Enjoy Some of the Weirdest Wedding Photos Ever to Grace the Internet

I’ve done quite a bit of video production work in the past, and some of that has been creating wedding videos.

When my associates and I would take those projects, we really went above and beyond to stitch together something memorable for the clients. We took special care to customize and ensure a high quality of product.

And you know what? It was a huge waste of time.

Because nobody. Ever. Watches. Their. Wedding video.

For weddings, pictures are still where it’s at. The photos are the things that get revisited, and that last. For better, or, as these Reddit posts demonstrate, for worse.

15. The fund

I’m not even involved in this relationship and I feel the need to run away from it.

Pretty trashy for a wedding from trashy

14. Game is life

I’m gonna say…divorced within a year.

The groom took his laptop to his wedding to play a game on his computer from weddingshaming

13. Mouse in the house

Sometimes I truly understand the criticism that my generation refused to grow up.

And The Cringe Award Goes To… from weddingshaming

12. Concern intensified

This is some serial killer stuff.

These bizarre wedding vowels … from BoneAppleTea

11. Recreation

But which is which?

THE CAKE IS A ‘RECREATION’ OF THE BRIDE ? Do I need to say more? from weddingshaming

10. This bud’s for you

It would ironically be classier AND less expensive to just have a plain colored cake.

My cousins wedding cake… from trashy

9. Then there’s this

I love the fine art disguises.

I’m all for people who go for low-budget weddings, but then there’s this…. from weddingshaming

8. Nope

This is the one big rule of weddings – why do so many people break it?

Thought this was the bride and groom at first – nope. Father and stepmother of the bride, wearing a white-ish, beaded gown with a train. from weddingshaming

7. Drink up

Apparently this is a common thing?

Did Bud Light sponsor the wedding? from trashy

6. Do the math

My favorite part of this is that they made it even crazier with “14 + 2 adults” and “3 + 1 kids” instead of, yanno, “16” and “4.”

Inviting 20 extra people to a wedding from trashy

5. Well, fair

I have no idea how to feel about this.

Someone hosted their wedding today in the welfare office parking lot. from trashy

4. A non-invite

“We don’t like you enough to see you, but you need to like us enough to buy us things.”

We sent you this card so send us money from weddingshaming

3. Party time

Hey, at least it’s in a nice font.

He wore this hat to my friend’s wedding from trashy

2. Nature calls

At that point just designate a tree.

Why has this not been posted here yet? It’s GOLD. from weddingshaming

1. Party poopers

I’m so proud of you.

This was at a wedding from trashy

Memories to last a lifetime.

What was the weirdest wedding you’ve ever been to?

Tell us in the comments.

The post Enjoy Some of the Weirdest Wedding Photos Ever to Grace the Internet appeared first on UberFacts.

Things About High School That Are Pretty Weird to Look Back On

Do you remember high school?

I guess some of you reading this might actually BE in high school, so forgive the assumption. At this point in my life I’ve forgotten that people that young even exist. For those of us looking back on it, it’s truly a bizarre place. The kind of space where things happen which, out of that context, would never stand up to scrutiny.

But you don’t have to take my word for it. Just listen to these observations, courtesy of the internet.

10. The start time

I woke myself up around 6:00am, regularly, to drive my sister and I to school.
I cannot believe in retrospect that I had this in me.

9. The five minute mile

If I did that today I’d have to take the rest of the day off.

8. The hall passes

Ya gotta get creative when the whole school is completely broke.

7. Square dancing

You may hate this, and it will almost certainly never come in handy, but that doesn’t mean it’s not mandatory.

6. The theatre kids

I was one of these kids and even I was freaked out by us.

5. The fighters

All those hormones with no place to go.

4. The anti-theft

Clever ruse, attaching a calculator to a Nokia.

View post on imgur.com

3. The line

Do it. You just gotta.

View post on imgur.com

2. The bathrooms

Abandon hope all ye who enter here.

