These Facts Are Totally True, but Very Hard to Believe

What we’ve got here are 14 facts that are going to send you straight to Google so you can verify if they are BS or not.

And when you find out we were playing it straight, well, your mind just might be a little bit blown.

14. Time is a strange thing.

As mentioned [here] (, Anne Frank, Martin Luther King Jr. and Barbara Walters were born in the same year.

13. We’d never know what hit us.

Gravity propagates at the speed of light. So if the sun were to suddenly disappear, we would continue orbiting for 8 minutes.

12. Everything’s bigger in Texas.

There are more tigers in Texas than there are in the wild.

11. Just keep that in mind, folks.

Shrimp is called an abomination four times more than homosexuality in the Bible

10. I don’t….know?

And every time you shuffle a deck of cards, it’s likely that the particular ordering of cards has never been arranged before.

9. Harsh.

The current United States flag was designed by then 17 years old Robert G. Heft, as part of a school project. He received a grade of B-

8. Unsurprising, really.

Fortune cookies were invented in America and are seen in China as an american symbol.

7. I feel like this has happened to me more than once.

If there’re 23 people in a room, there’s a 50% chance two of them share a birthday. edit: google “birthday paradox” for more information.

6. It just SEEMS wrong, but it’s not.

Humanity is less violent now than it has ever been, which is a steady trend through history.

5. Those long-suffering Cubbies (no more!)

The last time the Cubs won a World Series: Alaska, Arizona, Hawaii, Oklahoma, and New Mexico were not yet states The Ottoman Empire still existed The Titanic had not been built yet Prohibition had not occurred yet The NBA, NHL, and NFL did not exist yet Radio and Television did not exist…

4. He has more subscribers than there are people in his home country.

A swedish guy who screams at video games is the most popular Youtuber in the world.

Edit: For the people who are apparently too lazy to read the child comments, I’m talking about Pewdiepie.

3. Spoiler alert: it’s kind of impossible.

There are three hundred billion stars in the Milky Way.

There are AT LEAST one hundred billion galaxies in the KNOWN universe. Using 300bn as an average for the number of stars per galaxies, that makes 3e22 stars in the observed universe.

That’s 30,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 stars. Try to wrap your head around how unimaginably big that is.

2. The mental images…

Blue whales don’t have enough blood in their body to get an erection, they would pass out from lack of blood in the brain, to compensate female blue whale vaginas are the size of an average living room

1. Everyone who ever ruled Europe was cousins.

King Edward V, Tsar Nicholas II and Kaiser Wilheim II (the monarchs of England, Russia and Germany during the first world war) were cousins. Edward was first cousins with the other two, who were second cousins with each other.

I Googled so hard, y’all, and now I kind of don’t know what to do with myself!

Do you keep any of these on your hip for parties? Share them with us in the comments!

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People Share the Best Wi-Fi Network Names They’ve Ever Seen

A great Wi-Fi network name is like a fine wine…it gets better with age. Sometimes, when I’m bored, I’ll just scroll through the neighborhood Wi-Fi names to see what the people who live around me are up to.

Do you encounter funny Wi-Fi names out there in your daily life?

AskReddit users share the funniest Wi-Fi network names they’ve ever seen.

1. I bet a lot of folks fell for that one.

“Hotspot named “I got you” with no password.”

2. That’s how you do it.

“Rebellious Amish Family

Lol after 8 years my highest voted comment is my Wi-Fi name. Which i stole from Reddit the last time this thread was made.

This is the way.”

3. Sounds suspicious to me.

“My guest network is named “Very Free WiFi No Viruses”.”

4. I feel sorry for the person in 47.

“Mine is named “Apt47ShowerCam”. I’m in apartment 46.”

5. Hahaha. That’s good.

“I was at Disneyland resort with my family, and when we were in the parking lot, I looked at the WiFi names and one of them said “34 dollars 4 a f**king waffle”.”

6. Sad, but true.

“Was in a McDonald’s and there was the normal McDonald’s WiFi and then there was one that said “McDonald’s makes you fat bitch”.”

7. Susan…we need to talk.

“We can’t keep doing this Susan.”

8. Wholesome and punny.

“The Promised LAN.”

9. Throwing a wrench in the system.

“Ours is called “No Internet Access” and “5G Network Unavailable”. I confuse myself with it every now and then.”

