Parents Who Aren’t Afraid to Make Fun of Their Teenagers

Raising kids is tough, and I’ve gotta say, I’m looking forward to the day they start to understand sarcasm. Which I know doesn’t mean they’re going to appreciate how hilarious I am, but you know. It’s a start.

Parenting teens is a whole new ball game all over again (I kind of feel like this is probably true of every age and stage), but at least you can make fun of them and embarrass them and no one thinks your a bad parent.

Something these 13 parents are taking advantage of to the hilt, and I am totally here for it.

13. One of the many reasons it’s nice to have a dog.

But maybe not a puppy because finally you won’t be cleaning up someone’s pee.

12. I assume this is literally any wine.

Unless it does not contain alcohol, of course.

11. It’s a silent struggle.

Except for the slamming doors, ofc.

10. See also: you look really nice today!

Seriously just tell me what you did or what you want.

9. Yeah, you might want to check that out.

Privacy schmivacy.

8. The next thing you know they’ll be expecting turndown service.

Or putting out a “Do Not Disturb” sign.

7. Yes, only with REAL curse words.

Be afraid of your Gen X parents, kids.

6. Or that might once have been a sandwich.

Also, I’ve found all of the spoons.

5. It’s all in the eye of the beholder.

So you’re probably just as awesome as you always were.

4. It’s all in the perspective.

And there are worse things to be than a dog, tbh.

3. This is really spectacular.

10/10 hope I can do as well one day.

2. It’s got a nice ring to it.

Because it’s real, I think.

1. Honestly, right now it could be either.

More likely both.

I’m going to need more posts like this immediately!

Do you and your teen have this kind of relationship? I hope I do with mine in a few years!

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Savage Parents Who Embarrassed Their Teens on Twitter

One of the best parts of parenting teenagers is getting to embarrass and make fun of your kids the way they have been doing to you for like, over a decade at that point, right?

If you don’t give you teenager as good as you get, you’re really missing out. In my humble opinion.

And these 10 parents are totally here to convince you to start, like right now. Today.

10. You dig in because you have to.

And you want to be able to see when they’re adults in a few short decades.

9. I would like to see the video.

I will kiss and hug my kids forever if I have to tackle them so be it.

8. The Dos are a very short list.

They like it this way.

7. A trail of messes in their wake.

Our houses will not be clean again until they move out.

6. They love you because you feed them.

It is grudgingly, though.

5. This tweet will never get less funny.

I truly hope she relates the tale like this at least three times a day.

4. I thought she was going to say she needed them for a throwback day or something.

But back in style makes sense, too.

3. They’re basically like cats.

Only they enjoy shorter bursts of petting.

2. He’s being ironic not on purpose.

Bless his little heart.

1. So it’s like being married then?

I couldn’t resist, y’all.

These parents are total goals!

Do you and your teen make each other laugh? Give as good as you get? I want to hear about your relationships, too!

The post Savage Parents Who Embarrassed Their Teens on Twitter appeared first on UberFacts.