People Share the Way They Got Revenge on Those Who Wronged Them

As the saying goes, revenge is a dish best served cold.

And these folks behind these stories certainly know that to be true…because they got revenge on people who messed with them in major ways.

Check out these twisted tales from people on AskReddit.

Do you have a killer revenge story of your own? Share it in the comments with us.

1. Let’s start with a long story.

“When I was 15 years old, my parents divorced. We lived on a farm and I bucked bails and pulled fence year-around to pay for motorcycle gas. I was also about 6’4″, 300lbs at the time and in varsity football.

I wasn’t taking the divorce so well, so I moved in with my mom, who had just got her own place. I was in my bedroom one day and heard a commotion, so I went to the kitchen to look. Right as I turned the corner, I saw her new boyfriend (we’ll call him jim, because that was his name) backhand my mom, knocking her to the floor. She scurried to her feet in disbelief, grabbed her keys and ran out of the house. Moments later, I heard her lay rubber in the driveway..

Seeing my mother flee from this man with such panic and fear in her eyes filled me with rage. I’ve been mad before, but not like this. I wasn’t mad, I was full of pure hatred and rage. My life sucked already. My parents were going though a very very messy divorce, I was a misfit in school, my younger brother and sister were both suffering as well, so all-in-all, I was already furious about everything up until this very second.

I confronted jim, who stood 5’5” and maybe 150lbs max, about hitting my mother, trying to the best of my ability to hold back the rage. He made the worst mistake possible. Jim got physical with me. He raised his hand up like he was going to backhand me and that’s when I snapped.

I don’t remember how his swing landed. I’m not sure if he was able to land a blow or not, everything was just a blur. The next thing I could really remember was sitting on his chest punching his face so hard, the back of his head was bouncing off the linoleum. I hit him until he was unconscious and bleeding from both every hole in his face.

I stood up and went to the bathroom to clean myself. When I got back to the kitchen, he was still unconscious on the kitchen floor. The pool of blood around his head was still growing. At this point, I thought I had killed him. I dragged him out of the house by his feet to the back of his hilariously jacked-up ford pickup. I dropped the tail-gate and threw him into the bed of his truck. I threw his coat, keys and anything else I could find of his in the house in the bed with him and went back into the house.

About an hour and a half later, I heard his truck start-up and drive off. When my mom came home, she did not even ask about my hands or the half-cleaned bloody drag marks on the front patio, concrete walkway and the grass. I’m sure she knew exactly what had happened. I’m half convinced that she anticipated my reaction and that may be why she left me at the house with jim after he hit her.. I don’t know..

I saw jim in a gas station several years later and his face still showed obvious signs of trauma. Bags under his eyes, twisted nose, missing teeth up front, etc. And yes, I feel terrible, still. ?

2. Wow!

“My then-high-school-girlfriend was a total bitch, and wanted me to abandon all of my friends, would always try to bring me down, etc.

When I got fed up, I broke up with her on picture day. She took them, but her mascara was everywhere. Two days later, I told her that I was sorry, blahblah, and I wanted to get back together. She liked having someone to walk on, so of course she said yes. I then broke up with her again on retake day.”

3. That’s what friends are for.

“I had a friend in high school who became an asshole during our senior year. There were a bunch of little things that added up to our friendship falling apart, but at the worst of it I pooped on his car one night.

Real simple, I just crawled up on the hood of his car and took a shit on his windshield. I just knew that he’d walk outside the next day and think, “what the fuck is this?””

4. Cheated on.

“In 2009 I deployed for a 6 month tour to the Helmend Province in Afghanistan. Running at least weekly missions from Leatherneck to Now Zad. We were the only unit that would run that route in the entire AO, it was that bad.

A month into the deployment, I was just getting 6 months into my first “real” relationship. It was long distance, as I was stationed in NC and she lived back home in NY. We were planning on getting married, but my Staff Sergeant gave me a little speech and I decided that it was best to wait until after the deployment.

She was already cheating on me 4 months into the relationship. I took it hard. And that’s all I thought about for 6 months while I waited to get back home. I had a bunch of her stuff, and she had some of mine. I never got any of my stuff back, but she had given me this tiny little dancer trinket to wear on my dog tags. Her mother had given it to her before she ran off, so it had some sentimental value to her. ‘

Oh, and 5 months into my deployment, her new Level 3 sex-offender boyfriend who she left me for goes back to prison for probation violation. I get a message over Facebook that she “Just found out she’s six months pregnant, and it’s mine.” There’s no way you “just find out you’re 6 months pregnant” when you weigh 110 pounds soaking wet. It was a sham to get me back, there was no pregnancy.

6 months later, I arrive back home. I go into the Subway where she works, and lo-and-behold she’s working. I walk in, and she goes “Welcome to Su…” and cuts off mid-sentence as she sees me, with a look of absolute horror on her face. I walk in, walk up to the counter, look her dead in the eyes, set the dancer trinket on the counter, shake my head, and turn around and walk out. I could hear her start crying before I got to the door.

I’m much more successful out of the military. I have a great job, an amazing girlfriend, and a sweet townhome. I’m about to get a dog here soon. I’ve never blocked her on Facebook, I just don’t see her updates in my news feed. She’ll poke me every once and a while, but I never poke back. It’s nice to know that she can watch me be successful without her, and I know her life is in shambles. About once a year she tries to message me and ask me how I’m doing, but it usually ends with her going on some depressing rant about how she fucked up and wishes she never cheated on me and left me.”

5. No regrets.

“I had a loud ass apartment neighbor that was always causing problems. My wife got fed up one night when him and his drunk friends were wrestling in the parking lot while making a ton of noise and called the cops.

This was an angry drunk Mexican that decided to retaliate for the cops getting called by breaking my antenna off my car as soon as the cops leave.

I fumed about the antenna for a week or so when the dick came back home drunk again at 6 AM again waking me up as he thundered up the stairs. It wasn’t till a couple hours later we noticed he left his keys in the door of his apartment. I snuck up the stairs and took his keys right out of the lock and chucked them in a ditch a block away.

The best part was hearing him storm around tearing his place up looking for them. You could hear the prick moving furniture and shit. His truck had two separate alarms and after he lost his remotes he had to replace both of them. I regret nothing.”

6. You’re in trouble.

“My first high school bf was not very good with grades so he asked me to make him a fake report so he could show his parents and not get into trouble. He also cheated on me with my best friend and dumped me. He then promised to get back with me if I forged the report for him.

I agreed up until the day when we were meant to get our reports for school. I told him I didnt do it. He got bashed by his dad when he got home for the string of D’s and F’s.”

7. You’re gonna get sued.

“I went to school with someone who was a real dick. He bullied me a substantial amount and eventually I got fed up with it.

One day when we were in the library, I saw him log on. As he went to access his emails, I snuck a look at the keyboard and noticed his password . Lo and behold, the idiot used his name and a number and that was it.

Queue creeper time. When I went home I had a quick look through his emails. I noticed a rather interesting discussion between himself and a friend of his. To cut a long story short, his mother had convinced centrelink (unemployment benefits in Australia, maybe elsewhere, I don’t know) that he had a learning disability in order to claim more money.

I forward this email archive along with his password to Centrelink. They probably couldn’t directly access his email account due to redtape, however, I think someone must have done it off the books. A few weeks later at school I hear that ‘Bob’s’ family was getting taken to court and being forced to pay back all the excess money that was claimed under false circumstances.

I don’t know how it ended up as I graduated before the case was settled but I know they had to pay back several thousand dollars at the least.”

8. Win in the end.

“About 4 years ago, I found out my husband of ten years was fucking around with a girl he went to high school with. (It should be noted that they never dated because, according to him, she was too much of a whore not to fuck more than one dude at a time) At this time, I was a full time student and he was financially supporting us and our toddler. When I found out, I flipped shit, understandably.

