People Share What Movie Endings Make Them Cry Every Single Time

I have a confession to make, and it might make me sound strange…

I have a much harder time dealing with animals who are in pain and animals who die in movies than I do with actual human beings.

The scene in White Fang where he yells at his dog and makes it go off on its own…oh man…I can’t handle that kind of stuff. I saw that movie almost 30 years ago and I still get choked up. And it ends happily ever after in the end, so I don’t even know why I still get sad…

Are there certain movie endings that always make you cry?

Let’s get all sappy with AskReddit users.

1. I don’t think I can watch this.

“Hachi: A Dog’s Tale.

I bawl from about halfway until the end..”

2. Good stuff.

“Kubo and the Two Strings.

The whole climax of that movie is emotionally devastating but the final scene with the villagers and then the lanterns on the water transitioning into the Regina Spektor version of While My Guitar Gently Weeps…that movie is so good.”

3. All torn up.

“That final shot of Monsters Inc. will always make me tear up.

When Sully pokes his head in and we hear Boo say “Kitty!” that’s just such a great ending.”

4. Gutted.

“The Grand Budapest Hotel.

The revelation that their shared happiness was short lived, the reminder that happy endings don’t always last, and that the old world the hotel represented had already long vanished in the darkness of war.

The way the plot’s nesting doll framing device pulls back out to the present, a young woman reading about it in a snowy graveyard.

Just guts me every time.”

5. Oh, man…

“The Iron Giant.

“You stay, I go. No following”

God d*mn…”

6. Gets you every time.

“Inside Out.

The scene when Riley comes home at the end always gets me.

The first time I watched this was on a plane. There is a phenomenon where people are more emotional when flying alone. It was not pretty.

I can’t imagine what other people were thinking watching me cry to a cartoon.”

7. All the feels.

“Mr. Holland’s Opus.

The way his former students all come back to pay tribute to him and perform the song he’d spent his entire career composing.

It always hits me in the feels.”

8. I’m not touching this movie.

“Marley and Me.

I only watched the whole movie once. I bawled my eyes out and since then, I only watch until they move into the “last” house because I wouldn’t be able to take it again.

Really cute movie up until that point though.”

9. A good flick.

“Train to Busan.

I made the mistake of watching it for the first time about 3 weeks after my son was born.

I had no idea what it was about except “zombies” and I bawled the entire last 10 minutes.”

10. Classic!

“It’s a Wonderful Life.

To my big brother George, the richest man in town.”

11. Underrated gem.

“October Sky.

Real good difficult-relationship-with-Dad stuff.

Gets me every time.”

12. Glory.


The last time I watched it I had to make a promise to myself to never watch it again for my emotional wellbeing.”

13. A great film.

“Stand by Me.

Always reminds me of my friend group in high school and how we slowly drifted apart.”

14. Here come the waterwoorks.

“I Am Sam.

It’s a heartwarming movie about a 40-year-old guy with mental disabilities and has the mental capacity of a 7-year-old. He has a kid with a lady, who leaves him, making him raise a little girl on his own.

Child Protective Services takes the daughter away, and Sam, the 40-year-old guy, with the help of a lawyer, try to get back custody of his child.

It is so freaking beautiful! It gets me every time!”

15. Just something about it…

“When the sisters get back together at the end of “A League of Their Own”.

Something about it just always gets me in the feels…”

Okay, now it’s your turn!

In the comments, tell us about the movies that make you weep every time you watch them.

We’d love to hear from you!

The post People Share What Movie Endings Make Them Cry Every Single Time appeared first on UberFacts.

What’s Something That You Can’t Understand the Popularity Of? Here’s What People Said.

Maybe I’m just getting way too old, but whenever I turn on the radio or flip channels on TV, a lot of the really popular stuff on there just…confuses me.

This especially goes for rap music. I love the stuff I grew up on: Ice T, NWA, Ice Cube, Cypress Hill, etc.

But when I hear current, HUGELY POPULAR rap artists…I don’t get it. At all.

I guess we all have those kinds of things, right?

People on AskReddit admitted what they just don’t understand the popularity of. Let’s take a look.

1. Same here.

“I don’t really understand influencers.

Like why do they have such big followings?

Why do people obsess over these random people who make their lives look better just for social media?

I don’t get it.”

2. Weird.

“Toddlers and Tiaras.

Why is there a bikini competition?

Why are we forcing kids to participate in these terrible pageants just for the entertainment of adult viewers?”

3. Ugh.

“Prosperity Gospel.

Literally allowing people like Kenneth Copland and Paula White to rake in their money while spitting all over their supposedly sacred Bible.”

4. It’s a mystery.

“TV evangelists.

I have nothing against religion, but why would anyone follow these guys to the point that they would be willing to give them money?

I just can’t wrap my head around why these guys are so rich.”

5. It ain’t reality.

“Celebrity worship.

I really don’t understand why people are so obsessed with celebrities to the point of following every single thing they do in their lives.

