People Talk About What They Did “Before It Was Cool”

I was into that before it became cool!

Whether it’s music, video games, movies, fashion, or a million other things, people like to make this claim and to put other folks in their place.

I guess you can classify it as shaming of some sort.

What did you do “before it was cool”?

AskReddit users shared their stories.

1. Cool!

“The Martian.

I read “The Martian” back when it was just a text file on some backwater website.”

2. All the rage.

“I had a fidget spinner on my desk for about six months before they blew up.

At that time they weren’t being mass produced at all. You pretty much got them 3D printed or laser cut from acrylic.

I thought they were neat and sent them to my dad and brothers for Christmas.

I still have my first one on my desk. It’s laser cut neon yellow acrylic.”

3. Back in the day.


My friends and I were doing it with a Palm III with the GPS attachment back in 2000.”

4. Bitcoin.

“Bought Bitcoin in late 2010. Was on a malayasian private server for an old game I used to love, called Risk Your Life (RYL)

This server has a real money mall and of course I am dumb enough to want to pay to win.

So I go on their site and they don’t take normal credit card or PayPal but they offer some weird s**t called Bitcoin.

So I go through the steps to buy it, spent around $100 USD for around 1000 Bitcoin.

Spent 600 of the Bitcoin on some rings/ a sword/ an amulet and an armor

And 400 sat on my wallet until I sold most of it in 2017 for an absolutely massive profit. Still holding a few and changed my entire life.”

5. Early to the game.

“When I was a young kid, my dad brought home a Fairchild gaming system, and I got addicted to playing video games like Pong and Breakout on my home television.

This would have been 1976.”

6. Grunge kings.

“I ordered Nirvana’s ‘Bleach’ on cassette before Nevermind came out.

Saw in a magazine that they were supporting Sonic Youth, and Daydream Nation was my favourite album at the time, so that was enough of an endorsement for me.

I was the coolest 14 year old in New Zealand for, like, two months. Then Smells Like Teen Spirit came out, and I spent the rest of my teenage years declaring that i liked them before they were cool.

Nobody cared. And I still miss Kurt.”

7. Storage wars.

“Storage unit auctions

Before 2010 when the Storage Wars show first started, you could find auctions with a few bidders, mainly pawn shop guys, but find smaller ones on the cheap for furniture, especially during my cheap college years. Show up, place a bid for $20, get a couple end tables, bed and chair.

Thanks to that show, everyone thinks they’ll hit the jackpot, as if people who default on their units all leave behind 1940s memorabilia or something. Bids skyrocketed beyond comprehension on or around 2011, it just hasn’t been worth it since then.

Most the stuff is junk, people. The tv shows are fixed and edited. It’s not worth it thinking something is always hidden. People with valuables many times put that in a safety deposit box, not a storage shed unit.

I feel bad for the college kids who not only can’t get decent apartment rent levels, but also can’t get furniture on the cheap from storage sheds like I used to, simply because of the false expectations from a fixed TV show.”

8. Pre-Twitch.

“I used to record with a VCR when I played Mario bros 2.

When VCR recording came out I thought, hey, I could record whatever is on the TV right? It worked, I was floored. I ended up watching the tape once and thought it was the coolest thing ever.

This was on a huge furniture tube TV that sat on the floor and only had a few channels you selected with a dial. So, I pretty was a twitch streamer before it was cool. The only minor difference was I didn’t make millions of copies and mail them out to the masses. Minor.”

9. Now a household name.

“My college roommate was from Seattle- he had been to a few Macklemore shows when he was in high school.

I remember when “Language of My World” came out, my roommate was certain that Macklemore would go from being a semi-underground PNW rapper to a household name.

Later on, we had tickets to see him at a small show in Vermont. We bought the tickets a few weeks before “The Heist” came out. I think we bought the tickets for $15 each?

We bought three tickets and our other friend couldn’t come. We ended up selling that ticket for a few hundred bucks- it paid for our gas and drinks for that weekend trip.”

10. Local band.

“My high school friends were convinced that local band Slipknot was going to be some big deal.

They’d go watch them play in like basements and s**t.

I saw them play in a field once with people gathered around them in a circle.”

11. Whoa.

“I was on the Internet in the mid 1980s.

I was the only kid in high school that printed book reports and probably one of the few that even knew what a MODEM was.”

12. Blades.


I bought a pair in the US circa 1989, when the only people using them were ice hockey players doing summer training, and they were completely unheard of in Europe.

Brought them back to the UK, and for a while, I was the most cutting edge skater in town. By the time they became popular, and dare I say, ‘cool’, I’d already ditched them and moved on.”

13. Would have been amazing.

“Saw AC/DC in concert before they were cool (at least before they were cool in Fresno.)

There was a lot of serious heckling and booing — cups and stuff thrown onto the stage. Bon Scott dropped his trousers and bared his a** to the crowd then walked off the stage.

If I recall correctly, there was nothing wrong with the performance, but the people were there to see Aerosmith, and were just didn’t want to wait.”

14. You have no idea…

“Read Game of Thrones in 1998.

I had to wait for book three.

You kids have no idea.”

15. You’re crazy.

“I saw The White Stripes open for another band before they blew up.

I thought they sucked. My BF at the time thought they were amazing and was convinced they were going to be huge. I thought he was crazy.

