People Discuss Niche Hobbies and Their Surprising Dark Sides

When you think about niche hobbies like knitting, or stamp collecting, or maybe bird watching, you probably don’t imagine there’s a dark side, but listen – literally everything imagined and carried out by humans has an underbelly.

That said, what goes on at say, backstage at a Yu-Gi-Oh convention might truly surprise you – and these 14 people are laying bare some secrets that will probably drop your jaws.

14. I know I’m shocked.

Plant collecting.

People poach them from nature, steal them from nurseries, conservatories and homes, file fake claims against the sellers to get their money back, paint plants to look like a different species, flip plants without proper quarantine and acclimation, and also sell infected plants (be it bugs, rot, mosaic virus etc).

Honestly, it’s SHOCKING how many awful things can go wrong with collecting plants…

13. I don’t know what most of this means.

Ham radio has a fair number of racist a$$holes and outright crazy people. The 80 meter band is like the 4chan of the airwaves sometimes.

My grandfather was racist on his old CB. He had this huge tower in the back yard and was thrilled that he could reach other countries. Provided those foreign people spoke English. Otherwise he’d call them Jabbering Monkeys.

12. The quilters? Say it ain’t so!


Gossip around people with “a fabric habit” can be quite mean!

There are people, I have to say tends to be middle aged or older Southern women (though not all all southern quilters by any means) will go after any modernization in style (by another quilter) hard.

Crazy big controversy a couple years ago because some people found some quilts at a quilting conference (showing basically) “too political” and their reaction was quite over the top. (Politics in quilting isn’t remotely new.) Anyway, yeah, quilting community is not all old ladies sitting around sewing and having tea.

11. Wait, really?

Pokémon Go.

Fights over gyms and PvP battles. Mainly gyms, I think a couple have actually died over it.

They blew it by not having PvP battles in the first release of the game.

That was such a good game but people got tired of just collecting and not battling.

10. That all sounds like a lot of work.

Computer security.

You start out with some naive idea about maybe fixing a bug you found in some software… and slowly become aware of an aggressively boring world consisting of multimillion dollar lawsuits, secretive organizations, politics, and international crime.

It’s good fun when you can ignore all that and fix some bugs or write a neat program though.

9. Even if we’d rather forget.

Remember those giant pants from the late 90s? Well, there’s been an entire reseller market for them for years chock full of dedicated collectors and enthusiasts (mostly ravers because duh lol). The market used to be completely fair and you could usually snag yourself a couple of rare designs off eBay for a reasonable double digit price. All until…

One guy. One f**king guy emerged over the past couple of years that has completely destroyed that market fairness. It’s not even conjecture that it’s just one person, it’s the legitimate source of the demise of our little corner of the world. Essentially, an IG “influencer” started flooding eBay with INSANELY priced pants, like we’re talking almost $1k on common items, and tied it all to his IG so people who had zero clue about our market figured that that’s just what shit was worth. Couple that with skirting platform ToS to buy low/sell high (in this case, straight up scamming) and his penchant for flat out stalking and threatening people who come after him and you have what we have now: zero ability to continue our hobby with new/rare items because now anyone who finds something at a thrift store thinks it’s suddenly a gold mine.

The stupid thing is, the guy claims to be an authority on this kind of fashion but genuinely has NEVER been a part of any related community (especially since he’s known and shunned lol). It’s gotten so bad that there’s even a recent article out about how the dude unknowingly sold something to Drake and it was claimed as a bootleg by another big celeb WHO MADE SAID CLOTHING LINE. So now the guy is getting national attention for selling to a celeb, despite cleanly ripping him off.

8. I need pictures.

Doll collecting.

Fakes are a big business and people are mad!

You know it’s wild when a doll can get canceled.

Thank goodness dolls aren’t sentient because the scrutiny and judgement they get from fans is hard. And I say that as a huge fan who also thinks Mattel has turned Barbie into a cheap piece of crap in the past 10 years. Don’t get me started….

7. I want to know more.

Hands down everyone who collects salt and pepper shakers has a body buried somewhere.

Old ladies will throw down with a motherfucker for salt and pepper shakers. At my former job, we had shaker sets that were exclusive to certain holidays. For Thanksgiving, we had these cute, little turkey sets and every grandma that set foot in that store went home with one. Due to their popularity, we were running low on turkey shakers every goddamn week.

I had to calm disgruntled old ladies who didn’t get any and somehow make more magically appear so they didn’t skin me alive. It was rough.

6. It is a performance art.

Improv is full of predators ?

When I was 16 years old I got into my local improv class because my now ex-boyfriend (also 16) was there. We werent the only teens but most of the class was 30-40 year old men. The amount of sexual jokes directed at me was horrifying. I remember in one of the skits they wanted me to act as a sexy teacher and one older man as a father of a misbehaving kid.

I only went there for two months. Recently I learned that one of these men from that improv class is now in politics so yeah…not cool.

5. How wrong you are.

Lego. It’s a kids toy, right?

Wrong. We have a chronic problem where new releases sell out almost immediately, going for vastly marked up prices while being unavailable to the public for months on end. Also, The Lego Group treats product leaks like murder cases, surgically ferreting out the responsible party. It’s like the “Marvel’s hitmen” joke.

And don’t even get me started on the figure market. This is a relatively new creation, since Covid got a lot of adult fans into the hobby and searching for rare and nostalgic figures. Cue a bunch of absolute jacka$$es going on EBay and buying specific figures in bulk because they think they’re the new r/wallstreetbets.

They will coordinate their attacks, going after somewhat rare but not impossible to find figures like Bail Organa or Captain Rex (this problem is uniquely pernicious in the LSW community which has several very terrible influencers in it) and “sending them to the moon”. Captain Rex is not a genuinely rare figure. He was in one set, yes, but it was a cheap, mass produced set a LOT of people have. His price should be somewhere around 35-40 dollars, like Grand Admiral Thrawn was before a certain M plus R character bought a bajillion. Instead, both Rex and Thrawn can go for upwards of a hundred dollars. It’s fucking mental.

They’ve totally f**ked the third party market, treating it like a damned stocks game when all the general public wants is some cool toys. The Lego Insta and YT communities are absolutely terrible. Surprisingly our Reddits aren’t tho, with the exception of the sales ones (predictably) which have very strict guidelines but still fall prey to drama around counterfeiters and catfish.

4. It’s literally dark.

Astronomy / stargazing.

People will drive for hours just to get to a dark sky, with minimal or no light pollution. And light pollution is getting worse and more widespread every year.

Marines 2003. Was on a flat top carrier in the middle of the pacific working night shift and all the ships worked under wartime night ops. So no white lights. All dark. Only green or red dim lighting. We were on the equator. No moon. My mind was fucking blown.

As a civilization we lost something losing that kind of a view normally.

3. There’s a lot of money involved…

Truffle hunting.

My professor used to talk about how he knew guys that would get murdered just because of truffles.

Or how if you find a way to grow a mushroom like the morel in a farm, people would get murdered over that as well.

