15 Tweets About Living That Mom Life

Aren’t moms just the best?

Of course they are! That’s why we can’t get enough of them!

Let’s take a look at some hilarious tweets about the moms out there and what they have to deal with on a daily basis.

1. Burns a lot of calories.

2. That will ruin their young lives.

3. Hmmmmm.

4. That’s what it’s like.

5. Flippin’ the bird.

6. Oh, that’s right…

7. Oh yes it is.

8. That’s all they want.

9. There should be more.

10. Not gonna happen.

11. You can’t win ’em all.

12. Don’t bother looking for me.

13. She’ll learn…

14. Prepare for a meltdown.

15. Absolutely not.

Let’s all do something in the comments for fun!

Give your mom a shout out and tell us a funny (or embarrassing) story about her!

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Enjoy These Hilarious Tweets About the Trials and Tribulations of Potty Training

It can break the will of the strongest of parents, pushing them to their absolute limits.

I’m talking about potty training.

Have you been there? Maybe you’ve even been there multiple times?

If so, these tweets might bring back some painful memories…

1. Oh, no!

2. Proud of you.

3. We all need a theme song.

4. Might be in your 20s…

5. Vicious cycle.

6. You made it!

7. Isn’t this great?

8. I think a lot of parents feel this way.

9. Let’s do it in order.

10. Going great!

11. Break out the pee socks.

12. Just do it!

13. Treat yourself.

14. That’s kind of weird.

15. Who’s in charge here?

Wooo! That sure was a rollercoaster ride, wasn’t it?!?!

Tell us about your own potty training tales in the comments!

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15 Brutally Honest Tweets from Parents

To all the parents out there: we understand that you love your children unconditionally, but we also realize that some days feel like never-ending journeys to the bottomless pits of Hell because you’re about to lose your minds.

We’re here for you!

These tweets will make you forget about your woes for a bit and will provide you with some much-needed laughs.

You may begin!

1. All four sound wonderful.

2. Try that one out.

3. Don’t bother…

4. Great choice.

5. That’s very good.

6. You never know what you’re gonna get.

7. She already figured that out.

8. Winning!


10. What’s the Google?

11. I’d like to know…

12. Might be a while.

13. Ice cold.

14. Bullshit!

15. Good effort!

To all the parents out there…how are you holding up…?

Come on, be honest with us…

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Parents, These Funny Tweets About ‘Screen Time’ Will Probably Look Familiar

I hear a lot of parents talk these days about “screen time.” I can’t seem to escape it for some reason.

Limiting screen time, extending screen time, it never ends!

In the spirit of SCREEN TIME, let’s look at these funny tweets…

1. Sure…

2. Not gonna happen, friends.

3. Don’t bother me anymore.

4. Great job.

5. Can’t get away from it.

6. Changed pretty quickly on that one.

7. You’re lying!

8. A different kind of screen.

9. Cat enforcer.

10. Don’t torture yourself.

11. The choice is yours.

12. Didn’t even bother looking.

13. A serious threat.

14. Definitely the better option.

15. That’s why she’s doing it…

Moms and dads out there, how do you deal with screen time for your little ones?

Tell us your methods and tips in the comments so we can all compare notes.

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Moms and Dads Hilariously Share the Struggle of Parenthood on Twitter

The struggles of adulthood are real, folks. Those little rugrats can push people to the edge of sanity if they don’t take a break to vent once in a while.

These parents took to Twitter to share their pain.

Moms and dads, do any of these stories sound familiar…?

1. Nice thing to wake up to.

2. Avoid at all costs.

3. Money well spent.

4. We have big news!

5. All parents dread this.

6. It never ends…

7. How could you?

8. Very good.

9. Genius!

10. It’s all coming out.

11. Following Mom’s lead.

12. I lost.

13. LOL.

14. Don’t even bother.

15. You said that out loud.

Parents, share some of your funniest and most painful stories about your kiddos in the comments.

Remember, you need to vent!

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These Hilarious Tweets About Raising Kids Are for All the Parents out There

Aren’t kids just perfect little angels?

Sure…something like that…

If you’re a mom or a dad, these tweets about raising kids will make you laugh, cry, scream, and then cry again.

Enjoy these tweets, all you parents out there!

