Aren’t moms just the best?
Of course they are! That’s why we can’t get enough of them!
Let’s take a look at some hilarious tweets about the moms out there and what they have to deal with on a daily basis.
1. Burns a lot of calories.
Hearing a toddler say “uh oh” from a different room: cheaper than joining a gym and just as effective a workout
— Snarky Mommy (@SnarkyMommy78) February 1, 2019
2. That will ruin their young lives.
My deepest fear:
1. My kids open the lid of our trashcan and discover what I’ve been doing with all of their art projects.— Mommy Owl (@Lhlodder) February 5, 2019
3. Hmmmmm.
My 5-year-old just told me that turtles are slow because they carry their houses on their backs, and I feel like this is a solid analogy for parenthood.
— Goldfish and Chicken Nuggets (@gfishandnuggets) February 27, 2019
4. That’s what it’s like.
A friend wanted to know what it’s like to be a mom, so I busted down her bathroom door while she was taking a shower so I could tell her that I’m thinking about changing the name of one of my stuffed animals.
— Lurkin' Mom (@LurkAtHomeMom) February 21, 2019
5. Flippin’ the bird.
I don't like to point fingers, but sometimes I really want to point my middle finger at the 1yo.
— Marcy G
(@BunAndLeggings) February 21, 2019
6. Oh, that’s right…
I woke up with this horrible, debilitating pain in my neck this morning and I have no idea what’s causing it.
*remembers having kids*
— Mummy Dear
(@ThatMummyLife) February 21, 2019
7. Oh yes it is.
5: Let’s play house, mommy. You be the baby. I’ll be the mommy.
Me: OK
5: It’s night-night time. Go to sleep, baby!
Me: *Kicks, screams, fusses*
5: This isn’t how the game goes, mommy. I’m the mommy, so you have to listen.
Me: Oh, honey, this is *exactly* how the game goes.
— Goldfish and Chicken Nuggets (@gfishandnuggets) January 2, 2019
8. That’s all they want.
What a parent’s bucket list looks like:
3. Drink hot coffee
2. Shower without kids banging on the door
1. Pee alone— Sarcastic Mommy (@sarcasticmommy4) February 9, 2019
9. There should be more.
There just aren’t enough songs about moms folding laundry and slowly losing their minds.
— Mommy Owl (@Lhlodder) February 26, 2019
10. Not gonna happen.
I just want to take a nap
— Megan (@megan__coe) April 24, 2019
11. You can’t win ’em all.
Last night at dinner, my son told me I was pretty completely unprompted. This morning at breakfast my daughter called me a poop stain… completely unprompted.
You win some you lose some I guess.
— Mom Jeans (@momjeansplease) February 21, 2019
12. Don’t bother looking for me.
Welcome to parenthood.
You have a favorite closet to hide & eat your snacks in now.
— Sarcastic Mommy (@sarcasticmommy4) February 23, 2019
13. She’ll learn…
The new mom at my work is so cute, she's still enthusiastic and doesn't have a drinking problem yet.
— Tired Working Mom (@WorkingMom86) December 31, 2014
14. Prepare for a meltdown.
Hell hath no fury like a 4 year old whose sandwich has been cut into squares when he wanted triangles.
— Lurkin' Mom (@LurkAtHomeMom) June 23, 2014
15. Absolutely not.
Me: My beautiful daughter, I would cross oceans and move mountains for you. I would fly into the darkness if I knew it would make you happy.
Daughter: Can I have a Dorito?
Me: I’m sorry but these are, unfortunately, my Doritos.
— Momarazzi. (@Mirimade) June 28, 2018
Let’s all do something in the comments for fun!
Give your mom a shout out and tell us a funny (or embarrassing) story about her!
The post 15 Tweets About Living That Mom Life appeared first on UberFacts.