Ex-Prisoners Talk About the Most Evil People They Encountered Behind Bars

I think going to prison would be the most terrifying experience imaginable.

Being locked up with murderers, rapists, and all kinds of other violent offenders has to do so much damage to a person’s psyche. Let’s hope that all of us (or at least most of us) never have to go through that.

AskReddit users shared their stories from when they did time.

1. Can’t forget it.

“The words “I shot that bitch in the stomach and I hope they both die” were used in reference to a 15 year old pregnant girl.

I won’t ever be able to forget that one.”

2. A simple farm boy.

“When I was in the outbox the day before I was released I was hanging out with a bunch of guys just killing time.

One of them was part of a killing gang. They kidnapped and killed a bunch of people for body parts. And cut them off while the people were alive. It was a pretty gruesome case.

Anyways, he was really quiet and rather stupid. Just a simple farm boy type.”

3. Seemed nice enough…

“English guy here, I spent 4 and a half months in prison in 2018. There was a guy who was really nice, seemed like a genuine guy.

That was until I found out her strangled his drunk wife to death and left her there whilst he went to work the next morning.”

4. The Aurora movie theater shooter.

“Before I got my prison sentence in 2013 I was in Arapahoe County jail with James Holmes. Was pretty crazy cuz they’d put the whole facility on lockdown to move him, Even though he was in segregation.”

5. Not an inmate.

“There was a correctional officer at least 6’5 and well built and he would always come in pissed off. So one morning we are waiting in line for breakfast and he thought he heard this older man call him a bitch. He followed the man back to his cell and started teeing off on him.

The man didn’t even try fighting back and when he fell the first time he split his head open on the steel bunk. The inmate was so out of it he started asking were his car keys and wallet went while he was on the ground bleeding. The C.O. hears the man and for some reason turns around and goes back and hits him a few more times and says “who’s the bitch now…”.

I’ll never forget thinking ‘damn this is somebodies father’.”


“One of the women on my wing cut up her lover and put his body parts in an empty TV box, then put the box on his mother’s door step.”

7. This is brutal.

“I was in and out juvy from 15-18 till I went to county jail, the worst people I came into contact was a boy 15 who shot his step mother, slit her throat, beat her head in with a blunt object, wrapped her in sheets for the fathers roommate to find her then he shot him. Happened in McMinnville Oregon. Other than that a lot of people raping siblings, and making threats to shoot up the high schools in the area. That’s Yamhill County for you.

8. Women’s prison.

“I was locked up with Jodi Arias, so that was bizarre.

There was also a woman who murdered her baby and kept it in the freezer. We called her Maytag.”

9. No remorse.

“This rich kid stabbed his friend in the chest, killing him, but he was on Xanax and weed at the time and doesn’t remember anything of it other than his friend on the floor dying, the mad thing is this guy (18 years old) actually got off with the murder and found not guilty although was sent down for just under 2 years for possession of a knife. His parents were quite wealthy and it was a big case in the UK. Basically his barristers were the best money could buy and he said that’s how he got off.

He didnt have any remorse for his actions. Which was made to think made him a pretty fucked up person. It’s a funny one though because he actually seemed a nice guy until he would talk about the killing and just didnt care what he had done. Nobody else in the prison had ever killed anyone to my knowledge, as it was a lower cat prison – but he was only their for possession of an knife.”

10. All kinds of psychos.

“I was incarcerated with over 280 people doing life without parole. There were all kinds- Stabbed the neighbor lady 150+ times, shot a bully in the head in the school parking lot, beat a dude with a hammer, etc.

There were two that stuck with me though- one where he looked me right in the eye and told me about shooting a guy with a shotgun to the chest (creeped me the f out), weirdo that kidnapped and killed some girl in his basement was another. John Wayne Gacy actually designed the miniature golf course there.”

11. 99 to life.

“Was in prison for 27 months. Unfortunately, your child rapists and kiddie porn guys were mixed in to gen pop, so you would get all kinds like that everywhere. The worst one I heard of was when I was in military prison. Details are foggy because this was 13 years ago, but I remember there being a guy who got 99 years for murder.

He had killed a guy, then killed the guys wife because she was home and would have been a witness, but not before raping her first. The whole facility got locked down every time they moved this guy, because they didnt even want the other inmates to see what he looked like.

The other fucked up one was at the same facility. So in the army there’s a thing called turtlefucking, where you hit someone’s kevlar helmet with your kevlar helmet. It makes a loud THONK sound, but doesnt really hurt. People didnt hit super hard, just hard enough to make the noise happen. This guy turtlefucked a girl when she wasnt wearing a kevlar helmet. She ended up dying while the guy was still awaiting his trial, and he went full on cuckoo bananas.”

12. KKK member.

“I had a cellie in prison who was a KKK “white boy.” He was a mad man. He was always pissed off and would say the craziest stuff like “Did you hear that? The “white” rhino is going extinct. Fucking jews.”

I was watching the movie about black pilots in WWII and he sat down indignant and rolled his eyes and guffawed… “Black Pilots!?! C’mon.” I said “You really think there are no black pilots?” He said “Hell no, have you ever seen a black pilot?” It was like this every day until my move finally got approved.”

13. From an officer’s perspective.

“I wasn’t an inmate, I was an officer so my opinion might be disqualified. But at a facility I worked at we were a level 5 which is maximum security. Lots of people who had life without parole and just a bunch of different things happened. One guy was on a documentary because he traveled across several states and killed around 5 people total. He was pissed cause the documentary blamed him but he always tried to say his father hitting him as a child made him kill these people.

Then there’s the old guy who raped his young grandchildren and was furious that he was sent to prison cause they were HIS grandkids so he could do whatever he wanted. He had also raped his children when they were growing up.

Lots of sick things in a max security prison and those would be nothing when compared to a federal supermax.”

14. Sounds like a nightmare.

“Ahh.. theres different degrees to evil.. one of the smallest black guys in there was SO loud and would not stop talking. He eventually freaked out and cut his body up with a razor blade to get medical attention for a different scene.. another guy was young, got beat by a 70 yr. Old in dominoes. The young guy just straight punched the old man in the forehead, I was reading Marley and me, and it just sounded like someone hit a watermelon super hard. I looked up, old man was knocked out on the floor, when he came to, these other 18 yr old kids were cracking up laughing and the old man was sooo confused and kept asking why are you laughing?

A white guy who was small and young was the jack russell terrier of the pod, and he was the worst. He would just constantly steal and for some reason nobody did anything about it. Guy named nick looked just like mike Tyson and would fight white ppl who would work out bc they were doing it wrong..he would also stare at you while you were taking a shit.

There was one corrections officer who assaulted me in a bathroom during work duty bc I didnt know if a roll of toilet paper should be changed out.. there was like a 1/3 left. It was my first day, he thought I was fucking with him. After he hit me and was done, I said Sooooo, does it need to be changed i still dont know. He figured out I was serious and apologized. One CO always snuck me coffee and let me watch football on tv bc I was nice and worked hard.”

15. In the Bronx.

“Was in Spofford Juvenile detention center when I was 13 (not a good age to be there at 4’9 100 lbs) and I was one of two Caucasian’s in the entire place so I mostly kept to myself. I did befriend a kid named Chris Whitehead who showed up with a freshly healed scar about 15-20 inches long in the shape of a C on the side of his head. He didn’t talk much but he ended up telling me how it happened when I finally got the nerve to ask him.

Told me his older brother jumped him into the Crips and since he cried during he took a hot knife and burned it into his head for the disrespect. Then he had his little brother, the same age as me by the way, shoot the first person to cross the street in their neighborhood, who ended up being a young pregnant girl. How he only ended up at Spofford is beyond me but it was disgusting to see such a nice kid end up there because of his older piece of shit brother.

I remember when he went to court he was sure he’d be transferred so he pissed all over his jump suit and stuffed it in the radiator causing all of us in the semi violent block to be moved upstairs with the actual violent criminals (I think the kid I’m referring to was only on mine because of his age). The staff members there gave everyone there permission to beat the living shit out of him when he came back but he never did because he got transferred thankfully because his brother ended up there too and was fully on board with the beat down his brother was going to receive.

