After returning to Earth, the crews of Apollo 11, 12, and 14 underwent a mandatory three-week quarantine period to prevent the spread of any possible contagions from the moon. During this period, the astronauts were closely monitored and studied to ensure that they were not carrying any harmful lunar microorganisms. Interestingly, during their quarantine, the […]
People Share Their Funny Observations About Working From Home With Their Partners
Are you tired of working from home yet?
I know I’m not! I love working from home.
But for a lot of people, this unique time has been an eye-opening experience. Folks are learning a whole lot about their partners and their spouses that they really didn’t know about before…some of it is good and some of it is…not so good.
If you spend that much time with one person and there’s no escape, you know that you’re going to drive each other nuts on occasion, it’s just a fact of life.
These people were nice enough to share with us what they continue to learn during this time where almost all of us are working from home.
1. That’s kind of extreme.
You should be scared…
I was today years old when I learned my husband eats waffles like tacos.
— Billy Easley II (@billyez2) August 6, 2020
2. That was determined to be a lie.
No flaws? Psshhtt.
what I’ve learned about my partner in quarantine is that they have literally no flaws. help I am a marginally housebroken raccoon.
— Look at Me (@sistermaddona) May 9, 2020
3. Don’t touch him there.
But, at least you have something on him now.
Fun fact I've learned about my boyfriend since being quarantined with him for a month:
-he jumps like hes just been shot If you touch his nipples— ♡monster fucker♡ (@pchyghoulfriend) April 11, 2020
4. You’re not the only one.
That’s very weird.
One of the strangest things I discovered about my partner during lockdown is that he pours the baked bean tomato sauce out and eats the beans essentially dry. Am I the only one who finds this weird?
— Adela Simonova (@AdelaSimonova) May 8, 2020
5. Get out of that house!
Just plain bizarre.
A thing I have learned about my partner in these quarantiney times: he eats his last slice of pizza FROM CRUST TO TIP. I repeat: HE EATS HIS LAST SLICE OF PIZZA FROM CRUST TO TIP.
— Angela May Kruger (@angelamayyyy) March 21, 2020
6. That sounds like a nightmare.
Never-ending meetings are my version of HELL.
My husband has been working from home for 6 weeks. I've learned that he basically gets paid to be in meetings. Speak in meetings, meet with other people about their last meeting, and have meetings to plan for the next meeting.
— Adrienne Barnes (@AdrienneNakohl) May 5, 2020
7. Hey! Who knew?
Things are developing rapidly.
One thing I learned about my wife while staying home…she has several matching track suits. Apparently I married Puff Daddy!
— Chilly (@Chilly2183) April 10, 2020
8. Wait…they’re not?
Just imagine…
I was today years old when I found out my girlfriend thought John Lennon and John Legend were the same person.
— Sam Behr (@sambehr) September 25, 2020
9. You married a psychopath.
Might be time to talk to a divorce lawyer.
I’m going to start a series of things I’ve learned about my husband during quarantine…
I’ll start with the fact that he told me he “doesn’t like” easter candy. Wtf does that even mean. Have I married a psychopath?
— emily veronica (@emvarnold) April 12, 2020
10. Bothered by this.
Why are you like this?!?!
Random things I’ve learned about my partner during quarantine: He’s never heard the song Margaritaville, or seen the movie Grease. I don’t know why both of these things bother me so much.
— Bridget (@TheCosmicCake) March 24, 2020
11. Let’s circle back.
These people are everywhere.
A funny thing about quarantining is hearing your partner in full work mode for the first time. Like, I’m married to a “let’s circle back” guy — who knew?
— Laura Norkin (@inLaurasWords) March 19, 2020
12. Who’s Stanley?
Gives the song a whole new meaning.
I was today years old when I discovered that my girlfriend thinks the chorus to Coolio's 'Gangsta's Paradise' is:
Me and Stanley lost our lives living in the Gangsta's Paradise
I'm officially done.
— Slasher Trash (@SlasherTrash) June 17, 2020
Now we want to hear from you, friends!
In the comments, tell us how working from home is going for you!
We want to hear all the good stuff AND the bad stuff. Thanks!