He called me a psycho and decided he wanted to leave me for her. So I quit school for a year, worked two jobs, paid for the divorce and supported our child by myself. I ended up supporting myself thru school, graduating with honors, landing my dream job and generally kicking ass on my own. He, on the other hand, has been cheated on several times, lives in a shitty trailer park with his whore girlfriend and generally is a loser. Technically not fucked up revenge, just very very sweet.”

9. Hahahaha.

“I live in a very small town so locking your car doors is not very common. One day my friend played a prank by putting dog shit under my car seat on a hot summer day so my car smelled terrible for a week.

At this time I was dating his sister and she would send me nude pics, one day I showed him a pic of just her boobs and he got excited and asked me to send it to him. I figured he was going to wack off to it so I sent it to him and then told him a few weeks later who it was…6years later I’m engaged to his sister and we still have never talked about it.”

10. Break a leg.

“When I was seven, the Monica Lewinsky scandal happened, and my name happens to be Monica. You can imagine what a bunch of immature kids liked to call me. One girl who was several years older than me, whom I never talked to before, kept picking on me and calling me Monica Lewinsky. I asked her to stop, and she didn’t. Keep in mind that this girl was pretty big compared to me.

One day, she was playing on this jungle gym in the shape of a fire engine and was trying to balance, so I took advantage of her vulnerability and started tickling her. When I noticed she didn’t like being tickled and was losing her balance, I continued to tickle, which was probably my innocent way of being violent. The girl eventually lost her balance, fell down, and broke her leg. When I saw her later on in a cast with crutches, she looked at me with this apologetic expression and never called me Monica Lewinsky again. She was afraid of me, a little seven-year-old girl.”

11. Bad parents.

“I have one I’m about to do in a couple days. See my parents suck, I’ve been taking care of them for a while, while also going to school and what not, and still they are trying to cheat me, pawn my things, etc. But I’ve become fed up with them. I’m out of town at the moment, but when I get back, the next time they ask me to walk two miles to get them a pack of cigarettes, I will walk outside, around the house, have a friend with a van come.

Bring my pre packed shit out of the basement entrance, leave and stay at my friends house for a few days until the day my train ticket is planned for, then move 2000 miles across the country and live with another friend who just got me a job. Rendering them worthless pillheads waiting for a pack of pal mal menthol 100’s for the rest of their sad lives.”

12. Oh, Vanessa…

“My sister used to beat me up, steal my birthday money, call me a fag in front of friends and girls i liked. when mom went shopping for Xmas my sister would tell her to buy me these horrible clothes to make me look the part. Pretty much was just a total bitch to me. So everytime i had to pee in the shower id pee in her shampoo and body wash all over her razor, body sponge thing , everything. Fuck you Vanessa.”

13. Life blew up.

“I too dated a cheating girl. But I’ll start by saying I’m stupid and took her back after the first time. The first time she cheated it was with her “ex”boyfriend. I knew it was happening so I got her phone and got his number and I called him. He, naturally, didn’t know anything about it and I 100% believe him because she is a scum liar. So we set it up for her to meet him in a park to which I’d be there too. Unfortunately, the ex couldn’t follow through with it and and the plans foiled but her double life still blew up in her face.

But the better one was I knew she was cheating on me with this dude named Tim. So one afternoon I had her come over to my house. She said she had dinner plans and wouldn’t be around that night. So I wanted to fuck her one last time so I had her bent over my bed and was fucking her doggy style. I took a sharpie marker that I had laying on my night stand and, while fucking her, wrote “Hi Tim” on her ass. Again, he knew nothing about me and, again, her life blew up in her face.”

Yikes! Those were some stone cold revenge stories, right? People can be brutal AF sometimes…

Alright, it’s comment time! Let us know your faves!

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15 People Share the Things They Regret Finding out in Their Lives

Sometimes, you find out things that you wish you hadn’t…

Have you ever discovered something in your life that you really wish you hadn’t? Something that changed the way you thought about things or people?

I know I have, and I wish I could turn back the clock and erase those certain things from my mind. But…that’s life…

AskReddit users shared the things they wish they’d never learned in their lives.

1. Robbing the cradle.

“My mum was 14 when she met my dad. He was 24.”

2. Sad…

“That my best friend took her own life. She told me she was moving and gave me all her stuff because she said she had a furnished room where she was going. I hadn’t heard from her in awhile and she never answered my texts so i looked up her name to see if she had an accident. Nope, it was suicide. The kicker is she had talked me out of it back in 2014 and i wasn’t able to be there for her.”

3. She knew…

“That my mother knew she had cancer a year before she told anyone or rather, a year before she was “diagnosed” after I literally forced her to see a doctor for her then extremely distended stomach.

I was under the impression that we told each other absolutely everything because up until that point, we did. I found out the truth a month after she died when I’d requested all of her cancer-related paperwork from her oncologist.”

4. Uh oh…

“That my younger sister has a high rank in a local BDSM club…”

5. That’s a lot to handle.

“My dad informed me when i got back from Iraq that I was the reason he and my mother got a divorce. I never really wanted to join the military anyways, and it fucked me up big time. They had financial troubles and my mom sent me care packages quite a lot. Apparently, that put them into bankruptcy, and if I hadn’t joined it wouldnt have happened. I just wanted to get out of that house because it was like I didnt exist.

Edit: I’ve never received this much support regarding this issue. Thank you. For the first time I think I really believed it when I told myself it wasn’t my fault. I’m smiling so hard through the tears. Seriously thank you.”

6. Way too young for that…

“Mom telling me on regular basis when depressed that she wishes she would fall asleep and never wake up. Don’t tell a six year old this, damn.”

7. Family history.

“I didn’t meet my dad until i was 15. It was in secret since my mother wanted nothing to do with him. Within the first 3 sentences exchanged, he felt the need to tell me that i was conceived on a beach in July during the last time they had sex. I was the product a going-away fuck in a relationship doomed before my conception. He followed it up with “We were good at two things, me and your mom. Fightin and fuckin. Unfortunately we were fighting more than we were fucking so it stopped being worth it.”

10 years later and this is still how i get my family history.”

8. Didn’t need to hear that.

“When I was about 14 my mom took me to a tattoo shop to get her nipples pierced. While the procedure was happening, she turned to me and said “your Dad bites harder then that”……I could have lived without that info.”

9. Bad news.

“That my father cheated on my mother on a regular basis, I discovered he even went in an orgy while with my mom which is not a cool thing to learn when you’re 15 and don’t know if you’re mother knows or not.”

10. Awful.

“That my grandmothers fiancé is a convicted pedophile, she doesn’t care and has moved in with him. He was a teacher at a middle school and sexually abused and violently assaulted 3 handicapped children.”

11. Wow…

“That I’m possibly inbred. My dad had a kid with his first cousin and the kid had down syndrome and a hole in his heart (sweet as can be and really good at videogames). Apparently that was a little common on my dad’s side so it’s possible I’m slightly inbred.”

12. Terrible.

“My mother died in a car accident when I was three. I found out from a newspaper article years later that it was her fault. She wasn’t paying attention and crossed the yellow line and ended both her life and that of the person in the other car.”

13. Defrocked.

“I regret finding out that a priest I used to admire was a pedophile and has since been defrocked.”

14. That’s pretty classy.

“Finding out my ex had slept with my uncle and 3 of my friends…”

15. Totally gut wrenching.

“Looking on my ex gf’s phone when we were on a trip to Ithaca NY. I would take any physical pain I’ve had so far over that I felt when I saw the things on there. Totally gut wrenching. I wanted to marry her.”

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People Share the Weirdest Gifts They’ve Ever Received

It’s officially the holiday season! Lots of gifts, including really odd gifts from your family, most notably your Uncle Al who likes to give really weird presents every year.