Really glad they shut down that place because they were running drugs and a prostitution ring on the female side and the treatment of the kids there was disgusting to say the least.”

Yikes. Prison is no place for this guy, I can tell you that much.

Have you ever spent any time behind bars or maybe a friend or family member did some time?

If so, tell us what it was like in the comments. We’d love to hear about your experiences!

The post Ex-Prisoners Talk About the Most Evil People They Encountered Behind Bars appeared first on UberFacts.

People Who Left in the Middle of a Date Share What Happened

Have you ever been on a date that was so bad that you just got up and left in the middle of it? Or maybe you were on the receiving end of such a situation?

Either way, it’s awkward and uncomfortable for everyone involved.

AskReddit users shared their stories where this took place.

1. Do you have the plague?

“I told her I was color blind, she recoiled and said it was “gross” and sat there looking at me like I had the plague or something.

I just sort of got up and left.

It was really odd.”

2. A little too pushy.

“She started talking about ‘our wedding’ and ‘our future kids’ on our first date. She wasn’t joking around, and when I told her that it was way too sudden to be talking about that, she looked at me quizically and said “Don’t you want to get married?”

First online date I’d ever gone on. Plenty of awkward ones after that (including the girl who got drunk then admitted she had an infant son and lived with her ex-husband), but that one took the cake.”

3. That’s very awkward.

“He brought another girl with him.

We had agreed to go for dinner, then see a movie together, not with anyone else, as a date. We had definitely agreed it was, in fact, a date. I would’ve understood if we hadn’t made it clear if it was a date, but we both knew it was.

Anyways, he shows up with another girl. He pretty much ignores me the entire time, the bitch is sneering at me when he isn’t looking. Why agree to a date when you’re going to bring another girl? He didn’t even tell me he was going to bring someone. He just did.

When we get to the movies, we take our seats, and I said ‘I’m going to the washroom’ and grabbed my stuff and left.”

4. By the way…

“Guy from OkCupid a few years back.

Takes me to a 5 star restaurant, I try to stick to the middle of the road drinks/food as it’s a first date. Dinner went really well so we decide to go for post-dinner drinks. I get to the point where I feel I should stop drinking since it’s a first date and I wasn’t really ready for him to see me trashed. He orders me another drink and then invites me over to his house because his wife is out of town.

Date over.”

5. What are your intentions?

“We met online.

She brought her sister on our first date. She never spoke and all her sister did was drill me about “my plans” and “my intentions.” After ordering she said “I hope you’re planning on paying. That’s what a real man would do on a first date.”

So I said “true but this wasn’t a date, it was a job interview” I dropped my half in cash and walked out. Btw I drove us there.

Never heard from them again.”

6. I’m very important.

“Blind date, Indian restaurant. First thing he does is produce a folder of photos of him and various celebrities. Shows me them, one by one. He keeps…clutching at me.

After about 15 minutes of this, I say “this isn’t really – I don’t think we’re compatible. I think I should go” and get up to leave. He stood up too, and shouted at me as I left. No, I did not look back.

This happened in the mid-1980s, so unless the guy you’re thinking of is now in his 70s, it’s not him.

Yes, a real manila folder, with 8×10 glossies, in a real manila enevelope. Mid 1980s. No Photoshop, no iphone.

The two celebs I remember seeing are Jimmy Carter and the Dalai Lama. Remember, this was 30 years ago.

No, I don’t remember what he was shouting. I was focused on GTFO of there, and as I said, 30 years ago.

No, I don’t remember which Indian restaurant, but it was in Cambridge MA. Yellow walls.

Yes, he was a Harvard man. No, he was not blind. A “blind date” is when somebody fixes you up with somebody you don’t know, or when you go out with somebody you’ve met via a dating service or ad. (No photos back then; just descriptions.)

Also, I am so glad this entertained you all. My operating principle re: nightmare experiences is “This is God’s way of giving us drinking stories.” You’ve proved me right.”

7. The baby was sober…

“Met girl online.

She shows up for our first date drunk, with her drunk friend… and one month old son that she had forgot to mention (baby was sober I think).

I excused myself to the restroom and ran like my ass was on fire.”

8. Sounds like a keeper.

“He was 45 minutes late, got mad that another guy had started chatting me up at the bar while I waited.

Then proceeded to tell me about the hidden satanic messages in the opening ceremony of the Olympics.”

9. Creeper City.

“I was in my late teens and went on a date with a friend of a friend. He seemed nice, and I got the OK from my bff, so I anticipated a pleasant, quiet evening – we were just going for frozen yogurt and TV at his house, after all. Well everything’s going smooth and he seems really sweet. He tells me he likes to write poetry and my teenage girl brain is thinking, “Wow! A sensitive guy! How refreshing.” Then he tells me that he wants to show me something. I assumed it was a poem he wrote because we had just talked about it.

ME: “Ok! What is it?”
HIM: “Well, it’s not ready yet, but it will be in a couple minutes.” As he leans over on his side, away from me. ME: Confused, because I’m expecting a poem… is he going to write a poem in a couple minutes? This is going to be awkward.

Then he starts making all these innuendos about what it is. I get annoyed because he sounds like he’s describing his penis, and the joke is dying fast. Finally, just to shut him up, I say, “If it’s your DICK then NO I DON’T want to see it!”

HIM: “Oh… okay then.” And he sits back normally on the couch. I’m super confused and think he’s pulling my leg. I ask if he’s kidding and says no. He seriously wanted to whip out his junk and show me.
ME: “What the hell am I supposed to say to you while your dick is out?!”
HIM: “Well, my last girlfriend told me she’d been waiting to see it all night.” ME: Stunned silence. Then, “Ohh…kay…”

Being the awkward teen I was, I sat back into the couch, not touching him (we had been cuddling up until that conversation) and uncomfortably waited out the remainder of whatever show was on TV – and then bolted.

After I got home, I called my BFF and frantically told her what had happened. Her response? “Ohhh, yeah, I forgot to tell you. He likes to do that.””

10. I’m a professional.

“OKcupid date – emailed back and forth, had some common interests, seemed like we would get along. We met up and got food, a couple drinks, seemed to be getting along well. Then he starts talking about how good he is at Karaoke.

He’s been in contests and won first place, he and his friends go all the time, etc. I tell him I’ve only done karaoke a few times, when very drunk and with a big group of friends. I also mention that I’m pretty sure I’m tone deaf. He tells me there is a Karaoke place only one block away!!!

I tell him I’m not interested. He tells me you get your own little booth. No one else will even hear you. You can pick whatever songs you want!!! No waiting while other people sing!!! It’s clear he’s not giving up, so I grab two shots of vodka and say fine, I’ll try it. We go to the karaoke lounge and get our booth and he does three or four songs perfectly. I start my first song and he starts criticizing me, and pointing out what i’m doing wrong WHILE I’m trying to sing.

Then he picks up the other mic and starts singing over me. I say fuck this and just get up to leave. He chases after me and tells me -” I need you to pay for half of this”. It’s $60. I look in my wallet, take out the only cash I had and said “here’s $20, and you can go fuck yourself”. Then he follows me to the bus stop and tried to make idle chit chat while I wait to get the fuck away from him.”

11. Show and tell.

“Had joined a new sports club and there was one guy who was quiet and kind of just hung around the periphery of the group. I felt kind of bad for him so was always trying to bring him into conversations and talk to him. One night we all went out for drinks after the game and I talked to him for awhile.

Conversation was hard work but he seemed like a nice guy. He texted and asked me if I wanted to go out for coffee. I wasn’t really interested but knew given how quiet he was that it probably took a ton of nerve to text me that and I thought maybe in a 1:1 environment he would be more comfortable and I could get to know him a little more.

We met at the coffee shop and he had a big backpack with him. We ordered drinks then chatted, with me again doing most of the talking – he rarely initiated but would answer questions. About 1/2 hour in he said he had a few things to show me to let me get to know him better. He then did a show and tell from his backpack pulling out various items and pictures and telling me about them.

Some were kind of interesting (a family trip) and some I had no idea how to respond to (here is a picture of how I had my hair cut in grade 8). He had stuffed animals and lots of items from his childhood. I kept trying to bring the conversation to the present to find out if the item linked to a current interest or hobby but he kind of had the story about each item rehearsed and he would go right back to the show and tell.

