office getting yelled at by the principal zoning off as I imagined all the ways I was going to get my a$s beat when my dad eventually came to pick me up and this angry principal told him all about my little operation. But miraculously some lady came out of a room saying “Hey Principal your meeting is starting right now we can’t wait any longer.” and the Principal looking frustrated but telling me that they would be right back and that I was still in a lot of trouble. And as soon as they walked into another room my dad walked in and asked if i was ready to go which was answered with a very hasty “yup”.

The rest of the year felt like some weird twilight zone. None of the other kids mentioned it again. Dad never mentioned it. Staff never mentioned it. Never talked to the principal again (and made sure to avoid them like the plague). I NEVER GOT IN TROUBLE. And I will never understand how.

5. Seems like a fun experiment.

We had a fifth grade student of a police officer cuff his friend to the play structure on the playground a few years back.

Had to call the campus cop over to figure it out; poor lad didn’t look any worse for wear, just had to chill alone outside for a bit while his friends got back to class.

4. I would not have liked that.

An entire menagerie of live insects. One afternoon my class decided that they should see how many bugs they could capture and keep alive in my classroom. The next day, I returned from covering lunch duty in another part of the school and noticed that one of the cubbies had paper towel taped over the front like a curtain. Before I could investigate, I noticed several Tupperware containers hiding in desks.

Dozens of worms (that was the cubby) Many assorted beetles Uncounted ants 4 bees A wasp And, most upsetting, several flies which were crazy glued to index cards and had their wings removed.

That was a long day in a long year.

3. Jimmy got a reprieve.

A small trinket box (about palm sized), decorated with gems and glitter, with a live mouse inside.

The mouse was named Jimmy and had been caught in the child’s house.

2. Seems legit.

Instant pudding.

My student was mixing it in a large Cool Whip container, using milk from lunch, right in the middle of a lesson on Macbeth.

1. What else would he do with it?

Christmas ornaments.

They were throwing them at each other and it eventually caused a fight.

Next to that would be a curtain rod.

He found it and kept hitting people with it.

Kids never cease to amaze me, and I mean that in every way possible.

If you’re a teacher, add your weird item to this list in the comments!

The post Teachers Share the Strangest Items They’ve Ever Confiscated appeared first on UberFacts.

More Hilarious Stories from Remote School

There are a ton of woeful tales about things gone wrong during those days, weeks, and months of remote learning. No one was really prepared, and we’ve all been learning on the fly, so if you consider both of those things, we’re doing pretty well.

The funny stories are the ones that keep us going, if you ask me – they remind us no one knows what they’re doing, and that laughter is the thing that will get us through.

12. At least it was health class. Could be incorporated into the lesson!

Someone accidentally joined with a video camera and he was full on naked in front of the class.

Teacher was a 60 year old woman in health class and it was just full on awkward the entire class.

11. Everyone knows you’ve gotta look out for those roosters.

One of my friends screamed as loud as he could “OH FU*K” When my teacher asked him what was wrong he said, and I quote. “Sorry i just got attacked by my rooster.”

My teacher was just like Will, show me your rooster, he then proceeded to go outside and show my teacher his 10 chickens. Literally wasted half a class and was an absolute legend.

10. Well that’s a nightmare.

Our geography teacher accidentally left her screenshare on, went to her email, and clicked on a message, the first sentence of which was:

“Dear [our teacher’s name] I’m so sorry about your divorce with Jeremy.”

She never realized.

9. Ways to kill your classmates, for sure.

Some guy I know took a crap with his mic on unknowingly.

It was silent, then just a little ‘plop’. I’m dying just thinking about it.

8. It’s probably a good thing you can’t slap someone through the screen.

I had a 9 am class and the professor was being so obnoxiously loud and a student didn’t know their mic.

Was on and called the professor annoying and said he was going to jerk off to pass time.

7. We’re all worried about the cat.

First day of online classes with a very respected professor.

Of the 10 people participating, 5 had their camera on and I among these five.

I noticed my cat moving behind me and, out of nowhere, the teacher shouts: “THE CAT FELL OUT OF THE BED !!”.

At least it helped with breaking the ice…

6. She was trying to humble brag, maybe.

I teach college students.

Boyfriend of one of my students walked by naked in the background during lecture.

I think he had just gotten out of the shower.

5. This made me smile.

My algebra teacher has a cat who is very clingy and loves her a lot. So often she’ll be doing a lesson and her cat will be sitting on the desk nearby.

One time, my teacher was using highlighters on some notes and Bella(the cat) suddenly grabbed one, the class heard my teacher trying to grab the highlighters from the cat when suddenly Bella’s face reappeared on camera with a highlighter smear across her nose. It was really cute , highlight of my day.