10. Run for it, Marty!

“Marty McWiFi is one I’ve seen in my neighborhood.”

11. I shouldn’t laugh…but…

“Holy mother of hell.

My grandmother didn’t have wifi and just bought a Iphone (she’s about 72) so, me being the good child I am,I helped her set her wifi up,I asked her simply ‘What would you like your password to be?’ She replied with this….’I’m going to die soon 123’

To this day when I go over,I can still see it on the refrigerator ‘Wifi password;I’m going to die soon 123’.”

12. There’s room for a guest.

“Our neighbor has one that’s “Stay-Off-Asshole.” Which, y’know, sure. But they also have a second, unsecured one: “Stay-Off-Asshole (guest).” I still laugh when I see that.”

13. That’s kind of disturbing.


My neighbours have this… They’re mother and daughter ?.”

14. Pretty clever.

“Drop it like it’s hotspot.”

15. Let’s end on a high note.


I think it’s about time I rename my Wi-Fi network…now I just feel like a loser.

What do you think? Do you have a funny Wi-Fi name or do you just go with the one the company gives you?

Let us know in the comments! Let’s compare Wi-Fi names!

The post People Share the Best Wi-Fi Network Names They’ve Ever Seen appeared first on UberFacts.

A Writing Prompt Inspired Someone to Share a Heartwarming Story About the Cost of Lies

To be the best writer you can be, you must write every day. That writing is like exercise, and even if you don’t feel like doing it, you must if you want to be any good. That one day, you will look at your scribbles and snippets and a story will emerge, like a goddess from a block of marble on which you’ve begun to chisel.

Or something.

If you’re one of those that thinks practice makes perfect (which is usually how it works), daily writing prompts are an excellent way to get your exercise in.

This is how a compelling story about lies started–with a writing prompt on Reddit.

Writing Prompt with all the feels

Someone came up with an opening and it was good.

Photo Credit: Imgur

The narration sucks you in…

Photo Credit: Imgur

The characterization leads us neatly to the central personage and his problems.

Photo Credit: Imgur

Both characters were fleshed out and complex…

Photo Credit: Imgur

As were the conflicts facing them.

Photo Credit: Imgur

The story chugged up a hill of suspenseful set-up.

Photo Credit: Imgur

Then rammed us in the stomach.

Photo Credit: Imgur

Leaving us breathless and wondering about the scars in the people around us, both visible and invisible.

Because behind every scar, there’s a story.

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People Share the Weird Things That Creeped Them out When They Were Kids

When I was a young lad, I was always terrified of being shot in the back with an arrow as I ran up the stairs in our house. So I would sprint up that set of stairs as fast as I could like my life depended on it. Every single time.

Clearly, I was a normal child and have now transitioned into a well-adjusted adult.

Okay, maybe not.

AskReddit users went on the record and shared their frightful childhood memories.

1. Freaked out by the peach.

“James and the Giant peach. Not the insects, but the actual peach.”

2. Don’t like that sound at all.

“The sound of a balloon popping i dont know why but that used to absolutely terrify me.”

3. Haunted by ET.

“Fucking ET, the Extra-Terrestrial. Used to give me nightmares that he was trying to stab me with a long butcher knife.”

4. Still fired up about this one.

“China dolls, but it’s not ridiculous and I’m 40 next week and still scared of them.

Right, so they’re toys, yes? So why do their EYES FUCKING MOVE? They can fuck off.”

5. Even the tiny ones…

“Spiders, even the tiny ones. I really have a severe arachnophobia.”

6. Beware of the wolves.

“Imaginary wolves. I grew up in a house in the woods. Our nearest neighbors were a mile away. Whenever I went outside to get something from my moms car or the mailbox or whatever I always imagined that a pack of wolves was on the prowl and if I wasn’t as fast as I could possibly go, they would eat me.”

7. Urban legend.

“Bloody Mary. Where you go into the bathroom, turn the light off, turn a round three times while chanting “Bloody Mary” three times and then look in the mirror and she will appear and scratches will be left on your face.”

8. From beyond…

“I was convinced the martians from Mars Attacks would eventually show up and vaporize us all. You couldn’t convince me otherwise.

My dad would say, “aliens aren’t real.” And I would counter with my paranoid logic, “But how do you KNOW that? You can’t know for sure.””