Do you have someone in your family who gives odd gifts for holidays and birthdays?

These AskReddit users certainly do…

1. Thanks, Mom…

“One year I came home for Christmas and my mom had been asking me what I wanted for Christmas and I told her I didn’t want anything, I had everything I need and not to get me anything.

Well, come Christmas morning there were a number of gifts with my name on them.. we always hand out all the gifts first and we each had a pretty decent pile..

We always start with the youngest and go up so I was like 3rd or 4th in line, and everyone had pretty normal gifts.. gloves, PJs, usual winter gift stuff.

My turn comes up, I probably have maybe 8 or 9 small packages to open. I open the first one and it’s a box of hamburger helper.. I laughed and was like, uh thanks Mom..and then I continue.. after 3 boxes of hamburger/tuna helper there’s a couple cans of chef boyardee and spaghettios and I’m like.. do you think I’m not eating or something, or are you trying to kill me? What’s with all the random food?

Her response? “No, I just felt bad that you didn’t have anything to open on Christmas! You can go put those back in the cabinet when you’re done.”

Thanks, mom. ?

2. What a gift!

“A co-worker of mine won a radio show contest where people were invited to describe the crappiest office gift they ever got. My friend was the secretary of an IT company and her boss gave her a plastic bowl for Christmas. And it wasn’t even a nice plastic bowl. The first time she put it in the microwave, it melted. She won the contest and got a $100 gift card to Outback Steak House. Her boss insisted she take him since it was his crappy gift that caused her to win the contest.”

3. There’s always an uncle like this…

“My uncle is notoriously cheap. One year he gave me a magazine that had Ichiro Suzuki on the cover. It was a free magazine (as it stated on the bottom of the cover). Another year he also gave me a free t-shirt he had gotten for running a race. Possibly the best, was the birthday gift he gave my dad one year- a McDonalds Happy Meal toy.:

4. Can’t talk trash because he’s the boss.

“Maybe not the most WTF, but at my old company, we had a secret Santa gift exchange. The manager drew my name, and gifted me a very clearly used zoodler. He proceeded to explain, in front of everyone, that he though I would have more use for it, as he only ate “real noodles”.

I don’t work there anymore.”

5. What are you talking about, Granny?

“I got a 3 foot tall stuffed Mr. Peanut doll from my 89 year old Grandma for Christmas…when I was 23.

She said “I know how you like to collect things like this.” Not sure what she was talking about.

I did kind of love it though and still have it 12 years later.”

6. Mocked mercilessly.

“An Egyptian pharaoh pen when i was in middle school. It was all gold colored, and the pen barrel stuck out between his legs. Needless to say i was mocked mercilessly by my classmates for having this massive Egyptian dong pen.”

7. Give it away, now.

“I have been disabled my entire life. It affects the footwear choices in my life. My mom has bought me dozens of pairs of slippers that I cannot wear. Sometimes multiple pairs per year. I have given up at this point. I just give them away.

When I was a teen, before I moved out she also had given me embroidered dish towels with weird sayings.

She also refuses to actually get my damn size and just holds clothes in the air and looks at them to decide if it looks like it should fit.”

8. An empty box.

“A cheese and champagne gift set that had the champagne and most of the other goodies taken out of it. So cheese in a mostly empty box.”

9. Thanks?

“When I was a kid (6 or 7) I had surgery on nearly all of the fingers on my dominant hand (the other hand came later!), scary surgery for a kid though pretty simple, mostly boring and a few weeks of pain, my aunt (who I love) sent me a coloring book in the hospital as a “cheer-up” / “pass the time” gift.

If it’s the thought that counts, I like to say, we should think hard ….”

10. Actually…

“I randomly went to some extended family Christmas event and they gave me a woven basket. Within ten minutes, they had asked for the basket back. It “meant something” to them?? I didn’t really care, I thought it was odd and funny.”

11. Dammit, Mom!

“A lavender gift set (eye mask, cream, perfume) from my mother in law. I am severely allergic to lavender, and she knows this.”

12. Sharing and caring.

“Christmas, 1993. I was eleven.

My grandma gave me one half of a pool cue.

She gifted the other half to my then-8-year-old brother.

Grandma: “See? You can only use it if you two cooperate and share!”

We did not own a pool table.”

13. WTF?

“When I was accepted into my business college they sent me a single sock.”

14. A great Christmas.

“I was once given some yeast, a cucumber and a pack of Toblerone for a secret Santa.”

15. I need that DVD in my life.

“My little brother bought me a “How to become a Male Model” DVD. Got drunk with my buddy and his girlfriend. We were laughing the whole time. Then she wanted to watch it again and they had a fight over it.”

The post People Share the Weirdest Gifts They’ve Ever Received appeared first on UberFacts.

Mall Santas Share Their Favorite Stories from Their Holiday Jobs

You have to be a special sort of person to take a job as a mall Santa during the holidays. For one thing, you have to look the part! Also, dealing with kids (and their parents’ expectations!) for hours every day can’t be the easiest task – especially when the season already has people stressed out.

If you want to know why they do it (or at least how they get through it) here are 15 stories that make the experience a little more real.

15. A kid that’s going places, for sure.

Not a Santa, but I have been a Mrs. Claus for the last few years and I always ask the kids what they want while we do our crafts.

My favorite was this 4-5 year old girl that told me she wanted “one of those loud horns”. She made a gesture like she was using those canned air horns and she made a little horn sound. She said she wants to use it to wake up her baby brother when he naps in the daytime so he “knows what it’s like.”

14. It’s best to be specific.

Not a santa but an elf.

I read a letter (maybe I shouldn’t have) from a child who asked for a dolphin, specifically not autistic. Not sure if he had had a bad experience with disabled dolphins or what but he was about 6 years old .

13. Well, Santa tried.

My 3 year old son asked Santa once for “a baby rhino” Santa told him that “The baby rhinos mama would be very sad to lose her baby though”

Then my son said, “okay, well I’ll take the mama too, maybe she can sleep in my moms bed”

12. Lol, yikes.

Many years ago a small girl would not tell her mother what she wanted for Christmas. Mom told me the problem and I was to tell her after the kid jumped off my lap. The little girl hopped up and told me she wanted some make up and some tits…. ok now I have to tell mom.

11. That Santa probably had some *thoughts*.

My sister asked Santa for “Black Men” for Christmas. She meant “Men in Black.”

10. I bet he had a baby sibling.

Not me but my dad

a kid asked for his moms milk he was like 7

9. This is so incredibly pure.

I was an assistant manager for a mall Santa with Noerr Programs. There was a special needs 20-something black guy that would come by nearly every day. He easily weighed more than 250 pounds so we did eventually convince him to sit next to Santa instead of on his lap. Every time he had to remind Santa what he wanted for Christmas. His list was Home Alone on DVD, Straight Outta Compton on DVD, and Prince’s 1999 album on CD. Santa was awesome and brought him the Prince CD a few days before Christmas.

8. It’s always the younger sibling you have to watch out for.

Yesterday the big sister asked for a pet mouse, the little sister asked for a snake.

7. That’s not as weird as it is sweet.

Not a mall santa my friend was one. He said that the weirdest thing he heard from a kid was a husband for his mom.

6. This is tough.

I worked in Russia as “Snow Maiden”. This is a Christmas character here, Santa Claus granddaughter. One of the children in a wheelchair asked to walk again. It was hard.

Upd. For people’s, who wanted funny answer. In my practis was a boy, who wanted a girlfriend. He was 5-6 years.

5. Being a parent is hard.

Was a Santa at a party last week. A kid asked for a whistle that she could blow at night to wake her mom up and scare her when she was sleeping.

I said “No, that would put you on the Naughty list, let your mom sleep you little gremlin.”

Mom laughed.