The post People Share Their Funny Observations About Working From Home With Their Partners appeared first on UberFacts.
People Discuss What Was Normal in 2000, but Strange in 2020
Do you remember the good old days?
When we could go to concerts? To movies? To crowded restaurants? Heck, remember when we could hug our friends and family members without being worried about catching a virus?
Yes, things have changed. Especially when we look back to the turn of this century and compare it with 2020.
What was normal in 2000 but is strange in 2020?
Here’s what AskReddit users had to say.
1. Remember when?
“Using Yahoo to search for things.
Or repeatedly signing up for 15 free hours of AOL using a spoofed credit card number and a fake name.”
2. Here come the mixes!
“Buying a stack of blank CDs so you can make your own custom mixes.”
3. Make sure to print it off.
“Printing out your route from Mapquest before leaving the house.”
4. This is so cool!
“Getting excited about receiving an email.
When I got my first email address I had a friend sign me up for all this spam b/c I was sad I wasn’t getting any email.”
5. Be kind, rewind.
“Rewinding movies when you’re done watching them.
The day we got an automatic rewinder was glorious. Just visited my parents a few weeks ago and it’s still sitting next to the VCR.”
6. Tracking down the good stuff.
“Struggling to find a clean .mp3 file of that new hot song to burn onto your cd, meticulously kept in a binder with its peers.”
7. You know it!
“Saying dot com at the end of everything because it was cool to do so.
Woah dude, that’s so sweet. It’s the bomb dot com!”
8. Don’t see that anymore.
“I have a vivid memory from around 2000 of being at a fine dining restaurant with my family and my grandmother casually smoking a cigarette and ashing into a crystal ashtray and nobody batting an eye.
Today I think you’d get arrested for smoking in a restaurant, at the very least you’d get kicked out by the manager.”
9. The good old days.
“Waiting for the internet to connect. Yelling at someone in the house for being on the phone when you can’t connect.
I kept a folder of music lyrics that I ripped out of Dolly/Girlfriend magazines. Also loved reading the booklet inside the CD of all the lyrics.
Recording songs off the radio to make a personal mix tape. Always got annoyed at the DJ for talking over the end of the song.”
10. Sad, but true.
“2000: Your parents telling you not to believe everything you read on the internet.
2020: Your parents believing every post they see on Facebook.”
11. Pretty much gone now.
Oh man- the movie Minority Report was creepy because Tom Cruise went into The Gap and it knew what he bought last time, or something like that.
IF ONLY that were the only thing being tracked.”
12. It’s all in there.
“Maybe not strange per se, but having an entire area specifically for storing entertainment like movies and music, or an “entertainment center”.
You used to have a HUGE cabinet for storing your VHS, DVD, games, and CDs along with placing your TV in it.
Now it’s just a TV mounted on the wall with MAYBE a shelf small enough to hold a game console.”
13. I’m lost…
“Giving manual directions to someone.
Turn left at the McDonalds, then take your 3rd right, and if you get to the crooked tree you’ve gone too far kind of thing…”
14. I’ll be right back.
“I remember 25 years ago getting on a plane and realized I forgot some important paperwork in the car. The flight attendant let me get off the plane and I ran through the terminal and out to the parking lot to my car to retrieve it.
Then quickly ran back in, zipped past the security screener, out onto the tarmac and climbed up the stairs to the plane. It was a rather small airport so it took less than 5 minutes.
But I doubt I’d be allowed to do that today.”
15. Imagine that…
“See this?
A camcorder, a video editing system, a PC, a telephone, a camera, the Thomas Guide, a PlayStation, your entire CD, LP, and cassette music collection?
Imagine if they all fit in a little device you can put in your pocket!”
16. See you never.
“Moving away from a school with kids and teachers you hated but you know you’ll never hear or see them again.
Thanks to social media, that was taken away.”
Now we want to hear from you.
What do you think seemed normal 20 years ago but is definitely not in 2020?
Talk to us in the comments. Please and thank you!
The post People Discuss What Was Normal in 2000, but Strange in 2020 appeared first on UberFacts.
Hilarious Jokes About the Misery of This Pandemic
Hey there…
Here we go again…
Yes, it’s another installment of jokes about the pandemic. And do you want to know why? BECAUSE THIS THING IS STILL HERE SEVEN MONTHS LATER.