9. Don’t run in these.

“Courdory pants. When I was 3 or 4, my sister told me that if I wore them and ran, my crotch would catch on fire. I am 31 and still have a strong aversion to courdory.”

10. We’re under attack!

“As a toddler I would watch those trashy ultraviolent action movies they’d play on TNT. It was one of the few times he was ever chill/not screaming or hitting me or my brother, so we were all in.

Then military operations against our house became a very real fear. What if they use paratroopers??!!”

11. Stranger danger.

“The stranger danger stuff. Still waiting to be offer drugs, lol Was offered alchohol when underage, declined because 1. beer is gross and 2. I was watching a sick baby.

Well now as an adult lots of people in my life are strangers.”

12. Scared in general.

“The talking toilet from Look Who’s Talking. Gave me my very first nightmare where I couldn’t talk or run, I could just stare helplessly at this talking toilet, which was giant in my nightmare. I was 3 or 4 I think. For a while I was just scared of toilets in general.

I also remember being afraid of the country being invaded for no particular reason. My mom tried to reason with me that anything can happen, so it’s not worth worrying about. She said a plane could crash into the house at any moment too, but it probably won’t. This reasoning backfired because for a while I was scared of a plane crashing into the house randomly.

Oh and also, when I was 5, I thought a tornado drill was a tornado that could drill through the ground and get you through the floor…….I was a pretty scared child in general.”

13. He’s heeeeeeeere.

“I always thought Big Foot would decide to show up outside of my back yard door late at night.”

14. That makes sense.

“Purple gloves. I knew that if a doctor put on purple gloves, they were about to get a needle or do something that would hurt. I had a lot of anxiety with doctors and doctors offices, probably because I was born premature and spent the first three months of my life in the NICU and dealt with medical problems the first three to four years of my life.”

15. I definitely thought about this as a kid.

“The never ending timeline of eternity in the afterlife (if it exists).”

That brought back a flood of memories from when I was a kid, that’s for sure.

Do you remember the things that freaked you out when you were a child?

Share them with us in the comments! Let’s compare notes on this one!

The post People Share the Weird Things That Creeped Them out When They Were Kids appeared first on UberFacts.

People Talk About the Purchases They Claim Did Buy Them Happiness

Money might not buy happiness, but it can buy you stuff like a steak dinner, sheets with high thread counts, movie tickets, and other experiences that are decidedly happy-making.

I mean, those things might not show you the meaning of life or anything, but they can make you smile for more than a little while.

According to these Redditors, here are 16 more things that challenge that old adage – and come close to sending it packing for good.

16. Aw, using the opportunity to burn your brother?

Multiplayer videogames. Doesn’t bring happiness to my brother though, probably because he sucks.

15. Dark, but I imagine true.


14. Well, to each his or her own.

I have a collection of dildos and magic: the gathering cards that says otherwise

13. Can confirm.

Divorce administration costs.

12. Knowing that you can do it probably made you as happy as the thing.

My PlayStation. Parents didn’t have the money to get me one so that was the first thing I ever worked for.

11. Freedom makes everyone happy.

Ask any teenager, regardless of how they got the money, if they were happier when they got their first car.

10. My own noise-canceling headphones bring me joy on the regular.

Headphones for my kids’ tablets. The quiet is beautiful.

9. Companionship is priceless.

My kitty cat. Best £30 I will ever spend in my life. She has brought me 11 years of utter joy thus far.

8. I’d say that definitely counts.

I’m happy I don’t have to stress about paying the bills or buying food. Does that count?

7. You can’t put a price on a good night’s sleep.

My meds which help me sleep well and get up in the morning. While the night pills are cheap, the morning meds are pricey.

6. Good sheets really are worth it.

A really good mattress with high thread-count sheets.

If you’ve always had one you can’t appreciate how wonderful it is, but if you lived with crappy foam mattresses all your life, the change to your quality of sleep (and life in general) is highly noticeable.

5. Houseplants bring a little cheer all year long.

I paid off my debts, upgraded my apartment, and bought a shit load of house plants. Now I’m more or less worry free and can focus on spending money on making a business which will hopefully buy my freedom from a full time job

4. Today’s society definitely demands it, for most.

Money has gotten me to concerts, restaurants, to a stable life, it gives a lack of stress from the times where bills couldn’t be paid, amusement parks, new clothes, comforts in life, staying in nice hotels, treating others to nice things, buying things that I wanted without worry, getting more music equipment or any other expensive hobbies, being able to afford vacations, shall I go on?