What do people get out of idolizing some rich people who probably don’t even care about you?”

6. Keep it to yourself.

“Taking videos of yourself crying and posting it online.

Also don’t understand the people who sympathize with them.”

7. Am I hallucinating?

“The Masked Singer.

I just don’t get it…

I saw that show for the first time in the hospital, in the early hours of the morning, hopped up on painkiller and half awake while waiting for an MRI.

Sat there groggily wondering why there were people in fur suits on a reality show and wondering if I was hallucinating or something.”

8. Bizarre.

“Politician worship.

It is puzzling to me that people will show up at a political rally and scream like they are at a Rolling Stones concert.

Not sure when this all started but it is very weird to me.”

9. Not doing it for you.

“I’m mostly a metalhead. I like some rap. I like even less county, but still some.

I can’t get my head around country rap. My brother goes bananas for it and it’s awful to me.

I haven’t heard anything from the genre that I would consider innovative, thought provoking, or even halfway challenging.

I’m not trying to be a super smart guy here, I don’t have the time to type the pants on head stupid things I listen to when I’m in the mood for the auditory equivalent of Spam and eggs.

But what’s cool about music is you can find people pushing the boundaries in any genre, but country rap reeks of complacency to me.”

10. It is a big hit…

“The Bachelor/The Bachelorette.

I have no idea why the most forward-thinking and progressive people I know regularly tune in to literal objectification every week.”

11. Yes!

“The Kardashians.

I have a theory.

They initially got popular because of their TV show. Now, every one on the internet seems to dislike them BUT, in disliking them, people still don’t stop talking about them.

Now when they keep talking about them, they get more popular.”

12. Odd…

“Why anyone cares about the British Royal Family.

They are just a bunch a rich people.”

13. I don’t get it.

“Beyoncé, and how talking in a non-positive way about her is sacrilegious.

I once said she was overrated on Instagram and I received literal death threats.”

14. Too much work.

“Night clubs.

Loud, sticky, claustrophobic. You can’t talk, just drink and dance, which I’m awful at. After 30 mins I’m ready to leave, and I wouldn’t even enjoy it for that short period of time.

I actually feel like I’ve missed out on something that sooo many people love, but you like what you like, and I HATE clubs!”

15. I’m feeling this one!

“Modern hip-hop, trap, mumble rap.

I honestly can’t get into the half-asleep triplet delivery of rappers nowadays, sh*t hit so much better back in the day.”

Okay, now we want to hear from you.

In the comments, tell us what YOU don’t understand the popularity of.

Thanks a lot!

The post What’s Something That You Can’t Understand the Popularity Of? Here’s What People Said. appeared first on UberFacts.

Woman Asked if It Was Wrong to Embarrass the Man Who Proposed to Her

Well, this is going to be interesting.

Just the headline alone is enough to make you cringe and give you the shivers.

A woman had a very interesting story to tell and she took to Reddit’s “Am I the *sshole?” page to see if she was wrong for her actions.

Here’s how the whole thing happened.

First the woman gave some background on the situation.

Photo Credit: Reddit

The woman talked about how her family often brought up marriage when she would visit them in India.

She also talked about how she constantly shot down her family’s ideas about marriage.

Photo Credit: Reddit

And then she visited again and her family told her they had a surprise for her.

Photo Credit: Reddit

And you’re really not going to believe what happened next…

It’s mind-blowing to me that this happens in this day and age.

Take a look.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Wow! That is crazy.

But the woman stood her ground and refused. And she had some choice words for the family members.

Photo Credit: Reddit

And then she had even more choice words!

She decided to leave the party and fly back home.

Photo Credit: Reddit

And some people in her life have told her that she was too harsh and rude to everyone involved.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Even though she believes she did the right thing, it’s obvious from her own words that this woman still has problems with how the whole thing went down.

So she asked if she was wrong for reacting the way she did.

Photo Credit: Reddit

So, what did the internet think?


Photo Credit: Reddit


Photo Credit: Reddit


Photo Credit: Reddit

What are your thoughts about this situation?

Did she do the right thing or was this way out of line?

Talk to us in the comments. Thanks!

The post Woman Asked if It Was Wrong to Embarrass the Man Who Proposed to Her appeared first on UberFacts.

A Student Wants to Know if He’s Wrong for Bringing a Baby to Class

If you don’t regularly check Reddit’s “Am I the *sshole” forum, you should really check it out.

People post questions on there about things that are happening in their lives and they want to know, as the title implies, they ask Reddit users if they are an a**hole or not.

And this one is from a guy who wanted to know if it was wrong for him to bring a baby to one of his classes.

Let’s take a look at what went down.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Hey, emergencies happen, right?

And you gotta step up to the plate when family members ask you to do something, especially in a pinch.

So this guy did what he thought was right and went to watch the baby.

But the next day, by the time his online class was about to start, the parents weren’t back yet…so he decided to do the class with the baby on his lap.