Me_irl from me_irl

1. The chairs

I’m gonna go ahead and cast my vote for nay, my butt hurts just looking at this.

Middle school chairs yay or nay from nostalgia

At least we all got an education, right? …right?

What’s the weirdest thing about your school experience?

Tell us in the comments.

The post Things About High School That Are Pretty Weird to Look Back On appeared first on UberFacts.

This Mom Won’t Let Her Daughter Read Above Her Age Group. Is She Wrong?

Parents try to put a lot of restrictions on kids and each one is free to raise their kids the best way they see fit.

But this one strikes me as kind of weird…if I’m being totally honest.

Check out this story about a mom who wants to know if she’s being an a**hole for not letting her daughter read above her age group…and also check out the responses below.

AITA for only buying my daughter books that are close to her reading level?

“My daughter Rose (9) is a very advanced reader. She’s in 3rd grade (8-9 year olds) but reads at a 9th grade (14-15 years old) level.

Despite her advanced reading level, the only books she wants to read are the I Survived series and the A-Z mysteries. Both of these books are far below her reading level so I told her it’s fine if she wants to read them in school but at home she has to read things closer to her level.

I’ve taken her to bookstores and we’ve looked through the young adult section but she refuses to read any of the books. She says they’re all boring and gross. She always asks to get books from the children’s section but I’ve said no because they’re too easy for her.

Rose has started sneaking books home from school and when I started taking those away, she stopped reading in general. Now Rose has pulled away from me and her teacher is recommending that I let her read whatever she wants.

Rose’s dad (my ex) found out about this and tore into me for not letting Rose read books for kids her age and offered to send her books but that’s not the problem. I don’t have a problem with Rose reading but if she’s going to read, she should read something close to her level.

Now everyone’s mad at me so I wanted to know if I was the a**hole?”

How did Reddit users feel about this? Let’s take a look.

This person said that they could relate to the woman’s daughter because they were also an advanced reader.

Check out what they had to say.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another Reddit user said that a lot of Young Adult books are inappropriate for a girl her age and she should be able to read whatever she wants that is age-appropriate.

Photo Credit: Reddit

This person said that the mom here is actually the a**hole and that she should read whatever she wants…at home.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Lastly, this woman had a similar situation when she was growing up and they implored this mother to just be able to read what she wants.

Photo Credit: Reddit

How do you feel about how this mom behaved?

Sound off in the comments and let us know.

We’d love to hear from you!

The post This Mom Won’t Let Her Daughter Read Above Her Age Group. Is She Wrong? appeared first on UberFacts.

People Talk About the Things They’re Most Nostalgic About Right Now

It can be easy to fall into the trap of identifying some bygone era as “the good ol’ days.” 

But it’s important to remember that that classification is entirely subjective. Often the times we yearn for seem simpler just because we were younger and had fewer responsibilities – or maybe we just lived in a bit of a bubble.

There’s certainly never been a time when everything was great for everyone. But knowing that doesn’t seem to stop us pining over the little fixtures of our past, because dang it, there’s just something so comforting about them.

15. Look it up!

I myself barely remember this – by the time I was learning how to navigate a library the lookups were mostly computerized.

Who remembers looking through the card catalog to find a book? from nostalgia

14. That’s entertainment

Dust-collecting machines, these bad boys were.

Entertainment cabinets, the click sound it would make after closing from nostalgia

13. Absolute legends

How to build, how to paint, how to read, how to be yourself.

Legends of PBS from nostalgia

12. Some serious dedication

The haphazard stickers all around are a nice touch.

Remade my room from the 90s in a 3D-software, as I remembered it. from nostalgia

11. Take it away, the paper

Practicing cursive on these made you feel so sophisticated.

Elementary School Paper from nostalgia

10. Wild in the sheets

How could you even sleep surrounded by all that excitement?