4. So fun when everyone joins in.

A bunch of boys in my AP English class decided one Friday to turn their cameras on and wear hats, like sombreros, cowboy hats, and fedoras. The teacher found it comical and went to his closet to get himself a hat as well and sunglasses.

In the end there were around ten people wearing hats and sunglasses in the meeting.

3. What a trooper.

kind of funny, my whole class watched as our professor fell off his chair, stood up, and started screaming for his wife to call the ambulance his arm was broken.

I guess he was in shock or something because then he continued with the lesson for another 45 minutes until paramedics had arrived stabilized him and were ready to take him to the hospital. He then told us to have a good day and that we would end today’s lesson a bit earlier.

2. Teachers of young kids have it so rough.

Daughter’s a Special Ed Preschool teacher. On Zoom. It’s as hilarious as it sounds.

She discovered that when she loses internet, Zoom chooses a Cohost if one isn’t assigned.

A 3yo became Cohost until she could get back online (using a phone tether).

Her aide is now the permanent cohost.

1. Kids have learned nothing.

Someone just straight up typed the word “po*n” In the chat with no context.

I’m pretty sure he meant to type it into Google…

These are downright hilarious, and I love the human factor it’s giving to people’s teachers and professors.

If you’ve been doing remote school, share your funniest stories with us down in the comments!

The post More Hilarious Stories from Remote School appeared first on UberFacts.

Notes Left By People Who are Doing Parenting the Right Way

In the age of texting, it may seem weird that parents would even still bother with leaving notes around. After all, if you’ve sent it right to someone’s phone, they’re definitely gonna see it, and shooting off a text certainly takes less time than, say, printing and cutting out instructions.

But then again, there’s something so much more personal and tactile about the actual note. It lets your kids know that you care, and more importantly, it gives a sense of foreboding, like they’re really there in the room with you, even if they’re not.

Watching. Judging. Expecting.

That’s why these notes from parents are the best.

10. Is that you, Alf?

Even I’m too young to be making Alf references, what’s wrong with me?

My parent went out of town, he left me a note.

9. Oh, baby

Look your life is your business but I ain’t taking care of no grandkids right now.

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8. Three in one

That’s pretty optimistic, dad.

7. Towel off

It’s not that funking hurd.

6. Compare and contrast

Something tells me Eric will very much be smoking the stank and hoodlum-doing.

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5. Get Daniel at 6

I love how this shifts from a note of concern to a burn on a dime.

4. Spoiler alert

Spark notes is getting lazier and lazier.

3. That summer breeze

Or terribly wrong, I don’t know.

2. Bean thing

The best part of waking up is probably not this.

1. The connection games

True innovation right here.

clever motherhood

I guess modern problems do call for modern solutions.

What’s the best note you’ve written/received?

Tell us in the comments, fam!


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Guy Asks if He Was Wrong to Kick a Co-Worker Out of His Wife’s Baby Shower

This story is really strange…

I understand that we all spend a lot of time at work, but when people start calling themselves someone’s “work wife” or “work husband”, I can see how that would make some folks uncomfortable.

And a man took to Reddit’s “Am I The A**hole?” page to ask if he was wrong for the way he treated such a co-worker. Let’s see what happened.

AITA for kicking my coworker out of my wife’s baby shower?

“I (29m) work in a pretty tight workspace. We have about 9 of us in my department and it’s a pretty even split between men and women.

There’s one coworker “Eva”(20f) who started working here a few months back. She’s really good at her job and seems to get along with everyone. We get along well as we work on projects together and are usually in the group of people that are the last to leave most days. I learned some weeks ago that she was calling herself my “work wife”. I knew what the term meant, the sentiment wasn’t shared and I’ve expressed as much.

I don’t think I’ve been rude about it, I just let her know that I’d prefer for her to keep things a bit more professional. There’s no real harm in the term, but for someone who doesn’t understand the joke, it just looks and sounds wrong. I’m also a happily married man, and my coworkers including Eva know this.

I thought I had done a pretty good job nipping things in the bud after our conversation [I no longer heard the jokes from her] so I didn’t think it would be an issue to invite her to my wife’s baby shower. My coworkers are all vaccinated (our job helped us get them) and my wife WFH so there wasn’t much concern for the sickness that shall not be named.

Eva comes in and immediately starts back up with the jokes. “You’re OP’s home wife? Nice to meet you!”, “it’s so nice to see who takes care of my hubby when I send him home!” My wife is a very sweet and patient woman so she just laughed it off, albeit uncomfortably and moved on. However the jokes got worse and wouldn’t let up.