Photo Credit: Reddit

And, to top it off, he had to give a presentation.

Photo Credit: Reddit

The professor said it was all good so he turned on his camera, his baby cousin slept the whole time, and it went off without a hitch.

But then he got his grade…and a comment from his professor.

Photo Credit: Reddit

And this guy was pretty confused about the whole thing.

Photo Credit: Reddit

So what did the internet think?

No, she’s not an a**hole.

Photo Credit: Reddit

And, honestly, what’s up with that professor?

Photo Credit: Reddit

Not that bringing a baby to a class is very common… but still… it was SLEEPING.

Photo Credit: Reddit

So what do you think? Was he okay doing this? Or do you think he should’ve figured something else out?

Please share your thoughts with us in the comments! We love to read what you have to say!

Thanks, fam!

The post A Student Wants to Know if He’s Wrong for Bringing a Baby to Class appeared first on UberFacts.

A Guy Wondered Why We Say Things Like “Last Night” But Not “Last Morning.”

No one would argue that English is a rough language to learn and to speak, and even those of us who grew up speaking it often have questions about why things are the way that they are.

For instance, why do we say “last night” but not “last morning?”

Why do we say “yesterday morning” but not “yesterday night?”

Why do we say "last night," but not "last morning," and "yesterday morning," but not "yesterday night?" from NoStupidQuestions

If you’re curious, well, read on – these 13 people have some thoughts.

13. Are you time traveling.

I absolutely say Yesternight.

12. That makes sense.

Night would be the last part of the day, so you could say it any time today and it would be correct in its meaning of yesterday night.

Last morning would only be able to be said in the morning, because if you said last morning in the evening, it’d be today’s morning.

11. We like it that way.

Collocations. Basically, those words are just usually grouped together that way and anything else sounds weird.

10. To get specific.

Yesterday is a specific day you’re referencing. Last is just referencing the most recently past, which could be today.

Also, I’ve said yesterday night before. It’s not that weird.

Thinking about it, I tend to use yesterday night when speaking about yesterday night while it is currently night, but if it’s morning or day time, I’ll say last night.

9. As long as you’re consistent.

I’ve met a few Indian folks who say: “yesterday morning”, “tomorrow morning”, and “today morning”, which just sounds weird, but is perfectly consistent.

8. Some people just love to complicate things.

To add to this… yesterday night just sounds awkward. If anything, it should be yesternight.

7. It won’t work every day.

Yester-day ie the day before, therefore last night makes sense.

6. Also a rough one.

How about “this weekend?” I always feel the need to specify past or coming.

5. There’s always gotta be one.

From now on, I’m adding the following words to my vocabulary: “yesternight,” “yestermorn,” “yesterforenoon,” “yesterafternoon,” and “yesterevening.”

4. Maybe we should say it?

Yesterday night doesn’t really sound that incorrect to me??

3. We’re lazy.

“Yesterday night” I suspect isn’t common because it’s a mouthful and has the words “day” and “night” together which is confusing as you have to work out for a moment if it’s day or night you’re talking about.

We tend to use “yesterday morning” because if it’s the afternoon then “last morning” could be confused with THAT morning (as it’s technically the last morning) rather than the morning before which was “yesterday” and therefore “yesterday morning”.

2. Strictly speaking.

It’s weird, some people think it’s normal English and wouldn’t notice if someone else used it, but to others, it sounds totally foreign.

Per Wiktionary:

Last night occurs about 1,000 times more often than yesterday night in the US, UK, Canada, and Australia, Last night occurs about 100 times more often than yesterday night in Singapore, India, and South Africa.
Strictly speaking, it is grammatically correct. And it is used throughout the English speaking world, just much less than “last night”. So technically, it is correct English.

Anecdotally, I think people who are either not native speakers of English, or are native speakers but grew up around people who did not speak English, are more likely to use “yesterday night”. I definitely hear white Americans use it sometimes, though.

1. It’s confusing.

When you use last morning does the last reference the morning of the same day or the morning of the last day?

Technically last should be in reference to only the morning part so as long as it is afternoon the last should 100% reference the same day. However a lot of times when talking about something that modifies days we let the time modify day as well. For instance I might say “this morning” even though it is 2 pm. I think we recognize the ambiguity naturally and instead use yesterday since that tells us what day we are talking about out right and we have this for today anyway.

Last night doesn’t have this problem however since the last night always crosses the day time frame.

I will add one other thing as an aside, yesterday will reference day + night if there isn’t a time frame but most people don’t generally picture night time as an option. Which is why I don’t think you hear yesterday night, though yesternight sounds fine but old timey.

I really loved delving into this one!

What are your thoughts? What are the language things that stump you?

Share in the comments!

The post A Guy Wondered Why We Say Things Like “Last Night” But Not “Last Morning.” appeared first on UberFacts.

A Black Woman Asks Why Black Men Give Her Trouble About a Preference for White Men

Life can get be tricky, and we all have tough questions about the way the world works – at at least, how it can seem to look from our points of view.