And it really doesn’t look like it’s going anywhere for a while, does it?
It’s sad, but true. But we have to deal with it and get through it, right?
And one of the ways we can do that is with humor.
So, without further ado, enjoy another installment of jokes about this crazy time in world history…and remember to wear your mask when you go out in public!
1. Are you guys okay?
Now I’m depressed, too…
I saw these depressed rocks on my walk and I am worried about them
— Alyssa Limperis (@alyssalimp) July 26, 2020
2. Hahahaha. Burn!
You showed them!
I just got kicked out of a flat earth Facebook group because I asked if the 6 foot social distancing guideline had pushed anyone over the edge yet.
— Kevin Shanks Faces the Music (@forensictoxguy) August 2, 2020
3. You’re doing good work.
No, make that GREAT work!
I give my kids $0.50 every time they see an unmasked person and loudly say, "Why isn't that person wearing a mask, mom?"
Highly recommend.
— Speranza☭
(@Retroition) July 16, 2020
4. Doesn’t seem realistic, does it?
That’s not gonna happen!
Every "safety plan" I've seen that would allow public schools to reopen requires that kids behave in ways that no child has ever behaved in the history of children.
— love one another (@girlziplocked) August 2, 2020
5. Jack might have overreacted just a bit.
I mean, the whole thing with the axe? C’mon, bro…
After 4 months of social distancing I feel like Jack in The Shining could have kept it together a little better. He had THREE people to talk to and a HUGE HOUSE with LOTS OF GHOST FRIENDS.
— Jennifer Wright (@JenAshleyWright) July 30, 2020
6. No way around it.
Just wear it and keep your mouth shut. Okay?
I want to be as cool as the person who made this sign
— Tom D'Angora #BlackLivesMatter (@TomDangora) August 2, 2020
7. The new normal.
Okay, I’ve had enough for today.
I feel out of shape socially. I used to have a good few hours in me-now when I see someone in person after 15 minutes I’m like okaaaaay time to go back to my cave for six days
— Alyssa Limperis (@alyssalimp) August 1, 2020
8. That did not work out very well.
What the hell is going on out there?
Them: "If you all stay inside for a couple of months, it'll give us time to figure this out."
Us: "Ok!"5 months later:
Us: "We did our part. How's it going?"
Them: "Great! We've made "anti-masker" a political identity, opened the schools & hobbled the post office."
Us: "…"— Kumail Nanjiani (@kumailn) August 6, 2020
9. They’re working for me, too.
Been ordering all kinds of stuff!
I am at the stage of quarantine where the Instagram ads are working.
— roxane gay (@rgay) August 5, 2020
10. This is very true.
Covid got snubbed!
Damn Covid didn’t get one Emmy nomination and it went viral more than anybody
— Chris Redd (@Reddsaidit) July 28, 2020
11. You did your best.
And maybe Mr. Newton would be proud of you.
Isaac Newton invented calculus during the bubonic plague, during covid I invented tortilla toilet paper.
— mark normand (@marknorm) August 3, 2020
12. I’m pretty over it…
Not gonna lie…
MARCH COMMERCIAL: during these uncertain times, we’re thinking of you and your family
AUGUST COMMERCIAL: look you might as well catch it at burger king
— Ben Rosen (@ben_rosen) August 5, 2020
In the comments, talk to us and give us a life update.
How are you doing? How are you holding up?
Thanks! And please stay safe and healthy out there!
The post Hilarious Jokes About the Misery of This Pandemic appeared first on UberFacts.
Funny Quarantine Pregnancy Announcements
You might have heard before that a whole lot of babies are born about nine months after certain events: hurricanes, blizzards, and things like that.
Why, you ask?
Because people are trapped inside their houses and they’re GETTING IT ON, that’s why!
So you know that there might be a huge baby boom starting in early 2021 because of the quarantine that is keeping everyone cooped up at home. I mean, what else is there to do besides, well…you know…
Here are some funny quarantine pregnancy announcements that we think you’ll love.
1. Not enough protection.
And look what happened!
