20+ Class Clowns Who Successfully Took on “The Man”

Every school has at least one: the class clown, the cutup, the jokester. The guy or gal who has an uncanny ability to say the exact right thing at the exact right time to make everyone burst out laughing.

These stories from AskReddit users will make you laugh and fondly remember your own class clown. Or perhaps it was you!

1. A whole garbage bag?

A dude in my math class brought in a garbage bag full of donuts once. Like, 20 minutes after the class started he just breezes in with this magical bag of pastries.

2. Legends of Clowns Past

Not in my time, but legends in my school:

We had a weird old building that was added to a half dozen times. Outside of the third floor windows there’s a narrow ledge of the 2nd floor roof a couple of feet down, but you can’t really see it unless you stick your head out and look straight down.

One day the class had a sub. Since it was May the school windows were wide open (no screens either since these were ancient windows and school isn’t in session during summer bug season.) In the middle of class, a student gets up, yells that he’s “sick of life”, and jumps out of the window… (The student then walked over to a window in the adjoining hall and climbed back inside)

Another time during typing the students knew the typewriters were getting replaced at the end of the year. So when they had a sub with a couple of days left in the semester, a student just randomly stood up and say’s he’s sick of typing and throws the typewriter out the window.

And finally there was a teacher that without exception would come in five minutes late, then would stomp on the papers in the wastebasket. One day the students quickly emptied it, ran down to the restroom and filled it with water, and then floated some crumpled papers on top.

During my time four of my classmates including the class clown “borrow” a car from a friend of one of their mothers, then head to Reno over MEA weekend (a four day weekend for a teachers convention in my state). they get as far as western Wyoming before being pulled over for speeding. The friend didn’t press charges but they spent the weekend in jail until the parent of one of them could fly out there and get them. If this sounds mild, consider this was a private, conservative school. The school suspends them for a day and then they’re back in class on Tuesday.

3. I like this one

Jumped out of a 3rd floor window to go get a better view of a fight happening in the parking lot. This was the end of June so everyone was getting a little insane by that point. He was always nuts though. Now he’s a father with like 3 or 4 children, unreal.

4. Okay…

Hid live chickens in lockers.

5. Public execution

He got expelled for holding a public hanging of a teddy bear in the 1st grade classroom. He even brought rope for the noose. The 1st grade was not amused.

6. Good on so many levels

He recited the “friends, Romans, countrymen” monologue for class but dressed up in a suit and delivered it like a southern Baptist preacher. The funniest part was that he was Jewish

7. …Ouch

Came to school during​ school spirit week( a week where we had a more relaxed dress code if it had to do with school spirit) wearing nothing but boxers and duct tape in the schools colors.

8. In hiding

Hid inside a cabinet and made random noises when the teacher was teaching and the teacher was getting mad thinking it was this other kid and was about to write him a referral and wouldn’t believe him when he said it wasn’t him and it some kid in the cabinet.

9. Just like Jeff Spicoli

Pretty sure it’s not the wildest thing he did, but the best thing he did was ask to be dismissed in the middle of class, then came back 10 mins later with a full pizza meal combo (including an order of garlic bread bites for me). He then proceeded to turn to the unbemused teacher and stated “I found this in the bathroom”.

10. Bang!

He duct taped a condom over the assistant commandant’s exhaust pipe. He started driving away, it inflated to the size of a beach ball and sounded like a shotgun when it finally popped.

11. Now that’s commitment

Crapped their pants on purpose when the teacher wouldn’t let him go to the bathroom until break time.

12. Savage

A kid was bragging to the teacher that he had a girlfriend (this conversation was in front of a class of 30). He was talking tough like he was the greatest player in the world. Calling himself a true master of the ladies.
The teacher asked him “where did you guys meet?”
Then out of nowhere, the class clown shouts: “page four of male escorts on Craigslist.”
Still the most savage remark I’ve ever heard. Kids were falling out of their chairs from laughter. The kid looked like his soul was ripped out.

13. Foghorn

Our class clown had the two wonderful abilities of being able to play the baritone sax and circular breathe. School talent show. He enters. What does he do? Blows a super long low A note for ten minutes straight without stopping. Like one, long low, note. Like a foghorn. And he made everyone sit there, while he blew this long, loud shaking note. That was a fun talent show.

14. Stuck

Superglued his head to the desk

15. Teach

Our class clown wasn’t a student, rather the teacher.

Our teacher for units 3&4 Physics (VCE in Victoria, Australia) was a well known larrikin. Found every excuse he could to teach us with experiments involving liquid nitrogen, sodium, and other such dangerous things. The school had actually banned him from using potassium in this “experiments” because he had set a room on fire by accident. All the danger aside, he was the most engaging teacher I have ever had and I learnt so much from him.

Towards the end of my graduating year, my whole class (about 10 people) were all 18 years old, and so we would go to the local pub for lunch every Friday for a counter meal and a drink. We happened to have a double period of Physics after lunch and accidentally stayed past the start of class. Fifteen minutes into the period, and the most responsible girl in our class gets a call from our teacher.
“Were are you guys? Class started 15 minutes ago”
“Sorry, teachers name, we went to the pub for lunch and lost track of time”
“Are you all there? Do any of you have a text book?”
“Uh, yeah?”
“Give me five minutes”

Sure enough, 5 minutes later, He turns up and proceeds to run us through our lesson, in the pub, with the caveat that it was not to happen again. As far as I know, He somehow retroactively passed it off as some sort of last minute excursion and because we were all legally adults, we didn’t need to get our parents permission.
Truly a madman.


As a senior prank, he left a morning class to “use the bathroom”; instead, he went out to the parking lot where his older brother (who had already graduated) was parked with a moving van. They re-entered, bringing with them several cages containing at least 30 live squirrels, which they proceeded to set loose all over inside the school, as well as HUNDREDS of golf balls. When the bell rang and that period ended, it was fucking CHAOS in the hallways.

17. A good one to end with

I was a student teacher in a middle school and had to monitor a study hall during the last period of the day. The kids sat at tables in the lunch room, so the place was pretty disgusting and most of the students were antsy because they just wanted to go home. One day a group of 6 guys all had their hands up so I went over to see what they wanted.

They told me there was something wrong with Brian — the class clown. I asked him if he was all right, but he just sat staring into space. I asked him again, and he opened his mouth but instead of answering, ten flies came out and wandered all over his face. He had pulled their wings off and then put them in his mouth.

18. Quiet time

High school chemistry. the troublemaker kid has been assigned the only seat by the window.

Chemistry teacher is going on and writing on the black board when the kid opens the window, makes a snowball, and zings it right past her head to hit the black board a few inches from her. She turns around and says “who threw that? who did it? I’m not teaching anymore until someone fesses up”

The window was still open, and he was the only person seated anywhere near it.
We had quiet time the rest of the day.

19. Disgusting AF

After class, he went to the bathroom and took a huge dump into his beanie.

Afterwards, he hung up the beanie in the wardrobe in front of the classroom, so the turd could hang there all night.

The next day, nobody wasn’t allowed to enter the building, due to an ‘unexplainable’ smell. The principle walked around the building to find the source of the smell. He came closer to the beanie, smelled on it, took it of and looked inside of it – he went home for the rest of the day afterwards.

20. “What a legend”

Dude went streaking from the far east side of the school, past the office, through the cafeteria, out the west doors.

He had a toque over his junk at first but that fell off at some point.
He came out the west doors with his junk in his hand screaming “I CAN’T BELIEVE I MADE IT THIS FAR!!”, jumped into his friend’s getaway jeep and rode off.

Fucking beautiful. What a legend, man.
Teachers used to just walk away when he started acting up, I can vividly recall each teachers “I am not dealing with this shit today” expression every time they interacted with him. ?
I miss him

21. Never heard this one before

I knew a guy who brought a prostitute to prom. It was pretty damn funny when I heard about it, but he was a couple years older.

22. That’s horrifying

Drank some milk, turned his eyelids inside out, squirted milk out of his tear ducts.

Still to this day the most disturbing thing I have ever seen in person.

23. TP

In high school our class clown wrapped the principles car completely in toliet paper.

24. Flock of seagulls

Our class was on the ground floor and the window faced our soccer field, and on that rainy day we saw a huge flock of seagulls just hanging out on the grass.
My friend raises her hand and asks to go to the washroom.

About a minute later, she’s outside running through the flock of seagulls waving her hands and yelling.

She came back inside a little winded and damp from the rain. We had a hard time not falling on the floor laughing.

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10+ Millennials Remember the Things They Miss Most About the 90s

Nostalgia is a pretty universal aspect of the human condition. Every generation has looked back at their own childhood and thought “Ahhh, those were the days!”

Well, millennials who grew up during the 90s are no different. If you’re one of them (or just love the 90s) then these 15 memories are probably going to spark more than a few of your own.

#1. Basic necessities

“Honestly, I miss life before the internet and cell phones/texting became basic necessities.”

#2. A bit carried away

“Climbing trees, making dens in the woods, knocking on your friends door on a Saturday morning without phoning first, ‘are you playing out?’ Summer holidays spent in the half sunny alleys and fields behind the cul de sac. Asking my dad to record my tv shows onto vcr and him always getting the audio wrong from not turning the volume up on the cable box. Those little blue chocolate wafers my Nan had and the way she made toast. My parents watching Inspector Morse after I went to bed and how the radio was always on in the kitchen. The plum tree outside my bedroom window when it blossomed. School mornings getting colder and how my Mum got the car warmed up in the winter before we left. Our dog. My home. My self when I was young and the world was still magical.

Sorry I got a bit carried away.”