1. Silence is not golden.

2. What kind of mother are you?

3. So very blessed.

4. Nothing strange about it.

5. Anyone will do.

6. All the hits!

7. Isn’t that nice?

8. That’s hot.

9. That was fast.

10. Sacred ground.

11. Don’t even bother.

12. Of course they did…

13. What’s that called again?

14. He might still be snoozing.

15. Here are the requirements.

Parents, share your horror, I mean, wonderful stories about your kids in the comments. Let’s have some fun!

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Funny Tweets from Dads Who Are Raising Children

Parents have a tough job raising those little monsters. But it’s all worth it, isn’t it? To experience the joy of molding little people to become productive members of society…

These dads were nice enough to post tweets about the trials and tribulations of raising children, and they sure are humorous.

Take a look. Do any of these situations look familiar to you?

1. No…it’s not.

2. Totally over it.

3. Whoopsy daisy!

4. Your time is up.

5. A lot to look forward to.

6. Thanks a lot…

7. Might as well use them.

8. Sounds fun, right?

9. A HUGE mistake.

10. Annoyed to the max.

11. What did you do?!?!

12. Non-stop commentary.

13. I think you mean all of them.

14. You’ll need a lifetime supply.

15. A major milestone.

To all the dads out there: keep up the great work!

If you have a funny photo or anecdote about raising your kiddos, share them with us in the comments!

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These Tweets Might Make Parents Laugh…and Cry

Parents, you have a tough job, and we take off our hats to you.

We also understand that you probably get a little (just a little…) fed up from time to time due to how much your little angels drive you up the wall.

So let’s enjoy some funny/painful tweets that should look familiar to all parents out there…let me know if you need a tissue…

1. Sick burn by Mom!

2. Not gonna happen.

3. Or where I am…

4. Don’t do it!

5. Thank you for that.

6. You showed them!

7. You’re doing great!

8. That’s not what I meant.

9. A slowwwww burn.


11. You made a huge mistake.

12. Gee, thanks a lot.

13. Something totally different…

14. Yes, it is.

15. Now it makes sense.

Parents…do these tweets look accurate, or what?

Do us a favor: share a funny or painful anecdote about your kiddos in the comments below!

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A Public Service Announcement Compares the Dangers of Kids Playing Football to Smoking

When I was growing up, parents didn’t think twice about letting their kids play organized football. I played myself for several years, and I never thought about any of the possible repercussions that came along with getting hit over and over again on the field.

But parents with young kids today, including several of my friends who now have children of their own, are adamant that they will never, ever let their children play football. And maybe there’s a good reason for that…

Letting kids play football has come under fire in recent years due to the knowledge about chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), the disease that many former football players and others have suffered from after receiving multiple head injuries. To make the point, the Concussion Legacy Foundation released a public service announcement comparing the long-term effects of kids playing football to children smoking cigarettes.

In the PSA, a young boy says, “Tackle football is like smoking. The younger I start, the longer I am exposed to danger. You wouldn’t let me smoke. When should I start tackling?”

A study reports that it’s the number of years spent playing football, not the number of head injuries a person suffers, that impacts the severity of CTE.

The PSA calls for parents to wait until their children are 14 years old to let them play tackle football. Take a look at the PSA below.

What are your thoughts on this? Do you let your kids play football or do you refuse?

Sound off in the comments.

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These Hilarious Parenting Tweets Are for All the Moms and Dads out There

Parents put up a strong front, but they have a tough job. Long days, screaming kids, and a lot of blood, sweat, and tears.

But let’s take a little time to laugh, shall we? We shall.

Moms and dad: do these tweets look familiar to you?

1. It’s gone. Forever.

2. What does that mean?

3. An everyday occurrence.

4. All the parents are on the same side.

5. It’s a horror show.

6. Big time score!

7. I need a little “me” time.

8. Very sound science.

9. We clearly have a lot in common.

10. The biggest lie of all time.

11. I’m…busy…

12. I’ll believe it when I see it.

13. It’s worse. Much worse.

14. Mom, watch this cannonball!

15. Gee, thanks a lot.

Let’s give it up for all the moms and dads out there!

Although we like to give them a hard time, they’re doing just fine. Probably.

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