He was right and I was not.”

What are some things that you did before they were cool?

Tell us all about them in the comments.

We’d love to hear from you!

The post People Talk About What They Did “Before It Was Cool” appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share Parenting Tricks That Can Actually Mess up Children

It seems like the world of parenting has changed so much since social media came along.

Some parents think they have a lot to live up to and they do things that might not necessarily be good for their kids. At all.

And there seems to be a lot of these examples out there.

What “parenting tricks” can actually mess up kids? Here’s what folks on AskReddit users had to say.

1. Messed up.

“Pretending to call the police when you’ve done something bad.

Did you know that there are YouTube videos with fake police calls, including a voice for the police officer, and they are always made to be intimidating?

One of them even said something along the lines of “If they have not stopped crying, we will send them to the military camp.” Or something like that. It is messed up.”

2. No privacy.

“I think this is obvious, but apparently not to a handful of parents I’ve met. Snooping through your children’s stuff and making it everybody’s business to know what you find.

Bonus points for being encouraging of your other children to invade their privacy as well. This happened to me when I was in foster care. I was already f**ked up and this took away few of my only coping mechanisms.”

3. That’s not motivation.

“Putting down your child to “motivate” them.

My parents never gave me positive reinforcement, they’d be quick to jump all over my mistakes and they even told me that I was faking my grades when I got the straight A’s they wanted.

It didn’t do anything except sow the seeds of self-doubt that I still have to this day.”

4. Gotta be socialized.

“Not letting the child go to any party or meet friends after school?

Well, this is how you get an adult with no social skills!”

5. Leads to issues.

“”Next time” promises to make the child not complain, but are never fulfilled.

It only leads to trust issues.”

6. A bad lesson.

“Giving kids the Silent Treatment when they’re in trouble

It honestly teaches them to shut down when things get difficult rather than talk things through.

I am personally unlearning that behavior to this day because of how often my mom did that.”

7. You see a lot of this.

“Scare tactics. My mom was always telling me horrible stories to scare me not to do things.

Like yes I get it, I won’t play by the train tracks or the canal but it seemed like everything I wanted to do had a scary story to go with it. Even when I was going to college and trying to decide on a career.

Oh you don’t want to do that because so and so did that and are now homeless, divorced, depressed, etc.”

8. Going about it the wrong way.

“Cleaning your room as a punishment or something to hold over your kid if they want to do something fun.

This will give your kid the impression cleaning their room is a bad thing. Treat it as something you both can do together, encourage them to do it because they want to.

I’ve decided that I will always help my kid clean his room solely to achieve the goal of a clean room, that’s it.”

9. Boundaries are important.

“Not allowing kids to have their own boundaries.

Forcing them to hug, kiss or be touched by relatives if when they don’t want to or ask for it to stop.”

10. Leads to bad things.

“Stop telling your kids they wont be mad if they tell the truth, then get mad when they do.

It taught me how to make a d**n good lie, hell, you don’t even know if I’m lying right now.”

11. Ownership.

“Forcing kids to share everything with everyone – even a kid they just met.

Ownership is a thing. Respecting ownership is a thing. Belongings have a value.

You don’t see adults randomly coming up and asking to “share” your iPhone because they want to play Candy Crush too. (And if they do, most sane people are going to say “no.”).”

12. You can be unhappy.

“Thinking that you should always keep your kid happy.

Always trying to keep your kid happy, always giving them what they want and always distract away any negative emotions will lead to them never learning emotional regulation, acceptance of boundaries, recilience in uphill battles, admitting wrongdoing and learning from mistakes, self esteem, communication skills…

Just the whole shebang.Everything in moderation, even happiness.”

13. Gaslighting.

“My parents would ignore any medical issue and say that I was lazy or it was because I ate poorly (???you buy the food?????) Nothing happened until at 17 I fell into a myxedema coma.

Turns out I had many many untreated autoimmune conditions that have caused permanent issues because they were ignored.

My parents still, as an adult, gaslight me when I say I have anything wrong or still outright deny I’m chronically ill.”

14. Never wrong.

“”I’m your parent, I’m always right.”

“You need to listen and just say okay to what I tell you to do!”

Cut to me as a 25 year old who always has an anxiety attack whenever I stand up for myself…”

Do you have any “parenting tricks” to add to this conversation?

Talk to us in the comments.

Thanks in advance!

The post People Share Parenting Tricks That Can Actually Mess up Children appeared first on UberFacts.

What Did You Witness as a Kid That Still Haunts You Today?

Some scars from childhood never quite heal.

And I’m not talking about the physical ones, either. I’m talking about the things we see as kids that we carry with us throughout our lives because they were traumatic and painful.

AskReddit users opened up about what they witnessed as kids that still haunts them.

Let’s take a look at their stories.

1. Whoa.

“My father met my mother when she was very young in a foreign country.

Due to age difference (he was 40, she was 25) they would argue a lot, my mom being young, she wanted to go out a lot and live her life. I walked up into their room once my father trying to suffocate my mother with a pillow. I was around 6 years old.

When my father saw me he completely stopped (he loved me so much despite the problems with my mother), and jumped in to hug me and took me to the other room. She called the police and put a restriction order on him.

To this day my mother says I saved her life, but that image has never left.”

2. What an a**hole.

“I was about six at a party at my dad’s secretary’s house.