Eventually the table was full of stuff and I tried to politely say that I had seen enough and change the topic. He told me had still had more to show me. I ended up saying I felt sick and left. I felt kind of bad but it was just getting too weird.”

12. Blame it on the pot pie.

“I left in the middle of a movie once. The date was going great but I forgot that I had left a pot pie in the oven in my apartment (only broke college guys and old people eat pot pies). I remembered a few minutes in and whispered something along the lines of “gotta get my pot pie out of the oven so I don’t burn down my apartment I’ll be right back.”

I did return but she was pissed. Thought we could go see the pot pie and have a laugh. Arrived at my previously empty apartment to find my brother and the neighbor girls drunk and naked in my living room. Showed her the pot pie and she said something along the lines of “you’re an asshole take me home”.”

13. Two-timing.

“I’ve had a girl walk out on me, took me weeks to realise why.

This was date 3. We’d met initially at a nightclub randomly, kinda just said hi and our groups merged (the boys and her girls), met up a week later at a carnival and ha a great time.

This day in particular, we met up for a basic lunch at a nice little spot near my place and just had nothing to talk about (which was odd, she seemed semi vacant). Lunch goes by with small talk, we pay separately and she asks to come back to my place – no problems there, she’s an attractive girl and I have a penis. Anyhow, we get back to my place, she throws on a dvd while I snack up the coffee table and we start talking about pet peeves with the opposite sex.

Usual things come up first, like toilet seat positioning and ‘get ready time’ for outings. Somehow it leads on to a story about this girl I knew who was ‘dating’ me whilst having an actual boyfriend on the side, and how disrespectful it was in the end. She just goes pale white, grabs her stuff and makes some excuse about forgetting something at home.

I thought I’d maybe sounded a bit cocky or come across like a douchebag, kinda felt like an ass for a day or so and moved on. My housemate ran into her and her boyfriend shopping a week later. That was awkward.”

14. Well, that’s a little forward.

“Went to get coffee to test the waters with someone new.

First thing he did was ask me to turn around and lift my shirt so he can see my ass.

I got up, turned around and walked out the door.”

I can honestly say that I’ve never walked out of a date…even though I wanted to sometimes…

Has this ever happened to you? Or maybe you were the one who walked out?

Tell us about your bad date experiences in the comments!

The post People Who Left in the Middle of a Date Share What Happened appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share How They’d Ruin a First Date Immediately

I’m not sure who would purposely ruin a first date, but there are a ton of weirdos out there, so anything goes these days, it seems.

The question posed on AskReddit was: “You got ten seconds to ruin a first date. How?”

And AskReddit users let us into their twisted little worlds…enjoy!

1. Let’s speed this up.

“Tell them to make this quick you have another one in an hour.”

2. That was Johnny.

“Answer a fake phone call with “Hey babe. Yeah I’m at the bar with Johnny. See you later. Love you!’”

3. Mommy says so.

“Mom says I have to go on at least one date a month or else she’ll cut me off.

So let’s get this over with.”

4. Put a scare into them.

“Oh, I’m so glad you agreed to meet. My kids need a new Daddy.

Since I’ve been cleared of that *air quotes* accident my late husband had, it’s time to get back out there.

*takes phone call, whispering* No, no, he’s here. Yeah. No, he’s not a drinker so the liver should be fine.”

5. Some light conversation.

“What’s your stance on abortion?

Because you should know my stance on condoms.”

6. That should do it.

“Her: “Hi! Thank you for coming to pick me up!”

Me: “I don’t think I could have waited another second.” and then rip the juiciest, rankest fart possible just after she’s gotten in the car and make sure to lock the windows so she can’t get fresh air. Follow with “You’re WELCOME.” “

7. Dig for gold.

“Don’t say a word, lock eyes, and just go knuckle deep in my nose and dig around for a good long while.”

8. You might get punched.

“I have another girl waiting so if we’re not gonna fuck after this I need to go.”

9. Forgot about that.

“Whoops left this on.

Slip off wedding band.”

10. This will get you in trouble.

“Laugh very loudly and obnoxiously and then exclaim, “I haven’t laughed this hard since 9/11″

Works every time.”

11. This is a great opportunity.

“Admit you aren’t attracted to them and only invited them out to hear about your great MLM business opportunity.”

12. How rude!

“I much rather be doing something else right now, but I guess this will do.”

13. Too much, too soon.

“I think I’m falling in love with you.”

14. If they agree, it all works out.

“I’d say “So now that I’m here we can discuss prices.

For me being at this dinner it’s $250. If you want to have sex later it will be an extra $500.”

15. Creeper vibes.

“Aww. Look at this puppy!

It’s so sexy, makes me really horny.”

16. Oh, Mother! She always knows best!

“Just reply with laughing for 5 seconds minimum followed by “Mother always says that!””

17. Put them to sleep.

“Explain the intricate details as to why RBMK Reactor number 4 failed causing Europe’s biggest nuclear accident.”

18. First things first.

“Ask to see their feet before even greeting them.”

19. I think that would probably work.

“Scratch my scalp furiously and say, “Ugh, I hate having fleas!””

20. Meet the family!

“We can’t order until my wife and kids get here to see if they like you.”

21. He’ll be gone in no time.

“I’m gonna walk in, in a wedding dress with a priest, ask him to marry me.”

Those all sound pretty good to me! Cheers to ruining a first date!

What do you think? Have you ever sabotaged a date on purpose? Or maybe you blew it on accident and regretted it?

Share your dating disaster stories with us in the comments!

The post People Share How They’d Ruin a First Date Immediately appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share Things Ex-Friends Did That Ended Their Relationships

Sometimes, toxic people in your life just have to be CUT OUT. It may seem harsh and it may seem drastic, but it’ll be much better in the long run if you actually go through with it.

Hey, life is short. Don’t spend it with people who aren’t good to you.

AskReddit users opened up with these interesting responses.

1. My first boyfriend…

“I was 16 and had my first boyfriend. I confided in my best friend of a decade that I was really upset because he got annoyed at something I said at Baskin Robins and threw me against a table and then down on the floor, and that it wasn’t the first time he’d shoved me around.

She told me that she didn’t want to hear it and that I had no right to complain because unlike her, at least I had a boyfriend.

That was pretty much that for our friendship.”

2. Obsessed with her boyfriend.

“She said that relationships were more important than school as a reason for refusing to help on a group project.

She was obsessed with her new boyfriend and didn’t want to do anything else.

We sent the emails to our physics teacher and she got put into her own group.”

3. They deserve each other.

“After I spent all day using my truck and trailer helping him haul tables and chairs and a giant archway to the church for his wedding that i was suppose to be a groomsmen.

Him “Hey dude, I really appreciate you helping me move this stuff, I couldn’t get anyone else to help, here’s $20 for the gas”

Me “woah dude, I’m IN your wedding, I don’t need money to help make this happen”

Him- “yeah dude so hey, brent (his soon-to-be wifes best guy friend/100% ex f*ck buddy/guy he’s known for less than 3 months), really wanted to be in the wedding and i was wondering if it would be cool if he took your spot and i can see if any of her cousins backed out and if there’s a seat open somewhere”

This was the day before the wedding.

I had been best friends with that guy since kindergarten, his wife didn’t like me because I knew about her wild past from a different circle of friends so this was her attempt to push me out.

He caved but none of the other people involved would help move sh*t so he waited until last minute to get me to help.

Haven’t spoken to that guy since. They deserve each other.”

4. That’s pretty bad.

“In college, a former friend tried to have sex with me (I’m also a guy) while I was black out drunk (He was not drunk).

He did that despite knowing I am straight and had a girlfriend at the time.

Lucky for me there were some actual friends that stopped him.”

5. Ruined our friendship.

“My best mate’s now ex girlfriend told everyone I had sex with her while they were dating, when I definitely had not.

She was the most irritating person I’d ever met and I don’t know if I’ve ever been attracted to someone less, than I was to her.

Ruined our friendship and destroyed her relationship with my mate.

She is one of those people that CRAVE drama and can’t live without having something wrong to moan about. She’s currently pretending to have multiple personality disorder and blaming that for every time she’s a dickhead so she can get away with it.”