2. I’ve seen Whiplash.

I don’t know about a dark side to it as a hobby, but music.

Great hobby, awesome creative outlet. But professional music and music academia is toxic. Expecting students to work for 12+ hours every day, constantly being compared to others in negative ways, the massive drug culture that surrounds music students – I don’t know any music student that wasn’t at least taking Adderall to study, if not coke and other drugs at times too.

And professional music, at least professional orchestras and big bands, require such talent that you basically just have to practice nonstop for decades to get into them. Which you learned how to do in music school – just pop some pills, do nothing but play your instrument, and have no life.

It’s getting better in a lot of schools and for a lot of people, thankfully.

1. Adult toy collectors.

I collect a few different kinds of toys for the nostalgia. And let me tell you, adult toy collectors can be terrible, entitled brats. Contrary to what they believe adults are NOT the target demographic! The companies are catering to children! Stop harassing them on social media! Stop bullying literal children over it!

Scalping can be a huge issue as well. People would buy whole shelves of things just to re-sell at a markup. Adults who aren’t into it sometimes assume the worst of you (and the”worst” varies). I’m just an adult who spends some of their fun money on cute colorful things. Sometimes you’re just trying to make friends and you stumble into a kink community!

People can do what they’d like as long as it safe, sane and consensual, but you can get surprised by it or have it pushed on you. The most frequent kink grosses me out actually and I really have to watch who I interact with.

I honestly can’t say I’m surprised, but I definitely had no idea.

What niche hobby do you have inside knowledge of? Drop the secrets on us in the comments!

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Why Can’t We Say “I’m Not Educated On That” About Things We Don’t Know About?

When someone asks us a question, I think most of us feel badly if we don’t know the answer – which is crazy, because no one knows everything about everything, right? Or even a little bit about some things, because we all have our specialities and areas of interest.

A person on Reddit wondered why it’s not socially acceptable to just say “I’m not educated about that” when we don’t know the answer, and to not judge people (or ourselves) for not knowing everything.

Here’s the post:

“I’m not educated on that subject” needs to be a more common/accepted response

There’s this idea that every time someone asks a question about anything they expect some form of answer.

I think there’s 2 reasons:

  1. The world today let’s people have an opinion on anything whether they know about the subject or not. While there’s a ton of information it’s all watered down and bias for the most part. Even when talking to people it’s not their opinion it’s them regurgitating an opinion someone else has
  2. When you don’t have an opinion it’s seen as a negative thing as if you don’t care about what’s happening in the world or you’re stupid or something.

One of the most underrated skills is knowing when to shut up especially for us USA-ers. It’s perfect to tell someone I’m not educated in the subject or even IDGAF!

What does Reddit think about that?

We’re about to find out!

12. Not even teachers know everything.

I teach classes to engineers and engineering students. I use this phrase regularly because they can come up with some great questions. Then, I come back later with the answers.

They respect me a lot more for it than giving an answer that’s not correct or vague.

11. As they should.

I’m straight up when I dont know something. I’ll literally say to someone, unfortunately I don’t have much knowledge on that subject so I cant really speak on it. And everyone respects it. No stigma whatsoever

So yeah, more people should definitely admit when they don’t know something. Nothing will happen haha

10. Just be honest.

I use variations of these quite often, my go to is, ‘I believe (X), but let me refer to (the expert source) to get the final answer, just to make sure you’re getting completely accurate information’ or ‘honestly, I don’t know but I’ll gladly look into it and get back to you once I have the answer’

9. It doesn’t mean you’re dumb – the opposite, actually.

It’s a trait I recognized in my father and grew to adore: if he didn’t know something he would say as much. He might have fun hypothesizing over what the answer could possibly be, but he wasn’t married to his guesses and would only do it as a fun exercise until he found out what the answer was.

Growing up with him as the most intelligent man I’ve ever known, and watching him regularly say he wasn’t sure about something or another, and then looking at my friends’s fathers and their reluctance to ever say they didn’t know something made me realize that the truly smart people know when to keep their mouths shut and defer to the experts.

Smart people become smart by learning the answers to their questions instead of simply assuming that their first guess is correct.

8. If you want to get specific.

I prefer “I don’t know enough to have a sufficiently reliable opinion on the matter, so I would be inclined to take the input of those more educated on the topic over my own opinion.

This will allow me to build a more informed opinion on similar situations, and develop a better discernment between wise men and sly men.”

7. Communication skills are for everyone.

It’s funny, (through great effort & many therapists) I have developed the habit. I actually used it earlier today. But I learned it because I never saw it used. My parents used communication skills so poor I was able to eventually extrapolate good skills.

Well… Okay-ish skills. (I’m trying.)

But as a PhD today, I can definitely say that a significant indicator of intelligence is not knowing things but how someone deals with not knowing something.

6. They shouldn’t, anyway.

For real. I do that all the time.

My background is in science and you will get s**t on if you try to talk about things you don’t actually know about. It’s second nature at this point for me to say “this isn’t my specialty, but these are my thoughts…” or whatever.

No one thinks less of you for being aware of your own limitations.

5. What was modeled for you?

I grew up with the exact opposite father. He would constantly make stuff up and acts like he knew everything. Watching his arrogant behaviour growing up (which has now devolved into him being a conspiracy nut who’s wholly anti-vaccine) caused me to vow to never be that way.

I’m not hesitant to admit I don’t know something, and I try to help others find answers if they ask and I don’t know the answer off the top of my head.

4. Make it a team effort.

I was a supervisor of a small parts assembly team for a few years. When I started I had zero experience with their particular assemblies.

For the first few months whenever an employee would come up to me with a question, my response was almost always “I don’t know, but let’s see if we can figure it out”

This worked great to build a relationship with the employees and also allowed me as an outsider to give new ideas when their processes and procedures didn’t work very well.

3. Wise words.

My parents always said “you don’t need to know the answer for every question, just know how to find the answers you don’t know.”

I grew up with a huge dictionary and I always had to look up a word I didn’t know. They wouldn’t tell me the answer.

2. You can go on the offensive, too.

This also chains well into challenging someone who may be talking out of their a$$. “I don’t know enough about that to speak on it. What’s your expertise? How did you learn about it?”

A bulls*%tter’s position will quickly stutter.

1. Learning the hard way.

I learned to do this the hard way. Years ago, a friend of mine and another acquaintance I didn’t know that well were on a walk. My friend asked a question about good exercises for someone with bad knees. Me being the know-it-all and an aerobics instructor, jumped in with some stuff I pulled out of my a$$.

The other guy was patient and didn’t say anything. After I was finished going on and on, he gave his input and really seemed to know what he was talking about. Later that day I found out he was a doctor. Then I realized she’d really meant for the question to be directed towards him.

I felt like such an a**. But from that point on, I never again just jumped to answer a question with the authority of an expert. I always assume that someone else in the room might know more than me. And if I’m not sure about something, I’ll admit it.

And if I do know a little bit about something but it’s all just from googling and not from a formal education, I’ll admit that too and say, “Please disregard this if someone more knowledgeable says otherwise. I learned this at Google University.” I think I’ve saved myself a lot of potential embarrassment this way.

