Employers Should Stop Doing These Things in their Job Listings

The anxiety of not knowing where your next paycheck is coming from is certainly not helped along by the fact that looking for a new job, for most of us, is a process that makes us feel like we’re taking crazy pills.

As we wade through various websites, filling out forms and trying to discern requirements, the tasks we’re asked to clear start to feel alien. Is this real life? Is this a real job?

People who find themselves hopelessly frustrated with these things will soon be on Reddit making their complaints known, and based on that, here are some things employers should maybe stop doing if they really want to land a good hire.

10. Use applicants as free marketing

Everybody can see through this.

Another company using job seekers’ desperation to do PR for free from recruitinghell

9. Use form letters that are obvious lies

Dude we literally never met.

So curious how this recruiter "enjoyed meeting me" during an interview they flaked on and didn’t apologize for missing? from recruitinghell

8. Try to hire beyond your means

So why did you talk to me?

Everybody requires security clearance, nobody got time to sponsor it. The usual. from recruitinghell

7. Be so picky

Beggars and choosers and all of that.

Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without. from recruitinghell

6. Mislabel your listings

All you’re doing is wasting everybody’s time.

The location for the job posting is literally labeled "Remote"….but okay. from recruitinghell

5. Demand so much

Do you have any idea what a doctorate costs in America?

Huh?! Those qualifications, for that role, for THAT pay? from recruitinghell

4. Add extraneous responsibilities

As the list gets longer, the applicant gets more afraid.

[NY] Why are we doing this. from recruitinghell

3. Assume the worst

Resume gaps happen for all kinds of reasons, and laziness is far from the top one.

Stay Classy Recruiters from recruitinghell

2. Just disappear

You realize that by the time you get back to them, they’ve moved on.

Recruiter ghosted me on a phone screen. Two weeks later this was the email. from recruitinghell

1. List non-jobs as jobs

“After three months of not paying you, we might decide to pay you. Lucky you.”

Then don’t list it as a full time job???? from recruitinghell

Let’s start with those, shall we?

What’s the worst job application experience you’ve had lately?

Tell us in the comments.

The post Employers Should Stop Doing These Things in their Job Listings appeared first on UberFacts.

Person Asks if They’re Wrong to Take What’s Legally Theirs if It Hurts Someone Else in the Process

Laws can be confusing, especially when you’re young and older relatives – who you’re supposed to be able to trust to guide you in times of trouble.

Too many times, though, the opposite happens. Someone gets taken advantage of, and the only recourse is to bring in more lawyers, who inevitably widen the rifts that were put there previously.

For this kid, it all began with the death of his father. His mother is suffering from dementia, and so in her stead, her family “inherited” and then sold their family home for a ridiculously cheap price.

My father passed away a few years ago and my adopted mom (who is old and has dementia) relatives sold my father’s and my mom’s house for half of the value with everything inside in a rush sale.

I did not know the law that time and was told by my moms relatives that my father had no WILL so everything automatically went to my mom and her family.

Then OP found out that the law actually says that a person’s children, not their spouse, inherits the property, which means the house was his to keep or sell as he saw fit.

He confirmed this with an attorney, who confirmed that OPs fears were correct and this family had taken advantage of his lack of experience.

I came across an article that in that country that when a person dies with out a will their heirs/children automatically inherit the estate. The estate can not be sold with out all heirs agreeing. If it is sold the sale will be void. I have contacted a lawyer and it was true. I can get the house back by simply showing my birth certificate, also because my mom has dementia she is not capable of doing a sale.

After the lawyer went to talk to OP’s mother the family got wind of his inquiries and intentions, and all hell has broken loose.

The lawyer went to meet with my mom on my behalf to ask a few questions about the sale of the house. Her relatives heard everything then started attacking me online and making nasty post about me how I was going to kick a family out a house because of pure “greed” that I already have a house in USA. I’m greedy to have another house. They threathen that they will get the new owners to sue me etc.

They’ve brought up the fact that, if OP takes the house back and wants to sell it for full price, he will be evicting the people who bought the house.

My mom’s relatives don’t work and used the money of the sale of the house for their own benefit, so not only will they have to return all the money , the new owners of the house will now have to look for somewhere else to live, which they can no longer afford a house because the house was sold for half of the market value, and that is what they will be getting back?

WIBTA for possibly kicking them out?

This has him wondering whether this makes him a jerk, and so he’s asking Reddit.

Here’s what they had to say.

The first comment reminds OP that he’s not in the wrong here, and sad that the outcome may be, it’s not his fault.

Image Credit: Reddit

Several people pointed out that the people who got such a “great deal” on the house probably sensed something fishy was afoot.

Image Credit: Reddit

Also, this is not how family is supposed to act.

Image Credit: Reddit

He should place the blame squarely where it belongs.

Image Credit: Reddit

OP can always give the family legitimate options once the dust settles, after all.

