10+ Times Propaganda Was so Successful, People Still Believe It Today

This question was asked on Reddit: Which propaganda effort was so successful, people still believe it today?

Over 22,000 comments later, we’ve got 13 gems to share.


13. Hot coffee

That the old woman who sued McDonald’s over burning herself with her coffee was just money hungry

For clarity: an elderly woman was a passenger in a car, pulled over in the lot to add sugar after getting a coffee and it spilled all over her lap. It burned her really bad and she just set out to get McDonald’s to pay her hospital bills bc they served the coffee way too hot.

They ended up launching this whole PR campaign where they smeared this poor lady, even taking out spots in local papers over how silly and money hungry she was.

Comedians, musicians, and radio hosts made fun of her and made her out to be money hungry instead of a victim.

12. That dandelions are weeds.

I recently discovered that these pretty yellow flowers were re-classified as weeds because of lawn culture and some successful marketing by herbicide companies.

Dandelions have been used in food and medicine for centuries.

11. Lie detector tests are accurate.

They’re junk science at best.

People, when the inventor of the device and procedures used is on record saying it’s crap, we should probably listen.

Looking at you, Florida, for allowing LD test results as evidence in court.

10. Jewish myths

I am from Germany and some of my grandparents still believe the stuff they were told about Jews by the Nazis.

Like when a jewish person dies on a christian holiday they get hung behind the door and everyone who comes in has to spit on him.

It’s some vile stuff. I can’t believe how they were spoon fed with this in their early years.

Another one I remember is that they were told that at a jewish funeral, the dead person gets a stone put in their pocket, so if they cross Jesus in the afterlife they can throw it at him.

9. Cleopatra

Cleoptra was a slut who became powerful only by sex appeal.

Contemporary and unbiased sources actually suggest she was rather plain, but it was her intellect and charming conversation that got her power. Also, as far as sexual relations go, her affairs with Julius Caesar and Antony, as well as her traditional marriages to her brothers, aren’t bad compared to the well-known affairs of some other figures, especially Antony.

Defaming Cleopatra made her easier to demonize and portray as a seductress ruling over Antony, making war easier for Octavian.

8. Drinking fountains are unhealthy.

The bottled beverage industry commissioned and publicized a series of studies in the early 1990s when they decided to get into the bottled water business. The problem was that their largest competitor was free and available in schools, parks, and public buildings everywhere.

Anyone who took even a semester of biology knows that if you walk around and swab and culture anything, you’ll find that it’s covered in bacteria. That’s ecology on planet Earth.

7. Not a fan of fans

Many Korean people believe that fans can cause death.

Even my mother, who moved to America in her mid teens, still prohibits me from leaving a fan on overnight for fear of death. There is a conspiracy theory that the South Korean government spread this myth as propaganda to prevent energy overusage, but it’s origins are unknown.

It’s strange that many Koreans believe this myth considering it is one of the most technologically advanced countries.

6. The whitest teeth

People should know that a healthy set of teeth doesn’t mean they’re perfectly white. Super white teeth are not even normal.

Our enamel will slowly become more translucent as we age, revealing the colour of the dentin (which is yellow) underneath it.

Thats why as we get older, our teeth will become yellower.

Doesn’t mean they’re not healthy or unclean.

5. Carrots make your vision better

This rumour was started in WW2 to hide the invention of RADAR.

The public was told that allied pilots found the German bombers during the blitz because they had good eyesight because they ate their carrots.

But in reality it was that the British had an early RADAR system in place that they did not want the Germans to find out about and bomb.

4. The MSG myth

MSG will kill you and is horrible to ingest, “I’m allergic to MSG”

Really, it is delicious and your body produces it naturally while breaking down regular salt.

Some people do have sodium issues, and it may not be good for them. But that’s a tiny micro-percentage of people.

3. Autism and vaccines

Andrew Wakefield, a former gastroenterologist and the man responsible for this anti-vax shit show, originally wanted to prove that vaccines were responsible for bowel disease as well as linking it to autism.

He was put through a tribunal by the GMC, it was found that not only had he lied about his research, but was found to have committed 12 acts of abuse against developmentally disabled children after he put them through unnecessary and invasive procedures.

To try and prove that vaccines were responsible for autism and bowel disease, he put young children through unnecessary colonoscopies and lumbar punctures (spinal taps).

He was struck off from the Medical Register and is no longer allowed to practice medicine. He continues to make a living promoting and speaking at anti-vaccine propaganda events. People should remember that. Anti-vaxers are looking to an abuser found to have put developmentally disabled children through unnecessary medical procedures for advice.

Let’s not understate how much of a piece of shit the man is.

2. Don’t cop to it…

That if you ask if someone is a cop, if they are a cop they legally are required to say yes they are.

Of course they aren’t required to, that defeats the entire purpose of working undercover!

1. The lie that nuclear power is terrible.

It is worse than renewables, however instead of chucking huge quantities of dangerous waste into the air like a coal power plant, it can all be contained, and 95% can be reprocessed into new fuel. In the 60s and 70s, a lot of oil giants used advertising to link it’s reputation to the very real danger of nuclear weapons, and if this hadn’t have happened, global warming would have been much less of an issue. Very few people realise that coal power actually causes more deaths per MW than nuclear power due to nitrous oxide emissions, even when Chenoble is included in the statistics.

Edit: A lot of people are saying that nuclear is as good, or possibly better than renewables. I agree that at the moment, for baseline power, it is better, and we should be using it a lot more. In the long term though, I think that renewable are a better solution due to not needing refueling, and needing less oversight (once production of the power plants themselves becomes cleaner and better storage solutions are devised).

What are some myths you’ve believed in the past?

Have you ever tried to question your own beliefs?

Do tell!

The post 10+ Times Propaganda Was so Successful, People Still Believe It Today appeared first on UberFacts.

10+ Times Propaganda Was so Successful, People Still Believe It Today

This question was asked on Reddit: Which propaganda effort was so successful, people still believe it today?

Over 22,000 comments later, we’ve got 13 gems to share.


13. Hot coffee

That the old woman who sued McDonald’s over burning herself with her coffee was just money hungry

For clarity: an elderly woman was a passenger in a car, pulled over in the lot to add sugar after getting a coffee and it spilled all over her lap. It burned her really bad and she just set out to get McDonald’s to pay her hospital bills bc they served the coffee way too hot.

They ended up launching this whole PR campaign where they smeared this poor lady, even taking out spots in local papers over how silly and money hungry she was.

Comedians, musicians, and radio hosts made fun of her and made her out to be money hungry instead of a victim.

12. That dandelions are weeds.

I recently discovered that these pretty yellow flowers were re-classified as weeds because of lawn culture and some successful marketing by herbicide companies.

Dandelions have been used in food and medicine for centuries.

11. Lie detector tests are accurate.

They’re junk science at best.

People, when the inventor of the device and procedures used is on record saying it’s crap, we should probably listen.

Looking at you, Florida, for allowing LD test results as evidence in court.

10. Jewish myths

I am from Germany and some of my grandparents still believe the stuff they were told about Jews by the Nazis.

Like when a jewish person dies on a christian holiday they get hung behind the door and everyone who comes in has to spit on him.

It’s some vile stuff. I can’t believe how they were spoon fed with this in their early years.

Another one I remember is that they were told that at a jewish funeral, the dead person gets a stone put in their pocket, so if they cross Jesus in the afterlife they can throw it at him.

9. Cleopatra

Cleoptra was a slut who became powerful only by sex appeal.

Contemporary and unbiased sources actually suggest she was rather plain, but it was her intellect and charming conversation that got her power. Also, as far as sexual relations go, her affairs with Julius Caesar and Antony, as well as her traditional marriages to her brothers, aren’t bad compared to the well-known affairs of some other figures, especially Antony.

Defaming Cleopatra made her easier to demonize and portray as a seductress ruling over Antony, making war easier for Octavian.

8. Drinking fountains are unhealthy.

The bottled beverage industry commissioned and publicized a series of studies in the early 1990s when they decided to get into the bottled water business. The problem was that their largest competitor was free and available in schools, parks, and public buildings everywhere.

Anyone who took even a semester of biology knows that if you walk around and swab and culture anything, you’ll find that it’s covered in bacteria. That’s ecology on planet Earth.

7. Not a fan of fans

Many Korean people believe that fans can cause death.

Even my mother, who moved to America in her mid teens, still prohibits me from leaving a fan on overnight for fear of death. There is a conspiracy theory that the South Korean government spread this myth as propaganda to prevent energy overusage, but it’s origins are unknown.

It’s strange that many Koreans believe this myth considering it is one of the most technologically advanced countries.

6. The whitest teeth

People should know that a healthy set of teeth doesn’t mean they’re perfectly white. Super white teeth are not even normal.

Our enamel will slowly become more translucent as we age, revealing the colour of the dentin (which is yellow) underneath it.

Thats why as we get older, our teeth will become yellower.

Doesn’t mean they’re not healthy or unclean.

5. Carrots make your vision better

This rumour was started in WW2 to hide the invention of RADAR.

The public was told that allied pilots found the German bombers during the blitz because they had good eyesight because they ate their carrots.

But in reality it was that the British had an early RADAR system in place that they did not want the Germans to find out about and bomb.

4. The MSG myth

MSG will kill you and is horrible to ingest, “I’m allergic to MSG”

Really, it is delicious and your body produces it naturally while breaking down regular salt.

Some people do have sodium issues, and it may not be good for them. But that’s a tiny micro-percentage of people.

3. Autism and vaccines

Andrew Wakefield, a former gastroenterologist and the man responsible for this anti-vax shit show, originally wanted to prove that vaccines were responsible for bowel disease as well as linking it to autism.

He was put through a tribunal by the GMC, it was found that not only had he lied about his research, but was found to have committed 12 acts of abuse against developmentally disabled children after he put them through unnecessary and invasive procedures.