Visiting home and Mom busts out my sheets from 1986 from nostalgia

9. See deese?

We all nearly died a hundred times trying to flip through these in the passenger seat while driving.

CD Wallets… I know they’re still around, but 90s nostalgia. from nostalgia

8. The glamour of Hollywood

I don’t know if these carpets were meant to distract from stains or just make you dizzy or what.

90’s movie theaters ?? from nostalgia

7. Fancy feasts

Looking this up right now, these little cakes cos like five bucks. Back then they were maybe $2.
Don’t be fooled by the fanciness of ads.

Viennetta, the ice cream that I knew my family couldn’t afford from nostalgia

6. Jonathan Hyde

He can’t hyde from us much longer.

Actor Jonathan Hyde, a staple of fun 90s movies (Pictured: Richie Rich, Jumanji, Titanic, and The Mummy) from nostalgia

5. Fisher Price kids

So fascinating and so boring at the same time.

Fisher Price Farm from nostalgia

4. Master splinter

Looking coozier than ever.

? sweater my grandma sewed for me in the early 90s from nostalgia

3. Make it a Blockbuster night

I had the pleasure of working there just before they closed down.

I truly miss rental stores from nostalgia

2. Cut the cord

I’m just now realizing how much work it would take to explain this to a Zennial.

Anyone else want to bring back kitchen phones with the 10 ft cord? from nostalgia

1. Animation takeover

It was truly a renaissance.

I miss this Cartoon Network from nostalgia

Maybe those were the good ol’ days after all.

What are you most nostalgic for right now?

Tell us in the comments.

The post People Talk About the Things They’re Most Nostalgic About Right Now appeared first on UberFacts.

Should This Guy Be Checking His Blood Sugar In Private Because of a Coworker?

Managing medical issues can quickly turn into a full-time job. When your illness is something that isn’t fleeting, it becomes a part of your daily routine – one that you keep, faithfully, because the alternative is serious complications, or even death.

For people living with diabetes that means regularly checking their blood sugar, and though there have been massive advances that make that easier, the majority of them still involve a small amount of blood.

I (24M) enjoy my job and have two coworkers, Megan (25F) and our new coworker James (23M) who just started. The three of us each have our own office space, but because we have to frequently collaborate on work throughout the day we are often at each other’s desks.

I am a type 1 diabetic, I give insulin and check my blood sugar throughout the day as needed. I give insulin through a pump so that’s not an issue. Checking my blood sugar involves pricking my finger to draw a drop of blood, the blood gets sucked up into a test strip that is connected to a glucose meter, and the meter displays the reading. The whole process takes like 10 seconds.

He explained that her officemates are often at his desk and vice versa. One of them, a young man, nearly passed out when accidentally catching him checking his blood sugar.

He explained he has a phobia serious enough to require therapy and called OP “freaky.”

I was checking my blood sugar in my office right when James walked over. Immediately, his face went white, he looked like he was about to puke or faint or maybe both. I was like, dude are you okay? He told me that he has a major blood and needle phobia and gets therapy for it. I explained what I was doing and why it was necessary and he said it’s “freaky” that I have to MAKE myself bleed multiple times a day.

When he said he never wants to accidentally see that again, OP offered the compromise of warning him if he’s coming over at a bad time (for him).

He said that’s not going to work, because he’ll still imagine what OP is doing in his mind.

I know.

He told me he never wants to accidentally walk in on me checking my blood sugar again because he could pass out. I said that if I’m checking my blood sugar and hear him coming over I can call out a warning like “give me a sec!”. He said that won’t work, just knowing that I’m doing that just before he comes over is enough to freak him out, and that he would be stressed that I might not hear him walking over.

His compromise was he check his blood sugar in the bathroom, and refused to budge even when OP explained that a) he didn’t want to and b) it’s unsanitary.

As a second option, he asked whether OP could do it at set times – OP explained that wouldn’t always work because he has to manage based on his symptoms.