4. Smart kid.

My uncle was a Santa and he told me that one year a kid asked for a coffee maker because he wanted to start his own Starbucks coffee stand instead of a lemonade stand. Apparently business was not very good as a lemonade stand but he noticed a lot of adults drink coffee, so he’d make coffee.

That kid is probably a millionaire now.

3. Bread is life.

A piece of toast.

2. You sit on a throne of lies!

For me to “stop upholding this charade”

1. Did your dad tell you to say that?

There was a joke a radio host told that I heard about 10 years ago or so and there was a mall santa and this kid, and the kid wanted a tonka truck that had a hitch or crane/hook or something, and when it comes time to tell santa what he wants the kid says “I want a truck with a hooker”

I couldn’t do it, I don’t think!

Have you ever played Santa? What’s the best/worst thing that ever happened to you when you did?

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People Share What They Think Are the Toxic Ideas Spread on Reddit

Reddit can be a good site to connect with people and to learn about different topics, but let’s face the facts: there are a lot of people out there with dangerous ideas that spread like wildfire on the Internet.

That’s why it’s important to find your news from reputable sources…which can definitely be hard to do these days.

Folks on AskReddit shared what they think are the toxic and potentially dangerous ideas and beliefs that people share on Reddit. Share your thoughts in the comments.

1. Deviating from the norm.

“Absolutely hating on those that deviate from the norm. Hating on people that conform to society’s norms but not Reddit’s norms. Hating on people trying to have fun or hobbies.”

2. Pure selfishness.

“Glorification of selfishness. I get the impression a ton of people on this site have difficulty asserting themselves, or recognizing or setting their own boundaries, because Reddit is full of advice geared toward people with these problems.

What these posters seem to forget is that not everyone is codependent with self-esteem through the floor. And yet anytime anyone wants to get out of something that someone else wants them to do, Reddit leaps to “no is a complete sentence! Put yourself first! Don’t JADE!” In real life though, maintaining healthy relationships requires sometimes doing things you aren’t thrilled about for others’ sake.”

3. Let’s see the proof.

“Reddit is very much “Guilty until proven innocent”.

They will jump straight down the throat of any alleged criminal with 0 facts, 0 context, and demand they be sentenced to years behind bars, or worse.”

4. Quick to judge.

“Reddit has a tendency to label people “toxic” and encourage relationship advice that isn’t great.”

5. That’s bizarre.

“Worshipping celebrities. 10 year olds don’t need to receive death threats because he’s never heard of a 55 year old actor.”

6. Hostile to the facts.

“Reddit is extremely hostile to actual expertise. If you state outright “I do this professionally and you are wrong” it will send people into an impotent rage. If you don’t say so, they will smugly keep missing the point. There really is no good way to try to correct misconceptions or bad information.”

7. Amen to this one.

“To an extent, Reddit plays a role in the growing anti-intellectualism. There seems to be a large assumption that this is a website of experts and lengthy replies must be credible. I saw a fellow redditor describe it perfectly, “you finally realize how little most redditors know when they start talking about a topic you happen to be well researched in”.

I see this in two places primarily, topics about public education (I am a middle school teacher) and topics such as anti-vaccine. I understand reddit hates anti-vax for good reason, but it is also stuck in the old “anti-vaxxers are just stupid” stereotype. Instead of educating and helping the problem, they just poke fun. This unfortunately drives more anxious parents toward anti-vax communities. A little empathy, understanding, and education would do more to combat ideologies such as anti-vaccines than anything reddit actually does.”

8. Does that mean you can do whatever you want?

“Those people who make introversion out to be an excuse for some pretty terrible antisocial/misanthropic/unacceptable behavior.

I don’t like loud spaces and can feel overwhelmed by crowds of people; I would pay not to go to a concert. I also genuinely love the people in my life and will always make time for anyone who needs me. In my experience this is true for everyone extroverts and introverts alike.”

9. Don’t take this advice.

“Everyone is an armchair psychologist. You post about feeling sad sometimes and inevitably someone is like “thats because you have atypical depression and bipolar disorder” or whatever.”

10. Come on Reddit…

“One example of this….a medical doctor posts a well written comment about the dangers of over prescribing anti biotics. Top comment of the thread. Tons of awards. Later a 2nd year med student posts a similar comment. Still well written but maybe misses a few key points specifying how and why. Again…top comment of the thread. Gilded to the nines.

Later a college freshman bio major writes a pretty bad summary of the situation but it’s part of the Reddit hive mind echo chamber so anyone who bothers to correct him gets misinterpreted and downvoted. And so on and so on until someone LITERALLY TELLS ME they read on Reddit that taking antibiotics is dangerous and will lead to a super disease that will wipe out humanity. Come on Reddit….”

11. Stereotyping.

“Stereotyping, in general, seems rampant. Many comments and posts seem to believe that individuals are incapable of independent thought and just reflect the race/religion/gender/ethnicity/group/nationality/political party/subreddit/culture they belong to.

People are varied even within ideologies. Argue points and issues, not identities.”

12. That’s not good.

“If your partner does anything at all that you dislike, you should dump them, take them to the police, avoid all other partners in the future, etc etc.

Particularly prevalent in Relationships, Relationship Advice, AmITheAsshole and even just AskReddit itself. It’s rather appalling, and it seems to be pushed by people who have no idea what being in a relationship is actually like. It’s not fucking easy basically, you want to love something and be in a completely committed relationship? Prepare to fight for it, because it is not easy.”

13. What about the gray areas?

“Failure to acknowledge any nuance or gray areas. People feel the need to go all in on one side for any issue. I think they feel they’ll look weak or hurt their argument by relenting on any point. Or having a discussion on any point.”

14. Bad advice.

“That whenever someone in your life isn’t behaving perfectly or 100% supporting of you all the freaking time, you need to “cut them out of your life” because they are “abusive” and “toxic”.

I’m curious how many families have been ruined by such destructive advice.”

15. Most people are good people.

“Most Americans I know are nowhere as racist, dumb or fat as reddit makes everyone else think.

A good bunch of them are smart, hardworking people, and are also nowhere as extremist as to be considered far-right, far-left, etc. Reddit might be a huge echo chamber in politics, but, at least the Americans I know, have moderate views and are easy-going people.”

The post People Share What They Think Are the Toxic Ideas Spread on Reddit appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share the Weirdest Places They’ve Ever Fallen Asleep

Where’s the weirdest place you’ve ever fallen asleep? At your job? Your car? In a dumpster? It’s okay, you can tell us, we won’t judge you.

AskReddit users shared their stories…tell us your stories in the comments.

1. Sleeping on the job.

“On film sets.

First time we were sat in a comfy auditorium for hours on end fake clapping and laughing. One after another someone would doze off and if an AD noticed they’d wake us up – unless the person was quiet enough and the others were making enough noise. During a particular slow turnover I dozed off, and during this period of my life I was a bit phlegmy so I didn’t realise my head had rocked back and I was snoring….. Loud .

Eventually when I came to – the crew were still doing adjustments, I remember this girl’s face as she looked up at me with the most appalled look on her face. I must’ve been snoring badly.

Second time this happened it was very unexpected, I was playing a refugee in a tent with other extras – the director had to place me further away from the others and turn me away from the camera because of how I looked. I lay there awake but pretending to be unconscious for the first and second take. I then wake after who-knows-how-long to clapping and an AD praising us: “…and that’s a wrap guys!”.

My friend on set (another extra) came up to me to say that I didn’t move an inch even when he tried to tell me jokes (we had just clicked on set and were having a lot of fun that day). I had to ask him how long has it been since we started rolling and find out that it’s been a good 3-4 hours….. Easiest paycheck I have or will make in my life.”

2. Very ironic…

“I fell asleep one time waiting before a medical procedure. They had to wake me up so that I could sign paperwork permitting them to put me to sleep.

