15 People Share the Craziest Adult Tantrums They’ve Ever Witnessed

Sure, we’ve usually seen a small child acting like a complete animal, but when grown-ups do it… wow

Have you ever seen a grown adult have a legit, full-blown temper tantrum? There are few words to describe how awkward and weird it is.

These 15 people share times when they witnessed horrible behavior by absolutely terrible people… and we’re honestly LOLing at ALL of these.

1. Nickel And Diming

“Back when I worked for a bank, we had a customer who would come in every day to buy fifty dollars’ worth of dimes. Dimes minted before 1964 are 90% silver, so his thing was combing through dimes looking for silver ones that he could sell. Supposedly, he made decent money doing this.

At one point, he’d had a streak of failures, and had been getting more and more frustrated with us on a daily basis.

Surely we were giving him new dimes on purpose, and saving the old ones for ourselves! Fifty dollars worth of dimes and not a single one minted before the ’90s!

This all came to a head one day when I gave him his tray of dimes as usual, and he insisted on ripping open a roll right in front of me. Not a single silver dime to be found, so he screamed ‘YOU’RE HOLDING OUT ON ME!’ and threw the rest of the tray at my head.

He didn’t hit me, but the remaining rolls of dimes hit the wall behind me hard enough that most of them popped open. I would’ve been hurt pretty badly had I been hit.

He was banned from the bank.”

2. Burning Work Bridges

“A guy at work got fired for being a jerk after he was told 3 times to stop being a jerk.

He lost it when he was informed he was being let go. He yelled that they ‘knew who he was and how he was’ and that he wasn’t being a jerk and that everyone was a jerk to him. Then he started crying about how he was going to die because he wouldn’t be able to feed his family until finally, as he walked past my desk, he went into a tirade about how it was my fault he was getting fired.

It wasn’t even me he was a jerk to and I never once complained about him – we worked well together, or so I thought. Came to find out later that he was threatened by me and had been underhandedly talking smack about me. I was oblivious about it since most people didn’t let me know and had gone to HR on my behalf.

On his way out he started throwing items off of people’s desks yelling and crying and finally he kicked the glass door shattering the glass.

Last I heard he was still unemployed as our field is a pretty small world.”

4. Misreading Emails Can Be Hazardous To Your Health

“I was at DFW airport a few years back, flying home. I went to the self-service kiosks to print a boarding pass. As I’m waiting to use one, I notice this woman nearly screaming at several employees who were trying to calm her down. She kept saying her flight was about to board and they were going to make her miss it and she wasn’t going to do that so they better figure things out. I mean she was TICKED.

The employees kept trying to help her but she insisted on typing everything in herself and it kept being unable to pull up her reservation and she wouldn’t show the employees her confirmation email because she kept telling them it was their ‘stupid freaking machine’ and they needed to fix it.

Finally, an employee talks her into showing him the email. He looks at it as she is still yelling that her flight is boarding in ten minutes and he says, ‘Ma’am you’re supposed to be flying out of Love Field, not this airport.’

At this point I’m finished with what I’m doing but I did hear the woman start crying and the first words out of her mouth were, ‘Well, what are you going to do about it?’

I’m sure in her mind it was their fault she can’t read what airport she belongs at.

I have luckily not witnessed too many people treat employees horribly at places, but this one was fantastic because the woman being so horrible had completely messed up everything all by herself.”

5. He Needs A Seat And His Pizza Does Too

“I was on the bus once and a guy was sitting in the front at the handicap seats with a pizza in the seat next to him. The bus wasn’t crowded when he got on, so whatever, but it quickly filled up and he did not move his pizza nor himself.

Eventually the bus is packed and someone finally asks, ‘hey, can you move that pizza so I can sit down?’

He doesn’t even look up, just says ‘EFF YOU. No.’

So they ask again, and being close to the front the driver says, ‘you need to move to allow them a seat.

That is handicap seating.’

‘EFF you, too!’

The bus is pulled over, and the driver opens the doors. She asks him to move again, he says no again. Doors stay open, she’s fussing with the buttons on top and asking for police.

He makes a stink and tells her to move along. She’s got her hands folded neatly on the wheel just staring at the road, ‘not until the police take you off my bus.’

He tantrums for a few more minutes, but finally does a ‘eff this crap’ and storms off.

As soon as he’s off the last step, doors close and bus is back on its way.

I always admired how she just waited. She knew she didn’t need to put up with his garbage, and I’m glad I got to see her wait him out.”

6. A Commuter Has Had Enough

“This was back in 2010 or so.

I was an intern at an ad agency in Boston and commuting into the city every morning. I’d get off at North Station and then transfer to the orange line. That stop has a decently large entryway.

One day, the woman ahead of me as I walked down the stairs had a large folder in her hands. She was reading what looked to be a fairly technical financial or legal document, and you could tell she was really stressed out about it.

Like, rubbing her temples, cursing under her breath, etc…

We get through the turnstiles and are about to head down to the train platform and she stops and just kind of looks at her stuff and then screams at the top of her lungs ‘I HATE WORKING!’

Then she starts sprinting back and forth and screaming, in a crowded train station during rush hour, mind you, repeating ‘I HATE WORKING!’

She does this for about 30 seconds or so before eventually tossing her file up and the papers filling the air.

She then sprints back up the stairs out of station.

The wildest part was people paused for like two seconds then went back on their way as if nothing happened.”

7. A Real Jerk Of A Boss

“I gave my boss my two weeks notice that I’d be moving out of town to live with my S.O. and had found a new job, but that I’d help find someone new and could work remotely if he needed me in the interim.

I did not give him longer notice as I knew he would react poorly and did not want to extend things longer than necessary. Mind you, there were others in the office who could handle things when I left as well.

He demanded that I give him 5 weeks notice, that I call my new employer and tell them that I couldn’t start for 5 weeks and when I declined he demanded their phone number so he could call them himself.

Yeah, no, not happening.

Then, when we hired my replacement, he again demanded that I come in over the weekend to train her (I was moving out of town that Friday).

No, sorry, still not going to happen.

Then he tried, unsuccessfully, to hold my cell phone number hostage.

We all had joined a group phone plan to save money although my number had been one I’d had for at least ten years prior to joining. He failed at that too.

And for a final encore, he tried to dock my last paycheck saying I owed HIM vacation time back. I sent a very professional demand letter threatening triple damages and attorneys fees if he did not pay me in full immediately. Then he had the nerve to say my letter was rude, but paid me.

He’s an attorney, by the way, he should know better than trying to pull all of this. The other attorney in the office said he just reacted that way because of how important I was to the firm. Oh yeah? Is that why you didn’t give me the raise I asked for because your wife didn’t think I should make more money than she did at her completely unrelated job?

Grade A jerkoff that one.”

8. She Lost It, Started Throwing Things

“I dated a girl for a while who had two modes: fun and easy going and full blown tantrum meltdown. Sometimes there would be no transition from one to the other, she could laugh one second and then be screaming the next.

The worst part was she would throw and smash things when she had her tantrums. Her apartment was like a war zone. None of her dishes matched, she’d buy them 1 or 2 at a time from Goodwill when she started getting low after smashing so many of them.

Every remote control in her place was wrapped in duck tape, her cell phone screen was smashed, her walls had dents and holes, no picture frames had glass; there was even a huge spaghetti sauce splatter across the ceiling.

When I finally decided to break up with her, I waited until we were at her place, I told her I didn’t want to see her any more and barely got the front door closed before something shattered against it.

I sat outside for a few minutes listening to the rampage of destruction going on inside.

Therapy would be a good idea for her.”

9. An Unhappy Man Is Late Because Of A Busy ER

“I work in an ER, often as the triage nurse. I see all kinds of crazy – man-fits and hissy fits and tantrums galore, generally based on wait times. I wonder if any of them realize that having a tantrum doesn’t put them any higher on the list to be seen or make their results come back any faster.

I’d say the weirdest tantrum I had was a man who came in with chest pain (for 3 days). It’s safe to say that a 30 year old man with chest pain for 3 days probably isn’t having an acute MI (heart attack).

But hey… I did the workup (ecg, blood work, etc) just to be on the safe side. It was about an hour and a half into his visit that he started bugging registration about the wait time. Keep in mind that the waiting room is absolutely packed behind him, standing room only, so even an idiot could tell the wait time would be lengthy.

At this point his blood work had all come back. And surprise surprise , it was all normal.

No heart attack. I’m no longer worried about this man who was so concerned about his chest pain that he came in 3 days after it started.

He decides that registration isn’t giving him the answers that he wants so he comes up to me at triage, while I’m triaging another patient. I ask him to wait on the bench and I’ll answer his questions in a minute. He gets all huffy and mumbles under his breath.

I finish triaging the previous patient and Mr.

Chest Pain walks back into triage ranting about the wait time – which are posted on the large screen in the waiting room for full transparency. His main reason for being upset about waiting was that he had to get going to a dinner party. He was really concerned that he might be late for the party! He started asking whether or not he could get his results now and just leave, whether the doctor would see him quickly and just discharge him, questioning whether or not he should stay or leave or could he leave and come back in a few hours.

I told him that no, if he left to go to the party, he needed to sign out and if he decided to come back, he would need to start the whole process all over again from the start. I tell him that he just has to wait and that if anything concerning showed up in his blood work, rest assured, I would have brought him in already.

Well, he didn’t like that answer. He started questioning how could I possibly know what was good and bad in terms of the blood work; that I’m only a nurse, etc…

He then goes on again about the dinner party, blah blah blah. I finally got fed up and told him I wasn’t his mother and I couldn’t make that decision for him but I would give him the paperwork if he wanted to sign himself out and he was always welcome to come back.

He started raising his voice at me, shouting profanity after profanity to the point that my colleagues started coming out from the back of the department to see if I was okay.

He then advanced towards me in a threatening way.

It’s at this point that two things happen:

The doctor taps the patient on the shoulder and asks him if he’s ‘so and so,’ and tells him that he’s been calling his name for a few minutes now..

The big baby then followed the doctor to the next room over while everyone in the waiting room watched. I swear if he had a tail, it would have been so far between his legs.

I wonder if he made it to his dinner party on time.”

10. 30-Minute Temper Tantrum

“I had a roommate in college who spent money lavishly and liked to buy clothes, wear them once or twice with the tags on, then return them. She was attractive, in a sorority and she always bragged was the ‘best on campus,’ so maybe she thought she could get away with anything.

One time we were at Target doing some grocery shopping and she tried to return a few dresses she had worn. One had a large stain on it and she didn’t have the receipt or tags for the others.

The cashier said he couldn’t take them because they had clearly been damaged. She spent the next 30 minutes crying HYSTERICALLY while he tried to ignore her and check out other people.

She sat on the bench outside of the Starbucks (that was inside the store), facing the cashier, and just stared at him while crying. It was so embarrassing and I begged her to stop and just leave with me.

Eventually I said I would go sit in the car, and she grabbed me and said, ‘it’s not real, I’m not really that upset.

I know how to cry on cue.’ That really freaked me out, how she stopped so suddenly to tell me that, then started up wailing again. I apologized to the security guard who said he couldn’t put hands on her to remove her but had to insist she leave. She kept trying to get other customers to look at her and ‘see what they’re doing to me?’