#3. Most of all

“8bit graphics, rainbow windbreakers, roller rinks still being cool, AOL, Nickelodeon. But most of all, just being a carefree kid.”

#4. A sense of innocence

“Amazing music, comfy clothes, cheap gasoline and a sense of innocence and optimism about the future.

Also being around my high school classmates seven hours a day, five days a week September through June could be a mixed blessing then, but I sure miss them now.”

#5. The good stuff

90s cartoons!

#6. When you got home

“I miss being safe from bullies when you got home. Like when I was in school I would get shit from someone, but once I got home that stopped. With the way we are all connected now through the internet and social media, I probably wouldn’t have escaped it like I used to be able to. I feel bad for kids that are bullied in school nowadays because they can’t escape the bullying by going home if they have any sort of presence on the internet.”

#7. The highest virtue

“Vintage clothes were the epitome of cool. It’s still weird to me that now it’s cool to wear expensive clothes, much less ones with obvious labels.

Also related, the idea of “not selling out” as the highest virtue. The idea that the coolest people of the 2010s are influencers with sponsored posts couldn’t be more anti-90s.”

#8. I didn’t appreciate it enough

“I spent the 90s on college and grad school, mostly. I miss having a life where my job was just to think, learn and mature. I didn’t appreciate it enough.”

#9. Some sort of game

“Starting high school in 1990. Good music. Rap rock and even pop. Getting outside. Calling people on an actual house phone to set up the weekend. Meeting girls by actually meeting and talking to them in person. You actually had to have some sort of game to even get a number. We worked hard and played hard. People weren’t so sensitive.”

#10. The news wasn’t 24/7

“Stop watching the news. I stopped a couple of years ago and I’m happier. Most of it is irrelevant anyway. Think about it this way. What have you learned from the news in the past year that has directly affected your life? Of those things, what’s the likelyhood of you finding out about it through other means. If the answer is high, just stop watching.”

#11. Instant win

“Instant win contests.

You could buy a bottle of Coke, win another bottle of Coke and immediately turn around to get another one for free.

Now you have to go online, enter some code somewhere and it sucks.”

#12. Like I was at an Irish funeral

“When I would be sitting in my living room apartment and looking at my CD shelf and seeing my Pink Floyd Pulse disk blinking that beautiful red blink. I always wondered when the exact time and date it stopped was because I would have popped that disc in and proceed to drink like I was at an Irish funeral.”

#13. All you had to do

“All you had to do was just go outside. We always found something to do and had a blast. My kids never go outside unless they have a specific activity planned ahead.”


#14. Improvised WWF

“Improvised WWF (it was still the WWF back then) matches on my trampoline with buddies.

Also NOT having the internet for every little thing made stuff like Pokemon game glitches the stuff of legend.”

#15. Having all my hair

“The music. The sense the world was improving. Having all my hair.”

Let me know when they invent a time machine, okay?!

The post 10+ Millennials Remember the Things They Miss Most About the 90s appeared first on UberFacts.

20+ People Reveal the Moment That Changed Their Whole Perspective On Life

One of my favorite shows on Netflix, Big Mouth, has a moment where all the characters sing a song called, “Life is a F***ed Up Mess,”and I definitely believe it.

That said, sometimes there are just experiences that we have to go through in order to learn and grow as a person. Whether it be from travel, heartbreak, or a number of other incidents, here are some examples of people whose perspectives on life were totally changed thanks to a single experience.

1. Bucket List

After my dad died in 2014 of Huntington’s Disease, a fatal genetic disorder, I decided to get tested in late 2015. I am gene positive. Meaning, I will develop the disease at some point later in life, but am not currently showing symptoms. Although I’m only 26, I’ve begun working towards my bucket list and only 2 months ago, crossed off my #1 wish of visiting Germany. It was two weeks of everything I could have asked for. I have a relatively successful career, which I enjoy and am thankful for, which allows me to check off these items from my bucket list.

Knowing that my life expectancy is maybe 40 at best, based on my CAG repeats, it’s given me the chance, or maybe the reminder, to live my only life as well as I can.

2. Hard Times

Getting injured, having multiple surgeries, and having to quit my teaching job and go on long-term disability. Being on disability really sucked, and I have more compassion for people who are permanently disabled. I also understand homelessness better. I’d probably be homeless myself if I didn’t have parents who could help with some of the medical bills.

3. Simple Pleasures

Getting high at a music festival. My buddy and I got hungry so we got chicken strips. We sat down on the dirty ground and enjoyed our chicken strips amongst other festival goers. I realized how nothing is more important than being somewhere you love with people you love. No fancy restaurant, no expensive food, no flashy jewelry… just my bud and I having a blast. Will never forget that.

4. Moving On

I’m in my early 20s, and got dumped by my first serious girlfriend a few months ago. I really liked her and she was pretty into me, but I was constantly trying to please her and was letting her walk all over me because that’s what I believed women wanted. I never stood up for myself when she would flake/take hours to text and I think she lost respect for me because of that. Her excuse was that “she wasn’t ready” but I know I was at least partially to blame…

Instead of sulking and begging, I took the breakup as motivation to hit the gym, meet new people, read books, further my career, work on social skills, etc so that at least if she doesn’t want to give it a second try, then a better girl will take her place. I’m so much happier now because of it.

5. Still Here

Drug/alcohol addiction, followed by recovery.

I just shouldn’t even be alive. I told a psychologist I expected to be dead by 25. But I’m 25, not dead, sober for several years, and somehow getting a Ph.D. I literally had no idea how to stop drinking; I wanted to, but couldn’t. Somehow it happened, though. And now when I get super stressed at school, or when people bug me, I just remember the fact that I shouldn’t even be alive. All of my problems immediately become laughable and absurd when I do that.

So I’d say I learned not to take things so serious, because at the end of the day, I’m still just right here.

6. High On Life (And Drugs)

I’ve never had any truly religious or deep meaningful experience in my entire life. Sure I’ve had fun. But I’ve never really got a deep life altering, paradigm shattering experience in my entire life. Everything was just humdrum until I started experimenting with psychedelic drugs.

I was a vocal atheist and thought everybody who believed in anything like that was totally stupid. Not saying I am religious now because I’m not, but I was such a closed minded person about stuff like that.

Psychedelics showed me the potential for love. Both for myself and others. It opened me up to seeing how consciousness and existence is so much more than I ever thought it was and it showed me how to see the world a lot differently than I currently was. Also showed me just how insanely beautiful and wonderful everything truly is.

I lose sight of it all the time, but deep down those experiences are still with me.

7. Rags to Riches to Rags

So after a family member died I inherited almost $78,000,000. My family and friends attitudes changed completely after hearing the news. People I didn’t even know of started contacting me, almost everyone I knew asked me for money, the number of ‘friends’ I had doubled. About a week later, the lawyer that handled the last will contacted me saying there was a closer relative that they had missed. I went back to being normal and found out who my real friends and family were.

8. Take the Time

One of my best friends passed away unexpectedly last August. I didn’t keep up with messaging him every once and a while and slowly grew apart. He messaged me a week before he died simply saying “I miss you.” I forgot about replying like some people do and I got a call the following week from another friend saying he died. I was devastated because I had no idea he was ill. Later that day I was looking at my inbox and noticed his message and it floored me. I still beat myself up over it because all I had to say is “I miss you too we should catch up.” But I didn’t and he’s gone. It was a harsh lesson but it changed me, and no matter what I take the time to reply to any message I get from someone I care about.

9. Hugs Work

Up until I was a teenager, I didn’t like my sister much. She didn’t like me either. Then, one day, I read that hugging someone makes your brain release chemicals that make you trust that person more. I didn’t buy it, so I jokingly told my sister that it means we have to start hugging our enemies to give them a false sense of security, and stuff like that. Then we jokingly hugged and we continued to hug every day for a while.

And you know what? It’s weird, but it actually worked! She’s my best friend now.

10. Eat More Salad

I had been eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for about a month straight. I was in college. These things happen. Anyway, I had a little bit of cash put together, so a buddy and I went to TGIFriday’s. The waiter came, and as I was ordering my food, for some reason, inexplicably, I had to have a salad. My friend looked at me like I had grown a second head. He demanded explanations. There were none.

So I ate the salad. Literal chills started racing up and down my spine. It was like a religious experience.

So, I told my friend to order a salad. He was understandably concerned at this point. Why was this important all of a sudden? What’s the deal with the salad? I said, “Order. A. Salad.”

We still talk about it sometimes. That was 15 years ago.

Uh… so, the moral of the story is don’t eat so many sweets and vegetables are a required part of your diet.

11. Count Your Blessings

I traveled a lot early in my career. I spent a lot of time in quite a few poor countries.

I went to Haiti 6 times in my life to work. The poverty and corruption was like nothing I had ever seen before or really since. People would beg and beg for the scrap lumber from our shipping crates to build their houses. When they built a house, it was about the size of the walk-in closet in the first home my wife and I bought.

Ever since then, I have never complained. I have a nice house. Nothing extravagant, but it is a nice house. I have money to put food on the table. I have multiple grocery stores within a 10 minute drive from me and I can buy anything I want to eat. I have a job that pays well and I enjoy working at.

I don’t let the inconveniences of life bring me down. If I feel sorry for myself about something, I remember the really poor people I have come across in my travels (as opposed to what I call American poor) and I am instantly thankful for what I have.

12. Gone Too Soon

A few years ago I lost a long time friend of mine in a car accident. He fell asleep at the wheel on the interstate and crossed over into oncoming traffic, hitting a semi. We had known each other since we were 5 and went through grade school, middle school and high school together. He was 25 when he passed. I knew he had struggled with depression for a long time, but at the time of his passing he was actually in a really good place in his life. He was doing what he loved and had been dating a girl for a few years. He was happy!