Oh the irony.”

3. Must’ve been a slow day.

“In the back of an ambulance.

I’m the paramedic.”

4. That sounds scary.

“In a crawlspace when I was a technician for a laboratory.”

5. Very dangerous.

“Underneath the car while doing an oil change.”

6. Didn’t see that coming.

“Wiz Khalifa concert.

Everyone was so high, I fell asleep for a few minutes standing up & the crowd was so thick I didn’t even fall over.”

7. Standing up.

“On the bus, standing up.

In my defense, it was a traffic jam and I hadn’t slept the previous night.”

8. Thanks for the blanket.

“In college, I took a cognitive neuroscience course that involved designed experiments to be carried out in an MRI and how to analyze the brain images afterwards. As part of the course, we all carried out our studies, and I volunteered to be a participant for a few.

When I went to get in the MRI, the tech said I couldn’t wear my sweatshirt in due to the metal near the aglets, so she got me a blanket to keep warm. And to keep my head propped at the right angle, they gave me a stack of pillows.

I definitely unintentionally fucked with someone’s data by falling asleep mid-study.”

9. Sounds kind of nice.

“When I was a kid, like 5 or 6, there was a tree in the front yard I really liked climbing. There was a branch perfectly shaped for little me to lie down on. Early one morning, I woke up and decided to take my sleeping bag up the tree and went back to sleep.”

10. Zzzzzzzzzzz.

“On the deck of a trawler, with a mix of seawater, fish guts, and crude oil lapping against my makeshift bed.”

11. Out in the fields.

“On a tractor while plowing a field. I was doing night shifts during the summer and decided to get some extra hours in during the day so I was tired when doing my actual shift.

I switched on the tractors gps and set it to give me a signal 50 meters before the field ended to wake me up to turn around. The fields were about 1200meters long so id get about 10 mins of sleep befor having to turn around again.”

12. Sounds like a nightmare.

“Techno party with my head on top of a big ass speaker.”

13. They must’ve been desperate.

“During a job interview. He actually had to shake me awake. Weirder yet, I still got the job.”

14. Narcoleptic.

“Bathroom floors, standing up, in the middle of eating. I have narcolepsy so I can seep pretty much anywhere, not always by choice.”

15. Just for a second…

“I volunteered at the local firehouse when I was a teen/early 20s. We got a call one night on the interstate which was a 20 minute drive. Sick me decided to close my eyes thinking I would wake up when the sirens stopped. I woke up when the truck pulled back in the station and turned off with everyone laughing at me.”

The post People Share the Weirdest Places They’ve Ever Fallen Asleep appeared first on UberFacts.

Married People Share Why They and Their Spouse Sleep in Different Rooms

By the sounds of this article, it sure seems like a lot of married people sleep in separate rooms. But what are their reasons?

In case you’ve been wondering why folks out there do this, people on AskReddit shared their personal stories.

Do you do this? If so, let us know why in the comments.

1. The woman next door.

“My grandparents do this. My grandfather built a small apartment on the second floor of their house. They do it because they have different sleep schedules and in general they spend much of the day apart because they like it that way. But they always eat lunch and dinner together, and my grandfather loves to listen to her soft footsteps throughout the day. He calls her “the woman next door.” It’s really cute.”

2. Saved their marriage.

“My parents do this.

My Mom likes to sleep with the TV on, my Dad snores and steals sheets.

My mother claims sleeping separately saved their marriage.”

3. Movin’ out.

“My husband snores so badly. He’s done two sleep studies and used every nasal strip and spray on the market. Nothing helped. We were honestly on the brink of divorce because of how little sleep we were getting. But then our kids wanted to get bunk beds and share a room. My husband moved into the spare room, making it his own, also getting his super firm mattress he prefers.

Honestly, it saved our marriage. Sleep is incredibly important. When you are well rested, little things don’t blow up into big things. It seems odd, even to us, but we try not worry too much about it. I’d argue we’re more connected now than we’ve ever been.”

4. Snoring drove them apart.

“Girlfriend’s parents do this. They both snore and do it to get away from each other’s snoring. I didn’t think it was that bad until they talked about having to sleep in the same bed during their trip in Europe. They were at each other’s throats because if one fell asleep, the other couldn’t.”

5. Part-timers.

“During the Summer I move to another room we call “the wind tunnel”. Basically I have a ceiling fan going almost 24/7 and a window fan above the bed I run from 7pm-8am.

She has allergies and easily gets runny nose and sneezes from any moving air. My body temp will skyrocket and I’ll sweat like crazy in a room devoid of moving air. So she sleeps in a stuffy no air movement master bedroom and I sleep soundly in the Wind Tunnel.

During the winter I move back, cause then I become the ultimate body warmer for her.”

6. Runs in the family.

“My parents slept in separate beds as did my great grandparents. For my great grandparents it was a comfort thing. Grandma didn’t like not being able to move around the bed at will. She and grandpa loved each other dearly and she passed not long after he did because she missed him so much.

For my parents it was a couple things. As my dad aged his sleep cycle went weird. He would be able to sleep a couple hours and then be up half the night and fall asleep again about the time my mom was getting up for work. Also my mom has sleep apnea and uses a cpap. It made hella noise back then. Dad was half deaf and the sound still bothered him. Out of respect for each other they decided it was better to have separate bedrooms.”

7. Sleep noises

“Sometimes I have to sleep on the couch cuz I get hypersensitive to sound, especially human sound, and don’t like the noise his whole existence makes. He gets it luckily.”

8. You’re the culprit.

“Lol. I do this. I am an absolute terrible person to share a bed with. I snore like a passing semi truck and apparently (I’m told) flail wildly in my sleep. When we first got married I kept waking up to an empty bed. She would join me for an hour until I was asleep, then retreat to the couch. After a week or two I got fed up and just went to the couch first. Then started several months of us trading off for the couch. Eventually I just went and bought a twin mattress and tossed it in the office. That became my bed. And when we got a bigger house, I just setup in a separate room.”

9. Makes sense.

“Different sleep cycles and work schedules. He wakes up 3 hours before me.”

10. GTFO.

“We blended two households. His bedroom was fully furnished and the furniture and closet were full. It made sense for my stuff to go in a different bedroom. We started out sleeping in one room or the other but I realized pretty quickly that, if I ever wanted to get a full night’s sleep, it wasn’t going to be in the same bed with him. I’ve been known to call him a sweating, snoring, slant sleeping sonofabitch after a night of his sweating, snoring, and slant sleeping. We do a “your place or mine” thing for nonsleeping activities but GTFO when it’s sleepy time.”

11. Spicy.

“My wife has MS – one of the primary issues she has is vertigo. when i’m in the bed with her, the motion of my breathing/heartbeat/movement really fucks with her vertigo while she sleeps.

Also, i snore, so an isolated coil mattress wouldn’t quite do it(they aren’t total isolation, either, you feel movement) or two beds in one room.

Also, honestly, it spices up the sex life. Adds an element of pursuit and some illicit atmosphere to it, we’re sneaking around the house to each other’s beds to bang.”

12. Did you get into a fight?

“Sleep cycles and she violently tosses around. I’ve been asked by my commander if I got into a fight when I showed up to duty with a black eye.”

13. Not gonna happen.

“Spouse snores, two 60 pound dogs, and a queen size bed. No room for me and I need dead silence.”

14. Need different temps.

“My grandma and grandad do. She likes it freezing and he likes it boiling.”

15. Sounds like a plan to me.

“My step mother’s parents took this to a new level.

He built a second house next door. They lived next to each other for 20 years before they both passed in a short amount of time.

It seemed very odd to me, but it worked for them. At least from an outside perspective. I know images never reflect reality.”