I’m going to adopt this in my life – maybe you could, too, and we could start a trend!

Thoughts? Leave them in the comments.

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People Share the Weirdest Facts They Know

Facts are something that we all love and we all have our favorites.

The ones we can’t wait to drop anytime we get the chance, the ones that never fail to get us the reaction we want – and yes, the weirdest things we’ve heard that are just impossible to forget.

Those are the facts Reddit is asking for today, and let me tell you, these 18 people came up with some real doozies!

18. I’ll be listening for that this summer.

When male honey bees orgasm, their penises explode with a “pop!” audible to human ears.

And when winter comes the worker bees (which are all female) kick the male bees out to die in the cold because they do nothing other than mate with the queen and the queen can make more even if she is new and unmated. She needs to mate in order to make more female bees.

17. Consider my mind blown.

Cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, kale, Brussels sprouts, collard greens, Savoy cabbage, kohlrabi, and gai lan are all the same species of plant (Brassica oleracea), just bred to enhance different parts of the plant.

16. Well that’s unfortunate.

The man who invented the website lost his wife to a man she met … On

15. Cremated or just a really big can?

Fredric Baur, the inventor of the Pringles can, is buried in one.

14. This is definitely useful information.

Door knobs that are made out of brass can disinfect itself in about 8 hours.

Copper has the same effect. This early study published in April 2020 demonstrates the SARS-Cov-2 virus particles became non-viable after 4 hours on copper surfaces.

13. I mean there had to be some trick to it.

Woodpeckers tongues wrap around their brain to cushion them from a concussion when they peck against tree trunks.

12. The weight of paint.

If you want to paint a violin red you have to use a Naphthol or Pyrrol Red as a Cadmium Red pigment is too heavy and will alter the sound.

It adds up, the first two space shuttle External tanks were painted white. The external tanks ended up weighing 600 pounds more than the unpainted ones.

11. Now that’s ironic.

We don’t really know who the inventor of the fire hydrant is, because the patent was destroyed…….in a fire.

Homer: Springfield’s never had a hurricane in recorded history.

Lisa: The records only go back to the ’70s when the hall of records was mysteriously blown away.

10. Those things freak me out.

Koalas have fingerprints that are very close to human fingerprints. There apparently have been several “break-in” in Australia by the same “person” based of off fingerprint evidence.

Turned out to be a koala that was responsible for all of these.

9. I bet that’s delicious.

Volkswagen makes a currywurst (a type of sausage) and it has its own Original Part number. #199 398 500 A

No word on whether or not it’s wrapped in a proper pretzel.

8. This does not surprise me about poodles.

There was a genetic bottle neck in standard poodles starting in the 1950s. A kennel called the Wycliffe kennel linebred exceptional show dogs which became highly sought after as studs.

Even today, many standard poodles carry a substantial percentage from this line which traces back to just five dogs.

7. Fungi are amazing.

A fungi grows next to the highly radioactive “Elephant’s Foot” in the Chernobyl reactor. It feeds off the gamma rays emitted by the nuclear fuel in a process known as “radiosynthesis.”

If you were exposed to similar levels of radiation, you would have a lethal dose in 3 minutes.

Radiotrophic fungus was first discovered at the Chernobyl site in 1991, just after the collapse of the Soviet Union and the start of internationally-aided cleanup/containment efforts. Not so sure about right next to the Elephant’s Foot, but it was definitely found growing in large, flourishing colonies all throughout the site’s cooling water supply.

This fungus appears to use melanin – the same dark-brown pigment that gives humans all their various normal skin tones, except in much, much higher concentrations – to power sugar-producing reactions by deriving energy from nuclear decay the same way plants and cyanobacteria use the green pigment chlorophyll to synthesize sugars by deriving energy from (sun)light.

Basically, this stuff is a mold colony that has the most extreme tan ever, and uses it to eat radiation.

Similar fungi have been found accumulated on the exterior hulls of low-orbit spacecraft, and experiments were recently (2018-2019) conducted to begin investigating if the stuff could be used as shielding to protect astronauts from solar/cosmic radiation. Apparently, results were promising!

6. This is very disconcerting.

The spinal cord has the consistency of a ripe banana.

Yeah our vertebrae are rings of interlocking armor for a reason.

5. Those are fun party tricks.

Sloths can hold their breath longer than dolphins can. They can also die of starvation with a full stomach.

Their gut bacteria is very temperature dependent. Due to Global Warming ™, the temp in the Caribbean can go below its more usual 23C down to about 20C at times, which will kill their digestive bacteria, so they can’t digest what they eat. Sloths can’t regulate their body temperature well, so they can’t maintain an internal temp to stop this happening.

4. Terrifying, if you’re a caterpillar.

When caterpillars make their chrysalises, the don’t just grow wings & change, they dissolve completely into goo which then reforms into the butterfly.

Better yet, if you “train” the caterpillars to dislike certain stimuli, the resulting butterflies retain that memory & will avoid the same stimuli.

I don’t have a source to hand but I asked a relative who works a lot around butterflies.

She said that it has actually been shown that they retain some structure during metamorphosis, including their nervous system which explains the memory retention.

3. Facts about camels.

Most of the camels of Saudi Arabia are imported from Australia.

The largest wild population of camels is also in Australia.

It is illegal to kill wild camels in Arizona.

Back in the day they imported camels to cross Southern Arizona, found horses more reliable so released the camels. There’s a thriving population of wild horses in Arizona but sadly no more camels. ?

Llamas and other camel species can thrive here though.

Lastly, I remember watching Planet Earth for the first time and seeing Bactrian camels on film, for the first time, in their natural habitat. One of my favorite tv memories.

2. Talk about dark.

Anglerfish mate by the male biting the female’s abdomen.

Over time, the male is absorbed and linked to the female’s circulatory system while the male basically melts into a parasite-looking growth that is actually nothing but testicles which the female will use when she’s ready.

Weird enough for you?

1. And they still didn’t see that iceberg coming.

Titanic was fitted with microphones for receiving underwater bell signals. With this system the sound of submarine bells was received through the hull of the vessel.

Submarine bells, used as fog signals, were located on lightships, at lighthouses, and even on some specially equipped buoys. They were actuated by electric signals, compressed air, or simply by wave motion.

Titanic had two submarine microphones on her hull, one on each side. These were the “ears” of the ship. By switching between the port and starboard microphones and comparing the volume of the bells, the navigation officer could determine the direction to the navigation aid. Sound travels much further through water than through air – these bells could be heard over 15 miles away through the headset.

A pretty cool way of navigating at a time when GPS and RADAR didn’t yet exist!

I’m definitely adding some of these to my list.

What’s your favorite weird fact? Share it with us in the comments!

The post People Share the Weirdest Facts They Know appeared first on UberFacts.

People Discuss the Secrets They Learned Working at McDonald’s

All jobs have secrets, it’s just that not all of them are required to be kept once you’re no longer employed.

If you work for the CIA, you’ve probably got to take those to your grave, but otherwise…go ahead and spill.