I definitely am happier when I have money vs when I don’t, and the happiest points in my life have been when I had money to spare. Plenty of times I have been fucking broke and hated every second of it, and I got no enjoyment from life because there is nothing more than stress just to pay the fucking bills…I couldn’t go to restaurants with friends, I couldn’t go to concerts, and I couldn’t afford anything new…all I get to do is stress and hope there is enough for food the next month…

Money absolutely brings happiness, maybe not 100 years ago when having a farm and family is what mattered, but when you live in today’s society it is the only way to be happy. Otherwise it’s just never-ending stress and boredom.

3. The gift that keeps on giving.

My guitars and guitar gear. And it never seems to wear off.

2. Tools also make my husband happy because they make his life easier.

1986 Mazda RX7 that I’ve used for track days, autocross and, the occasional car meet/cruise. I absolutely love driving it, it’s one of my dream cars and I’ll keep it as long as possible.

Gaming PC and various games. I’ve had a group of friends for over 12 years now thanks to meeting on Lineage 2 and Ragnarok. They’re the best friends I’ve ever had and, I wish I could find people like them in person(meeting them is not possible as they all live elsewhere in the world).

All the tools I have in my garage and home that keep me from having to pay an outrageous price for a “pro” to fix… No scheduling that I have to work around, no worrying about leaving my home unlocked or taking days off from work, no dealing with shady people. Yeah I might hurt myself and get frustrated while doing it, but I’m saving money that I can spend elsewhere more enjoyable.

1. It’s pretty darn close.

I bought trips. Money can’t buy happiness but it can buy airplane tickets and that is almost the same. ?

I’ve definitely got to second some of these things (and also add books – they’re like traveling for a nominal price!), and want to pick up a few of the others.

What would you add to the list? Have you used money to buy something that made you incredibly happy? Share it with us in the comments!

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People Share Ridiculous Things That Scared Them When They Were Children

For a lot of us, childhood is full of fear and uncertainty.

We think monsters are lurking around every corner and that the world is a very unsafe place…which is kind of true, but as kids we have a lot of irrational fears as well.

Let’s take a little trip down memory lane.

AskReddit users shared their interesting childhood stories.

1. That is pretty weird…

“I used to have this repeating dream that scared me to death. I was always in a skyscraper made of windows, and a giant toddler would walk through the street. If the toddler saw you, you died. Weird fucking dream, but I dreamt it repeatedly for years.”

2. My mom used to tell me this, too.

“Escalators. My mother told me that they will catch my shoestring or pants hem and pull me down and cut me into shreds. I still think if that every time I step on one.”

3. Stay away from drains.

“Drains. Showers and tubs and pools. Especially unfamiliar ones.”

4. Beware of gators.

“I thought an alligator would climb up the wall of our house like a lizard and come through my window and eat me in my sleep.

I lived in Mumbai. We dont have alligators anywhere. Also, they can’t do that.”

5. The stuff that nightmares are made of.

“Willy Wonka.”

6. Ghost dust.


Uncle told me it was left by ghosts.”

7. That’ll scare the hell out of you.

“The windows XP startup and shutdown noise.”

8. A lot of fears.

“Rats, snakes, roaches, etc climbing up the pipe to the toilet and biting my ass.

My grandma’s cocker spaniel jumping on me and knocking me over. He just wanted to lick me and was excited, it turns out.

Other people driving. This one is weird because I trusted absolutely nobody but my mom—if it was anyone else, ie her friends, babysitters, or even my dad, I was absolutely convinced I was going to die.”

9. Not as uncommon as you might think…

“Ceiling fans.

Bro, same. My sister convinced me they would detach and fly across the room. Didn’t help that the fans made weird noises at high speed.”

10. Clapping can be dangerous.

“If I clapped my hands above my head, the nightmares would start. If I clapped them up there again, they would stop. (This didn’t actually happen; it was what I was afraid of.)

Consequently, I had to make sure I only ever clapped my hands above my head an even number of times. If I accidentally clapped them, I had to clap them again.”

