10+ People Confess the Most “Loser”-ish Thing They Do

We all have something we do that’s kind of lame. Some silly, nerdy behavior that others might look down on if they knew, but that we just can’t stop enjoying. These 15 things definitely fall into that category.

I say let your freak flag fly!

#1. Alone in my house.

“Act out conversations with people…alone in my house.”

#2. At least 5 hours a day.

“I spend at least 5 hours a day watching meme compilations and gaming videos. Sometimes I won’t even be watching them. I’ll have them playing in the background as I work. I swear to god I know like every single Vine by heart.”

#3. I hate small talk so much.

“You have no idea how many times I’ve pretended I’ve never met someone with the hopes that they would pretend they never met me too. I hate small talk so much. It’s worked more than half the time.”

#4. Real life.

“Cry over fictional characters more than I cry over my own real life scenarios.”

#5. My precalc teacher.

“go to tutoring everyday because my precal teacher is honestly one of the only people i relate to”

#6. It stung.

“There was a shop that offered to rent rooms by the hour for games. Good for groups of four or six since they offered interactive motion detect games like Just Dance. The console was put at the top middle of the room so it could project the image in the entire surface of a wall. Imagine an enclosed room and an entire section of the wall was the game. It was fun playing with people. I asked my friends out to play there many times but they always had some excuse so I decided to go there alone and enjoy it.​

The look the girl gave me when she learned I was renting the room by myself stung. Normally I don’t pay attention to those kind of things. In my mind, I’m here to have fun and I’m not bothering people but still, that look she gave me made me self-conscious. I spent my hour there and never came back.”

#7. Mommy dearest.

“I’m 36, single, child-free (prefer it that way), live with my mother (She had a stroke a few years ago, so I came back to help out). Last year she had a blood clot in her leg that freaked us out. She asks me to quit my job so I could be here full time with her. I did.

Now I have no job, no money, and rely on my mother to pay my bills. Since my mom is mostly independent (She can’t drive anymore, but can get around with the help of her cane or wheelchair), I have a ton of time on my hands, so I just play video games all day when I’m not doing house work.”

#8. League of Legends.

“I’m 29 and I play League of Legends. And I honestly prefer making some coffee and nachos, putting on some music in the background, and just jamming on a Friday night playing League while just hanging out on my own.

I feel like a loser explaining this haha.”

#9. A dinosaur Instagram page.

“Im 19 and i run a dinosaur instagram page”

#10. Nothing better to do.

“I work weekends because I have nothing better to do. At least I’m making money”

#11. I literally sit at home.

“I moved to a new city three months ago and I have 0 friends herel, so I literally sit at home alone every single Friday and Saturday night.”

#12. To unwind.

“I love to drink alone. I have a family, I have friends, I’m more than happy to go out and hang with them, but I also like to just chill by myself and have a few drinks to unwind. I usually watch a movie, listen to music, or read, and just unwind.”

#13. 100% more relaxing.

“Every day on my lunch break at work I take my lunch to the stairwell and just sit by the window on the top floor and watch youtube videos while I eat . It may be loser-ish but it’s also 100% more relaxing then listening to people loudly talking in the break room.”

#14. Play video games.

“Play videogames instead of worrying about my future”

#15. All the ideas.

“I add ideas to my Wedding Pinterest Board. I’m not in a relationship, nor engaged.”

Love yourself, friends. Loser-y tendencies and all.

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8 Fun Facts to Spruce Up Your Conversation Skills

If you’re the type of person who gets nervous during conversations for lack of something interesting to say, fear not – we’ve got you covered. These fun facts are great at starting or maintaining conversations, whether it’s at a work function, or just to impress a guy or gal at your local bar.

So you have my permission to use these in conversation as you see fit. Good luck!

1. Not the same story

Photo Credit: did you know?

2. Based on history

Photo Credit: did you know?


Photo Credit: did you know?

4. No more edits

Photo Credit: did you know?

5. Bet you didn’t know that

Photo Credit: did you know?

6. That’s a long way to travel

Photo Credit: did you know?