She sat outside the store for another 10 or so minutes doing this.

It was ridiculous. I couldn’t apologize enough to everyone there, but I sure tried.

On the way back to our dorms, she did say she would return again another week to try with another cashier, and she did. She got the return. I wonder if she did the same thing again and they just gave in. I refused to go with her anywhere after that, but I’m sure she still does that to get what she wants.

She also went through 5 or so iPhones in one semester because she would throw them at the wall (or other things) whenever she was upset about something.

Thankfully we only had 2 months left of living together. Haven’t spoken to her since I moved out.”

11. She Was So Mad She Stopped Traffic

“I got on a bus at 5pm. The whole bus was filled with people trying to go home from work.

As the bus pulled out, a woman in a car behind us must have felt she had been cut off. She pulled up beside the bus and started yelling at the bus driver through the window, then pulled her car in front of the bus and got out to yell some more.

The bus driver couldn’t drive away and suddenly the police showed up.

We all had to get off the bus and wait for another bus or find another way home. I decided to walk down to the ferry so I had to walk past the woman that caused this and I stared at her trying to understand how she could justify messing up the commute of so many people.”

12. Illegal Meltdown!

“A woman I work with was absolutely awful at her job. She was bad with people, bad with the paperwork and just overall a really crappy person. So, she was fired.

The day of her firing, she stormed in on each person’s individual shifts and screamed at them. Then no one heard from her again until it was time for her to collect her final paycheck.

Now, when she was fired, she had the option of working out the rest of the week.

She chose not to come in, so her paycheck was significantly lower than she thought. She freaked out, dropped to the floor and started crying. She said that because she didn’t show up for her last three days it means she quit, not that she was fired, therefore we owe her more money. She only left when I threatened to call the cops.

My manager was on maternity leave but still came in from time to time do payroll and stuff, so the woman who was fired decided to go and break into my managers house and try to kidnap her newborn baby until my manager made sure that crazy lady gets the money ‘she deserves.’

She was arrested. Haven’t seen her since.”

13. All The Guy Did Was Ask For ID!

“I am a security guard and every single visitor has to be signed into our visitor log by me.

This guy comes in and at that point I was still fairly new and I haven’t seen him before, so I ask his information and for his ID.

He doesn’t want to give me his ID. He starts yelling about how he never has to show it when he comes other times. I explain that it’s my job and I don’t know him and have to have an ID.

He goes on this long rant about once he gave another person his ID to sign in at an entirely different place and they forgot to give it back and how we shouldn’t have to show ID to anyone and how there should be a totally different card that doesn’t show the license number that we can use.

I was polite and apologetic and just explained how it’s policy.

He finally threw his ID at me.

And from then on whenever he came in he wouldn’t talk to me but would throw his ID at me or slam it down.

So many older men get cranky and rude when you want their ID to sign them in. It’s odd to me.”

14. She’d Rather Be Arrested Than Act Normal

“I work at a retail store and people get upset all the time. But this lady stands out.

She’s maybe in her late thirties with a little girl who’s about 4 or 5 years old. She is working with a different cashier at a register about 40 feet away from me, but I can hear her getting louder and louder and asking for a manager. The manager gets there and she wants to know why the register won’t accept her credit card and that she wants him to fix it RIGHT now.

There is literally no way for him to get her card to work. So she freaks out and goes to leave, but the cashier tells her she has to pay for the $1 candy that the little girl was eating while walking around the store. She screams she has no cash on her and that we’re going to have to arrest them for the candy.

The girl is crying and the mom is yelling for us to arrest her as she drags the girl out of the store.

I felt horrible for the kid.”

15. Trivia Freakout

“I was at a trivia night recently where the host offered bonus points for any team who liked the trivia company’s page on Facebook. One of the regular teams said none of them was on Facebook. The host said they were welcome to sign up and like the page for bonus points, at which point one of the players on the team, who was, conservatively, 55 years old, began yelling and swearing at the host:

‘I’m not joining freaking Facebook!’

The host responded, ‘Well, you can still play without joining.’

‘I’m not joining freaking Facebook!’

‘I’m telling you, you don’t have to.’

‘And I’m telling YOU, I’m not joining freaking Facebook!’

It was the behavior of a 15-year-old at best, and the team hasn’t been back since.

No one seems to miss them, since they constantly complained about the prizes and always ate more than their share of the free pizza provided by the bar.”

Have you seen somebody have a complete and utter meltdown in public?

Let us know what happened in the comments. But please, no personal identifying information. ?

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People Share What They Found When They Cleaned out a Dead Family Member’s Home

Ugh, this is never an easy thing.

Pretty much all of us have family members, and we’ll have to deal with their possessions when they die. When that happens and we suddenly have to go through a life’s worth of stuff… we often find things we least expect. That can be good and that can be bad.

Here are 14 times people found a little bit of both

1. Who She Really Was

“My dad’s grandmother was a huge hoarder. When she died, he had to go clear out the house, which was no easy task. My dad always tells us about how you couldn’t even see the walls of the house because of the amount of stuff she had lying around, and how she looked so tiny walking around in the little hallways she managed to make in between all kinds of objects.

After several days of trying to clear out the house, my dad finally made it to her bedroom.

It was completely filled with all kinds of things, ranging from like 20 kinds of brooms to several harps she had bought during her long trips to Europe. He found all kinds of surprising stuff, but the one that ended up being the craziest one was a letter.

He found it in her bedside table, and it caught his attention because of the wax seal and what was written on the envelope ‘To be opened by my daughter, only after my death’.

My dad called his mom immediately, since she was his grandmother’s only daughter. After getting her permission, he opened the envelope and found a letter and a birth certificate.

In the letter, his grandmother explained how she was never able to have children, and how ashamed she and her husband always felt. She always wanted to have a child, so they decided to take a very long trip through Europe, from which they would come back with a baby.

This baby was my dad’s mom, who always looked a bit different from her family as she was white and had blue eyes. They found her in an orphanage run by some nuns in the north of France and immediately fell in love with her. Adoption was a big taboo at the time, so no one ever knew about it. The story they told was that she had gotten pregnant during their trip and had given birth to the baby in Europe.

They brought her back to Mexico and registered her as a new born, even though she was already several years old.

My grandmother lived all her life thinking she was her parent’s biological daughter. At 45, through a letter, she found out that she was adopted, that she was actually older than what she always thought and that she was actually French, not Mexican.”

2. She Wanted To Die

“My grandmother passed after a blood clot incident. She had several conditions that no doubt led up to this. For example, her medical team decided not to treat her cancer because they figured she would die before it would spread.

My father, uncle, and my sisters were left to clean out her things from her apartment. She had a lot of old, expired food such as ketchup that had gone completely black. We also found things from when she was well and social, like her quilting and handmade soaps, which were beautiful.

She has a quilt that had the names of all of our family, but the names were sewn in the individuals’ handwriting style.

However, one day it was just my dad and me going through her bedside table. We found her journal. Toward the end, all of the entries were about how lonely she was, how she only got to see her grandchildren twice a year, and how her own children never saw her unless they needed something.

She said she wanted to die. My dad threw it away so his brother would never have to see it.”

3. My Brother Had A Different Father

“I found out that my mother had been lying to me for years about numerous things – the biggest of them was who my brother’s father is.

I had always just thought that it was my dad. She had never told me any different until I was about 13. I can’t even recall how it came up, but she told me that my brother’s father was actually our close family friend. I was shocked to say the least, but I believed her because they did kind of resemble each other and I was young so I didn’t even care that much.

Well, when she died, I was cleaning out her filing cabinet and found the results of the paternity test that she had done on our close family friend. It plainly stated that he was not my brother’s dad.

It was pretty obvious that he had never seen these results because I also found receipts written for both our family friend and my dad. Our family friend was paying $800 a month in child support, and my dad was paying $300 per child.

She was lying to them both, saying they were both my brother’s dad, to get money out of them.

So many more truths were uncovered from this finding because I talked to them both and found out just how many lies my mom was feeding me. I can’t tell you how much it hurt. It’s been six years since I found out a lot of the truth and I still wonder how much more of my life was just a figment of my mother’s imagination.”

4. The Horrible Girlfriend

“I cleaned out my cousin’s room after his death and painted and re-decorated it because he was living with my mom and she couldn’t bear to see his room. While I wasn’t the one that found it, he was holding his cell phone when he died and the person that found him saw a string of texts that we knew led up to his death. The texts were from his girlfriend with instructions on how to use substances. My cousin had been clean for a year at the time of his death.

His final text was, ‘I think I’m gonna die.’

She didn’t even try to call 911.”

5. Finding Something Shocking

“My mom died from a long battle with lung failure. She had briefly moved in with extended family in another state with a better climate, where she was improving. The plan was for the rest of the family to join her in a year or so. Within two weeks, my brother almost died from a brain infection which required numerous surgeries. She moved back to help care for him, rapidly deteriorated herself, and died.

I found some of her diaries and flipped through them to find the entry from the previous year about my brother. Morbid curiosity, I just wanted to read her thoughts. Her entry from the night before brother’s near-fatal illness said that my father saw a demonic presence in the house, and it frightened him. It was a black humanoid shape, emanating evil and menace. It was in his room, then left, he didn’t know where it went.

The next day my brother almost died in a freak medical occurrence that doctors still can’t explain the cause of, and the resulting chain of events killed my mother. Standing in the basement with that diary, I was stunned. We’d seen something similar years earlier, and now it was back. I felt like something had cursed us, and wanted to kill us. I was terrified.

Ultimately I didn’t talk to my dad about it, or mention it to any of my siblings.

I hid that particular diary.”

6. A Complicated Find

“My dad died 15 years ago and to this day, my feelings towards him are very complicated. I always knew my dad was a bit secretive and kept a lot to himself, but I didn’t realize how much until he died. When he died, we found several surprising things.

1. He had several hidden bank accounts and insurance policies we were unaware of. Why? Who knows. He did have a lot of financial things set up for my mom incase something happened to him.

So, that was a good thing. She had no idea about everything that he had set aside for her. He actually made sure my mom would be well cared for.

2. There was also evidence of his long time affair with another woman, including audio tapes he had recorded for her and had yet to send that expressed his undying love for her. Listening to them was devastating and something I still can’t tell my mom about.

I was torn about sending the tapes to this woman because they were intended for her. I ended up destroying them. No good could come from them.”

7. Nope

“When my brother died, he didn’t leave a note or anything, but he was an aspiring musician and we found his song lyrics. I never would have guessed he was in such a dark place to write those kinds of things. I was up all that night with those words stuck in my head, he seemed so hopeless for everything else but he always hid it from us. Later on, I went back in his room by myself just to take it all in, I found a somewhat hidden notebook with even more, including something he’d written about feeling sorry for how this would affect my sister and somewhat blaming my Mom for how he felt.

I debated for hours if I should tear out that page or not because I knew it would hurt my mom terribly just to see what he thought of her when she saw him in such a good light, as such a sweet and loving son.

However, what really hurt the most though was after seeing what he wrote about my sister, I looked for something, anything he might have written about me or left for me. There was nothing, I searched for so long because I just wanted some kind of last words to hold on to, something to show he thought of me but never found anything.”