When it comes to dating, it’s best if people mind their own business. That said, it doesn’t always happen.

I’m a black girl who mostly dates white guys. Why do black men get upset when they see me out with a white man? I see black men with white women all the time and I don’t think anything of it. from NoStupidQuestions

This Black woman prefers to date white men, but feels as if she’s being judged by Black men about her choices. She’s curious why – and these 15 people are willing to weigh in.

15. It’s not everyone.

I’m a walking talking white stereotype. My black wife and I are very happy. Our respective families love us very much and have long since moved past any prejudice that might have existed.

Don’t ever disqualify yourself from asking out someone you like. They might be worrying about the same thing.

14. It’s all about control.

To be honest, I think it’s about some weird sense of ownership – almost like a tribe mentality that’s gone off the rails into something dark. And that can sometimes get tied in with a depressing sense of inferiority that’s been placed on black people for centuries.

For reference, I’m a black woman who’s married to a white man. Before we were together, I mostly dated white guys.

In my experience, the only people who’ve ever had a problem with that have fallen into two categories: racist white people who think I’m garbage and want me to stay with “my kind” instead of bringing down my partner’s station in life (as an in-law so eloquently stated to me once). Or racist black people who think I’m acting like I think I’m “too good” for black men.

Of the latter, I find it’s often black guys but it’s also some black women. I think their explanations for it come from a really dark and depressing place that reflects the history of race in America. I’ve had some tell me I should only be with black men because so many white people already see black people as less desirable. So that in my choosing to be with someone else, I’m discriminating against my own people.

Another argument I’ve heard is that white men have historically taken advantage of others and often in the form of forced marriage or sexual assault with women of other cultures. I had some jerk who was trying to pick me up at a bar tell me I was making a mistake by allowing a white man to “claim” me. That gross interaction has stayed with me all this time later because I sat there looking a brother in the eyes and having him degrade me like that just because I wasn’t going to sleep with him.

The whole idea doesn’t make sense. But from what I can understand, the people who are loudest about this have some really rough feelings about race and have internalized them instead of trying to work out their own prejudices and enlightening themselves. It’s sort of like a racism towards white people that internalized into a devaluing of self. If that makes sense.

These are such sad ways to look at life. Because it just creates more prejudice and implies that as black women, we’re still not free to make our own choices. Only in this context, it’s “our people” trying to own us.

13. History.

I’m just like you my dear. I’m a black girl and I date outside my race.

For some black men, a white woman is like the ultimate prize, even though they want you to only be with black men. A lot of black see white women as a trophy, like once they come up, it’s all about white women and that’s terrible as well.

I have my own feelings about that considering the history of it all, but we like what we like.

12. Try to be happy.

Crazy how hard it is to find someone who shares your beliefs and values, is willing to grow with you through the ups and downs, and ultimately tries to better both of your lives and there are people whose reaction is “yea but…different color”

Just be happy. You shouldn’t have to bear the burden of other people’s poor experiences.

11. It takes time to change.

The answer to this is because white woman since slavery have been seen as socially more valuable than black women.

It’s the same thing as why white men are the most preferred statically in interracial dating they’re seen as the wealthiest and most powerful. Also self hate is a thing.

10. A human issue.

I think it’s more jealousy, feelings of inadequacy, and prejudice coupled with tribalism than a subconscious/primal view of relationships as the man “owning” the woman. Reacting poorly to our feelings and experiences is something all people need deal with.

I believe the reason you are stumped is because you are looking at this as a sex issue when it is a human issue. While men tend to be more comfortable with open/public acts of aggression, I’ve seen numerous women attack other women for simply talking to “their man” or more often attack “their man” for associating with other women.

Regardless of the reason anyone may ascribe as to why people act this way I think we can agree that it is, as most human interaction is, a complex multi-faceted issue.

9. Maybe they don’t know the reason.

I’m white and my wife is black and we have two mixed boys. My sister in law only dates white guys as well. I have been called names, threatened and she has been treated poorly by her own race because of it. The people doing it never give a reason but not once in 5 years has a white person ever said anything negative. My family welcomed her with open arms and her family wants nothing to do with her.

People of her own race constantly say things like “you talk like a white person” and “you act like a white person” and she explains it a certain way, which I am honestly scared to type out because I’m scared people will call me a racist. But here is what MY WIFE WHO IS BLACK says about what is happening to her (as well as this is echoed by her sister)

They don’t date black men because of how they view that they treat women. They date white people because in their eyes white people are overall less racist than black males. They both view white men as less violent and more trusting. She has been called a race traitor more than once.

Now (I’m not bragging here) My wife and her sister are extremely attractive and her brother has told them that you can’t “ruin” the race by taking good genes and giving them to the “white race”.