At one point Eva was telling people she would be our baby’s second mom. My wife’s friends and family were annoyed and my wife looked very uncomfortable. I had pretty much had it by then, and took her aside and told her that the jokes weren’t funny and that she could either apologize to my wife right now for being so inconsiderate and gross, or she could just leave. She chose to leave.

Word got around to our coworkers what happened and while they agree that she was acting inappropriately, that I should have let her down a little easier, as it was “obvious she likes you OP”.

Am I really the a**hole for kicking her out?

And here’s what folks on Reddit had to say about the man’s story.

This reader said that the man is not to blame and he needs to make sure human resources at his company knows all about this…just in case…

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another Reddit user said that anyone who “likes” a married co-worker and makes it known is pretty gross.

Photo Credit: Reddit

This person said that the other co-workers are also to blame for their behavior.

No, he shouldn’t be nice to her because of this!

Photo Credit: Reddit

And this Reddit user agreed that the other co-workers seem to be part of the problem.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Finally, this individual made a very good point: if a man acted like this toward a married woman at work, they would definitely be labelled as a creep.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Do you think this guy was out of line?

Or did he do the right thing?

Let us know in the comments! Thanks!

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A Person Put Their Sister-in-Law in Her Place for Complaining About Food. Did They Act Like a Jerk?

People get worked up about all kinds of things, and one of the big ones folks complain about is FOOD.

And a person got pretty offended and spoke out against her sister-in-law after she complained about the food she made…but I have a feeling there’s a lot of tension bubbling under the surface here…

Here’s what happened.

AITA for telling my SIL to shut it when she complained about my food?

My SIL and I got along really well when my husband and I first met and were first married.

Then she took offense when I ended up missing her 30th birthday party because I already had pre-arranged, pre-paid plans with a couple of my friends. To clarify, the party was not on her actual birthday, it was two weeks earlier and so I didn’t see any reason to check the date with her.

But she could not accept me picking them over her which is how she views it. Even my husband told her it wasn’t fair to expect me to lose out when it’s not like I planned it on her actual birthday. But it hasn’t been the same since.

Ever since, whenever we’re hosting my ILs or whenever we bring food, she criticizes it. My husband and the rest of the family have called her out on being ungrateful. They have told her she should let the party thing go but she doesn’t. My cooking or baking was never an issue before she got pi**ed about me not being there for her birthday. She used to ask me for recipes and we’d cook together for Christ sake.

This past weekend we hosted a small dinner with family (both sides) to celebrate the impending arrival of mine and my husbands first child. Kind of like a baby shower but smaller and much less fuss. SIL was going off on the food again and I had enough.

I told her nobody was forcing her to come if she hated my food so much and maybe we would all be better off without her constantly s**t talking me through everything, even such a happy occasion.

She was pi**ed. She was so pi**ed. Even more when only one relative (another SIL) came to her defense or called me out. It’s now created tension between the family and I’ve been called a bi**h, an a**hole, a petty bi**h, all sorts of other stuff and I feel bad for lashing out the way I did.


And here’s how folks responded on Reddit.

This person said that person was not an a**hole and that the sister-in-law was put in her place the right way.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another reader thought up a fun idea about the SIL.

How about they make a game out of her bad attitude?!?!

Photo Credit: Reddit

This individual said that no one should have to put up with rude behavior in their own home.


Photo Credit: Reddit

Lastly, a Reddit user said that the person’s family should have stuck up for them in this situation and that the SIL needs to know what the consequences are for being rude.

Photo Credit: Reddit

How do you feel about this situation?

Share your thoughts with us in the comments.

We’d love to hear from you!

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This Person Asked if They’re Wrong For Not Paying Neighbor’s Vet Bills After Dog Attacked Cat

Things always get heated when animals are involved…and you’re about to read quite a story from Reddit’s “Am I The A**hole?” page.

It features dogs, cats, and a dispute over some vet bills.

Let’s see what happened.

AITA for not paying the medical bills for my neighbor’s cat?

“Let me start off by giving the details.

My backyard is completely fenced in with a metal 6 ft high fence, and so is my neighbor’s. I have a 3 year old husky, they have a cat. My dog has full 24/7 access to my backyard through the use of a doggy door for 2 years now, and we’ve had no issue before.

Every now and then my neighbor’s cat would be sitting on top of the fence and my dog would bark at it, but the cat would run off. Not really an issue.

So now we’re at the part where I’m being accused of being an a**hole, a terrible person, and my neighbor is rallying up the whole block against me.

THEIR cat came through MY doggy door. My dog was alerted within seconds and reacted way faster than I could ever. The cat did recieve some damage, but I managed to save it from my dog. I then rushed it to the neighbor’s, and I drove them to the vet (they didn’t have a car.)