To try and prove that vaccines were responsible for autism and bowel disease, he put young children through unnecessary colonoscopies and lumbar punctures (spinal taps).

He was struck off from the Medical Register and is no longer allowed to practice medicine. He continues to make a living promoting and speaking at anti-vaccine propaganda events. People should remember that. Anti-vaxers are looking to an abuser found to have put developmentally disabled children through unnecessary medical procedures for advice.

Let’s not understate how much of a piece of shit the man is.

2. Don’t cop to it…

That if you ask if someone is a cop, if they are a cop they legally are required to say yes they are.

Of course they aren’t required to, that defeats the entire purpose of working undercover!

1. The lie that nuclear power is terrible.

It is worse than renewables, however instead of chucking huge quantities of dangerous waste into the air like a coal power plant, it can all be contained, and 95% can be reprocessed into new fuel. In the 60s and 70s, a lot of oil giants used advertising to link it’s reputation to the very real danger of nuclear weapons, and if this hadn’t have happened, global warming would have been much less of an issue. Very few people realise that coal power actually causes more deaths per MW than nuclear power due to nitrous oxide emissions, even when Chenoble is included in the statistics.

Edit: A lot of people are saying that nuclear is as good, or possibly better than renewables. I agree that at the moment, for baseline power, it is better, and we should be using it a lot more. In the long term though, I think that renewable are a better solution due to not needing refueling, and needing less oversight (once production of the power plants themselves becomes cleaner and better storage solutions are devised).

What are some myths you’ve believed in the past?

Have you ever tried to question your own beliefs?

Do tell!

The post 10+ Times Propaganda Was so Successful, People Still Believe It Today appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share the Crazy Rules They Followed When They Were Kids

The question posed on Reddit was: “What’s the weirdest rule you had in your home growing up?”

And after reading the responses… here’s the follow up question: What the fuck is wrong with people?

Plenty apparently, because these 13 people share insane rules they had to follow when they were growing up. And some of them are rules they put on themselves… because people are dumb.

Get ready for some craziness!

13. Dumb brother is dumb.

“My dad made up this rule to stop my big brother from asking about getting a dog every 10 seconds.

We had neighbors on both sides who already had dogs, so the rule was that only every OTHER house could have a dog.

My brother believed it for a LONG time.”

12. Salty…

“Salt was for guests only.

The actual use of spices was VERY looked down on in my house and was seen as a huge insult to my mom and dad, even though they were absolutely horrid cooks.”

11. Liquid sex…

“I couldn’t recline or lay my body down AT ALL if my boyfriend was over.

My mom thought that me laying down would give them ‘thoughts,’ so I couldn’t do it.

Once I put my feet up on the couch while my FIANCÉ was over and my mom got pissed because she thought I was ‘trying to turn him on.’”

10. When you go to prison…

“I wasn’t allowed to put sugar in my tea because my mum told me that ‘when you go to prison they don’t let you have sugar, so it will make prison that much harder.’

1. Thanks for having so much faith in me, mum.

2. I’m pretty sure you are allowed sugar for your tea in prison.”

9. Diverticulosis SUCKS

“My dad had diverticulosis (pockets in the intestine) and couldn’t eat sesame seeds (among other things).

So, when we would eat fast food sandwiches, everyone HAD to give their bottom buns to Dad, in exchange for his top buns.

However, this reasoning was never explained and it was this way from before I born, so it was LITERALLY when I was in college that I realized that it wasn’t normal. I thought it was just ‘Dad Privilege’ to have two bottom buns.”

8. No pizza-balling!

“At my friend’s house they had a ‘no pizza-balling’ rule.

There were three teenage brothers living there, and when they ordered pizzas, tempers flared quickly when someone would try to grab as many slices as they could. The first rule in place was that you couldn’t have more than one slice at a time, and you could grab another once you had the last bite in your mouth. Anyway, one of the brothers quickly figured it out that if you ball up a slice he could fit it in his mouth and grab another one.

Hence the ‘no pizza-balling’ rule.”

7. She timed you?!?

“I could only buy things if I was buying them for a birthday or Christmas gift for somebody else.

Mind you, this was my OWN money I earned from my OWN job.

My mom knew exactly how long it took me to get home from school, so if I stopped at the store she knew, and I’d be in trouble.”

6. Pronoun probs

“My parents acted like referring to them as ‘he’ or ‘she’ while they were in the room was the equivalent of saying ‘fuck you.”

So referring to my parents with pronouns was, effectively, not allowed.”

5. Backdoor blues…

“We were not allowed to use the front door. Ever.

There was a metal screen on it with a deadbolt that needed a key for either side.

My stepdad kept the key and even visitors had to go to the back through the side gate.”

4. What happens to stupid people when they get older?

“When my dad would get home from work, my friend would have to go home. His parents told him that because that meant it was dinnertime and therefore he should come home.

However, him being a child, didn’t grasp that portion of the rule. He only understood ‘come home when the dad gets home.’ This translated in my friend being terrified of my father.

If he saw my dad turning into the driveway, he would drop whatever we were doing and sprint home.”

3. High hats…

“I wasn’t allowed to wear my hat backwards because my dad thought that it was a gang thing.

Mind you, this was in rural Wisconsin in the ’90s.

My parents are wonderful people, they just may not have had the best understanding of the world at that time.”

2. The candy trick

“My mom had me believing the Great Pumpkin from the classic It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown special existed.

The rules of Halloween were that I could only pick 10 candies from my trick-or-treat bag and the rest had to be ‘given to the Great Pumpkin.’

In reality, the ‘Great Pumpkin’ was my dad’s work cubicle.”

1. More towels!!!

“We were only allowed one clean towel a week.

We could do whatever we wanted with it, but we didn’t get another clean one until the next week.”

Note to self…

…gotta use that Great Pumpkin trick when I have kids…

The post People Share the Crazy Rules They Followed When They Were Kids appeared first on UberFacts.

20+ Times Things Got Really Weird with Complete Strangers

Meeting new people can be a fun part of life. But for some folks it can be cringey AF because they’re just so damn awkward and they make every situation they’re in that way.

Yeah, don’t blame the strangers. Blame your own damn self!

Let’s get real, y’all!

1. The vomit comet

When I was about 13, I went on a school trip which included a boat ride.

It was a windy day and the sea was rough, so like most of my friends, I got extremely seasick. The toilets were full of puking school kids so when it was my turn to churn I found a space along the rail and let loose.

I aimed down at the sea but the wind whipped my vomit about 20 feet over to a middle-aged man who was enjoying the sea air. As I watched in horror, he registered that he was being spattered with something, but it was only when my second wave hit that our eyes met and I saw his face change from confusion to horror.

I had no words, just more vomit, so he hurried off, presumably to clean himself. Thankfully, I didn’t see him again; but I’m sure I ruined his day.

2. Wait… what?!? DAD!!!

Once, when I was about 10, I got in the passenger side of what I thought was my dad’s car.

I was waiting for a few minutes and then the real owner of the car came. At first, I was terrified that he was going to kidnap me and steal the car, so I started scrambling for the door handle. Then he started yelling at me for being in his car. That’s when I realized I was in the wrong car and booked it back to the store, where my dad was waiting and laughing hysterically.

He saw me get in the wrong car and just waited to watch it play out.

3. Yeah, race isn’t a good conversation starter…

I worked security at an aquatic theme park and was watching Jeopardy in the employee entrance. One of the veterinarians came through and watched it with me for a bit. He said he watched it religiously and was hoping to get selected as a contestant. He’d heard that they like to have a diverse group of contestants, and they hadn’t had a black guy for a while, so he liked his chances.

A few days later, there were two black contestants on the show, so when I saw him the next time, I asked:

“Hey, did you catch Jeopardy last week?”

“No, why?” he responded.

“There were two black guys on it,” I explained.

He just stared at me blankly for a few seconds, then walked off. That’s when I realized I was talking to a completely different gentleman.

4. Abort hug! ABORT!

I went to a new doctor years ago because the medicine I was taking to help quit an addiction of mine was making me very sick.

After meeting with her and having a great conversation about how she also struggled with the same addiction for years, our appointment came to an end.

As I was leaving the room and opened the door, I turned around to thank her for the encouraging words. Her arm was raised up in a “gimme a hug, not a handshake” position. I thought, okay sure, and went in for the hug.

As soon as I did, I heard her say, “Oh, okay?” in a puzzled tone and immediately realized she was reaching for the door behind me, not asking for a hug.

I aborted the hug which made me look more awkward and raced out of the doctor’s office as fast as I could.

5. TBH… this is fucking hilarious!

My dad loves buying clothes for me but he’s bad at guessing my size.

He’ll find a complete stranger that he thinks looks like me and have them try the stuff on. Then he’ll take their picture and send it to me.

It’s super weird and I can’t get him to realize how creepy it is.

My favorite pics he’s sent is a five-year-old wearing a hat (we had the same hair color) and a scared looking older woman wearing a coat (we were the same height).

6. Stealing a fist bump…

I thought some random guy was trying to give me a fist bump while walking down the street.

It turned out, he just was trying to scratch his nose. I just got an awkward high five and fist bump thing.

I avoided all eye contact after that and slowly shuffled back to my grandmother.

7. SLAP! Oh shiiiiiii…

I played this game with some buddies in college where we would slap each other’s necks really hard.

I saw my friend studying at the library, went from behind him and slapped him really hard.

It turned out to be some total stranger and not my friend! I almost went #2 in my pants and so did the other guy.

8. Speechless…

One time, I was driving around town with my friend when I noticed I was being followed by an older car. I made several left turns that eventually made us go in a big circle, to which he followed. At this point, I was getting nervous, so I pulled into a convenience store and turned around. He did the same exact thing.