And if you’re someone who goes through that McDonald’s drive thru on a regular basis – no judgement, I promise – you might be interested in hearing what employees learn once they’re given the keys to the castle.

So to speak.

16. That sounds delicious.

Worked there in high school.

Found out that if you put the middle of a Mac bun in the fryer and then add soft serve and strawberry topping, it tastes just like a funnel cake.

Custom creations were the best part of working there.

15. What was down there, though…?

The McDonald’s in my hometown had a basement.

I didn’t work there but on days where they had a shipment in, I’d watch them slide boxes down a slide that covered half the stairs while waiting in the drive through…

14. They get creative after hours.

Ice cream on top of a hot out the oven pie or cookie or cinnamon melt or brownie melt.

Or hot cakes. That shit was my jam.

I used to make quesadillas after close. The southwest mix and dressing was good for that.

We had taco Tuesdays sometimes, with in house toppings. Quarter meat, tomato, lettuce, cheese, tortillas, onions. I think the only thing brought in was the taco seasoning.

I’d scramble or sunnyside up the eggs for my break with the salt and pepper clicker meant for lunch meats and some cheese on top.

Not a “hack” but I miss the OG chicken select strips.

13. Too busy or too stunned?

My first day on the job I was told to be on the lookout for the elderly gentleman who would try to sneak around the counter and pour the entire coffee pot into his mug while everyone was too busy to stop him.

He showed up and I stared him down.

He didn’t get his coffee that day.

12. You never know what you’re gonna get.

I worked there when I was in high school. Not a secret, but I hadn’t known much about franchises before then.

I hadn’t realized that McDonald’s could vary quite a bit in quality and professionalism based on who the owners were and what type of management/workplace they set up. I worked at a really good one (with good management, I mean), but some are s*%t.

have 2 McDonald’s near me, both relatively same distance.

The one I usually go to is more crowded but I feel that the food is better prepared and the drinks taste right.

I’ve been to the other McDonald’s before, not as crowded, but the nuggets tend to have a stale texture and the coke has this weird bubble gum type aftertaste lol.

11. The parking lot is always hoppin.

Depending on which one you work at, the parking lot is basically a meet-up for druggies/drug dealers and (at least where I was in New Mexico) people to meet up and have sex in their cars. As long as they kept their business to the middle of the night and didn’t cause any serious problems, we were told not to call the cops or make a fuss, mostly because they’d come in and buy food after their shenanigans.

Soda and mini pies were really popular with heroin addicts. What I later found out is that management was actually told to let it slide by corporate, since everyone higher up was aware of how much money the “night crowd” brought in. I got to see many, many drug deals.

I’m convinced I saw at least one arms deal, but I of course have no way of verifying that.

10. That’s a lot of sugar.

Former employee here. I found out that, when making 5 gallons of sweet tea, an entire 4-pound bag of sugar goes in.

Sandwiches with round egg use real, cracked eggs. Folded and scrambled come from packaged goods in the freezer or fridge.

I also had a manager that insisted more people purchase Filet O Fish when it’s raining out because they subconsciously associate the watery weather with fish. Anyway, he did some research by poring through sales of Filet O Fish for months and months and comparing it to weather data for each day. Turns out he found something like a 3% increase on rainy days and was very pleased with himself.

Edit: Wow, I will answer some of your questions up here so people can see. The manager voiced his theory one day, and the crews all argued with him about it. This went on for a while. He was committed to proving us wrong, so he secretly pulled the sales numbers at work and did the rest on his own time, never breathing a word until he brought his printed report in to shut us all up.

He did separate Fridays during Lent and compared those days to each other in anticipation of having holes poked in his research. We still did that anyway, of course. As pointless and imperfect as the research was, it was impressive to see his commitment to giving us the middle finger!

9. An upgrade? Really?

Before I worked there , I always thought they used a grill . Turns its more of a heated press machine.

It used to be a grill. Upgrades.

8. That is unacceptable, sir.

My manager used to be on my back all of the time for ‘giving out too much sauce’.

He tried telling me the limit is one per meal.

7. It can be a messy job.

Drop any unopened chicken nugget sauce on the ground once — you’ve got yourself a sauce grenade.

Trash compactor can make for some fun explosions too. We had a volpack of ketchup that needed tossed for whatever reason, someone didn’t realize it shouldn’t go into the compactor. I go back after hearing a bang and a scream, dude is just caked in ketchup and it shot up out of the barrel of the manual compactor and painted the wall, ceiling, and bun rack.

They have since taken away the volpacks.

6. I find this hard to believe.

The official deodorizing spray they gave us is the most pleasant thing I’ve ever smelled in my entire life.

Even now, I wish I could smell it again.

5. The little things you learn.

The pickles are surprisingly aerodynamic. They stick to walls and (if you have the stones) managers shirts pretty well.

Yeah, they fly amazing. Pretty sure me and my old crew cost that store about $1k the entire time we worked there just throwing them things…


4. Who hasn’t heard that one too many times in their life?

I learned that if I have time to lean, I have time to clean.

3. Efficiency wins.

Sauces for sandwiches have the craziest dispensers.

Ketchup and mustard are in these really rudimentary plastic funnel things that have a paddle in the handle, when you squeeze it gravity pushes just the right amount of sauce through holes.

Doesn’t seem like it’d work well but it does if you apply the proper amount of jigglin.

The Mac sauce, mayo, and tartar though, they’re in basically caulk tubes that get loaded into basically caulk guns. You pull the trigger on the handle and a reeeeaally satisfying ratchety clanking delivers a powerfully saucy surprise for the awaiting buns. Problem is, it takes a bit of finesse because if you hit that trigger too hard you’ll blow the bun and the wad of creme right through the condiment station and onto the wall 8 feet away.

No joke, the first couple tarter splurts of a fresh tube came out so hot I’d fire a shot or two in the trash to avoid premature splatulation during the lunch rush. The first salvo, properly elevated and adjusted for wind, could clear the whole kitchen and take out the McInfantry on the cash register.

2. Seriously, a nightmare.

I worked at McDonalds when they first introduced sweet tea and remember that it was brewed in a large bucket mixing hot water with a full bag of granulated sugar.

It makes me sick to think about but I still sometimes crave that disgustingly sweet tasty garbage.

1. The customers are the best part.

Cool story. I worked there in my teens for a couple years. Actually worked at 2 different locations so i saw the difference in standards.

At one store there was a guy who always rode his bike to the store every single day to hangout. He was on the spectrum …”slow” and McDonalds was kind of his castle. Everyone knew him and he got a lot of free food from the employees. He was a daily part of the shift for us.

Anyway, one day he had one too many root beers. (This was a thing he normally did) because he pretended the root beers were like real beers and he would get drunk. Everyone kind of would go along with it because he was funny and never did anything to wild. Unfortunately this day he took it a little too far and ended up in the parking lot throwing bottles at cars driving by.