This might be completely unbelievable but I was with my wife on a bus in New Haven and we were holding hands, this is when we were dating. I was the only white person on the bus and this lady, who had to be in her 40’s, started to nudge the back of my legs (I was standing and she was sitting) and calling me a cracker and calling her an Uncle Tom type. Most of the people on the bus got in on it and I was ripped apart and so was she. We stood and said nothing and then they told me when we got off the bus they were going to stab me. The bus driver pretended not to hear it but was on the phone with 911 and had them meet us at the stop at the mall. I was lucky.

I’m sorry that in this day and age anyone cares who anyone is with. Our two boys are soooo handsome. Mixed children have beautiful skin tone. My wife isn’t black she’s just, her. You’re not black, you are whoever you are. Skin color doesn’t matter what matters is what is inside you. Love who you love and damn anyone tells you different. No matter their skin color.

8. Try to show them love.

White South African here. I was brought up to understand that interracial relationships and gay relationships was wrong, and against the will of God. It took me a long time to overcome my indoctrination but I think I’ve figured it out.

If you find love that is real…embrace it. Do not judge a person by the color of hisher skin, but by his/her words, and his /her actions. Accept different cultures, but question their believes if it restricts your freedom.

Don’t rely on some elusive God to grant your wishes. Seek strength within yourself to overcome. This is our greatest gift, to be independent. Try to extend your love your idiot neighbours.

7. It’s all about family.

I am a white guy married to a black woman. We’re in the UK and in London, so probably not quite as racist as some parts of the UK (or indeed parts of the US).

However, the only racism I have encountered is from black guys, towards me mainly.

I’ll get teeth being sucked at me when we’re out holding hands, and I get the stink eye from black guys frequently.

My wife, bless her, doesn’t notice 90% of it.

However, I do and my punching hand itches.

The worst was when we’re out and about in Brixton and I nearly got in a fight… it would not have ended well for me…

I’ve never had any hassle from white guys, although maybe I just don’t notice it!

I love her family, they love me and my family love her and our kids.

6. Sad and twisted indeed.

I’m a white Aussie and I think the first time I realized this was a thing, and not uncommon was when I saw Get Out. It’s such a sad, twisted little quirk. Just baffles me people can be so hateful. The sad thing is, I suppose I can sorta see why some people might think along these lines.

America has had such… horrible times in their history (sadly even now at times). Not that it’s unique to the US. But I can see why some people might be uncomfortable with some things considering some shit that’s happened.

Not that it justifies anything. It’s a sad thing all round.

5. It could be a competition.

Alright I am a half black guy who looks far more black than white and I think I might have some real answers. To preface, many of the black ladies in my life have dated white men and I’m totally fine with it.

In my experience when some black men date white women they kind of see it as stealing from the white men. Obviously this isn’t always the case, but I think the guys who get upset over black women dating white men are subconsciously or consciously viewing the whole situation as a racial competition among men. They think when a black guy dates a white girl he’s overcoming centuries of history, but if the roles are reversed it’s just white domination continuing.

Again, I really really really don’t believe in that kind of thought. If you really care about somebody or just find them attractive, go for it.

4. Tribalism.

Jealousy, racism and an ‘us and them’ mentality.

3. The simplest explanation is usually correct.


2. She’s not alone in her experience.

I just talked about this with a biracial girl who posted that the black side of her family got upset when she dated white guys. I feel like I see white girls with black his all the time but not the other way around.

So much so that if I’m attracted to a black girl I’m unlikely to express interest because I feel like black girls aren’t interested in white guys. She felt that that was generally how her black friends and family felt.

I don’t understand the double standard either.

1. Sexist and racist.

It seems to be a fairly common sexist thing.

Plenty of white dudes get angry when they see white women with black or Asian guys, even if they themselves only date black or Asian women.

It doesn’t really make sense.

I appreciate the conversation that’s happening here.

If you have something to add, drop your thoughts in the comments!

The post A Black Woman Asks Why Black Men Give Her Trouble About a Preference for White Men appeared first on UberFacts.

Things All Women Do, Even if We Don’t Like to Talk About It

Obviously, not all women are the same, but there are some universal experiences that tie us all together – and those bonds are tight, y’all.

We all do weird things and have gross experiences, and honestly, it feels pretty good to share sometimes!

12. She’s more dedicated than I am.


Kegels in meetings at work.

Kegels in the movie theatre.

Kegels at dinner with friends.

Kegels everywhere.

If you’re talking to me, and I’m sitting, I am definitely kegeling.

11. I don’t know how they walk around with those things.

Wondered what it’s like to have a penis.

If I woke up with a penis, I’d probably masturbate all day.

10. It’s weird. We know it.

Open my mouth really wide while putting mascara on.

Also, redoing updos 30 times even though I’m pretty sure it looks the same every time.

9. And curse your tweezers in the process.

Spend far too much time trying to pluck one eyebrow hair that won’t f*ck off.

8. This made me chuckle.

Got on all fours in front of a mirror to see what doggystyle looks like from the dude’s perspective.

not bad.

7. No questions asked.

Give a lady a tampon when she asks.