He told me I should check it in the bathroom from now on. I told him that I don’t think I should have to do that and it’s unsanitary. He said another option was if I only check my blood sugar at certain times, say 9am, 12pm before eating lunch, and 4pm, that way he’d know when to avoid me. I said these things can’t always be predicted, I’ll need to check if I feel my blood sugar going high or low.

He believes his phobia needs to be accommodated along with OP’s diabetes, and threatened to go to HR if he fails to “compromise” on a solution.

He said he understands that I have diabetes but that he also has a special need (his blood phobia) that needs to be accommodated and that he doesn’t want to have to avoid me at work and only talk to Megan for fear he might see me checking again. He said he’ll talk to HR about this and that he’ll tell them that I refused to compromise with him.

Now OP is wondering if she should get the jump on the conversation with HR.

He also clarified that he has an actual office, with a door, so his coworker has to actually come into his space to see what’s going on.

That was last Thursday before the holidays, tomorrow I’m thinking of going to talk to HR before James does, but first I need to know that I’m in the right here. So AITA for not being more accommodating of James’ blood/needle phobia and checking my blood sugar as needed at my desk.

To clarify something, James cannot see me test my blood sugar unless he is literally standing in my doorway. It’s not a communal-style workplace. I do not test in common areas, only in my office.

What did Reddit tell her to do? Read on!

Basically, OP is NTA (Not The A$$hole) and his coworker is going to the extremes in expecting others to work around his issue

Image Credit: Reddit

And maybe the coworker would like to spring for an expensive, bloodless solution?

Image Credit: Reddit

This person went with NAH (No A$$holes Here) and offered some additional solutions that wouldn’t have to involve HR.

Image Credit: Reddit


This person was also sympathetic to the coworkers phobic, and thought there was probably a way they could resolve.

Image Credit: Reddit


But this is the bottom line.

Image Credit: Reddit

He posted an update later stating that both he and the coworker spoke with HR, who helped them come up with a solution that was only kind of working.

Then the coworker quit, partially because he couldn’t work with someone who has diabetes.

Good luck to him; that’s all I can say.

What are your thoughts on this one? Share with us in the comments!

The post Should This Guy Be Checking His Blood Sugar In Private Because of a Coworker? appeared first on UberFacts.

Should This Guy Be Checking His Blood Sugar In Private Because of a Coworker?

Managing medical issues can quickly turn into a full-time job. When your illness is something that isn’t fleeting, it becomes a part of your daily routine – one that you keep, faithfully, because the alternative is serious complications, or even death.

For people living with diabetes that means regularly checking their blood sugar, and though there have been massive advances that make that easier, the majority of them still involve a small amount of blood.

I (24M) enjoy my job and have two coworkers, Megan (25F) and our new coworker James (23M) who just started. The three of us each have our own office space, but because we have to frequently collaborate on work throughout the day we are often at each other’s desks.

I am a type 1 diabetic, I give insulin and check my blood sugar throughout the day as needed. I give insulin through a pump so that’s not an issue. Checking my blood sugar involves pricking my finger to draw a drop of blood, the blood gets sucked up into a test strip that is connected to a glucose meter, and the meter displays the reading. The whole process takes like 10 seconds.

He explained that her officemates are often at his desk and vice versa. One of them, a young man, nearly passed out when accidentally catching him checking his blood sugar.

He explained he has a phobia serious enough to require therapy and called OP “freaky.”

I was checking my blood sugar in my office right when James walked over. Immediately, his face went white, he looked like he was about to puke or faint or maybe both. I was like, dude are you okay? He told me that he has a major blood and needle phobia and gets therapy for it. I explained what I was doing and why it was necessary and he said it’s “freaky” that I have to MAKE myself bleed multiple times a day.

When he said he never wants to accidentally see that again, OP offered the compromise of warning him if he’s coming over at a bad time (for him).

He said that’s not going to work, because he’ll still imagine what OP is doing in his mind.