2. Meet the new parents!
Uh oh…here we go…
3. What’s it gonna be?
I guess we’ll have to wait and see…
4. A baby boy coming soon.
You’ve been busy, I see.
5. Tested positive for something else.
Even the masks didn’t help.
6. They weren’t bored at all!
In fact, they were pretty busy!
7. That belly’s not from too much food.
We all know what’s going on…
8. How do you think the cat feels?
Did you run it by her first?
9. Not all the time, apparently…
Bun in the oven!
10. Big brother to be.
He looks pretty happy about it.
11. Time to stock up on toilet paper!
And on diapers!
12. Well played, quarantine…
You got the best of us this time.
13. Couldn’t stay away from each other.
Coming soon to a home near you.
14. An imported product.
I see what you did there!
Now we want to hear from you!
How have you been spending your quarantine? With family? Solo?
Talk to us in the comments and give us an update.
Please and thank you!
The post Funny Quarantine Pregnancy Announcements appeared first on UberFacts.
Funny Quarantine Pregnancy Announcements
You might have heard before that a whole lot of babies are born about nine months after certain events: hurricanes, blizzards, and things like that.
Why, you ask?
Because people are trapped inside their houses and they’re GETTING IT ON, that’s why!
So you know that there might be a huge baby boom starting in early 2021 because of the quarantine that is keeping everyone cooped up at home. I mean, what else is there to do besides, well…you know…
Here are some funny quarantine pregnancy announcements that we think you’ll love.
1. Not enough protection.
And look what happened!
2. Meet the new parents!
Uh oh…here we go…
3. What’s it gonna be?
I guess we’ll have to wait and see…
4. A baby boy coming soon.
You’ve been busy, I see.
5. Tested positive for something else.
Even the masks didn’t help.
6. They weren’t bored at all!
In fact, they were pretty busy!
7. That belly’s not from too much food.
We all know what’s going on…
8. How do you think the cat feels?
Did you run it by her first?
9. Not all the time, apparently…
Bun in the oven!
10. Big brother to be.
He looks pretty happy about it.
11. Time to stock up on toilet paper!
And on diapers!
12. Well played, quarantine…
You got the best of us this time.
13. Couldn’t stay away from each other.
Coming soon to a home near you.
14. An imported product.
I see what you did there!
Now we want to hear from you!
How have you been spending your quarantine? With family? Solo?
Talk to us in the comments and give us an update.
Please and thank you!
The post Funny Quarantine Pregnancy Announcements appeared first on UberFacts.
Funny Quarantine Pregnancy Announcements From People Who DEFINITELY Haven’t Been Social Distancing
What a strange time we’re living in. I never would have imagined in January that this is what 2020 would have turned out to be like.
A worldwide health crisis that shut down the economy and forces people to stay away from each other? Get out of here!
But here we are…
At least there are some positive things coming out of this awful situation. Like new additions on the way! I guess it’s pretty obvious that these folks HAVE NOT been social distancing. Hey o!
Let’s take a look at their funny quarantine pregnancy announcements.
1. The one where we were quarantined…
A little Friends reference for good measure.
2. You didn’t stay 6 feet away!
And look what happened!
3. Good things coming out of the lockdown!
A new addition on the way.
4. They look like they’re having a great time.
Mom…not so much…
5. You have all the essentials ready.
Hopefully, by December you won’t need all that stuff.
6. Here’s a plot twist.
It’s the last one, we swear!
7. We weren’t bored at all!
In fact, they were pretty busy.
8. Straight outta quarantine.
Here’s a new one for ya!
9. Social distancing from the womb.
That’s one way to stay safe.
10. Baking more than cookies…
Something’s cooking in the oven!
11. Oh, well, you tried.
And now you’ll be rewarded!
12. All wrapped up in a nice package.
How exciting!
13. More protection was needed!
But we call that a blessing!
How have you been spending your time during the quarantine?
In the comments, give us a life update.
We look forward to hearing from you! And we hope all of you are doing well and staying safe!
The post Funny Quarantine Pregnancy Announcements From People Who DEFINITELY Haven’t Been Social Distancing appeared first on UberFacts.
Funny Quarantine Pregnancy Announcements From People Who DEFINITELY Haven’t Been Social Distancing
What a strange time we’re living in. I never would have imagined in January that this is what 2020 would have turned out to be like.