So it really made me think if I were to suddenly be gone tomorrow, am I happy with where I’m at? I wasn’t, and I started to make a lot of life changes after that. I had been overweight for a long time and started working on my health and I’ve lost around 85 lbs since then. I got into a career I love and enjoy doing everyday. I stopped stressing about stupid things too. It’s not worth it. I tell my family and friends I love them a lot more frequently than I used to. And I always, always, ALWAYS make sure I get enough sleep before I have a long drive to make.

13. No Apologies

A random stranger in passing. When I was about 16, I accidentally stepped into an elderly woman’s way while walking down a narrow walkway. We did the awkward dance trying to pass one another, as we passed each other I turned and said “I’m sorry!” to her.

She turned back to me and with a stern, but oddly charming, tone says “Don’t you ever apologize for your existence. Just say excuse me and be on your way.”

At first I took what she said as her being rude. Then I walked away and let it sink in for a bit and since then it’s stuck. I always say excuse me now if I’m in someone’s way.

14. Enjoy Life

Gaining a friend and talking to said friend. Up to that point in my life I had lived on the internet and became something of a space exploration fanatic dead-set on pushing humanity into the cosmos. My plan in life was to work as hard as I could toward that goal, without any room for anything else.

Until I met my friend. She was much more normal than me (normalcy was something I disdained at the time), but not any less dedicated academically. She wanted to excel in life, but also enjoy it. It was the latter part that I had been missing.

15. Expand Your Horizons

To me it was definitely travelling.

And, not to sound like that guy, but by traveling I don’t mean two days in a hotel by the beach in some third world country, I’m talking several years in total immersion. Worked there, slept there, ate, met people, got drunk, got mad, fell in love, got heartbroken, split up, fell in love again, made money, lost at least as much, learned how to greet locals the proper way, and why how I’d do it in my country isn’t okay here, the whole thing.

16. Full Circle

For me it was a small comic, it had a picture of a girl at various ages of her life.

Age 6:”I love mommy”

Age 16:”I hate my mom!”

Age 30:”Mom was always right…”

Age 45:”I wish mom was here”

It really hit home and made me change for the better. I started helping my mom around the house and built an amazing relationship with her till now.

17. Power of Empathy

An anthropology course I took in University. The professor told us that when we look at different cultures we have to “make the strange familiar, and the familiar strange”.

So basically you need to look at cultures outside of your own and try to see them with empathy. Really try to look at it as if it was your own culture, that it was normal, or something you grew up with. And to do the opposite with your own culture.

Taught me a lot about looking at my own culture with a critical eye, and looking at other cultures with empathy.

18. Lesson Learned

I was dating a girl for 2 years and was so damn certain she was the one. She was passionate, confident, and could light up a room when she entered. At the same time, we were very different in that regard and I struggled to stay balanced in something that I wanted so badly to work.

Anxiety and a lack of motivation were a serious pattern for me. She pushed me, tried to say that it was important to her that I got a grip on things but I just couldn’t come to terms with it. In the end one day while driving back to her place she told me she couldn’t do it anymore and that she felt I wasn’t ready for a relationship. I needed to learn to believe in yourself or I would always leave people staring at a wall of nerves.

The experience hit me like a bombshell and for a long time I felt like I wasn’t going to make it through. I just wanted to do anything to stop feeling defeated. One day while sitting there and thinking I realized that I let my fears rob me of someone I deeply cared about. It had to stop and I needed to get help.

I reached out to my folks, explained to them what I was going through and got help. After spending some time planning what I wanted out of life I began committing everyday to building back to a place where I could be proud of what I was doing. I never forgot what she said to me, and while it hurt a great deal it made me realize that I was defeating myself out of enjoying life.

Last year I saw her for the first time in 5 years. She was engaged, had moved to a new city and was happy as ever. I thanked her for helping me to realize what I was doing to myself and wished her the very best.

Every time I struggle, or start to doubt myself I remember what that experience taught me. If you are going to lose something, don’t let it be because you defeated yourself. Take charge, do your best and accept the outcome – but don’t sell yourself short.

19. Dumb Luck

Growing up I was absolutely miserable. Being the fat kid in school, no attention from girls, very very few friends, more athletic family members who would single me out and pick on me. This went on through high school unfortunately.

When I was 19 things began falling into place for me through sheer dumb luck. I was (wrongly) diagnosed with ADD and the adderall they put me on caused me to lose 70 lbs in ~2 months, then the family came into some money as a result of a medical malpractice suit that killed my grandmother a few years earlier and my dad paid for me to study Japanese in Japan for 6 months.

Losing the weight and going to Japan were exactly what I needed to shake off my miserable former self. I had finally done something I could be proud of and it just kept catalyzing more and more positive changes in my life. It’s weird to think I spent the first 20 years of my life hating myself, hating the world, hating my family, just as such a miserable guy. I love all those things now.

20. Beauty in Heartbreak

Had my first real breakup last year. For a while, I was devastated and truly depressed. However, after a while I began to discover more things about myself and what I wanted and what I liked. I began to appreciate things and people that I took for granted before. 2016 was one of the worst years of my life, but I can confidently say that so far 2017 is the best year of my life. I’m still single, but I’m truly happy with that and with myself.

21. Love Isn’t Magic

It showed me that love is not magic. It’s something that has to be worked at together. When one party can’t or won’t do equal work, the relationship fails. It feels amazingly good when it works and feels amazingly bad when it breaks down. The fact that my fairytale image of my parents marriage failure led me to (at least try to) have a more realistic view on life. No amount of want alone can make things happen in relationships. It’s like carrying a really big fish tank: it’s difficult with two people, and it’s pretty amazing to move things along to new places, but one person can’t do it. If someone isn’t invested in moving it along, it will drop and break. And it’s a real big mess to clean up and deal with all alone.

22. What’s In a Grade?

I locked myself in a bathroom stall and literally beat myself up for 15 minutes. I cried for many days afterward.

Soon enough, I got sick of living in this misery. I wanted to let go and accept it so I could just be happy. But to be happy in spite of such a grade would mean redefining my values.

Panicked, I looked up whether I could still stand a chance at Caltech, my dream university, if I got such a grade. The general consensus was “eh, pick somewhere else.”

That was it! Not “no, you suck,” not “no, Caltech wants smart people.” Just pick somewhere else.

So now I’ve truly accepted the loss of my valedictorian status, as painful as it may be. There’s nothing I can do about it now, and looking back, I can see that all this grade anxiety did nothing but crush my spirit. Now I centrally define myself as a friend, reader, learner, inquirer, helper, and daughter of God, identities that will endure my whole life – not as the tenuously hanging valedictorian.

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15 People Reveal the Crazy Incident from Their School That No One Can Forget

Everyone has a memory from growing up that’s referred to simply as, “The Incident.” It’s that story that everyone remembers even years and years after the fact. In my case, it was a rather lewd incident that occurred between two teachers during school hours. They were pretty old too, so it was the kind of image that gets indelibly burned into your memory due to how horrific it is.

AskReddit users shared “the incident” from their school days.

How does your match up?

1. Holy cow

“The high school cop was fired for molesting a ten year old girl. He then murdered his wife, and fled. He’s on Marshalls top 15 most wanted list now. His mom thinks he’s dead. His name was Dan Hyers.”

2. That’s nice…and kind of shocking

“At a private Christian school a girl in 12th grade got pregnant. According to the official rules, she was supposed to be expelled to protect the school’s ‘image’.

Instead all the teachers and principals got together and decided that that’s not what Jesus would do, and that the rule was idiotic. They didn’t expel her and gave her all the support she needed during the pregnancy and after.”

3. Smooth move

“A girl tried selling weed to the school cop.

She’s the type of person who would smoke hand soap because it had the word hemp in it.”

4. Bathroom Bandits

“Someone stole a urinal from one of the boys’ bathrooms in high school. All year the principal went on about how if we knew anything we should come forward because “we must stop the Bathroom Bandits!”

Of course no one came forward because once the Bathroom Bandits had a name they became legend. I never did find out who they were, but someone found the urinal three years later, hidden under some stairs behind the auditorium, a good distance from the bathroom it was taken from.”

5. Birthday: Ruined

“Someone set off a pepper spray bomb in the hallway after lunch.

We were evacuated to the building next door and only directly related family members were allowed to pick us up. My neighbor drove my sister and I to school… so we were stuck there for like 3 hours.

Also that was on my birthday.”

6. Quite a discovery

“When I was in high school we had an “outdoor discovery” class that was basically just a giant ropes course. The teacher for that class was a nice middle aged man. One day he decided to take a shower in the locker room between periods and had a stroke. Now I don’t know what about this stroke was different but it made him decide he needed to go for a jog……around the high school….. and middle school…… naked as the day he was born.

So hes butt naked, sprinting past classroom windows in just his socks and sneakers, which he somehow thought to put on, when a sub goes outside to see whats going on when the outdoor teacher runs over and basically starts playing a game of “catch me if you can” until the ambulance arrives. It was a very odd day. But he was back to work a couple weeks later, making kids swing from ropes and climb over logs like normal.

Edit: Just saw I got a bunch of replies. To clarify: No he was not a druggie and didn’t go on a bender. He was an older man, outdoorsman, healthy and didn’t give off any kind of drug vibe.

It is possible, as some have pointed out, that he had an underlying condition that somehow got triggered and lead to this. He was a nice guy even after this happened, probably a little embarrassed about everyone seeing his birthday suit, but he carried on.”