After this, I decided I’d pull into the closest business and go inside. I pulled into a shop where I knew the owner and walked in with my friend. The stranger followed us in, looked around a bit and said, “My soul is saved… Is yours?”

At that point, my friend, the owner and I were all speechless. The stranger then stared at us, calmly walked back to his car and drove away. I’ve never been so confused in my life.

9. Sores

I worked at a hotel front desk. An old, maybe 75-year-old lady called the front desk and wanted a pillow delivered to her room. When I got there with the pillow, she wanted me to come inside. I’m like “Uh no, here is your pillow,” but she insisted, so I did.

I got inside and she shut the door. She told me to put the pillow on the bed, then went to a drawer in her dresser. At this time I was like, “I need to return to the front desk,” thinking the worst.

She proceeded to pull out a box of bandaids and wanted me to put them on the open sores on her feet.

I noped out of there as fast as I could and left before she came down for morning breakfast.

10. Behind you…

I was standing behind this guy waiting for the elevator in a hotel. We were down in the lobby and it was busy with lots of people coming and going, so he obviously hadn’t noticed me. Once the elevator doors opened, he got in, but he still didn’t see me walk past him on the other side. As SOON as the doors closed, while obviously still under the impression that he was alone, he let out this heinous flatulence that went on for about ten seconds.

Midway through, out of the corner of his eye, he spotted me standing just behind him. The poor guy almost jumped out of his skin. He was staring at me as if he’d just seen a ghost. I was staring at him with what I can only assume was a fairly horrified expression.

11. Toe virgin

The first time I went to get a pedicure, I went with my mother-in-law. She’s a very loud woman who often doesn’t understand what she’s saying.

She kept screaming at the pedicurist, “BE GENTLE WITH HER, SHE’S A TOE VIRGIN. SHE’S A TOE VIRGIN. DON’T POUND HER.”

God help me, I will never go back.

12. Walmart is always weird…

An old man behind me in a Walmart checkout called out a common nickname of mine. I turned to face him and didn’t immediately recognize him. He was gushing with tears in his eyes about how much he loved me and how he couldn’t wait to go home with me.

I asked him if it was possible he had me confused with a different person. The guy’s tears started falling, and he began choking apologies through sobs. Apparently, I was a dead ringer for his long-dead wife.

Combine that and the dementia setting in and presto, Walmart meltdown.

13. Beardfinger!

I did something awkward at work.

There was a guy who came in with his kids and had a big bushy beard. He came up to the cash register and asked me where to find an item. I was a little overenthusiastic I suppose because I stuck my fingers out straight ahead to point him in the right direction and they went straight into his beard!

I felt like I had assaulted him, but luckily we laughed it off.

14. Too many feelings…

One time, I was in a sporting goods store at the mall. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a shirt with a really cool design and fabric.

I started feeling the fabric to see how warm it would be, when all of a sudden I heard, “Dude. What’re you doing.” I looked up and it wasn’t a mannequin. It was a man.

My eyes grew wide and I fled. Left the mall even.

15. Hey, a compliment is a compliment!

I got on an elevator with a woman and she had on these really nice boots on, so I complimented them by saying, “Nice boots.”

She cupped her breasts and said, “Well, you’re not shy; thank you, they’re real.” Then I immediately realized I said she thought I said, “Nice boobs.”

Longest elevator ride ever.

To this day, whenever I say boots in any context, I do so with a very hard deliberate “T.”

16. Oh hai!

I hooked up with a guy in college and fell asleep in his dorm room.

I woke up in the middle of the night needing to go #1 so badly but I was unable to find any of my clothes right away. I ended up spending so long trying to find them in the dark that by the time I had enough to wear out in the hall, I didn’t think I’d make it.

He was still sleeping, so I grabbed a big reusable water bottle and squatted over it. It was blissful relief until I looked over and saw his roommate staring at me in horror.

17. 7/11 moves…

I tried to make some moves on a girl when I was in high school.

We were in a 7/11 near the back, and because of the late hour, I figured we were alone. When she turned me down and left, I decided to drown my sorrows with a bag of Sour Patch Kids and physically ran into the older, bearded man who had been buying nuts.

He gave me a sympathetic look and opened his mouth as if to say something, and I panicked. I said, “See you tomorrow!” and left the store.

18. Yeah, and….

The first time I hung out with a girl I knew from a bar, I paid for dinner because she had comped me so many cocktails before.

She took that as a sign that I wanted to hook up with her and I got really uncomfortable.

I ended up apologizing for buying dinner.

19. Donut judge me!

I was at the grocery store with my wife and when we were passing the donut section I said, “I’m going to humiliate those donuts.”

I knew it was something that would make her laugh.

When I said it, I turned around and saw that there was a woman in line who was not my wife.

She didn’t laugh.

20. Well, this worked out tho…

When I was in college, I was waiting for a shuttle bus and a girl I had previously been in a class with walked up to the stop with a guy I didn’t know.

I said to her, “Hi, how are you,” and we had a short exchange of pleasantries. Then she turned to the guy next to her and in sign language said: “I don’t remember her name.”

So I sign, “That’s okay, I don’t remember your name either.” I then offered my hand to the guy with her and introduced myself.

21. Oh you want some of this…?

I took an Uber once where the driver obviously stopped at McDonald’s on his way to get me and had the bag on the passenger seat.

He kept munching on fries and my desire for them grew so much that I asked him if I could have some. I wish this was a love story and I wish I could tell you we shared his fries and are still great friends to this day, but I cannot.

He gave me a firm no and kept on driving.

22. Ya best leave them alone…

I was at a bar bathroom in a stall doing illicit drugs with a friend and he started talking about the two hot chicks at the bar.

All of a sudden, we heard a guy say, “Are you talking about the two girls at the bar?” My friend said, “Yeah, they’re hot.” He responded, ‘Well, one’s my sister and the other’s, my girlfriend.”

We tiptoed out of there as he was finishing his business in his stall.

23. What a jerk off…

Had to use a public restroom and the guy in the stall next to me forgot to lower the volume (or put his headphones in) and I heard the jingle from a very specific company that makes animated adult entertainment.

The person quickly made sure the video was no longer audible for me but it was too late, I knew what he was going to do. I don’t think he knew that I knew what he was watching, but to have to sit there waiting for my body to clean itself out while knowing that he was watching animated adult videos in the stall next to me made me nervous as all hell.

Hey, nice boots! ???

The post 20+ Times Things Got Really Weird with Complete Strangers appeared first on UberFacts.

13 People Who Were Lucky They Actually Read the Fine Print

Want to know a good life hack?. Don’t ever sign anything without FULLY reading it first.

Yeah, it’s boring. You know what isn’t boring? Having your money fly out the door because you were lazy.

These 13 people responded on reddit to the question, “Hey Reddit, what was your “thank God I looked at the contract” moment?” and their stories are eye-opening.

Take a look… closely…

1. Liquor Is Quicker

While preparing for our wedding, my fiance and I went super nitty-gritty, reading every word of every considered vendor’s contract.

One of the bands we considered came highly recommended, but had some pushy contractual demands. Have to hire their whole 8-piece band when we’d been looking for a 3- or 4-piece. Minimum of six hours’ performance charge. Then we found the “unlimited booze” clause. Literally, their contract called for them to be entitled to unlimited food AND LIQUOR throughout the period of the reception – not even limited to the period of their performance, so they could pregame.

When called on it, they doubled down and tried to put it back on us, saying they’d never before had anyone try to force them to perform for hours on end with no food or water.

We quite liked the DJ we ended up with.

2. Blind Faith

I previously worked for a managed services company for a total of 5 years, for my last 2 years there I utterly hated it.

We knew they were going to make us all redudant, but they kept telling us our jobs were safe and we had nothing to worry about. They kind of made the dumb move of giving us the jobs to deploy the infrastructure in India where the jobs moved to. Fast forward to the day it happened, we were all locked out of the building and told we could collect personal items with an escort. When it came to getting our exit packages which is required by law here there was a retroactive NDA to sign, most people signed it blindly because they were so pissed off, one of the clauses in it basically read

‘You may not disclose any information about the company’, not exact wording but the clause was so vague that it literally covered anything and everything that happened in the company during our time there which would have stung me hard considering i’m quite a vocal person when it comes to unethical practices.

I refused to sign it unless they re-worded it, still got my package, never heard from them. To this day I have nothing nice to say about their final few years of business practice, and if anyone asks me, I tell them very bluntly about my experience and if it comes to professional dealings with them I avoid it and recommend using other companies. Very glad I read that one.

3. Always Get A Copy

This happened about 10 years ago during the housing crisis. My parents were in some deep sh*t with the payments. Some day out of nowhere a person shows up at our door and talks to my parents about a lowering our payments through their program. My parents call me to help them translate (they can understand English but can’t read it). I was only 12 at the time and hated reading legalize papers but something struck me odd about the situation. I read through it a few times and understood it to be something like this.

You will sell us your house for free and you will pay us rent. I was twelve, I thought, “no way we would ever do this”.

Sure I was young reading legalese to translate it to Spanish, but I told my parents let’s take this paper to someone that can understand it because what I’m understanding doesn’t seem right. So we ask the person if we can keep the paper and sign it later. He says that they can’t do that. I ask why. He says they just can’t. I say we won’t sign it now until we know for sure what signing this means.

He says that’s the only one he has. I ask if we can make a copy and he still says no. So he takes the paper back and gives me a paper that is a copy of a copy of a copy and says we can have that and says he will come back (this paper was something completely different with the same logo of the company).

So we take that paper and take it to our bank where our house loan is from and ask what this was about. The banker takes one look at it and tells us that whatever it is this was, not to sign anything as it seemed like a scam.