Image Credit: Reddit

I’m totally with the commenters here, even though I would be feeling guilty like OP, too.

What about you? Would you have similar qualms or no? Tell us about it in the comments!

The post Person Asks if They’re Wrong to Take What’s Legally Theirs if It Hurts Someone Else in the Process appeared first on UberFacts.

Woman Wonders Whether She Was Wrong to Snap and Call Her Boyfriend an “Insecure Little Boy”

Relationships can be hard, my friends, I’m not going to lie. It can seem impossible to find that other half, the one that matches up with us, challenges us, supports us, and loves us despite all of our many flaws.

I think that’s one reason it can be hard to see right away – or admit, perhaps – when the person who initially seemed to be a good fit keeps showing edges that don’t match up at all.

Things snuck up slowly on this woman, who earned a liberal arts degree to her boyfriend Tim’s IT diploma. They’ve been together and happy, while she searched for a career path that satisfied her and him climbing the IT ladder.

Tim and I met in an English literature class our junior year of college, and we’ve been together the ten years since. While he ended up going into IT, I stayed in the liberal arts track and ended up doing non-profit work after college when I realized I didn’t actually want to be a schoolteacher. Just to say that we always assumed he’d out-earn me by a considerable margin, though when he made more I always insisted we split things evenly to avoid potential resentment down the road.

Now, she’s bounced around long enough to find not only a job she loves, but one that pays even more than he makes at his cyber security job.

I’ve had sort of a non-linear career path, but ended up switching to the corporate world. To make a long story short, my liberal arts degree and time doing non-profit work gave me a lot of skills that enable me to really excel professionally in some more niche areas. I recently started a new job as a consultant, making way more than I’d ever anticipated.

When I got the offer, I told Tim that the pay was “amazing”, but he didn’t ask about the actual amount and I didn’t want to be braggy about it, especially since I was fairly sure it was above his current income.

He’s just thought to realize that she’s making quite a bit of cash, and is making comments that show it’s obviously bothering him that her English lit degree has managed to snag her an awesome job.

He’s telling her she “cheated the system” to make himself feel better (I guess).

Well we just put in an application for a new place, and in the process of having to submit our paystubs it’s become obvious that I make roughly 30% more than he does now. I expected him to think that was cool, since he’s a feminist and has always been super supportive of my career. But instead he’s started to make increasingly harsh jabs about how I “cheated the system” to get where I am, that no English lit major makes more than a cyber security professional without cheating somehow.

He makes three ridiculous points about her “cheating,” two of which hinge on her just “being female.”

Also, I don’t think it’s called nepotism when your sorority sister recommends you for a job.

His major point is that I got my first job out of nepotism, which set me up to “trample” more qualified people who didn’t have the same advantages. It’s true that I got my first post-college job after being referred by a sorority sister, but it was for non-profit work making 22k/yr, not exactly at somebody’s daddy’s firm.

He also points out that at my first corporate job, I snagged a big promotion after volunteering to take on starting up the company’s diversity/equity/inclusion program, and I’ll admit that were I a white man, it’s highly unlikely I would have been able to be the face of the eventually high-profile diversity program.

Tim also notes that I was awarded a small college scholarship for being a “promising female writer”, when no such scholarship existed for males.

Except she didn’t cheat the system, and his ongoing “jokes” about not only her, but other women who are getting what they deserve (in a good way), pushed her over the edge and she’s wondering if she’s gone too far.

But all that said…I still don’t feel like I cheated the system, and it makes me angry to listen to him “joke” about it, especially since I grew up blue collar and worked fulltime while going to school fulltime to afford my degree.

I reached a breaking point yesterday when he made a crack about how the new/first woman on his team is an obvious diversity hire. I told him that his jokes about women cheating the system to get ahead aren’t funny or “guy-talk ribbing” as he says, they make him sound like an insecure little boy. He told me I was being a naïve Karen and we haven’t really talked since yesterday.

Did I go too far?

I’m going to let Reddit say what I’m dying to scream out here, yeah?

This first person really breaks down all the reasons she’s way too good for him, and I am here for it.

Image Credit: Reddit

Toxic seems to be the word of the day.

Image Credit: Reddit

She needs to go find someone who is actually a feminist and who isn’t intimidated by her confidence and success.

Image Credit: Reddit

It’s so seriously his loss and if he’s smart at all he’s going to regret acting this way some day.

Image Credit: Reddit

She hit the nail on the head, actually, calling Tim insecure.

Image Credit: Reddit

I hope this woman read all of these comments, printed them out, and left them on the coffee table when she packed up and left.

Too harsh? Tell me why you think so in the comments!

The post Woman Wonders Whether She Was Wrong to Snap and Call Her Boyfriend an “Insecure Little Boy” appeared first on UberFacts.