8. Early Suicide

“I had a cousin who committed suicide at 12 years old. This was a kid that was always a bit of a loner and kind of a book worm but also seemed smarter than other kids and was very mature for his age. Always very polite but quiet and would spend more time watching than participating in anything. There certainly didn’t seem like there was anything that would cause him to end how own life. His family seemed close and normal.

It did turn out that he was bullied quite a bit at school. I guess it was because he never fought back. About 3 months after his death, both his parents started to suggest to my parents that I should be the one to go through his room. I was 18 at the time and since my cousin and I weren’t that close, I guess his parents thought I would have an easier time with it.

I agreed to do it. I started separating all his stuff.

Clothes, toys, books, keepsakes that I though his parents might want to save, etc. As I got deeper into his closet I suspected might actually find a stash and sure enough, there in the back under a bunch of old books in the bottom of a box I found a smaller, flatter box that was magazine sized. SCORE!

Not so much. There were no magazines. There was however lots of loose papers, a sketchbook and some Polaroids.

This was in the 90’s so there was no such things as internet smut for a family of religious people that didn’t own a computer. Nor were digital cameras a thing. But there were instant cameras and my cousin had one.

I started to go through the papers which were all drawings and sketches. I think at first my mind wasn’t processing what I was looking at. It took me a bit before I realized what my cousin had been drawing.

It was all drawings of bloody scenes. Some detailed some just gory. Nasty stuff. Anyone and anything was there. Sometimes there was occult-like stuff but not very often. I do remember a few pages all in a row that had the words ‘Am I the devil?’ written in it over and over.

At this point I did NOT want to look a the photos but I did anyway. My cousin had apparently escalated beyond just drawing pictures.

I am almost in tears again just thinking about it and this was over 20 years ago.

I never told his parents or anyone else about it. It wasn’t out of any sense of decency. I just wanted to forget about what I had seen or at least pretend I hadn’t found it for my own sake. So I let everyone continue to think it was the bullying that pushed him over the edge. It may well have been but I wonder if part of it was because he saw what he was becoming and decided to stop himself before things got worse.”

9. Gramps Was in the CIA?!?!

“My grandpa was in the CIA and helped oversee the beginning of the sky marshal program. I found a box with a legitimate red top secret stamp across it… so of course I opened it!

It had a bunch of what my 15 year old self would call ‘boring papers’ but something did catch my eye

One of the things I found was a pamphlet. The cover showed a highly detailed schematic of a 747 jet. The title read something like: ‘747: Weak Zones’

My dad somehow called someone from the FBI who came over, took one look, and then called someone else. He waited with us until someone who didn’t work for the FBI, but had clearance over this stuff, arrived.

The first guy proceeded to leave while the other man asked us where everything was. We showed him the boxes. After looking, he took the boxes, loaded them in his car and drove away.

A week later, the house was robbed and a lot of my grandparents special things were taken including several large file cabinets

I’ve always thought it must’ve been the government doing a clean sweep.”

10. Don’t Wanna Know

“My father was a successful business man who was originally from Detroit. He grew up in a dangerous and low-income neighborhood, but he was able to get into a good school and complete an engineering degree. Eventually he owned his own machine shop and things were going well. After 2008’s crash, the stress got to him.

Shortly after I left for college, my mother forced my father to check in to rehab for his crippling addiction to drinking.

He made it a few weeks sober, but relapsed. This happened two more times. My mother divorced him and he holed up in an apartment for a few months before ultimately drinking himself to death.

I cleaned out his apartment and found significant amounts of his rehab literature. I was happier not knowing details, but I did not want to throw out any paperwork that was significant for settling the estate. While combing through, I found a worksheet where he wrote a timeline of his relationship with substances and drink.

I found out that he smoked a few times as a 13 year old boy, he started smoking other substances at age 11, and by the time he was 14, he was smoking daily and drinking on weekends. I was stunned; it certainly explained a lot, but I was much happier not knowing. I can’t imagine growing up in an environment where parents would be oblivious or apathetic to that.”

11. The “Good” Book

“After my paternal grandmother died, it took us about 4 months for anyone to be up to cleaning out her house. My grandma was an organized pack rat. In her buffet in her kitchen, she had drawers full of old pharmacy bags folded neatly at put away. My dad told me it was likely a hold over from the depression where you save everything to use again.

Anyway, I came across the old family Bible. One of those big deals where they record births and deaths and it was like finding some huge treasure because she NEVER let us touch it or look through it, she kept it packed away.

I was looking through it, absorbing names of her family because while the woman loved to talk about her family (her husband and four boys), she never talked about her other family. She never talked about her parents or siblings or childhood. Nothing. Even my dad knew very little about her family before she married.

So I was flipping through the Bible and tucked between some pages was what looked like a bill of sale or receipt of some kind.

Upon closer inspection, I realized that it was a bill of sale/receipt. For my grandmother. Her father had sold her, sold her, to my grandfathers brother. I don’t even remember for how much, I was just in a state of shock. I knew that she had been taken in to help care for my grandfather’s dying wife, but I had no idea she was sold. I mean… I don’t know. This happened probably in the 30’s, early 40’s in the rural South but still.

It changed how I felt about my grandfather and his family. I’m still not entirely sure how I feel about it.”

12. Never Want To See It Again

“My mom and I had to clean out my aunt’s room. She died at 52.

She never married, no kids, and had weight issues. That being said, she treated my brother and I like her own. We were all really close.

We found an unmarked book on her nightstand which ended up being a journal. The first page said, ‘I hate the way I look. I hate that I’m not married. I hate that I don’t have kids.’

We closed it and tossed it.

I’m guessing it was one of those weird self help plans where you write your thoughts out. Didn’t make it any easier. You have no idea how much I wish I never saw that book.”

13. Not Quite A True Englishman

“My family is Irish/Australian. My grandfather was an olive-skinned, charming Englishman who married an Australian bar maid – my grandmother. After the death of my grandpa, we found a letter and Republic of India passport in one of his jackets. It was a full confession that he had hidden the fact that he was Indian – and not English – from my grandma and our family. Not only that, he also had another family back in India.

This was especially shocking considering how white my skin is, and people still don’t believe the story when I tell it. Still amazes me that he successfully hid the secret for almost 50 years, and literally brought it to his grave.”

14. Turns Out She Was A Stranger

“After I came home from a 4 month underway on a submarine, things were weird between my wife and I. Fast forward a bit, I came home from a weekend out and found her body in the spare bedroom.

Over the next few days cleaning out the house, I found countless amounts of substances and paraphernalia I couldn’t even identify. I found a ton of weird notes, scratchings, and just scraps of paper that all had to do with substance use.

When cleaning up her electronic mess, computers, phone, online accounts, etc. I found out she was a lifelong cheater. Which went several layers deep. She was in a very serious relationship with her ‘best friend’ which, honestly I more or less knew about. But always sort of figured it was emotional, not physical. In addition to being with her BFF, she had also seen many other people over the years.

When the person you’ve dated since high school, and been married to for nearly 2 decades, is a complete stranger, it’s really not something you can describe.”

Have a story about a time when you cleaned out somebody’s possessions?

Let us know in the comments!

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15 People Share on What Behaviors Scream “I Am Upper Class”

Well, excuuuuuuuuuse me!

We all have different experiences in life, and different ideas of other people’s experiences – but for much of the 99%, these 13+ things definitely signal that someone is upper class.

#15. Two kitchens.

Having a butlers pantry.

You just have two kitchens, admit you are rich.

#14. Canadian Goose.

Dressing your 5 year old in a Canadian goose jacket. (Chicago)

#13. What’s Birmingham?

Asking questions like “What’s Birmingham?” (UK edition)

#12. Why yes of course.

Rich: having a shitload of money to throw around and vacation time to spare

Upper class: when you meet other upper class people and you say that your last name is “X” and they, “Oh why yes of course. You are the son/daughter of..”

#11. On a Tuesday.

Sitting on your boat, on a Tuesday.

In water, of course. Sitting on your boat in the driveway on a Tuesday, is middle class.

Edit* Thanks for the Silver and Gold! Now I can go get a boat and sit on it next Tuesday, in the water!

#10. What they leave behind.

I work in a private school with international boarding students. At the end of each school year, students leave behind computers, gaming systems, apple watches, designer clothes, etc. They just … leave it.

#9. Being offhand.

Being offhand about things that are very expensive for the plebeians. I’ve found that many rich people are less obnoxious about showing off wealth than are people who are almost “rich” that feel they have to match up to people who make more than they do.

#8. The 1%.

I grew up attending private school in a developing country. Majority of my classmates were in the 1% of the country.

These are some of my observations.

  • Connections : You’re visiting a foreign country? Friends’ parents know the now ambassador to said country from back in the day. You arrive in the airport and you’re picked up by a caravan of black Suburbans.
  • You don’t visit people’s “houses”. You visit their estate (Fincas).
  • You know that famous building/plaza/national park? Yeah it’s named after so-so’s grandfather.
  • Their family owns <Professional Sports Team>, <National Newspaper>, and <National Television Channel>.

Edit: please stop trying to guess. I’d rather not disclose but the general guesses are in the area. It’s not Colombia though.

A few more.

  • Our school’s soccer/football tournament final was held in the country’s National stadium. Money can’t do that.
  • Family members of classmates are presidential candidates going up against family members of other classmates. A few became the eventual president. We got a lot of free stickers, shirts and pens.
  • Most had private drivers and maids. I’d go over my friend’s place and he’d ask me if there was anything I’d want to eat. The chef could make it. I always asked for spaghetti because they’d serve it with real Parmesan cheese and I never had that in my life and it was impossible to get in the country at the time.
  • Friend of miner’s family owned an airline. He’d have Big Macs flown over from Miami once a week. There was and there still is no McDonald’s in the country. He would let me take a bite.
  • Powerful families marry each other. Someone I know married a Joe Schmo. She pretty much got excommunicated from the family… Until she had kids. They’re back in it but the husband is not spoken about.

#7. Using ‘summer’ as a verb.

Using “summer” as a verb, especially with the prepositional phrase “in the Hamptons”.

#6. We live comfortably.

I come from a rather wealthy family and i’v noticed a pattern. They never say their rich, they always say the exact same phrase! “We live comfortably” every time.

#5. By Queen Mary.

Living on an estate granted to your family by Queen Mary.

#4. Folks who did this.

pulling up perfectly beautiful $100,000 floors to put in different $100,000 floors. i worked for folks who did this.

#3. The grounds.

Calling your yard “the grounds”.

#2. True wealth.

Wearing tailor fitted custom clothes. True wealth don’t mess with labels and all the things lower class folks try to prove worth by wearing.

Edit: Bespoke clothing was what I meant. Pre coffee me forgot there was a word for what I was trying to describe. I just knew what it looks like and the type who wear it.

#1. You should have just asked us.

My brother’s friend stole his Grandma’s credit card and racked up $2500 in charges on it towards various X-Box store shit like Fortnite and Forza currency and a bunch of pre-orders on new games. I was like wow, he must have gotten that X-box taken away and was probably murdered shortly after? My brother told me all that they told the kid was ‘you should have just asked us’. Upper class bullshit.