7. GW

Photo Credit: did you know?

8. That’s why that happens

Photo Credit: did you know?


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15 People Share the “Childish” Things That They Still Love as an Adult

Being an adult means letting go of a lot of the things that you enjoyed as a kid. Playing with action figures is fine when you’re 3, but not so much when you’re 33.

There are so many fun things that adults are supposed to leave behind with their childhood, but these 15 people make great arguments for why we definitely shouldn’t.

You can (and should) bring the delightful things you enjoyed in your childhood with you (even if a little judgment might follow).

#1. Plain Band-aids are for sad people

“Scooby doo bandaids. Every bandaid in my house is scooby band aids.”

#2. English sweet shops

“Old fashioned English sweet shops. The kind with the big jars behind the counter were the assistant weighs stuff out for you like a deli. These places also tend to be the mecca of imported American candy!”

#3. Best thing ever

“Swings. They are the actual best thing ever.”

#4. Right in your pantry

“Sticking my hand in a bag of rice.”

#5. Cats ruin everything

“Made a blanket fort with a girlfriend once. The cats took that one down.”

#6. Nostalgia overload

“Enjoying the smell of the radiator turning on for the first time in fall/winter, nostalgia overload. I used to sit against it under a few blankets playing videogames.”

#7. Muppet everything

“Watching the Muppet Christmas special.”

#8. One of everything

“My wife and I went to a drive-in movie on our honeymoon.

When I was a kid, my parents refused to let us have candy at the movies, or maybe one tiny thing you ate in the first five minutes.

I told me wife this and she looked at me unblinking and then flatly stated, “We’re buying one of everything.”

Best stomachache ever.”

#9. Very often

“I guess the fact that I give/call everyone silly names, very often.

“Hi, my name’s Marco”

“Ayy Barko Wadup”

“It’s -M-arco”

“Whatever Garco”

“Eyy Skarko come here really quick”

I think people hate me.”

#10. Brother love

“Making my older brothers mad by repeating what they say. We’re in our 30s.”

#11. A good laugh

“When I’m driving past a bus stop and the people are waving at the bus coming up behind me I like to wave at them as though they were waving at me. Gives me a good laugh and they usually get an odd look on their face.”

#12. So I can play with cars

“I want to buy that carpet with roads, so I can play with cars. My parents never bought it for me and I still hate them for it.”

#13. Loud toys

“Not me but my dad. Whenever he sees a toy aisle he just has to go down it and turn on every single loud toy that he can find. Whenever someone walks over to see what’s going on, he looks around as if he’s looking for some kid that did it and ran off. Then he shrugs it off as if he was in the aisle to buy toys for his grandkids.”

#14. “Swords”

“Using sticks as ´swords´.”

#15. F*ck gender roles

“whn i was a little girl, all i wanted was a set of those large, metal, yellow tonka trucks. they’re so cool. my mother wouldn’t get them for me, wouldn’t even let me play with the little boy’s next door. (this was more than 60 years ago) because they weren’t toys for girls.

first thing i did 20 years later with my first pay check from my first real job was buy a set of them: a dump truck, one that lifted piles of stuff with a front loader, and one that had a crane. i still use the dump truck as a fruit bowl on my kitchen counter.

go buy your carpet. you won’t believe how damn happy it makes you.

also, fuck gender roles.”

Screw the haters, my friends, and you do you.

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10+ People Who Fell for Dumb Scams

Sadly, scams are all too common in this world of ours. The online revolution has only made it easier to take advantage of someone, because it can be hard to tell when someone is for real and when they’re not. Needless to say, most of us have probably fallen for a scam at some point in our lives (even if we didn’t realize it at the time). Thankfully, these 15 people are ready to admit which ones totally fooled them so the rest of us can be warned.

#1. They fooled me

“I was part of a legitimate challenge in college that I knew was being sponsored by Target, and I knew that the final prize was a thousand dollars. Partway through the contest I got a text with a url and a message that I had won a thousand dollars from Target. I would have never fallen for it otherwise but the coincidence (or maybe they knew who was part of this challenge?) fooled me. I did manage to wise up when they asked for a deposit, but not before I gave them my contact info and was signed up to all sorts of call lists.”