6. Terrible situation.

“I got sexually assaulted by two guys in a summer camp and told it to my best friend. After calling me stupid for letting that happen, she apologised and I forgave her.

Then I saw her parents who asked how summer camp went and all she did was turn to me and go “well, you made many friends, didn’t you ? Don’t you wanna tell my parents about it ?” with a big smile on her face. I don’t feel too bad about thinking that she can f*ck off in hell.”

7. Get rid of all of ’em.

“Had a whole bunch do it at once. I used to have a group of people I thought were my friends. Because of this, I did a lot for them. I helped them out by working on their projects, supported them, let one stay in my home rent free when they were in danger of becoming homeless.

I did all that for these people, but two years in a row, they couldn’t be bothered to do something as simple and easy as meet up with me for drinks to celebrate my birthday. Half of them didn’t even bother responding to being invited. I’ve pretty much cut them all out my life now, I’m done being used by those who don’t care about me.”

8. Broke something in me.

“You know what, recently, like late 2019 I started getting out of the house. I’m a single father of two girls and I’ve focused on them 1000% for a really long time. I finally got out of the house a few times, and I’m serious I went to this friends house a few times for game nights… basically drinking and cards. Till this dude hauled off and hit me for accidentally touching his f*cking hat of all things.

What struck me most is that they were hosting and didn’t even offer an apology to me. It was quite insane for me. It was like I was back in highschool. Unf*cking real. I gave them ample time to f*cking realize what happened. It took the person 3 months to even realize we are no longer friends on social media and she’s trying to add me back now…. and honestly, it f*cking broke something in me.”

9. Good riddance to you.

“After convincing me to delete my accounts everywhere and make new ones. After promising me that they’ll protect me from my abusive ex. After witnessing everything my ex done to me, and how it scarred me for life, I found out that my best friend was dating my ex behind my back for months, lying about it the whole time.

I didn’t know who my friend was dating, as they refused to introduce them in person. It turns out they’ve been dating behind my back a few weeks before my ex broke up with me. The whole thing scarred me to this day. It’s been a year and I haven’t heard from either of them since, though. Good riddance.”

10. Set up and robbed.

“One of my best friends of several years set me up to get robbed for £390, my wallet and my jacket. The guy who robbed me pulled a machete on me and kept it against my neck. I don’t really know why they decided they want to do it, but I know from enough people (and just the way it all happened gave me suspicions) telling me it was him that I found out.

So naturally I stopped being friends with him, because it was a bit of a dick move and all.”

11. Went and told everyone.

“Best friend and ex-coworker for 5 years.

Confided in her and told her about my self harming, depression and stuff I went through as a child (you can imagine), two days later she not only told the whole of my old work place but told my family too.

Absolutely heart breaking.”

12. Never spoke again.

“I have chronic health issues, and my best friend was trying to get me to drive 30 minutes to her house to go swimming when I had to pack to leave town the next day. She kept pushing and pushing, but when she finally realized I wasn’t going to agree, she sat back and said, “You wouldn’t be any fun even if you HAD your health.”

I left and didn’t speak to her again.”

13. What a creep.

“My former best friend of over 6 years, hit up my ex girlfriend the day we broke up. He sent her a DM asking if she wanted to “hangout at his house” (parents but wtv). At the time he also had a girlfriend, who was pregnant with his kid. My ex hit me and his girlfriend up with the messages.

My ex and his girlfriend decided to go together at his place and expose him. I didn’t want to do with any of that but I didn’t want anything to happen to either of the girls. So we show up, his mom greets us and let’s us in, as soon as he saw us 3 he knew that his shit was up but acted all surprised. We told him we knew, he kept defending his case by saying his little brother (who was fucking 6) sent my ex those messages.

Well to make a long story short, his pregnant girlfriend left him, he’s currently paying child support, he also moved out of the state like a month later. My ex and I are back together and 3 months into our marriage.”

14. A story from the other side.

“I’m the dumped friend.

She posted a video from The Onion of a fake Senator reading a fake bill that was all redacted and you could tell with context clues it was basically saying in the event of Armageddon, the high powered people have bunkers to hide in. She made some comment about the redacting and our government is hiding stuff.

I commented that it was a satire video and not real. She got super mad and accused me of trying to make her look stupid. She said there was no way she could’ve known.

“The Onion” was in the bottom right hand corner of the video.

She blocked me and we have never spoken since.

We had known each other for at least five years. I (more accurately, my parents) took her in when she ran away from home for, like, a year when we were teens. When her husband beat her up (early 20s) I road tripped all night to pick her back and move her back in.”

I’ve had to cut friends out of my life at different points just because I knew they were no good for me.

Have you ever had to do that?

Tell us about it in the comments!

The post People Share Things Ex-Friends Did That Ended Their Relationships appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share Supernatural or Other-Worldly Experiences They’ve Had

We live in a world where science rules, but that doesn’t mean we have an explanation for everything.

Sure, many people don’t believe in ghosts or other supernatural beings, but is it fair to discount the possibility that they exist?

One Reddit AMA asked people to reveal things they’ve seen or been through that can’t be easily explained.

10. The Sliding Gel Cap

“When I was a kid I was putting on gel in front of the mirror. My bedroom door was locked. When I finished I tried placing the lid back on the jar with my sticky gel hands. I dropped it and hit my foot and it slid under the bed. I was like fuck and dried my hands with the little towel. Then, as I was bending over to pick the lid from under the bed, it slid back out. On its own.

I didn’t panic or anything but I did look under the bed and there was absolutely nothing where it could’ve bounced off of. Also; by the time I reached for it, it wouldn’t make sense either way.

It’s not a scary or interesting story with poltergeist activity and humanoid characters but I always think about it. What was it? What pushed the lid back out? I’ll never have an answer.”—bukowsk

9. The Girl in the Dream

“So many, many years ago I was dating a girl, now that’s supernatural in and of itself but there’s more.

I cared for her deeply, first relationships will do that to you, but she was in a bad way. Too much partying, too many drugs, hanging with what is absolutely the wrong crowd, and some very illegal shit after she broke up with me that I’m really not comfortable discussing. A couple of years go by, I think of her on occasion and hope she’s doing better but not terribly often.

Then one night I have the dream. In it she’s standing by my bed and reassuring me that everything is okay, she’s better now, and there’s no need to worry about her anymore. Odd dream, but I don’t think much of it until two days later when I catch sight of a newspaper with a story about having found a who had gone missing.

She OD’ed on heroin the night I had the dream.

She wasn’t a saint, but she’d also come up a bad way and, according to what mutual friends had relayed to me, I’d been one of the few people who really cared about her. I don’t really have an explanation for what happened, but I like to think that she wanted to make sure I knew she was going to be alright.

It’s part of what leaves me firmly believing in some sort of afterlife.”—LooseCannonK

8. Story of a Sentient TV

“I have an old tv my parents bought way back in 1986, when they were living in Germany. When I was little, that tv was retired from the main family tv to the basement tv, and my bedroom was in the basement. I very clearly remember waking up in the middle of the night, frequently and randomly, for years and laying down on the couch in front of that tv. It would turn itself on and play music for me so I could fall asleep on the couch. As I’ve grown older, moved from place to place with it, it’s done other things . . .turning on to full screeching static when my toaster caught fire while I was in another room, or dramatically turning off and not coming back on when I’ve been awake for too long. . .weird shit, really.

I don’t know what’s up with it, or inside it, but there’s something in there, and it’s my oldest and most loyal friend.