He thought it’d be funny to throw me (fully clothed and unable to swim at the time) into the pool and laugh at me in front of everyone. I was so humiliated and embarrassed that my own father would use me as a prop to make his moron friends laugh.

I later found out he was f**king his secretary on the side and is the father of her daughters.”

3. Sounds of pain.

“My mom is a very strict person when it comes to school so when we do bad we get punished heavily.

I remember multiple times when my sister would get an F and would get beaten and yelled at. I still remember the guttural screams of pain when she got hit. I had many sleepless nights of overhearing my sister sobbing and screaming because of my mom.

Happened so much that I got desensitized to it.”

4. Ouch.

“Overheard our dad say to our stepmother, “if I could go back in time and never have those kids I would do, so I could only have your children”.”

5. Scarred for life.

“My grandparents getting it on.

There’s nothing more to be said.”

6. Harsh.

“Being called a “Useless, useless evil child that only gets his siblings in trouble. So weak and frail and useless.”

My Baba said this about me to my Auntie.

It sounds harsher in Russian.”

7. Scary.

“When I was in 3rd grade, my class took a field trip to a history museum in the capital of the state I lived in at the time.

After the tours were over and we had eaten lunch, we piled onto the buses and started to leave. To put it nicely, the capital wasn’t a very nice place, high crime rate, bad roads, worn down houses, that kind of stuff. Anyways, the bus was stopped at a stop light and my friend and I were playing the alphabet game, so we were naturally looking outside the window at the time.

Should’ve just slept the way back, because we saw a guy get mugged and s**bbed right at the crosswalk. Parents and teachers started to freak out, one parent vomited, the bus driver just floored it out of there. Kinda screwed everything up at the school for the next few weeks, the word got out real fast and we had to have an assembly about it.

Occasionally still have nightmares about the whole thing, never found out if the guy ever got medical attention or not, so it’s possible I watched a man die when I was just a small kid. To this day I can’t drive through that city, if I have to get close to it in any way I take a different route.”

8. RIP.

“When I was three my grandma d**d in her sleep and everyone went crazy.

I remember her boyfriend for some reason sneaking me in to see her body and then just sobbing a lot and saying I needed closure.

I wouldn’t call it bad trauma, especially compare to a lot of other things, but decades later I still remember what she, her boyfriend and the room looks like vividly and it comes up in my head sometimes without me even thinking about it.”

9. This is awful.

“I grew up near a highway with a 70 mph speed limit.

One day our dog got out of our yard and ran out onto the highway while I was helplessly trying to call it back. I’ll never forget the sight of it getting hit, going under the bumper and then bouncing between the pavement and the underside of the van. At least the driver had tried to stop.

He got out and dragged the body off the road and just looked up at me and said “he’s d**d” with a kind of half shrug. Nothing more anyone could have said or done after that”

10. A terrible sight.

“When I was about 6 I saw this guy dragging a kid covered in blood over a hill.

I ran inside my house panicked my dad called the cops.

Turned out the guy was mad that this kid beat up his son not sure what happened on other side of hill but he got arrested.”

11. Uh oh…

“Overheard a relative angrily confronting another relative about their homemade p**n tape. as said tape was playing.

I get the shivers every time the memory invades my thoughts.”

12. Sounds like a terrible person!

“My grandmother calling me fat, ugly, stupid and worthless when I was about 5-6 years old.

She’d have long, mocking conversations with her husband, family and even my mother about all that was wrong with me. She never said those things directly to me, she tried avoiding talking to or even looking at me as much as she could, she just made sure I always was close enough to hear her say it.

I have a whole conga line of trauma, but those years of abuse really left a mark. She’s on her deathbed now and I’ll be popping champagne when she’s gone.

It’s “funny”, though: Around the same age, I saw at least two badly damaged bodies (pedestrians hit by a car) and a horse suddenly collapsing and dying in front of my eyes, but had absolutely no reaction to that. 25 years later I still hurt from being called ugly though.”

13. Who was it…?

“Me: Imagine knowing a m**derer

Mom: You do

Me: Who?

Mom: I won’t tell you as you will never look at them the same.

Me: Then why did you tell me?

Decades later and I still haven’t figured out who it is.”

Do you have any stories like this?

Please share them with us in the comments.

We’d love to hear from you!

The post What Did You Witness as a Kid That Still Haunts You Today? appeared first on UberFacts.

This Person Asked If They’re Wrong for Not Sharing Their Hotel Room With Their Family That Never Plans Ahead

This kind of stuff drives me up the wall.

I’m talking about when people keep putting stuff off, keep putting it off even longer, and then they turn to you to fix it…

Even though you were the one telling them to do it in the first place…

Take a look at this story from Reddit and see if you think this person acted inappropriately.

AITA for not sharing my hotel room with my family that never plans ahead?

“My family has a wedding coming up next month. Knowing I would be in the wedding I went to book my hotel room as soon as I knew the date, about six months ago.

I was shocked to see that all the nicer hotels in the area were going for $600 per night, which is too much especially since I’m in the wedding and will stay multiple nights. I ended up just getting at a room at an okay hotel near the venue. And for just ten dollars more a night at 150 I got an upgraded corner room. (Single room but larger with a pull out couch).

I told my family about the hotel situation and told them to book it now, especially since they wouldn’t be charged until check in and could cancel up until the day before check in.