#2. IRS

“Almost fell for the IRS scam. I didn’t know that scam existed and I was scared about the irs sending me cops.”

#3. No way of cancelling payments

“Immediately after watching the Kony2012 video, 18yo me signed up to donate $5 monthly. A day or two later I learned more about it and the organisation itself.

The website itself had no way of cancelling the payments, I had to get my bank to block them.”

#4. Obviously fake

“Not me but my friend literally yesterday. Fell for one of those “put x amount in, get y amount back” scams.

Got messaged by an extremely attractive girl with an obvious fake name, pic, everything. He was extremely convinced it was real until they started refusing to give it back..”

#5. Three hours to close

“Working at Taco Bell. Constant “we will give you a raise for closing and take you off of closing”. I was in high school and would work until 3 or 4 am on week nights a few times a week. Never got as raise. Couldn’t play baseball anymore. Scam part was the manager would clock everyone out 30 minutes after closing to hide the fact that that it was taking 3 hours to close instead of one.

Got into it with a manager one night and quit. District manager liked me and would talk with me giving me like a hour break. She when she came around. She called about me quitting. I kinda unloaded all the bullshit. I went to pickup my last and the manager I got into it was working. She said she didn’t have my check. I knew she did and started yelling at her during the lunch rush. DM put a ton of extra hours on my check and as OT. Check was twice what the manager made.”

#6. My sister’s name

“I was invited to do a free “makeover” at a makeup party thrown by one of my friends. Me being stupid didn’t realize it was a Mary Kay party.

I was asked to write down contacts so my friends can come to another party. Each contact got me entered into a contest for free makeup. Wrote down my sisters name. Won some nail polish. She became a consultant.”

#7. Rocks for weights

“I had just purchased a brand new TV and I loved it. Games looked great, TV looked great, just a nice TV.

I went to the mall with my best friend one day just because we were bored. We were 16 at the time.

As we’re leaving (we had no items) a brown pickup truck pulls up and the guys who were driving it asked if we were shopping or what. I tell them no, just came to look at some stuff. They then tell me they got this brand new Surround System in there truck they were going to return but the store wouldn’t take it.

At this point I should have seen the multiple red flags, but I was hypnotized by this surround sound system.

I don’t recognize the name, but it seemed legit enough IMO, so I offered a little less than what the asked for (they asked $250 I offered $200).

As I’m pulling my money out of my wallet the scammers see I have more than just $200 and start berating me to pay more. I should have backed out there, but I was spineless and obliged.

They gave me the sound system and left. I get home still a little excited even though I had a gut feeling so just lost $250. I open the sound system and lo and behold…

There’s actually speakers wow. I pull everything out, subwoofer, and speakers…then I realized there was not a single cable. Wtf? I open the speakers because now I’m upset. They aren’t speakers, but wooden cut outs, with rocks for weights.

Now I’m checking the packaging closer, it was the worst photoshop I’ve ever seen. Lost $250.

Haven’t fallen for a scam since then…one and one only.”

#8. All my birthday money

“Once bought a PS3 on the craigslist of the netherlands. Turned out the mailman was fake, the package was filled with 2 juiceboxes. And it cost me all my birthday money back then. Asshole never got caught, he still is active to this day.”

#9. I don’t think they’re coming back

“I was at a car boot sale and watched two guys in a back of a van promissing to sell iPods and iPads for a ridiculous low price, and you could see the apple boxes stacked up towards the back of the van. This started to attract some attention and a crowd soon formed around the back of the van. However before they started to sell the desirable apple products they began to flog some other obscure things into what I can only describe as a goody bag. They would be throwing a pen sets in the bag that would cost £20 in shops (so they claimed), and then some perfume that was £30 in shops (so they claimed).