11. Scared of balls.

“Balls. Literally any round object was fucking terrifying to me apparently. According to my mom, if she wanted me in a room but didn’t want me to go anywhere, she’d put a ~hand sized red ball in the exit. I was apparently too scared to even go to that side of the room.”

12. The orange glow.

“On a trip to London as a ten-year-old, I woke in the small hours of the morning due to jet lag and was horrified to see an orange glow outside the windows.

I convinced myself that a nuclear explosion had occurred and somehow I had managed to sleep through it.

Nothing happened for an eternity of terror.

So I mustered the courage; I slid out of bed and crawled across the floor, to peep over the window sill and look out on the devastation, the city burning

The street lights were orange, for fog. They don’t have them where I’m from.”

13. Run for it!

“As a child, I used to be scared of the 20th Century Fox themesong. I would run out of the room screaming each time it would come on before or after a movie.”

14. That is kind of creepy…

“The live action Grinch scared my brother when he was a toddler. If he didn’t go to bed on time my parents would threaten him with the VCR tape of it & he would race to bed.”

15. Hyperactive child.

“I was a very hyperactive child, I use to eat and walk around the house and mess it all up, once my grandma told me that if I will keep eating while I’m standing all the food will go down to my legs and feet and they will become so fat I wouldn’t be able to wear shoes anymore.

I stop eating and walking until today.”

Those are pretty darn funny, if I do say so myself.

What were the things that scared you as a kid? Share your memories with us in the comments!

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A Sneaky Professor Caught Cheaters by Setting up a Fake Answer Key Online

Teachers have to deal with cheaters. No matter how hard teachers try, kids are gonna find a way around the rules. And I imagine that the advent of the internet has only made students more creative and harder to catch.

But don’t worry, because cheaters aren’t going to get away with it (always). Professors and teachers are getting more creative, too, and are making sure nobody gets an undeserved grade on their watch.

A Reddit user, Mwxh, shared this story about how his old engineering professor set a trap for – and caught – a good number of his students cheating on an exam.

Not my revenge, but my professor against cheaters from ProRevenge

First of all, I had no idea there were websites out there now where people could ask and get answers to homework questions. I’m sure many use it responsibly, like the original poster, but man. What a bunch of malarky (and get off my lawn!).

Second, for everyone sympathizing with the kids who are shamed…no. They cheated. They deserve what’s coming to them. Full stop.

Third, never assume that because a person is old, they don’t understand technology. Especially if that person is an engineering professor.

Cheaters never prosper, my friends!

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People Share True Facts That Sound Fake

There have been several times while plotting books when I discarded an idea because it sounded too outlandish…even though, in some cases, it was historically true.

In that vein, Redditors thought it would be fun to share facts that are truly hard to believe, and I bet at least a few of these are going to blow your mind!

15. This isn’t really surprising, if you think about it.

Death rates in boxing exploded after the introduction of the boxing glove. Almost nobody ever died bare knuckle boxing because head punches often resulted in broken hands, so nobody used them.

14. A man-eater.

The Champawat Tiger was a female Bengal tiger responsible for an estimated 430 deaths in Nepal and India, (listed in the Guinness Book of World Records and Wikipedia) More people than died in the U.S. in the last 100 years from, snakes, bears, wolves, and spider fatalities combined.

13. I’m going to need video of this.

President Lyndon B. Johnson owned an Amphibious car, the Amphicar, and used it to scare guests by driving them into his lake screaming about brake failure.

12. Let’s get on activating that, hmm?

Humans have the gene to, and are capable of hibernation. It’s just not active

11. This is not actually surprising.

There was once a war between Honduras and El Salvador started by a soccer game.

10. It’s Australia. There’s any number of things that could have happened to him.

Australia once lost a prime minister. as in straight up couldn’t find him. and they have yet to find him.

9. Wait, why?

Saudi Arabia imports camels from Australia.

8. That’s gotta be uncomfortable.

Wombat poop is square. Go ahead, google it. *edit: yes, cube-shaped.

7. A desert is just a desolate, arid environment.

My friend doesn’t trust me with these things now that I’ve told her that Antarctica is the world’s largest desert. She still doesn’t believe it.

6. I’m sure that’s pretty.

It rains diamonds on Saturn, and Jupiter.