The post Married People Share Why They and Their Spouse Sleep in Different Rooms appeared first on UberFacts.

These Brave Souls Share Their Most Bizarre and Intense McDonald’s Experiences

McDonald’s is so popular because it’s fast, cheap, and convenient. Inevitably, some people will see some strange things there.

A few brave Reddit users decided to spill the beans about some intense experiences there. Their tales are below so you can gasp too.

10. “I Just Sat There in Shock”

Some people will go through great lengths to keep you from touching their stuff.

“As a kid, I was in Detroit at a McDs and went to walk to my table after ordering. Well the guy in front of me was walking out with his order in front of me. He proceeded to leave the doors and brandished a pistol and point it at a couple kids nearby outside. As I sat down, I kept watching him out the window in disbelief. It seemed he was using it to keep the kids away from getting his food. I had no idea what to do and just sat there in shock.” — Chosen2One3

9. “The Cashier Was Super Flustered”

Seems like a tough day!

“Went pretty late at night with 2 friends but we were picking up for a big group. We ended up ordering about 20 McDoubles and 10 McChickens. The cashier was super flustered because they didn’t have a lot of employees working at the time. The manager stepped in and started cranking out McDoubles at lightning speed. I’ve still never had a McDonald’s order that efficient.” —gogiants1226

8. “This Time I Was Able to Save My Food…”

At least this user’s food was safe.

“Oh god. This also happens to be one of my most embarrassing moments.

One time I went in and ordered a dine-in meal. I took my tray of food over to my table and had to cross a “wet floor” area. I slipped like someone on the movies: completely backward, food flying over my head. The staff was nice enough to comp me a fresh meal.

I start to take THAT tray over to the soda machine, slip AGAIN, though this time I was able to save my food by sort of placing it on the counter as I was slipping

Couldn’t save my pride, though. A woman looked at me trying to pull myself off my ass the second time and said, “Are you OKAY??” with a not very subtle tone of disgust.

I think I was wearing new shoes and the soles were extra slick. But OMG.”

7. “That Was a Good Day…”

At least this one has a happy ending.

“This might not be the story you were looking for, but once in high school on lunch break, me and four friends went to a McDonald’s that was known for being a little sketchy, very inner city. We were all good friends so we would always pool our money so everyone could eat. We could only come up with five bucks between us so everyone got one of those one dollar chicken sandwiches they used to have, and we were not satisfied. Then as we were preparing to leave, a little old lady with a big smile came up to our table and said “you know what I see here? Brotherhood.” Weren’t sure what she meant at first, but then we realized that our group consisted of two white kids, one black, one Asian, and one Indian, which would be something she didn’t see much growing up when she was our age. She was so pleased she gave us another five dollars. We each got another sandwich, that was a good day.”—kitchenmutineer

6. A Man “Asked Why I Talk the Way I Do”

Oh no… just no!

“I have a Speech Impediment.

I was coming back from the Hospital because one of my clients was in there for Surgery. I was hungry so I stopped at the McDonald across the street. After I wait in line and I’m done placing my order the man behind me asked why I talk the way I do. Then he started to give me improvised in the spot Speech Therapy.

The worst part? I don’t even think he was a Speech Pathologist.”—northboundcentreriot

5. “We Stopped… So I Could Puke”

Another wholesome tale!

“I flew from ANC to LAX and tend to get travel sick. We were on our way to Disneyland and drove through Compton for some reason and I knew I was going to be sick so we stopped at a McD’s so I could puke. There was a group of super sweet black ladies in the bathroom who held my hair while I projectile vomited. Wasn’t a crazy experience or anything but definitely the most interesting thing that happened in a McDonald’s.”—CatherineConstance

4. “My Ticket Came Out to be $6.66…”

One Reddit user left with some blessings.

“No joke, my ticket came out to be $6.66 and immediately the cashier was like “May God Bless You…’”—YoKris

3. “Someone Found a Hair…”

This is actually sweet.

“When I was in high school, my friends and I used to go to McDonald’s and order a bunch of large fries, then dump them all together on a tray and go to town. Well, once we were about 3/4 of the way through a Fry Tray (TM) and someone found a hair. So they replaced the entire order with a new one”—DenL4242

2. “My Mom Tried to Get Me Out…”

You’ve got to game the system!

“When I was about 4 or 5 years old the playpen was temporarily closed. I was small enough to fit between the bars and had the whole thing to myself for like 3 minutes while my mom tried to get me out. Was eventually asked to leave. Worth it, though.”—ThatAtheistGirl

1. “Oops! I Got in The Wrong Car!”

McDonald’s is strange indeed.

“My wife and I were coming out of a McDonald’s and walking toward our car. As I approached it my driver’s side opened and an elderly lady climbed out holding 2 iced coffees. My wife and I just stared at her and she said: “oops I got in the wrong car” she then walked to her car 2 spaces away that looked nothing like my car. We busted up laughing at her and might have made her feel bad. It was just so funny.” —clearedasfiled

Thankfully everyone made it safely out of McDonald’s. You can read more stories on the original Reddit thread. If you’ve had an intense McDonald’s experience, we’d certainly enjoy knowing about it. Comment below if you wish!

The post These Brave Souls Share Their Most Bizarre and Intense McDonald’s Experiences appeared first on UberFacts.

15 Doctors Admit the Biggest Mistakes They’ve Ever Made in Their Careers

Doctors are only human. That means, among other things, that they are fallible, and they will make mistakes. Most of us try not to think about that fact too hard when they’re in charge of our lives, choosing instead to believe that the statistics are in our favor.

Which they totally are, usually!

And if you want to continue feeling good about that fact, you might want to avoid these 15 confessions.

15. Sort of a happy ending.

Pathologist here. Biggest mistake I ever made was cutting myself during an autopsy on an HIV patient. Lucky for me, I did not acquire the virus, so everything had a happy ending. (For me, anyway. That guy was still dead.)

Edit: Thanks to whoever gave me gold for fucking up at my job.

Edit 2: I am going to personally fillet the next person who says “relevant username”.

14. This is just heartbreaking.

My brother is a surgeon, and during part of his residency, he had to work in the pediatric unit. He was working with two newborns. One was getting much better and fighting for life. He was going to make it just fine. The other baby was hours from death. He wasn’t going to make it. My brother was in charge of informing the families. My brother realized about 15 minutes later that he had mixed up the families. He told the family with the healthy baby that their baby wasn’t going to make it, and he told the family with the dying baby that their baby was going to be just fine. He then had to go back out to the families and explain the situation to them. How devastating. To be given a glimmer or hope and have it ripped away from you not even an hour later. That was most upset I’ve heard my brother. He felt destroyed.

13. She almost killed someone.

In health care, we make mistakes. At every level from the top to the bottom, mistakes get made, and you just try to keep them as infrequent and minimal as possible.

When I was a student rotating through OB/Gyn, and I wrote an order for a woman’s post-partum continuation of magnesium sulfate, as she was pre-eclamptic ante-partum. I was super careful, because I knew what could happen with magnesium toxicity, and double-checked the order with the resident afterwards.

The nurse, instead of hanging one bag of mag-sulfate and another of I forget what, hung two bags of mag-sulfate, one of which she slammed into the patient over a minute, instead of slow-infusing over 12 hours.

The woman told the nurse she didn’t feel right, and the nurse poo-pooed it. I happened to be walking by, and stopped in to see what was up. There they were, two bags hanging, both marked in a bright red warning label. We called for the fast response team.

They, and my team, got there in time and took over, but she still went into respiratory depression and ended up in the ICU.

We all make mistakes, some of which are dangerous. I’ve absolutely made my fair share. I’ve missed diagnoses, or tried to save patients from a trip to the ER and they’ve ended up in the ER anyway, just later. As long as you recognize your mistake and make an effort to improve afterwards, and it wasn’t too neglectful / egregious, I understand.