Thinking back to it what it appeared to be was some scammers trying to get people to sign up for a loan under the name of a real bank or financing company. I guess keeping the paper would allow someone to trace the scam back to them. The next time someone showed up was a lady asking the same exact thing and showed us the same papers. We told her no and to stop coming back. They kept sending agents over but we never answered the door and eventually they stopped coming.

4. Eat My Shorts!

I have a few but the biggest one was when I was looking for housing in a city I was about to move to after landing a new job. I decided to go through craigslist since I had a specific budget in mind. One guy called me with a place that was a duplex, I would be in the upper floor with 4 other people. I asked about the room and he said it had total privacy and my own bathroom. I said sweet and asked for the lease.

What I got back was a generic contract with an appendix about 5 pages long of rules and what I would actually get. The room was the entire second half of the duplex and it was divided by curtains. The bathroom was a shared bathroom. The rules included no guests, loud music, video gaming, or watching movies at night. I called the guy back up and told him no. He threatened to sue for backing out. I laughed and told him to pound dirt.

5. Skimming From The Skimmers

We get a lot of “electricity suppliers” here and I’ll admit that I don’t fully understand the concept. Representatives for the suppliers go door-to-door and these ones seemed nice and affordable. I was paying more for electric since the supplier thing happened so it made sense to sign up. My husband agreed we should make the switch so I was on the phone with the electric company and beginning to give the information as I began to scan the sheet.

The suppliers yelled “nooooo” and “you don’t have to do that” out loud as I got to the part that says there is a cancellation fee of $200. I knew we’d likely be moving soon and have to cancel. I apologized the woman on the phone, hung up, handed back the paper unsigned, and learned a good lesson about reading contracts. Who knows what else it even said but they were clearly banking on me not reading it. Too many of us don’t and we should!

6. I Got Your Back!

Our advertising agency bought another and merged the companies. The new employee contract had sneakily included a non-compete clause. Which meant we wouldn’t be allowed to get another job in our field with anyone in a 100 mile radius for at least a year after separation – regardless of whether it was termination or by choice.

My original agency didn’t have non-compete clauses and was a huge reason why people stayed with the company for so long. The moment we all saw it, about 15 people (including myself) threatened to leave if it wasn’t changed. The CEO immediately said they’d omit it.

Granted, any new hires were required to sign non-competes after that day. But talk about a CEO and CFO who almost sh*t themselves.

7. Scumbags Do Scumbag Shit

I was recently in California for 10 days…

I love lifting, and didn’t want to go that long without working out, so I wanted to see if my gym had a location near where I was. I didn’t have a car and was staying with my cousin, who lived downtown. There was a different gym where he was a member a few blocks away, so I figured I’d get a trial pass. That was 20 bucks. A little pricey for one day. I asked how much for a month, and the guy told me 45. He told me he’d sign me up for a membership, but waive all the fees, and cancel the membership on the day I leave. I figured it was worth it if I go 3-4 times, considering how much I was already spending on food etc.

I signed up, and spent 3 hours there my first day. I got home, and looked at the contract. It said I paid 45 dollars, but it also said there was a balance of 120 or something in fees etc.

He didn’t actually waive them, just pushed them back.

Since I was in CA, I had 3 or 5 days to cancel (the language was unclear) and get a full refund…

On the third day, I went in, got a nice 2 hour workout in, and walked up to the guy and told him I wanted to cancel. I got 2 really good workouts in, and didn’t even have to get a guest pass. It totally wasn’t my intent to be kind of a scumbag, but f*ck that guy for trying to screw me over…had I not read the contract, I would have been out another 120 bucks.

8. Always Read The Contract. Especially If You’ve Requested Changes.

Dad is a contractor, he always reads the contract, which always boggles the people he works with. One day he was reading one for a new job and there was a clause that… If I remember correctly, it went that if something went south in some way, he was financially responsible? I don’t remember exactly what it was, just that if it went badly he’d be liable.

Dad basically told them to change it or he’d decline the job.

They were really confused by this ultimatum. “But everyone else signed it!”

Dad stood his ground, said he’d nope out.

They caved and changed it.

Advice for people who sign contracts regularly:

READ THE CONTRACT. You know that, right?

But what about: after you’ve requested a change? READ THE WHOLE THING AGAIN.

People can and will sneak clauses you asked to be removed into other parts of the contract. I had a teacher who told me about a time he was signing on for work and it took four attempts and a threat to walk before they finally removed the part he didn’t like.

9. Holiday House Blues

I was looking to book a holiday house for a week with some mates. When I asked about the bond they said that they will take my credit card details and that there was no upper limit on how much they could charge.

Not only that, if we were to cancel at anytime after we booked, the deposit (50%) would not be refunded unless someone else booked the house for the same period.

I backpedalled very fast.

10. Don’t Hate The Player…

I worked for a company that owed me money, so I sued them to get it. They settled, but wrote a nondisclosure clause into the agreement, which I was assured was pretty typical by my lawyer. However, they worded this clause to be retroactive, so anything I had said about them prior to the signing of the contract would also be a violation of the contract, meaning they would be able to sue me into the ground the second I signed.

I’m contractually prohibited from saying that this entire company is run by inept *ssholes, so I won’t say that, but I had said it beforehand, and I think they knew that. They played it off as an error, but I am 100% positive it was an attempt to trip me up. My lawyer didn’t catch it. I did and saved myself a bunch of money and a huge headache. I’m getting a different lawyer if I ever need any legal work in the future. Read everything you sign, kids. And don’t just read it, understand it.

11. Duplex Complexity

I was trying to rent a simple duplex in San Diego and everything looked pretty good. I was looking the contract over before signing and began to see a few red flags.

The apartment was strictly no smoking (no problem I don’t smoke and never have) but the language was very specific. I’m going from memory here but it said something like:

“IF at the landlords sole discretion, it has been determined that the apartment has been smoked in, the renting parties will be liable for all repairs (new carpet installation, repainting, deodorizing) AND will pay prorated daily rent until such time said repairs are able to be completed.”

There were multiple other similar red flags that basically would have put me on the line for unlimited liability. I requested that with some reasonable changes to the contract I would be more than happy to sign, but the response was very defensive and curt and implied I was just trying to screw the landlord over. I can understand trying to protect your asset, but I’m not going to sign up for unlimited liability at the sole discretion of somebody that seems reasonably unhinged.

12. Meat Pie

New owner took over our apartment building, and wanted everybody on new leases (not necessary, but cleaner) . The accompanying cover letter stated the new least was “substantially similar” to the prior lease, just subbing in the new names of the new entities.

On my line by line comparison, I discovered it converted all month-to-month tenancies to year-long leases. No, that’s a pretty substantial change, my friend.

My favorite part was that in addition to prohibiting illegal activities on the premises, this new lease wanted the tenants to covenant they would not commit “immoral acts” of the premises. record needle scratch

Uh, huh. No.

Tooodles. I’ve got debauchery to plan and morals to corrupt, and tiny children to bake into a meat pie.

13. Tricky… Tricky…

I was starting work at a major chain restaurant and was going through my on board papers signing what I needed to. One clause that we were supposed to sign under basically said that we wave our right to a break even on a double shift that could last 12 hours. I didn’t sign that.

After I was done reading through the paper work and signing what I agreed to I gave it to my hiring manager. He went through my packet then said, ” You missed this one. I need you to sign here.”

I replied, “No, I didn’t miss that. I’m not waiving my break.”

He didn’t push the issue. After that I would take my break when I needed one. Eventually one of my coworkers noticed that whenever I asked for a break I got one and asked me what was up. I let her know, and then she let everyone else know. People were pissed, but they learned to read before they sign.

Remember a time when reading the fine print said your ass?

Share your story in the comments!

The post 13 People Who Were Lucky They Actually Read the Fine Print appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share Embarrassing Moments That They Nearly Stopped (But Decided Not To)

Would you stop a friend before they made a complete ass out of themselves, or would you let the chips fall where they may?

Personally, I couldn’t do that to a friend. Maybe a foe.

You’re about to see a lot of chips falling because these 12 people just couldn’t help but watch these embarrassing moments unfold.

12. Tight fit

I was sitting in a car in a Home Depot parking lot watching these two guys tie drywall to the top of their car. They were running the rope through the driver and passenger side window. With the door closed. So, I watched.

Of course they got done, went to open the doors… And couldn’t open them. They had to jump through the window.

One of the guys was a short little fat guy. He hopped into the window and got stuck. I could only see the ass end as he struggled to get in.

The thought of him wedged in the window kicking his feet to get in still cracks me up.

11. That’s a bold strategy Cotton. Let’s see if it pays off.

My colleague who had a crush on one of our higher-ups said he wanted to text her about a basketball game we were watching that we knew she’d be interested in because she brought it up at a meeting.

When he asked what he should say I jokingly said “What are you wearing?” thinking he would understand it was a joke, like any other normal human being.

Instead he started texting it.

I just sat staring then asked “No..you didn’t?” He replied “Oh. Probably shouldn’t have said that.” We waited for her response which was “?” then he came up with “Which jersey? Duh.”

She was very nice about it. Didn’t socialize with him much after that, being married, our boss, older and all…

Probably could have been fired. Michael Scott social skills.

10. Putting them on blast

Not long ago I spent 9 months on an aircraft carrier for deployment. About 6 months in the days were all looking the same so anything for a laugh was welcome.

One afternoon I visited a bathroom near my workstation to find a friend (and the walls and ceiling) dripping wet. He said the toilet had “exploded” in his face when he flushed it. Now, it’s not uncommon for pipes to break and I had a small chuckle at his misfortune. It wouldn’t even have been memorable had it ended there.

A while later I returned (trying to stay hydrated) and someone was in the stall mopping the place up. Again, nothing memorable, i take care of my business and leave but think “wow they fixed that quickly.”