At the time they made fun of me for staying at such a budget hotel. Basically saying they wouldn’t be caught dead in a place like that and if it’s their first hotel stay since covid they want to stay somewhere nicer.

A few months go by and the bride messages me to make sure I booked a room cause the hotel prices are ticking up, 800 for the nice hotels and 200 for the budget one. I tell her I am good and remind my family to book ASAP.

Well here we are a month before the wedding and they didn’t book a room. They thought the prices would come down as the date got closer. Now the budget hotel is fully booked and the only hotels within 30 minutes are 1000 per night.

They now want to stay in my room with my husband and I. It would be my parents, sister, brother and his girlfriend. They want to bring air mattresses. I mean technically we could fit but I just feel like they never plan ahead and I am always going out of my way to solve their problems. Plus my husband and I haven’t taken any time off since our wedding in 2019 and since we are saving for a house I don’t see us doing another trip anytime soon.

I told my family this but they think I think I am too good for them. I just want to spend some quality time with my husband and their lack of planning shouldn’t derail my weekend.

Am I the a**hole?”

Oh boy…let’s see how people reacted.

This reader had the perfect response for how the person should respond to their family member.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another person offered up a great quote.

Words to live by, in my opinion!

Photo Credit: Reddit

And this individual brought up a very good point.

That room would be a madhouse!

Photo Credit: Reddit

Lastly, this reader made it plain and simple: this isn’t their fault and they should be able to enjoy their vacation without these kinds of distractions.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Now we want to hear from you.

Do you think this person acted like a jerk in this situation?

Talk to us in the comments and let us know. Thanks!

The post This Person Asked If They’re Wrong for Not Sharing Their Hotel Room With Their Family That Never Plans Ahead appeared first on UberFacts.

A Woman Wants to Know if She Was Wrong for “Using Hot Sauce Like an Idiot”

You learn something new every day…and now I know that you can use hot sauce like an idiot!

And I think I might be one of those people, because I’m pretty obsessed with hot sauce…just sayin’.

But this story from the “Am I The A**hole?” page on Reddit is about more than just hot sauce, as you’re about to discover…

Let’s get started.

“I (f23) love hot sauce. My favorite is Tabasco, but I just f**kin love all hot sauce.

For years I’ve carried a mini bottle of Tabasco in my purse and some emergency mini packets in my wallet. I don’t pull it out at restaurants because it’s in poor taste in my culture and most restaurants don’t allow it. It’s mostly for take out eaten on the go or for when I go to spice intolerant close friend’s houses.

I’m also weird in that I don’t put it all over my food or mix it in, I’ll put a few drops or a squirt on individual bites of food because I like to alternate between spicy and regular bites. When I’m out at restaurants I tend to hog the bottle of hot sauce so I normally ask for two bottles so that other people that enjoy hot sauce aren’t inconvenienced.

With that background info out of the way, here’s what happened. Covid restrictions have loosened so my husband and some friends of ours went out to a restaurant with outdoor dining to get some drinks and dinner. One of our friends brought her new boyfriend, Jim, that none of us have met before, and honestly he seemed off from the start.

He openly ogled myself and other women in our group. He made a “joke” about how people with down syndrome are a drain to society after a friend updated us on how her daughter with down syndrome was doing, and he consistently talked down to my friend. When our food arrived, I asked for a second bottle of hot sauce and began to do my thing with it.

When he saw what I was doing, Jim gave me the dirtiest look then asked why I was “using hot sauce like an idiot”. I briefly explained to him why and he then turned to my friend/his gf and told her “you didn’t tell me your OP was a f**king r**ard”.

I’m not gonna lie, I saw red.

I told him off about everything wrong he’d done throughout our get together and that anywhere he was I would no longer be because he was so disgusting and disrespectful.

I then flagged down our waiter, got a to-go box for my hardly touched meal, paid my husband and I’s tab then walked out. I just couldn’t be around someone like him.

Later I got a text from my friend telling me I humiliated her and that all of our friends followed suit and left because they couldn’t stand him either, as well as told her that they refused to be around him. She told me I alienated her and made everyone hate her.

I feel like a total d**k now because I didn’t mean to hurt her, I just wanted to get away from her awful bf before I caused an even bigger scene. She now is begging everyone to give him a second chance and none of us will, and she’s been cursing us out and calling all of us heartless assholes.

So, AITA for this?”

Who knew hot sauce could be so divisive…?

Now check out what readers on Reddit had to say about this story.

This Reddit user stated the obvious: this guy is a creep and needs to be told off in a major way and he was totally inappropriate.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another person said that this guy is exhibiting potentially abusive behavior and the writer of the post should keep tabs on her friend.

Photo Credit: Reddit

This individual said that the woman’s friend must be going through some kind of self-destructive phase if she’s with someone like this.

Photo Credit: Reddit

And lastly, another person said that the friend owes this woman an apology and that they all might want to keep their distance from this person for a little while.


Photo Credit: Reddit

Okay, you know the drill…

Now we want to hear from you!

In the comments, tell us what you think about this story.

Thanks in advance!

The post A Woman Wants to Know if She Was Wrong for “Using Hot Sauce Like an Idiot” appeared first on UberFacts.

What White Lie Do You Tell About Yourself Because the Truth Is Too Complicated?