This went on for a while, and all time they kept mentioning the iPods and iPads would be coming out next. Eventually they had created these “amazing goody bags” with various random things in and were claiming the contents would cost well over £100 in the shops, but they just want £30, and if you had a bag you will be first in line to buy a iPod or iPad. They stirred up such as frenzy that people were screeming to by one of these bags. As soon as they floged as many bags as they could, the van doors slam shut and they drove off quickly.

People just stood there staring at these goody bags they had just bought for £30 and they were just full of cheap knock off items you can get from the pound shop. Thats when I saw my then girlfriend walk over to me with a goody bag looking confused and wondering if they were going to come back to sell the iPads. “No darling I don’t think they’re coming back”.”

#10. I waited for years

“Someone once called my house when I was 10 years old saying he was from a research company conducting an experiment to see how long it takes a person to sneeze if they sniffed pepper. If I agree to the experiment, they would mail me 5 dollars. It took me three sniffs, and i waited for that damn 5 bucks for a couple years.”

#11. She broke up with me

“when I was 10-11 I online dated a girl on habbo hotel and after I gave her my furniture she motherfucking divorce/broke up with me”

#12. Don’t be ridiculous

“I actually got “sucked into” a pretty classic scam, but I was too honest for it to work.

Chick shows me a “Stradivarius” violin she supposedly got donated by a wealthy patron when she was playing in some Orchestra back east (Jersey maybe? Philly?) needs cash, wants me to buy it from her for a thousand or something…

I tell her, don’t be ridiculous, I’ll drive you over to the city and we’ll get it appraised and you’ll get more money…”

#13. “Helpful people”

“TLDR scammed by one of those “helpful people” in Italy. Ignore people at train stations unless you’re sure they’re officials

During my first year of university overseas in the UK, I took a trip to Italy with some friends. We had a great time and travelled between each city using trains. Got scammed at the Florence train station.

What you will notice at many Italian train stations is a bunch of official-looking people standing around the platforms. They wear hats and clothes that look like uniforms. When you enter their vicinity, they will ask to see your train tickets, and as a young, inexperienced and hapless traveller I do just that.

What they will immediately tell you is that you are late for your train, and grab your luggage and tell you to follow them, as they run towards your carriage. Once you’re in, they start placing your luggage on the rails for you….and then demand an obscene tip. We were in a group of five and the person demanded 10 euros for each of us- no matter how you cut it, that’s a very steep price to pay for some very simple help. With great disgust I forked over 10 euros, because I didn’t want her to pester my friends, and she eventually took it and ran.

It preys on your inexperience with the transport system and tries to make you panic, then proceeds to guilt trip you. Looking back it would’ve been really easy to just ignore her, I doubt anyone would come to her aid anyway.”

#14. I better Google this

“I almost got suckered into primerica.

I got halfway into the process then went hmm I better google this.

Most of the first page of results was how they are a scam/mlm.

I couldn’t run away faster.”

#15. My first set

“… I gave away my first set of rune armor to have it trimmed.”

Be smart out there!

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10+ People Share the One Thing They’re Glad They’ll Never, Ever Have to Do Again

For me, the answer would definitely be “moving my in-laws out of state.” Now, some of you might think that sounds like a pretty desirable thing but, A) I actually really love my in-laws, and B) they are terrible at packing. Between those two things, having to literally pack, clean, and move their entire lifetime’s worth of belongings was… rough, to say the least.

Everyone has their own thing (or things) they loathe doing so much they’ll never acquiesce to doing it again. But you may not have considered the 15 below.

#1. I’ll never look back

“Being addicted to heroin and being homeless. I’m 2 years clean with a family of my own and a place to call home. I left that life and I’ll never look back.”

#2. Sh*t

“I used to work in this absolute shit medical job. It was the absolute worst because there wasn’t a single good thing about it. The people I worked with were shit, the people I interacted with were shit. You could go into that place at 5am happy as can be and leave the place after 6 failed bathroom noose’ings just to try again the next day.