Long story short. Guy was arrested and he was banned from that McDonalds for life. Kinda felt bad about it because that McDonalds was his favorite place to be. He would pull thru at 3 or 4 on his bike and stay and hang out with employees until like 8. Every. Single. Day. Before that incident one of the managers even made him his own little parking spot for his bicycle, he was happy as hell.

I think about that guy sometimes. Hope he’s found himself a new McDonalds.


I don’t know how to feel about some of these!

If you’ve ever worked at McDonald’s, do these ring true? Do you have more? We want to hear them in the comments!

The post People Discuss the Secrets They Learned Working at McDonald’s appeared first on UberFacts.

Is This Man Wrong For Holding a Grudge Against the Friend Who Outed Him as Poly? People Responded.

Some folks hold grudges and some don’t even waste their time.

But I think it’s safe to say that this guy DEFINITELY against a friend who betrayed his trust.

And he took to Reddit’s “Am I The A**hole?” page to ask the fine folks there if he’s wrong for doing so.

Here’s what happened…

AITA for holding a grudge against the friend who outed me as poly, even though he thought he was doing good?

“I’m polyamorous.

My wife, Lisa, has a boyfriend (Jeff) and I have a girlfriend (Natalie). The four of us hang out together, we’re all consenting but I don’t advertise that I’m anything other than traditional monogamous with my and Lisa’s friends.

Enter Kevin, a not-so-close friend of Lisa’s who happened to see me out with Natalie ~2 years ago. He assumed that I was cheating on my wife (fair) and tried to right that “wrong”. If he’d just gone to Lisa and said it to her, she’d have clarified the misunderstanding, no harm done.

Instead, he talked in private with several of my friends to “gather evidence” on me. Every time, he told our friends that I’m a cheater, low life, monster, etc – one friend was approached on Facebook messenger and screencapped Kevin’s conversation. Kevin said, I quote: “Help me take down that f__ing b**tard”.

Then Kevin finally heard from Lisa that she approved of my relationship with Natalie, and I was forced to come out as poly publicly to shush the rumors I’m a dirtbag cheater. So, thanks Kevin.

I’ve been clear: If Kevin is invited anywhere, I’m not going. I still hate the guy’s guts. I’ve been the butt of every joke and called a cuck a hundred times since everyone knows that my wife has a bf.

Kevin demonstrated genuine hatred for me, I refuse to ever consider him a friend again, even though Lisa insists that Kevin “thought he was doing the right thing.” I refuse to give the dude another chance.


Now let’s see how people on Reddit reacted to this story.

This person said that the man’s friend Kevin might have a thing for his wife and that’s why he spoke up about this.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another reader said that the whole matter really could have been handled pretty easily.

Why all the drama…?

Photo Credit: Reddit

This individual said that Kevin definitely DID NOT think he was doing the right thing and he went straight to the rumor mill.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Lastly, this Reddit user said that while Kevin definitely blew this situation up, everyone is to blame here.

And they said that the guy who wrote the post dug his own pit and he needs to accept responsibility for his actions.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Do you think this person had a right to hold a grudge?

Or are they overreacting?

Share your thoughts with us in the comments. Thanks!

The post Is This Man Wrong For Holding a Grudge Against the Friend Who Outed Him as Poly? People Responded. appeared first on UberFacts.

What Do People Think is Harmless but It’s Incredibly Dangerous? People Responded.

It’s interesting how you can think something (or someone) can be totally harmless…until the situation gets flipped on its head and you realize you’re dealing with something that’s actually dangerous.

And the world is full of this kind of stuff!

What seems harmless but is actually really dangerous?

Folks shared their thoughts on AskReddit.

1. Keep your eyes open.

“Walking along the train tracks.

It’s crazy how fast millions of pounds of freight can sneak up on you.”

2. Jeez.

“ER nurse here.

I had a teenage girl come from Home economics class. She was sewing and had a pin between her lips.

I mean , who hasn’t done that? She sucked it in and it got lodged in her throat. While waiting for a scope she felt it dislodge and went deep into her main bronchial. She required major surgery.

Had a young boy running with a toothbrush in his mouth. Got jammed way deep , almost hit a major artery.”

3. Ouch!

“A human bite.

I worked at a kindergarten and one kid was sometimes super sweet but sometimes really mean. He could switch in a second. While I was naming the colouring pages they were about to get he walked up to me and bit me in the arm. Didn’t think it was through, cuz no blood.

But it started swelling and getting red and the marks were clearly there. Went to the doc right after my shift. He explained a human bite is the second most dangerous bite there is. Got antibiotics but they didn’t work. Arm just kept swelling and getting completely dark purple over two days.

Doctor sent me to the hospital where I got strong antibiotics. Basically everything in me was cleaned with that s**t, felt weak for months. If it didn’t start working by that night is have to come back and be hospitalized to get my underarm removed. I’ve shat some bricks there.

Never thought a kid’s bite could cause this. Luckily the swelling got less and the bruise stopped spreading so I still have my arm, but that was very close.”

4. Gotta follow directions.

“Having a small snack before a medical procedure that requires anesthesia.

Intubation can cause you to throw up your food and you can choke.”

5. Be careful.

“Pool covers. It’s like being wrapped in a bedsheet underwater. You cannot get free and you cannot scream for help. Once you’re in the only way to get out is to be incredibly lucky and get free or have faith that someone saw or heard you fall in and hope that they get you in time.

It’s a lengthy, terrifying, d**th that’s completely avoidable.”

6. Wow.

“Having a loose animal in the car.

A safety instructor once told me doctors had to dig dog bones out of a person after it got between them and an airbag.”

7. Pretty scary.

“Oceanside cliff blow holes.

People think they’re so much fun to stand around and play with.

You fall into one of those things, you aren’t getting out.

The waves will just bludgeon you against the rocks until you d** or you’re lucky enough to drown first.”

8. Know your flowers.

“Kids picking flowers in the park. I am a conservation

Technician for a county park system, at least once a year I have to stop parents with kids picking flowers off the trail because I see kids with either poison hemlock (one of the d**dliest plants if ingesting even a tiny amount) or wild parsnip, which can cause some serious permanent scarring, burns, and boils if the sap gets on to your skin and is exposed to sunlight.

Don’t let your kids pick or eat anything you aren’t 100% sure of.”

9. No way I’m doing this.

“Confined spaces, above ground or worse, below the surface.

If you do urban exploration, caving, or anything like that, get a 4 gas detector, clip it to you chest or belt, and set the alarm to max.

If it makes a sound, get the f**k out or you are going to d**.”

10. Gotta do it.

“Not checking / changing the tires on your car.

Someone back me up on this.

You can’t just drive around with the same tires on forever.

Eventually you’ll end up doing donuts in the middle of a wet interstate because your back tires lost traction.”

11. I didn’t know that.

“Eating raw or undercooked kidney beans can make you very sick or even k**l you.

It only takes like 3 undercooked kidney beans to ruin your day.”

12. Could be very harmful.

“Small cuts you get when doing marine stuff.

If you are diving/snorkeling at a coral reef and lightly scrape yourself on some coral, for the love of god disinfect the living s**t out of that, no matter how “mild” it looks. The bacteria on coral will literally eat your leg off.