No matter who they are.

6. Like a lot.

I check myself out a lot.

5. The panic is real.

Tried on a shirt that was too small, then started to panic in the dressing room after realizing how restrictive it is when you can’t get it back off over the boobs/shoulders.

Start thinking that you either have to 1) buy the shirt and live in it now, or 2) they’re going to have to use the jaws of life to remove it.

4. Every bathroom should have extras.

I cant believe I hadn’t seen this one yet, but use a layer of tp in your underwear to tide you over until you can get a pad or tampon on those days when your period shows up unexpectedly

3. It’s a life skill.

Taking off our bra without taking off our shirt, through the sleeves.

It’s a hassle, but it feels. so. good. to let those puppies free after a long day!

2. She’s not alone.

When you wear a tight pair of pants and their is the seam that creates a little bulge right in the crotch, when you sit it presses against your vagina nicely, so you wiggle back and forth a bit to enjoy it.

I can’t be the only women that has felt it or enjoyed it.

1. The only time it’s nice.

After shaving, wear silky or satin-y pj’s.

I’ve definitely experienced all of these.

If you’ve got more to add, drop them in the comments!

The post Things All Women Do, Even if We Don’t Like to Talk About It appeared first on UberFacts.

Women Share the Things That All Females Generally Do

There are certain things all women have in common – and even more that we don’t usually talk about in mixed company.

If you’re curious what sorts of things most (if not all) women do when no one is looking, keep reading – these 13 ladies are ready to confess!

13. Maybe you’ll be prepared the next time.

Don’t have a tampon when you start your period… fold up toilet paper, place in the middle of underwear, struggle to pull up pants without dislodging the padding, walk unnaturally in an attempt to not mess up the paper… failure.

Just… failure. Bloody, shredded paper in your underwear when you get home.

12. Or the best, if it’s over.

Go to change your tampon, and it ends up being totally dry. Worst. Feeling. EVER.

11. Tricks of the trade.

When hairs fall out in the shower I don’t want to clog the drain so I put them on the shower wall and do a little swirl so they are neat and ready to be put in the garbage when I’m done.

YES I have forgotten a few times but trust me it is embarrassing to have someone else find it and ask you about it.

That has made me a stickler for cleaning it up – sorry for all the people out there that have to deal with girls who don’t clean it up! 😛

10. Why would anyone steal those?

Hide your panties inside your clothes at the gynecologist office

9. Such relief.

I don’t know about the rest of you ladies, but once I get home and the bra comes off, there would have to be a fire to get me out of the house again.

If my husband wants to go out in the evening he knows the first thing he has to say when I walk in the door is “Don’t take your bra off!”

8. We never learn.

Shave pubes, regret, repeat.

7. Not a great feeling.

Laughed or coughed so hard when you’re on your period and more blood or a blood clot comes out.

Then you have to do a quick waddle walk to the bathroom cause you feel like you just turned on the faucet.

6. Heaven forbid we buy a bigger size.

Squatting like a baseball catcher to stretch out freshly washed jeans.

5. Hopefully not one IS looking.

When you think nobody is looking, you re-adjust your bra, stick your hand in, pull ’em up one at a time, straighten the band and straps, and add an extra squeeze to make sure everything is in its place.

4. Shower math!

Do shower math when you wake up to see how long you have to sleep and if it’s even worth showering or go back to bed and put your hair in a bun for work.

3. Very good advice.

Only shaved what’s necessary. Knee-length skirt? No need to shave higher!

My mum told me “only shave above the knee when expecting company” I just thought she meant, like, dinner guests. Now I realize she meant sexy time guests.

2. Much more sad.

Period Paranoia: Make unnecessary trips to the bathroom before or during period time. It’s like hammer time, backed up against a wall, shuffling to the bathroom- except a lot more sad.

1. I cannot stop laughing.

Sit in a strange position when farting, so the fart bubble does not go up the cooter.

I have to…agree with all of this. Ha!

What else would you add to the list? Tell us in the comments!

The post Women Share the Things That All Females Generally Do appeared first on UberFacts.

People Answer the Question: “What Do Most People Not Realize Is Newer Than They Actually Think?”

You know things that seem like common knowledge or things that have been around for a long time… but they actually haven’t been?

Of course, you don’t know! That’s why you’re reading this post. If you knew, what would be the point of finding out?

Oh… you’re curious about how much you might know? Well, fair enough.

Here are 13 examples of things you might not know have come about more recently than you’d expected.

1. Booze and Babies

The knowledge that it’s bad to drink when pregnant only became widely known in the 80s.

Alcohol isn’t exactly new — the ancient greeks had wine and mead. The temperance movement was active for a good hundred years before they got the 18th Amendment.

But nope.

While there were certainly some alarms raised throughout history, people were surprised to learn about fetal alcohol syndrome in 1973, and it wasn’t confirmed by a second group of researchers until 1979.