Do you agree? I have to say that I’m finding it hard to argue!

The post 15 People Share on What Behaviors Scream “I Am Upper Class” appeared first on UberFacts.

The ‘Moon Selfie’: 11 People Took Pics with Toilet Paper Rolls and They’re Hilarious

Hey, this is pretty fun!

Every month there seems to be some kind of big “moon” even happening, so recently, r/JokeInks posted this photo on Reddit inviting others to join in on the fun of becoming one!

Photo Credit: Reddit, r/JokeInks

Did Reddit respond?

You’re damn right they did!

Here are the best moon selfies ever in the history of moon selfies!

10. Mean Moon

Photo Credit: Reddit, r/hedgelinghog

9. Full Moon

Photo Credit: Reddit, r/SisterResister

 8. Pensive Moon

Photo Credit: Reddit, r/laurasaurus

7. Sleepy Moon

Photo Credit: Reddit, r/UncleFishies

6. Happy Moon

Photo Credit: Reddit, r/Xenokiller101

5. Orbiting moon

Photo Credit: Reddit, r/Aeolyon

4. 246 days of Moon

3. Thoughtful Moon

Photo Credit: Reddit, r/flashmanMRP

2. Mustache Moon

Photo Credit: Wokesloth.com

1. Grumpy Moon

Photo Credit: Wokesloth.com

Want to try it out? Take a snap and post it in the comments!

You know you want to…

The post The ‘Moon Selfie’: 11 People Took Pics with Toilet Paper Rolls and They’re Hilarious appeared first on UberFacts.

15 People Come Clean About the Details of How They Got Scammed

Scammers are everywhere. So beware.

Many of us have been unfortunate enough to end up on the wrong side of a scam at one point or another. Since knowledge is power and all of that, you might want to read through these 15 stories so what happened to these people doesn’t happen to you.

15. Totally fake.

The scam that almost got me is actually brilliant:

I was selling a car on craigslist and got a call from this guy who seemed super interested. He followed up by text asking if it had a clean history. Next text, he sends me a link to what appeared to be an alternative to carfax, asking me to get a history report for $30 before he drives out.

I was literally putting in my credit card info before I paused to think the website might be fake. Turns out it was only registered with ICANN that day. Totally fake.

14. My staff even helped.

Someone tried to scam me by creating a craigslist ad giving away things that I left outside my business. He even got some of my staff to help him load it onto a trailer by showing them the ad.

13. Needless to say.

Not me, but a customer at Best Buy.

A customer came in, demanding to speak with a manager, regarding a TV he had ordered. The manager he asked for was “Tammy”, and we had no managers by that name, nor pick up orders for this customer in our system.

I asked for more details. The customer had responded to a craigslist ad for an unbelievable price on a TV. The seller claimed to be a manager at our store, and instructed him to make payment by purchasing gift cards for the asking price, then send pics of the back of the gift cards to the seller. The customer did all this, then was advised the TV would be ready for pickup at our store.

Needless to say, there was no TV for him. He demanded to speak to an actual manager, who kindly informed him that he was out of luck.

12. Sorry, man.

Younger guy in a shirt and tie next to me at the gas station. He asked me for a few bucks for gas as he was on his way to a job interview. Said he’d been unemployed for a few months and this was sort of a dream job opportunity I ended up filling up his entire tank and wished him luck on the interview.

I saw him there twice a week for the next three months, always in a shirt and tie and always talking to other patrons. He eventually tried to scam me again a few months later, and I reminded him that he had already got me on that line and asked I if he had anymore. He said he could tell me about his dying grandmother he was trying to go see on the other side of town or about how he left his wallet at his office because he rushed out when his daughter’s school called and told him he need to pick her up because she was sick and throwing up everywhere. Then he paused and said, “sorry man” and got in his car and drove away. Never saw him again, but I assume he just moved to the next gas station down the street.

11. 15 minutes ahead.

I was 15 minutes ahead of an ex-GF getting to the bank to lock up my accounts. She came in and tried to clean them out. The bank stopped her and called the police. She talked her way out of it.

10. The old switcheroo.

short story from my childhood, someone tried to steal my working NES.​

late 80s, i was about 9 or something. had a “friend” call me up, invited me to his house so he could clean my NES. Thought it was strange, but he was very insistent and i didnt want to argue. Brought it over, he started cleaning the NES, asked me to get something from the kitchen (a butter knife i think). I went, found it after a few seconds of searching, brought it back. He said he was finished, left the NES on top of his TV, and left the room to get something.​

My NES looked very different. Stared at it a bit, it was missing a crack that had always been there. Looked on the floor where his NES was, it had the crack. Fucker tried the ol’ switcheroo. I tensed up, didnt want to argue with the kid, confrontation wasn’t my strong point. I just switched them back as quickly as i could. He was gone for a while, actually had a lot of time. After he came back, told him I had to go, thanked him for the cleaning, went home.​

After about 30 mins, he called my house again. He asked me which NES did i take home. told him i took mine. he asked again “yeah, but did you take the one on the TV or the one on the floor?” just told him again, i took mine. he sounded defeated as he said “alright, bye.”

9. I turned it over to the FBI.

Almost scammed. A friend of mine from college emailed me like he usually does asking how I am, mentions offhand that his firm is handling an angel investor round for a certain technology startup. I had invested through his employer before with no issue, so I asked him to send me information for me to research. He sends it, it all looks legit, I think it’s worth a shot and I ask how much. He sends me the payment information and it looks fishy, like he sends me a physical address for an office tower in Atlanta that I know his firm is not located in and he also cites a P.O. Box address in that building. I call the building and they say no name of his firm is registered to that building. I pick up the phone and call his cell phone. He doesn’t call back. I swing by his house the next day and he has no idea what I am talking about, he says his laptop, phone and wallet were stolen and that he’s been frantically closing accounts and getting replacements. Apparently, the scammer went through his contacts, figured out what he did for a living and was trying to bilk all his professional contacts. All of the information he sent me was copied and pasted or straight up forged based on template documents already on the computer. I turned everything I had over to the FBI and my friend’s attorneys. Everyone one of the guy’s contacts were solicited and a handful actually wired cash to the guy, who was eventually caught and convicted of wire fraud. I had to testify during his trial. He’s still in prison atm. Wild.

[EDIT] This all went down ~10 years ago.

8. A whole dollar.

In the 90’s my friend got all of these letterS saying he was a part of a contest, and he just had to keep mailing letters in to enter the “drawing.”

The wording they put in the later letters was something like “You’ve made it to the final round,” and “Congratulations, we are now prepared to write you a check for $10,000!”

All he had to do was call a 1-900 number that charged $2 a minute. It took him about 10 minutes to navigate the automated menus once they told him he was a winner and it ended with “And you have won… (drum roll)… ONE DOLLAR!”

7. Never owned or played the game.

One time I woke up to 10 $100 charges in micro-transactions for a mobile base building game. Never owned or played the game, and was overdrafted $600+ while the bank tried getting the money back.

6. Still pretty salty.

Best Buy employee convinced me I needed one of their $60 HDMI cables if I wanted Xbox games and action movies to look good on my TV. This was probably 10 years ago and I didn’t know much about electronics back then. I’m still pretty salty about it.

5. He was busted right there.

I bought $300+ tickets to see Knicks at MSG from Craigslist (dumb I know) that turned out to be fake. I got so pissed I walked into an nyc precinct and told them i want to file a complaint.

The detective at the time said they’re busting a lot of people in these fake ticket rings and we could bust him if we set up another sale. The next day I contacted the same guy from another number and we set up to meet him; the detective was dressed casually and I pretended to be his gf. He gave us the tickets by Dylan’s Candy bar and was busted right there. It was fun.

4. They call me all the time.

Yeah, I was on vacation and didnt have my phone on. The scammers called my house and my sister was house sitting for my wife and I. They told her I was going to be tried for an undisclosed criminal charge if I didnt pay them something like 900 dollars for the case to be dismissed or I would be arrested or served the next day. She tried calling me and I didnt answer as I was on vacation.

I left her one of my bank cards so she could buy food and stuff since she was doing me a favor. She payed them with it as she thought it was real and I am not a saint, so it was believable at the time and this was a while ago before these scammer tactics were well known. I was so mad as I noticed the charge when I checked my online banking while still away.

Worst thing is now I guess I am on a list of people who have fallen for this and they call me all the time.

3. They started being super pissy.

Was looking for a job and got a call for an interview and went in and it was some mlm for like vitamin juice or something. I was sitting in the front and was polite so I sat through the the video and then started to walk out and that’s when they started being super pissy. I said I don’t spend a lot of money without talking it over with my wife and the lady said “well I guess we cant do anything if your not the man of the house and your wife wears the pants”.

2. I felt a bit suspicious.

The worst one is probably when I was desperately applying for jobs after graduating.

Hadn’t found a job for months in the finance sector and just applied to be an admin assistant at a small local exchange. Looked up their website and everything looked legit, the hiring manager spoke fairly fluent English. They said they were interested in hiring me for a position that leveraged more of my education. I was stoked – almost 1.5x the pay and the workload was much more my style.

They wanted some identifying information like my driver’s license and passport. Didn’t think too much about it. Scanned it off and sent it to them. They told me everything looked good and they wanted to do a phone interview. I asked them why not in person, and they told me I wasn’t at that stage yet.

For some reason I felt a bit suspicious, so I looked like the address on their letterhead which was a legit business park in my area. Called them and the phone lines were dead. Called the building owner and they told me that the property was vacant, and had been for almost a year now.

At this point I knew identity theft would be possible, so I just went into a full blown panic getting everything exchanged. Learned a valuable lesson that day. Didn’t lose anything but fuck if my personal information is floating around somewhere.

1. They’re being crafty about it.

Pretty sure someone’s trying to scam me on eBay right now with an item I purchased.

EDIT to add situation:

They’re being crafty about it, but I got a little suspicious and found out their game after a little research. The scam they’re trying to pull is that they sent me a “small gift” in appreciation of my purchase, which in this case was a bag of candy. This gift was not mentioned in the listing, but in a message sent after I bought the item. If I go to eBay’s resolution center and say I didn’t receive the item, they’ll put the tracking number in for the candy and eBay will take their side since it will be marked as delivered. I now know that when I file my complaint I’ve got to put it as “Item not as described.” I’ll give it until Wednesday before I file a complaint though.

Buyer beware!

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Hunters Shared the Creepy Things That Made Them Never Want to Venture Back into the Woods

Are you prepared to be creeped out? If you’re the kind of person who frequents the woods — whether it’s for hunting, hiking or bird watching — these scary stories from AskReddit might make you think twice about back heading out into the wild frontier.

1. Drug runner?

“My father and I were following a trail for a while so we decided to take a break and catch our breaths, I sat on a log off the trail and my dad stood on the edge of the trail waiting for me to get up. I hear some movement and scan around and I see a man, dress casually, walking quickly down the trail with a Glock in his hand.