A worldwide health crisis that shut down the economy and forces people to stay away from each other? Get out of here!
But here we are…
At least there are some positive things coming out of this awful situation. Like new additions on the way! I guess it’s pretty obvious that these folks HAVE NOT been social distancing. Hey o!
Let’s take a look at their funny quarantine pregnancy announcements.
1. The one where we were quarantined…
A little Friends reference for good measure.
2. You didn’t stay 6 feet away!
And look what happened!
3. Good things coming out of the lockdown!
A new addition on the way.
4. They look like they’re having a great time.
Mom…not so much…
5. You have all the essentials ready.
Hopefully, by December you won’t need all that stuff.
6. Here’s a plot twist.
It’s the last one, we swear!
7. We weren’t bored at all!
In fact, they were pretty busy.
8. Straight outta quarantine.
Here’s a new one for ya!
9. Social distancing from the womb.
That’s one way to stay safe.
10. Baking more than cookies…
Something’s cooking in the oven!
11. Oh, well, you tried.
And now you’ll be rewarded!
12. All wrapped up in a nice package.
How exciting!
13. More protection was needed!
But we call that a blessing!
How have you been spending your time during the quarantine?
In the comments, give us a life update.
We look forward to hearing from you! And we hope all of you are doing well and staying safe!
The post Funny Quarantine Pregnancy Announcements From People Who DEFINITELY Haven’t Been Social Distancing appeared first on UberFacts.
Funny Tweets About the Various Stages of Quarantine We’ve Had to Deal With
We’re in the middle of a global nightmare and it has been anything but funny.
BUT, as we like to do, we want to make you laugh to forget how horrible everything in the world is right now.
And that’s exactly what we’re gonna do for you right now!
So take a load off, kick your feet up, forget about what’s going on outside your front door, and laugh at some hilarious tweets about how messed up the world is right now.
Let’s go!
1. I’m right there with you.
Hey, there’s no shame in it!
I am approaching the “I wash myself with a rag on a stick” stage of quarantine.
— Kalvonavirus (@KalvinMacleod) March 30, 2020
2. Things are looking bleak…
Just hang in there, okay?
I’m at the ‘just ordered headbands from an instagram ad while lying on my back in the middle of the floor’ stage of quarantine.
— Kendra Alvey (@Kendragarden) May 5, 2020
3. You do you.
Hey, it might look kinda cool. You never know.
i think im at the stage of quarantine where i dye my hair pink
— joanna ⋆ ☆ (@pixiejoanna) April 6, 2020
4. Oh, boy…this is not good.
Go easy on that counter top!
I’ve reached the licking butter straight off the counter-top phase of the apocalypse
— Vision Bored (@VisionBored1) April 7, 2020
5. I don’t think you’re alone on this one…
Is it working, though?
i see we're at the stage of quarantine where our exes are reentering our lives by texting us frank ocean lyrics. no, just me??
— Krystie Lee Yandoli (@KrystieLYandoli) May 8, 2020
6. Time for a road trip?
You might as well…there’s nothing else to do…
We've reached the kids-are-asking-to-drive-to-Iowa-and-back-for-no-reason stage of self-isolation.
— Abraham Piper (@abrahampiper) April 10, 2020
7. Wow…sounds intense…
And how do I get in on it?
unfortunately it seems one of the group chats has reached the "erotic succession fanfic" stage of self-isolation
— Estelle Tang (@waouwwaouw) March 19, 2020
8. Is it a Cocker Spaniel?
I’ve always thought that was a good look.
Reached the ‘i have an actual dog on my head’ stage of lockdown hair
— Phil Lester (@AmazingPhil) May 20, 2020
9. Isolation is making you petty.
Not that there’s anything wrong with that…
A Facebook friend said she didn’t understand the appeal of Parasite and I unfriended her in case you’re wondering what stage of this quarantine I’m on.
— Kristen Mei Chase (@thatkristen) April 14, 2020
10. Just dump it onto my plate.
No point in the formalities anymore…
I know I'm about a month and a half late, but I've finally reached the straight-out-of-the-pot phase of quarantine dining.