Edit: first, thank you kind stranger for the gold. Second, it is a Hitachi brand tv, they bought it on a military base post exchange.”—Kepheo

Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

7. Reappearing Items

“I had just moved into my first apartment. It was a very small studio in a not so great neighborhood. I was 21. I started noticing things going missing after a couple of weeks. A nice pair of underwear. A charm bracelet. Things I thought maybe I left somewhere or lost or misplaced. Until I noticed a picture of me and my friend i had on my fridge was gone. I was perplexed. I turned my apartment upside down. No picture. Over the course of the year, little things would just disappear. I even went to the office and asked how many employees had access to my apartment. The office manager showed me the safe with the keys and showed me the log of who takes what key when. None of the dates added up to missing items. I was perplexed. I was about 2 weeks from moving out because my lease was up and I was moving in with my boyfriend. A storm came in and damaged the apartment building, roof and HVAC. Maintenance let me know they’d be coming in to replace ductwork and replenish insulation. The guys come in, go in my bedroom closet, and lo and behold, there’s a panel leading to this weird attic space that spans the entire half of the apartment (4 homes). I had no idea it was there and the maintenance guys assure me that its only accessible from my apartment. I decided to poke my head up an look about while they were up there. In the back corner above my bedroom, was what I can only describe as a shrine of my stuff. My underwear, picture, jewelry, all of my missing items. All together. Placed in a triangle. I got so freaked out i just left it all there. I moved into my boyfriend’s house that night. I had him and his friends move my things for me so I didn’t have to go back. I told the apartment manager but she didn’t seem to care at all. I get physically ill when I talk about it still because I know someone was watching me that whole time and I had no clue.”—thebluntfairy

6. Was it a UFO?

“In the middle of the 90s we visited some family at their farm in another country … and the place was super rural, like they had some pipe coming out of the side of some mountin for fresh water and one of this dumpster toilets that are actually just a hole in the ground, and if its full, they throw earth on it and dig a new one.

So, it was in the middle of summer and super frigging hot, even at night. I had awoken around 3am because I needed to take a leak and went outside to go to that little shithole in the ground. There was nearly no electric light outside, so no light polution, just a brilliant starlit sky all over and around me. So I looked up and let it sink in and just enjoyed the moment, when suddenly a thick, fat, gleaming lightbeam raced from left to right over the sky, STOPPED freaking in the middle, hung there for about 0,5-1s and then raced off to the right. The whole thing lasted for less then 2s, but it left me dumbfounded. I was never a big UFO believer, but dayum, what the fuck was that?”—Akumakaji

5. At Least A Force Was With This Redditor

“When a strange force pulled me 12 blocks through my small town one night, I just sort of felt like walking and as I went on the impulse got stronger until I could tell exactly where I was going, the location had 0 significant relevance to me or my life and when I got to one end of the field there was a small black figure sitting in the spot I felled I was supposed to go, I realized how weird the situation was and sprinted all the way home. It was super strange and 6 years later I’ve never had anything at all similar happen. It started by meditating in a dark space on my porch.”—TheRealTrumanShow

4. Haunted By Cowboy Boots

“I grew up in my grandparent’s house, which was an extremely old house that used to operate as a store. It was later comverted to a house and then my grandparents bought it. One day my grandma and I are sitting in the kitchen, I’m reading a book and she was perusing a magazine, when we hear a sound loud and clear. The sound of cowboy boots walking around in the room above us. Very distinct footfalls and they couldn’t be confused with another sound, if you know what cowboy boots on hardwood floors sound like. My grandma and I look up at one another and I remember whispering to her “I thought we were the only ones home.” We were the only ones home at the time and I was never comfortable in that house by myself again, especially since my bedroom was upstairs next to the empty one with the footsteps.”—CountingScars94

Photo Credit: Pexels

3. This String of Overlaps

“My randomly assigned college roommate and I felt deeply connected the moment we met for the first time. We were inseparable right away as if we had never really been strangers.

Months later, we randomly find out that our mothers were pregnant at the exact same time in the same city in a country that neither of us are originally from. They were in that country for two completely separate and oddly specific reasons (so we’re not talking your ordinary beach vacay). She is from the US and I’m from a European country. Up until that point there had been no overlap in our lives except for the 9 months our pregnant mothers unknowingly lived on the same street in a foreign country. A couple of weeks prior to giving birth, they both moved back to their respective countries.

It’s been 10 years and she is still one of my best friends.

(And no, we don’t have the same dad so please don’t suggest that haha).”—parkavenueWHORE

2. The Invisibility Corner

“Once when I was a little kid (hadn’t started school yet), my siblings and I were playing hide and seek. I hid in one of the bedrooms between a bunk bed and the wall. It was a corner hiding spot a window on the wall the bed wasn’t on. I just sat in the corner waiting to be found, back to the wall, bed to my left, and wall with a window to my right. I didn’t have anything covering me, so if you looked in the corner, you’d see me, right? Apparently, not. I remember that multiple people (siblings and parents) had looked into the corner but never said they found me, so I just kept sitting there. Eventually, my parents called the police. They could not find me. I came out after a while confused as to why no one had found me and wondering why the police were here. To this day my family (me included) joke that I can turn invisible.”—Cmixoops

1. This Sweet Gesture

“I had a cat named Rocky. He liked going out and was always chased by the colony dogs but was never caught. Then one day he fell really sick and died a few days after that. Even the vet couldn’t treat him. Anyway, so I was holding him in my arms when he passed away (in my house). Not give seconds after his death, every single street dog in the colony came close to my house and started howling. Later I found out that all the pet dogs that Rocky had interacted with anytime in his life, had also howled. I seem to think that it was maybe a howl of respect that they could never catch him? Idk. All I know is that it was very bizzare. RIP Rocky. I will always love you.”—Fransisco_03

These experiences ranged from strange to sweet, but there’s no reasonable explanation for them. Do you have any such stories you’d like to share too? We’re always ears!

The post People Share Supernatural or Other-Worldly Experiences They’ve Had appeared first on UberFacts.

Collectors Share the Odd Things They Can’t Stop Grabbing

I’ve never really been much of a collector (aside from books), but I understand that many people all over the world find themselves with houses full of one thing or another. My mother collected Precious Moments figurines, my sister loves dreamcatchers, my husband, raw gems and minerals….

And if any of those things surprise you, well, these 16 confessions should really pique your interest.

16. He just likes the sound they make.

Bottle caps. Not a Fallout fan, just like the little clinklies.

15. Yikes.

Board games.

Board Game Collection 2019

14. She’s stolen a good number of them from boys she knows.


13. You don’t have to be a kid to enjoy playing.

Lego. Building sets is very relaxing and I like to put them on display.

12. You really buried the lede there.

I collect yugioh while my brother collects pokemon and sister collects her ex boyfriends hair samples

Edit:Thank you kind stranger for the reddit gold!

11. Wait, this counts? Because…

My wife collects bags

Hand bags, purses, those nice bags you leave the mall with, gift bags, bags from the grocery store etc. We have bags of bags.

10. Folks, we have a hoarder…

Fountain pens!

Also knives but if you start a conversation that way it throws people off.

Also coins. Fucking love silver coins.

Also stamps

Also comics

I’m bad at not collecting things.

9. Okay I want to see all of these.

I collect documents from the late 1800’s to the early 1900’s. A lot of the stuff I have are diaries and legal documents.

8. Nerdy, but also cool!

I like collecting rare/old coins. An entire section of my basement is dedicated to my coin collection. My rarest is a $20 gold liberty head coin dating 1859, and I have a few seperate boxes for the more common old coins, such as wheat pennies, silver nickels, silver dimes, and silver quarters, and I have a mini box for silver half dollars. The rest I put on display in air and water tight clear plastic cases.

7. Every hobby deserves this much passion.

Coins!!!! I worked at a very popular LEGO Store where it was a common tourist destination for people all over the world and sometimes when people would take their change out to pay, they’d have coins from their country in the handful of American coins, and my eyes would always light up and I’d be like “OOOHH! What kind are those!!” and quite a few really awesome customers have let me have their country’s change!

One guy gave me EIGHT different coins from his country! I was in awe!! Another woman, whom I worked with knew I loved coins of all sorts, and when she went on a trip, she brought me back a bag of special coins from her travels! She even paid money to get me a unique square-shaped coin.

When I went to Europe, I visited 6 countries. Most of them used Euros, but London used Pounds. I left Europe with a bunch of cool new coins, AND EVEN BETTER, the guy I sat next to on the plane home DIDN’T want his coins! He gave me a sandwhich baggy half full of coins I already had, AND coins I never even came across. Like a couple coins called Krones, from Danmark, which have a cool hole right in the center of them.

I have a large jar in my room that I keep adding neat coins to, even old metal chuckie cheese coins. ??

6. The sales will get you every time.

Unplayed* video games on Steam.