I know.

He told me he never wants to accidentally walk in on me checking my blood sugar again because he could pass out. I said that if I’m checking my blood sugar and hear him coming over I can call out a warning like “give me a sec!”. He said that won’t work, just knowing that I’m doing that just before he comes over is enough to freak him out, and that he would be stressed that I might not hear him walking over.

His compromise was he check his blood sugar in the bathroom, and refused to budge even when OP explained that a) he didn’t want to and b) it’s unsanitary.

As a second option, he asked whether OP could do it at set times – OP explained that wouldn’t always work because he has to manage based on his symptoms.

He told me I should check it in the bathroom from now on. I told him that I don’t think I should have to do that and it’s unsanitary. He said another option was if I only check my blood sugar at certain times, say 9am, 12pm before eating lunch, and 4pm, that way he’d know when to avoid me. I said these things can’t always be predicted, I’ll need to check if I feel my blood sugar going high or low.

He believes his phobia needs to be accommodated along with OP’s diabetes, and threatened to go to HR if he fails to “compromise” on a solution.

He said he understands that I have diabetes but that he also has a special need (his blood phobia) that needs to be accommodated and that he doesn’t want to have to avoid me at work and only talk to Megan for fear he might see me checking again. He said he’ll talk to HR about this and that he’ll tell them that I refused to compromise with him.

Now OP is wondering if she should get the jump on the conversation with HR.

He also clarified that he has an actual office, with a door, so his coworker has to actually come into his space to see what’s going on.

That was last Thursday before the holidays, tomorrow I’m thinking of going to talk to HR before James does, but first I need to know that I’m in the right here. So AITA for not being more accommodating of James’ blood/needle phobia and checking my blood sugar as needed at my desk.

To clarify something, James cannot see me test my blood sugar unless he is literally standing in my doorway. It’s not a communal-style workplace. I do not test in common areas, only in my office.

What did Reddit tell her to do? Read on!

Basically, OP is NTA (Not The A$$hole) and his coworker is going to the extremes in expecting others to work around his issue

Image Credit: Reddit

And maybe the coworker would like to spring for an expensive, bloodless solution?

Image Credit: Reddit

This person went with NAH (No A$$holes Here) and offered some additional solutions that wouldn’t have to involve HR.

Image Credit: Reddit


This person was also sympathetic to the coworkers phobic, and thought there was probably a way they could resolve.

Image Credit: Reddit


But this is the bottom line.

Image Credit: Reddit

He posted an update later stating that both he and the coworker spoke with HR, who helped them come up with a solution that was only kind of working.

Then the coworker quit, partially because he couldn’t work with someone who has diabetes.

Good luck to him; that’s all I can say.

What are your thoughts on this one? Share with us in the comments!

The post Should This Guy Be Checking His Blood Sugar In Private Because of a Coworker? appeared first on UberFacts.

Photos From People Who Are Doing Weddings the Right Way

Ah, the wedding day. A magical time for you and your spouse, the day you’ll never forget.

No matter how hard you might try.

It is a day frequently immortalized by photographs, often very expensive ones, but some caught off-the-cuff. Of the endless supply that’s out there, though, only a few rise to the top to become internet legends that get spread far and wide to the rest of us.

Here are some of those, thanks to Imgur/Reddit.

15. Best in the world

I’d rather have a bottle in front’a me than a frontal lobotomy.

Best. Wedding. Photo. Ever.

14. You’re outta here

“At our wedding an usher had a rude girlfriend who wanted to be in the middle of pictures (dressed in white!) I got upset but my photographer said ‘I’ll fix it later don’t worry!’”

View post on imgur.com

13. Potato, potato

Ironically this had to cost way more than just a normal invite.

My best friend finally mailed me an invitation to his wedding.

12. The summoning circle

Um. You good, kid?

View post on imgur.com

11. What happens in Vegas

Will haunt you forever.