— Akilah Green (@akilahgreen) May 12, 2020
11. We are all this child right now.
She seems very wise to me.
Update: My daughter has hit this phase of quarantine. I feel many of us have as well.
— Abed A. Ayoub (@aayoub) May 5, 2020
12. Do what you have to…
You need to pass the time somehow…
I’m at the “Zillowing my ancestors’ addresses from their census forms to see if the buildings are still there” stage of quarantine.
— Laurie Kilmartin (@anylaurie16) April 22, 2020
13. Things are getting spicy.
In the kitchen, that is…
Now entering the "experimenting with horseradish" phase of quarantine.
— Michael Ian Black (@michaelianblack) March 30, 2020
Now we want to hear from all of you!
How is your quarantine going?
Talk to us in the comments and give us an update!
The post Funny Tweets About the Various Stages of Quarantine We’ve Had to Deal With appeared first on UberFacts.
People Who Live in Areas Where the Virus Isn’t Being Taken Seriously Talk About What It’s Like
It blows my mind these days when I go into a store or a gas station and people are STILL not wearing masks.
It drives me nuts!
Not only is it dangerous but it’s also incredibly selfish. I don’t think it’s too much of a sacrifice to wear a freaking mask when you go out in public, do you?
I wonder how these people would have reacted during World War II when Americans had to ration materials…they probably would’ve said it was an infringement on their rights…
The point is that there are many parts of the United States where people are still not taking the coronavirus seriously and that isn’t good for anyone
Let’s see what AskReddit users had to say about where they live…
1. Nobody’s paying attention.
“Stores have implemented all sorts of things, like one way aisles. However, since like 2% of people care, nobody pays attention and somehow everyone ends up closer than they would have if the aisles would have just been normal.
A lot of people don’t wear masks, but on occasion you’ll see someone in a mask, gloves, with their phone and other belongings in a ziploc bag to keep them from being contaminated.
Oddly enough, those are typically the people that get avoided like the plague.”
2. Not smart!
“Well, a younger guy at work said he was at a packed bar over the weekend and we are ending our alternating schedule on Monday.”
3. You’re doing it wrong!
“I remember going to the store a few weeks ago and there was a lady who was just carrying an entire can of Lysol with her and spraying every single thing immediately before touching it.
She’d spray a box on the shelf, pick it up to look at it, and put it back. She’d spray a can, then grab it to put it in her cart. She sprayed the cart handle immediately before touching it EVERY TIME she touched it.
She also sprayed the credit card machine, and her credit card. She was wearing gloves, and her phone was in a ziplock bag.
She wasn’t wearing a mask and was shopping the wrong way.”
4. Let’s go to the park!
“People in my town don’t care that much, but ever since one kid got it they’ve been taking it more seriously.
But then the bomb threat made people go to the park MORE, on the basis that they “couldn’t go yesterday so I’m going to go today” when they never had plans to go anyway.”
5. This is not a hoax.
“I am an EMS helicopter pilot. Two days ago we transported a COVID positive patient that had been in the ICU in a small hospital for three days due to respiratory distress due to COVID. I watched as the crew loaded him into the back of the aircraft which is usual. I heard them asking each for drugs that we don’t normally give to people who we transport.
They were asking for those drugs because he was actively dying. They pull him back out of the aircraft and run back to the ER. Meanwhile my medic is sitting on top of him doing chest compressions while we’re running through the ER to the trauma bay.
As we were running I glanced in the rooms we were passing. Literally no patients had mask on.
I just don’t get it. This isn’t a hoax, a political ploy or a scare tactic. Wear a damn mask.
The patient was a 50 y/o man who was in good health and no previous medical history. Cause of death respiratory distress due to COVID.”
6. Lonely.
“I feel like I don’t really know anybody anymore. Never had a clue how many mild-to-insane level conspiracy theorists there were around me.
I’m not so much lonely as I am just generally let down at how willfully ignorant people are willing to be.
Maybe I’m guilty of it myself, because I genuinely thought better of my city than this.”
7. Ignorance is bliss.
“Where I am in the South its just like it was before the outbreak.
If you don’t watch the news, there’s no reason to think the world is any different.
Ignorance is bliss baby.”