Woman Wonders Whether She Was Wrong to Snap and Call Her Boyfriend an “Insecure Little Boy”

Relationships can be hard, my friends, I’m not going to lie. It can seem impossible to find that other half, the one that matches up with us, challenges us, supports us, and loves us despite all of our many flaws.

I think that’s one reason it can be hard to see right away – or admit, perhaps – when the person who initially seemed to be a good fit keeps showing edges that don’t match up at all.

Things snuck up slowly on this woman, who earned a liberal arts degree to her boyfriend Tim’s IT diploma. They’ve been together and happy, while she searched for a career path that satisfied her and him climbing the IT ladder.

Tim and I met in an English literature class our junior year of college, and we’ve been together the ten years since. While he ended up going into IT, I stayed in the liberal arts track and ended up doing non-profit work after college when I realized I didn’t actually want to be a schoolteacher. Just to say that we always assumed he’d out-earn me by a considerable margin, though when he made more I always insisted we split things evenly to avoid potential resentment down the road.

Now, she’s bounced around long enough to find not only a job she loves, but one that pays even more than he makes at his cyber security job.

I’ve had sort of a non-linear career path, but ended up switching to the corporate world. To make a long story short, my liberal arts degree and time doing non-profit work gave me a lot of skills that enable me to really excel professionally in some more niche areas. I recently started a new job as a consultant, making way more than I’d ever anticipated.

When I got the offer, I told Tim that the pay was “amazing”, but he didn’t ask about the actual amount and I didn’t want to be braggy about it, especially since I was fairly sure it was above his current income.

He’s just thought to realize that she’s making quite a bit of cash, and is making comments that show it’s obviously bothering him that her English lit degree has managed to snag her an awesome job.

He’s telling her she “cheated the system” to make himself feel better (I guess).

Well we just put in an application for a new place, and in the process of having to submit our paystubs it’s become obvious that I make roughly 30% more than he does now. I expected him to think that was cool, since he’s a feminist and has always been super supportive of my career. But instead he’s started to make increasingly harsh jabs about how I “cheated the system” to get where I am, that no English lit major makes more than a cyber security professional without cheating somehow.

He makes three ridiculous points about her “cheating,” two of which hinge on her just “being female.”

Also, I don’t think it’s called nepotism when your sorority sister recommends you for a job.

His major point is that I got my first job out of nepotism, which set me up to “trample” more qualified people who didn’t have the same advantages. It’s true that I got my first post-college job after being referred by a sorority sister, but it was for non-profit work making 22k/yr, not exactly at somebody’s daddy’s firm.

He also points out that at my first corporate job, I snagged a big promotion after volunteering to take on starting up the company’s diversity/equity/inclusion program, and I’ll admit that were I a white man, it’s highly unlikely I would have been able to be the face of the eventually high-profile diversity program.

Tim also notes that I was awarded a small college scholarship for being a “promising female writer”, when no such scholarship existed for males.

Except she didn’t cheat the system, and his ongoing “jokes” about not only her, but other women who are getting what they deserve (in a good way), pushed her over the edge and she’s wondering if she’s gone too far.

But all that said…I still don’t feel like I cheated the system, and it makes me angry to listen to him “joke” about it, especially since I grew up blue collar and worked fulltime while going to school fulltime to afford my degree.

I reached a breaking point yesterday when he made a crack about how the new/first woman on his team is an obvious diversity hire. I told him that his jokes about women cheating the system to get ahead aren’t funny or “guy-talk ribbing” as he says, they make him sound like an insecure little boy. He told me I was being a naïve Karen and we haven’t really talked since yesterday.

Did I go too far?

I’m going to let Reddit say what I’m dying to scream out here, yeah?

This first person really breaks down all the reasons she’s way too good for him, and I am here for it.

Image Credit: Reddit

Toxic seems to be the word of the day.

Image Credit: Reddit

She needs to go find someone who is actually a feminist and who isn’t intimidated by her confidence and success.

Image Credit: Reddit

It’s so seriously his loss and if he’s smart at all he’s going to regret acting this way some day.

Image Credit: Reddit

She hit the nail on the head, actually, calling Tim insecure.

Image Credit: Reddit

I hope this woman read all of these comments, printed them out, and left them on the coffee table when she packed up and left.

Too harsh? Tell me why you think so in the comments!

The post Woman Wonders Whether She Was Wrong to Snap and Call Her Boyfriend an “Insecure Little Boy” appeared first on UberFacts.

A Guy Told His Neighbor Off After an Argument. Was He Wrong?

It’s starting to sound like the Hatfields and the McCoys on social media lately!

Every time I turn around, I feel like I hear about another story of neighbors gone wild.

And here’s another one! So hang on tight…

It comes to us from Reddit’s “Am I The A**hole?” page…let’s take a look at what went down.

AITA For telling my neighbor to get f**ked when he told me to remove my doorbell camera?

“So lately, there have been a number of burglaries in the area I live in.