5. In case you want to hate corporations a little bit more.

There is a little town in Mexico called Chamula where shamans started using Coca Cola in their religious rituals to heal worshippers. Pepsi heard about this and began giving commissions to shamans if they recommended Pepsi instead, so then Coca Cola did the same and there are now rival religious groups based on which soft drink they use.

4. Crazy or innovative? You decide.

In the 1950’s Popular Mechanics published a story about a former artillery Sergeant who attempted to invent a personal delivery system similar to what Amazon intends to create with drones. Except he used modified artillery shells. He actually got a hold of an M116 howitzer which he fired modified shells over a small town in upstate New York.

The shells were hollowed out inside and a parachute would automatically deploy as it approached the target. The problem was the shells weighed twenty pounds and if the parachute did not deploy that meant a twenty pound shell would come crashing down from the sky and wreck someone’s house or possibly kill someone in the street. As the Sergeant tested the device and was utterly convinced it was a way of the future he offered to sell a solution installing expensive iron plating on the roofs of people’s homes and heavy protective armor for navigating the streets.

This Sargent’s story had become an inside joke among people who market modern electronics and virus software. Create a problem that is unnecessary and then sell people an expensive and completely impractical solution.

3. I fail to see how this could be a bad thing.

Thanks to a botched burglary attempt at the Émancé Nature Reserve (about an hour outside Paris) in the 1970’s, there is now a feral Wallaby population in France.

2. And they were Nazis.

The founding of Adidas and Puma.

Rudolf “Rudi” Dassler and Adolf “Adi” Dassler were born into a German family, and Adi eventually began to produce athletic shoes. Rudi joined his younger brother’s company, and everything went swimmingly… for a while.

Eventually, both brothers joined the Nazi Party and turned on each other. Rudi formed “Rudas,” now known as Puma. And Adi formed “Adidas,” now known as Adidas.

The first time I heard this story, I was convinced it was fake.

1. He might be an alien.

In the hockey world, some of the numbers that Wayne Gretzky put up are mind-boggling. He scored nearly 3,000 points, nobody else even has 2,000. He has more assists than anyone else does points. He recorded 4 seasons with at least 200 PTS, nobody else has ever scored 200 in a season, though Lemieux came close. Rarely do we see a 50 goal scorer anymore, Gretzky set the record with 50 goals in a mere 39 games. So many other records that just make you say “wow.” No wonder he’s known simply as “The Great One.”

Do you have something you would add to the list? Share it in the comments!

The post People Share True Facts That Sound Fake appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share the Crazy Things Others Told Them That They Shouldn’t Have

People are strange. Very strange!

I’m sure you’ve been here before, where a random person tells you a story that is way too personal and makes you very uncomfortable. I know I sure have.

AskReddit users shared their stories about when this happened to them.

1. Thanks for the info!

“I was going to a summer cottage owned by my work. Upon hearing that, a coworker of mine informed me that his daughter was conceived there, in the very bed that I was about to sleep in.

Did not need to know that, at all.”

2. Classy photo shoot.

“I was working in the photo lab at Walmart. They have a policy about not printing lewd photos, and they have to be destroyed if they are printed.

20 minutes before closing a woman comes and asks to print some photos. I direct her to the kiosk, and after a while they start printing in the back.

I notice that the first few photos are poorly cropped as they come off the machine. They’re full-body portraits with half her face cut off. This isn’t uncommon, the software isn’t super intuitive, so I check the next few to see if it happened on more.

The next few photos are the same framing, just different poses. It looks like she’s showing off this nice dress.

And then she’s reclining on a couch…

And then she’s on a bed…

And then her legs are spread…

Now I have to figure how to tell her I cant sell these prints. I’m all ready with the policy binder out and open to the relevant page when she comes up, and I start explaining:

“I’m sorry ma’am, I can’t sell some of these photos to you, they violate our Inappropriate Print Policy so I had to shre-”

“Oh! I’m so sorry I forgot those were in there! It’s fine he’s not allowed to have those kinds of photos in prison anyway!”

I was so relieved that she wasn’t going to yell at me that jt didn’t register what she said until after she left.”

3. Okay, let’s move on to the muffler.

“I see my mechanic a like 5 times a year and he always tells me how many Asian girls he met online and had sex with since we last met. Its like an unprompted tradition he must get past before we can talk about what’s wrong with the car.”

