Some Cuban cigar factories employed a “Lector” who would read newspapers, political treatises and classical literature aloud to help break the monotony of the cigar-rollers’ work, thus even illiterate cigar-rollers would be well-informed and familiar with great literature.
The Japanese have a word (tsundoku [積ん読]) for the habit of buying…
The Japanese have a word (tsundoku [積ん読]) for the habit of buying a lot of books and never reading them.
A Malawian teenager taught himself how to build a windmill out of junk and bring…
A Malawian teenager taught himself how to build a windmill out of junk and bring power to his village. He then went on to build a second, larger windmill to power irrigation pumps. He did this all from books he read in the library.
Dolly Parton thinks it is so important that every child has books to read…
Dolly Parton thinks it is so important that every child has books to read that she started a foundation that will mail children a free age-appropriate book every month from birth to their 5th birthday.