Having small cuts on your hand while handling stuff like diatomaceous earth or sea sponges can cause tiny glass spines to enter your blood stream and poke tiny holes in all those blood highways running through you.

While this is a bit of a he-said she-said story, my professor apparently had a student hospitalized and d** due to massive internal bleeding issues from handling this s**t day after day.”

What do you think seems harmless but is really dangerous?

Talk to us in the comments and let us know.

Thanks in advance!

The post What Do People Think is Harmless but It’s Incredibly Dangerous? People Responded. appeared first on UberFacts.

Flight Attendants and Pilots, How Do Passengers Annoy You? Here’s What People Said.

It really makes my blood boil when people act like a**holes on airplanes and at airports and treat crew members like garbage.

Just keep your opinions to yourself, go along with the program, and you’ll be at your destination before you know it.

It’s really as easy as that! But you know some people have to cause problems wherever they go…

So, what annoys people who work on airplanes for a living?

Here’s what folks had to say on AskReddit.

1. Ugh.

“Poking or grabbing at me to get my attention!!

And it’s usually on my as** as it’s eye level with most people haha. But for real DON’T poke people! Especially if I am speaking to another passenger. I can see you waving at me I’m not going to interrupt my assisting someone else because you want me to take your trash, just give me a second and I’ll come to you next.

I promise can hear you if you say “excuse me!” Or “Miss!” Or even wave a little in my direction. There’s just no need to touch people or grab at them.

Once I was so irritated at someone’s incessant poking, I turned, looked them in the eye and poke poke poked them right back and said, “what do you need.””

2. Not my fault.

“Check-in Agent here.

When the plane is delayed or there’s a cancellation and passengers blame us! Honestly there’s nothing more we want than getting you on the plane to your holiday or back home but if there’s something physically wrong with the plane we will not risk everyone’s lives.

Shouting, screaming and cursing at us won’t change the fact that the plane is still broken!”

3. So rude.

“Leaving a ridiculous amount of garbage behind.

Last week I had a couple spit huge globs of gum onto the floor and then step on it to try to rub it in.

Like seriously? Why?”

4. Gross.

“Don’t try to join the mile high club. Just, stop.

Don’t have s** in the bathrooms y’all. No, you aren’t being very quiet and yes we will know and depending on the airline policy we’ll also have to politely ask you to knock it off and keep it in your pants.

Not to mention the obvious – airplane restrooms are ridiculously tiny, to the point where once on one long haul we had to make an emergency landing because a large couple couldn’t get out of the restroom they had shoved themselves into once they were done.

I’ll add that this is THE grossest place to possibly want to do the deed, as restrooms NEVER GET DEEP-CLEANED, EVER (between same-day legs)

Ugh, and please don’t jerk your partner off while you’re both in your seats, with OUR COMPLEMENTARY BLANKET(!!!).

I know what your hand motions mean and I will have to come over and shut it down, especially because in most cases there are families with kids sitting behind or near you.”

5. I’m pretty sure that’s on you.

“The stories I have….which honestly anyone who’s worked any type of customer service knows what’s up.

My personal favorite. College athlete showed up late to flight, told couldn’t board, yelling, screaming and cursing all employees. Bringing her race up as reason they aren’t letting her on….you know the works.

The competition she missed the flight to was Olympic tryouts. How late was she you ask? She showed up two hours after the flight left…”

6. Jeez…

“They mayor of LA was coming though so they shut the gate down for security reasons.

Jay Leno was there for some reason and was screaming at my mom because he was not getting the same treatment as the mayor.”

7. No touching.

“After a flight I usually stand by the flight deck and say good bye to the passengers as they exit.

I get a lot of people that ask how old I am. That doesn’t really bother me (I’ll probably be sad when it stops), but please don’t touch me as you are saying it. Seriously, strangers trying to pinch cheeks and pat my head.

Lady, I’m not your grandchild, I’m your captain.”

8. LOL.

“Used to fly 50 seat jets for a regional. Flew with some captains who hated hearing “wow this plane is really small” as passengers boarded.

“It would look pretty big parked in your driveway” was my favorite response I heard. The plane was 100′ long and weighed 50,000 lbs so yeah I bet it would.”

9. Follow the rules…

“Ex EK cabin crew here. Honestly the most annoying thing is when passenger don’t follow safety protocols as we get ready for landing. Things such as…

Not putting on seat belts for whatever reason Not putting seats upright Taking your time in the toilet Standing up to grab things from overhead bin
…Among other things

There are a lot to do to prep a long haul flight for landing and once we start decent, there is a limited time to get everything done. Passengers who don’t cooperate definitely are the most annoying. There were times where I got to my jump seat right before landing on the runway.

I saw a reply above on running out of food choices. One time on a flight to New Delhi, in economy we ran out of vegetarian meals 2/3 way through because catering underestimated the demand.

We then ran through the crew meals to gather all the vegetarian options and gave those out to passengers. While planes aren’t restaurants, we definitely did our best to accommodate the passengers as best as we can.”

10. Out of our hands.

“Blaming us for: ATC delays, missed connections, baggage issues, etc.

We have no control over that…we just fly planes and keep you safe aboard.

We understand we’re the face of the company you see at the time, but really it’s out of our hands.”

11. From a pilot.

“Pilot here.

My worst experiences with customers is when the weather is bad and we have to either wait or make a no go decision. My personal favorite is the guy who screamed at me while I was in the terminal getting coffee because his flight wasn’t leaving on time.

The whole northeast was shut down for thunderstorms and low ceilings, but his iPhone said it was ok for us to go so he had to tell me how bad I am at my job.

As a passenger don’t say “thanks for finally showing up”. One it’s incredibly rude, two you may only have one flight that day but I probably had four. Chances are I was delayed because of a another flight or maintenance on some other plane.

Added to that we often only get 45 mins to an hour between flights which ends to requiring us to literally get off one right onto another. We have to grab food or maybe use a real bathroom in that time also.

Don’t ask if we were out late last night drinking. You may say it as a joke and think it’s funny but we have to take those comments seriously. There is a chance that comment will force the pilots to go take a breathalyzer and your flight may be delayed or canceled. If you honestly smell booze speak up. If not it’s not funny and keep your mouth shut.

Not an annoyance but I do love the look on peoples faces when I tell them “sorry I don’t know where the nearest X is, this is my first time at this airport”. We don’t pre plan and memorize the layouts of the terminals at every airport in the world.”

12. The straight dope.

“Former flight attendant here… 15 years I’ve seen it all! (and sorry for formatting, on mobile)

Walking throughout the aircraft barefoot. Especially into the toilets… Those floors are not as clean as you think they are!

People who talk to us and treat us like scum. And yes, we’ll provide better service to the ones who are nice, or think of them first when a whole row is free and they need to lie down and sleep during an 11hr flight.

Parents that don’t watch their kids during the flight. The aircraft isn’t childproof and there’s a surprising amount of things they can injure themselves on.

Passengers who do aircraft yoga during the service. By all means if lights are off and it’s quiet go ahead, but if there’s a buzz of activity near the galley then maybe wait a while.