5. You’ve gotta keep busy!

Hobbies, loads of them, I get wee obsessions with doing things and spend a fortune doing them for about 6 months to a year then I just put all the stuff away and move on to the next hobby.

4. Someone else will be thrilled.

hawaiian shirts.

i’ve got over 1,000.

but i’ve decided that the time has come to divest myself of A LOT of them.

3. I threw them away when I ran out of room on my fridge.

Magnets of the cities/countries I’ve been to.

2. Serious question, though, how do you store them?

Fuckin mugs bro, the more obscure the better. Whatever passion or interest you could have, there’s probably a mug for that. I like mugs that have fallen to the wayside This Houston Mug? Oh I’ve never been but i saw at a yard sale so I copped

1. Such cool stories.

Mainly books. But to a lesser degree (I have just a few pieces) antique pottery from a pottery place that used to be in my mother’s hometown over a century ago.

I get it, because you can pry any one of my books out of my cold dead hands.

Do you collect something? What is it, and how did it start? Let us know in the comments!

The post Collectors Share the Odd Things They Can’t Stop Grabbing appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share Why Atheism Is Right for Them

Some people don’t believe in God. Or any god, for that matter.

If you want to understand why they feel this is the right thing for them, in their bones, then opening your ears is a must – and these 14 people are ready to explain why they have no regrets about their lack of faith.

14. It’s not about hatred.

This is usually my simple answer too.

My biggest annoyance is that religious people often equate atheism with hating religion. I don’t really care if people are religious and want to believe something. If someone finds that fulfilling, they can do whatever they want. I find some of the moral tenets in some religions inspiring and I also sometimes envy people who truly believe in an afterlife.

That said, I can’t stand people who hate simply because of differing views. It could be because of religion, race, nationality, sexual preference, etc. To me, religion is just another thing that can be used to divide us. To me, it seems to bring more hate and sorrow to the world than hope and inspiration. I have many friends and family who are religious and are not this way, so I know that the hate comes mostly from overzealous people and does not represent the majority, but still these religions do cause hate and discord.

If it was ever proven that there is a god or creator, I would be all on board with worshipping them or at least acknowledging their existence. Until then, religion isn’t really something I think about at all in my daily life until questions like these are asked.

13. Evidence and proof are in short supply.

Zero proof and the fact that religious people rely on the word “faith” as their only defense when they try to push their shit.

12. There aren’t enough answers to all of the ‘whys.’

At first I believed in God, mainly because my parents said that. But then I began to wonder why this is so, and not so? Why is this greatest being not coming down to us, it should help us, but it does not. Many believers impose their faith, and say that God will take revenge on atheists (I am from Russia, this is why this attitude is not uncommon). This greatest being has nothing to do but punish the atheists? I began to try to delve into science, learned about the theory of evolution, and how, for me, even if the transformation of a monkey into a person seems implausible, the transformation of a piece of clay into a complex human organ system sounds even less realistic.

11. There’s no substitute for science.

Because I have no reason to. Just like I don’t believe in elves, goblins, ghosts, demons, bigfoot, chupacabra, the loch ness monster, santa claus, the tooth fairy, wishing on shooting stars, or any other superstition/fairy tail nonsense.

I don’t make a habit of “believing” in anything. I am presented evidence of something and from then on accept its existence; I don’t do anything on faith alone.

10. I’ve honestly never considered that before now…

Because a god that hides it’s identity makes zero sense. If it wanted our obedience, it could expose itself in a big way and get it.

9. Because women are just as important as men.

It was also used as a tool of control on me for a long time, as well as other women. It enabled the men at church to be lazy and entitled while guilt tripping women for never being able to do enough. Women who had enough of the “serving” bullshit (planning everything, taking care of everything, all domestic chores whether or not they worked full time, free childcare, expected to stop everything at the whim of others) and left church were branded as nasty feminists and everybody prayed for them. Fuck church forever

8. It’s not a natural law.

If you delete all mathematical equations discovered in the past 100 years, all of it will be re-discovered eventually, you can’t delete natural facts and order forever.

if you do the same with all religions, none of it will be ever seen again, ever. Religion and god are made up things passed down further by parents and society.

1+1 will always be 2 regardless if you live in the US or China. But Allah will be not the same god as Zeus regardless where you at.

EDIT: thanks for the awards and fruitful discussion guys!

7. Comfortable with your mortality.

There’s no evidence (and lack of evidence is not the same as evidence)
but mainly,
I’m perfectly comfortable with my mortality, and the universe just being there. I don’t need to create or believe in something greater than it to get on with my daily life. It’s a vast and crazy and unbelievable and beautiful and random and infinite thing. Why does it have to be created by something? Can’t we just admire it for what it is?

6. When you actually do the reading…

Actually read the bible. Was always skeptical as a child but actually reading the book, was the nail in the coffin for me.

5. It doesn’t look much like love.

If god loves all then why make millions of people depressed, tortured, murdered, hated, starving and ill? Why create famine or mass genocide and not happiness for all those you “love”?

4. Concise and interesting.

“I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.”

Stephen Roberts
Edit; Thanks for the silver, kind stranger!

3. No good deity, anyway.

It’s a book written a couple thousand years ago, translated and retranslated a couple hundred times and rewritten to fit other people’s agendas.No one can verify anything that happened and plus no diety would let their name be perverted and used to kill people in their name even if they said they gave us free will.

2. Why is he worthy of worship?

Because God is a fucking tyrant, well the concept of God. He supposedly watches from the heavens as millions of people die from hunger, disease, murder, war, sexual abuse and so on. Religion makes you fear him so you don’t go to hell, where you burn for eternity if you don’t follow his commandments and obey the rules of his con stricting rule. People die tragically everyday, and people have the nerve to say God took them because he felt it was time. So I guess die a fucked up way because God wanted you to? Plus there’s no evidence and people have been waiting for his sons return for 2000 years and nothing. He watched the natives get slaughtered of the Americas because they needed to be converted, watched the Jews die in concentration camps and did nothing about it. He let racism and slavery exist which is super fucked up. I thought we were all suppose to be his children and exist in harmony. Why would a God who is supposedly so loving do that? He let’s the two major religions of the world, in Christianity and Islam fight a religious war that is pointless, which innocent people suffer from their evil doing. Is God just an evil being that we are supposed to fear and obey? It sure seems like it. Everyone who is religious is so bent on making it to heaven, and they forget to enjoy the short existence we have on this little rock, which circles our little star of a sea of billions that revolve around the center of our galaxy, which freefalls into the blackness and nothingness of space. We are insignificant compared to the universe, but yet, here we are pointing weapons at each other that could end our entire existence. Fuck we suck as humans.

1. We’ve done it for millennia.

In my opinion, God is just the name that we’ve collectively used to explain things that we cannot explain with science yet. There’s some things that can never be explained with science (like why does time exist, how did the first atom exist etc.) that’s simpler to think about by assuming there’s an entity behind all the unexplainable things.

I love hearing people talk about what’s formed them, what they think, and how it’s similar or different from my own upbringing and set of rules.

Do you believe in god? Are you an atheist? We’d love to hear your own reasons for your choices in the comments!

The post People Share Why Atheism Is Right for Them appeared first on UberFacts.

Redditors Share Their Most Precious Pet Moments

Give me a good ‘ol pet story and you’ll have me in the palm of your hand. I adore the human/pet dynamic and how they bond with their owners – especially dogs and cats.

And the best stories are always the ones where the pet surprises its owner with their amazinging-ness. Perhaps they had a bad day, or they’re simply chilling with Netflix. Doesn’t matter – when your pet does something that melts your insides to mush, that’s how we know the bond is real and worth it.

Reddit users took to the question, “What is the kindest thing a pet has done for you?” and we picked the top few. Here you go!

10. They know when to say good-bye

My old doge did me a kindness. I had her for 17 years. Got her long before the doge meme became a thing, and while she was difficult as hell (seriously, think twice before getting one of these dogs) she was my lifelong companion and I loved her to death.

She went downhill pretty quickly, and there was one day when I knew that it was time to take her to the vet one last time. I went to work and set about getting the arrangements together to take her in the next day. It was heartbreaking.

I got home, and she was out there in her favorite spot in the yard. Sometime after I’d left for work, she went out there, laid down in the sun, and went to sleep.