But I reamed the nurse when I overheard her laughing about the incident like she hadn’t just almost killed someone. I don’t know what she thought, getting told off by a rotating student, but I was pissed at the time.

EDIT: ICU, not ER.

12. Get some sleep, y’all.

My parents are nurses. They knew a doc who’d been on a 36 hour shift. Patient came in with a punctured lung (I think) and the doc had to collapse the lung to fix whatever was wrong with it.

Through tiredness he collapsed the wrong lung, and the patient died. Doc ended up killing himself after being fired.

Don’t burn yourself out.

11. You never forget them.

Doctor here. I assume we mean medical errors and not general life decisions. No comment on life decisions. For medical error, I will not use a throwaway because I strongly think we should feel free to disclose our mistakes in order to improve quality and learn from each other.

My first week of my intern year (year one outside of medical school, when you’re on call overnight and all that, AKA “Season One of Scrubs”), everyone “signs out” their team’s patients to the doctor on call overnight. So that doctor (intern, with an upper-level resident also present overnight to supervise) is covering many patients they hardly know, maybe 60 or more. The situation was that a patient with dementia, unable to really communicate with people and clearly ‘not there’ but conscious, arrived from a nursing home with I think some agitation as the original complaint.

Basic labs ordered in the ER show the kidney function is worse than usual, which could be due to many things, but what really MUST be distinguished is between ‘not enough blood pumped forward to the kidneys and rest of the body’ (e.g. heart is failing and it’s backing up into the lungs) VS ‘not enough liquid in the blood TO flow’ (e.g. due to vomiting a lot or something). This is critical to distinguish because for the first you give medicine to make them pee out the extra liquid, and in the second you give more fluid. Either treatment for the opposite problem is catastrophic. Fortunately it’s usually easy to distinguish ‘wet’ from ‘dry’, based on listening to heart and lungs, chest x-ray (is there ‘congestion’ evidence?), blood pressure and heart rate (tend to drop BP and raise heart rate upon going from laying down to standing positions if you’re too ‘dry’), looking at neck veins while sitting up at an angle (they bulge if too ‘wet’), and so on. This patient was unable to cooperate with exam, answer questions, and the X-ray was sort of borderline (unchanged from the last x-ray maybe several weeks ago). My resident instructed me to sign out the patient with instructions to continue a 500mL saline inflow, then re-assess to see whether the patient looked more ‘wet’ or less ‘dry’. I signed this out, and forgot to make the order to stop the saline after 500mL, so it ended up running slowly in all night. The intern on call (also first week as doctor) forgot to re-assess at all or shut off the saline if it had been noticed because so busy with new admissions. We’d also ordered 3 sets of ‘heart enzymes’ meant to diagnose a heart attack, one reason for a patient suddenly getting ‘wet’ (i.e. heart pump failure), since the EKG was not interpretable (had a pacemaker which makes it impossible to tell). Lab fucked up too, because hospital policy was that if the first set of ‘heart enzymes’ was negative, apparently the 2nd and 3rd sets, each traditionally spaced 6-8hrs later to catch a heart attack if it starts to evolve and become detectable by blood test, were both cancelled.

I came in and first thing in the morning checked on this patient, who was screaming things nobody could understand and the nurses had chalked up to dementia and agitation. I checked the labs and saw the second and third heart enzymes hadn’t been done. I went to the bedside and saw the IV fluids still running. I immediately ran to the overnight intern, who said things had been so busy and nobody had called to notify that things were wrong. We stopped the fluids, immediately got a heart enzyme test, learned this patient was by now having a massive heart attack made much worse by the addition of IV fluids all night to this frail failing pump. I can’t get the screams out of my head, and cried a lot and was pretty depressed for a few weeks at least after this. The patient died because the status ended up being decided as not to resuscitate based on what the nursing home had on file, although no family members were known at all. This patient was totally alone, and spent the last night of their life in physician-induced agony. But I acknowledge the failure of two interns, the nurses, and the lab. Ultimately the blame fell on the lab and I think someone was fired, but I made clear to everyone that I felt to blame and wanted quality improvements made to prevent future errors, or at least catch them early if they happen. That’s I think the best you can do when you make a mistake.

There’s a Scrubs episode where as I recall at the end there’s a brief scene where the ghosts of dead patients representing medical errors follow around the physicians like little trains. It’s very poignant, but I can’t find the clip. That’s what it’s like though.

10. Terribly sorry, but I’m a member of the family now.

Not a big mistake but definitely awkward at the time. I was gluing up a lac on a 14yo girls forehead. Anyone who has used dermabond before knows that stuff can be runny and bonds very quickly. I glued my glove to her face. Her mum was in the room, and I had to turn to her and say “Im sorry, I’ve just glued my glove to her face”

9. That’s a doozy.

I’m a nurse, but I was working in the ER when a guy came in for a scratch on his neck and “feeling drowsy”. We start the usual workups and this dude’s blood pressure TANKED. We scrambled, but he was dead within 10 minutes of walking through the door. Turns out the “scratch” was an exit wound of a .22 caliber rifle round. The guy didn’t even know he’d been shot. When the coroner’s report came back, we found that he’d been shot in the leg and the bullet tracked through his torso shredding everything in between. There was really nothing we could’ve done, but that was a serious “what the fuck just happened” moment.

8. She doesn’t blame you, but…

As a very young doctor in training I misdiagnosed a woman with epilepsy. Some years prior she had sustained a gunshot wound to the frontal area, damaging the underside of one of her frontal lobes and severing an optic nerve to one of her eyes, as well as some of the muscles that rotated that eyeball. Surgery saved her life but the frontal lobe was scarred and the eye was blinded and always pointed down and at an angle away from her nose.

A few years after that she began having spells of a bizarre sensation, altered awareness, a pounding in the chest, and she had to sit down, stop what she was doing, and couldn’t speak. These were odd spells and I assumed she had developed frontal lobe epilepsy from the scar on her brain. Increasing doses of anti-seizure drugs seemed to work initially, but then the spells came back.

A couple years after my diagnosis her endocrinologist, who treated her for diabetes mellitus, checked a thyroid. It was super-high. The spells were manifestations of hyperthyroidism. She drank the radioactive iodine cocktail which ablated her thyroid, got on thyroid replacement therapy, and felt well thereafter. No permanent harm done and she was able to come off the anti epilepsy drugs.

She was obese – not the typical skinny hyperthyroid patient – and if she developed thyroid eye disease, I couldn’t tell because her one eye was already so messed up. I see how I screwed it up. but in retrospect I have never been sure what I could have done differently, except test her thyroid at the outset of treatment. Hence, a lot of patients – thousands – have had their thyroid checked by me since then. Every so often I pick up an abnormality and it gets treated.

The lady was an employee of the hospital where I trained and I ran into her one day;she gave me a hug and let me know how this had all gone down. She made a point of wanting me to know she didn’t blame me “because I always seemed to care about her and what happened to her.”

I think about her, and how I screwed up her diagnosis and set back her care, almost every day. I am a much better diagnostician now but I always remember this case and it reminds me not to get cocky or be too sure that my working diagnosis is correct.

7. Talk about high stress.

PharmD here. Couple different quick stories.

Heard of a pharmacist who filled a fentanyl patch incorrectly and the dose was so high that the patient went into severe respiratory depression and died. They’re still practicing.

Worked with another pharmacist back in the mid 2000’s when I was still a tech who filled a script for Prozac solution (concentrated it is 20mg per mL. Average adult dose is 20 mg.) instead of 1 mL once daily he filled it for one teaspoonful (5 mL). The child got serotonin syndrome and almost died. He is no longer working to my knowledge.

6. Take a closer look.

Someone else tragically lost their life years ago but the incident saved my sister’s life about 10 years later.