Back again, after a quick drain I’m washing my hands and see someone I don’t really know enter the stall in question. At this point it dawns on me the average repair time for issues like this is usually weeks, not hours. I expected to see tape labeling the stall “secured” but here was this guy, taking a leak in a mopped dry stall. The thought to warn him crosses my mind…… but I just have to know. I need this.

I take a step to my left as the trickle stops. The metal clink of the handle is immediately followed by the rush of a fire hose at full blast. Water sprays clear out onto the mirror I had been looking through, against the stall walls and pounds against the ceiling. When the blast ends, and the bottom of the stall looks like water fall. I hear soggy boots slowly turn around with a squishy “slosh” and out steps a dripping Marine in a drenched uniform.

We exchanged surprised glances as I suppress my laughter. To break the silence he says “well, that sucked,” and slowly sloshed out of the bathroom.

Could have stopped it, but it made my day/week/month/deployment.

9. Shibby Shibby

This one is reversed as it was my friend laughing maniacally while it happened to me.

My college roommate used to work at this chicken restaurant called chicken express. We would go eat at a location close to campus (this was not the location that he actually worked at) pretty often cause its delicious.

So one time he tells me, “hey man when you order the tenders make sure you say ‘shibby shibby’ after your order. That’s the code to tell them you work at Chicken E and they’ll hook you up with like 20 tenders.” Maybe it was wishful thinking or just plain stupidity, but i totally believed him.

We drove through the drive-thru and he was in the back seat. The conversation with the employee went like this:
“Um I’ll have 2 number ones with mashed potatoes… shibby shibby”
“Okay 2 number ones with mashed potatoes and a what was the last thing?”
“…shibby shibby?”
“Having trouble hearing you.. a what now?”
“Sir I have no idea what you’re trying to say, do you wanna pull around?”

At which point I look back and see my friend almost turning blue from trying to hold his laughter in. He totally lost it and I just drove off…

8. She’s not going to have a good time.

I was at a casino buffet once standing in the sushi section waiting for my turn.

This old white lady cuts the line and takes a huge dollup of wasabi and puts it on her plate full of Mexican food.

I can only assume she thought it was guacamole, which for some reason, they kept next to sushi.

In the moment, I felt she deserved what was coming to her.

7. Heavy petting

It happened in high school while watching a educational movie.

We were two classes tucked into a small classroom to watch it together. So people had to sit on the desks as there wasn’t enough chairs. I sat next to my friend’s girlfriend on a desk, with my friend on a chair in front of us.

She strokes her hand through his his hair, he takes his hand behind his back, and proceeds to stroke her leg.

Only thing was, it was my leg.

I poked his girlfriend to let her know what was going on, we both knew what had to be done without uttering the words. We let this go on for a good 5 minutes, constantly fighting the urge to laugh out loud.

Then I slowly pulled my trouser leg up. He stroked my very furry leg for about half a second before he realized something was very wrong.

I’ll never forget his face when he turned around to see what was going on.

6. Flirty McFlirtyson

My wife and I decided to hang out with some friends one night and we noticed a new guy joined the group. He seemed nice but a little off (turned out to be a total stalker who always carried a backpack, we nicknamed it the rape kit).

Anyways, we were playing some games and this guy manages to cut his hand wide open. Since no one really knows they guy I offer to take him to the hospital. My wife and I jump in the car and I let him sit in the front seat. He seems super happy about my wife riding along with us and starts chatting with her.

I keep peeking in the mirror realizing he’s total interested in my wife and my wife is trying to keep a straight face. She lets him flirt trying to be nice and not embarrass him as I drive in silence until we get to the hospital.

He hops out and is trying to make plans with my wife to go out to dinner or a movie and she’s dropping hints like flashing her ring and telling him she’s busy. Finally he’s like fine if you don’t want to go out, just say so. I laugh and tell him I don’t let my wife go out on dates without me.

He got beet red and told us he’d find his own way home. I think I enjoyed watching the boost of confidence it gave my wife the most. I can tell her she’s amazing all the time, but stuff like that is proof.

5. Instant karma’s gonna get you…

Last summer we went camping, and when I tried to use one of the campground coin operated showers I was disappointed when I put in a dollar and it didn’t work. As I waited for the one that DID work a guy came up behind me and said, “hey, it looks like that shower room is vacant, are you waiting for this one in particular?” I explained that I had tried it but that it was out of order, so there was now two of us waiting for one shower room.

Just minutes later a woman and three kids comes by, looks at us waiting in line and makes a dash for the vacant shower room. One of the kids looked at us and quietly asks if there’s a line and she responds “Shhhhhhh”, and the four of them go in and switch the door to “occupied”.

Maybe I’m the one who should be embarrassed by not telling her. Undressing yourself and three kids, inserting quarters that you’ll never get back only to have to re-dress everyone and sheepishly get in the line you should have been in to begin with is probably a bit of an overkill for the crime of seeing an opportunity and taking it.

Anyway, she was there in an even longer line when I got out and glared at me as I went back to my family’s camping spot. It definitely made me feel less bad about allowing her to go on a karmic adventure.

4. With friends like this…

So in college I became friends with this girl who was kind of a world traveler right when I transferred in. She was a part of the international group that welcomed all of the international students and shortly after invited me to a party for all the international students.

I’m meeting lots of new people and there is a really stunning girl from Italy that I was interested in talking to. My friend encouraged me to go open with “Bella figa” when talking with her. “Beautiful girl” was the meaning.

It had Bella in it so I thought what the hell. I make my way to her, introduce myself, and say those magical words. The beautiful Italian girl gave me the most repulsed look and walked away.

I turn around and my friend is laughing hysterically.

It translates to “you have a beautiful pussy.”

3. Chair Force One

While waiting for a briefing, a room full of Air Force airmen intentionally sat in every chair other than a damaged one they knew would dip very far back when someone sat in it.

I arrived and the room was full. The anticipation was palpable. I already knew about the chair – I thought everyone did – so I sat in the only other one available and realized the last person absent at that point was a generally disliked Senior NCO (a higher-up sergeant for those of who you don’t know).

As a junior NCO, I should have taken the initiative to inform said SNCO about the chair when he arrived…and for a second, I was going to tell him.

Then I didn’t. haha

All the airmen erupted in laughter when it happened and it took every ounce of fortitude for me not to, as well. I was definitely LOL on the inside, though. I’m not proud. haha

2. Clitoris!!

Teacher in class reading the review questions from of the end of the textbook chapter. One guy was sort of falling asleep on left side of the room.

The teacher loved calling on people he knew weren’t paying attention. So he calls on him to answer. I don’t remember what the question was.

The guy jumps up in his seat and mumbles to his friend sitting behind him asking what the answer is since he obviously didn’t even hear the question. Without hesitation his friend whispers, “Answer is B, clitoris.”

And as fast as he can he yells out “B. Clitoris.” And once he realizes what he just said sinks lower in his chair than I thought possible and turns fire-engine red, all while swearing at his friend behind him. I laughed so hard I cried.

The teacher just looked at him and pretended he didn’t hear his answer and asked him to give it again. Which he obviously by then figured out what the actual multiple choice options were and gave one of those.

We knew his friend was going to give him the wrong answer and man am I glad everyone let it happen.

1. “I was a 19 year old girl, and even I was grabbing my crotch when I heard it.”

I had a friend in college that dared people to kick him in the balls after he’d had too much to drink. We’ll call him Dave.

Part of his party trick was to keep a straight face the whole time. His success rate had given him a false sense of confidence, so he just kept egging people on. Keep in mind that the ball kickers were usually drunk freshman who could barely put any power into it.

Then one night, he decides to up the ante and ask one of the school athletes in attendance (we’ll call him Ricky.) I knew Ricky played soccer, and though I’m usually the buzzkill that asks everyone to be doubly sure they “really wanna do this,” I decided to let Dave go for it.

Ricky, who was also completely sober, accepted the challenge. He took a deep breath, pretended like he was readying himself for kick off and took aim at Dave’s package. What unfolded after that moment continues to pull at my heartstrings.

The moment that Ricky’s foot met Dave’s crotch elicited a look of horror from every man in the room. Ricky had taken Dave’s dare seriously, and his foot landed with so much force that it was reminiscent of the sound that a boxing glove makes on a bag except with a tiny squish. I was a 19 year old girl, and even I was grabbing my crotch when I heard it.

Dave quietly excused himself, while Ricky apologized profusely. After Dave hadn’t been seen for awhile, I went looking for him and found him lying in a ball on the bathroom floor. He had been there for about half an hour. He looked at me and said “I think I need help.”

Ricky, who was still feeling guilty, was also sober and I asked him to drive us to the hospital. They did the whole nine yards for Dave, including an ultrasound. I waited outside the room, but I could tell that the ultrasound tech was trying to make small talk, so while he was imaging Dave’s balls and shaft, I could hear him talking about a Peter Gabriel album.

The doctor said that Ricky’s foot hit Dave’s crotch with such force that it was as if he had sustained a stab wound to his genitals. He spent the rest of the year with a banana hammock underneath his jeans.

The only funny part was that, since he dressed like a generic hipster, he had to buy new pants so they would fit over it.

tldr; don’t dare people to kick you in the balls

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15 People Share the Most Polite Way to Tell Someone to F**k Off

Sometimes, when you’re at work, you just need to tell someone that they’ve screwed up or that they need to mind their own business. But also you might not work in a place where cursing and yelling is appropriate. What’s a person to do!

While most of us can pick up on nuance, below are 13+ pretty clever ways to tell someone to go p*ss up a rope.

Which is a must underused expression on its own, in my opinion.

#15. He just put up his hand.

I was in a meeting where we were planning out a huge client presentation and one of the guys who was there just went off on a complete diatribe of how he would go about adding some flair. He was known for being a loudmouth, and after about 15 minutes of his plans, the team lead just literally put up his hand and waited for him to stop talking. He sat there for 30 seconds in silence and then moved on. No addressing anything that was just said.