4. Wow this is quite a story.

“As a passenger in an Uber, I had my driver tell me that day was the anniversary of the day his son was murdered. As we drove past the spot where it happened for, according to him, the first time since it had happened. We then drove past a building where he told me the murderer worked, pretending to be a man of God with, in his words, “four bodies on him”.

His son was a gangster. My driver was a 56 year old father just lost in his grief that day and when he picked me up, in that neighborhood in Minneapolis Midtown, it just came out. He also told me that every single day he thought about killing the man who killed his son and then just turning himself in. He told me his wife told him once a week that he better not make her a widow.

It wasn’t the ride to the airport that I signed up for but that was ok. He needed to talk to someone. As a father, I could feel his pain. His kid was weeks away from leaving the life and joining his brother in the military. He told me he was killed by his second in command right after he said he was joining the service.

My bullshit meter is always very high. He wasn’t telling tall tales or workshopping material. I just happened to get in his car when a year’s worth of hell came to the surface. After he dropped me off he told me he was going home because he needed to talk to his wife.”

5. Listen up, sonny boy.

“My 89 year old grandfather told me his and his wife’s favourite sexual position. Number 1 on the list of things I never ever needed to know.”

6. A real catch.

“Sitting with my fiancé’s new friend and she starts bragging to me how she’s been manipulating men including my fiancé into doing things for her. (Picking up her paychecks for her, babysitting her son while she goes on a date, cleaning her place for her etc) Then she started showing me these long messages she’d send to guys she had just met on dating sites telling them how my fiancé was her best friend and her standard for guys.”

7. Dropped a bomb.

“That he considers paying a hooker to lose his virginity. It was back when I worked in retail, and he was a co-worker. We didn’t talk much, only a couple of words, and only about work. Then one day he came to me, and dropped this bomb.

At first at though he was joking, and tried to laugh it off, but he was dead serious. He also wanted to hear my opinion, but I told him that this was not a comfortable conversation for me.

Later another co-worker told me he tries to talk about this to all female workers, and he hopes that one of us would offer him to take his virginity, so he doesn’t have to pay.”

8. Jesus…

“An ex-coworker, whom I barely knew, told me she was in a sexual relationship with her biological father.

They had been together for about 10 years, and moved to a new city together. She was only 25 or so.

I politely smiled, switched topics, and went home shortly afterwards.

Of course I kept that story to myself, but damn.”

9. Ummmmmm…

“A kid I was sort of friends with in high school told me that he regularly had sex with his twin brother.

For the record, he had no history of ever being sexually abused, and from what he talked about, it was mutually suggested between the two.

They were just gay and into incest.”

10. Didn’t need to hear that.

“Managed a restaurant and a man was there to service the building, HVAC or something. He seems anxious and starts rattling on about his girlfriend and then her brother and how said brother f*cked a cow… immediately apologizes, “I don’t know why I said that, I probably shouldn’t have told you that, sorry.””

11. Thanks sis!

“My sister told me she was getting her tonsils out, so that she would give better head.”

12. More sex!

“A (strange) coworker, whom I wasn’t ever close with, decided to tell me at work – across the entire office – that she and her husband were having marital problems due to lack of sex. He wanted more sex. But since she wasn’t trying to get pregnant, she didn’t see the point and said he needed to get over it.

This happened loudly, out of nowhere and with no prompting. What made it more uncomfortable was that she was our HR person.”

13. The rules of swinging.

“Had a super weird chick who lived in our neighborhood once who asked me if I knew the “rules” of polygamy and swinging. I was like, “Uh….no?”

She then proceeded to tell me some long, rambling story about a house party that her husband was invited to, but not her, because they wanted to sleep with her husband but she couldn’t come along to participate or watch or whatever.

Her husband was probably 6 ft 4, but weighed around 350 lbs. He was probably the original neckbeard. She was no prize either. I doubt anybody wanted to sleep with either of them.

She also told me she hated sunbathing nude because her nipples always got super sunburned. o.O

Ok then.”

14. Sounds like a great place to work.

“Working on a assembly line, a girl I had to work next to that day explained to me why part of her shirt was yellow and wrinkled. The yellow part was cat pee, it’s wrinkled cause she sleeps in it. And hasn’t done laundry in 2 week’s…yes she smelled and yes I told her she did.