7. Legend

“Former South African SAS now high school tech teacher ripped his shirt off and confronted a gang member that had come onto school grounds with a knife to ‘take out’ a student with connections to a rival gang.

Tech teacher wraps his torn shirt around his hand and grabs the knife while punching the gang member in the head with the other hand, knocking him out cold. All at lunchtime with half the school watching.

Absolute. F*cking. Legend.”

8. Sexy time

“Seniors at our high-school had a lounge, real nice place, it was at a back area near the auditorium.

They found a couple having sex there, and so they did the reasonable thing to do and moved the lounge’s location to right next to the front office.

Then they found people smoking weed in there so they removed the walls to the lounge and added glass walls instead.”

9. An interesting day

“In middle school, some kids put laxative chocolates in donuts and handed them out. The school went on lockdown. The police came. Kids were crying. Kids were pooping. Kids were looking for some donuts to get out of class.

Fortunately, I did not fall victim.

Although, while the school was on lockdown, I was in my science class disecting owl poop for four hours.

I bet if we were in high school, the kids would have gotten stricter punishments, because, legally, it could be poison. It was an interesting day.”

10. Okay, that’s pretty intense

“This one kid was constantly bullied by a group of rednecks. One day when he was at McDonald’s they showed up and started taunting him and berating him and so he left and went to the tractor supply store next door.

So he’s walking around and they followed him and started taunting him again and just being dicks. Next thing you know the bullied kid picks up an axe from the aisle and hits the leader of the bullies in the face. Everyone called it the ‘axe-cident’.”

11. Gunman

“In elementary we had 3 students that had to go out and empty the compost in the afternoon. One day my 2 friends and I were disposing of the compost outside and we seen a guy carrying a shotgun (which happened to be loaded, we didn’t know) literally down the road beside the school.

My friends and I thought he was probably just going duck hunting so we went over and talked to him, he was a pretty chill guy. When we went inside the school everybody was hiding underneath the desks and the school was in lockdown due to a armed-man walking around the school with intent to kill, I was scared shitless at the thought of such a man not realizing I had just had a 5 minute convo with him about hunting.

The next day we all found out that the armed man broke into a house down the road and shot somebody.”

12. Ugh!

“8th grade. 2 girls attempted to get drunk on lamp oil. It’s like lighter fluid for old timey lamps. They ended up in the ER for a few days. Luckily they got sick quickly and a teacher found them puking in the bathroom because someone who is not an idiot told on them.”

13. Followed him through the years

“A kid took a picture (Polaroid) of his junk and put it in the mens room (god knows why) in 6th grade. Anyway, they somehow figured out it was him and this followed him all the way through high school.”

14. Insanity

“My freshmen year of college our Dean of admissions was arrested for forcing chinese foreign students to do manual labor at her house under threat of revoking their student status. While awaiting trial (for slavery), she tried to burn her house down for the insurance money. When that didn’t work, she killed herself.”

15. Wrestling fail

“There was also the time were a kid died in the “courtyard” after practicing wrestling moves, falling and hitting his head on the bench. As someone who saw him fall, be resuscitated by a teacher, and then die, it was pretty traumatic. That was probably the main incident until a couple of years later when another kid died after getting hit by a car after school.”

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15 People Discuss the Worst Movie They’ve Ever Seen

For every great movie out there, you’d better believe that there are just as many (if not way, way more) bad ones out there. What’s the absolute worst film you ever recall seeing?

While I won’t bore you with a lengthy diatribe about my pick for that (dis)honor, these AskReddit users felt no such need to hold back!

Share yours in the comments!

1. Sounds traumatic

“Gotti starring John Travolta. I took a girl on a second date as she wanted to see it due to her love for mob/mafia movies. I think I witnessed part of her soul die that night.

There was no third date.”

2. Not a fan

“Slenderman. F*ck that movie.”

3. Won’t be seeing that

“House of the Dead. Worst mesh of game and movie integration I have ever seen. Terrible directing with terrible actors in an incoherent plot.”

4. Not a good viewing experience

“Ahh there was a Ted Bundy movie that came out in the late 90s/early 2000s. I was sleeping over my cousins’ house and my uncle went to Blockbuster and asked for a “scary” movie, but I guess he didn’t specify that we were all like 12-15. We watched the whole thing. It was so so awful, and it wasn’t only because it was traumatic.”

5. Two doozies

“I’ll only focus on full budget, studio productions. Small-time movies are hard and I hardly blame people for messing those up.

Battlefield Earth – OK, so this is funny if you think of it as a comedy, but they clearly intended for it to be a real scifi movie. This is a movie that is 1000 years in the future and they find our fighter jets….in a hangar…..with fuel in them…..that still work when you turn them on….and are able to learn to fly them and shoot missiles with them(which also still work).

Highlander 2 – So the immortals we learned about….come from a planet….a planet where you die in normal time….but our two leads are punished by being sent to earth…..where they will be immortal….until the villain go to earth later himself…..not having aged even though he was back on the other planet.”

6. Hahahaha

“Gigli. My girlfriend at the time made me take her to see it. We broke up later that week.”

7. Heard some things about this…

“Fantastic Four (2015)

An awful movie that becomes completely incoherent in the 2nd half.”

8. Sounds incredible

“A little gem called Airplane vs Volcano. It’s on Amazon Prime. It stars Dean Cain. It’s about an airplane with about 6 passengers that gets stuck inside an emerging ring of volcanos off the coast of Hawaii. The pilots die due to… Don’t think about it.

And the airplane has an emergency auto-pilot that makes the plane fly in circles. You know! To avoid another 9/11. Now it’s up to Dean Cain and some other passengers to push past the volcanoes’ ash clouds. They have to survive… Meteors?

That always hit the wings of the plane. And a psycho who thinks Dead Cain is not doing his best, so he wants to form a mutiny and basically kill everyone. The Army is there, and they can help, except the general doesn’t want to because of reasons. So he waits until the final moment to send a squad of fighter jets, to fight volcanoes mind you, and get all the passengers to safety.

Dean Cain gets hit by… I have no fucking clue… But he decides to sacrifice himself by crashing the plane (which is now filled with bombs) into the Big Boss Volcano. Even though everyone was evacuated and he can be evacuated as well and get medical help, he goes though with it saying “You’re a big bitch” as he crashed into the big volcano.

Seriously 0/10 but it’s worth to watch.”

9. I need to check this out


With Gary Oldman, in the role of a lifetime…”

10. Atrocious

“After Earth.

The acting was atrocious and the story barely made any sense. I mean who’s idea was it to have Will Smith and Jayden Smith talk in shitty psuedo-english accents during the movie??? I mean I know it’s supposed to be “how english will sound like in the future,” but that seems somehow even more stupid.”

11. A Nic Cage delight

“The Wicker Man with Nic Cage. So awful I couldn’t leave the theater, crying laughing. Trying to create suspense by bicycling quickly through the countryside. So bad.”

12. Sounds decent

“Birdemic. It was so bad it was hilarious.”

13. Childhood = Ruined

“Dragonball Evolution. It was like watching a drunk guy vomit all over my childhood.”

14. What a load…

“Human Centipede 3. Not like I thought it would be anything more than a bad horror flick, but man what a load of annoying shit.”

15. Just terrible…

“That Adam Sandler movie ‘Jack & Jill’. It was terrible.”

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20+ People Share Why They Had to Break It off with Their BFF

There are good ships and wood ships, and ships that sail the sea. But the best ships are friendships, and may they always be.

Life is tough, and it only gets tougher and tougher the older you get. You start working, maybe meet someone, get married, buy a house, have kids, etc. It’s a lot to juggle, but out friends help make things a little easier… except when they don’t.

People on Reddit were asked why they stopped talking to their best friends, and their responses gave some serious insight on how even the closest relationships can burn out. From unforgivable betrayals to slow fades, all of these people had deeply personal reasons for leaving their best friends.

1 Boy, she’s unsupportive

We had been best friends for years and I started dating a guy and she was so horrible about him. Saying he wasn’t good looking she didn’t want him to come on nights out with us etc. I really liked him and it made me see her completely different. 7 Year’s later I’ve not spoke to her and I’m still with the same guy, we have a son together and soon to be married.

2. Ghosted

She ghosted me after about 20 years of friendship. I foolishly didn’t see it coming, and tried for a few months to call, text her. No response. I grieved for a long time. Long time.

3. “She dumped me”

She got married. I was her Maid of Honor. Cried the whole time. Pure joy. Spent $500 on a dress and drove over 10 hours in one weekend just for the wedding. she got a little distant after the wedding but i let her have some space. newlyweds, right? 6 months later i had a traumatic experience and assault. She was one of the 2 people I told.

She basically broke up with me about 4 weeks later after suddenly cutting off communication completely for a week. I only knew she was alive because I called her husband. When she dumped me, she met me in a local park, got in my car, and told me she didn’t want to talk to me anymore. Said I was not supportive enough to her and she felt like i was using her as a therapist.

There are no words for how deeply she hurt me. We’d been friends for over 15 years, and called one another “wife” for 6 of those because there was no other term for how close we were.

She tried to open communication again about a year or two later. I no longer want her in my life. I’ll never let her close enough to hurt me again. Her betrayal at a time where I was in terrible pain and so vulnerable is completely unforgivable and hurts more than the trauma of my assault.

4. This is illegal…

Best friend since kindergarten. First friend I made in my new town.

Freshman year of college I was home for break and he was over my house with another friend. I went upstairs to talk with my parents and left them downstairs in the den. When I came back i couldnt find my phone so I checked upstairs again, then when I gave up and came back downstairs I noticed it poking out from under the couch. Sweet.