My wife and I were among those who got burglarized and most of the stuff we lost were packages and electronics. My wife and I both work long hours so we’re not home most of the time and despite taking precautions, we still are concerned for the safety of our belongings as well as other things.

So I decided to get a doorbell camera which frankly has become a necessity and it’s cheap to buy ($199) and easy to install. And so far we were able to catch a number of thieves in act (to my surprise some of them I knew personally and were from the area) which helped lot in getting our stuff back.

Onto the issue: So my neighbor and I were discussing this with few other neighbors and I showed him a video that was taking by the camera to explain how we were able to identify the individuals who tried to steal stuff. I was fastforward-ing the footage but He suddenly freaked out and pointed at his wife who was at the door to visit my wife.

I was confused when he asked how long I been keeping this video/and if I made copies of it. He then proceeded to tell me it did not feel right to see his wife being recorded by the doorbell cam and the fact that I didn’t get rid of this part since it had nothing to do with catching the thieves made him uncomfortable.

I apologized for any misunderstanding and promised that it had nothing to do with his wife we had few people stand at our door who were shown on our cam so I wasn’t just his wife. He cut the conversation and left. Then came back in the evening to ask for how long I will be keeping this camera. I asked why and he said he wasn’t sure about his wife being recorded and asked me to remove it.

I said no then he suggested I install one inside but I still said no. He got all p**sed and said that I was acting inappropriately and mean after he came to me with his concerns expecting me to understand that he doesn’t want me having ‘footages’ of his wife. I told him his wife can stop coming over if he was so worried but he went on about never telling his wife what to do or where to go.

He insisted I remove the cam but I told him to get F-ed and never bring this up again. He left and got others involved, they told me I should be more considerate of my neighbor’s feelings and understand where he’s coming from but I stood my ground and refused to remove the camera.

My wife thinks I was being a jerk to our neighbor and his wife and have some respect for them but I don’t think I was being disrespectful. Was I?”

Let’s see what Reddit users had to say about this.

This person said that this guy is not an a**hole at all and that it’s his right to have a security camera on his door.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another reader thinks that something sounds a little bit fishy about the neighbor and there’s possibly some other reason that he doesn’t want this guy to have a camera on his door.

Photo Credit: Reddit

This individual said that you never really know how people will react if they think they’re being filmed or photographed…

Photo Credit: Reddit

And finally, this person said that it’s possible that this couple might even be in hiding.

Could be…?

Photo Credit: Reddit

How do you think you would have handled this situation?

Talk to us in the comments and let us know?

We can’t wait to hear from you!

The post A Guy Told His Neighbor Off After an Argument. Was He Wrong? appeared first on UberFacts.

What Food Seems Okay Until You Realize How It’s Made? Here’s What People Had to Say.

We’ve all heard the stories about how hot dogs are made…yuck!

But they sure are delicious, don’t you think?

You know it! But still…kinda gross…

What food sounds fine until you learn how it’s made?

Here’s how AskReddit users responded.

1. Didn’t know.

“I once was at a conference in Japan.

Me and some friends went into a small restaurant for dinner. My French colleague insisted on ordering Foie Gras, besides other things.

I knew the German name for this but not the French one, so I didn’t know what he ordered there until I later called my boyfriend and he told me.

In Germany you can’t even produce Foie Gras due to obvious animal welfare problems with literally force feeding geese into developing a fatty, sick liver just to eat it.”

2. That’s a bummer.

“I was surprised to learn from people who’ve worked on farms just how bloody harvesting crops is.

There’s not really a good way to clear out wild animals so all of them get ripped to shreds by the heavy machinery moving through the fields.

I miss being able to assume no animals d**d making my produce.”

3. Scraps.

“While off-putting I see no problems with some of the “scraps” we eat.

It’s perfectly fine to me that I’m eating the scraps of chicken in chicken nuggets. Gelatin from bones and ligaments. The reject pieces of animal being used to make so many great foods or items. People want to say the Natives had the right idea, using every part of the animal.

But suddenly turning around to say eating black pudding is disgusting? I feel better knowing that we used every ounce of that cow, the cow didn’t d** in vain. The cow was used for milk, once done with that stage sold for meat. The meat market sells the bones for dog bones, gelatin, beef stock, literally anything else. Nothing goes to waste.

Don’t get me wrong the treatment from cow to meat and then the food waste alone is problematic but that’s not what the thread is about. We use every part of every item. ‘Scuse me, I have nuggets in the oven that are ready.”

4. Never had it.

“Black Pudding is a common breakfast food, but kinda messed up when you think about how it’s made.”

5. Hell no.

“Cranberry harvesting.

There are a lot and I mean a ridiculous amount of spiders especially Wolf spiders, everywhere.

They crawl up the machines, they crawl up the people harvesting them it’s a nightmare.”

6. Now that’s ruined.

“Gummy Bears ( or just gummies in general).

Took me 19 years to find out that the way they’re made is with pig carcasses and bones.”