He is not really following the trail, he is just walking toward my dad with haste. Before he comes up to my dad, he asks if he’s seen anything(pretty normal). I keep an eye on him because I don’t believe he was there to hunt, I think he was there to make sure my dad hadn’t seen anything he wasn’t supposed to. He wasn’t dressed like a hunter, he didn’t walk like a hunter, and It was deer season and he decided he would take his Glock out to get a deer… I wasn’t buying, so I put a round in the chamber and watched them talk.

He seemed to be confident until my dad mentioned that he was here with me and gestured in my direction. I nodded and made a half-assed wave. And he seemed to lose interest in us and ended the conversation shortly after and turned around and walked back the way he came, just about as fast as he walked up to us. It worried us a bit but we continued on. We haven’t been back to that area in a while. My dad told me that there have been drug busts near that area in the past. This isn’t a supernatural tale, just an experience that made me not want to go back to that area.”

2. Creature in the night

“A long time ago my grandparents bought a small cabin in the woods in Pennsylvania. My dad, uncle, and aunt are all small children. My father told me this story. They’re all sitting around outside with a small fire going when they hear branches breaking and footsteps coming from the darkness. They think it’s a black bear because it’s close but they can’t see it. It’s seems to be going straight for my uncle, the littlest of the children.

He starts panicking while everyone tells him not to move. Now this big black beast is within arms reach of him and he’s shaking like a leaf with his eyes closed. All of a sudden it opens it’s jaws and starts licking his face.. turns out that the next property over is owned by a couple who raise Newfoundland dogs and one got out.”

2. Bones

“I work in the woods for a living and I’ve seen a fair amount of odd things… Carvings in trees, old beat up cars, random weird trash scattered through the woods, and a fair amount of animal carcasses. I’ve had instances where I’ve gotten spooked, stuff like jumping big critters is always quite jolting, but I can recall one rather butt puckering experience. I was working with a few other people at the time, spaced out of sight but not out of ear shot. I crossed over a little ridge atleast 2 miles from the closest road, in the middle of the woods, and I saw what looked like a full skeleton of a cow tied together with twigs and a little bit of twine.

Who ever made it had fashioned it to be sitting on a log. They left a very neat pile of bones in front of the thing, and nothing anywhere else. I saw it and about fainted. Definitely really fucking odd considering how far we were off the road, and how thick and steep it was. I ended up getting the folks I was with to come check it out, really just for shits and giggles. I took note of it and we moved on to the next plots.”

4. Snake pit

“There is a place in Kingston, Idaho or the otherside of Fernan Saddle- depending on which way you go to get there. I call it the snake pit, and no I don’t mean the restaurant. I still visit the area now once in a while and camp there. Anyways next to where I camp in the trees is a basin, and it has a bunch of old 1920s-1930’s rotted cars in it, overgrown by bushes and trees but sunlight falls on the cars.

First time I camped out there I walked into those woods and the leaves all started to move. The snakes were running from me while they were sunbathing on the cars. Fuckin creeeeped me out. I don’t go in there for wood anymore and I don’t see the snakes leave that spot so I just let them be.”

5. Fire three shots

“When I was a kid, a poacher must have thought I was a deer or something and shot a round at me. It impacted on a tree above my head. I immediately fired three shots as fast as I could, not at the shooter but in the air. In my hunting group, immediate three shots means “HELP” basically.

My dad and our hunting club immediately came out to find out what the fuck happened by honking the horns of their trucks letting me know they were coming. I basically laid on the ground until I could tell they were near the dirt road. Told them what happened and guessed it was probably a road poacher trying to get a deer as it came from the same road. They didn’t see him. It was private property and we were always very aware of who was at what location and who was hunting where. Nobody was suppose to be in the part I was at.

Scared the shit out of me. This was mid-90s. Reason why I don’t like hunting on public property is cause of that and I don’t know the people out there.”

6. Near-death experience

“I was in the woods once in really dense fog and had an arrow fly past my face into a tree haha nothing like a near death experience to avoid the spot and idiot that shot at you.”

7. Caught on camera

“When i went hunting with my dad one time we saw a homeless looking guy carrying what looked like a torn cloth and a screwdriver on one of the trail cams. this cam was pretty deep into the woods, and it was no one we knew so we were pretty creeped out to go back out there.”

8. Hell no

“I was being watched on the woods, it was the strangest feeling. I got paranoid enough that I began walking all the way to where I knew a park warden was parked. After about 100 meters, I turn around to make sure I wasn’t being followed, and I see three bears smacking my stuff around. One bear was standing up in the middle of the access road staring right at me.”

9. Overly friendly dear

“Not a hunter but I go backpacking and fishing quite a bit. I have an irrational fear of bears, and waking up to bear tracks around my camp was quite unsettling and I did not spend much more time in the area.

I’ve also had a creepy encounter with an overly friendly deer. I was in a pretty isolated area so I thought it was odd to see a deer that was so calm around humans, this deer would not leave me alone it walked around my camp all day and came back at night to scare the shit out of me by laying down outside my tent.”

10. Missouri

“Camping alone in the middle of Missouri the night before turkey hunting. The place I found was a fairly well used campsite but no one was there. About to go to sleep when I hear a truck come up. I find a reason to come out (use the restroom) so I can get a look and maybe even ask for some good places to spot turkey.

It’s a dude and his girlfriend drinking beers and going for a ride. They are super nice but they mentioned after our chat and before leaving “watch yourself out here.. lots of meth heads and they won’t stop for bird shot. Want a slug? I probably have a few in my tool kit.” I did not sleep at all that night.”

11. Get out of there

“I walked up on a meth lab while scouting for a hunting spot. I noped the hell out of there immediately. I had never encountered such a thing before, and in hindsight the smell should have been a dead giveaway. It wasn’t until I was standing there looking at what looked like a bunch of garbage under camo tarps and such that I realized what I was looking at.

Edit: I walked back to where I had cell service, called the sheriff and showed him on a map where it was. Bunch of them went in (found nobody), and made me wait with another officer for over an hour by the cruisers.”

12. A suitcase

“My family owns a couple hundred acres of forest in eastern NC. No one lives on the property anymore, and hasn’t for the last six or seven years.

We went down there to do some target shooting in October of 2017, and I decided to go walk through the outskirts of the woods to locate a good limb for our range marker. As I’m walking, literally and proverbially kicking rocks I come across a fairly nice, but practically brand new looking suitcase, full of clothes and other personal effects. No ID, nothing with any sort of identifying markers on them. But seemed to be clothes for four people; two kids and two adults, one male and one female. Had some food, coloring books, etc. there was a makeshift lean-to about 100 yards farther into the woods.

Set up a trail camera and left it there for three weeks, never saw anyone.

For reference, this is 35 miles from any sizable town or city.”


“Went on a camping trip maybe 10 years ago and in the middle of the night we heard this incredibly loud “SMACK” way out on the water. Water carries sound really well, so it woke us all right the fuck up. My first though was some drunk/deranged motherfucker with a gun was shooting out over the lake and the sound was a bullet skimming off the surface.

Turns out it was a beaver that smacked the shit out of the water before diving under. It happened again in the early morning and we laughed it off, but the notion of being out in the middle of nowhere with some homicidal prick taking potshots at you creeped me out pretty good.”

14. Learned your lesson

“Copperheads.. Bow season in KY starts early enough that you can run into a ton of them. I learned my lesson years ago to wait until at least mid November before venturing out too deep.”

15. Don’t get off the boat

“Couple of years ago I was in northern British Columbia on a fishing trip with my dad, uncle and cousins. The lake and river was a two hour drive from the nearest city. We were drifting down the river when I needed to go to the bathroom, so I got out of the boat.

As I’m doing my business, I look over and see what seems to be the top of a building. I turned to the people in the boat and told them what I saw. Walked towards the building, and realized it wasn’t alone. Multiple homes, buildings in the middle of the forest. It was a very small and isolated Native American tribe, and we backed away. Not super creepy but didn’t want to cause any trouble. We continued on without any contact.”

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People Reveal Their “Never Again” Brands, Restaurants, and Companies

There is one restaurant where I live in North Carolina that shall remain nameless that I’m never going back to because the service is just BRUTAL. And I’ve given them a couple of shots.

AskReddit users went on the record and revealed what brands, stores, restaurants, etc., made them say “never again.”

Share yours in the comments!

1. That’s bad

“We bought a flea medicine from Hartz to use on our cat and she became lethargic and didn’t eat anything. We took her to the vet and they told us that they have been trying to get that medicine off the shelves because of how it affects animals.

I was in a theater watching despicable me when my cat finally passed away. It sucked knowing that my cat is dead because of some money-hungry brand who doesn’t care about the safety of the animals it gives its products to.”

2. Cable companies are the worst

“Comcast. A door-to-door salesman straight up lied to my dad, saying they had a four-DVR setup that would cost less than what we were paying AT&T. When the installation guy got there, he said that no, they didn’t have a four-DVR setup, he was told to give us the standard two-DVR setup.

Which was absolutely not something that would work in a house with six people with wildly different tastes in TV shows.

So my dad tells him never mind, we’re sticking with AT&T then, but because the Comcast guy had already installed our new cable box, he couldn’t take it back with him, so we had to mail it back to Comcast ourselves.

The kicker is, five years later Comcast tried to bill my parents for the cable box, saying we never sent it back. My parents insisted they did, and Comcast wanted the UPS receipt, which obviously we no longer had because it was five years ago and we hadn’t heard anything from them before this.

So my parents refused to pay, Comcast sent a collections company after us, and when my parents explained the situation to the collection company, they were like “those f*ckers, we’ll take care of this.” That was, thankfully, the end of it.”

3. Avoid at all costs

“If I see something is being shipped by OnTrac, I’ll cancel. The three times they were the delivery company from Amazon, they lost one package completely and tried to say it wasn’t their fault. The second package was also deemed lost but then showed up on my door step something like six weeks later.

The third time it sat on “shipping label created” for a week and I just contacted Amazon and canceled the package. You don’t find a lot of positive reviews out there and any positive ones you do find seem like they were written by the company via a fake account.”

4. Jiffy Lube

“Jiffy Lube.

Those idiots told me my car has no filter! I’m pretty sure they just didn’t want to take it out. They also said my car takes a “special European oil” and charged a lot extra for it. It’s not a special oil at all.

It’s an uncommon oil but a gallon of it costs the same as typical oil. I’m going to stick with the dealership to get oil changed because it’s cheaper and they know what they’re doing.

EDIT : I forgot to add the ending to this story! Not long after I got my oil changed, Jiffy Lube sent me a text message with a link asking to leave a review of their service on Google. So I obliged and left the most brutally honest one star review you’d ever read!

The next day, the manager called me and left a voicemail. She was VERY adamant that Jiffy Lube had to charge a high price for my oil because it “only can run on special European oil”.

In regards to the air filter, she offered an investigation to look at video footage to see if the technicians looked for the air filter. I know they didn’t, because I would’ve seen them take it out! It’s inside the engine cover, which they never took off.”

5. It wasn’t me

“Lyft. They recently charged me a damage fee for damages I could not have plausibly caused. I sent statements explaining how it couldn’t have been me. They sent back a standardized statement and didn’t give me any additional information.

There is no phone line to talk to a representative. I sent them multiple follow up emails, which they never responded to.

Now I have to write a statement for my credit card company to dispute the charge.”