#14. We need to revisit the language.

“If that is your understanding of the current agreement, we need go revisit the language so that your expectation levels can be set more appropriately.”

#13. I am not emotionally invested.

Once heard a coworker bust out in a monotone voice, “Ma’am, I need you to know that I am not emotionally invested in this conversation. What do you need so we can both go on with our lives?” Really had to stifle my laughter in my cube next to her.

#12. Important to note.

I am not contractually obligated to fulfill that request. It is also important to note that doing so would also be a violation of international trade laws.

#11. As we discussed.

I work as a contractor to the FAA (Federal Aviation Administration). The best professional fuck you I’ve seen was via email. There’s this other contractor who is one of those types of know-it-alls that has to tell everyone how they should do things, often unsolicited, and likes to write really wordy, long emails to convince everyone of how smart he is. One day, he sent out an email suggesting some sweeping changes to our rollout schedule for some new ATC equipment, and “took the liberty” of sending his revised schedule to everyone – feds, contractors, upper management, upper upper management, sites, etc.

After several hours of us all privately marveling at the audacity and stupidity of this guy’s massive overstep, the fed that is in charge of our entire program reply-all’s.

The email started hilariously with “Thank you for your interest in aviation safety. As we discussed, contractors cannot set policy for the agency and do not have the authority to make decisions on behalf of the government.” Then it went on for several paragraphs, ending with tips on how he can apply for jobs within the federal agency if he wants to pull shit like this.

It was a massively embarrassing smackdown for this guy. We were all super happy to see him get his dick knocked in the dirt. It’s kind of hard to explain why the first sentence “Thank you for your interest in aviation safety” was so funny without being able to describe the guy that wrote it, but it was meant to be super condescending. I still have the email saved in my inbox.

#10.  Our policy is…

Overheard my boss once say “Our policy is…(long pause while he loads up his phrasing, then clearly changes his mind and just says)…no.”

Literally thirty years ago and still gives me a chuckle.

#9. That’s great.

I used to have a coworker who was a know it all who could actually back it up. We had a memory leak (for non programmers: a very big issue) and he found it and was making the fix. He sayd something in the lines of “the leak is in line 247” and our boss goes nuts, spends an hour ranting about how he wrote that code himself and there was no way the leak was there, and how dumb he was to think it was there.

Coworker let’s him talk for an hour, then with the best poker face says “that’s great but the leak is in line 247.” Then demonstrates it in a minute.

#8. Please be advised.

The fuck you lawyer letters that I have seen usually start with “Please be advised” and end with “govern yourself accordingly”.

#7. You can leave in the morning.

“We don’t need two weeks notice, you can leave this morning.”

#6. Especially annoying.

“I’ll be sure to give that the attention it deserves” if they’re especially annoying/stupid!

#5. But…

During an exit interview…
“Ya, I had a great 3 years here.”
“But, you worked here for 5 years…”

#4. Please don’t.

I do IT helpdesk, we have a person in IT who is one of those people who just likes to hear herself talk, and can go on for quite awhile. One day i pick up the phone, and someone is asking for her. here’s the interaction:

Me: IT this is Wyatt how can i help?

User: Hi, i was working with [person] earlier to try and fix my [some issue i cant remember]

Me: Oh yeah, give me one second i’ll see if she’s at her desk and i’ll transfer you over.

User: Please don’t.

just the tone in their voice as they said that made it clear that they really did not want to spend any more time on the phone with that person.

#3. Custom engraving.

My family works in the textile industry.

Once, my dad worked at a company that had a vendor that made buttons for various types of clothes. They had not paid this vendor yet, but my Dads boss was still pressuring him to pressure the vendor to get something done (I don’t recall the specifics).

Well, the button vendor had taken enough shit, so he made a a custom run of buttons and sent them back a shirt in which every button had “fuck you, pay me” custom engraved into it.

Professional etiquette? No, definitely not. Professional fuck you? Most definitely.

#2. Please feel free.

“I’m terribly sorry you feel that way. Please feel free to contact our complaints department.”

(To someone who wanted an appointment on a day when there were no appointments available, but insisted that she would come in on that day, at that time) “You’re more than welcome to come in on that day, but I’m afraid there will be nobody available to see you. You’ll have much better luck if we simply book an appointment for a different day.”

#1. Please refrain.

We have no plans to pursue the matter now or in the future. We ask that you refrain from further contact with us.

Take heed, whichever end of the conversation you’re on.

The post 15 People Share the Most Polite Way to Tell Someone to F**k Off appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share the Traumatic Experiences They Had with Teachers

People love to share stories on the Internet because they can be totally anonymous. And Reddit seems like THE place to do just that.

Recently somebody asked the question, “What is your most traumatic experience with a teacher?” and the answers were curl your toes.

Get ready to be triggered because these stories certainly hit close to home for me…

1. The Tale Of The Tape

“In third grade I had a teacher tie me up to my chair and tape my mouth shut. I was a super smart and hyper kid who had just been prescribed medicine for my asthma. Which will make you crawl out of your skin. My original teacher died in the beginning of the year and we had 4 temps before Ms. K. She was 25 no degree and should not have been teaching. She screamed at me ‘punk rock kid’ and tied me up.

I then wouldn’t shut up so she taped my mouth shut. 28 kids laughed at me, one kid drew scissors from his desk and motioned to cut the chord. I remember making eye contact with Sean and shook my head no. Told my parents got switched out of the class and the teacher was fired. The other kids’ parents in the class threw the teacher a going away party because ‘that kid and his brothers were always trouble.’

Other than my 3rd grade class I’ve told maybe 3 people about that.

As I’ve gotten older it explains so much of some things in my life.”

2. The Most Obvious Teacher Ever

“I had a science teacher that didn’t particularly like me in 6th grade. Also my ears are kind of pointed outwards, something I am completely okay with now but back then was super self-conscious about.

Once in class, she got super annoyed by me and legit decided to stop class and draw a caricature of me on the board.

It was a human head with monkey ears and an arrow pointing at it with my name.”

3. The Worst Hygiene

“In 4th grade, I had wild Hermione hair and obviously my hormones were changing and I was ‘becoming a woman.’ I had good hygiene and brushed my hair and changed my clothes, all normal things fully expected from a normal human being. That wasn’t enough assurance for my 4th grade teacher. She got me a brush and deodorant insisting that I smelled and that I didn’t brush my hair.

She would ask me in front of the class, ‘Did you take a bath today?

Did you brushed your hair?’

She began sending me to the nurse insisting I had bad hygiene and put my desk at the back of the room away from everyone else.”

4. Predatory

“Back in grade 9, I had music class as an elective. The class was at the back of the school where no one really goes to unless they have to. It was half-way through lunch and I had nothing else to do so I figured I’d just go to class early and just watch videos on my phone. I walk to the classroom, open the door and find my teacher (who was married, later divorced) having relations with one of my classmates.

They immediately saw me and I just stood there for a few seconds before leaving and closing the door behind me. I didn’t go tell another teacher because I simply didn’t know what to do, I was that surprised.

So fast forward class ends and before I can leave, my teacher grabs my arm and asks me to stay for a few minutes. I said yes since I figured he was just going to ask my not to tell anyone and by that point I still didn’t know what to do.

But oh how wrong I was. For the next five minutes, he talks about all the things he’d do if I told anyone , fail me, accuse me of improper actions, get me expelled. I was so scared, I just nodded my head, I didn’t know what else to do.

The classmate on the other hand started a rumor that I had cornered her in the music room and tried to force myself on her and how the teacher had saved her and comforted her.

So everyone in the school though I was a predator. I tried to defend myself but with all the threats and bias against me there was nothing I could do. Only towards the end of grade 10 did a teacher catch them having relations in the same music room. The teacher was fired and my classmate was transferred to another school. Luckily people connected the dots and realized that I was telling the truth and I was no longer a social pariah.”

5. Not The Teacher’s Pet

“My 4th grade teacher had a reputation for making one boy in her class an unpopular scapegoat each year. Lucky me. In previous years, I’d been just another kid in the playground, but within two months the other kids wouldn’t play with me during recess. One day I refused to go outside for recess. She asked why and I foolishly told her that the other kids didn’t like me. When they came back in, she marched me to the front of the class, and asked for a show of hands, who didn’t like me.

Fourth grade kids (mostly) did what fourth grade kids do.

I broke down that night and told my Mom what had happened and what had been going on all along. She marched into school the next day, got a meeting that included the principal, and tore the teacher a new one. I was still stuck in that class, but the teacher moved on to a new victim. Funny thing how self esteem influences academic performance.

My school used to give us a Stanford Binet IQ Test every year. My score dropped ten points from third to fourth grade, then rose twenty points in fifth grade when I had a nurturing teacher.”

6. Sniff

“What is it with 4th grade teachers? Mine was named Mrs. Ganz, and she had a TA named Ms. Hardwick. One time, I noticed that my math homework was graded incorrectly, with several correct answers being marked as incorrect. I showed it to my parents, they confirmed that I was right all along, and told me to show it to the teacher. Well, this made Mrs. Ganz very mad, and she took offense at me trying to correct the TA’s mistakes.

She held my work up in front of the class and said ‘This student got a B, but because he questioned Ms Hardwick’s grading, now he’s getting an F!’ Apparently, this happened to several other boys in the class as well.

This same woman had an Indian student named Sanif who was picked on by the whole school. Sanif was called Sniff by practically every kid in the school. One day, Mrs Ganz had us do a spelling bee.

She specifically gave Sanif the worst possible word to spell; she told him to spell ‘sniff.’

The look on that kid’s face was heart breaking.”