7. Hmmm…

“Cheez whiz. It’s transparent until they add the orange coloring.

I don’t know why but that makes me nope out. Not like Cheez Whiz is a salad or anything, don’t get me wrong.

But I don’t think I fully comprehended just how fake it was until I found that out.”

8. Messed up.

“Goose liver.

The goose has been force fed corn and fatty foods its entire life causing intense strain on the liver as it swells and bloats within their body, resulting in better flavor at significant expense of the goose quality of life.”

9. What’s that smell?


Comes from processing cattle faces, noses and ears still attached. I worked in a tannery, the face doesn’t have any viable use once tanned so it’s cut from the rest of the hide.

Fun Fact: the truck only came once a week and the pieces were stored outside in a half walled shed, so during summer the smell could be rather…ripe.”

10. Avoid them.

“Avocados from Mexico.

I just learned about the avocado cartel and how they make more money than the drug cartels and it’s insane. Do some research.

Don’t eat avocados from Mexico.”

11. Wow.

“Fish sauce

I went to a fish sauce factory in Vietnam a few years ago. In a giant silo, they put in 1 tonne of fish, and 1 tonne of salt.

After a year, they open a tap at the bottom of the silo, and hey presto, the liquid that pours out is fish sauce.”

12. Thanks, Grandma.

“My German/Polish grandmother made Czernina – Duck Blood Soup.

Being a good farm wife, she would go out to the shed where my grandfather kept some of his birds (chicken, ducks, geese, guinea fowl, peahens, peacocks and a few more I don’t remember). She usually was able to grab a duck on the first try and slit its throat with the straight edge razor she used for butchering small animals. She would squeeze the blood into her steel Thermos bottle, cap it and butcher the duck (sometimes a chicken).

She would roast or fry the bird and make the Czernina which smells exactly like you would think boiled blood smells like but worse. It would take at least a week for the smell to leave the house.

There were times when she would send me to school with her Thermos bottle (filled with milk this time) to school a day or two after she washed out the blood.

Of course, she also made Jello salad with peas, carrots and corn in it. Also, tuna hot dish. There’s no such thing as a casserole in Wisconsin or Minnesota, its proper name is Hot Dish, that’s a hill I will d** on.”

Are there any foods that you refuse to eat because of how they’re made?

If the answer is YES, please talk to us in the comments.

Thanks in advance!

The post What Food Seems Okay Until You Realize How It’s Made? Here’s What People Had to Say. appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share Free Resources Available to Everyone That We Should Take Advantage Of

Who doesn’t love free things?

I’m pretty sure 99.9999% of the population does…but that’s just off the top of my head…

And today we’re gonna get all kinds of great info that you might not know about.

What are some good free resources people should be taking advantage of?

Here’s what people said on AskReddit.

1. That’s awesome.

“I was stunned to find out our local library has telescopes you can check out, musical instruments, even a 3-D printer where you only pay for the printing material.”

2. Take a look.

“The Internet Arcade where you can play a lot of classic games along with the Console Living Room which is similar.

They have access to tons of old PC games too and you can even play the original Oregon Trail online. There’s a lot more in their software section too.”

3. Good to know.

“If you’re concerned about your kid’s development (speech, physical, emotional, etc) you don’t have to wait until they are school aged to get services.

Ask at you school district office to have someone come and see if you kid qualifies to have a specialist come to your house (or their daycare if you work) to help out your kiddo.

It’s through the school district, so it’s completely free.”

4. Booyah!

“FilmRise channels on YouTube.

Full length episodes of really cool documentary-style tv shows (including old-school Unsolved Mysteries).”

5. Nice!

“If you live in the United States, you can access a system of volunteer master gardeners who have been trained and certified. They are often an adjunct of the states education and agricultural systems.

They have online classes (due to COVID) and (later) in person classes. You can call help desks, send email, and visit web pages for advice on growing pretty much anything in your residential garden.

Farmers already know about the parent organizations. The master gardener groups were set up to offload residential questions from the ag experts.

Note: They cannot advise about growing cannabis, but -cough cough- whatever helps your tomatoes grow works for pot.”

6. Use it or lose it.

“The Butterball hotline on Thanksgiving for turkey-day tips and tricks.

The West Wing taught me that one.”

7. Very useful.

“PDF24 is a free, simple PDF reader and editor that is a great alternative to paid software- for most people’s needs.

Would especially recommend for students.”

8. Great!

“Free classes online!!!!

It’s so cool dude, EdX, through Harvard, MIT, I know I’m missing some other’s.

They offer online courses for free.

If you want the certificate at the end of the course, you pay $50.

I learned about John Snow, and the Cholera epidemic of 1854, a psych corse, and currently thinking about starting another.

You get to watch lectures from their professors, you have assignments due at certain times, quizzes, and then the final.”

9. A great resource.

“The Library of Congress, specifically the searchable newspaper archives


The amount of info in there is staggering.”