She was a good girl.”

9. How to break up any argument

“One time my family was discussing money and we started yelling at each other. It got pretty heated until my dog showed up, barked at us once to get our attention, and then dropped a potato that he dug up in the yard in front of us. He nudged it forward with his nose and gave us this “we good now?” Look. Everyone just started laughing and it calmed everyone down.”

8. Bonding through broken bones

“In late April 2007, I was called by a shelter in Louisville, Kentucky, to ask if I would rescue a dog that they’d picked up. ‘Jet’ was a young male Basset Hound who had been hit by a car and had a shattered leg. I ran the Basset Hound Rescue in Kentucky at the time. Of course I said I would take him. I got him transported down to me and got him to my vet.

There, they said it would cost around $3,000 to pin the leg back together but only $150 to amputate. Because it was a back leg, and he was not your typical deep-chested short-legged Basset, I opted for amputation.It was rough because as the bruising healed from the car accident, it strained against his stitches and I had to take him to the vet and have them keep him overnight while they took all the stitches out and let the wound drain.

We always had a number of foster dogs at our house and we also had a dog of our own who was pretty dominant. One day, about six weeks post amputation, Jeremiah (as I now named him given that he hopped like a bullfrog) was in the kitchen with a couple other dogs when two of the other ones got into a fight around him. Not wanting him injured, I scooped him up and turned to leave the kitchen.

As I was leaving, I hit my foot on the door frame breaking my foot. I ended up in the emergency room and that night came home on crutches. The next day I got up on the couch with a pillow under my leg, as I was told to stay off my feet and keep it elevated. Jeremiah decided he needed to comfort me as I had saved him in the middle of the fight. He struggled for a good 15 to 20 minutes until he was able to pull himself up onto the couch unaided. This was the first time he had gotten on the couch. I had him up for adoption but at that point I couldn’t let him go. I paid his adoption fee and I kept him.”

7. Presents come in living packages

“I was super sick with a kidney infection and hadn’t been able to really get out of bed for the past couple of days. My cat was with me for most of the time. She went out for a bit and when she came back, she jumped up on the foot on my bed and was really still. I knew something was up and sure enough she had a mouse/baby rat in her mouth. I jumped up and ran out of the room, she followed me with it.

My mom’s boyfriend who was also sick came out of their room to see what the commotion was.

He tried to get the mouse from her, but she wasn’t having any of that and clawed him. She went back outside and when she came back in she didn’t bring another gift, but just curled up and went to sleep. Looking back it’s kinda sweet. She brought me a present, tried to make sure that I saw by following me with it, and then fought someone trying to keep it.”

6. They are our healers

“I had a black Labrador called Ben. He was everyone’s best friend and my mum called him her wee shadow. My granny passed away in 2014 after quite a long traumatic few months. We were her carers and there right til the end so after she died home felt like it was in the middle of a storm. I remember going home to wash a few hours before it happened and Ben climbed on to the couch with me and pushed his head into my neck and let me just cry. A few days after she died my mum was sitting at the kitchen table just weeping inconsolably and Ben just walked up quietly and put his head on her lap. When she leaned in he started licking her tears and trying to get at her ears to make her laugh. Without him, I don’t think we would have got through those days. We talk about him all of the time so even though I can’t hold him or go to the river and see him stick his face under water, he’s always with us.He was the very best boy.”

5. Even the stubborn ones show love

“My aunt had this female cat named Gizmo when I was a kid. Gizmo was a savage bitch who had no time or patience for anyone. She spent most of her life outdoors. By choice of course. She had free reign and could come and go as she pleased. She’d come in at night to sleep and be back out again. She had no interest in people at all and chances are if you tried to touch her in any manner she’d f*** you up.

I was probably around 8 years old and I was spending a weekend at my aunts when I got the worst flu I ever had in my f***ing life. It was so bad I still remember it in vivid detail nearly 30 years later. I was sick for days and it was absolute agony.

About a day in I couldn’t take it anymore and I just started wailing. There I was laying on a pull out couch in the den surrounded by buckets, sweating, crying and begging for it to end, and in the house comes Gizmo.

This cat jumped up on the couch and cuddled me and licked me and did everything she could to comfort me. Not just for a little while, but for days. Through the entire ordeal. She stayed right there beside me only leaving to eat and head outside for a couple minutes at a time. She didn’t want anyone else near me either. If anyone got in arms reach of that couch she’d turn on them and chase them out.

I remember my aunt and cousins being amazed. To this day they still bring it up from time to time. That cat never showed an ounce of consideration for a human once before or after this event, but she was bound and determined to stick it out with me until the end and did just that.”

4. When souls collide

“My yellow lab knows me and my emotions to a near psychic level. When I’m stressed, she will come to me, and gently nuzzle her muzzle under my arm. She’ll cuddle up by my side, and just sit with me. It’s the dog version of taking me in her arms, to just hold me.

When I’m in a good mood, she will smile her dog smile, and wag her whole butt. When I’m home, she’s by my side. She understands a sizeable vocabulary, and I swear, she even understands my lame jokes (because I talk my dog like she’s a person). She has a look that’s kindly patronizing, that she’ll give me.

Our souls are intertwined.”

3. They give big smiles and licks to wash away our tears

“We’ve only had my dog (a rescue) for a few months. Despite his large size, this poor pooch is afraid of just about everything and often looks to me for assurance and guidance so usually I’m the one who’s comforting him.

But, just today I came home in a terrible mood. I had just finished crying ten minutes prior and as soon as I open the door this big goof comes galloping towards me with the dopiest smile on his face… Typically he’s a very lazy dog who never wants to play, but instantly he wanted to rough house. We played for a good half an hour chasing each other around and play fighting then afterwards he gave me a good cuddle.

Whether it was intentional or not, I felt a lot better very quickly.”

2. Real life Lassies do exist

“My family had a German shepherd when I was young. She was part of a line of police K9s and was the smartest dog I’ve ever known. One time we were at a remote job site my dad was working at. There was an old abandoned cemetery in a grove of trees a couple hundred yards away. My brother and I were playing near the job site when Cop Girl, our imaginatively named K9, came running over and circling us. There was no mistaking that she wanted us to follow her to the graveyard, but my brother and I were 6 and 8 at the time and too afraid to follow so we went and got our dad. He followed Cop Girl to the woods, and found that my mom had gone to explore the graveyard and twisted her ankle, falling into a bed of fire ants. She was eaten up pretty badly and rushed to the hospital. She had to wear some body wrappings for awhile but came out of it OK. She said she told Cop Girl to get help and without hesitation she had bolted off for us.

So I’d say possibly saving my mom’s life was a pretty kind act.”

1. Dogs will share their favorite things

My dog doesn’t let her toy carrot out of her sight, NEVER ever let anyone touch it etc. She protects it like her life depends on it. Growls, snarks, even bit my mom once when she tried to wash it.

I’ve been going through sh** and I was crying on my bedroom floor, at first she just came and lay next to me (which in and of itself is adorable), and then she brought me her carrot, and at first I didn’t react much cuz I was quite .. busy crying, so she started nudging it at me and poking me with it, got on my lab and put it on my chest and sh** and ffs that made me happy cry even more. Once I took it, she just lay next to me. That was so pure. She gave me what she felt was the most important thing ever and waited for the effect of said important thing she valued. We. Don’t. Deserve. Dogs.”


The post Redditors Share Their Most Precious Pet Moments appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share the Things They Think Were Ruined by Becoming Popular

When you find something amazing, it’s normal to want to tell the world about it. The problem is that popularity can soon cause pesky crowds to ruin your previously private awesome thing.

One Reddit thread posed the following question:

“What was a great thing ruined by popularity?”

Here are a few things that were ruined after they became well-known, according to Redditors!

10. Bothies (from Scotland)

“Bothies. Basically they’re small cottages in remote parts of the Scottish highlands that are left unlocked, free to be used for shelter by people travelling the mountains. They’re not well furnished or anything, but they act as a freely usable weatherproof shelter for anyone to use in a country where summer usually just means the rain is slightly less frigid.