Speaking of which, assuming the galley is a free for all. Sometimes we don’t get provided crew food for work and bring our own. If we’re busy attending to a call bell and can’t finish out snack or whatever… Its not for you to just grab and eat… At least ask first!

Complaining about how rough the flight was. I’ve had some cuss out the flight deck about their abilities because the aircraft hit wake turbulence… If you can magically see wake turbulence on a tiny monitor and think you can do a better job then join a flight academy, pay several thousand dollars for the training and certification and do it yourself…”

Now we want to hear from you.

What annoys you when you fly?

Talk to us in the comments and let us know!

The post Flight Attendants and Pilots, How Do Passengers Annoy You? Here’s What People Said. appeared first on UberFacts.

People Discuss What Looks Harmless but Is Actually Very Dangerous

You know koala bears?

Those cute, cuddly creatures may look adorable and soft, but, from what I’ve been told, they can be vicious animals and they can make you instantly regret ever getting near them.

Who knew?!?! I sure didn’t…

People on AskReddit talked about what looks harmless but is actually really dangerous.

So you better pay attention!

1. Heads up.

“Garage door springs. People don’t realize just how much tension those things are actually under.

Never repair a garage door yourself unless you know exactly what you’re doing. The stored energy in them is enough to break bones and sever limbs.”

2. Jeez!

“Pushing someone’s face into a cake as a joke.

Some cakes have little wooden spikes inside to support the cake.

Saw a post where a girl’s face was gored by one of these.”

3. Keep your feet down.

“Putting your feet up on the dash while riding as a passenger in a moving car.

You do NOT want to see post-accident photos of what happens when someone is in that posture in a surprise head-on collision.”

4. Cat scratch fever.

“Cat bites. Cat fangs puncture deep and trap bacteria deep within your tissue, leading to horrible infections.

You might think one isn’t serious because it’s not bleeding much, but that just means the wound isn’t flushing properly – if you get seriously bitten by a cat, it’s very important to go to urgent care so they can properly disinfect the wound.”

5. Surround yourself with good people.

“Hanging around idiots.

Most of the time they only do dumbs**t that affects themselves but when they do something that affects you it can change your whole life.

So just remember if you’re in with a group of imbeciles you’re rolling the dice with your life every second, its like standing in low-grade radiation, its unnoticeable right up until it’s incurable.”

6. FYI.

“Those black foodstuffs with charcoal in them.

Charcoal interacts with a bunch of medications, gets in the way of nutrient absorption, and can really upset your digestive tract.”

7. Water dangers.

“Water in general, but fast moving water specifically.

2 or 3 inches of water is all that’s needed to sweep you off of your feet if it’s moving fast.

12 inches of water will lift and sweep away a car.

Water is heavy and will f**k you up if you don’t respect it.”

8. Changing lanes.

“Changing lanes without leaving a proper gap or checking your blind spot and signaling your intention.

On the surface it seems fine because, hey, you’re going faster than the person you’re passing right? Nope, all it takes is something like a deer to completely f**k your world sideways.

When passing anyone always wait to get into the lane they were in until you see their headlights fully in your rearview mirror and have cleared your blind spot. It’s even more dangerous to do this to a semi, your car will be eaten if it hits you.

Always, always, always visually check your blind spot. Always. Blind spot sensors are not an adequate substitute for a visual check. You’re asking for trouble if you don’t make sure someone hasn’t popped in there.

Use your dang turn signal. Other drivers are not mind readers, signal your intent and follow through with it.”

9. Just don’t do it.

“Feeding wildlife.

Even if it seems safe for yourself to do so it’s probably very dangerous for the animal you feed.

It’s very likely that feeding a wild animal may lead to it’s d**th.”

10. Didn’t know about this.

“Grapefruit juice.

By itself it’s perfectly fine, but a lot of people aren’t aware that grapefruit juice specifically has interactions with a LOT of different drugs, both medical and recreational, and can be potentially very dangerous when combined.”

11. Don’t get close.

“Taking pictures of bears ( apparently it looks harmless to people in Yellowstone ).

Bears are faster than many expect especially uphill so if you are ever near a bear and want a picture stay in your car to do it.”

12. Wrap it up.

“Unprotected s**.

There was an optional, hour-long class I took my freshman year about STIs. I took it by accident and it was simultaneously the most traumatizing and important class I’ve taken in my life.

Knowing of STIs isn’t enough, seeing pictures, learning about each one, as well as how they get transmitted, that’s important.”

13. Dangerous.


This drug is fine within the recommended doses but it is ubiquitous in a lot of OTC medicines and so easy to take too much.

This is potentially damaging to the liver. Intentional overdoses are fatal.”

14. Protect your head!

“Horseback riding or biking without a helmet.

Sure helmets suck and don’t look cool, but you gotta protect those BRAINS.

And soooo many people just don’t.”

Now we want to hear from you.

In the comments, tell us what you think looks harmless but is really dangerous.

Please and thank you!

The post People Discuss What Looks Harmless but Is Actually Very Dangerous appeared first on UberFacts.

Which “Bad Guys” From History Were Actually Okay? Here’s What People Had to Say.

A lot of men and women have had their names dragged through the mud after they’ve passed on.

Some obviously deserve every bad word that was ever printed about them, but some people have been unfairly judged by history…until today.

Because these folks are gonna set the record straight!

AskReddit users talked about the “bad guys” from history who weren’t really all that bad.

Let’s take a look.

1. A sad story.

“Richard Jewell.

He was an on duty security guard during the ’96 summer Olympics and found a bomb. He notified authorities and helped evacuate people to safety.

He was then accused of planting the bomb, even though it was Eric Rudolph who actually did it.”

2. Never knew that.

“William Murdoch was the guy who sh**ts two passengers and then himself in “Titanic.”

In reality, while there were reports of an officer shooting two passengers and then committing s**cide, there was nothing confirming it to have been Murdoch.

In fact, Murdoch was in charge of launching life boats on the starboard side and had launched more than half of his fully loaded lifeboats before anyone else launched any. No one knows for sure what happened to him aside that he was lost with the ship.”

3. Boxing great.

“The film Cinderella Man portrayed boxer Max Baer as a m**derous psychopath who gladly ki**ed two fighters in the ring.

In reality, he was personally devastated by these d**ths. In the one he was most directly responsible for, he ended up giving his winnings from his next few fights to the fighters family.”

4. Hail to the king.

“Richard III of England is getting another look.

They say he was actually a good king and that after he was deposed it was all the propaganda that ruined his name.”

5. Ancient history.

“Claudius was a decent emperor, in my opinion.

He wasn’t quite Augustus but if you compare him to the men who preceded and succeeded him (Gaius and Nero) he was a saint.”

6. Not a monster.

“Captain William Bligh of the HMS Bounty. Portrayed as a monster in novels and films. He was actually a well thought of Naval Officer who when forced off his ship sailed a small craft 4,000 miles with minimal provisions.