When I put in my 2 weeks those feelings amped up to 11. It was like everyone who was shit the entire time I was there decided it wasn’t enough and leaned into it. Like you got a heaven pass to leave hell and all the demons were pissed that you’re getting out and they have to stay behind so they claw at you the whole way out in hopes that you die before you leave.

Fuck hospitals, man.”

#3. Two weeks in a call center

“I worked for two weeks in a call center and the entire time I spent staring at my desk. I did this for ten hours a day because the company president was out of the office and they refused to get me setup with a password or let me browse the web etc etc.

After two weeks, I came back the following Monday, started my day and then with nothing changing, I just walked out of the building and went home. My car was broken down at the time, so it took several hours to get home.

Glad that is over and done with. No way I’ll ever work in another call center.”

#4. But damn

“Serving as a nuclear reactor operator in the U.S. Navy.

Cool job. Gave me lots of opportunities. But damn.”

#5. Burning pain

“The absolutly horrific burning pain of a urinary tract infection.”

#6. The real heroes

“Night shifts. To you out there doing it now, you’re the real heroes of the night.”

#7. PTSD

“I worked as a nurse for a psych hospital with no fucking security. I got PTSD from all he fights i had to get into. I’m still a psych nurse, but it’s much better.”

#8. Word


#9. A done dissertation

“My dissertation. I would never want to do that again. The only good dissertation is a done dissertation”

#10. Here’s hoping

“Hubby went through chemo. Said if cancer happens again, he wouldn’t do chemo or fight it. But then he remembered he had kids, and was on the fence.

Here’s to hoping you don’t go through it again.”

#11. Sucking the energy from my soul

“Working in a restaurant. I spent ten years of my life in that business both serving and managing. Fives years and 40k in debt later, I finally just started my new career. No offense to anyone that works in the industry or truly loves it, but I came to despise the hospitality business. I could feel it sucking the energy from my soul..

Edit: For everyone asking, my 40k in debt is from tuition costs after earning my engineering degree, not from working in restaurants. It’s the best money I have ever spent.”

#12. Never again

“I carry a Taser for work. In order to pass certification, I had to take an exposure (get Tasered).

Never again.”

#13. Soul crushing

“I did ten years in a grocery store. It was soul crushing. I remember on my last day standing by the time clock with the people clocking in. When I clocked out for the last time I told them all I did not work there anymore and said my goodbyes. It was such a good feeling going to my car and driving away knowing I never had to go back.

Edit: For the people asking if I ever went back to shop there I did not. I live in a major city and the store was on the other side of the city. I go a store closer to my house. I got a civil service job and sometimes came by when I was on duty. I did work there ten years and I spent ten years working with some of the same people. I did keep in touch with a lot of people for a number of years after I worked there and it was nice just to stop by and talk with them again.

I worked there to pay for my college degrees and the pay and benefits were good and it was a flexible schedule.”

Here’s to moving on.

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10+ Experts Give Advice on the Worst Things to Say in Your Next Speech

Fear of public speaking is a real thing. In fact, it’s actually one of the things people apparently fear more than death itself! What is it about speaking to a room of people that fills so many of us with the worst kind of existential dread?

I have found that practice and experience make everything easier (even public speaking), but advice from people who have been there can’t hurt, either. So, the next time you’re sitting down to write a speech, keep these no-no openers in mind!

#1. Clickbait.

“Top 13 reasons clickbait works. Number 10 will blow your tits clean off.”

#2. Here we go.

“I was lucky enough to be on the receiving end of “I know your all want to get out of here, and aren’t interested in a long speech, but that’s too bad, here we go…”

#3. It’s not pretty.

“I’m imagining you all in your underwear, and it’s not pretty.”

#4. Just no.

“So I was reading on the internet the other day…”

#5. Hardy-har.

“Just flew in from LA

boy are my arms tired.”

#6. Solid.

“When I in grade 4 the teacher told us opening line of speech should get people’s attention. So, my friend made a speech, and he yelled, “SEX! Okay, now that I’ve got your attention, I would like to talk about the environment.”

#7. Definitely not that.