7. Oh, You’re Special Alright…

“When I was 14 years old, I was accepted into an arts magnet school. It was a pretty big deal in the city that I grew up in. Prestigious artists came in to teach young students that displayed promise, I guess. I was accepted into a creative writing department, one of only four freshmen to be accepted. It was the biggest deal of my life. Within a few weeks this semi-famous and important 55 year old man began assaulting me.

In front of his classroom. In front of everyone. He didn’t even bother trying to hide it. I was young and stupid and for awhile I thought that the attention meant I was special, and when I quickly realized how awful it was I felt like I couldn’t do anything because everyone saw it and no one was stopping it.

He made me believe, as a freshman, a 14 year old child, that men touching a young girl in front of her peers was totally normal.

So I stayed quiet for four months. My fingernails fell out. I began having intense panic attacks. I finally spoke out and he lost his job and the school attorneys advised my parents not to open up a legal investigation because they said it would further traumatize me. When I initially came forward, the director of the school refused to listen to me. It was a nightmare. When I graduated school, I moved out of the city and he found out where I lived and began stalking me.

He ended up kidnapping me and taking me back to his home studio and showed me a shrine he made of me. He continued stalking me until my friend’s dealer called him and threatened him. It all stopped. I tried to move forward but it took seventeen years of suffering to finally go to the press. It was a complete nightmare.”

8. When Teacher Doesn’t Help

“In the 8th grade, I had book reports to do for 4 books all due on the same day that was way too overwhelming to do at the time. I had some serious domestic violence going on at home between my parents. Spent all my time taking care of my younger brother, cleaning up the house, cooking, and crying from all the stress. It was worth 20% of my grade and the day before it was due, I broke down and told my teacher everything; down to the time when my brother bled from his head from being hit by my dad, to the most recent attempted murder upon my mom.

If I had even received a B, my dad would’ve beat up my mom for giving birth to a stupid kid.

He called child services, my parents received the call, and gave me the silent treatment for 3 days. They told him I lied just to get out of the assignment. The social worker told my teacher what my parents said and made the rest of my year a nightmare.

He treated me with such pettiness after that and threatened to call my parents whenever I had either spoken too loud in class, or whenever I was distracted in gym.

He called my parents for my ‘bad behavior’. Home life got significantly harder after that, and my parents told my entire family continuously how stupid I was for telling him. They laughed at me when I cried or got upset about it.

Years later after repressing everything I was diagnosed with severe PTSD from childhood trauma as a witness and victim of domestic violence and it took me 3 years in therapy to get over it – it was quick, but it was tough as it was during my university years and I ended up having to take an extra year of school to catch up mentally.

I was ready to speak up about my struggles again when I couldn’t function anymore as the traumatic flashbacks occurred twice a week for hours at a time. I couldn’t do a single thing except tremble and live in fear. I was 18 by the time I was ready to reach out for help.

Mr. G, I really do wonder if being a petty 33 year old to a 12 year old child made your quality of life better. I hope that there’s proper procedures put in place to protect children from such experiences.”

9. No Excuses. Even Semi-Trucks.

“The one and only detention I ever received occurred in somewhat related circumstances. I was in third grade and had a math teacher that had this stupid policy that every math test, after she had graded it, needed to be brought home and signed by our parents and returned to her within 2 days.

During that school year, my mom got in a terrible car accident in which she got hit head-on by a semi-truck.

She almost died and spent several months in the hospital. We had a math test a couple days after her accident. My step-dad spent the whole week in the hospital by my mom’s side, no doubt stressed out of his mind and not knowing if she would pull through. He didn’t want to bring my brother or me to the hospital, as he didn’t know if we could handle seeing my mom in that condition. My brother and I were left home alone all week, with neighbors occasionally checking in on us to drop off meals.

Anyway, I hadn’t seen either of my parents in days, and obviously couldn’t get either of them to sign my test.

When I tried to explain the situation to my teacher, she cut me off and said she ‘didn’t allow excuses’ or something, and gave me detention the following day. Since I didn’t have anybody at home who could pick me up, I had to walk the 2 miles or so home from school after the detention.

A week or so later, when my brother told my step-dad about everything that had happened, he showed up to pick me up from school (which he’d never done before, as we took the bus to/from school) and absolutely tore the teacher a new one, almost bringing her to tears.

The teacher never apologized to me, or looked me in the eyes again, for that matter, and I forged signatures on every other test that year. Also, I had gotten 100% on the test that led to my detention.”

10. Protect This Child!

“I was a super overweight child (diagnosed with PCOS at 14, had WLS at 19, am now an incredibly healthy 24 year old). I attended an elementary school with 60 children K-4, and my class had 11 including myself. I was the only one that was overweight. I’m sure you can see where this is going.

My elementary school teacher constantly called me out for not being able to run as fast as anyone else, encouraged the others in class to pick me last for teams, asked why I was sweating like a pig when I wasn’t working very hard, would make me attempt to do sit ups and push ups while the others watched and made fun of me.

It was incredibly traumatizing. The school didn’t require the kindergarten class to have gym, so this started in first grade when I was 6.

We had gym class once a week and I would get so nervous that I would throw up. Every single week. I was also a really anxious and sensitive child, so knowing that I would have to go and be embarrassed for 50 minutes was way more than I could bear. I think the school nurse figured it out after a little while, sometimes she took mercy on me and let me stay in the office, sometimes she made me go.

But, no one ever asked why. No one ever told my parents this was an issue they were having with me. No one did anything to protect me.”

11. Awkward…

“I was bullied in high school for 4 years because I came from another country and had troubles with the language and the culture, but I was also very quiet. When I found the courage to talk about it, my mom sent a letter to my math teacher, who was responsible for my class. That guy hated me because despite my best efforts, I wasn’t good at math. When he received the letter, he made me stand in front of the whole class and said, ‘Who here thinks she is bullied?’

Of course no one raised their hand because they all hated me, and that was just so awkward.

The teacher then said, ‘See? You’re not bullied.’ And he said I should do better to concentrate on my studies because I would never graduate.

Thankfully I changed high school the next year and never saw him again. Also I graduated with an A+ in math. So HA!”

12. Completely Humiliated

“So when I was in kindergarten, I didn’t make it to the bathroom in time and wet myself. Went to the nurses office got new clothes but instead of panties, I had to wear a pull up, not a big deal. I guess it was a school policy for kids my age, I don’t really know.

When I get back to my class, my teacher loudly says, ‘Oh good, the baby is finally back,’ or something like that. She also knew about the policy and asked if I was wearing a diaper so every other student could hear.

I was 5 and felt a ton of shame and humiliated.

I started crying and trying to get out of school a lot because of it. My teacher often referred to me as a baby for the rest of the year. Also she would constantly ask if I needed to potty or if I was wearing a diaper, like I was a toddler or something.”

13. “The Talk”

“The girls in our elementary school were given ‘the talk’ before the boys. The basic puberty stuff, your body is starting to change, you might starting developing, sweating, all that stuff. They made a huge stupid deal about keeping it quiet.

Saying, ‘It’s the girls’ little secret. Don’t go spreading it around school.’ I really did not see the big deal at the time.

Anyway, my best friend was a boy and naturally, I skipped right off to tell him why suddenly half the class had an assembly all by themselves.

Somehow, my teacher heard about it, got me alone, grabbed me by both arms AND SHOOK ME. ‘Keep. Your. Mouth. Shut.’ It was so awkward and weird because I did not see what the issue was.”

14. What Is This Woman’s Problem?!?

“Mrs. F legitimately hated me.

You’d think that would be a weird thing to say. A grown woman hating a nine-year-old. But she did. I don’t know why. It doesn’t really matter. By the third week, she outright told my mother that I was going to fail that year because I was bad at math. My mother laughed this off since it made no sense. I was a straight-A student in Germany. I faltered with math sometimes, but my teachers always helped me.

We had recently moved to Louisiana. Just for a year since my father was between duty stations. Back then (and probably still now), schools were allowed to paddle children. Yup. Paddle. Disrupted class? That’s a paddlin’. Got into a fight? That’s a paddlin’. Lucky for me, my mother told them on day one that they were not to lay a hand on me. Unfortunately, I was not aware of this.

Mrs. F took every opportunity to threaten me with a beating.

For some reason, the classes were arranged in a huge circular building, separated by partitions. Whenever she paddled someone, she dragged them out into the middle, so every class could see. When she couldn’t paddle me, she would make me stand there and hold the paddle outright with both arms. That thing got real heavy, real fast for a 9 year old. And that was the mildest thing she did to me.

Shortly after telling my mother that I would fail, she started to sabotage me.

If I had a question, she wouldn’t answer it. If I didn’t have a pencil, she wouldn’t give me one. She moved me into the back of the class. Eventually, she turned a desk against the back wall and put me in it. Then she hung streamers so that she wouldn’t even have to look at me.

I stopped getting work sheets. There was no one to pass them to me. I stopped turning around to watch lessons. Why bother?

I just came in every morning, sat in my chair and daydreamed. Sometimes I told my mother some of the things that happened, but she clearly thought I was exaggerating. I just accepted it as normal after a while, I guess.

Once, I raised my hand to go to the bathroom, but she either couldn’t see me or didn’t care. It got so bad that I just got up and ran to the bathroom. When I got back, she threatened to beat me, then made me stand out with the paddle for the rest of the day.

The next time, I just sat in my chair with my hand raised until I peed my pants. I don’t remember how she reacted. I doubt it was much kinder.

Toward the end of the year, there was a pizza party. I don’t remember what for. I was mostly out of the loop anyway. My little ‘cage’ had been removed for it because my mother volunteered to help out and actually picked up the number of pizzas they asked for.

Mrs. F told everyone they could have 2 pieces of pizza. I ate my first one, went back for the second and she closed the pizza box in my face. Told me I had already had my pizza. My mother told her I had only had one.