When there was no suitable craft available he and his crew then built their own and sailed from East Timor back to England. He was exonerated by the courts, and had a successful career as Governor of New South Wales.”

7. African leader.

“Thomas Sankara.

When he lead Burkina Faso it was probably the most progressive African nation at the time, and even by todays standards it would be up there when compared to them.

He was also responsible for not only making it less reliant on France, but also it’s name (which used to be ‘Upper Volta’), and interestingly since he was a guitarist he also wrote the new national anthem.

He was a**assinated in 1987 after a coup.

8. Unfair.

“The play Mozart and Salieri (and later the film Amadeus) popularized the idea that Mozart’s rival, Antonio Salieri, was a huge jerk who ultimately ki**ed Mozart.

But in reality there’s no indication that Mozart was poisoned, or that Salieri had anything to do with his d**th.

Also Salieri was a philanthropist and probably a lot more decent than theater/film made him out to be when they needed an antagonist for Mozart.”

9. Notable women.

“Anne Boleyn.

When the king sets his eyes on you, you don’t really get to say no. He’d already had his way with her sister and discarded her and their bastard son. So instead of being another ruined castoff she played her bad hand to the best of her ability and made herself a queen.

Eventually Henry got tired of her, which was his MO, after she “failed” to produce any living sons and he’d already set his sights on Jane. He needed a viable reason to get rid of her, and what better way to do it than rumors of infidelity, incest and witchcraft? He probably would have done something similar to Catherine of Aragon if she wasn’t from a royal house you did not want to f**k with.

Helen of Troy is also similarly maligned. All she did was leave her (probably brutish) husband for another man. Agamemnon didn’t give a single f**k about his brother’s wife (property) but her “abduction” did give him a perfect reason to go to war.

Even if she’d tried to hand herself over – to almost certainly be ki**ed by her enraged husband – it wouldn’t have ended anything because she was just an excuse.”

10. A big one.


A lot of historians for the longest time saw her as Augustus portrayed her. As an evil seductress and ruined perfectly good Romans. It was a lot more complicated and she was a very smart, effective ruler.

Was she perfect? No, no one is but she isn’t this monster people like to portray her as.”

11. Yup.

“Monica Lewinski. Gonna leave it at that.

Pretty messed up how the world blamed the young intern for the s** scandal instead of the powerful, much older president…”

12. A French icon.

“Marie Antoinette.

She was far from perfect, yes, but she was shipped away from home at 14 years old to a country that hated pretty much everything about her home land, with an economy that was already starting to fray at the seams. Yes, she lived extravagantly (Being literally the QUEEN and having to keep up appearances), but she was often falsely accused of major f**k-ups that she had nothing to do with.

She never said “Let them eat cake”. She was impersonated and held responsible for one of the most expensive jewelry pieces in France’s history. The people of France were NEVER going to like her, and took every opportunity to hate her more.”

Now we want to hear from you.

In the comments, tell us who you think has gotten a raw deal in the history books.

Thanks in advance!

The post Which “Bad Guys” From History Were Actually Okay? Here’s What People Had to Say. appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share Warnings From Nature That Might Save Your Life

Pay attention to nature, always!

That can be kind of complicated if you don’t know what you’re looking for, but it’s absolutely true…because nature has a way of knowing when something bad might be right around the corner.

People on AskReddit talked about warnings from nature that might just save your life.

Let’s see what they had to say.

1. It’s a twister.

“During “stormy weather” in the Midwest…If the sky turns greenish and the pressure bottoms out, it’s time to head for the basement.”

2. Higher ground.

“If you are in a canyon, slot or otherwise, and you see clouds anywhere in the sky GTFO.

It could be raining miles away and cause a flash flood in less than 10 minutes as water rushes through the canyon.

Get to higher ground.”

3. Dangerous.

“If something, especially in the ocean, is very pretty or colorful or very ugly and doesn’t run away from you, it’s probably very venomous.”

4. Big warning.

“If you’re on the beach and see that the shore is much further out in the ocean than it usually is, you should get away from there immediately.

This is the mayor warning sign of a tsunami and you can see this e.g. in video tapes of the great tsunami in 2004.

But people weren’t leaving, they rather tried to figure out where the water went.

I once also heard a story about a girl who went to holidays with her parents to a region which was hit by the tsunami and a few weeks before the vacation she learned about tsunamis at school, so she noticed what was happening and she rescued her family.”

5. Don’t go there.

“Do not go wading in water that is heading toward a cliff! Also known as a waterfall. The current is much stronger than you might think.

I am only here thanks to a handy bush as my father as a teenager was almost swept to his d**th in Yosemite.”

6. Camp elsewhere.

“For novice campers, be able to recognize what d**d standing trees look like – and don’t camp near them.

A couple of campers are k**led every year by trees falling on them during the night. Usually during storms.

There was one near our campsite last year, so I took it down. So if you’re in a park with regulations not to cut trees down d**d ones are the exception.”

7. Heads up.

“My hair literally stood on end, including arm hair. Pulse went way up.

I hit the deck face first in the shrubs and the ground around me exploded in thunder and lightening impact.

Way too close.”

8. Good to know.

“If you have come across a small bare area under a tree, and bark is missing from the tree, you’ve probably stumbled upon a bears summer bed.

Also dont use bear bells in places that is also cougar country. You are basically ringing the dinner bell.”

9. They know.

“Pets like dogs or even cats can often tell if there if there is something wrong with a person.

If you notice your dog is constantly sniffing, touching, or just gravitating to a certain part of your body, you should get it checked out.”

10. Don’t eat that!

“If you’re eating plants out in the woods, and it tastes like almonds, SPIT IT OUT.

It’s very likely to be poisonous. Only eat what you know is safe.”

11. Silence.

“If you’re ever in a forest or mountain area and all goes quiet; birds stop chirping, bugs stop buzzing, leaves stop rustling… you are either:

A) Being stalked by a mountain lion and about to become his lunch so say your prayers.


B) About to be kidnapped by Bigfoot who will make you strip and fold up your bright red shirt and place it nicely on a rock next to your shoes; then shuffle you away to an alternate realm where the fairies will decide whether or not you should return to your homeland after they feed you a nice home cooked meal.

If this happens run but I’m not sure that will actually help. Worth a try though.”

12. We should all know this.

“If you are outside in winter and you suddenly get really warm DO NOT take your clothes off.

You are about to d** to hypothermia.

You need warmth as fast as possible.”

13. Flash flood warning.

“If you are swimming in a river and the starts turning dark (brown, muddy) and you started seeing a lot of trash (tree branches, leaves) GTFO of the water.

Those are usually the signs of flash flood.”

14. And keep this in mind.

“If are ever out and about and you suddenly get a bad feeling or a feeling that you should stop doing something or do something different LISTEN TO THAT FEELING.

Those are your instincts talking to you, we have over 100,000+ years of evolution we spent developing survival instincts.

Please don’t waste them/ignore them.”

What are some more little-known warnings from nature we need to pay attention to?

Talk to us in the comments.

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The post People Share Warnings From Nature That Might Save Your Life appeared first on UberFacts.