Next girl working with me confessed that she slept with 50 people at work. Married, has 3 kids, not sure if kid #2 and #3 is her husbands. Then told me not to tell anyone, I barely knew her, but I’m sure people all ready knew this about her. There were less than 300 people working at this plant, that’s including 2 shift’s.

Guy starts talking to me at lunch, ask if I heard about his son committing suicide “yes I did, I’m sorry to hear this,” guy said “don’t worry about it I think he did it for attention” WTF. I left immediately.

I don’t miss that place.”

15. Total creeper.

“Business partner of my then boss, that had just introduced himself to me:

“Nice team you’ve got here. we should all go on a trip to Thailand together. You can f*ck prostitutes without protection over there! They all have documents from their doctors showing that they’re clean!

Dude was also married, with two young daughters.

What the actual f*ck.”

Okay, yeah… wow. Why would people admit ANY of that? Just keep your damn mouths shut, people!

Have you ever encountered anything like this? What did they say?

Let us know in the comments!

The post People Share the Crazy Things Others Told Them That They Shouldn’t Have appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share the Things You Should Never ‘Google’

I’m probably not giving you any information you don’t already have, but there are a ton of sick and strange people out there and there is also a TON of weird and disturbing things online. I’ve never explored these things personally because it’s not my thing, but people are…strange.

AskReddit users shared the things they think you should never, ever search for on Google…you’ve been warned.

No, seriously… we didn’t Google ANY of these. So we don’t have any idea what they are.

You’ve been warned… again.

1. Sounds horrible, whatever it is…

“Blowfly girl.

Just don’t do it.”

2. Ugh. Nope.

“There’s a video from a family’s dashcam as they’re driving down the highway.

A brick falls off a truck or something and goes through their windshield and hits the wife in the passenger seat. You can’t see anything cause the gore is all behind the camera, but you can hear the husband’s reaction when he realizes that she’s dead.

The screams are haunting.”

3. Weird…

“Bobby Yeah.

It’s the only online video I ever came across that not only unsettled me deeply but made me feel like vomiting for a very long time after. It’s some bizarre claymation video that could be passed off as art about a somewhat Tim Burton-sequel character’s misadventures. It quickly unravels into something disturbing and disgusting with the visceral, surreal feeling of 80s campy fx, but with clay.

It was so gross. I didn’t even finish it. I saw it maybe 6 years ago but if it crosses my mind I still wish I hadn’t seen it. Not sure if it’s a personal thing, but that one sat very badly with me.”

4. You people are odd…

“Vacuum sealed pr0n.”

5. Go see a doctor instead.

“Their symptoms.

The internet will always tell you that you’re dying.”

6. Never heard of this one…

“Woodskin Disease/Tree people, not gonna google to get proper name for it.”

7. Absolutely not.

“2 girls one cup.”

8. Okay…


I mean, its not close to a burger.

It’s Wreck it wralph with his pong it schlong.”

9. Hmmmm…


10. Grizzly Man.

“Timothy Treadwell.

He was filming a documentary about grizzly bears with his, wife I think, but there was a woman with him.

Anyway, yeah, they were filming when they were attacked, I think he was attacked first, and you can hear he and she screaming, and then she is attacked, there wasn’t any video, just audio, still crazy.”

11. Chinese crackdown.

“Anything Hong Kong-related while in China, you can be arrested.”

12. It can’t be that bad, can it?

“Anyone see the movie Tusk? Don’t.”

13. Yeah, don’t do that.

“When I was a kid I was trying to make homemade smoke bombs.

And of course you can slip down the rabbit hole of making real bombs. I’m glad nothing ever came of it but when I got a bit older I was really worried my family was on a list because of me googling things about bombs.”

14. Sounds terrible.

“I am way late, but White Phosphorus burns, I feel like the first time I saw this something grazed my soul.”

15. Just go see a doctor.

“Disease symptoms.

Literally every time I checked any disease’s symptom all the help it did to me was convince me I had the said disease and made me more concerned.

Doctors exist for a reason.”

Whew… that was a weird ride down the rabbit hole.

And although we hesitate to ask… do you have anything we SHOULDN’T Google?

Let us know… in the comments…. maybe…

The post People Share the Things You Should Never ‘Google’ appeared first on UberFacts.