8. Nothing to see here.
“Life has gone on like normal. People crowding into bars, partying like the just don’t care. I know people busy singing in their church choirs without a care in the world.
I grocery shop during church time.
The grocery store if full of people in PPE then and it seems much safer.”
9. Out in the sticks.
“Rural Florida here.
Land of the lifted truck, Trump signs, and Confederate flags.
Maybe about a third of the people in my local grocery store–the only one in a 10 mile radius–wear masks. It’s in the neighborhood that I’ve found a real challenge. Kids are out playing and people are interacting face-to-face like the virus is long behind them.
I’m an extrovert who normally enjoys being a part of that, so social isolation is rough. The children don’t understand why I’m a recluse, and they come to my door looking for me.
I’ve been caving to the pressure and going out some, but then I feel unspoken pressure not to wear a mask. I have medical issues, so I don’t think I’d be looked down upon.
It just feels suddenly like I’m the uncool kid at school.”
10. Jeez…
“Everyone’s using the time off work to party, have barbecues, visit family, etc.
My family has made the trip to visit every single one of our relatives at least once this year since they have so much time off, and they’re out every other evening to go to a barbecue with or a potluck or a dinner with their friends.”
11. This is crazy.
“I live in Florida and work in the beauty industry. My clients are dropping like flies. I spend an hour in their face while they are unmasked.
Had a woman call the other day to tell me she’d been exposed to COVID and was going to get tested, and wanted to know what our policy was and if she could keep her appointment. Had a co-worker get sick and she found out she had been exposed.
She told my boss she was getting tested, and my boss asked me if I thought it’d be okay for her to come back in, because “what’s everyone going to do? Keep quarantining?” YES. YES! That’s EXACTLY what we ALL need to do.
My parents are in their 70s. I can’t go see them. What if this is the last bit of time I get with them? What if I go see them and kill them?
My best friend was just diagnosed with cancer. I can’t go see him. Will I ever get to see him again? Will he die alone?
If I get sick, how long will I be out of work with no sick leave? How long will my SO be out if he gets sick? What will happen if his compromised child gets sick? How would we afford the medical bills? Do we send him back to school? Who will watch him?
The worries are endless. And we could’ve made this so much easier if people weren’t such selfish, entitled, politicized *ssholes.”
12. Can’t do it anymore.
“I don’t even engage anymore.
I can’t have a normal conversation with them and I refuse to argue. Facts don’t matter, common sense doesn’t break the seal, and just common courtesy is a negative.
I just can’t anymore.”
13. Wow.
“I just finished a contact tracing job up in a little town with like <2000 people. My job was to monitor the health of those exposed or diagnosed with COVID-19 and I was there for a month.
Any time I would call and give someone their diagnosis and ask who they have been in contact with, I had a 50/50 shot of them being massive d*ck bags. The things I heard were that COVID-19 was a scam, was used to make big pharma rich, wasn’t real and they just had the flu or a stomach virus ect.
I told people they needed to isolate for 14 days if they were a positive case or exposed and I basically was f*cking them for 2 weeks of pay at work so that was awful. I can’t legally force them so some just went back to work and didn’t care and infected more people. We had an outbreak at an Autozone because of it.
No one wore a mask. Every food worker wore theirs without their nose covered that I saw if they were. I was generally the only one in public with one on, if not only 1 of 2 or 3 people. It was a bible-belt city so lots of “I’ll just pray it away I don’t need the hospital.”
I had a lady raise her oxygen from 2L to 4L overnight, probably due to fluid build up from COVID, which she had because she was living with a lung disease. I told her to go to the ER NOW and when she was there, she called.
She told me she was going to go in and called to ask if they could even help her, I said yes obviously. She turned around and drove home when she hung up. Called the next day to see how the ER visit went and she was at home gasping for air. Husband took her to the ER but not before making her talk to me like an idiot :/.
Oh and people hung up on me a lot when Id be calling them like 5 days in. Or they’d block my work number so we’d send police out to make sure they were alive.”
Are people taking this health crisis seriously where you live?
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The post People Who Live in Areas Where the Virus Isn’t Being Taken Seriously Talk About What It’s Like appeared first on UberFacts.