10. Academia.

“Outline.com to read articles that are behind a paywall.

And if you read scholarly journals and want to read someone’s paper that’s behind a paywall, you may be able to get it from the author by contacting them directly.”

11. Helpful.

“If you receive SNAP or EBT benefits, many states have programs to pay for you to take one certification course/trade at a local community College.

Just look up the program for your state.”

12. Get ‘er done!

“The Los Angeles Public Library has a free high school diploma program for anyone who is looking to receive their high school diploma.”

13. Serving the community.

“Food banks besides the “official” ones or the Salvation Army.

CHURCHES. Serious, a ton of churches of all denominations have food banks where you can go.

At some, you not only get frozen meats and canned goods but donated local produce like fruits and veggies or chain/small business donations of bread/sweets.

Since COVID, a lot of places might be running dry but just open the phone book and call around and ask.

Also “Mission” services, they don’t always just help the homeless – if you’re down your luck you can score free meals and other essentials like diapers, formula, etc.”

14. FYI.

“Dial 2-1-1 for essential community services anywhere in America.

Basic Human Needs Resources – including food and clothing banks, shelters, rent assistance, and utility assistance.

Physical and Mental Health Resources – including health insurance programs, Medicaid and Medicare, maternal health resources, health insurance programs for children, medical information lines, crisis intervention services, support groups, counseling, and drug and alcohol intervention and rehabilitation.

Work Support – including financial assistance, job training, transportation assistance and education programs.

Access to Services in Non-English Languages – including language translation and interpretation services to help non-English-speaking people find public resources (Foreign language services vary by location.)

Support for Older Americans and Persons with Disabilities – including adult day care, community meals, respite care, home health care, transportation and homemaker services.

Children, Youth and Family Support – including child care, after-school programs, educational programs for low-income families, family resource centers, summer camps and recreation programs, mentoring, tutoring and protective services.

Do you know of any great free resources that we should all be using?

Please tell us about them in the comments.

We’d really appreciate it!

The post People Share Free Resources Available to Everyone That We Should Take Advantage Of appeared first on UberFacts.

These People All Somehow Failed At Their Jobs

I’ve had a lot of jobs over the years. Some long term, some short. All sorts of disciplines and areas of expertise, or a complete lack thereof.

But whatever I do, I strive for excellence. I just wanna do it right, if only to prove that I can. I think most of us feel this way, which is why it can be so jarring to watch someone with a single job to do completely biff it somehow.

That’s the entire gist behind r/OneJob, where we collectively memorialize the job that was supposed to be done, and the thing that now stands in its place.

10. PlayBox

Meanwhile Nintendo doesn’t even have a seat at the table.

9. In memory

Whoa whoa spoilers, I haven’t even seen three through ten yet.

8. Reduce, reuse, recycle

The most vital step toward a more sustainable future is clear communication.

7. In case of emergency

I feel like this is the beginning of a Saw movie and it’s just Jigsaw taunting everybody.

6. The key

What if I don’t wanna be fri? You can’t tell me what to do.

5. Sly like a fox

He’s in disguise. He knows exactly what he’s doing.

4. New paint job

Can we like coordinate on our stencils or whatever?

3. You put the lime in the box, you nut

And shake it all up.

2. The Liren Kring

Scar! Brother! Save me!

1. Cheese on the side

Lactose intolerant people be like.

Here’s hoping they all found jobs they could do a little bit better.

Have you ever failed big at your one job?

Tell us about it in the comments.

The post These People All Somehow Failed At Their Jobs appeared first on UberFacts.

People Confess the Weird Facts They Love to Share with Folks

We’re all about facts and let me tell you, one of the best things about them is that there are always ones you haven’t heard coming down the pike. New ones, funny ones, shocking ones, and yes – weird ones – are just out there, waiting to come up in your presence for the first time.

If you’re up for some totally weird truths today, these 19 people have you covered – and trust me, you’re going to want to hear these.

19. Can you learn them all?

There are more ways to shuffle a deck of cards than there are atoms on Earth.

You can arrange a deck of cards into a new unique order once a second since the big bang and you wouldn’t even be 1% of the way through all possible combos today. Like, not even close to 1%.

I liked V-sauce’s analogy. If you were to measure the time to count 52 factorial seconds, first start at Earth’s equator. Every billion years that goes by, take one step forward. Once you walk completely around the Earth, take a drop of water out of the Pacific ocean and repeat. Once the ocean is dry, set down one sheet of paper, refill the ocean, and repeat the whole process again.

Once the stack of sheets of paper reaches the sun, knock it down and repeat the whole process again. Once you do that about one thousand times, you’d be almost a third of the way to being done counting.

18. Beware the coconuts.

Coconuts kill 103 people a year.

That’s more than many animals we’re traditionally scared of, too. I guess they’ve developed a taste for human flesh.

17. Totally random. Love it.

The dot on top of an i and a j is called a tittle.