They leave pretty soon after, and pretty soon after that I get a text from my college friend (who has the same name as the other friend that was over) saying, “Hey uh, your gf is pretty but I’m not sure why you sent me a bunch of nude pics of her.. I’m gonna go ahead and assume it was by accident and delete them.”

Turns out my ‘friends’ took my phone, found my gfs nudes, sent them to themself (tried. they picked someone else with the same name), deleted the outgoing message, hid my phone, let me look for it, then planted it where it could be found. The only reason I ever found out is because my (very gay) friend from college was open enough to message me about it.

I never talked to those other two again. I have a primal rage when I think about the pathology it takes to do something like that. Theyre not my people.

5. Anger issues

I couldn’t handle her anger. I’d known her since middle school, and she’s always been easy to anger and would go off the handle about things that really didn’t warrant it. Whatever, usually we could calm her down and it wasn’t like she’d hurt anybody, just get moody and huffy.

Well, after highschool we would travel a bit together and it started to get obvious that she wasn’t even trying to work on her anger issue, even when we called her out on it and stopped coddling her during her outbursts. The final straw was when she wasted half a day of one of our vacations because during an outburst a day before, she’d lost her badge to the convention we were at, and we had to trudge behind her as she tried to see how much a day badge was, then broke down that it was ‘too much’ and obviously tried to guilt one of us into buying her one.

It was after that that we cut off contact, realizing that she was ruining our hard earned vacations.

6. Sorority life

She changed completely our senior year of high school. We were the exact same person, loved the same things, got along like sisters. Then she started prepping for her freshman year of college at a southern school, and completely overhauled her life to look “perfect” for the sororities. She started partying, only hanging out with the “cool kids”, refusing to let me tag her in photos, and just became really focused on her appearance (not just physical, but how her whole life appeared to an outsider). It’s like she lived her life as an Instagram model. Everything had to look perfectly perfect. We just faded out and stopped talking because I didn’t fit her new life.

I still think about her a lot because we were so close and I’ve never had a friend remotely as close to me as her. It hurts a lot that she just changed and left me behind and didn’t seem to care.

7. Trying to please them

Had 3 best friends from 10 years old on, the 4 of us were always together. Throughout our friendship we would get into fights, usually them against me. You know, girls. I wouldn’t understand what I did in the first place, but usually apologized and everything went back to normal after a few days. I can’t even remember the things they were mad about now. Senior year of high school I met my husband and of course they didn’t like him and didn’t think he was good for me. They continued to feel this way even after we got married 2.5 years later and he could feel how much they didn’t like him. After high school, we all lived in separate cities but still got together as much as we could. Then one year for Christmas when we were in our 20’s, they posted on FB how good it was to see each other and they hadn’t even contacted me to let me know they were in town, much less invite me. I was done, never talked to them again. I’m not saying I was the perfect friend, but I look back and I had so much anxiety and spent so much time trying to please them. I couldn’t even tell them everything about me because of how judgemental they were. My husband and I have been together 15 years, hes my everything. And now I wish I hadn’t spent 15 years of my life on trying to please people that weren’t true friends. I think about all the good friends I probably missed out on because I was so dependent on them for so long.

8. Going to college together – or not

We were completely inseparable through middle and high school and had always planned to stay together through college. She didn’t get into my choice schools, so (being an extremely dumb and anxious teenager) I foolishly agreed to attend a second-rate school with her instead… as not to be alone.

Shortly before the start of our freshman year of college she informed me she was no longer going to school with me and was instead moving to NYC to live with a boy she’d met on the internet. She’d known this for months but neglected to tell me until it was too late for me to do anything about it.

9. Free taxi

A few years ago I saw one of those tumblr posts that went something like “don’t go across the ocean for someone who wont cross a puddle for you,” or something along the lines of needing to reevaluate friendships if you’re the one reaching out all the time.

So I stopped being the first one to message her, and immediately our communication levels drop. And when she does message me, its always asking me to drive an hour plus to drive her another hour somewhere, so she wouldn’t have to use the bus. She never repaid me in food or gas ever, even when asked, so I made myself less available. Most of the time I was actually busy, trying to manage two jobs.

As soon as I stopped being a free taxi, she no longer had a use for me. The last time she reached out was 2 years later, when she wanted me to donate money to her so she could buy a tablet.

10. She doesn’t see the problem

I had taken her to a concert she wanted to go to and had permission to have my 7 month old there with me because no babysitter at the time. I paid for everything and she decided after i parked it was fine to smoke weed inside my car with my 7 month old right behind her. I handed her the tickets and left her there, have never talked to her again. She doesn’t see the problem with what she did.

11. Smack talking

She couldn’t stop smack talking me to everyone. She had incredibly low self-esteem and when I met her, so did I. But each step I took towards being more confident in herself, she saw as a threat.

I started working out and losing weight. She told everyone that I was trying to look better than her; eventually that turned into “she stopped going to the gym and just did coke to stay thin”. Nope, never done hard drugs in my life and I was attending double sessions at the gym.

I started seeing this guy who was really sweet and nice to me; she said I was just seeing him to show her what a jerk her boyfriend was.

I was getting a dog after moving out of the apartment; she said I was doing it to taunt her since her new place didn’t allow dogs and mine did (I specifically looked for dog-friendly places).

I’d hang out with different groups of people because my anti-depressants had kicked in and I wanted to be social again; she said I was going out to make her feel bad for not having friends. Except that I’d invite her to come. But she told me she didn’t like those people (whom she’d only met once and was rude the entire time).

I changed my major to business while she was in writing because I found business to be ridiculously easy; she said I did it because I wanted to make her feel poor after graduation.

My parents rented a place at the beach and I invited her along and told her that they’d cover expenses because my parents remembered being poor college students and wanted us to have good meals and fun; she went but later said I invited her along because I wanted to show off my family’s wealth. We went off-season to a cheap place within driving distance.

It got to the point where I couldn’t say any longer that the people telling me these things were lying. It seemed like almost every day I was telling someone they must have misunderstood her, that she wouldn’t say that. But nope. She reveled in being a frenemy and I thought I had a friend. I distanced myself and she went nuclear. I had friends send me screenshots of the insane messages she was sending them about me, completely unprovoked. We haven’t been on speaking terms in almost a decade.

12. Yikes…

He fucked my girlfriend 3 years ago, pretended we good and all for over a year, and now they’re getting married.

Needless to say i’ll rip his fucking heart out if i ever see him again.

13. “I’m actually glad”

I broke off all contact to my best friend of 22 years after I got into a pretty severe depression and she showed no sign of caring about it. I mean I didn’t want her to nurture this devil inside of me, but she just expected me to function like I did before I got sick, and whenever I dared to say it was too much for me to handle, she would be really offended. After unsuccessfully trying several times to explain to her what was going on, I just had to give up because every time we met I would feel physically ill. The weird thing is that I don’t miss her at all. I’m actually glad she is not part of my life anymore.

14. Everyone’s a critic, but especially this dude

After several years just realized I always felt awful about myself after leaving his and his family’s presence. Our mutual friends had a saying “it’s not a trip to XXXX’s house until you get criticized. From the clothes you were wearing, to how dirty your car is, just a barrage of shit.

The final straw was when I was dating my now wife, we went to go hang out at his house, and he immediately pounces on my appearance (was wearing a hardhat all day do my hair looked a little funky), then handed me a bag of aluminum cans for me to recycle “and put towards my house fund” (was in deep saving mode). Fortunately my wife was a good sport, but realizing what the hell this guy was trying to accomplish… embarrassing me in front of someone I’m interested in for no reason at all? Walked out after that and never looked back. Cut out completely.

15. “I was getting male attention and she wasn’t”

This will probably get buried, but I had a best friend who I really loved and thought of as a sister. Our friendship was great up until I started expressing interest in a man she and her boyfriend introduced me to. She started spreading rumors about me and started telling me to my face that I wasn’t good enough for the guy I wanted to be with. She kept making comments about how it didn’t make sense that men liked me and not her and that it wasn’t fair. I’m not really sure what her issue was; I never believed that she actually had feelings for him. I always felt like she was just threatened that I was getting male attention and she wasn’t. I knew she was deeply insecure about her appearance, and I thought this was part of her insecurity. I thought we’d be able to work through it, but it never ended. She wouldn’t even acknowledge what she was doing; if I tried to talk to her about it, she’d just insist I was lying to make her look bad. Her behavior escalated to the point where she sent me a text message telling me she did not care about me or my happiness at all and that my feelings and well-being would never come before her pride. I cut her off right then and there.

For years, we did not speak. After three years, she sent me a message saying she was sorry and she had changed and was a better person now. I tried to give her another chance, but as soon as the conversation started, she brought up the guy from before and immediately started telling me that I wasn’t good enough for him and was not allowed to be near him, etc etc. I cut her off again. Over the past year, she’s been trying to contact me in various ways, but I keep blocking her because I just don’t need this in my life. I can’t understand why she’s so hung up over this guy. I haven’t spoken to him in years. And I don’t need someone in my life who thinks she can control my relationships with others or take out her insecurities on me. It’s really sad because I really did love her, but that girl who I thought was my close friend is completely gone. She’s become someone who treats me with jealousy and hostility, and I don’t want that in my life.

16. Stopped responding

I noticed that they slowly stopped responding to my texts, and/or would take days to respond. I stopped texting to see how long it would take for them to text me first , and I haven’t heard from both of them since January. It hurts. Needless to say, it’s been a very hard year. I have lost 3 very good friends. But it just gives me more time to focus on people who really care about me. And to try and see the positive, I took a deep look Inside to see how I could be a better friend. But also, fuck them.