Their cat was okay, hurt, but okay. I brought them home and as I was saying my goodbyes and giving my condolences, they asked about medical expenses. I have pet insurance for my own dog, so I had reassurance that I would be able to afford my own animal’s medical expenses.

I wasn’t financially prepared to handle someone else’s. And I told my neighbor this, but they told me I’m at fault because it was my dog who attacked their cat. I failed to see how it was my fault, as the animal was trespassing in my own home, and my dog was reacting because it’s territory was being infiltrated.

They said same choice words but I ended up refusing to pay by saying “I’m not paying for your cats medical bills, forget it” and I walked away. Other neighbors are now giving me dirty looks and I just don’t feel welcomed here.

I do plan on replacing my doggy door with an electronic one that will only open for my own dog, so I’m not ignoring the issue. I just don’t think I’m to blame, especially when I did what I could to help.

So, AITA?”

Hmmmm. Let’s see how people responded on Reddit.

This reader said that, while they love cats, the cat in the story entered the house so you can’t blame the dog for attacking.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another person argued that people who let their cats roam free are nothing but selfish and they do a lot of damage outside.

Photo Credit: Reddit

This individual said that cats tend to terrorize their neighborhoods and that this owner only cared when bad something to their cat…while ignoring everything else it does.

Photo Credit: Reddit

This reader said that outdoor cats are nothing but a nuisance.

Photo Credit: Reddit

And lastly, this person basically said that if you’re gonna play with fire, sometimes you’re gonna get burned.

Photo Credit: Reddit

How do you feel about this situation?

Sound off in the comments and let us know!

Thanks in advance!

The post This Person Asked if They’re Wrong For Not Paying Neighbor’s Vet Bills After Dog Attacked Cat appeared first on UberFacts.

Enjoy These Hilariously Passive Aggressive Exchanges That Went Viral

We all have times when we can be passive aggressive. I’m not proud of it.

I think it’s sort of a natural extension of being told all our lives that we need to be nice, or to hide our feelings, to avoid conflict at all costs. There has to be an outlet somewhere, and so the snark makes it way out as passive aggression.

Sometimes it’s an attempt to be funny, to make a point while smoothing over conflict. Other times, laughter may not be the intention, but it’s good when the rest of us can see the humor in it anyway.

Here’s a roundup of some of the best passive aggressive moments out there.

1. The bumper sticker: a reliable classic

I used to think that it would be a good idea if we could easily put scrolling messages on the front or back of our cars. You know, to tell people their gas tank is open or thank them for letting you into traffic. In retrospect, it’s probably better that we don’t.

2. People really can say a lot with their cars

It’s definitely a favored form of passive aggression. Or even just outright aggression.

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3. The bathroom sign

Not to be confused with the writing inside the stall. Those messages may or may not be passive aggressive.

4. Or this other amazing bathroom sign

We had some of these at a place that I worked.

I’m having flashbacks.


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5. The office break room

I think people are at their most passive aggressive at work.

You can’t outright go at someone because you still have to work together.


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6. But sometimes things just have to be said

I kind of like it when people think outside the box.

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7. Sometimes businesses take matters into their own hands

They definitely know their clientele.

8. Just remember that the customer is ALWAYS right

And they might decide to get even in the end.

9. And sometimes it’s just a matter of protecting your home turf

Whether you rent and have shared facilities or not…


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10. Homeowners can be especially tetchy

I don’t actually MIND that people turn around in my driveway so much…

But it does feel like we’re the chosen ones and I don’t understand WHY.

11. It’s hard to know how to talk to your neighbors

You just never know how they’ll react.

12. Don’t forget about spouses

I bet almost no one is as passive aggressive as a spouse. You think you’re doing a good thing by avoiding a fight…

13. Or anyway, you’re making your point

That’s definitely one way of doing it. If the other person actually CARES that the bed isn’t made.

14. Living with other people is just hard

It helps to get creative and add a touch of humor. But did they DO the dishes?

15. Hopefully you can laugh about it

Because the humor takes the sting out of the conversations we’re not having. This one is next-level though.

16. Just remember, the kids are watching and learning

They hear what you say and they see what you do, and then they repeat it and it’s hilarious.

My dad found my passive aggressive note that I wrote the toothfairy. It was better than I remembered.

These are all so amazingly passive aggressive that I almost feel sad not to work in an office with people anymore.

Did we miss any great opportunities or responses? Leave them in the comments.

The post Enjoy These Hilariously Passive Aggressive Exchanges That Went Viral appeared first on UberFacts.