My uncle’s wedding in Las Vegas, streamed live on the internet. from trashy

10. Loving gift

This reminds me of when televangelists offer terrible gifts in exchange for “love offerings” to get around taxing their stupid merchandise.

I was told this wedding invitation should be under trashy. from trashy

9. Carry me home

When they talk about the threshold, I’m not sure that’s what they mean.

Every girls dream is to be carried on her wedding night. from trashy

8. Here comes the somebody

This is like the one unforgivable sin of wedding attire, how do people keep doing this?

That woman on the left is not the bride… from weddingshaming

7. Keep it classy

I mean, I’ll give ’em this, it’s a brilliant cost-saving measure.

Wasn’t expecting to see a wedding when I stopped at Wal*Mart this weekend… from trashy

6. Hiding in plain sight

Look, to each their own, but there’s something that hits me weird about hiding from would-be assassins as a form of romance.

Has anyone seen the bride? I can’t find her. from weddingshaming

5. So stinking happy

I see what you did there.

Autocorrect? from weddingshaming

4. Once again


You’re probably wondering why this is shame worthy. Well how do you feel now that you know she was ***NOT*** the bride from weddingshaming

3. MRPA?

It doesn’t quite roll off the tongue.

The Russian equivalent of the MAGA wedding from weddingshaming

2. How cute

But how am I gonna look good for a photo if I’m preventing a plague? Priorities, man.

When the toppers on your toilet paper cake have masks, but none of your guests do. from weddingshaming

1. Caught him

I’m not here to kinkshame, but maybe keep this in the bedroom. And yes, that’s motherf**king Carole Baskin.

Great wedding photos.. from weddingshaming

I can only hope my big day is half as classy.

What’s the weirdest wedding you’ve ever experienced?

Tell us about it in the comments.

The post Photos From People Who Are Doing Weddings the Right Way appeared first on UberFacts.

She Had the Police Go to Her Stepsister’s Wedding. Is She a Jerk?

It’s the cops! Everybody run!

Okay, I guess the people involved in this story couldn’t really run for it because they were at a wedding…which makes this story so strange.

Read on to see what happened in this entry from the “Am I The A**hole?” page on Reddit.

AITA For sending the police to my stepsister’s wedding?

“I (f32) lost my mom when I was 23.

It was by far the most traumatic loss I had experienced. I just couldn’t and didn’t want to accept her death. It was unfair, untimely, and preventable. I got in therapy and was doing better but I had issues with my dad’s new wife and her daughter who’s 25 and just got married weeks ago.

We do not have a close relationship but we were cordial enough to sit at dinner tables. My stepsister treats me as a relative and was as much distant from me. But after my father got sick we had to see each other a lot. I’m handling his care while stepmom works full time and stepsister doesn’t do much though she’s always visiting when I moved in to help my dad.

Before that I was living with my ex so returing home was just in time. I brought with me all of my mom’s belongings and my stepsister showed interest in my mom’s necklace and asked if she could borrow it to wear it at her wedding. I refused and she tried every method to convince me i had to put it in a place where I thought it’d be safe after my stepmother got involved.

As the wedding approached they both kept convincing me to let my stepsister have it (she bragged about affording a better one but it was a matter of showing who’s in control) I stood my ground and told them how serious I was so they backed off.

I didn’t attend the wedding to stay with my dad. I remember wanting to change where I was hiding the necklace while the house was empty but I found it was gone. After searching for hours, I called my stepmom and she said not to worry my stepsister took it and will return it when the wedding is over but it was clear that I won’t see it til after the honeymoon since she said her daughter was staying at a hotel.

I screamed at her to return it but she argued about not wanting to leave the guests and the wedding already started. I told her I’d get it myself but she forbid me from coming saying she’d have to keep me out for wanting to make a scene. I called the Police and explained to them what was happening. I informed them my stepsister intended to leave for her honeymoon with my property.