17. “Swallowed up in all this negativity”

she was incredibly toxic. we had been best friends since grade school, i had moved states but we maintained long distance contact for years, tho it became clear we were headed in different directions. i was eager to get started on my life and my studies. she was more interested in relationships. there were a few years i didn’t have the funds to visit her in person, it wasnt until two years ago that i was able to. and by then she was a completely different person, which she had been hiding in our conversations. she had very low self-esteem, refused to acknowledge her mental illnesses, self-harmed, and placed all of her value within relationships, sex, and really just the attention she could receive from men in general (all of this from a very abusive relationship she had just gotten out of of). i was completely the opposite. i visited her often and while i still found fragments of the person i loved and cherished, it was sorta swallowed up in all this negativity. i ignored it for as long as i could, before i started listening to the people around me that kept telling me it was time to let her go (my mother, my sister, my boyfriend, and even some of my own friends). she was extremely irrational, had become reckless with her choices, and was deeply unhappy. i tried the best i could to help her, but it was affecting me as well. by the time i stopped visiting her, she had entered another toxic relationship despite my warnings; she had told me, to my face: “nobody can convince me to not be with him. not even you.”

i cut her off earlier this year, and i still miss her like crazy. but i notice my anxiety has really toned down since then.

18. Coming out

I came out as a lesbian in my early 20’s and my BFF from the time I was in kindergarten didn’t take it well. She stopped talking to me and eventually I gave up trying to communicate with her. It did break my heart, we’d been very close for a long time, but I was ok with her going her own way if she couldn’t support me being me.

19.  Just drifting

Guess life just organically pulled us apart. He was my best friend for the better part of 15 years, went through everything with me, was in my wedding, everything. He took over his fathers company, I don’t know if it was the work or the money but we just started to drift. I couldn’t keep up with his life style (he became very wealthy) and wanted to be a single bachelor, while I was at home with my wife and newborn. It’s been about 3 years since the drift and about a year since we last talked. I have tried to reach out multiple times but to no avail. Like I said, nothing bad happened and I harbor no ill will, just 2 adults going their own separate ways in life. I hope he is happy and successful!

20. Never compromising

I was best friends with someone for 12 years and we did everything together. Well, everything that she wanted. It was always about her and her schedule, never compromising for me. I went to every event she had, even her parents anniversary dinner. One year my mother had just passed away and I was home alone. I asked her to come over and she said she was going to a friends house to party because she broke up with her boyfriend. We havent spoken to each other in probably 2 years and I’ve never been happier.

21. “Disappeared from each others’ lives”

We grew up together only 2 houses apart, and then I moved… went to the same school, but we had different crowds. It was just really hard to hang out with her. Her personality was negatively emotional and took subtle hints to the next level though; for example would be the day I told her I lost my virginity, and she automatically claimed me to be a whore (in a serious way). Felt really weird after that, and just stopped telling her things. Then we just completely disappeared from each others lives… last time I tried to make a connection was only a few years ago when I came to her house to “trick-or-treat” (this used to be OUR thing) anddd her mom came to the door, explaining how she is sick and can’t come to the door. Not sure how she is or what she’s been up to but I still wish her the best of everything.

22. Hurting each other

We were terrible for each others’ mental health. She didn’t see it, but I did. She was pretty happy to be wallowing in her depression and not get help. I realized I couldn’t keep doing that because every time I sort of started to get better she was embodiment of everything negative in my head. Not intentionally, but it was there all the same. I told her why I couldn’t hang out with her as much/anymore and eventually just reached a point where I went cold turkey. It’s been twelve years and I still miss her, but it was for the best.

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15 People Who Definitely Lost the Genetic Lottery

Genetics are a tricky thing. You could live your best life, eat healthy, exercise, avoid drinking and smoking and still end up with some horrible disease.

It’s tragic, but true.

In this AskReddit article, people share how they believe genetics cheated them.

1. Bad knees

“Knees. They just don’t work properly, even after the operations to keep them from dislocating. They always hurt.”

2. Squinting

“My ‘Beautiful’ light green eyes are so bad at denying light that I constantly squint, which leads to headaches.”

3. Damn him!

“Unibrow. My younger brother has thin half-eyebrows. Me (F) has one long, thick and bushy brow that goes from one hairline clear across to the other.

That rat bastard brother is also nearly completely hairless on his arms and legs. And blond.

That f*cker.”

4. Ugh

“My fathers family has early onset dementia, my mother’s family all live to be 100.

So I’m destined to lose my mind at 50, and spend the next half century wondering were I left it.”

5. No fun

“I’m Arab on my mum’s side and Italian on my dad’s.Basically I have to spend a lot of money on hair removal.

I’m a woman, for everyone asking.”

6. That sucks

“Severe acne.

Looking back over old family photos, it seems to be a common feature. At least it’ll clear up at some point.”

7. Rough

“Psoriasis all over my torso/legs/scalp.

It’s kinda weird to bring it up on a first date as well, so I got ghosted an awful lot before finally getting it under control.”

8. Bummer

“My orthodontist legit said I had a monkey face and that my jaw kinda went outwards and she said the surgery wouldnt be so costly, only for my dad to say we couldn’t afford it. Hits hard sometimes.”

9. Take care of yourself

“Both my grandfathers dropped dead at age 59.

Both from cerebral hemorrhages.

I have high blood pressure.

I’ll turn 52 this summer.

Tic, toc.”

10. One way…

“I am 6 ft tall and have the wingspan of someone who is 5’4. Basically a human T-rex.”

11. That’s strange

“My great-grandfather had 3 kidneys. I’ve had kidney problems since I was a baby.”

12. That’s not good

“Absolutely shitty teeth. Some people don’t have to wear braces. It was crucial for me to wear them but my parents weren’t educated enough on the matter to make me wear them. So now, at 28 i’ve had more teeth surgeries than i can count, finally have them straight but the price and the pain i had to endure for them is 20 times more than i would have 20 years ago.”

13. And the other…

“I’m 6’2 and have the wingspan of someone who’s 6’6. I look like fucking slender man.”

14. Luck of the draw

“Twin Gets Nothing, I Get:

•Colour Blindness

•3rd-Generation Acne


•Muscle Spasms

•Creaking Bones

•4th-Generation Early Arthritis”

15. Bad news

“I’m a woman. I have a hot mom but came out looking like my dad.”

The post 15 People Who Definitely Lost the Genetic Lottery appeared first on UberFacts.

15 People Who Met Celebrities and Had NO Idea Who They Were

This is a classic, classic move and if you’ve pulled it off before, I salute you.

Here’s a fun game: if you ever meet a celebrity or are in their presence, act like you have absolutely no idea who they are. It’s really fun!

That’s what these AskReddit users did. Bravo!

1. That’s nice

“This happened yesterday! My wife took my son to the zoo, and he wanted to read every little plaque in the reptile area. My wife was distracted for a moment, so he asked the nearest stranger to read the plaque for him. My wife turned around to see Scarlett Johansson happily reading the info to him.”

2. On with your day

“My dad met Robin Williams in an elevator. He got in and they rode a few floors in silence. They stopped on a floor and s bunch of fans ran in and started getting pics with Robin. My dad said he was gracious and took pics with everyone.

The doors closed and they rode a few more floors and my dad turned and said “does that ever get old?” and Robin smiled and said “Nope. Never.” Then my dad got off on his floor and they nodded to one another and my dad went on with his day.”

3. Hahaha

“My mom is a big sports fan. One time she was shopping at and saw a really large, fit looking man who she didn’t immediately recognize but seemed familiar.

She thought it must of been a professional football player or something, so she went up to the only other person in the shop, who was this smaller wierd-looking guy, and asked him if he knew who the athletic looking man was. The short guy looked at my mom and said “That’s my bodyguard, I’m Elton John.”

4. Shaq Attaq

“I (almost literally) ran into Shaq at a small restaurant in LA. He was standing in the doorway. You know how some people are so tall you don’t “see” them? So I’m exiting the doorway, and say “excuse me man” and he stepped aside so I could leave. He is one large human being.”

5. No cuts

“My mom yelled at Pierce Brosnan. She and my dad were at a ski resort getting lunch. My mother gets quite hangry (an unfortunate trait I inherited) and was waiting in line to order. Right as she’s about to order a guy tried to cut in front of her and interrupt her.

She snapped and told him to go to the back of the line like everyone else. She got her food and went back to my dad sitting there mouth wide open in shock.

“Do you know who that was?”


“That was Pierce Brosnan. You just yelled at James bond”

“Well he shouldn’t have tried to cut me”

6. That’s who that was…

“I was 10 years old in 2002 when my mom took me to the Bronx Zoo for the first time. It was a rainy day so we practically had the whole place to ourselves except for 3 British kids running around, chaperoned by a woman. My mom quickly befriended the woman while I made like a kid and joined the hoard, looking at spiders and scorpians and sharing in the awe and excitement of the animals.

After about an hour when we said our goodbyes, my mother told me that the kid, Daniel, who I had been hanging out with had played Harry Potter in the movie that came out last year.

I had thought he looked familiar.”

7. You don’t know Jack

“My cousin rode a ski lift with Jack Black in Vail. Just the two of them. Her husband and I were in the lift behind them, freaking out. When we got off the lift they’d gone their separate ways. We made our way to her she was like “wow, that guy on my lift was so nice.” We were like NO SHIT THAT WAS JACK BLACK. She was like “THE SCHOOL OF ROCK GUY?!?!”

She was so embarrassed. She said she rambled on about living in Iowa for most of their conversation. We laughed our asses off.”