“Once I was giving a speech and the podium wasn’t attached right, so just as I was about to start and I leaned on the podium it lifted up and the microphone hit me in the mouth.

When it was an inch away from my mouth, I had just finished the first word of my speech:


#8. A stunner.

“Webster’s dictionary defines <topic> as…reads dictionary definition in its entirety.”

Well this is going to be a stunner of a speech in already sure of it.”

#9. On mothers.

“As a mother…”

#10. An hour from now.

“An hour from now you’re all going to be asking yourselves ‘Is this guy EVER going to get to the point ?’ and an hour after that you still won’t know.”

#11. Hopefully.

“I am much smarter then you so hopefully you get what I am about to say.”

#12. Yawwwwn.

“Hello, my name is <name> and I’m going to talk to you about…..”

#13. Like…

“So like, uhhhh…”

#14. Insert zodiac sign.

“Well… as a insert zodiac sign I think that…”


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10+ People Talk About the Most Wasteful Purchases You Could Make

Our society can be pretty wasteful. Half (or more) of the things we use every day are designed to be disposable, and even when they’re not, people are still tossing them out. There are so many things to waste money on, what would you say is the most unnecessary expense?

Check out these responses for some inspiration (they also might make you feel a bit ashamed, but no worries – you’re not alone!).

#1. Televangelists.

“My favorite televangelist story is Jan and Paul Crouch’s. Their granddaughter (who worked as an accountant for their Christian TV channel) discovered illegal accounting practices, the family fired her, and she reported them. Highlights of their nonprofits’ spending:

$50 million jet
13 mansions
$100k rv FOR THEIR DOGS!”

#2. Diamonds.

“Diamond ring. When I proposed, I knew that my wife would prefer a pretty $60 ring and a romantic vacation in Greece.”

#3. The science of car buying.

“Buying a brand new car every couple of years.

You buy a $50,000 car you’re shaving off 10% of the total value off by driving it one inch off the lot. 2-3 years later because you need to keep up with the Joneses, you buy another car with the $28 grand you sold your previous car for.

You also wonder why you’re in debt and your friends are living in nice houses and funding their continuing education.”

#4. Since 2012.

“My coworker has had a gym membership since 2012. She has been there 3 times since. Her husband is thrilled.”

#5. Kids grow like weeds.

“Designer clothes for kids/babies when they will grow out of them within a few months. My wife works at a nursery she has parents who do this and tell the nursery staff to not let the child ruin their clothes!”

#6. Impulse purchases.

“Impulse purchases at the grocery stores, specifically at Trader Joe’s! I don’t need that coffee chocolate or ginger cookies or dunkers, Trader Joe’s. But when you’re near the cash counter and they take one look at me, I go weak in the knees.”

#7. One day affairs.

“Expensive weddings when they CAN’T afford it.”

#8. Hands down.


#9. The list goes on…

“My old roommate let one of his buddys stay with us one time. This guy had just lost his job, apartment and girlfriend in a week so we felt kinda bad for him. We agreed to let him stay to get back on his feet. He gets a job and immediately takes his first paycheck and buys a guitar. The whole paycheck. $450 or so. Next paycheck? $300 bong and some other stupid shit. This guy didn’t even have a cell phone or a car. So he “solved” that problem a month or so later by buying a $400 car that didnt run and a $20 burner phone. Never got the car fixed and just had it scrapped. Guy drove me crazy.

Edit: shameful dollar sign edit…”

#10. Very cheap!

“My new iPhone 12 was included for free with my plan! And so was iPhone 11 last year! I get a free telephone every year :D”

“And how much is your monthly plan?”

“Very cheap! $149 a month.”

#11. More interest.

“Maxing out their credit cards and always having to pay the interest.”

#12. You won’t know.

“Alllll the new baby things you never use. But you won’t know until you don’t use them.”

#13. It fades.

“Tanning. Not only does it damage your body, it fades in a week or two.”

#14. Just extra packaging.

“100 calorie packs of stuff.. it’s just a bunch of extra packaging, just get a kitchen scale and do your own 100 cal portions of whatever food you want and put them in a reusable container.”