16. He could have sprung for the good stuff.

The term “drink the kool-aid” is historically incorrect. Jim Jones used Flavor-aid.

What a cheapskate. What’s even the point of saving that money?

Not like he was gonna need it.

15. These are both amazing.

Technically speaking, a male ballet dancer is a ballerino.

Also, a single strand of spaghetti is a spaghetto.

(Spaghetto is also my favorite term for a rough Italian neighborhood).

14. It does seem questionable.

You have a ball sack because you need to have your balls at 34 degrees C to produce sperm but your body is 37 degrees. The sack keeps them farther away.

That’s also why your balls shrivel when you are cold. Gotta maintain homeostasis.

One of nature’s biggest failures. “The male humans need testicles. They have to be kept warm. But not that warm. Let’s just hang them outside in a thin sack made of skin, so everyone can see their weak point.”

13. Time is so weird.

The stegosaurus was extinct for about 90 million years before tyrannosaurus showed up, and the tyrannosaurus has been extinct for about 65 million years. We are much closer in time to the T Rex than the T Rex was to stegosaurs.

Also, Cleopatra was born closer to our time than she was to the building of the pyramids. Our perception of time is funny.

Oh! and adding on to this:

  • Oxford University has been around since 1096 (earliest evidence of teaching there)
  • In 1697, Martín de Ursúa launched an assault on the Itza capital Nojpetén and the last independent Maya city fell to the Spanish.
  • Oxford University and the Maya civilisation co-existed for about 600 years!

12. Solidarity.

There is a species of penguins called Adelie penguins in Antarctica that are so horny they will screw anything.

Examples include: female penguins, male penguins, injured penguins, dead bodies, dead fish, the freaking ground, basically anything that moves or doesn’t move.

11. Sharks have seen some things.

Sharks are older than trees. A lot older. 40 million years older.

Trees as we familiarly know them today — a primary trunk, large height, crown of leaves or fronds — didn’t appear on the planet until the late Devonian period, some 360 million years ago. You might be surprised to learn that sharks are older than trees as they’ve been around for at least 400 million years.

Weirder, I understand all coal formed during the time after trees appeared, but BEFORE the bacteria that breaks them down after they fell. No new coal has formed in a very long time. 100 million years?

10. They’re so squishy all over.

Babies don’t have kneecaps.

9. Poor little bunnies.

The average human erection has roughly about 130ml of blood in it, while the average rabbit has about 126ml in its entire body. So, there is more blood in your boner than in a bunny.

Also, did you know that a rabbit used to die every time a lady needed a pregnancy test?

8. The more you know.

All mammals over 3 kg (~6.5 pounds) pee for an average of 21 seconds with a full bladder, independent of body size. From a 2014 paper in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences:

Using high-speed videography and flow-rate measurement obtained at Zoo Atlanta, we discover that all mammals above 3 kg in weight empty their bladders over nearly constant duration of 21 ± 13 s. This feat is possible, because larger animals have longer urethras and thus, higher gravitational force and higher flow speed. Smaller mammals are challenged during urination by high viscous and capillary forces that limit their urine to single drops. Our findings reveal that the urethra is a flow-enhancing device, enabling the urinary system to be scaled up by a factor of 3,600 in volume without compromising its function. This study may help to diagnose urinary problems in animals as well as inspire the design of scalable hydrodynamic systems based on those in nature.

7. Cells blow my mind.

HEK 293 Cells

A scientist named “Alex Van der Eb” in netherlands made immortal cells, from the liver of an aborted human fetus in the 70’s.

Those cells have been producing our vaccines for the last 50 years.

I dont mean to spread this as misinformation, or as any correlation to the current pandemic. It’s just a super weird fact I knew.

6. I don’t understand how there are so many bedbugs then.

Female bedbugs lack a genital cavity, so the male bedbug has to literally STAB HIS DICK INTO THE FEMALE BEDBUGS STOMACH and then when they’re done screwing, that’s it.

But what makes it even MORE interesting, is that bedbugs are unable to tell the difference between other male and female bedbugs. Use your imagination a little for that one…….

5. Fungus is amazing!

Radiotrophic fungus was first discovered at the Chernobyl site in 1991, just after the collapse of the Soviet Union and the start of internationally-aided cleanup/containment efforts. Not so sure about right next to the Elephant’s Foot, but it was definitely found growing in large, flourishing colonies all throughout the site’s cooling water supply.

This fungus appears to use melanin – the same dark-brown pigment that gives humans all their various normal skin tones, except in much, much higher concentrations – to power sugar-producing reactions by deriving energy from nuclear decay the same way plants and cyanobacteria use the green pigment chlorophyll to synthesize sugars by deriving energy from (sun)light.

Basically, this stuff is a mold colony that has the most extreme tan ever, and uses it to eat radiation.