In the 60’s through 80’s it was apparently common for doctors to give alcohol intravenously to women to stop premature labor!

2. The day we’ll never forget…

Having to show ID at the US/Canada border.

Prior to 9/11 they often wouldn’t even ask to see a drivers license.


3. Tomato, tomatoe!

Tomatoes are actually a new world crop.

So when you associate Italy with pasta sauce, you’re actually thinking of Italy, post Columbian Exchange (mid 1500s).

And actually, tomato sauce wasn’t even integrated into Italian cuisine until the late 19th century, so go figure.

4. This is why they’d say “The Rabbit Died.”

Home pregnancy tests, in the 1970s.

No longer do we have to inject the lady’s urine into frogs, mice, or rabbits to confirm a pregnancy!

5. Science needs to catch up!

Knowing what the sun is made out of.

I have in my possession an astronomy textbook from the 1890s, it states plainly that the sun is made of fire, and goes out of it’s way to mention a scientist who believes the interior of the sun could be a garden of eden type paradise.

F**king blew my mind.

6. Just 60 years ago!

The theory of plate tectonics.

It pretty much makes up the entire backbone of modern geology, yet it wasn’t actually accepted until the 1960s. Alfred Wegener proposed his theory of continental drift in 1915 but couldn’t explain the mechanism behind it so his theory was dismissed. Over the next few decades, the evidence of crustal movement became undeniable and plate tectonics developed as a theory.

It’s just crazy to me that geologists were pretty much completely clueless until around 60 years ago.

7. Ouch!

Toilet paper as we know it.

Soft, fluffy, and white, right?

Actually, toilet paper that was free of wood splinters didn’t exist until the 1920s.

8. It works!

At home blood glucose monitoring has only been possible since around 1980.

1908 thru 1980, you had to make an appointment with your doctor

I’m a Type 1 diabetic. My brother found an old, late 80s or very early 90s, test kit at a thrift store one time. He thought it would be neat to have, so he bought it for like $3 or something. We got it up and working and wanted to see how accurate it was, since those back then really were just ballpark, and once I put the huge amount of blood it required on the strip, it shut off. So naturally we were disappointed, set it on the counter, and got to doing something else.

Several minutes later it started screeching, and so we checked it and it was giving us my fairly accurate glucose reading. It didn’t turn off or die, it just had a five minute test time!

I often thank God just how far medical technology has come, what with the small drop of blood and 2 second test time I have for my current meter. It’s super easy to get frustrated with diabetes, but I always try to remember just how good I do have it now.

9. Italia!

Italy wasn’t a unified single country until 1871.

Before that, it was a patchwork of small kingdoms and city-states with different local dialects and languages.

As late as 1861, only 2.5 percent of Italians spoke what is now known as standard Italian, which before then was the Florentine dialect of Tuscan.

10. Dino death!

The now commonly-accepted theory that a large meteor caused, or was a major cause of, the extinction of the dinosaurs.

When you watch Fantasia (1940) and see the Rite of Spring sequence, where-in you witness the extinction of the dinosaurs, you see that it’s portrayed as a great drought which was followed by a series of massive earthquakes. That’s because at that time, this was the most accepted idea of what caused the mass extinction.

The theory of the dinosaurs being killed off by a meteor strike (or the effects of said strike on the planet, rather) is called The Alvarez Theory and was first proposed by Luis and Walter Alvarez in the year 1980.

11. Going inside!

Indoor toilets.

My house (London, UK) was built in 1937. It was the first generation of houses to be built with indoor loos. Before then, toilets were in outside rooms.

The house I grew up in had an outside loo, and all the schools I went to as a kid had outside toilets.

They were fine in summer (I grew up in a warmish part of the UK) but bloody chilly in winter.

12. The biggest scam ever

Diamond rings being an engagement gesture.

Only arose in the 1940’s because diamonds were becoming less valuable and the powers at be needed to not let that happen.

They first started out as one month’s salary. Then it changed to two month’s salary.

DeBeers has been sucking people’s cash (needlessly) for this entire time and people still buy into it.


13. Smoking cessation

In 1988, United States based airliners banned smoking on domestic flights of less than two hours duration.

In March 1995, the United States, Canada, and Australia agreed to ban smoking on international flights traveling between those countries.

Can you believe it’s only been 25 years since people were banned from SMOKING on airplanes? Holy moley!

Any of these make you sit up and take notice?

Let us know your thoughts in the comments!

The post People Answer the Question: “What Do Most People Not Realize Is Newer Than They Actually Think?” appeared first on UberFacts.

People Answer the Question: “What Do Most People Not Realize Is Newer Than They Actually Think?”

You know things that seem like common knowledge or things that have been around for a long time… but they actually haven’t been?

Of course, you don’t know! That’s why you’re reading this post. If you knew, what would be the point of finding out?

Oh… you’re curious about how much you might know? Well, fair enough.

Here are 13 examples of things you might not know have come about more recently than you’d expected.