#15. Daily optimism.

“Lottery tickets / gambling – in moderation, it’s daily optimism, and I get that. But a lot of people take it too far and sink way too much $, and hope, into it.”

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This DIY Saran Wrap Game is Sure to Spice up Your Holiday Party

We all know the holidays are awesome — you get to catch up with your extended family, eat way too much yummy food, drink, and (hopefully) get some good gifts along the way. That said, I don’t think I’m alone in feeling like sometimes the festivities can also be a bit… long?

Photo Credit: Warner Bros.

That’s where games come in. But if you don’t happen to have Monopoly or Trivial Pursuit on hand, you can make a game out of a simple household item that most people have in their kitchen. It’s called the Saran Wrap game, but it’s much more than a game — it’s also a gift-giving extravaganza. All you need is a box of Saran Wrap from the grocery store, prizes (cheap stuff like candy, lottery tickets, fuzzy socks, or you can get crazy and put some gift cards in, too), and a pair of dice.

Photo Credit: Saran Wrap

You take the prizes and wrap them up in the layers of a ball of Saran Wrap with the bigger and better prizes toward the center

While one person begins unwrapping the ball, the next player rolls the dice until they roll doubles. Any and all goodies that you unwrap during your turn are yours to keep, but once the doubles are rolled, the ball is passed to the next player.

Some families make it harder by requiring players to don oven mitts or a blindfold, but as you can see from the video below, it’s fun any way you choose to play it. Plus who doesn’t love extra gifts and a good ten minutes of not having to talk to your family at the end of the day?

No one, that’s who. So grab an extra roll of Saran Wrap during your holiday shopping and bring it to your next Christmas party, just in case.

Trust me — you’ll thank me later.

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7 Fun Party Games to Play with Your Friends

Spending time with your family and friends can be pretty great, but there are always times when you might find things getting into a bit of a lull. It happens to all of us. Maybe the conversation might be getting stale or the music isn’t quite right. Maybe there’s no real reason – sometimes the evening can just be a drag for no particular reason at all.

That’s where these fun party games come in! Next time you find the energy in the room getting a little lame, whip one of these bad boys out.

1. Spoons

“It’s like a kinda violent musical chairs,” posted chewbaccasdadd. “All you need is some spoons and a pack of cards. You all sit round a table, and lay out spoons in the middle, one less than the total number of players. You then deal out all the cards in the deck. On ‘GO’, you pass one card from your hand to the person on your left. The idea is to keep it moving quickly, almost rhythmically, and the objective is to get four of the same cards, like having all four kings, etc.

Once you have four of the same cards, you can make a grab for the spoons in the middle. As soon as someone makes a grab, every other player can make the grab. Think of it as the music stopping in musical chairs. At the end, one person will be left without a spoon and they are out. One spoon is taken away, and the game begins again until only one winner remains. The overall winner gets great glory and riches.”

Photo Credit: Flickr

2. Cookie Pocket

Reddit user, Farkyfarkabc123, posted this about the game Cookie Pocket:

“It’s best played during winter when everybody is wearing jackets and multiple layers. You buy a giant party platter of cookies from the supermarket for everybody to use, and you try to reverse-pickpocket cookies into people’s pockets. If they don’t catch you in the act, they have to eat the cookie when they find it. If they catch you, you have to eat the cookie. I’ve seen somebody sneak 12 cookies into somebody’s coat, and they drunkenly ate all of them.

It sounds fantastic at first, but cookies add up very quickly. Twelve cookies is a lot when you’ve already eaten five or six.”

Photo Credit: Pexels

3. Murder Wink ‘Em

User ChaoticV likes this version of a Murder Mystery party:

“Everyone sits in a circle and draws a piece of paper from a bucket. Most are blank, but one will have an M or something to identify the ‘murderer’. A person is killed when the murderer makes eye contact and winks. The more dramatic and drawn out the death the better. The murderer tries to ‘kill’ as many people as they can without anyone seeing who they are and identifying them.”