Similar fungi have been found accumulated on the exterior hulls of low-orbit spacecraft, and experiments were recently (2018-2019) conducted to begin investigating if the stuff could be used as shielding to protect astronauts from solar/cosmic radiation. Apparently, results were promising!

4. Sounds…fun?

Many species of snails and slugs are hermaphroditic – possessing fully functional male and female reproductive characteristics – and go about a similar process.

When mating, two “males” will wrestle each other / “joust” with their penises.

The loser of this contest becomes the “female” in the encounter, gets stabbed by the winner’s dick, and is impregnated.

3. Who would have thought?

Sloths can die of starvation with a full stomach.

Their gut bacteria is very temperature dependent. Due to Global Warming ™, the temp in the Caribbean can go below its more usual 23C down to about 20C at times, which will kill their digestive bacteria, so they can’t digest what they eat.

Sloths can’t regulate their body temperature well, so they can’t maintain an internal temp to stop this happening.

2. This all sounds right.

Your anus comprises either thirty-five or thirty-seven creases, resulting in a pattern as unique as your fingertips.

This discovery – first made by Salvador Dali – allowed for the development of an anus-examining smart toilet.

On the same topic, it turns out that humans are deuterostomes. This means that at the start of its development, an embryo goes through a stage during which its tissue folds back over itself, creating something called a blastopore. As maturation continues, this blastopore becomes the anus.

In short, you can make the argument that every person is an overgrown (and unique) a$$hole.

1. She really was a marvel.

Titanic was fitted with microphones for receiving underwater bell signals. With this system the sound of submarine bells was received through the hull of the vessel.

Submarine bells, used as fog signals, were located on lightships, at lighthouses, and even on some specially equipped buoys. They were actuated by electric signals, compressed air, or simply by wave motion.

Titanic had two submarine microphones on her hull, one on each side. These were the “ears” of the ship. By switching between the port and starboard microphones and comparing the volume of the bells, the navigation officer could determine the direction to the navigation aid. Sound travels much further through water than through air – these bells could be heard over 15 miles away through the headset.

A pretty cool way of navigating at a time when GPS and RADAR didn’t yet exist!

I’m so happy some of these are now tucked safely in my own fact arsenal.

Drop your favorite weird fact on us down in the comments!

The post People Confess the Weird Facts They Love to Share with Folks appeared first on UberFacts.

On-the-Job Fails That Remind Us We’re All Just Doing Our Best

We all have a ton of things going on in our lives.

Working a job you don’t love day in and day out can be challenging.

And sometimes, people just don’t quite bring their A-game.

But that’s why subreddits like r/NotMyJob exist, right?

Here are 15 absolute job fails, to make you feel a little better about whatever you did this week that wasn’t quite perfect.

1. When Poorly Drawn Lines isn’t just a fun cartoon

I mean. They tried. Right?

Image credit: r/NotMyJob via Pleated Jeans

2. Sometimes you need coffee more than you even know

OR maybe it’s some secret code, a silent scream for help.

Image credit: r/NotMyJob via Pleated Jeans

3. The ramp to nowhere

I feel like someone could’ve used context with their work order.

I made the wheelchair ramp, boss from NotMyJob

4. The gate to nowhere

Where to begin. I guess it’s a beginning.

Image credit: r/NotMyJob via Pleated Jeans

5. It’s only nonstick until it isn’t

But was the pan at fault? Or the sticker?

Image credit: r/NotMyJob via Pleated Jeans

6. They came, they saw, they painted

It just looks prettier that way, TBH.

It’s part of the bench now. from NotMyJob

7. Taking the term soccer “pitch” literally

Defined as: the steepness of a slope.

Builded boss from NotMyJob

8. The Elsa you need as a conscience

She will silently judge everything you do.

Image credit: r/NotMyJob via Pleated Jeans

9. Close enough

Directions are for tools.

Image credit: r/NotMyJob via Pleated Jeans

10. May have followed the directions too closely

Not their job to question the directions.

Put the wall in, Boss! from NotMyJob

11. Tired Man

It’s the Diet Barbie version of Iron Man.

Image credit: r/NotMyJob via Pleated Jeans

12. Plumbing is not my strong suit

Creative but lazy solutions to mistakes, that’s my bag.

Image credit: r/NotMyJob via Pleated Jeans

13. Job title is pipe-layer

No one said anything about moving boulders.

Ah, good enough from NotMyJob

14. It’s a new way of cutting pizza

Winner gets the little piece in the middle.

Image credit: r/NotMyJob via Pleated Jeans

15. Do you want light, or do you want safety?

You obviously can’t have both.

Installed the railing boss from NotMyJob

The point is, we all have bad days. I’ve certainly had my fair share of doozies.

These definitely made me feel better about the times I didn’t quite measure up.

What about you? Did we leave out any impressive job fails? Drop them in the comments!

The post On-the-Job Fails That Remind Us We’re All Just Doing Our Best appeared first on UberFacts.