1. Booze and Babies

The knowledge that it’s bad to drink when pregnant only became widely known in the 80s.

Alcohol isn’t exactly new — the ancient greeks had wine and mead. The temperance movement was active for a good hundred years before they got the 18th Amendment.

But nope.

While there were certainly some alarms raised throughout history, people were surprised to learn about fetal alcohol syndrome in 1973, and it wasn’t confirmed by a second group of researchers until 1979.

In the 60’s through 80’s it was apparently common for doctors to give alcohol intravenously to women to stop premature labor!

2. The day we’ll never forget…

Having to show ID at the US/Canada border.

Prior to 9/11 they often wouldn’t even ask to see a drivers license.


3. Tomato, tomatoe!

Tomatoes are actually a new world crop.

So when you associate Italy with pasta sauce, you’re actually thinking of Italy, post Columbian Exchange (mid 1500s).

And actually, tomato sauce wasn’t even integrated into Italian cuisine until the late 19th century, so go figure.

4. This is why they’d say “The Rabbit Died.”

Home pregnancy tests, in the 1970s.

No longer do we have to inject the lady’s urine into frogs, mice, or rabbits to confirm a pregnancy!

5. Science needs to catch up!

Knowing what the sun is made out of.

I have in my possession an astronomy textbook from the 1890s, it states plainly that the sun is made of fire, and goes out of it’s way to mention a scientist who believes the interior of the sun could be a garden of eden type paradise.

F**king blew my mind.

6. Just 60 years ago!

The theory of plate tectonics.

It pretty much makes up the entire backbone of modern geology, yet it wasn’t actually accepted until the 1960s. Alfred Wegener proposed his theory of continental drift in 1915 but couldn’t explain the mechanism behind it so his theory was dismissed. Over the next few decades, the evidence of crustal movement became undeniable and plate tectonics developed as a theory.

It’s just crazy to me that geologists were pretty much completely clueless until around 60 years ago.

7. Ouch!

Toilet paper as we know it.

Soft, fluffy, and white, right?

Actually, toilet paper that was free of wood splinters didn’t exist until the 1920s.

8. It works!

At home blood glucose monitoring has only been possible since around 1980.

1908 thru 1980, you had to make an appointment with your doctor

I’m a Type 1 diabetic. My brother found an old, late 80s or very early 90s, test kit at a thrift store one time. He thought it would be neat to have, so he bought it for like $3 or something. We got it up and working and wanted to see how accurate it was, since those back then really were just ballpark, and once I put the huge amount of blood it required on the strip, it shut off. So naturally we were disappointed, set it on the counter, and got to doing something else.

Several minutes later it started screeching, and so we checked it and it was giving us my fairly accurate glucose reading. It didn’t turn off or die, it just had a five minute test time!

I often thank God just how far medical technology has come, what with the small drop of blood and 2 second test time I have for my current meter. It’s super easy to get frustrated with diabetes, but I always try to remember just how good I do have it now.

9. Italia!

Italy wasn’t a unified single country until 1871.

Before that, it was a patchwork of small kingdoms and city-states with different local dialects and languages.

As late as 1861, only 2.5 percent of Italians spoke what is now known as standard Italian, which before then was the Florentine dialect of Tuscan.

10. Dino death!

The now commonly-accepted theory that a large meteor caused, or was a major cause of, the extinction of the dinosaurs.

When you watch Fantasia (1940) and see the Rite of Spring sequence, where-in you witness the extinction of the dinosaurs, you see that it’s portrayed as a great drought which was followed by a series of massive earthquakes. That’s because at that time, this was the most accepted idea of what caused the mass extinction.

The theory of the dinosaurs being killed off by a meteor strike (or the effects of said strike on the planet, rather) is called The Alvarez Theory and was first proposed by Luis and Walter Alvarez in the year 1980.

11. Going inside!

Indoor toilets.

My house (London, UK) was built in 1937. It was the first generation of houses to be built with indoor loos. Before then, toilets were in outside rooms.

The house I grew up in had an outside loo, and all the schools I went to as a kid had outside toilets.

They were fine in summer (I grew up in a warmish part of the UK) but bloody chilly in winter.

12. The biggest scam ever

Diamond rings being an engagement gesture.

Only arose in the 1940’s because diamonds were becoming less valuable and the powers at be needed to not let that happen.

They first started out as one month’s salary. Then it changed to two month’s salary.

DeBeers has been sucking people’s cash (needlessly) for this entire time and people still buy into it.


13. Smoking cessation

In 1988, United States based airliners banned smoking on domestic flights of less than two hours duration.

In March 1995, the United States, Canada, and Australia agreed to ban smoking on international flights traveling between those countries.

Can you believe it’s only been 25 years since people were banned from SMOKING on airplanes? Holy moley!

Any of these make you sit up and take notice?

Let us know your thoughts in the comments!

The post People Answer the Question: “What Do Most People Not Realize Is Newer Than They Actually Think?” appeared first on UberFacts.