It was bizarre standing there seeing my mother argue with this woman about pizza that she had gotten herself. Livid that I was being singled out. After giving Mrs. F an earful, she walked out with me and took me home.

I was sure I was in so much trouble. Then she asked me to tell her everything. I did.

I don’t know what happened, but those last couple of weeks my desk was with the other kids again and Mrs. F never said another word to me. I still failed. I hadn’t done any of the work. And that experience shaped the rest of my schooling.”

15. Cruel And Unnusal Punishment

“In daycare/preschool, this kid hid toy dinosaurs in my nap bag, and when I got caught taking them out, the teacher made me move to be by her desk. My parents picked me up early for a doctors appointment and walked in to find the teacher, head back asleep, with me under her desk while she used my back as a footrest. At the appointment, it was found that I had two deep bruises from her heels digging in.

I was 4. I never went back to that school and the teacher was fired.”

16. Jail Time…

“When I was in 4th grade, I passed a note to a girl I liked. It was a super tame note, just said something like ‘I think you’re cute, will you be my girlfriend?’ Typical 4th grader stuff, really.

Teacher saw me trying to pass the note and intercepted it before it reached the girl. She read it (not aloud) and pulled me into the hallway.

She said what I was doing was wrong, and that it was harassment.

She said it’s the sort of thing men go to jail for. She kept saying ‘harassment’ over and over in that little talk. I barely even understood what harassment even was, but I knew it was bad. Made me feel like such a creep, like a predator. Made me cry from embarrassment and fear of going to jail.

After I was done crying, she let me go back into the classroom.

Gotta admit, that really messed up my view of women for a while.

Made me think of girls as scary and unapproachable. Took me a while to break out of that, too.”

17. Nose Bleed

“When I was in high school, I got a lot of nose bleeds. Like a lot. So I got one in the middle of class and I asked the teacher for a tissue, she said she didn’t have any so I asked to go to the toilet to get one then she said no. Soon I asked again when blood what dripping from my hands and she yelled at me for ‘repeating myself’ which is apparently bad. Soon a puddle of blood was on the table then I got sent to isolation for ‘disrupting the class.’

I was then suspended for ‘acting inappropriate during class.’ She was then fired for putting my life at risk. I gotta say when you get a nose bleed like that, you really see how much blood is inside of you.”

Have any stories you want to share? Do it in the comments!

The post People Share the Traumatic Experiences They Had with Teachers appeared first on UberFacts.

10+ Times We Should’ve Given Nature a Standing Ovation

You know what? Nature is filled with some pretty awesome sh*t!

So why do so many of us think we’ve seen most of what the world has to offer? Yeah, right…. you ain’t see nothing yet!

The following 12 pictures slap you back into reality and make you realize that there are some genuine oddities out there that nobody could have anticipated.


1. “What up?” says this rare black serval cat

2. Have you ever encountered a two-faced animal? Huh?!?

3. Panda Picasso

Photo Credit: Reddit: gaydotaer

4. Sequoias never cease to amaze us

Photo Credit: Pikabu: OKOSGLAZA

5. A baby dragon!

Photo Credit: Reddit: KILLSTER121343

6. “My dog’s nose is healing from a cat scratch”

Photo Credit: Reddit: xsited1

7. This baby falcon weighs less than a bar of chocolate

8. Hitching a ride on a friend

Photo Credit: Reddit: Secksay

9. This waterfall is shaped like a woman wearing a dress

10. This looks like an iguana head, but it’s really a rock

Photo Credit: Reddit: vapingbull

11. A chameleon shedding its skin

Photo Credit: Reddit: ZuzusEars

Awesome, right?

The post 10+ Times We Should’ve Given Nature a Standing Ovation appeared first on UberFacts.

People Reveal the Worst City They’ve Ever Visited in Their Lives

What’s your worst travel experience of all time? A place you never want to go back to because it left such a bad impression on you?

I can’t say I’ve ever been anywhere that I truly despised because I’ve always found good and bad in every place I’ve visited.

But these AskReddit users sure have strong opinions about this subject.

Share your thoughts in the comments.

#1. A British entry

“Slough. Full of grey buildings, endless industrial estates, half-assed ‘modern’ architecture and mobile phone accessory shops. And it’s surprisingly expensive to live there. However, it produced my mom who is the nicest person ever.”

#2. Not normal

“Grew up in Johannesburg, South Africa. It’s entirely unmaintained, and has a very unique style of absolute apathetic violence against innocent people. I moved to New Zealand and years later realized that hearing screams that ended in the sound of a gunshot wasn’t a normal thing to go to sleep to during the night.”

#3. Middle East


Food wasn’t that great. Traffic. Roadside bombs. Air quality wasn’t great.

For a city I’ve been to not at a time of war, Cairo was one of the most disappointing and disgusting experiences I have ever had in my life. Everything is a tourist scam.”

#4. Rough city

“Camden, NJ – where I found my car sitting on blocks with its wheels removed.

Our friends sold their Camden home at a huge loss just to get away from what they called “a nightmarish place to live.”

#5. Sounds awful

“Baker, California

If you’ve ever driven between Vegas and Southern California, you know what I’m talking about. It’s constantly the hottest place in the summer. Literally 10 degrees hotter than 5 miles down the road. The gas prices are insane. They have an alien themed jerky and hot sauce store (which is pretty awesome). And they have the worlds tallest thermometer because that town is the butthole of the country.”

#6. Not a good place

“East Saint Louis, Illinois. It would have to improve to be a ghetto. Broke ass buildings, broke ass roads and broke ass people. Don’t even slow down on your way through.”

#7. The Philippines

“Angeles in the Philippines.

It’s the home of a former US Air Force base, but that base got destroyed by the Pinatubo volcano.

Angeles became the town where aging and fat former US military personnel goes on vacation to relive the heydays of their youth. One where you’d rent one or more women for the night for next to nothing. One where you walk into a bar and see those men feed shots to young girls, followed by empty laughter because they really don’t have a lot to say each other: they’re all just passing time until they go to their seedy bedrooms with the girl for the night and their one shot.

The city has nothing else going for it, no industry or anything. Their life blood was cut off when the base closed and they had to make do with sex work.

We were passing through while visiting the destruction of the volcano and stayed for 2 nights.

And here’s the thing: I forgot my pouch with money, credit cards, passport in that seedy hotel with mirrors on the ceiling when I left for the next city, 4 hours north.

And when I returned half a day later to pick it up, the lady at the reception said “we found it and put it in a safe.” Everything was still there.

(Note: this was 20 years ago. Things may be different today).”

#8. Ugh

“Dubai. A monument to excess and unhealthy consumerism built on slave labour. Once your awe of the magnificent buildings fade it feels like a soulless tourist trap with a sinister undertone. Everything just feels off. I think it’s an abomination of a city.”

#9. I’ve heard this from numerous people

“Niagara Falls (US side) was depressing as sh*t. We went with low expectations, because we were only going there for a punk show and figured we’d stay in the tourist district and see the sights, and still left feeling disappointed.

The falls were cool, but the few blocks surrounding it are full of sh*tty, crowded tourist traps, and if you leave that small area you are immediately surrounded by extreme poverty and sketchy neighborhoods.

A local told us that pretty much all of the money made in the area gets sent back to NYC because that’s where the companies who own the casinos and business are located, so nothing really ends up going back into the local economy. A lot of bullsh*t. Show was good, though.”

#10. Camden again

“Easily Camden, New Jersey. I only went there to see a show at the venue there, but driving to the venue looked like I was in a third world country. I also took a wrong turn when walking from the show to my car, and it got sketchy really quick. Camden is such a sh*t hole!”

#11. What a nice place!

“Paisley Scotland.

Watched a bunch of kids get their ass kicked for gang beat ins, then bought Chinese food from some guy who tied a tshirt around his hand to stop the blood.”

#12. Haiti

“Port au Prince, Haiti

The place makes the infrastructure of Gary, Indiana look state of the art.

I haven’t been back in 20 years, but it began with leaving the airport. You go through the exit doors to be completely mobbed by people. I can’t tell if they are trying to carry your luggage for money or just outright steal it.

The one time we flew in after dark….holy shit getting a rental car was an adventure. Evidently they keep the rental cars off the airport property at night. We got driven to this steel walled compound to get our rental car. The doors open and men with rifles come out to cover our entry. They had this makeshift bunker type of thing they jump into.

Driving? The roads have potholes you could bury a body and the car that the body was driving in. We used to rent a 4×4 SUV just to drive on the public roads. Power lines down everywhere, no road signs…..just hire someone to drive you.

Police and customs? Corrupt beyond belief.

Poverty? The worst I have ever seen. The tin huts in the shanty towns were about the size of my walk-in closet back in the states. I always recall my driver telling me about the locals eating dirt. There was good dirt to eat and bad dirt to eat. I have no idea WTF made dirt good or bad to eat (I guess they would mix it with some type of fat and make like a pancake or cookie out of it). The water in those shanty towns? It was a common well that looked like a mud puddle where a 3 year old just spent the last 20 minutes tap dancing in it.

The people were wonderful for the most part. There were some really bad parts of town, but for the most part people were good to us.”

#13. Not a fan

“Its a tie between Kayenta, AZ and Cuba, NM. If you get out of your car, you will be swarmed by feral or abandoned dogs and drunk locals asking for gas money. Very tough to avoid colliding with drunk drivers or adopting a dog when driving through.”

#14. Don’t go out alone

“Fayetteville, North Carolina. Never go there alone or at night. Most of the shops cater to the tastes of young men, because of the military base.”

#15. UK


Its talked up as a great seaside destination with a world famous pier. Its awful, dingy, grey and signficantky worse than Scarborough and Bournemouth.”

Idk about you, but I definitely just made a few mental notes…

The post People Reveal the Worst City They’ve Ever Visited in Their Lives appeared first on UberFacts.