Cool Guides That Explain Complicated Issues

They say “a picture is worth a thousand words,” and it turns out it’s true!

Some of us, 65% of the world’s population, in fact, are visual learners.

Providing an infographic doesn’t just help illustrate the point, it can actually help people internalize it.

That’s one of the reasons the r/coolguides subreddit is so popular, providing dozens of cool infographics and guides.

Here are 14 Cool Guides that really bring the point home and help to simplify complicated topics.

1. Equity – more than just a DEI buzzword

And also not the end of the conversation.

Inequality v. Equality v. Equity v. Justice from coolguides

2. Same concept, different picture

Because there’s more than one way to explain things.

Explanation of the subtle differences between equality and equity from coolguides

3. Recognize the symptoms

Sometimes fainting is just fainting.
But sometimes it’s something more.

I’ll never remember this mid-heart attack but this is good to know from coolguides

4. What it’s actually like to be color blind

In all it’s different forms.

Different forms of Color blindness from coolguides

5. How to handle a dementia patient

With empathy, and so as to get your desired results.

How to treat people with dementia from coolguides

6. The actual truth about depression

And what it looks like from the outside looking in.

A more comprehensive guide to symptoms of depression from coolguides

7. And then you add ADHD into that mix

It’s a whole different ball game.

How untreated ADHD causes and traps you in depression from coolguides

8. Can you recognize the signs of mental abuse?

Trauma can take so many forms. So can patience.

Recognizing a Mentally Abused Brain from coolguides

9. But there are ways to release “happiness chemicals”

Legal activities, in all 50 states.

Activities that make your brain release happy chemicals from coolguides

10. And how exactly does gerrymandering change things?

You might need some of those happiness chemicals once you see the chart.

How gerrymandering works from coolguides

11. Or how about fascism?

What is it, anyway? Here’s a handy guide.

From the US holocaust museum from coolguides

12. Or how about the lesser known variations of the Confederate flag?

I saw them once in 8th grade, but that maybe have been the last time.

The history of confederate flags. from coolguides

13. What does “defund the police” actually mean?

Here’s a list of their demands.

Five Demands, Not One Less. End Police Brutality. from coolguides

14. And what even are marginal taxes?

There may not be anything more complicated than the tax code.

Marginal Tax from coolguides

Y’all, I don’t know if I even consider myself a visual learner, but I sure do love infographics.

What’s your favorite Cool Guide? Tell us in the comments!

The post Cool Guides That Explain Complicated Issues appeared first on UberFacts.

Embarrassing Typos That Should Have Been Avoided

Part of being human is making mistakes.

As a writer, I have definitely made my fair share of embarrassing typos. I remember one particular social media post where my mistake made it hilarious, but it was also devastatingly inappropriate and embarrassing, and I had to delete it as soon as my sister pointed it out. It pays to have a copy editor in the family. Some professionals across a variety of industries are not so lucky.

Here are 12 embarrassing examples from the subreddit r/NotMyJob where people either needed a quality assurance reviewer or simply didn’t care enough to double check their work.

1. Thank you for your attention

Maybe if they had spelled it correctly, the package would have been handled with actual care.

Damaged package reads: Handle with care. Fragile. Tahank you.

Image credit: r/NotMyJob via Pleated Jeans

2. World War Eleven

Is it a typo, or is it from an alternate dimension?

In memory of World War 11, 1939-1945

Image credit: r/NotMyJob via Pleated Jeans

3. Bestsellers for bookies

If anyone is going to catch it and call you out, it’s a keen-eyed reader.

Betseller category in the bookstore

Image credit: r/NotMyJob via Pleated Jeans

4. Dollar Tree

To be fair, when you’re working up close, it’s hard to see the forest for the E’s.

Okay Boss, I Put up the sign from NotMyJob

5. Five hearts are better than four

That’s actually my lucky card.

4 of diamonds, 4 of spades, 4of hearts (has 5 hearts), 4 of clubs

Image credit: r/NotMyJob via Pleated Jeans

6. Not just the land down under

Is this a joke about how everything is backwards there because they’re upside down?

Map labels Australia as Austarlia

Image credit: r/NotMyJob via Pleated Jeans

7. Someone forgot to replace their placeholder text

(Like I almost did on # 6.)

Have fun finding the error from NotMyJob

8. Up or Down?

It’s actually a new motion that tips you forward so you fall on your knees and bow down. Bown.

Chair lever with instructions for lock, free, up or bown.

Image credit: r/NotMyJob via Pleated Jeans

9. When Mork from Ork gets involved

I mostly want to know where they lost the E.
And were these discounted? Will they actually detect smoke? Or only smork?

Smoke alarm labled 'Smork alam'

Image credit: r/NotMyJob via Pleated Jeans

10. Typos happen when you don’t wear you glasses

Get it? Because they were looking at the front of the glasses?
(I’ll see myself out.)

Ad for glasses shows a view of the 'fornt' and the back.

Image credit: r/NotMyJob via Pleated Jeans

11. Open 7 Days a Week

People always forget about that midweek Trewsday that most of us sleep through.

Hmm from NotMyJob

12. Braille for the sighted

When it comes to accessibility, it’s not the thought that counts.

Elevator sign in the hospital with Braille printed onto the paper….so it’s flat from NotMyJob

These all show that editors and QA specialists need a raise, pronto, because without them, there would be a whole lot more.

(I won’t tell you how many typos I found in reviewing this article.)

What’s the most embarrassing typo you’ve ever seen in public? Tell us in the comments.

The post Embarrassing Typos That Should Have Been Avoided appeared first on UberFacts.