4. Dictionary

Reddit user cptcliche explains:

“Basically, all you need is paper and a dictionary. Everyone has a piece of paper and one person at a time has the dictionary. That person opens to a random page, finds a word they don’t know, and announces it to the group. If nobody in the group knows the word, they can proceed.

Each person writes the word on a slip of paper and makes up a definition for it, except for the person who found the word (they write the actual definition). After writing, everyone turns in their definitions to the first person who proceeds to read all the definitions (fake and real) aloud to the group.

Everyone but the announcer gets one guess as to which definition is correct. After everyone has guessed, the announcer reveals the correct answer. If you guessed the correct definition, you get a point. If someone guessed your made up definition, you get a point for each time it was guessed. If nobody guesses the correct definition, the person who originally chose the word gets a point. Then the dictionary is passed to the next person and the process is repeated.”

5. Mirror Charades

PlatonicTroglodyte loves this game, posting, “Just like charades, but two people go up instead of one. One person knows what they are acting out and performs the charade behind everyone trying to guess. The other person does not know, and simply mimics the first person, since they are the only one who can see them. It’s odd how much harder this version is.”

Photo Credit: Flickr

6. Balloon Duel

Good game for kids. In teams of two, each person tapes a balloon to one of their legs. The first person to burst the other’s balloon wins.

Photo Credit: Maxpixel

7. Telephone Pictionary

Reddit user, SpenFen, suggests this game:

“Everyone, seated in a circle, has a sheet of paper and a pen. First, everyone writes a sentence with preferably vivid imagery. Next, everyone passes their paper, now with a sentence, to their right, and now everyone must draw a picture representing that sentence. Before passing the paper on, you fold over the sentence, leaving only the picture, with which the next person must describe using a sentence.

Repeat these steps until you get your paper back, and have fun charting the course of sentence and pictures!”

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Knowing a few new games will make you a welcome guest at any party. Low tech laughs and good times are the best. Happy connecting!

The post 7 Fun Party Games to Play with Your Friends appeared first on UberFacts.

This Hidden Shrine of Danny DeVito Inside a College Bathroom is Raising So Many Questions

Danny DeVito is a pretty famous guy. He’s played some memorable roles in films like Matilda and Get Shorty, as well as his extended run on TV’s It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia. But he’s not exactly the kind of actor you’d think would have a shrine dedicated to him, right?

Wrong. Apparently, students at New York’s SUNY Purchase College have done just that… or they created a cult following for their leader, Danny DeVito. Who knows.

Here’s what we know: recently, someone discovered a secret shrine in one of the college’s bathrooms, hidden behind a paper towel dispenser.

Photo Credit: Twitter, @reasonssmile

Not only is it wonderfully creepy and/or charming (depending on who you ask), it’s filled with treasures left behind for the It’s Always Sunny in Philiadelphia star. Plastic spoons, cigarettes, liquor bottles, and a graffiti picture of Squidward, to name a few, were laid at the feet of a cardboard cut out of DeVito.

Photo Credit: Twitter, @reasonssmile

Photo Credit: Twitter, @helaineDiane

Once the Administration caught wind, they tweeted:

Photo Credit: Twitter, @SUNY_Purchase

But soon after it went viral and students began clawing to give thanks and service to the shrine, the school sealed it up.

Photo Credit: Twitter, @Lauren_f0StER

Many students, as well as other twitter enthusiasts, took to reviving it in various ways to show the love and support every fallen shrine deserves.

Photo Credit: Twitter, @cfields1031

Photo Credit: Twitter, @Mildly_Fun

Photo Credit: Twitter, @heIIishboi

Danny had a good laugh as well and sent an important message about garbage:

Photo Credit: Twitter, @DannyDeVito

But questions still remain…Who did this? Why the obsession with DeVito? And how in the world did they find a removable paper towel dispenser? Alas, we may never know the truth, and I hope it doesn’t keep you up at night wondering as well…

The post This Hidden Shrine of Danny DeVito Inside a College Bathroom is Raising So Many Questions appeared first on UberFacts.