It happens to all of us sometimes…

Someone asks us a question that is probably meant to be an icebreaker or they’re just trying to avoid awkward silence and we clam up.

Because the question asked would produce an answer that is just way too complicated and involved to even get into…so you just tell a little fib so everyone can continue on with their day and you hope it won’t come up again.

People on AskReddit admitted what little white lies they tell people because the truth is too complicated.

Let’s see what they had to say.

1. Just go with it.

“That I’m married.

My wife and I are separated but get on well enough to raise our daughter but not be together emotionally or s**ually. I still live in the house and we pool our money to give our daughter the best environment we can. Oddly we fight WAY less than we did before so the environment has improved massively.

We both just have FWB or f**k buddies that we see when time permits although we have an explicit rule about introducing people to our daughter AND no banging at home if there’s a chance the other/our daughter may come back home.”

2. Keep it movin’.

“”I have a boyfriend” instead of “We just started talking in a game and you’re asking me out. I don’t know you and now I’m creeped out”.”

3. Good plan.

““I don’t have a mic.”

Usually if I end up talking on video games and they realize I’m a girl, their conversation becomes uncomfortable or just annoying.”

4. This is my friend.

“I always just say “my friend” instead of saying “my daughter’s mom” or “my ex” because the latter two give off an awkward tone in conversations.

And whatever I’m bringing up usually isn’t related to the fact that she’s in the role that she’s in, so it’s not something that really needs to be specified anyway.”

5. Don’t get into it.

“That I am mildly allergic to garlic and onions. Technically I am Dimethyl Trisulfide and/or diallyl disulfide intolerant.

It is similar to lactose intolerance and is not an actual allergy, but that takes a fair amount of explaining.”

6. Nobody’s business.

““I can’t have kids”.

Easier than trying to explain the medical condition that necessitated removal of both of my Fallopian tubes. Technically I can still have kids, I’ll just never conceive them naturally.

Although if I’m having a particularly bad day, or someone won’t let it go (I’m looking at you “it’ll happen when you least expect it” lady from last week) I’ll give them my whole medical history.. usually makes people very uncomfortable, which serves them right IMO.

Stop asking people you barely know about their reproductive plans! Maybe they’ve experienced recurrent miscarriage, maybe they have been trying for years, maybe they have genetic conditions they don’t want to pass along. Or maybe they just don’t want them! In any case they don’t owe you an explanation.”

7. Don’t touch.

“That I don’t like to shake hands.

In reality, I’m totally fine with it. However, I have a condition known as hyperhidrosis, which means that my sweat glands are hyperactive. I sweat A LOT and pretty much constantly.

For me, I sweat the most from my hands and feet, but others also sweat heavily from their underarms. It’s not something I can control or manage easily. People who have shaken hands with me are grossed out and actively try to avoid me touching them.

So rather than tell people this and open myself up to “Ew, that’s so GROSS,” and stuff like that, I just say I don’t like physical contact.”

8. I can’t hear you.

“I moved from the West Coast to Upstate NY.

I started a new job at a hospital and couldn’t understand what anybody said. Everyone spoke so fast. I told all coworkers and patients that I was deaf in one ear and to speak more slowly, please. And they did! Everyone was so nice and so sorry for me.

Also when people ask me how many kids do I have, I say 2. I actually have 3. My daughter d**d from cancer and I just don’t feel that I have to explain this to strangers. The important people in my life know and they’re the ones who count.”

9. Can’t deal with it.

“That’s I’m allergic to shrimp.

Nothing else seafood related, just shrimp.

I have an irrational fear of them, which people always question me about. It’s just…the…way…they…curl…”

10. Too much background.

“I tell folks I’m from Texas, or if I’m in Texas, that I’m from California.

I usually say those white lies because they’re technically true, but actually I’m a refugee from a country that broke up in a civil war.

No, I don’t want to talk about that experience. And no, I don’t want to explain how old I was and all that other stuff.

Like, other folks don’t have to tell their entire life story to a salesman in Men’s Warehouse.”

11. No drinks for us.

“That we dont drink because we don’t really like it.

My husband is a recovering al**holic and is nailing recovery like a bada**, but it just makes things awkward!”

12. It’s easier this way.

“I dont have a sense of smell.

It’s easier to say that then explain what smells I can actually smell, or the fact that I cant identify smells correctly.

Example: My parents and I were looking for a new house. We walked in and I was pleasantly greeted with the strong smell of lemon pledge. My parents and boyfriend were complaining of headaches, dizziness and nausea.

I just thought it was too strong for them to handle. My mom then informed me that what I was actually smelling was cat pee.

Other examples would be things like…

Stir fry smells like spaghetti

Cinnamon smells like that generic flowery smell in women’s products

Meat loaf smells like cookies (which is extra disappointing because I’m vegetarian).”

Do you ever do this?

If so, tell us all about it in the comments.

Thanks in advance!

The post What White Lie Do You Tell About Yourself Because the Truth Is Too Complicated? appeared first on UberFacts.

This Woman Asked If She’s Wrong for Calling Out Her Friend for Not Buying Her House

It’s strange to me what people choose to get competitive about in life…

Especially with people who are supposed to be their friends…

But you see it all the time! And here’s another glaring example from the “Am I The A**hole?” page from Reddit.