6. Never again

“Wayfair. Purchased a $1000 sectional couch that was delivered with damaged upholstery. They refused to let me return it and instead offered me 10% off my next purchase. Yeah….. Never using that discount code.”

7. Ugggghhhhh

“I went to Dickeys Barbecue pit, their food isn’t amazing but I was craving southern food and my suburban town in California doesn’t have many options. So me and my girlfriend buy some sandwiches and have them for dinner, they’re cold and taste like salty sweat.

The next day I have uncontrollably shitting liquid shit and vomiting multiple times an hour. If I was alone I would have gone to the emergency room but my dads a nurse and was there. I vomited something like 20 times in the whole day and kept dry heaving afterwards.

The diarrhea came so fast and uncontrolled that it ruined multiple pairs of underwear and a rug that was by the toilet (Why my dad has rugs in the bathroom I don’t know but I shit on it when bent over the toilet). It took only a day for me to feel better and I was already eating heavy foods again, but lo and behold guess who comes over to see me well again and shits herself in my bathroom?

My girlfriend, the only other person who ate at Dickeys. So I spent the rest of the day, after having just shit and vomited myself to death, helping my girlfriend when she was shitting and vomiting. I think we’re closer to each other after that experience.”

8. Get in the zone…or don’t

“I bought an engine from AutoZone for a vehicle I owned. They had a vendor build the engine, and it was supposed to ship to my house. I waited three weeks for it to arrive, but it never did. I contacted their store, was told that it hadn’t shipped yet and was coming via FedEx freight. I kept up with the tracking # but couldn’t get anywhere with it.

I kept calling back every couple of days to see what was going on, and no one could figure it out. I finally managed to find out that it had shipped via another company (RL freight), and had been delivered to somewhere else. It was like pulling teeth to get a refund on an engine I never received. It took another two weeks to get the refund.

I won’t buy a soda from AutoZone now.”

9. Nope

“1-800-Flowers. F*ck them. They waited several days after I placed an order for Mothers day to tell me that they wouldn’t be able to fulfill the order. They waited until the day before, putting me in a bad position.

Now I google my Moms ZIP, add flowers and have a few choices. I call the local shops directly and 1-800-flowers is cut out of the process.”

10. Harrassed

“Macy’s. Got a credit card through them to buy a suit. My parents offered to pay the card off as a birthday present. Cue months of them calling me 5+ times a day, asking where the payment, that had already been made, was.

Harassing me to make more and larger payments. When it was finally payed off, they then tacked on a “completed payment fee” and never sent a bill, so the whole damn thing started all over. I was genuinely about to file a lawsuit over harassment or something.

It was unbelievable, because I would tell one person the payment was made, and then get 4 more calls the same day asking the same thing. Then rinse and repeat tomorrow.”

11. All fired up

“Spirit airlines. Never again. F*ck them. Flight from Vegas got canceled. They don’t even bother trying to put you on another flight, not only that you have to pay extra for the next flight available.

I told them they can go f*ck themselves and I want a refund, the customer service person told me he can refund me spirit credit, that’s when I lost it. After enough bitching, he gave me my money back to my credit card and I bought a flight on delta.”

12. Phantom charges


I was told that canceling my cable and internet services with them would cost me $50 to not return the modem and cable boxes. I didn’t care, as I would’ve had to mail them in and didn’t want to mess with the hassle, so I didn’t.

6 months later I find a $487 charge on my MasterCard and it was from AT&T. It was $150 per piece of equipment, and a $37 service charge (you know, charging me money for their hassle of having to charge me money).

I asked if I returned the equipment would they rescind the charges, they said yes, I returned the equipment and they refused to take off the charge.

I confirmed with them that they received the equipment and they said yes they did, but wouldn’t rescind the charges after all. I fought it up their chain of command as much as possible and even tried to fight it through MasterCard but they couldn’t do anything about it either.”

13. Don’t wanna mess with taxes

“Turbo Tax. Did my return, got a notice that my e-file needed to be corrected, logged back in to fix it and my return wasn’t there anymore. 6 hours on the phone with 3 tiers of tech support, each one trying exactly the same thing.

Finally they were just trying random shit, so I tried random shit in parallel, managed to get to my return with the invoice number from paying for the service WITHOUT logging in. Tried to get them to understand that this was a Very Bad Thing that they should report to someone… and they told me they had no access to anyone technical and no way to submit bugs.

This from the company that lobbied to make it illegal for the government to offer tax filing service.”

14. Tell us how you really feel

“Golden Corral. That place is a festering pile of shit.”

15. You have to take a stand

“Olive Garden. First the meals got shitty and I could deal with it, but then the Alfredo sauce did too and that’s where I draw the line.”

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15 Bartenders Share the Strangest Conversations They’ve Overheard

One perk of being a bartender: hearing all the drunks and weirdos tell their tales. People spill out their guts to barkeeps, and even if they’re not being directly addressed, you know they’re still listening to everything going on on the other side of the bar.

In this AskReddit article, bartenders reveal the weirdest conversations they’ve ever heard on the job.

#1. Awwwww

“Even though we were busy, I clearly heard a women say to her friend, “Hey look, the bartender’s really cute.”

Friend: “No he’s not!”

Response: “Oh yeah, you’re right.”

#2. Negotiations

“Work in a downtown hotel bar right across from our convention center. I’ve heard way too many negotiations between businessmen and escorts.

Last one I heard involved the guy asking the lady how much extra she would charge to let his friend watch.”

#3. Classy

“Had a husband and wife who were by far the most rude people I’ve ever encountered, talking with a traveling business man. By the end of the night the business man was propositioning the woman to go back to his hotel room for some money.”

#4. Lots of cheating

“Lots and lots of cheaters. It’s weird that serial cheaters take their girls to the same spot.”

#5. Heated argument

“I’ve bartended but my favorite conversation was overhead while I was on the other side of the bar. “Look all I’m saying is Grand Theft Auto severely ruined our generation’s perception of how many police helicopters exist.” Sounded like they were getting really heated over the matter haha.”

#6. Tennis ladies

“I bartended at a country club, and there was this one group of tennis-ladies that would always sit at the bar and get absolutely sh*tfaced on weeknights at our wine nights. They took a liking to our main bartender and kept calling him exotic (he’s Mexican), they would say how love his beard, would talk about their fav (not tennis related) positions, how they kept their nether-regions tidy, slip him their numbers, how sh*t their husbands were, etc. Gave me death glares every time I’d be bartending/bar backing with him lol.”

#7. So obvious

“On Valentine’s Day this year, we had a guest who accepted a FaceTime from his girlfriend while his side-chick was with him at the bar. He angled the phone so his girlfriend wouldn’t see the girl, but it was so obvious.”

#8. Categorize them

“I overheard a woman who worked for a New Zealand online dating service, and was basically a profile censor. She described her job as being 80% dick pic removal, and had seen so many she could divvy them up into a few distinct categories.”

#9. Shady business

“I heard some chick say “and the worse part about it, is that lucky bastard got a whole gram of crystal out it for free.”

#10. Now I’m in love with myself

“I hated myself until I discovered masturbation.”

#11. Hahahaha

“Two businessmen having after work drinks on a Friday, where the conversation built up to one of the sweetest sentiments I’ve heard. At first the usual “Lemme tell ya, you’re a good person. I love you man.” Later on (still fairly basic): “Fuck the wives! Hey, you and me, we buy motorcycles!”

To finally this gem: “If a tornado were to blow you away… I would fly after you.”

#12. Adorable

“Guy: “I think I’m going to need a coke chaser for this one.” Girl, presumably SO: “we already did all the coke…” Guy: “Coca Cola, you idiot!”

Not even the most memorable, just the most recent. For sure, a real snapshot into their relationship.”

#13. Wonder how that worked out…

“I once listened to three people have an in depth discussion about how they were going to kill the “local vampire” and the steps to take to protect themselves from the coven that said vampire is surely from.

My favorite though what a heated debate over whether the first Robin would be a crime fighter if Batman hadn’t picked him up and trained him.”

#14. Sounds fun

“I once heard a guy tell his buddy, “It’s fun, it’s like laser tag but with real guns” That was twenty years ago and to this day kick myself for not getting the whole story.”

#15. These are on the house

“A customer is on the phone in the middle of the bar, not too crowded but a long bar. Guy couldn’t have been more than 25. I go to help someone at the end of the bar and on my way back I overhear:

“No, I don’t care! She’s my sister, she is THIRTEEN and there is no reason she should be doing cocaine! At all!”

Gave him a few drinks on the house that night.”

The post 15 Bartenders Share the Strangest Conversations They’ve Overheard appeared first on UberFacts.

16 People Share Their Most Wholesome Secrets

Do you have any wholesome secrets you’ve never shared with anybody?

Whether you answered yes or no, you should definitely check out this askreddit thread. Over 6K+ people shared theirs and we have some of the best!


1. “I can’t even tell you how happy she was to wake up the next day…”

“My little sister was extremely sick with pneumonia in the ICU one Christmas when she was 6. This happened often around this time of year for her because of her asthma, but this time it was worse. She was so sick and tired, she lost track of the days in the hospital even though Christmas was approaching fast.

People dressed as elves would come in and bring gifts and my sister would say, ‘Am I going to make it back in time for Christmas?’ She was so worried and already so upset after being poked and prodded by doctors, draining fluid from her lungs and trying to get her better.

Christmas came and we decided not to tell her she missed it. We promised her. We weren’t going to ruin her Christmas!

On the 27th, while my dad worked and mom was at the hospital, I got a list from my mom and went to the store to get her gifts. I spent all night wrapping them.

The next day, they released my sister from the hospital and we told her it was Christmas Eve! I even promised her she could sleep in my bed that night, under all the Christmas lights I hung up, so she could wake me up as soon as it was Christmas morning.

I can’t even tell you how happy she was to wake up the next day and she couldn’t stop saying how much of a Christmas miracle it was!

She’s 13 and still remarks how amazing it was she made it back before Christmas, after being so horribly sick and stuck in ICU. Maybe someday we’ll tell her.”

2. “I like to drop change into them…”

“When I was a kid, I used to always twist the quarter machines on the way into stores just in case.

Got lucky a couple of times and got a few free toys.

Now that I’m grown, if I’m leaving a store with them, I like to drop change into them if I have it and leave them half twisted.”

3. “She is a quiet, sweet, helpful person.”

“Without revealing too much information, my previous job had a major perk: a lottery system in which the winners got to accompany a group to various locations in the world for a hybrid vacation/work trip.

I won the lottery one year and was selected to go to Istanbul.

I heard a coworker talking to her spouse on the phone about how bummed she was she did not get it (she was selected as my backup, but did not know who she was backing up).

She had hoped to visit a long-lost family member. She is a quiet, sweet, helpful person. She’s very behind the scenes and rather underappreciated.

I gave up my spot due to a ‘prior commitment.’

She got to go instead. I had a great time looking at her pictures.”

4. “…told him to say that she paid it earlier in the month.”

“My Aunt was gonna be short for her rent.

I paid the landlord and told him to say that she paid it earlier in the month.

She was so happy about it.

I made steaks for supper and paid extra on other bills so she’d be ahead of them.”