8. I know you…

“I worked at a movie theater in Albuquerque at the time they we’re filming the first avengers film. Captain America was about to come out, I remember because we had the huge standee of him in the lobby. I was reading in the box office when three people came up. Guy asked for 3 tickets to Bridesmaids.

It was dark out and he had a green baseball cap and sunglasses. He paid with a credit card. Christopher Evans. I stared at the card after I swiped it. Handed it back. “I need you to sign the receipt” he did. And then he walked in.”

9. Oh, Mom

“My friend’s mom (over 70yrs old) owns a small asian grocery store. Post Malone came walking in with his girlfriend and his mom had no idea who he was. A few cute things happened:

She was nervous because of his tattoos, but happy/not worried once he bought a lot of food. She had no idea he was a celebrity.

She gave him a free snack for buying so much food and told him to come back for lunchtime for cheap and tasty gyoza (he did come back the next day!)

She was worried he would get mugged going to his car because of 3 big men outside so she followed him outside (they were his bodyguards)

She really liked his “cool car” (it was a lamborghini)

She told my friend about the encounter that evening and he pulled up a youtube video based on the description – it was him. When Post Malone came back the next day for Gyoza she got a selfie with him (it’s on my friends phone so I don’t have the picture available right now). Whole thing is adorable with how innocent his mom is.”

10. Curb your enthusiasm

“I was a student athlete in college and was required to “volunteer” a certain number of hours per year. One of the options was to help freshmen move in, which I obviously chose so I could scope out the new talent.

I just finished helping move a kid’s stuff and head back to the loading area, and a black SUV pulls up. Out hops Larry David, his ex-wife, and their daughter who was starting school. I immediately recognized him but played it cool, he wasn’t getting a ton of recognition since I’m guessing not many college students are fans of Curb/Seinfeld.

I introduced myself to them all and he introduced himself and said “Hi, I’m Larry,” and mentioned they were from LA. I replied and said “I used to live in LA, and you look really familiar. Did we meet?” To which he replied “No, I’m just one of those faces,” and gave me a huge wink.

He was cracking jokes the entire move and introducing himself to everyone just as Larry. Just as funny in person as he is on TV. After finishing the move he was nice enough to take a pic with me. Great guy, and the only major celebrity I’ve ever met.”

11. Nice tip

“I used to be a server at a Mexican restaurant right outside LA in the late 90s. One day Leonardo DiCaprio came in with who I assume was his mom to have lunch. This would’ve been post Titanic so really at the peak of his breakthrough mega celeb status.

He was wearing a ball cap, sunglasses and unshaven but I recognized him anyway. I didn’t let anyone know and I wrote something like “your movies are awesome, I hope you liked our food” on his receipt when I dropped it off at the table.

After he left, I swung by and picked up his payment and he had left me a note back that said “thank you so much for not blowing my cover” with a $100 tip. Shit was awesome I was only like 19, I went and got some Playstation games with it after my shift ended.”

12. Chris Rock

“In the Mid 90’s I was a cab driver. Our service was like a cross between a limo and a taxi, and we serviced some fancy resorts. As I dropped off my passenger at a resort, another guy asks if I’m a taxi, and I say yes, so he tells his friend their cab is here.

His friend got in the car and said “this ain’t no cab, smells too good to be a cab” in that unmistakable Chris Rock voice.

He and his friend just bullshitted with each other for the ~15 minute drive to a local night club. There was a white kid trying to talk to a yellow-cab driver ahead of us in the parking lot and Chris Rock started imitating the kid, like “I need a ride, yeah, I’m drunk, but I need a ride”, and I was trying really hard not to laugh out loud.

He wasn’t nearly as famous yet at the time, but I had seen his stand up routines on Comedy Central and knew exactly who he was, but didn’t go fan-boy on him.

10/10 would drive Chris Rock again.”

13. What should I say?

“I was at IKEA in Vancouver and noticed this lady in a low hanging hat had dropped something. I helped her pick it up and noticed it was Sarah McLachlan. Didn’t let on that I knew who she was because I couldn’t think of anything to say.”

14. JT

“I met Justin Timberlake and had no idea it was him until someone told me afterwards. Went to a basketball game with my dad and we stopped by the bar area in the arena first. The game had just started so it was pretty empty except for the bar itself.

My dad goes to the restroom and I walk up to the bar to order a beer. There’s only one seat at the bar next to a guy in a baseball cap and sunglasses. I politely ask if the seat is taken and he just says “nope, it’s all you, man.” We shoot the shit for a couple minutes.

He’s sitting on my right and eventually he says he and his wife are going to go to their seats. He extends his hand and asks my name. I tell him and ask his name. He says, “Justin. Nice to meet you dude, have a good night.”

He and his wife leave and the bartender comes up to me and says, “You know that was Justin Timberlake, right?”

I immediately did a double take and couldn’t believe I didn’t recognize him even with the hat and sunglasses. I told my girlfriend at the time who was a huge Justin Timberlake fan and she couldn’t believe I met him without knowing it was him. She wouldn’t let it go for like a month.

EDIT: To answer some questions, this was a Memphis Grizzlies game and no the bartender wasn’t messing with me because during one of the timeouts, they showed him on camera and had him come on to the court to wave at fans and hype the crowd up etc. I don’t think he expected them to do that and didn’t like it because he left at halftime. Probably just wanted to go to a game without being hounded by fans or something.

EDIT 2: I never got a good look at Jessica Biel. She was wearing sunglasses as well but she didn’t say anything at all during our conversation and since I didn’t even realize I was talking to Justin Timberlake, I wasn’t about to gawk at this random beautiful woman while talking to her husband. ?

EDIT 3: I’m aware JT is a part owner of the Grizzlies. I’m not sure if I’m right about why he left at halftime in my first edit above. That’s just a complete guess given that 1) he left, 2) I’m assuming he didn’t want to be recognized with the hat and sunglasses and 3) he obviously goes to plenty of Grizzlies games and usually he isn’t trying to hide his face, assuming that’s what he was trying to do this time around. But who knows. He could’ve left the game early for any number of reasons.”

15. We’re from California

“I helped Steven Spielberg move his daughter’s bags into her college dorm.

I was working a shift helping first-years move in and I see a guy in a hat and sunglasses who is unmistakably Spielberg. I strike up a conversation, ask if he needs help with the bags, etc. First names only — “We’re from CA. My wife, Kate, and I sent all our kids to East Coast schools though.” Stuff like that.

Later, when his daughter opened the door for the first time, he whipped out a camcorder and, wearing the biggest Dad grin, recorded the whole thing before turning the camera on my friend and me to ask us about the city.

So, I have a supporting (the luggage), speaking role in a limited release (home movie) film shot by Steven Spielberg.”

The post 15 People Who Met Celebrities and Had NO Idea Who They Were appeared first on UberFacts.

Ditch Those Doritos – These 15 Snacks Are as Healthy as They Are Yummy

What’s something you can eat a whole bunch of in one sitting and not have to worry about being unhealthy? The answers are surprisingly delightful (my go-to is nuts), so go ahead and indulge!

#1. Also still an orange.

Cutie oranges. They’re like 90 calories a piece and also still orange.

#2. Crunchy and refreshing.

I’d go for sliced red and orange peppers. Crunchy, refreshing, and hey a Tony bit of ranch to go with it can’t be too terrible. Tiny though, that shit is like 80 calories a tbsp.

#3. PB2.

I love peanut butter but I can’t justify 190 calories for 2tbsp. Go get some PB2. It’s only 50 calories for 2tbsp. Smear that stuff on apples, celery, bananas, bread, and everything else you own because it is miraculous.

#4. Half-sour pickles are game changing

I used to go for a family size bag of salt n vinegar. Shred it without realizing until last bits….

Switched out for jars or pickles. Worked like a charm. It solved that crispy sour tangy craving and zapped calories. I’m down at least 40 lbs since I swapped to pickles a few years back

Edit: thank you everyone, I was not expecting my most upvoted content to be regarding my love for pickles. First, blood pressure topic: yes I have high blood pressure. Long time. I’ve been taking medication for many many years for it. My blood pressure is actually been better in the past few years since the switch, but I do you know and understand the consequences of salt. I hardly ever use salt with anything else really. My massive weight actually came as a result of medications over a decade ago. Had been constantly battling to lose the weight, and in recent years actually kind of gave up. And that’s when the weight started coming off. I drink a minimum of a gallon of water a day but usually twice that. Most of my diet it’s liquid because I’m extremely thirsty person(yes I know that a warning for diabetes, doc keeps looking but I’m safe). Oddly enough, the weight started to finally come off when I got on a regular regimen of medical marijuana. I think it rebooted my metabolism.

As for the pickle enthusiasts and pickle lovers… My grocery store favorite is zesty Dill. Every year my mother makes usually a solid 20 dozen jars of pickles and I claim about half of them. A lot of the ones I claim, I add pepper flakes and some garlic. I usually eat one jar in one sitting, and try to set my my max at two jars a week for staying sodium conscious. I try to only get potato chips, as re su of these choices, when it’s a special occasion with guests.

Thanks everyone. I know Rick would be proud.

Extra edit: Thank you kind stranger so much for my first silver, which is my first of any badge here. I truly appreciate it.

#5. Your poops will be great.

Grapes. Find the best grapes you can and go to town. Your poops will be great afterward.

#6. Underrated vegetable.

Snap peas. We’ve been getting them fresh from a farm stand, then cooking them for just a couple minutes in a pot with a splash of water and some garlic salt. They’re like CRACK. We fight over them and can’t seem to get enough. Toddler included. 10/10 underrated vegetable.

#7. It gets me through.