Take a look at this story and tell us if it sounds familiar at all…

AITA for telling my friend her parents bought her house, not her?

“The title sounds bad but hear me out.

Backstory: I (F28) have a friend (F28) who purchased a house late last year. It’s an awesome 2 story town house and I’ve been over there plenty of times to help out with moving/decorating and for hanging out.

As mentioned in the title, her parents purchased the house for her and her partner. I truly have no issue with this as the housing market is terrible for buyers so more power to them for being home owners. I recently, unfortunately inherited my parents house, which is 3 bedroom, out in the sticks.

The issue: We went appliance shopping because most of the the stuff in the house was 10-15 years old. We were standing with an employee who I had asked to recommend some smaller items like toasters and kettles when the employee asked if I was moving out as general chit chat. I told him I was moving, and he asked whether I bought or rented.

I told him bought, because it was just easier and less awkward than telling him I inherited the house. He told me that was cool and began talking about the toasters again when my friend cut in that I had inherited my house, not purchased it. The employee went quiet and I gave her a “what was that” face. I was taken aback, she continued on saying “Yeah, I purchased my house”.

I asked “does it really matter? I’m here to buy some kitchen appliances not tell this guy my personal issues.” She grinned and said “it’s just for the record” which made me more confused and annoyed. (You can probably see where this is going) I replied “Oh okay then if it’s just for the record your parents purchased your house for you.”

The employee quickly retreated and she walked outside of the shop. I caught up with her and she said I was a massive a**hole for pointing out she couldn’t afford to own without her parents help. I returned with a very similar “my parents also helped me with getting a house too, just in a really terrible way.”

My partner agrees with me, saying that she’s the one that opened that door, but our other friends are split almost 50/50.”

Reddit users shared their thoughts about this story.

This reader said that the woman who wrote the post is not an a**hole and that her friend sounds very catty.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another person said that the woman should have defended herself.

I agree!

Photo Credit: Reddit

This individual argued that this woman might want to reevaluate her friendship with this person…

Photo Credit: Reddit

And this Reddit user shared their own personal story about how some “friends” can get pretty jealous and competitive when it comes to houses AND house sizes.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Do you think this woman acted like a jerk?

Or was this no big deal?

Sound off in the comments and let your voice be heard!

The post This Woman Asked If She’s Wrong for Calling Out Her Friend for Not Buying Her House appeared first on UberFacts.

People Admit the White Lies They Tell About Themselves Because the Truth Is Too Complicated

Sometimes, it’s just easier to tell a little white lie to people instead of getting into some long, convoluted story that’s just too complicated to explain.

And we all do this once in a while, right?

What little white lies do you tell yourself to avoid telling the complicated truth?

Here’s how folks on AskReddit responded.

1. In pain.

“I often make it seem like I can only use a wheelchair to get around the place…

Rather than explain just how far I can walk before the pain gets too much…

Which is a horribly short distance BTW.”

2. A bad memory.

“My number of siblings.

No one wants to hear about a long-d**d sister.

It just makes people uncomfortable, and there’s no reason to do that.”

3. A curveball.

“I had to leave the Army because life threw me a curveball.

What I really mean is I was honorably discharged because I couldn’t provide a satisfactory family care plan on where my daughter would go if I had to go to the field for a few weeks of training or got another long deployment.

I became a single parent suddenly when my wife was k**led by a drunk driver after I returned from my second deployment to Iraq.

This explanation usually leaves an awkward silence because no one knows what to say.”

4. Mom.

“I tell them my mother is d**d…

Not a paranoid schizophrenic who kidnapped me at 8 m.o and left me in a drawer of a dresser in the closet of a hotel room alone for days. (who any time was in my state after that required me to have a police escort and spend lunch and recess in the principal office. )

It used to suck trying to lie about why I was in detention or why the police came to school for me.

The last time me and my mom spoke was years ago: she offered to take me to dinner. Drove me to the gas station dinner three blocks from my house, said she wasn’t hungry and had to leave soon then made me walk home before we could even order food. I hadn’t seen her in 8 years.

We spent less then 30 minutes together. I was 17. When I got home there was a message on the answering machine of her telling me what a loser I was.

So she’s dead if anyone asks.”

5. OD.

“That my dad d**d in his sleep.

In reality, he died of an overdose of sleeping pills while in a hotel with some random woman. I have heard conflicting stories all my life.

I was told by some it was suicide, some he was drinking, took pills, forgot he took them, then took another dose, some say it was actually heroin

I don’t think I will ever really know.”

6. Unlucky.

“I tell them I left one of my jobs because they didn’t accommodate my school schedule.

In actuality, I quit because I got demoted when I reported my co worker of $40,000 worth of credit card fraud from our customers. The company was Samsung, American division.

They made my life a living hell because my manager was upset that I didn’t tell him about the fraud. (I told the security team anonymously and obviously they didn’t keep it anonymous!).

My manager would have gotten a bonus if I had told him about the fraud, so he took it as disloyalty and demoted me, and told everyone I was a snitch.

I quit because I put so much into that job but it got too stressful.

I was unemployed for a year after that. And then Covid hit.

I’ve been pretty unlucky these past few years.”

7. I live in the city.

“That I live in ___ city.

I really live in a suburb right outside of it, but nobody ever knows where it is because there aren’t many houses.”