5. “All of this was part of my master plan to put LJ over.”

“Back when Madden ’95 for the Sega Genesis came out, I was a beast. I was more untouchable than the ’85 Bears were.

We would gather up in my dorm room, me and five friends, and we would take turns playing.

Side note: I miss the era of getting into the same room and watching other people play each other on video games.

It was super fun.

We got pretty into the whole Madden ’95 tournament concept. We ended up keeping stats on Wins-Losses and Points Per Game and Points Allowed Per Game.

Five minute quarters. We set up a mini schedule of everyone playing each other twice (that was our season).

At the end of the season, I was undefeated, my Points For Average was over 80 and I don’t remember what my Points Against Average was, but I do remember that I’d given up 13 points in the season.

Everyone else was pretty good. Our one buddy RS was probably the second best at the game, then the other guys were good and evenly matched.

We go through the playoffs, I crush everyone.

Our buddy LJ comes in and he’s not really all that great at video games, but he lucked out because one of his playoff games was against RS and he won by forfeit because RS had a test coming up and didn’t have time to play his game, and one of the games he played our other buddy CK, who was the unluckiest jerk in the world.

LJ beat CK on a last minute Hail Mary to get the right to play me.

So here we are. The title game. LJ is the ’66 Chiefs.

I’m the ’85 Bears. I started out showboating. I got up 35-0 on him in the first quarter. I lined up to onside kick and told him I would let him run back 7 in a row and tie it up, then give him a go ahead for good measure.

All of this was part of my master plan to put LJ over.

The final score was 69-66, LJ winning it on a last-second field goal kick.

I was so good at the game (and at acting) that I made it look like I legitimately lost.

I know it sounds kind of stupid to mention this as a big secret. It was just a video game, after all.

But to us, at that moment in time, it was a big deal. My roommates lost their freaking minds and almost carried LJ out of the room on their shoulders.

I think they ended up buying him pizza and drinks that night to celebrate.

To this day, no one knows I threw the game.”

6. “A few times, he had some sores on his foot…”

“I used to have to regularly travel abroad for work to this one specific town. I would stay near the main square so it got to be I would recognize the homeless people around my area.

It was a difficult time in my life, so I was drinking a little more than was healthy (nothing during the daytime or that would interfere with work, just at night to go to bed), so most nights I would go out to pick something up.

Some homeless people asked for money, some were straight up and asked for a can or two. I always felt bad doing the whole ‘pat my pockets and shrug’ routine to them as I exited the shop, knowing I was just blowing my money away on drinks for myself.

In that moment, was I so different than these guys?

I finally got up the courage to acknowledge/talk to one of them, he asked for a can or two of drinks, and I asked what kind he wanted (high percentage, of course).

In the store, I bought stuff for me, and I also bought this guy two cans, but there was a catch. In the bag were a few other things I bought him, a few sandwiches, some milk, and some sports drink.

So that was my routine.

For over a year, I would be in this town once a month or so, and I would go around and get this man a few cans and also made sure he had something to eat.

I learned that he had a shelter he could sleep in at night, I learned his name, I would shake his hand every time I saw him, chat for a bit, and wish him well.

A few times, he had some sores on his foot so I bought bandages, antiseptic cream, stuff like that.

It’s not a big deal, but I always kept it a secret.

Even when my girlfriend came with me on one of my trips, I just told her I was going to go for a walk at night to clear my head, and I went and visited this man and bought him a few drinks and some food, never told her about it.

I’ve never told anyone – I think that would ruin it for me – it’s not about me or getting a slap on the back, it was just about treating this guy like a fellow man, even for a few minutes.

Maybe I was doing something wrong, maybe that’s not the right way to help someone, I don’t know.

All I figured was this guy had more reason to drink than I did, his life looked rough. If he wanted to get messed up, he was going to find a way to get messed up anyway, and this way I figured at least he’d get some nutrition, and someone who would shake his hand, call him by name and chat and look him in the eye.

I haven’t been back to that town for years.

I don’t know if he remembers me. I think of him often. I hope he’s doing ok.”

7. “I created about 150 little paper envelopes…”

“Back in college, I liked to do special things for my friends in my dorm for Valentine’s Day. One year, I taped chocolate boxes to their doors, and the next year I taped bags of heart-shaped cookies.

My friends would find out that it was me one way or another, but it was still nice to do something nice for the people I care about.

The next year, after the majority of my dorm friends, had graduated, I still wanted to do something nice for the people in my dorm.

I created about 150 little paper envelopes, to cover everyone that would be getting a special surprise.

At around 2 a.m. I set out to taping these envelopes to all the doors on my floor (2 people per room) as well as all the RA’s on all the other floors.

I then filled every tiny envelope with a few heart-shaped Reese’s and Snickers candies. It probably took about 2 hours to completely finish.

I know a few chocolates really aren’t that big of a gift, but I wanted everybody to feel some love on Valentine’s Day.

The next day, some of the RA’s posted about it on Facebook.

They were saying that we had the best residents. It made me feel really warm and fuzzy inside, but I never let any of them know that I was the one that did it.”

8. “I thought that was the end of the story.”

“When I was 17 years old, my BFF and I decided to take the snowmobiles out for a ride in the blizzard.

We thought it would be amazing to hit some fresh forming powder and drifts. The visibility was low so we stuck to the main roads.

We ended up on a desolate road with two homes and acres and acres of farmland.

As we got close to the homes we noticed some lights and went over to see what was going on. It turned out that the old couple living there had ventured out to the store to get food in case they got snowed in.

They made the long drive and everything went fine (they had to have hit several drifts that were 1-4 feet tall).

Things only went wrong when they slowed down to turn into the drive. They didn’t dare leave their car out because they feared a snow plow would hit it.

My friend and I in full snow gear, helmets and face masks dug the car out and shoveled the driveway and made sure they got the car in the garage.

I thought that was the end of the story.

I didn’t even mention anything to my parents. Lo and behold, the next day at church this couple was there.

Our church gives time for the congregation to get up and talk about their beliefs/faith-building stories.

Sure enough, the old man gets up and starts telling about their trip to the store last night. He talked about getting stuck and worrying he would never get his car unstuck and that it would be destroyed by a snow plow.

He then said two angels appeared, barely spoke, unstuck his car and disappeared as quickly as they arrived.

He said that he had been pleading with the Lord for some help but figured it would never arrive because no one ever travels the road.

My mom looked at me and knew it was me. She didn’t say anything, I didn’t say anything.”

9. “He got a $700 ring and he said he’d work day and night to pay me back…”

“Last Christmas, my cousin really wanted Pokemon Sun and a 3DS. My Aunt and Uncle said she had too many games but I proposed I get it for her, and they agreed.

Come Christmas Eve, and I got the exclusive 1/2000 limited edition Sun/Moon boxes for her, but not the 3DS yet.

Well…Turns out they were sold out everywhere. She’s my favorite cousin, and I promised her, so I had to do something.

I already had a 3DS with Pokemon Sun, so I factory reset my 3DS and wrapped it and gave it to her. No one knows how I got the 3DS but were surprised I got one on Christmas Eve for her.

Another secret that I kept is that my friend, who’s still working through flight mechanic school, is madly in love with his girlfriend.

Well, he wanted to propose to her for Christmas as a gift. He didn’t have much money for a ring and wanted to get a $50 ring off Etsy.

I didn’t like that idea, so I brought him to the mall and gave him a budget of $1k to get a ring for his girlfriend.

He got a $700 ring and he said he’d work day and night to pay me back, and I told him no need. I still have the voicemail he and his fiancée left on my phone when they got engaged.

He and I are the only two people who know the truth behind that Christmas miracle. He’s also the same friend I’ve let squat at my house for almost a year for no charge while he gets his degree.

Nobody but him and I know he lives with me while he gets on his feet.

(Yes both of these incidents took place around the same Christmas, this past one happened 2016)

I’ve done more in the similar vein to this, such as purchasing and providing a few truckloads of food to the local Korean church so the homeless of the city could eat that Thanksgiving.

I’ve done the same for Christmas times, whether it was food or presents for the homeless who can’t afford them.

I always keep my name anonymous because I feel like it defeats the purpose of doing something out of good will as someone will always think you’re putting your name out there to brag.

I just like the feeling of knowing someone out there had a much better day because someone was generous enough.”

10. ‘That’s where my socks have been going!’

“I took my science geek housemate to Switzerland to go to CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research) for the weekend.

I tricked him into taking Friday and Monday off work, stole his passport, and have been slowly stealing his clothes from him when he hung them up to dry.

I’m an expert packer, so I fit all we need for the weekend in one backpack so it won’t look unusual when we leave for our ‘day out at the beach’ on Friday.

I was ill for a while and he was practically my nurse, so I owe him.

I LOVE surprises.

The plan worked!

My housemate had no suspicions at all. I was crazily worked up this morning because I was scared about missing the train, then missing the flight.

He was annoyingly casual about timings this morning seeing as he thought it was a normal day out. Luckily, he knows I’m a general stresshead anyway so found nothing unusual about me rushing him out the door.

We got off the train at the airport, earlier than he was expecting, obviously.

I told him to trust me so he followed. I think he thought we were swapping trains or something. Then I handed him a card that said thank you for all the things he did for me when I was sick.

Literally a long list of individual things like ‘for moving my glass of water so I could reach it from my bed, buying me emergency sandwiches when the hospital food was crap, sitting in the uncomfortable chair while my parents visited so they could have the sofa,’ etc.

At the end of the card, it said, ‘Do you want the good news or bad news first?’ He asked for the bad news and I told him, unfortunately, we weren’t going to make it to the beach today.

The good news was that we were going on an adventure instead.

I led him away from the station and into the airport building.

He was looking really confused like he didn’t know whether to be worried or excited. It was quite crowded so we couldn’t really talk properly.

I think he knew we were going somewhere but didn’t want to believe it because he didn’t have any stuff with him.

When we got to a quieter spot, just before security I said, ‘Do you want to go somewhere cool?’ He didn’t really know what to say so I handed over his passport and the toiletries that needed to be transferred from my bag over into his and I think that’s when he finally believed we were actually doing something.

Because I was high on the buzz of surprising him, I wanted to drag it out a bit more.

I could see he was still confused but getting excited so I didn’t worry about him getting too stressed out.

So I asked him not to look at his boarding pass when he scanned it to get through the electronic gates through to security.

We got through with plenty of time because I’m one of those panickers who actually arrive hours before the flight even though we only had hand luggage.

I sat my housemate down to an airport breakfast and that’s when I spelled it out. I broke it to him that his brother and dad lied to him about the family event on Monday and that they knew about my plan to take him away somewhere.

I told him not to expect to be coming home until Monday evening and not to worry because I’d sorted travel money, someone is moving into our house this evening to look after the cat, and that I had been gradually stealing his clothes for weeks so had all he needed.

(‘That’s where my socks have been going!’)

After I’d finished explaining my trickery, I got him to finally look at his boarding pass.

He got excited about going to Geneva but he didn’t realize why we were going there. So I said, ‘You know how I was asking you what CERN was the other day?

Well, I actually already knew all about it. Do you want to go there? Good, because I’ve booked us a tour.’