It used to be that they weren’t too well-known; the hillwalking community used them, maintained them, and everyone observed an unwritten code of conduct where you’d make sure to leave it tidy, clean and ready for the next person to use. However, they suddenly experienced an upsurge in awareness, and a lot of them suffered for it. People would go to them so they could have a piss-up in a scenic location and leave them covered in rubbish and shit. Literal shit; they’re normally refurbished from long-abandoned houses and frequently don’t have toilets, so they’re equipped with a shovel to bury your waste. People seemed to think they were free holiday homes that they could just take over. Some people just vandalised them for the fun of it.

As a result, they’re suffered quite a bit. They should offer shelter from bad weather and a safe place to sleep, but now you have a bunch of entitled, lazy arseholes who go and wreck them.”—A6M_Zero

9. Amusement Parks Everywhere

“To some extent, Amusement/Theme Parks. They have to be popular to justify building new, state of the art attractions, but eventually get so crowded that you need to buy special passes and get on a ride in less than 2 hours and can barely even find a place to sit when you want to rest for a minute.

I live near Six Flags Great America, outside of Chicago. Anytime I’ve gone in the last 10 years it’s been a ridiculous mass of humanity. More rides then ever, but every decent ride is like a 2 hour wait.”—homebrew_ken_

8. Utah National and State Parks

“Last year I did the Utah National and State parks during the early spring- off season- and the measures they are taking to try to accommodate the massive number of visitors during the summer is incredible. Parking, lodging, sanitation, and safety are all becoming problems, and I hope that these places don’t become victims of their own popularity.

Arches really seems to attract people doing stupid, dangerous shit. The iconic Delicate Arch is like a magnet for morons who don’t prepare for the trail, take risky selfies, vandalize and climb on things, and drink in places where there’s 360 degrees of cliffs around you.”—ThadisJones

7. Songs That Get Too Popular

“Have you ever noticed there’s a threshold where a song gets too popular and will live on with the memory of everyone thinking it was overplayed and annoying.”—TransCrabby

6. The Inspiration for Birth Control

“Ok I’m going to mix it up. Silphium, the plant used as a form of (likely very effective) birth control in the ancient Mediterranean.

For this reason (and because it was apparently delicious), it gained popularity as a spice, aphrodisiac, and general cure-all and became worth its weight in gold. Julius Caesar stockpiled the stuff, and it is one of the most plausible origins of the “heart” symbol (and the association of that symbol with romance and doing the sex to people).

Unfortunately, it only grew wild in and around Cyrene, and over-harvesting by the Romans after their takeover of the city drove Silphium into extinction by the time of Nero.

Aaand that’s why we had to wait 2,000 years for the pill.”—badass_panda

5. Cool Beaches

“Beaches. Once tourism starts, it usually has devastating effects on the flora and fauna. They had to close a beach off from the public in Thailand to give nature time to recover.

Edit to give more information: I was talking about Maya Bay, which was made famous by the movie The Beach (yes, the one with Leo). Despite its isolation, the bay attracts so many tourists there isn’t even any room to lay down on the sand. The bay is closed off until officials believe the coral has rejuvenated sufficiently.”—Ohmmy_G

4. Iceland

“Visiting Iceland.

I absolutely fell in love with the country when I was there, but the popularity of it means, like any other trendy tourist destination, that it’s now ruined by tourists being jackasses. I grew up near a national park that is ALSO now ruined by overcrowding, so maybe I have a lower threshold for that sort of stuff than most, but watching idiots stomping all over fragile geothermal features two steps away from the “no walking on this area” sign just boils my blood.”

3. Airbnb

“It’s difficult as an Airbnb host with a room in the house available. We get a lot of middle aged couples turning up expecting the whole place, and also expecting the house to be something else, they just don’t read the info.

It’s really frustrating because we’re up front about what to expect, and have a really lovely room set up, but many people’s experience of Airbnb is staying in commercial flats which has full time maid service, so they come here expecting to get that, despite being £30 a night.”—bearman-bao

2. Mount Everest

“Mount Everest. Especially since there’s only one or two days a season that people climb (when conditions are optimal). There are literally queues of people waiting to go up some sections and the overcrowding contributes to the number of deaths there each year. That’s before you even start to think about the rubbish/trash left up there.”—TannedCroissant

1. Plastic

“Plastic, it is a great material but mankind does not know how to use it properly.”—Gliding_high

It’s worth it to say that a lot of people also thought eBay and Amazon were also ruined thanks to their new ubiquity, but this is something we all knew. In the meantime, do you agree with the rest?

Feel free to let us know if there’s anything else that got ruined after it became popular.

The post People Share the Things They Think Were Ruined by Becoming Popular appeared first on UberFacts.

15 People Share the Biggest Mistakes They’ve Made in Life

All of us have regrets and things we wish we would’ve done differently in our lives. Some are more extreme than others, but, as the saying goes, “That’s life.”

In this AskReddit article, people went on the record and shared the biggest mistakes they’ve made in life…so far…

1. That’s not good.

“I tried to walk across a guard rail and ended up slipping and hitting my gooch in just the right spot that it tore my urethra. Had a catheter for about 3 months after that.”

2. Never be whole again…

“On my 16 birthday my much older brother killed himself. My regret is that I had called him to ask him to come out with my friends and I to celebrate at a local restaurant. But on the first ring thought “He probably doesn’t want to hang out with a bunch of 15-16 year olds” and hung up the phone. They found his body the next morning. I will never be whole again.”

3. Not happy with the choices.

“Choosing the wrong degree multiple times. A few years ago finally decided on Computer Science… and I fucking hate it. Only have like 8ish classes left so I would be stupid not to finish it but I have no desire to do anything computer science related.”

4. Debt for days.

“Quitting a job before I had another one (long story), which led to my savings being drained and my credit card debt soaring through the roof.

I’ve recovered about a year later, but my savings are basically non-existent as I spent all of my excess paying down debt.”

5. Still in therapy.

“Holding onto hate and resentment about my dad, has fucked up mentally. Instead of dealing with it in a healthy way, I’ve held onto the hate and resentment and have blamed him for everything wrong in my life. I’m in therapy now and trying to unlearn toxic behaviours.”

6. Just want to be functional.

“Tried to kill myself when I was 24. Did the whole inpatient thing and therapy. Now I’m 28, still living with my parents and struggling to win the battle with my mental health. Really frustrating. I just want to be a functional adult.”

7. That’s intense.

“Having a kid with wrong person. Really ends your life for the most part.”

8. A lot of people do this…

“Staying with someone for way too long because I thought I could help them.

I was 25 when I met her, she was broken and very needy. She had a lot of issues with herself, mainly she always felt insecure and inadequate. For those times when she was ok, everything was amazing and she was the best person to be around with. But those times were rare, she was jealous about anyone and everyone. I didn’t even hang around my friends anymore because she would make me feel guilty later on and she could never get along with them. I always thought I could help her, but only after everything fell apart did I realize that in my effort to always be there for her I broke myself.

We broke up 2 years ago, I’m now 33 and just starting to fix relationships that I’ve abandoned because I was too focused on her. I don’t blame her at all because that was my choice, but it’s been hard.”

9. Just let that go.

“Being scared of what people thought about me.”

10. You can quit!

“Starting to smoke.”

11. Now what?

“Being a floater. Meaning being friends with multiple friend groups in life without really being a solid part in any one. Left with none eventually.”

12. Still regret it.

“Probably dropping out of my dream college to be closer to my now ex.

Regret that decision every single day…”

13. Married to the wrong person.

“Getting married to the wrong person. It led to a lengthy divorce in which time my ex tanked me financially . It took me years to recover.”

14. This is very true.

“Losing friends because I didn’t put effort into maintaining the relationship. Nobody tells you when you’re a kid just how hard it is to make new friends once you’re past your college years.”

15. Say no to drugs.

“Took a very large dose of a research chemical thinking it’d be like acid, went clinically insane for like a year and require inpatient hospitalization. Took me two years after that to build my life up and have a career, but I was never totally the same. Such is life.”

Wow…some of those are pretty rough…

What do you think is the worst mistake you’ve made in your life so far?

Feel free to share with us in the comments. We’d love to hear from you. No judgment here!

The post 15 People Share the Biggest Mistakes They’ve Made in Life appeared first on UberFacts.