8. Just keep it simple.

“”I don’t drink” is so much easier than explaining my complicated and unhealthy relationship with alcohol.

And also… If it turns into a discussion, you’ve sort of already “chosen sides”, and it’s much more of a hurdle to turn around and drink then.

If I am honest about being conflicted, you inevitably run into people who try to sway you to “their side”, and the bar for doing it will be much lower.”

9. Keep the nosey ones out of it.

““My brother is visiting me”

In truth, actually one of my closest friends from college is a guy and I’m a woman. He’s very close with my family and comes up to stay with me every couple months for a weekend.

It’s awesome, however I really don’t love my one nosey coworker asking me if I’m dating said friend every time we all discuss our weekends at lunch. it makes it a throwaway small talk line to say “oh my brother is visiting”.

10. Wow.

“My name.

My first name is Seven and people always ask about it. My mom never really gave me a straight answer so I like to have fun when people ask. A few of my most used replies are as follows.

I actually have 6 younger siblings

My mom’s a gambler and 7 is her lucky number

My mom really liked that Eddie Murphy movie

My mom is incredibly religious and believes 7 is a holy number.”

11. No shame in that.

“That I drive my older car because it’s paid off and I don’t want a car note. In all honesty it’s because I can’t afford a new car and my credit is totally f**ked.

I work for myself, dropped out and got my GED, have no college under my belt and on paper resume don’t qualify for a decent paying job. I’ve got a repo on my record from when I was knee deep in my addiction and drinking, recently hit my 6 month sobriety marker.

Trying to better myself, but it’s a baby step game, trying not to get discouraged but my credit is a dark cloud over my head at times. Restricts me from getting a better place to live, or a better car situation.”

12. Take care of yourself.

“”Oh, I just took some time off school”.

I was actually in psychiatric hospital for three months.”

13. Lies!

“I work for a third party broker representing a national client (M&M’s candy) in retail stores. Some people have no idea what that means so I just tell them I work for M&M’s. And I still hear-

So you just hand out candy?

It must be tough working with kids.

How do you stay slim when you eat candy all day?”

14. You’re Russian.

“When I was 16, one of my lab partners at school (a guy I didn’t know very well) told me that I looked like I was Russian (and yes, I do look like it).

I’m half Polish, but when I tried to correct him, he cut me mid-sentence and started asking me questions about Russia, which I could not answer because the teacher came and told us to shut up.

Later that week, many people asked me about it (I went to a school where there was basically no one with slavic heritage), and soon the entire school was convinced I was from Russia. I couldn’t be bothered correcting everybody, so I just went along with it.

Don’t know if it qualifies as a white lie, but here it is.”

How about you?

Do you ever tell any white lies to make your life a little bit easier?

If so, tell us about them in the comments. Thanks!

The post People Admit the White Lies They Tell About Themselves Because the Truth Is Too Complicated appeared first on UberFacts.

Was This Person Wrong for Telling Their Family the Real Reason They Wanted to Move In With Their Dad?

This story is a bit of a heartbreaker, FYI…

It involves family, stepparents, stepkids, and a lot of mixed emotions.

Take a look at this post from Reddit’s “Am I The A**hole?” page and read on to see how people reacted.

AITA for why I want to move in with my dad?

“My mom and stepdad are foster parents, but living with foster kids is kind of awful. Nothing against them and I really hope they’re getting the help they need, but it sucks. I was forced into the tiny room, which is fine, but I also cant really leave my room. I cant play music or video games, I always have to let them pick movies and tv shows.

I feel like a prisoner in my own home and I cant speak up about it because then I’m being ungrateful. I know its nowhere near what most kids experience, but I still h**e it.

For months I’ve been begging my dad to let me move in with him. I spend all my time there and it would just make more sense. Logically I know I’ll never be able to – he’s working seventy hours a week living in a one bed apartment. But its fun to pretend.

My mom and stepdad dont seem to understand where I’m coming from. I should be grateful – I have clean clothes on my back and food in my stomach. Whenever I try and explain they never listen and point out how much better I have it.

Anyway, I was talking to my cousin on Monday, and mentioned staying with my dad this weekend. She asked why, and I explained that I just dont like being at home. She asked why and if thats why I want to move in with my dad, and I said yes and explained how I felt. She eventually went home and told her mom (I guess?). Yesterday my aunt pulled up and basically demanded to know what was going on.

I dont know what exactly happened but they got into an argument and my cousin came up to help me pack some clothes for a few days. When we went down my parents accused me of making things up, saying that I had no need to feel the way I do.

My aunt didnt really give me a chance to reply before we left. I went home today to grab some stuff, and they called me selfish, saying I’d created an aggressive atmosphere which wasnt good for he foster kids. I said, “I dont care about the foster kids right now. Why do they matter more than me?”

My stepdad told me to get out and I did. A whole bunch of family has blocked me on socials and my foster sister has been posting about how I’m selfish and only care about my own feelings.

My dad is now clued in, and he and my aunt are both saying that I’m not in the wrong for feeling the way I do, but no one else seems to agree.

So, AITA?”

Let’s see what Reddit users had to say about this…

This reader said that the mom and the stepdad are clearly ignoring the mom’s biological son in this situation.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another person thinks the mom and stepdad might be fostering kids just to have some extra money rolling in…

Could be…

Photo Credit: Reddit

This individual made it simple: the mom needs to put her biological son FIRST.