That was when he really lit up.


My only failure was I stole some shorts from him because the weather forecast is looking really good for the weekend.

Turns out they’re his ‘around the house’ shorts and not suitable for the public. He bought a new pair at the airport.”

11. “If I can spare any child from that, I would, so I did.”

“My daughter isn’t biologically mine. My ex became pregnant via an affair. One of many, I came to find.

After the paternity test confirmed it, I almost left, but I had a thought.

This baby girl did not ask for this situation.

She is innocent in all this and down a father since the dude split and disappeared. I knew her mother was not able to cope with motherhood, as she was only barely coping with childless adulthood some of the time.

I stepped in.

I’ve always wanted to be a father and I’m all about helping children at a disadvantage because of my own crappy childhood.

If I can spare any child from that, I would, so I did.

She carries my name. Looks like me oddly enough (her bio dad looks like a younger me), and is now 3 with a 1st-grade education.

She speaks very well. She has a very good imagination. She is as happy as a clam and unabused. I teach her mother how to actually be a mother, and I take my daughter for extra time, all the time.

It’s the best, most fulfilling decision I have ever made.

I may not be her father, but I’m darn sure her daddy.”

12. “…she still has no idea I had anything to do with it.”

“My best friend in high school was homely. In our senior year, she kept saying how she didn’t give a crap about prom…

Even though all of our friends were going and I happen to know she loves dancing. She’s super cool and down to earth, so it was honestly unbelievable that she didn’t care about prom, but I had a hunch it was because she didn’t think anyone would ask her.

There was a boy in our grade who I had a few classes with and saw at the occasional party — one of those people that ran in the same circles and you talk to now and then.

He was a very laid back, nice guy. I asked him if he had a date for the prom or anyone in mind. He said no, so I suggested he ask my friend.

He was totally game! I asked him to please keep it between us that I brought it up, because, ‘It’s way more fun to remember being asked to prom as a complete surprise.’

I also nudged him in the direction of asking her in a cute way, and he devised a plan on his own.

She came to school a few days later beaming, saying she would be going to the prom, because she ‘couldn’t let the guy down.’

It was wonderful. We all had a great time. We’ve been friends for 24 years, and she still has no idea I had anything to do with it.

She never will.”

13. “…I sometimes intentionally annoy the cat so that he will go snuggle with my husband instead…”

“I’ve had my cat for 18 years. I’ve had my husband for three years. He always wanted a cat and never had one.

Their love is strong and true, but obviously, the cat is slightly more attached to/familiar with me.

My husband loves that cat so much and gets a little bit of a thrill out of the idea that the cat loves us equally even though I had a 15-year head start.

What my husband doesn’t know is that I sometimes intentionally annoy the cat so that he will go snuggle with my husband instead, because it is so dang cute how giddy my husband gets about it.”

14. “She cried harder and thanked everyone and asked for a manager…”

“I work at a grocery store and a woman and her little girl went through with a cart full of groceries.

It was the first week of the month and she was using her EBT card. For some reason, it was declined and she started crying.

She thanked us for trying it a few times and she didn’t understand why it wasn’t working. It was payday and I didn’t make a whole lot as I was only a part-time worker.

However, I went over to the bank in the store and cashed my check. I went to our customer service desk where she was on the phone with the bank and gave it over quietly.

My coworker paid for the rest and we didn’t make it a big deal. She wasn’t paying attention and was just handed the receipt and told the lady to go home and enjoy the day, we took care of it.

She cried harder and thanked everyone and asked for a manager and was telling her little girl that this was a miracle.

We had to tell her to not get a manager because where I work giving money during your shift is grounds for suspension.

I will always remember her gratitude.”

15. “…I purposely drop pennies on the ground for her to find.”

“I secretly drop pennies. For many years, my Uncle used to bend down and pick up every penny he came across, which was maddening to my Aunt who was worried the neighbors would see him and assume they were poor, needing every penny the could find.

They used to tease each other about it.

My Uncle got cancer and passed away after a very long struggle.

After the funeral, we were walking to the car and my Aunt saw a penny, and said, ‘Oh John is thinking of me. He left this penny for me today.’

So whenever I am around my Aunt, I purposely drop pennies on the ground for her to find.

I haven’t been caught yet, and I hope I never do.”

16. “He told me how there was a bank error and someone deposited $3,000 into his bank account.”

“My best friend’s mom passed away from cancer four years ago on Easter Sunday. She was like a second mom to me.

She was very religious and always dreamed of going to Jerusalem.

When she passed away, my best friend became reckless and would try to drown his feelings in drinks and cover up the darkness inside him with the bright lights of clubs and women.

This went on for a couple years.

Eventually, my best friend hit beyond rock bottom to where he was living in his car with only a backpack of clothes and his mom’s ashes.

I let him stay with me and he turned his life around. He stopped going to bars. He started caring again.

He started saving money. He decided he would spread his mom’s ashes in Jerusalem.

Well, he got into a car accident last month and totaled his car.

Not his fault. Someone plowed through a red light. Medical bills and attorneys fees drained his savings.

But it’s okay. He told me how there was a bank error and someone deposited $3,000 into his bank account.

He’s all set to be in Jerusalem around Easter and my Hawaii trip was postponed.”

What’s the most wholesome thing you’ve done? It can be anything, really. Just something you did that was selfless and honorable.

And hey, if you don’t have a wholesome secret, there’s no time like the present to go out and create one!

Everybody needs some kindness in their lives, right?

The post 16 People Share Their Most Wholesome Secrets appeared first on UberFacts.

15 Doctors Share What They Wish Patients Knew About Their Bodies

When you go to the doctor, ask as many questions as possible. It’s your body, take charge of it!

In this AskReddit article, doctors share what they wish everyone knew about their bodies.

1. I did not know that!

“Ejaculating blood happens to most people at least once in their lives and in 99% of cases it resolves without taking any action within a week. It doesn’t even warrant a doctor visit.

Peeing blood (for both sexes) is a serious medical emergency and you should immediately go to the ER.

People think it’s the other way around.”

2. Good to know

“This one is more about medication:

Antibiotics only work against bacteria, they are not some kind of wonderpotion that cures anything, and they should not always be given

Please please stick to your prescription the doctor gives you. Even if you already feel better, dont just stop unless the doctor says you can stop. A lot of medication needs to be taken according to the prescription in order for it to be effective, because you build up the dosis to an effective level. Stopping or not sticking to it really decreases effectivity.”

3. Nothing to be embarrassed about

“That there is a wide range of ‘normal’. Don’t be embarrassed by your body. Having said that, if you are concerned about anything, ask your doctor. We have generally heard it all before, and trust me, we have (nearly always) seen it all before. Maybe you have something that has been bothering you for ages, but you were too scared or embarrassed to ask about it … Just ask! It might be ‘nothing’ and you have been stressing about it for no reason. And if not, then you are at least one step closer to getting it fixed. No one can help if they don’t know. There are no stupid questions, so ask away.

I’m always amazed when I have been asked about something that has been bothering a patient for years and years, but they were too embarrassed / scared to bring it up. Most of the time, it is nothing / a completely normal body function / feature. Other times, it is something that should have been discussed right away.

YOU know your body best. So speak up! Don’t wait for the doctor to “ask the right question”.”

4. No narcs

“Tell us what drugs and alcohol you’re on.

We aren’t gonna tell the cops. We aren’t gonna lecture you.

But it might change the anesthesia I give you. Some stuff I give you might kill you. If you drink a 30 pack a day, tell me.”

5. Doesn’t work that way

“Some people seem to think that if you act healthy for a bit, it’ll make up for being a wreck.

There are so many things wrong with this. Just one example – antioxidants are like gas for your car. You can store up a certain amount of vitamins, but your tank can only hold so much. If you binge and overfill your tank, it doesn’t do anything (you excrete it out as waste), and you can’t expect to go the next several months without gas just because you tried to overload it before. You’re going to still need to get gas. Same goes for your fruits and veggies.

Had someone tell me he went vegetarian for a few weeks, which meant he was done for the year. He was dead serious.

Had a patient at risk for heart failure try to insist that if she stayed away from salt entirely for x days/weeks, she should be able to have her fill of McDonald’s fries and ramen.

Had a smoker argue that if he stopped for some time, he should be able to smoke freely for a while. With some digging, “stopping” turned out to mean a couple less cigarettes a day.”

6. Get out there and move!

“You need some kind of exercise. Doesn’t matter how you feel right now, sitting for 12-16 hours a day will have negative consequences.”

7. BS

“Your kidneys and liver cheerfully do all the toxin elimination you’ll ever need. Cleanses and other “detoxifying” products are bullshit woo and a waste of money. The people who sell them are predators who only care about your money becoming theirs.”

8. Very serious

“Type 2 Diabetes is more serious than most people realize. I work as a doctor in hemodialysis and most of them are due to diabetic nephropathy. It also affects your eyes nerves immune system etc. Simple life changes can help you but noone seems to care. I even lost 9 kg myself because I had a family history of diabetes and to be healthy.”

9. Get it checked out

“How to check for skin cancer. If you see any moles or anything that are:

A – asymmetrical B – border (odd borders, like they’re jagged or something) C – Colour (different colours) D – Diameter (grows) E – Evolve (Well, evolves)

Go get it checked out. It might be skin cancer.”

10. Eat healthy

“How to eat healthy. Just because you’re skinny doesn’t mean you’re healthy. Especially the teenagers who I take care of. Sometimes I will ask them what’s a healthy food your doctor wants you to eat? Rarely do I get a right answer. I feel like the internet has so many fad diets, and family members rarely cook, so families don’t know basic nutrition facts.”

11. Some good tips

“-Antibiotics are not some magic cure for every pain in your body, nor for the flu or common cold.

-Never ever boil breast milk (in my country there is a popular belief that breast milk jaundice in newborns can be treated by boiling one’s breast milk – but by doing this you destroy all the nutrients and it basically becomes as nutritious as water is).

-Do not give honey to children below the age of 1.

-Do not rub your child with rubbing alcohol as to lower his fewer.

-Baby wipes don’t substitute daily baths/showers.

Yes, I am a pediatrician.”

12. Know your meds

“This is going to sound really basic, but i wish my patients would know what meds they are on when they come to the hospital. At least once a day comes somebody in who goes ” yeah i take 8 pills in the morning, 3 in the evening, and 4 at lunch but dont ask me which, youre a doctor, you should know”.

I beg of you, before going to a doctor that has never seen you before, write your meds, dosis and all on a piece of paper.”

13. Still might feel normal

“You often will feel normal even with high blood pressure. It’s often found incidentally. So don’t wait until it gives you symptoms you don’t want to go through.”

14. Very complex

“That the immune system is an incredibly complex and nuanced organization of cells that communicates readily to destroy anything deemed hostile within the body. It helps explain why vaccines are supposed to work, why allergies come and go, and why transfusions/transplants are hard to successfully pull off.”

15. The final word

“You only get one body. The way you treat it has a significantly higher impact in how your health will end up in a decade than what sort of interventions we can give you. You really should treat your body like a temple.”

The post 15 Doctors Share What They Wish Patients Knew About Their Bodies appeared first on UberFacts.