The Police were sent to where the wedding was being held and they were able to retrieve the necklace from my stepsister. She and my stepmom were in shock and livid. She (stepmom) returned home and kept shouting at me calling me petty and crazy to send the police to my stepsister’s wedding. ruining it and humiliating them over a piece of jewelry.

She was screaming at my sick dad telling him to handle me after the stunt that I pulled at the wedding. I defended myself saying I only wanted an item that belonged to me THAT THEY TOOK WITHOUT PERMISSION returned. She argued further that I could’ve waited to get it back but I chose to burn the bridge with my stepsister and said that she considers me dead after this. She said stuff I can’t mention here but all I can say is it was a bad night.

I might have overreacted by getting the police involved but I had no gaurantee of getting the necklace back since I have experience with them in the past.


Now let’s check out how Reddit users responded to this story.

This person said that this woman is not the a**hole here and that her step-family most definitely is.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another Reddit user said that the stepdaughter is acting this way because she most likely learned it from her own mother.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another individual said that this was indeed the worst kind of humiliation…and that’s some pretty good revenge, don’t you think?

Photo Credit: Reddit

And lastly, this person argued that the stepsister only did this because SHE is the a**hole and wanted to upset the woman who wrote the post.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Okay, now it’s your turn to sound off.

In the comments, tell us what you think about this story.

We’d love to hear from you!

The post She Had the Police Go to Her Stepsister’s Wedding. Is She a Jerk? appeared first on UberFacts.

Does Going to a Classmate’s Parents About Bullying Make This Person Evil?

Family dynamics are complicated in the best of times, and when we’re talking about blended families, things can be downright awkward and unbearable when growing pains – and opposite personalities – rear their heads.

These stepsisters don’t usually get along, but when OP found out that her stepsister was bullying a girl in their grade, Mia, she felt as if she had to do something.

She says she never thought her stepsister was a bully but she had the proof in her hands.

The situation at hand: My stepsister (17f) has been bullying this girl in our grade, Mia. Mia is a very shy person. We were never friends but were friendly until the bullying started and then Mia withdrew from everyone. I found out about the bullying over a month ago.

People described it as “not real bullying” but my stepsister has called her names and told her she doesn’t deserve friends. I found a note telling Mia this. I was pissed. My stepsister and I never had a good relationship (always fighting) but I never figured she was an actual bully, just someone who got on my freaking nerves.

OP went to Mia’s parents with the proof and the accusations, and they went to the school demanding serious consequences for her stepsister.

Her father is angry with her and believe the entire incident was motivated by her dislike for her stepsister (or maybe acting out against his remarriage, etc).

I ended up going to Mia’s parents with what I knew and the evidence of the bullying and now it has been brought up with the school and Mia’s parents want my stepsister expelled. My dad is pissed. He said it was so unbelievably petty and mean spirited to go to the girls parents over “sibling issues”. I told my dad nothing between us would ever be sibling issues, because we’re not siblings and my siblings (younger brother and sister) would never do that to another person.

My stepsister has been suspended right now but it looks like she’ll be expelled Thursday when the big meeting happens. My dad’s wife is freaking out and so are my stepbrothers.

It’s not only her siblings and parents who think she was wrong not to talk to her family or her stepsister directly first, leaving OP to wonder whether or not she really did the right thing.

With the exception of my siblings everyone seems to think I’m wrong for doing what I did, for not at least talking to my stepsister first. I feel like going to Mia’s parents was the right call because of how serious bullying can be for the person being bullied and even calling someone names can cut a person really deep.

But I never expected this kind of reaction. Life at home is very awkward right now.


Bullying is bad, but it can be tough to know what is right when family is involved.

What does Reddit think? Keep reading!

This person makes a good point, that if the school believes it’s serious enough to expel the stepsister perhaps her parents should be more focused on their daughter’s actions than the reason for the consequences.

Image Credit: Reddit

There is a general sense that OP had a lot of courage, and no one is really telling her that.