Photo Credit: Reddit

And another reader said that this young person is not an a**hole at all and that they deserve to live with their dad where they’ll be taken care of in the right way.


Photo Credit: Reddit

How do you feel about how this person acted?

Were they a jerk?

Or did they act appropriately?

Talk to us in the comments and let us know.

Thanks a lot!

The post Was This Person Wrong for Telling Their Family the Real Reason They Wanted to Move In With Their Dad? appeared first on UberFacts.

People Discuss What Celebrity They Think Had the Worst Fall From Grace

Hollywood and the folks who inhabit it might look glamorous, but the fact is that people tend to come and go in a huge hurry.

Sometimes it because they’re outed for terrible things they’ve done and other times it’s through no fault of their own.

But there’s no doubt about it: a fall from grace in Hollywood is a movie in its own right.

Folks on AskReddit talked about what celebrities they think had the worst falls from grace.

Let’s take a look.

1. You know his face.

“Jeffery Jones: Best known for Mr. Rooney in Ferris Bueller & Mr. Deets in Beetlejuice.

He has had numerous problems with profession of child p**n, solicitation of child p**n, problems with registering as a s** offender and updating his s** offender registration.

And finally problems with his employers where people were invited to be on set but parents and visitors were up in arms when they were not formally notified he was a s** offender and on set.”

2. Trouble.

“Danny Masterson.

That 70’s Show was a constant joy since childhood, but after hearing Leah Remini interview a few of his victims, can’t even stomach the thought of watching it.”

3. A big one.

“OJ Simpson

All-time football great, cultivated a public persona as loveable nice guy in TV and movies after his playing career, and then the real OJ was revealed to the public.”

4. Former teeny boppper.

Aaron Carter belongs on this list. The purist teeny bopper heart throb back in the day.

Now, Nick Carter has to get a restraining order against him for threatening to hurt his kids, he’s clearly dealing with m**h addiction and the lowest of his lows.

He did an IG live where him and a friend are driving around, hyping up Aaron, they go through a drive through and Aaron gives the girl a concert tee with his face on it…she had no idea who he was.”

5. The Subway guy.

“Jared Fogle

Fame out of nowhere to convicted p**ophile.”

6. Poor Britney.

“Britney Spears. Poor Britney.

I know it’s said often but when I was a kid, I thought her head shaving and all that was really crazy.

Now that I’m 27, I 100% am surprised she made it that long without snapping and that she hasn’t snapped again.”

7. Fall from grace.

“Harvey Weinstein’s fall from grace was more …Shakespearean .

4 years ago he was the biggest , and most powerful movie producer in the world.

Now he’s a bum convict, a s** offender.”

8. I love Pee Wee!

“Paul Reubens (Pee Wee Herman)

As far as I’m concerned, people like Bill Cosby more than earned their fall… Paul Reubens had an undeserved fall.”

9. Fatty.

“Silent film star Fatty Arbuckle was accused of r**ing and accidentally k**ling actress Virginia Rappe. Allegedly in his attempt to r**e her, he squashed her to death with his great girth.

He was tried three times and was eventually acquitted. Rappe most likely d**d from appendicitis. His career limped along until he d**d of a heart attack in 1933.”

10. A bad one.

“Can’t believe nobody mentioned Whitney Houston.

She went from being America’s sweetheart and favorite singer to literal crackhead, topping it all off with a very sad and untimely death.”

11. Sad.

“Ashley Judd got her career tanked because she pushed back Harvey Weinstein.

She lost her chance with a role in LoTR because of him and she mostly vanished from the screens after he tagged her as a “nightmare” to work with.”

12. Wrestling superstar.

“Chris Benoit. Great WWE wrestler.

Then he k**led his wife and son. Autopsy report showed his brain was like that of a 70 year old Alzheimer’s patient.

Then WWE went and deleted EVERYTHING that had to do with him. They didn’t want him associated with them after that.

He did all that wrestling, got so damaged he k**led his family and WWE just wiped him out”

13. OMG.

“Mark Salling from Glee.

He got caught with kid p**n and then hung himself in the forest.

There is a lot of darkness around many members of the Glee cast.”

14. Grunge king.

“Layne Staley, singer of Alice in Chains

He suffered from drug addiction for years, but once his fiancée d**d in ‘96, he basically abandoned the band and accepted that his addiction was going to k**l him.

He never got over her death.

He was found in his apartment weeks after he d**d because he had blocked everyone out of his life.

Truly such a loss to grunge and the music industry in general. And such a great guy that just didn’t want to get better.”

15. Crazy story.

“Aaron Hernandez, if he counts as a celebrity.

Star Patriots tight end, Super Bowl at 22. His last NFL game was an AFC Championship game. 6 months later, he was arrested for m**der. Convicted, sentenced to life without parole, committed suicide in prison at 27.

He was tried for 2 more m**ders and found not guilty but there’s a good chance he did it. The m**der he did get convicted for made sense if he thought that guy was blabbing about the other 2 m**ders he was caught up and wanted to shut him up.”

Now we want to hear from you.

In the comments, tell us what celebrity you think suffered the worst fall from grace.

We can’t wait!

The post People Discuss What Celebrity They Think Had the Worst Fall From Grace appeared first on UberFacts.