Whenever I’m craving chocolate I find that a handful of peanuts and dried fruit gives me the short-term energy boost my body needs to get me to the store to buy chocolate.

#8. It’s so easy.

Roasted Chickpeas/Garbonzo Beans.

It’s so easy. I never thought it would be, but I tried it last week and it’s literally just:

Preheat oven to 375F (190C)

Drain can (or 2) of chickpeas. Pour out onto a pan. Pat dry with towel, or don’t. It doesn’t matter too much.

Throw them in the oven for 30 minutes. (You’ll want to take them out every 10 minutes or so to move them around a bit.)

Remove from oven and pour into bowl. Toss with a spoon of vegetable oil, salt, thyme, and a good spoonful of chili powder.

Pop it back into the oven another 10-15 minutes. (I’m definitely going the full 15 minutes the next time I make these because holy hell they taste so good when they’re just perfectly crispy)

It’s like popcorn, but nuts, but they’re chickpeas, but they’re spiced up, but they’re magic.

Edit: it has been pointed out that while these ARE a healthier alternative, they are still calorie dense. I think they’re relatively filling though.

#9. It’s also delicious.

Plain popcorn

A cup of air-popped popcorn only has 31 calories, and high in fiber. Studies have found that popcorn will fill you up more than other popular snacks such as potato chips. It is also high volume, having pretty much the same nutritional value as a popcorn kernel.

It’s also delicious.

Edit: Obviously you can throw some salt or spices on there, I was just pointing out how healthy popcorn is at its core.

#10. Little slushie bites.

Frozen grapes. They’re like little slushie bites.

Edit: Thank you for the gold, stranger!

Edit 2: And the silver, friend!

#11. Smarta**.

A bowl of rice is great if you want to eat 1000 of something.

#12. Salty and sweet.

Add tajin to fruits to get your salty fix.

#13. Watermelon is great.

Probably celery or cucumber. You might be able to get away with watermelon as well, I once went through 3 1/2 watermelons a week. Watermelon is great


I’m going to buy a watermelon now.

#14. Surprisingly low calorie.

Pineapple is surprisingly low calorie for sweetness.

#15. Seaweed packs.

I tend to eat roasted dry seaweed packs. Only like 25 calories a pack and not that much sodium if you get good ones.

EDIT: Since this blew up, many people have been asking about specific brands. The one I get is a Korean brand called gimMe organic. I personally like the sea salt. 25 calories a pack and only 65mg of sodium. Just be careful with consuming large amounts due to iodine.

I’m stocking up the next time I hit a price club!

The post Ditch Those Doritos – These 15 Snacks Are as Healthy as They Are Yummy appeared first on UberFacts.

15 People Reveal the Moment That Ended Their Last Relationships

Fact: relationships are fluid. They’re constantly evolving, sometimes it’s good, sometimes it’s bad. And sometimes it just needs to end but one spark is needed to send a relationship over the edge to its death.

In this AskReddit article, people opened up about the tipping points in their last relationship. Hang on tight!

1. That’s a GOOD tipping point

“When she drove 4 hours to meet me at the hospital where my mom was dying. We had not been together for long but she comforted me in such a way that i could never forget. I knew I loved her and I married her 1 year later.”

2. That’s awful

“He and I had this moment, lying on the bed, listening to some music, in my room, while the sun was setting, the city buzzing away below us, after a long day and I felt this wholesome feeling, like I knew where I belonged. And right then and there, he looks at me and said: “if you ever leave me, I’m gonna make your life a fucking hell.”

Guess I belonged far far away from him.”

3. Can’t stop, won’t stop

“She wouldn’t stop sleeping with her ex boyfriend and then decided to marry him. She told me this via text.”

4. I can breathe again

“Month after month after month, excuses why he couldn’t pay rent. And yet he would spend all his income on eating out, online gaming memberships, etc. Would also try to guilt trip me into getting him stuff constantly. 1 day we went to visit relatives in another state during the week before xmas and my uncle snapped.

He told him off about how he’s manipulative and can see that what he does has dragged me down as a serious burden. I didn’t attempt to intervene, he was absolutely right. And after we left, ex bitched me out for not stepping up for him. We broke up the day after and suddenly I felt like I could breathe again.”

5. Karma

“He was going out during the night to see two other girls. TWO. And when I saw him during the morning he would be tired as hell (because obviously he was out) and tell me he had sleeping issues. I found out he was cheating on me with the two girls when they both saw me hugging him and went to scream at me. For the karma part, the three of us agreed to leave him and not talk to him again, and I’m still a friend with one of them.”

6. Makes me feel sick

“She would threaten me with physical violence and self harm for years if I ever left her, I was made to choose between my friends or her, certain threats made if I’d choose friends over her etc. having to be in contact with her at all times if I wasn’t with her, going through my phone and years of messages with my closest friends whilst I’m asleep etc, deciding who I could follow on Instagram, be friends with on Facebook based off how attractive they were or if she deemed them as a ‘threat’ etc. even if they were long term friends – Makes me feel sick thinking about it all again.

Crazy shit. I was younger and didn’t realise how abusive she really was – lost a lot of friends because of her.

She eventually did another one of her ‘fake’ break ups and I decided not to crawl back to the person that would always tell me that no one else would ever love me etc. said “Okay, I’ll pick up my stuff tomorrow” or something along those lines and then she obviously freaked out realising I wasn’t falling for her tricks and playing into her usual games. Haven’t seen or heard from her in four years now.”

7. Ugggghhhhh

“I was leaving the gym and told her I would be over to her apartment in about 45 minutes after I showered. I kid you not, at the 45 minute mark she was texting me upset that I wasn’t there yet. I apologized and told her I had to go to the bathroom so its taking a little longer but I was on my way and almost there. Showed up at about the 50 minute mark, she would not open the door beyond leaving the security latch attached, and only to tell me to fuck off.

So, after about 5 minutes of trying to reason with her to let me in and her responding that she didn’t want to hang out anymore because I took too long because I was probably talking to “some hoe at the gym”, i decided to leave. When I got back to my apartment I figured might as well entertain myself and play some video games. About 40 minutes later she shows up to my place banging on the door. I happily open the door thinking she changed her mind!

She sees that I was clearly playing video games and enjoying a glass of wine, walks over and picks up the wine and throws it on the ground pissed off that I found something to do other than stare at the wall because she didn’t want to hang out with me. She sees how in shock I am at her reaction and tries to brush up the broken wine glass with her bare hands. She is bleeding and crying and im in shock and pleading with her to stop because she is tearing her hands up. I suggest she leaves and that was the last time we were in the same room together. What a whirlwind of a relationship that on was!”

8. Not treating her right

“He kept treating his dance partner better than me (would take her out for drinks to try she hadn’t before, took her shopping with him, post photos of her online, etc) but wouldn’t hold my hand in public, nothing about me on social media whatsoever (totes fine but if you go on and on about how great your dance partner is and making it seem like your girlfriend doesn’t exist, it doesn’t feel great), etc.

I have no issue with female friends or dance partners, but don’t pay for dinner and drinks with them and then have your girlfriend pays for every single date night (I dropped $70 for a movie night, $40 of which were his drinks).

Dude still hits me up whining about how we could’ve worked out, how he misses my cat, etc. I dumped him over a year ago.”

9. Not gonna get better

“Things had been going downhill for a long time, and we ended up in marriage counseling, which was actually what did us in. Sitting in a room with her refusing to listen to me and her own counselor about things going on in our relationship really clued me in to fact that things weren’t going to get better.”

10. Paint colors?

“We moved into a house together and things were a little on the rocks, but I figured I could work a little harder and she would too. I had my doubts as she was a control freak and really only took what I said about things at face value (really saw that later on after we split). We had a huge fight about the living room paint color.

She said it was just awful and couldn’t put up with it. We went round and round about it for a week or so until I finally just decided I could concede on this one, but that I got to choose the bedroom color. She described it as a cream color, but like adding too much creamer to coffee. “Disgusted” was her word for it I want to say. Anywho, I’m standing in the paint aisle on my day off and utterly exhausted from a week of work and remodeling. I’m dead ass tired and she’s combing through the paint swatches.

She finds the color and we get it mixed. We end up in an argument in the car as I’m opting for bed and she wants to paint. I told her it is better to do it during the day so we can open the windows and let it air out better. It was currently raining and I didn’t want water marks. It escalated and grew until she finally just got so pissed that she left. I decided to be nice and start painting the opposing window wall to at least show her I heard her thoughts. I got it all mixed up and dipped the roller.

Rolled over once and it all hit me at the exact same time: I was sick of her and her controlling attitude. I was done feeling like an ass for things I didn’t do wrong. I was tired of living her dream life. You know why it hit me? That paint was the exact same damn color as the wall.”

11. That’s a dealbreaker

“When my now ex-wife was arrested for having a sexual relationship with one of her female students…”

12. Didn’t learn a lesson

“She just kept getting drunk and going crazy. I had to call the police on her because she took a bunch of pills when I left during one of her binges. She would call me at night often, drunk as hell and yell at me, and then threaten to cut herself when I refused to come over at 1 in the morning. She still drinks to this day.”

13. Addiction

“His crack addiction reared its ugly head – after he was clean for more than a year.”

14. Lies

“She started telling me how she had to defend me to my friends after I had to miss watching a show with them to go into work. My friends told me that wasn’t true and she spent the entire time shit talking me.”

15. Refusing to get help

“I got tired of carrying her to bed after her nightly binge drinking. Also, her complete denial of being an alcoholic and refusing to get help.”

The post 15 People Reveal the Moment That Ended Their Last Relationships appeared first on UberFacts.