Image Credit: Reddit

At least the internet people are here to give her a virtual pat on the back.

Image Credit: Reddit

People who have been there can vouch for the fact that any kind of bullying can have serious consequences.

Image Credit: Reddit

It’s very often a big deal to the person on the receiving end, after all.

Image Credit: Reddit

I have to say, I agree with OP taking decisive action, though if she had a better relationship with her stepsister, chances are she would have at least given her a head’s up first.

Either way, this Mia is lucky to have a good friend.

What are your thoughts? Do you think she was just trying to get back at her family?

Sound off in the comments!

The post Does Going to a Classmate’s Parents About Bullying Make This Person Evil? appeared first on UberFacts.

Does Going to a Classmate’s Parents About Bullying Make This Person Evil?

Family dynamics are complicated in the best of times, and when we’re talking about blended families, things can be downright awkward and unbearable when growing pains – and opposite personalities – rear their heads.

These stepsisters don’t usually get along, but when OP found out that her stepsister was bullying a girl in their grade, Mia, she felt as if she had to do something.

She says she never thought her stepsister was a bully but she had the proof in her hands.

The situation at hand: My stepsister (17f) has been bullying this girl in our grade, Mia. Mia is a very shy person. We were never friends but were friendly until the bullying started and then Mia withdrew from everyone. I found out about the bullying over a month ago.

People described it as “not real bullying” but my stepsister has called her names and told her she doesn’t deserve friends. I found a note telling Mia this. I was pissed. My stepsister and I never had a good relationship (always fighting) but I never figured she was an actual bully, just someone who got on my freaking nerves.

OP went to Mia’s parents with the proof and the accusations, and they went to the school demanding serious consequences for her stepsister.

Her father is angry with her and believe the entire incident was motivated by her dislike for her stepsister (or maybe acting out against his remarriage, etc).

I ended up going to Mia’s parents with what I knew and the evidence of the bullying and now it has been brought up with the school and Mia’s parents want my stepsister expelled. My dad is pissed. He said it was so unbelievably petty and mean spirited to go to the girls parents over “sibling issues”. I told my dad nothing between us would ever be sibling issues, because we’re not siblings and my siblings (younger brother and sister) would never do that to another person.

My stepsister has been suspended right now but it looks like she’ll be expelled Thursday when the big meeting happens. My dad’s wife is freaking out and so are my stepbrothers.

It’s not only her siblings and parents who think she was wrong not to talk to her family or her stepsister directly first, leaving OP to wonder whether or not she really did the right thing.

With the exception of my siblings everyone seems to think I’m wrong for doing what I did, for not at least talking to my stepsister first. I feel like going to Mia’s parents was the right call because of how serious bullying can be for the person being bullied and even calling someone names can cut a person really deep.

But I never expected this kind of reaction. Life at home is very awkward right now.


Bullying is bad, but it can be tough to know what is right when family is involved.

What does Reddit think? Keep reading!

This person makes a good point, that if the school believes it’s serious enough to expel the stepsister perhaps her parents should be more focused on their daughter’s actions than the reason for the consequences.

Image Credit: Reddit

There is a general sense that OP had a lot of courage, and no one is really telling her that.

Image Credit: Reddit

At least the internet people are here to give her a virtual pat on the back.

Image Credit: Reddit

People who have been there can vouch for the fact that any kind of bullying can have serious consequences.

Image Credit: Reddit

It’s very often a big deal to the person on the receiving end, after all.

Image Credit: Reddit

I have to say, I agree with OP taking decisive action, though if she had a better relationship with her stepsister, chances are she would have at least given her a head’s up first.

Either way, this Mia is lucky to have a good friend.

What are your thoughts? Do you think she was just trying to get back at her family?

Sound off in the comments!

The post Does Going to a Classmate’s Parents About Bullying Make This Person Evil? appeared first on UberFacts.