Several years ago, my sister and I were in a car accident. I had visible injuries, she did not and was walking around without any problems, so we thought. Nine days later, she was preparing dinner, began to feel ill, vomited and then passed out. She was taken by ambulance to the hospital emergency and after talking to my brother-in-law for only a couple of minutes, he rushed my sister into surgery and removed her spleen immediately, it had ruptured in the accident but was a slow bleed.

My sister was in ICU for a couple of weeks but survived and is in good health today. Later, the admitting trauma surgeon said he recognized what was happening because of a mistake his college professor told the class she made as a surgeon years earlier.

A teenage boy had fallen from a cliff and hit rocks below, other than being bruised he was fine so did not seek medical help. Seven days later he was brought unconscious into ER, where the college professor was working as a surgeon at the time. She and her team were not able to quickly identify his symptoms of a ruptured spleen that had happened 7 days ago. The teenage boy died about an hour later.

She was always sure to share this particular incident with her students, thus saving my sister’s life when one of her former students (my sister’s doctor) showed up to class that day!

5. I mean at least he lived.

I missed a gunshot wound once. A guy was dumped off at the ER covered in blood after a rap concert. We were all focused on a gunshot wound with an arterial bleed that was distracting. The nurse placed the blood pressure cuff over the gun shot wound on the arm. We all missed it because the blood pressure cuff slowed the bleeding.

I was doing the secondary assessment when we rolled the patient, and I still missed it.

We didn’t find it till the chest x-ray. The bullet came of rest in the posterior portion of the thoracic wall without significant trauma to major organs.

The patient lived. But I still feel like I fucked up big time.

4. Sometimes messing up plays in someone’s favor.

This thread is pretty depressing, so i’ll lighten it up a bit. A few months ago, I accidentally ran a creatinine test on a patient when a comp metabolic wasn’t ordered. It turns out that the guy was in renal failure, and no one knew. He was about to go in for surgery ( I believe it was a bypass, but could be wrong), but I got the results in in time to stop them from putting him under. Shit could have been messy. I’m glad I screwed up, and I’m sure he has no idea that he could have died.

3. It just slipped out.

Not me, but my mom. She just retired as an ob/gyn and she told me about a time early on in her career when, while not a real medical mistake, she still almost ruined the operation. She was performing a c-section I think, and she dropped her scalpel on the floor. Before she could think, she blurted out “oh shit” as a reaction. The mother, thinking something was wrong with the baby, started panicking. It took a team of nurses, the husband, and the mother of the patient to calm her down.

Edit: This was very early in her career, and she practiced for another 25 years without major incident.

2. As simple as that.

My grandmother has had diabetes for about 20 years, and takes a handful of meds to help control it. About 10 years ago, she developed a persistent cough. It wasn’t bad, she said it felt like a constant tickle in the back of her throat.

She went to her doctor to find out what was going on, and he ordered a battery of tests concerned that she was developing pneumonia, lung cancer, etc. All the tests came back negative, so he prescribed a cocktail of pills to help combat it. Over the span of 5 years, she had tried about 35 different meds and none helped.

One day when she went it for a routine check-up, her normal doc was out and she saw one of the on-call residents. He looked at the barrage of pills she was on and asked why. When she explained, he replied, “Oh, the cough is a side effect of this one particular drug you’re on to regulate your insulin. If we change you to this other one, it will go away.”

1. Something you never want to see.

As an ICU nurse, I’ve seen the decisions of some Doctors result in death. Families often times don’t know, but it happens more than you’d think. It usually happens on very sick patients that ultimately would have died within 6 months or so anyway, though.

Procedural wise, I have seen a physician kill a patient by puncturing their heart while placing a pleural chest tube. It was basically a freak thing as apparently the patient had recently had cardiothoracic surgery and the heart adhered within the cavity at an odd position. I’ll never forget the look on his face when he came to the realization of what had happened. You rarely see people accidentally kill someone in such a direct way. Heartbreaking.

This isn’t making my distrust of doctors any better?

Are you a doctor? Has a doctor made a mistake with you? Tell us the story!

The post 15 Doctors Admit the Biggest Mistakes They’ve Ever Made in Their Careers appeared first on UberFacts.

Hiring Managers Share the Strangest Interviews They’ve Ever Experienced

A lot of us know how stressful it is to do a job interview. You realize that someone else has the power to make sure you can make a living, and that’s a pretty big deal.

Of course, hiring managers also run into some strange scenarios that probably make them question their life’s choices. Next time you have a job interview, remember these stories and have a little sympathy for the interviewer.

10. The Nude Livestreamer

One hiring manager did a video interview with a candidate that was nude even though he knew it was a video interview.

 “We told him we could see him and he said “sorry” then covered up with a sheet. We asked if he wanted to reschedule and he said no he was good. So yeah we decided to pass.” — Boxman 75

9. The Prima Donna

A hiring manager found a candidate who felt competent and confident. Things went south once she requested a limo and wouldn’t take anything else.

“I tell her thank you for taking the time to fly down but not even our own VPs get that treatment and to go ahead and change your ticket to fly home, now.” —blatentpoetry

8. The Teary-Eyed Candidate

Think you’ve seen everything? One candidate made things awkward by crying during the interview – three times.

“She cried three times during the interview about how much she hated her current job. My coworker had to get up and grab a box of tissues for her. When she finally calmed down, she informed us that she’ll need a special desk chair due to an injury she sustained at her current job.” —accidentalhorse

7. The Candidate Who Can DEAL With People

One interviewer received an uncomfortable reply to his question.

“The one I won’t forget is when I asked him “how well do you interact with people?” He said, “I used to be a bouncer, I know how to DEAL with people..” I immediately said okay this interview is over, thank you for your time…” —Bubblesintroubles

This bouncer didn’t get the new gig.

6. The Candidate That Should do a Podcast

It’s routine for interviewers to ask about your strengths and weaknesses.

“To start the interview, I asked him to tell us (3 people) a little bit about himself.

35 minutes later, he stopped talking. Usually people answer this question in 1-5 minutes. It was incredibly awkward and I was tempted to interrupt him but then truly wanted to see how long he would go.” —DefinitelyYoda

5. The Candidate With The Exes

No one ever wants to run into their ex at work, except a candidate that gave the names to every ex of hers that worked in the company she interviewed at.

“She listed all of her ex-boyfriends who currently worked there and said she couldn’t wait to see the look on their faces when she showed up to work.” —lovelanguage_sarcasm

4. The Interviewee That Just Didn’t Know

Going on an interview can be nerve-wracking and admitting that there’s something you don’t know can be a good thing. Just don’t do what this interviewee did:

“They answered literally every question, ‘I don’t know, man’ or ‘Can’t think of anything right now.’” —Webhead1287

3. The Hugging Candidate

Admittedly, some of us have committed certain faux-pas during the interview, but just be glad you didn’t hug your potential employer.

“My manager and I were doing this second interview, and when I called him in, he gave me a huge hug and proceeded to talk to me like I was his best friend. ” —tittyelf

2. The Stalker

Have you ever gotten lost at an interview? That could happen, just don’t do what this guy did:

“While waiting in reception, the applicant wandered into the CFO’s office. She was on the phone, so he stood in her doorway and stared at her while she was on the phone.” —fievelm

1. This Totally Inappropriate Candidate!

One hiring manager evaded a total HR problem by not hiring this candidate:

“Had a candidate who came in and asked how hot my administrator was and asked if she was single or ‘open to freaky Fridays.’” —gmabarrett

There are people who truly don’t understand how to conduct themselves during an interview. Are you a hiring manager that wants to vent about such things? Share your stories in the comments! We look forward to hearing them… or cringing along with you.

The post Hiring Managers Share the Strangest Interviews They’ve Ever Experienced appeared first on UberFacts.